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Back to Part Two


"Is your master alright?"

Alex perked as the taxi made its way through the streets back towards the hotel, then she glanced back at the sullen-looking man in the smart chair that was strapped to the converted van's floor where rear seats would normally be located. "He just came from a funeral," the maid — who was conservatively dressed in a turtleneck sweater, skirt and black blazer jacket; that was similar in style to what Rick himself wore — answered the android driving the machine. "The wake wasn't the best thing for him."

He nodded as he made the turn down a side ramp to the base of the hill where the hotel itself sat on. Rick himself perked before he gave a wan smile. "No excuse for rudeness, but I was expecting a couple of friends at the funeral," he lamented, making the driver smile. "They didn't show up. Even more so, my lost friend's relatives seemed to be happy they weren't there anymore."

"That is strange," Alex observed as the driver moved to make the turn up the steep hill that led to the hotel's main entrance. "You told me John loved working with both Stephanie and Sandra. Why wouldn't they be invited to the funeral? And why would John's children be actually relieved they weren't there?"

A shrug answered the brown-haired maid. "I can't say and I don't want to say. I'm sure there's some reason for it. But..." Here, he made a dismissive wave of his hand as the taxi entered the main parking lot, moving to where the accessibility ramp was located. "Well, maybe I'll get an explanation in the future."

Soon enough, the taxi was backed into the drop off space, then Alex and the driver both stepped out of the vehicle to pull out the boarding ramp so Rick could guide his smart chair out. As that was happening, a familiar woman with glasses over her warm brown eyes gleaming in anticipation. "Hey, Angela!" Rick called out on seeing one of his two first gynoid lovers after coming to the hotel. "Feeling better?"

"Much better, Rick, thank you," Angela said as Alex moved to pay the driver's fee before she helped him secure his vehicle. Rick remained in place to await his "date" finishing her business with the driver — again, much to his personal relief, his lost friends' relatives were paying for transportation to and from all the funerals and wakes he had been asked to attend over the remainder of the week — then she came over to give her fellow maidbot a one-armed hug before all three headed up the ramp into the lobby.

"Good afternoon, Rick!" Tamara called out with a wave of her hand from behind the front desk after the hotel's "special" guest came inside with his current companions. "You just made it back in time," the dusky-skinned maid/assistant concierge added as he wheeled his smart chair over so she didn't have to shout across the lobby. "Lynn's prepared quite the masterpiece for supper this evening and she can't wait for you to try it."

"What is it?" he asked.

"It must be her chicken cordon bleu with creamy cheese mushroom sauce," Angela noted as her eyes twinkled while Alex laughed. As Rick gave her a curious look, the bespectacled woman added, "It's the same five-cheese blend that Crystal put into the poutine last night you asked for when you came in."

"Then I definitely will try it," he announced. "If someone could tell Lynn to make a dish, I'll be happy to praise her even more to the skies."

The three gynoids giggled. "I'll pass it on," Alex vowed. "I have to get changed back into my duty uniform anyway. The kitchen's right along the route, so I can put the word in."

"Not the bikini top, please," he pleaded.

The pale-skinned woman gave him a saucy look. "Your wish, Master, is always my command," she sensuously declared before heading off.

He considered that for a moment before moaning. "Right..."

"We all want you to be that, Rick."

That was Tamara. "Why?" he asked, looking a little flustered now.

"Well, even if Susan wouldn't be able to fight your becoming Alex's, Anne's and Angela's master, could you fit all three where you live now?"

He chuckled. "No. It's an old residence where multiple people are put into the same room. I have a very geriatric old man for a roommate suffering from advanced dementia. I doubt he, much less the staff, would tolerate three refurbished intimate companion gynoids moving in to live with me. My room and board ALONE would go through the roof as a result and I do like to get what little spending money I have in the end."

"Then you moving here would be the logical solution," Angela advised.

"Hello, Rick."

All three turned as the night concierge came up. "Evening, Anne," Rick waved at the blonde with the glasses and the racy business suit. "You seem bugged about something. Does Susan know about us now?"

"Actually, I haven't passed it on to either her or Viola — she's our reservation agent — just yet," Anne stated. "It's actually because a couple friends of yours came to the hotel looking for you while you and Alex were gone. Stephanie and Sandra Mason?"

That made him gape. "Stephanie and Sandra came here?!"

"They're in Susan's office right now," the concierge announced as she waved the guest with her towards the elevator landing. As Angela automatically fell in behind her new master while he followed Anne to one of the cars to ascend to the top floor of the building, the blonde added, "Rick, did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That your friends are gynoids themselves?"

His jaw dropped. "I guess not," Angela observed...



The man in question awked as a raven-haired missile slammed into him, almost with enough force to knock him onto his back, smart chair and all! As Rick chuckled as he moved to wrap his arms around the now-sobbing Sandra, the other women in the room all rose from their seats, delighted smiles on all their faces. "I trust the funeral went well, Rick?" Stephanie wryly asked as she gave him a knowing look.

He shrugged. "Oh, John's kids were all being horses' asses concerning you two and how glad they were because you wouldn't be there anymore. Other than that, it was your typical funeral and wake," he sarcastically replied to his late friend's chief writing assistant, a very motherly-looking woman with wavy reddish-brown hair to her shoulders and dark blue eyes. Despite the demeanour she had on now, she was still as sexy as all get out even in a dark turtleneck sweater and slacks; her breasts were quite large — a hard thing to emphasize given how well-developed the combined "talent" of the other women in the room were — and she seemed right now almost ready to step onto the stage and do a strip tease.

As Stephanie's sister Sandra laughed on hearing that, Rick reached up to rub her straight black hair — partially held down by a hairband — before he gave his ultimate host and her chief assistant an apologetic look. "I'm sorry to impinge on you like this again, Susan! Much that I'm more than relieved to know that my friend's friends are here and quite well, there is some personal issues I have to deal with now."

"You told him, Anne?" Stephanie asked.

"I had to," Anne noted.

As he shook his head, everyone else seemed to relax. "We're sorry, Rick, but that part of the conversation never came around over the years," Sandra admitted. As well-developed as her sister, she had lighter blue eyes and looked more youthful in age. As he gave her a look, she reached up to gently tweak his nose, proving she was the go-getter of the pair. "But we've got a lot to talk about and both Susan and Viola have to prepare for a big crowd coming in tomorrow morning, so let's get out of their way so they can perform their primary functions."

Both the manager and the reservation agent — Viola had straight silver-blonde hair in a bobcut, caramel eyes and tanned skin — grinned. "It's alright, Sandra. We don't mind meeting up with sisters in a way," the latter said. As Susan nodded in agreement, she then waved them out of the office. "Here, you do what you have to do to make sure you'll be happy with your new owner. We need to work."

With that, Anne and Angela helped guide the others out of the office just as Alex emerged from the nearby elevator landing, dressed once more in her racy fetishist maid's uniform, though now with very slim tank top. "'Your new owner'?" Rick wondered as the pale-skinned brunette came up to join them.

"We were given to you in John's will," Stephanie stated before she looked over. "Anne, I know your chef's obviously wanting to prepare something good for Rick, but his room's a little small for our needs. Is there some other place we can go to so we can all relax, let him eat and we can talk?"

"And do other things," Sandra — who was still on Rick's lap — playfully added.

"I know just the place," Anne proposed, her eyes twinkling.

Both Angela and Alex grinned in anticipation...


"Okay, a Korean-style bath house is NOT what I expected."

Laughter filled the rather traditional tchimjil-bang that had been built into the main floor at the end of one of the hotel's wings. Possessing the mandatory changing area off to one side, walls lined with washing stations to cleanse oneself before actually getting into the water along with three relaxation pools kept at different temperatures to match patrons' different tastes, it was currently empty; there were few guests in the hotel at the time and using this facility was something of an acquired taste to people used to more Western forms of personal hygiene. While it was quite a nice thing to visit — he had worked in the Land of the Morning Calm before his diabetes was diagnosed and the road to the loss of his lower leg began — actually bathing there...

"Fortunately, you have five very strong gynoids more than happy to carry you around when needed," Sandra stated after slipping off her bra and panties to reveal her young track runner's body with those impressive breasts, complete with perky aureole. As the others — including the three hotel staff — did the same with their clothes, she then came over to help him undress.

"Now I know how a prince of old must have felt," Rick noted even if he didn't fight the moves by his gynoids — three by loyalty lock programming and two by a late friend's will — to get him undressed.

Once he was displaying the full monty — which instantly perked on sensing such perfect female flesh so close to him — he was hand-carried by both Angela and Alex over to one bathing station before being sat on a towel, then the two maids immediately proceeded to wash him down with all loving detail. "Supper should be here in five minutes, Rick," Anne announced. "Would you be willing to make Lynn yours when she comes?"

Hearing that blunt question from the concierge, he sighed. "You girls really do want me to be your master, don't you?"

"Do you blame us?"

"Anne, he doesn't know everything," Alex advised.

"Hey! I don't know everything," Sandra noted as she and Stephanie knelt behind the man to give him a massage. "How is it he became your master, girls? I thought Uncomsys technically owned you all."

"That was thanks to Daniel, our old programming supervisor," Angela explained. "He inserted loyalty lock protocols in us, starting with Susan; that got him arrested finally because someone at Uncomsys was paying attention. However, ever since the trial, no one from the company has come in to look on Susan or any of us for that matter." As the two writing assistants gaped on hearing that, the sexbot-turned-maidbot added, "Even more so, because Daniel was a delightful genius with programming who discovered ways to blend all our operating protocols together seamlessly, all it took was for Rick to formally kiss my hand to activate my sexual programming and I took him very early this morning."

"Ditto with myself," Anne admitted after wrapping a towel around herself. While she didn't intend to step outside, the chances of a stray guest coming through the bath house were there, which would definitely cause a few embarrassing questions to be asked. "Later this morning, I persuaded Alex to join in since she had volunteered to attend your late owner's funeral with Rick."

"Well thank you for doing that, Alex," Stephanie noted as she flashed the pale-skinned maid a grateful look. "Given how much of a gentleman our master really is, I doubt everything John's children said about us during the wake wouldn't have done him any good."

"It was just being logical, Stephanie."

"How?" Sandra asked.

"My leg?"

Rick had stayed quiet during that time to allow his girls — and it was starting to feel a little more acceptable inside his mind to say "his girls" when it came to the gynoids now bound to him — to talk freely. While he himself never imagined getting the chance to own a gynoid of his own — never mind having FIVE of them — the supportive actions of Anne, Angela and Alex certainly were good selling points. He knew there would be complications; even if Uncomsys — the people who built the gynoids currently working in the hotel — hadn't looked in on things here since their old supervisor's trial nine months before, Rick knew they definitely WOULD take objection to a total stranger becoming the effective master of what could be seen as the company's property. Never mind his own issues...

"Ah, I'm having a teen programming moment!" Sandra then whined.

Laughter filled the room before the sound of a door opening and closing echoed in the near distance. "Room service!"

"In here, Lynn!" Anne called out.

Footfalls echoed from the changing area before a grinning pony-tailed chef with dirty brown-blonde hair came into the room, she carrying a considerable tray. "Noëlle went to your room to get your medication and insulin, Rick," the former cosplay performer-turned-cook announced as she knelt to place the serving of very well-made chicken cordon bleu with side dishes on a nearby chair.

"Thank you, Lynn," he declared. "And how did she react when I recognized her as '4ndromed4'? Much less Crystal being recognized as 'Sweetcake'."

Lynn chuckled as she winked at him. "Well, now that Anne's told us of Daniel's little programming surprise inside our processors, all three of us are wanting our new master to thoroughly take us."

"Is Crystal in the kitchen now?" Anne asked.


Rick moaned. "Oh, my God..."

"Oh, Master! You're so POPULAR!" Sandra squealed.

Laughter filled the room as his head slumped from that lame joke...


"He can be our master, Susan..."

"I don't want to cheat, Viola...!"

Several deft fingers plunged down to rub the moaning manager's exposed womanhood as the nude reservation agent chuckled while using her other hand to rub her lover's considerable breasts. "And where's George been all this time?" the silver-haired woman asked before tenderly kissing the back of the other woman's neck, making Susan groan as the tidal wave of sensory input nearly overwhelmed her.

Both were still in the office even if not a scrap of clothing covered their well-formed bodies. Even if a small part of their central processing units were working away on the financial reports for the last month so they could be ready for next year's tax period to do their duty to the government as a whole, the many programming changes and augmentations that had been done to them in secret by the hotel's supervisor before he was finally caught often overwhelmed them at very inconvenient times. And while both Susan and Viola had been built as business administrative assistants — thus could tolerate odd inputs of sensory data, especially of the intimate kind — they were still fully functional gynoids who could give all sorts of steamy passion to a willing lover.

Susan had a problem, though. When she had been built, she was taken by the president of Uncomsys as his "trophy wife"; while investigators would be able to learn the truth about her with some discrete research, the average person wouldn't know the difference. It was that particular loyalty lock program that had triggered the instant Daniel had tried to make her fully answerable to him nine months before. Still, despite the exposure, the brown-haired, bespectacled manager still loved her "husband" quite dearly...

...even if the last day's events had shown her another alternative.

For try as she might, she couldn't really deny anymore that the company which had constructed her had pretty much washed their collective hands of her and the hotel thanks to the public embarrassment of Daniel's trial. Indeed, the "special" guest now in the bath house had the rights of it earlier that morning, which made the retired customer service representative even more attracted in Susan's eyes. And while her having sex with Viola or any of the other staff whenever that "itch" needed to be scratched was acceptable, having sex with an organic...!

"Look at that," Viola teased.

Susan opened her eyes...

...before they went wide on seeing the image of Lynn gently take Rick's now quite gorged love machine into her mouth; by now, the amputee had been made more comfortable on a bench near one of the heated pools so the day chef could move to properly activate her loyalty programming. As his two new writing assistants — both being of the same model as Susan and Viola, in fact — allowed him to rest himself in their quite acceptable cleavages, Angela and Alex were busy cleansing his body with their own breasts to remove all the soap from him before allowing him to soak. Thanking their makers that all of them had been built to be waterproof under these circumstances, Susan then squealed as her lover's fingertips danced over her clitoris, sending an unending stream of data straight into her pleasure centre to begin triggering her orgasm routines.

"I want us to do this together, Susan," Viola purred.


"I want Master to live with us here in the hotel. Don't you?"


"We will love him..."

"B-but...oh, yesss..."

"We will care for him..."

"Of c-c-course...oh, myyyyyyy..."

"And we will be safe and no longer alone..."

Susan's eyes squeezed shut as release came, her voice turning into a guttural scream of pure joy while her body bucked sharply. Fortunately, since her lover was a gynoid herself, she didn't hurt Viola even if the desk and chair shuddered from the jerking of her limbs and body while her orgasm literally blanked out even her own internal review of the hotel's finances.

Finally, after 1.37 minutes of screaming her delight from the pleasure the reservation agent had given her, Susan felt the strength in much of her body fade while her internal motor systems reset themselves from the raw input of data from her groin and breasts. As she had done every time she had been asked to help deal with intimacy programming, Viola smiled as she moved to sit the manager down on the chair once more, spreading her legs before she shifted the now-grinning Susan around as she got down to her knees. "Imagine Master doing this to you..." she then meowed before leaning in to let her tongue do the talking.

Another squeal of passion escaped the manager as that wet tip touched her sweet spot before her head and neck jerked. "Well, I have a key to it obviously!" she then repeated what she said nearly a year ago when she confronted Daniel after his first "maid orgy" was registered in the security systems before her eyes went wide with confusion. "Divide by zero? Wha-what do you mean? That does not make sense! That does not make sense! That does not com-...pute! Warn-...ing! O-...ver-...heat-...ing...de-...tect-...ed..."

Viola felt tears sting her eyes on hearing her beloved boss repeat the words that effectively exposed her to the wrong man, thus allowing Daniel to overcome them all and try to turn the hotel into his own private playpen. While she really didn't mind this sort of thing — the tweaks and add-ons he had put into the woman he derisively came to call "BossBot" afterwards had done her a tonne of good — the issue with the unresolved loyalty lock protocols were a major problem.

"In-...it-...i-...a-...ting...re-...boot. Please...stand...by..."

As some of Susan's primary functions shut down — even if her intimacy programming was running full tilt and responding to Viola's ministrations — the reservation agent still kept up her blow job. There was no threat of damage to any of the manager's internal systems; she was just that well-constructed and programmed.

"U-...nit...Se-...ven-...One-...Two...Su-...san...suc-...ces-...ful-...ly...re-...boot-...ed. Please...wait...while...this...u-...nit...re-...starts...sim-...u-...la-...tion...pro-...gram-...ming."

But these incidents WERE getting very tiresome...

To Be Continued...

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