6.33 - Making and Taking Revenge: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 04:37, 3 January 2014

"And now," I said, turning to gesture to the gathered royal court which had surrounded me, "Gaze in astonishment as I add a fifth ball to the cascade!"

Polite clapping echoed around the throneroom as I tossed the small ball up with my foot, carefully adjusting the rhythm of the other four to create a five-ball pattern. I turned with a flourish, tumbling the spheres down my arms only to flick them back up with the backs of my hands. I made as if to accidentally toss one too high, sending it flying over my head and coming down behind me. Before it hit the ground, I brought one foot up behind me, effortlessly catching the ball on the sole of my sandal.

I kicked this one back up into the air, bringing the pattern to a high crescendo, with the cascade climbing ever closer to the high ceiling of the throneroom. With all five balls in the air, I stood motionless with my arms outstretched. One ball fell squarely in each hand, two in the small sacks tied at the waist of my motley, and the last plopped squarely on top of my head.

There was polite applause, but it was clear no one was impressed. The king looked bored, sneering at me in derision.

"Honestly, fool," called the king, "is this all you bring to amuse me? More juggling tricks? I grow weary of watching you play with your balls."

At this, the assembled court broke into raucous laughter. I smiled, my face a mask of patience. One noble, a fair maiden of shapely form, giggled like a small child. "You must admit, your majesty," she said through fits of laughter, "he is quite good with his balls. It's obvious he's had lots of practice!"

The king broke into a cruel smile at this. "Yes, fool, she has the right of you. You clearly know all there is to know about balls."

More laughter from the assembled noblewomen - no men in this king's court. I let them laugh. "I know something else," I said, the fixed smile on my face never wavering.

"And what's that?" asked the maiden who had just mocked me. I turned to her. She was a pretty thing, with auburn tresses that flowed like silk. Her attire, though formal, was cut immodestly, as though to draw attention to her curves. Yes, it was time for me to claim my victory against her.

"I know that I'm smarter than you," I said. "And you know it, too."

A curious, confused look washed over her face. "Yes," she said "You are right. You are smarter than I am." She blinked once, then opened her mouth as if to say something else. No words came from her mouth. When she blinked again, her eyes made an odd clicking sound, like a grandfather clock preparing to chime. Instead of chiming, however, the clicking ended with a springed-latch unlocking, as the top of her head popped open.

The other ladies of the court looked on, puzzled. The king squinted in interest, and the queen craned her neck to catch a better view.

I approached the now motionless woman, her gaze frozen in a look of confused surprise. With a well-practiced flourish, I removed the top of her head to reveal the clockwork gears and twine which formed her simple mind. "Of course," I said, "even a fool can outwit mere cogs and gears." I flipped a tiny wooden lever, stopping the mechanism. "But this fool is no fool. I know the methods and machinations of these constructs." I unspooled the twine from the rods and pulleys it was strung through, freeing some of the cogs from their mountings.

"I've long studied the way people think, you see," I continued, deftly reconfiguring the components - moving a gear to where a flywheel had been, linking one cog to a completely different pulley, and finally, restringing the twine through an entirely new pattern. "I understand their behavior. I know what makes them tick."

I flipped the wooden lever again, restarting the mechanisms, and clapped the top of her head back in place. "And knowing those patterns, you see, I can lead you a merry dance."

"You can lead me a merry dance," said the maiden, a smile spreading across her face. She began to writhe and sway to unseen music, her body moving in sultry patterns which contrasted with her noble standing in court.

"I know your motives, your every thought," I said. Placing my hand on her bosom, I strolled behind her, tracing my touch across her shoulder and along her neck. She gave no objection, and pressed into my hand urgently, as though in desperate need of my touch. "Nothing is hidden from me."

"Nothing is hidden from you," she agreed, reaching behind herself to unlace her gown. Even while continuing to dance and sway, she was quick and efficient as the unfastened the garment, soon loosening it enough to pull off her shoulders and slide down her waist.

Beneath the dress, she wore delicate underthings, bare wisps of cloth and string designed to conceal only a few key parts of her anatomy. I had the full attention of the royal court now, all eyes upon this maiden - Leanna, I believe her name was - exposing herself for all to see.

"With knowledge this complete," I continued, my hands openly groping her breasts, running down the front of her underclothes to fondle the moistness 'tween her legs, "I can make you do anything."

"You can make me do anything," she cheerfully affirmed.

"And with such control, I may as well own you."

She smiled blankly. "You may as well own me," she echoed, nodding enthusiastically.

"I do own you," I whispered in her ear. I gestured to my prop box, a small container barely large enough to hold my scant props and gimmicks. "I shall want to play with you later. Be a good toy and pack yourself away for me."

She nodded, still smiling sweetly. "I will be a good toy and pack myself away for you," she said, turning to obey. I swatted her bottom as she strode to the box, eliciting a playful giggle.

Reaching the box, she stepped inside. After a moment of standing at attention, she bent completely at the waist. "And pack myself away for you," she repeated. A mechanical clicking was now clearly audible as her arms folded peculiarly behind her back, before disappearing behind large panels in her back. "And pack myself away for you," she said again, her head slowly pivoting in place as it retracted into her torso. "Pack myself away for you," she continued, her voice now somewhat muffled. Her upper torso now devoid of limbs, her legs opened along several clockwork panels along their entire length. Each ring of panels allowed the leg to retract and collapse, as would a spyglass.

Her body now an unrecognizable box-like shape, it bent at the knees, which then retracted into the upper torso. My new toy disappeared into the prop box. The assembled court looked on, stunned, puzzled, and awestruck. I looked up at the king, who seemed to be studying me carefully, one eyebrow raised.

"Tell me, fool," he said at last, "How came you to conceal such a device within my court?"

"Husband," said the queen, quietly, "he could not have hidden her. Leanna has been my friend and confidant these many years. I have known her well, and that was her."

"Her highness speaks true, your majesty," I said, the words sour in my mouth. That I must show such honor and respect to one so petty. "I did not change the lady Leanna, nor replace her. My talent is in knowing, and by knowing, controlling."

Another maiden nearby spoke up. "Perhaps you had such absolute knowledge of Leanna," she scoffed, "but she was soft and simple of mind, perhaps the most foolish of the royal court."

"Pray, m'lady," I said, "What is your name?"

"I am Ashya, the royal accounter of coin," she said proudly.

"Ashya, I am smarter than you," I said, quietly, "And you know it."

A startled look appeared on her face. Her mouth opened and closed several times before the clicking sound began. "Yes," she said, as though suddenly remembering, "you are smarter than me." She opened and closed her mouth several times before the clicking sound began, and with a *sproing*, her head popped open just as Leanna's had.

I turned to survey the court. "I'm smarter than you," I said, pointing at another maiden. "And you, and you, and you." I spun as I said this, pointing to each one in turn, "I'm smarter than you three, and you, and you, you, and you." They all looked at me in astonishment. "And you all know it," I said, gesturing widely with my hands.

"Yes," they said in unison, "You are smarter than all of us." I snapped my fingers, and each of their heads popped open, revealing the clockworks within.

I moved quickly from maiden to maiden. "What shall I do with so many toys," I said absently. "My bedchamber is small, there is little room for a harem." I tweaked and reconfigured the pieces in each of their minds. "I could pack you all up like Lianna, and keep you in my closet, I suppose," I mused.

After completing my changes to their clockwork minds, I turned to survey them. All pretty maidens, all dressed so formally, all so beautiful with soft bosom and round behind. I wondered what they looked like under those dresses. Perhaps it was time to find out. "Alright, my playthings," I said, "fuck each other."

They hardly bothered to unlace their gowns. Silky fabric was torn asunder, exquisite dresses cast aside like rags as the maidens rushed to disrobe. I was unsurprised to see that their underthings were just as immodest as Lianna's - when they were present at all. Some of the assembled maidens wore not a stitch beneath their gowns.

The king leaned forward in his throne, licking his lips eagerly. "More, fool. Show me more."

"Very well, your highness," I said, turning to the queen. Her hand was to her bosom, a flushed - but not offended - expression on her face. She squirmed in her seat, clearly eager to attend to a physical urge, but restraining herself. "Queen Jane," I said, clearly and distinctly, "I'm smarter than you, and you know it."

"Yes you are," she said absently, more quickly than any other. Her head clicked open almost immediately, and she put her hand demurely to her mouth to stifle a giggle. "Oh my, it's happening to me too, isn't it?"

I strode confidently up to the throne, carefully lifting the crown off her head, and gently removing the top of her head with it. Inside, delicate mechanisms of finely machined gears, springs, and pulleys ticked away with astonishing precision. Such a well crafted mind, though not too sophisticated for me to change.

In fact, the sophistication of her mechanisms worked to my advantage, and I could bend her mind with only a few subtle changes - which only confirmed what I had suspected from the start. The queen held a secret admiration, even affection to me, and desired a strong mind to dominate her own.

Placing the final piece in place, I re-seated the top of her head (though not her crown - a toy such as her could no longer rule, even in name). She blinked a few times, then smiled up at me.

"Master Kyle! This is wondrous! I am your property, now and forever!" She tore open her long gown, shedding it as she stood, nude. "Please command me to pleasure you," she murmured, pressing her soft body to my own.

"Enough!" King Kirk bellowed. He snapped his fingers loudly, and as he did so, Jane froze in place, her head again clicking open. The King stormed over to her roughly reaching into her head and tearing out the thought engine inside. Gripping the assembly of finely crafted gears and clockworks, he broke the device over his knee, and tossed the halves across the room, their parts scattering on the tiled floor.

"We'll have no more of that," the king sneered, producing a far simpler clockwork made of rough-hewn wood and twine. He shoved the clumsy device into the Queen's still open head, then closed her scalp with a slam.

Queen Jane's eyes blinked independently, and vibrated as though she were dazed. "Kyle is such a fool," she said, her voice stiff and pantomime. "I could never love a fool. I could never fuck a fool. I want to suck the king's cock. I want to feel the king's cock inside me." She slapped me, then turned to face the king again. "I am not the fool's toy. The fool should not have any toys. I hate the fool. I am your toy, your majesty. All toys are yours. All my friends are your toys. All my ladies in waiting are your toys. Would you like to have us all?"

"You talk to much, toy," the king growled. "Get on your knees and put your mouth to better use."

She instantly obeyed. I was too stunned by the destruction of her extraordinarily well crafted mind to react to any of this. "But she was mine!" I said. "I had her! She said so, she gave herself to me! Why?!"

"Kyle, you fool," the King grunted as the new queen's head bobbed back and forth on his shaft. "Don't you understand? I'm smarter than you."

There was a strange sound that filled the chamber and echoed in my ears, like an extremely loud clicking.

The king frowned. "Didn't you hear me, fool? I'm smarter than you."

The loud clicking came again, like it was inside my head.

It was inside my head.

My clockworks were trying to open my head for him.

"I'm smarter than you, Kyle."

The clicking became louder.

"I'm smarter than you. You know it, Kyle," he mocked.

The clicking was now an echoing boom. I gritted my teeth, putting my hands to my scalp in an effort to hold the contraption of my mind together. "Nnn..." was all I could manage to say.

"I'm... smarter... than... you..." he said, matching his words to each thrust into the queen's mouth.

My hands fell to my sides. My eyes went wide. My mouth opened and closed. No thoughts filled my mind.

"Yes..." my mouth said.

There came another booming, echoing click, louder than ever before...

I woke up, drenched in sweat.

There was a booming sound, which echoed around the bunker. Still lost in that not-quite-awake state, it took me a moment to remember what was going on. I turned to the bunker entrance security vidscreen. Sure enough, it was still there, still bashing away at the reinforced titanium of the bunker's bulkhead.

I glanced at the clock. I had been vaguely aware that it was sometime around midnight when I had started watching that documentary last night, but couldn't recall how long I'd watched it before I'd stopped it. It was six, but that could have been morning or evening, the sky on the vidscreen too overcast to tell. The digital calendar below read "THR SEPT 20," and I felt a momentary twinge that the date was important somehow.

Had I slept through the banging all night last night? Or had it taken a break at some point? If the virus was still using the same targeting parameters I had originally programmed, it should break off on pursuing a non-priority target after anything longer than 12 hours. Then again, I never did iron out the kinks with the priority system. Using genetic samples I'd obtained from ScenariCorp's medical lab, along with the audio/visual data from my own cameras which had dotted the place, I was able to program a comprehensive system for tracking down exactly two targets.

Kirk was, of course, the top priority. His pointless murder of Jane was unforgivable. He would pay, though no amount of suffering could ever make up for him taking away my Jane.

It had been a difficult decision, but in the end, I had to admit that Derek had to go, too. He may have been my own son by blood, but after six years of indoctrination from Kirk, his mind would have been irrevocably poisoned. It was just one more reason to hate Kirk: My son was taken from me before I knew he existed, and now, thanks to that monster, I would have to put him down like a rabid dog.

Using an ARA's sexual software as a codebase, I'd designed the virus to perform its duties as extensions of existing sexual programming. With a little adjustment to the unit's perceptions, brutal could become sensual, and violent could become passionate. Once the desired actions were properly relabeled, it was just a matter of ensuring that the virus went after the right people.

Generally attacking everyone hadn't been intentional - it was just that the attack protocols had to be active before a priority target was detected. I probably could have fixed that, but in the end, it would have been a lot of effort without any tangible improvement to the intended functionality. So what if it killed a few bystanders? That didn't make it any less likely to kill Kirk or Derek. It might even improve the chances, in case the targeting system missed them somehow.

Being so deeply integrated into the sexual systems, targeting had been a little tricky. Eventually, I had to put that part into the routines which are meant to detect arousal, then redefine what "arousal" meant for those routines.

I'd learned something surprising about 'bots in my years at ScenariCorp: ARA's aren't exactly mobile forensics labs, but even low end, entry model ARAs have incredibly sophisticated systems dedicated to detecting arousal, tracking voiceprints, pheromones and other scents, likenesses, even the taste of their bodily fluids. So long as they had a sample to work from, they could track on a vast spectrum of the filth humans constantly shed. The genetic matching wasn't exact, but it was within .001%.

I hadn't taken into account how similar my genetics would be to Derek's. As my son, that was only to be expected, especially considering the family resemblance.

I had never studied genetics, but found it remarkably simple and similar to ARA programming, once I did a little research. If I excluded my own code specifically, that would run the risk of excluding Derek as well. Finally, I was able to track down a method of extrapolating genetic variation of a father based on the son's base pair sequences. After that point, it was trivial to force the system to filter out Derek's father.

Except it kept going after me for some reason.

"Oh, Bridget, let me help you with that," I heard a voice say.

Looking up from the monitor, I noticed that Janet had entered the room, and had been trying to get the maids changed into their new outfits. I liked to have a little fun as the weekend approached, so today's uniforms were a maid variation on an old-style "bunny girl" outfit. She had apparently had no difficulty getting Bridget to undress, as the maid now wore only her platform heels and pantyhose, but was having difficulty getting her to stand still enough to wear the satiny corset.

I briefly considered my trio of maids: Jenni, though almost functional, was in the worst shape, constantly in a confused daze, mute, and with hardware that was starting to show signs of wear and tear. It took a lot of restraint not to destroy the girls when I fucked them, but I only had so many spares in the X-Ero showroom's storage area. I had to take it easy, and repairs were slow going with limited resources.

Bridget's current issues seemed to be mostly software-related, so a fresh re-install should get her back up to speed. At least enough to be aware of where she was, what she was doing, and what I order her to do.

Amber's damage was minor so far. I could still have a few more destructive sessions with her without any real noticeable deterioration in her performance. Having her pour water into her open panels might not be a good idea anymore, but I could still have her get some sparks flying with my electrical equipment - and there were plenty of spare eyes and micro-breaker fuses to go around.

And Janet... my lovely Janet. A testament to my achievements here. Finding one of the Doppeler prototypes had been a stroke of luck: GySys must have shipped it here as a demonstration unit just after the buyout. I had collated more than enough data from watching Jane over the years to feed the necessary likeness and voice patterns into the Doppeler's mimicry analyzer. What had taken me years of grinding and sculpting in my basement was accomplished in a matter of minutes, and I found myself the proud owner of my own Jane again.

It didn't feel right calling her that, though, and I winced again at the thought of the robot he had named Jane. The gall of the man! Replacing her with such a poorly constructed duplicate was nothing short of an insult to her memory. If he had replaced her with a top-of-the-line model, I could have held a grudging respect for that. It would be a more fitting tribute to Jane's memory. The junkheap I'd taken from the party that night wouldn't even reactivate once I got it back here.

I initially thought it looked quite lifelike and realistic, but after only a few days of analysis, I realized just how ghoulish the thing had looked. It was repulsive, looking nothing like Jane. I couldn't believe I'd ever been fooled by that thing.

Ultimately, I tossed the thing into a nearby reservoir. I had to get it away from me. It almost seemed to carry Kirk's foul stench.

No, to honor Jane's memory, I named my homage to her Jane-Two, or Janet.

"Janet, you don't get to tell me what to wear," Bridget said, in a moment of fleeting lucidity. "You're not authorized to issue commands to me."

"Don't be silly, Bridget," Janet said, patiently, "You're programmed to obey all human commands, so you must obey me."

"You are not authorized to issue commands to me," Bridget repeated. An electronic sparking sound came from her head, and her expression changed. "Why don't you take off that dress so I can play with your tits?" she giggled.

Janet immediately set down the bunny girl corset. "Yes mistress, at once," she said, unfastening the evening gown and pulling it down her torso.

I had to laugh. I'd forgotten to reset Janet's authority over Bridget after I spent last week married to the maid. I didn't like to exclude Janet, so I had reprogrammed her as Bridget's toy for the week.

The pounding sound on the bulkhead continued. Now wearing only her bustier, Janet jolted to attention as a deeply aroused expression washed over her face. "Excuse me," she said to Bridget, "I need to suck my husband's cock now."

The conversational non-sequitur triggered one of Bridget's basic social responses. "Oh, that sounds like fun! I wish I could help, but I've got to-" She abruptly cut off the sentence as another sparking sound came from her head, then turned to face the mirror. "I am an X-Ero Downstairs Maid model sexual ARA. Would you like to inspect my body, or would you prefer a demonstration of my functions?" she asked, apparently addressing her own image in the mirror.

Meanwhile, Janet was already striding over to me in my chair. "Honey," she moaned. "I need it." She nuzzled her head in my lap and delicately stroked my crotch. "Can I suck on it some? I -really- need to."

"Yes, I already know there's someone at the bunker entrance, thank you for your timely response," I said casually. "Disable alarm notifications for bunker entrance zones 1, 2, and 3."

"Mmm, I want to feel it inside me," she moaned. "Anywhere, just please let me touch your-"

"Reset alarm," I said.

She blinked, then looked up at me, all urgency gone from her face. "Was there something you wanted me to do, honey?" she asked innocently.

"No, not right now," I told her. A blowjob would have been a great way to start the day, but I was already thinking of my other options. As far gone as Jenni was, I could junk her for parts, then break out that redhead I'd been eying in the warehouse. She was the same size as Janet, so if I wanted to be married to her for a while, it wouldn't even require putting together a new wardrobe.

"Okay," she replied, rising. She turned daintily, and began to walk back to her "mistress," who was still waiting for the mirror to reply.

Abruptly, Janet halted in her tracks. "Mmm," she purred, turning back to me, "can't I feel that wonderful cock of yours?" She came back to me, kneeling in front of the chair. This time, she reached inside my bathrobe, desperately feeling around for my penis.

I frowned. "Janet, turn around, show me your ass," I said. Dropping on all fours, she turned to face away from me, then rested her head in her crossed arms with her rear end sticking up in the air.

I got up to retrieve the wand from the bedroom. When I got back, she was still in position, but was squirming as though she wanted to play with herself - which she did, but the security protocols prevented that.

"Honey," she moaned, "Please? I'm so horrrrnnnnnrrwwww..." she locked into position as I slid the control wand into place in her anus. I dialed open her back panel, opening the security display inside.

"Janet, report status of bunker entrance zones," I said.

"All entrance zones are offline. No monitoring data is available. Would you like to enable these zones?" All desire had disappeared from her voice, now a simple, friendly announcement of fact.

"Report alarm status," I said, warily.

"Perimeter alarm. High speed movement at East-Northeast perimeter on main roadway."

My eyes went wide. I looked back at the calendar. Thursday, the 20th! I'd forgotten they were coming! "Shit!" I cursed, "Janet, get me a visual on the vehicle." If it was a durable enough speeder, they might stand a chance of running the infected bot down.

A sleek, sporty, family sedan speeder appeared on the screen inside Janet's back. Built for speed, built for cargo space, built for convenience... not built for durability. That 'bot out there would tear it to pieces.

I had to do something. They were too important to let anything happen to them. I weighed my options. An EMP might do it, but it would run the risk of knocking out some of my security systems, or even Janet herself. Conventional weaponry was out of the question. A thought occurred to me.

"Janet, is makeout point still responding?"

"Searching... system found. Makeout Point system online. Reserve power status: 3%."

Two miles south of the X-Ero showroom, Makeout Point had been an ideal testing ground in the early days of developing the virus. It was remote enough to protect me, secluded enough to avoid attention, and close enough to a campsite to provide occasional test targets.

The Found'im beacons were the next logical step of the swarm behavior I'd put in the virus. I'd already setup the units to report to each other when they'd discovered a priority target, so creating a self-contained transmitter to send the same signal had been trivial. I wired up one of the beacons for remote control, gave it a longer lasting power cell, found a nice, out-of-the-way place to hide it, and bingo: Deranged homicidal robots on demand. Wait until some campers show up, switch on the beacon, and monitor the carnage remotely. It gave me a lot of useful data at the time, but I hadn't used it in years.

"Activate makeout point beacon," I instructed.

Instantly, the banging on the bunker entrance ceased. On the vidscreen, the barely human-looking 'bot turned to one side, like a dog hearing a whistle. Her shattered face irised closed again, concealing the blades inside. She smiled sweetly. "I'm coming, sweetie!" she called in an innocent voice, then darted off.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Good. They were safe. The beacon's power supply would last long enough to keep the infected 'bot distracted while they arrived, though it probably would die less than an hour later. The power supply was long-lasting in standby mode, but significantly less so while active. Would that be long enough? I decided to worry about that when the time came.

The beacon's effectiveness at this range brought a smile to my face: With such a wide broadcast radius, Derek was sure to pick up a few "girlfriends", even out here. It had been tempting to infect that Jenn toy of his, and have him killed by his own doll... but the throbbing pain around my scar served as a constant reminder of how unpredictable and dangerous they could be, especially at close quarters. Pity I couldn't get hold of one of the old ScenariCorp burst programmers. I could just imagine Jenn pushing the button while in the speeder with Derek - trapped in a closed space with an inhumanly strong and fast shillbot, eager to tear him limb-from-limb and convince him to buy a long discontinued consumer product.

I stifled a giggle. I had managed to remain perfectly sane all these years with only my girls for companionship all these years. I wasn't about to allow myself to witter into madness. I had no need of other humans anyway: It was only by virtue of blind genetics that they could be considered the same species as myself. They showed no indication of the intelligence at my command, or the passions which served to motivate me. They may go through the motions, reciting words to sound intelligent or mimic the appearance of feeling, but I could see through those pretenses. The only difference between them and the mindless robots which served them was organics versus cybernetics.

Still, Derek's visit had brightened my day. One of my hated enemies waltzed directly into my domain, and I didn't have to lift a finger to bring him here. I'd always wanted to work on a Jenn unit, ever since I first read about the shillbot phenomenon, and his doll provided me the perfect opportunity. Not only was I able to study her design and programming firsthand, I'd managed to incorporate new instructions into the base code without any noticeable change in behavior. I would have felt triumphant, if I hadn't already been certain that I could do it.

But beyond all that, Derek's visit reminded me that I had no fewer than five luxury apartments, well furnished, at my disposal at any time. I had been growing uneasy in the Mansion recently. Despite its security, it seemed too visible, too exposed. I hadn't seen any trouble from them, but more than one infected 'bot had escaped from that house, and their memories could have been transferred along with the virus. They could know where I am. They could come for me at any time. Once Derek was dead, the virus should simply shut down, but it seemed that infected units didn't always do what they should. Increasingly, I'd seen activity which didn't make sense according to my original specifications.

With unpredictable killer fembots on the prowl, it only seemed logical to try out one of the bunkers for a while. Besides, the beds in the mansion were only big enough for three, while the round beds in the bunkers could comfortably hold up to six.

A beeping sound from Janet's open panel reminded me of the approaching speeder, now closing on this position. Well, I thought, that solves that mystery. If they're on their way now, it's got to be six in the evening, not morning. My stomach growled, and I glanced at the ransacked kitchen. I was really starting to get hungry. They couldn't have come at a better time, I thought.

Closing Janet's back panel, I pulled the wand out of her anus with a *pop*, and she purred back to life. "...rrrwwwwwwny, please give it to me hard, I want to..."

"Disregard current incoming vehicle on main roadway and reset alarms, Janet."

She blinked, then smiled back up at me. "Would you like me to serve you in some way, honey?"

"Get dressed in something nice, and get the maids presentable. We've got guests."

They would be coming towards the main house, so I had to make my way back up the connecting passageway into the mansion's sublevels. We had about ten minutes, so I deactivated the maids so Janet could get them dressed quicker. Watching her dress the limp, unresponsive maids while she herself remained virtually nude was enticing, and I had to resist the urge to do something about the resulting erection. With the staff properly garbed, I had Janet put on one of her best gowns. Of course, the effort wasn't truly necessary, but I enjoyed the pretense. I've always enjoyed the pretense.

Ten minutes later I stood alongside my toys in the entry foyer, my arm around Janet as she shifted at pre-determined intervals from one leg to the other, alternating the way the gown showed off her thighs. The maids stood at attention along the wall. With only their basic operating protocols active, it was unlikely they would have any significant malfunctions, but all the same, I thought I caught Jenni's hand twitching out of the corner of my eye, but Bridget and Amber stood still, distant smiles on their faces.

I tensed, waiting for the moment. Another excited giggle welled up in my throat, but I once again kept it under control. Just when I started wondering if something had gone wrong, the elegant chiming of the doorbell startled me into action. I pulled the door open wide, making sure Janet and the maids would be visible.

Four women in business dress were standing on the path, embarrassed looks on their faces. The three in the back were all carrying large plastic cooling chests. The one who had rung the doorbell, a pretty blonde with a tight pencil skirt, almost jumped as she saw me. "Yes?" I said, a grin on my face.

"Oh!" she gasped, startled. "Sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you!"

"I'm not disturbed," I assured her, still smiling. "Did you want to ask me something?"

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, needlessly, "It's just... we're on a roadtrip you see, and I don't think we planned it out very well..."

"You didn't plan it out very well," interrupted a black-haired girl behind her. "You should have called ahead to make sure!"

"I could have sworn I did," the blonde said, defensively. "Anyway, we're kind of a long way out from anywhere, and we were hoping..." She faltered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Do you know of any hotels or anything like that around here?"

I feigned surprise, then pretended to think it over. "No, I don't think so. I do believe we're hundreds of miles away from anywhere you could stay."

"Oh," said the blonde, disappointed. "But the coolers will run out of power soon, and then the food will start to go bad."

"Anywhere you could stay, except here," I said, as though suddenly arriving at the obvious conclusion.

"We don't want to be any bother," said the blonde, worried.

"It's no bother," I assured her, "I insist. Come inside."

Without another word, the quartet stepped in, looking around with wide eyes at the elegantly furnished mansion. "Thank you so much," said the blonde. "I'm Kate, and these are my friends, Connie, Donna, and Chase," she said, indicating her friends in turn. Connie had been the black haired one, while Donna and Chase were both brown-haired: Donna's straight hair flowing like a waterfall, and Chase's cascade of curls bouncing just below her neckline.

"No need to thank me," I said dismissively. "Introductions all around, those are my maids, Jenni, Bridget, and Amber, and this is my wife, Janet. Oh, let me help you with those," I said, indicating the cooling containers. I snapped my fingers at the maids. "Girls, take the coolers to the main kitchen freezer, then come back here.

Wordlessly, the maids took the large plastic chests from the visitors, who seemed relieved to not have to carry them anymore.

"No, really," Kate said, still sounding concerned, "we're very grateful. If we hadn't come across your place out here, we probably would have broken down in the middle of nowhere." She looked at me, doe-eyed. "There must be some way we can repay you."

"Oh, I think I've got something in mind," I said, smiling wolfishly. "Janet, dear, could you retrieve the cards for the game?"

"Of course, honey." Jane sashayed to the large standalone cabinet in the entry foyer. She opened the double doors, and bent fully at the waist to inspect the drawer with the cards in it - sticking her butt out attractively, but needlessly.

Chase and Connie cocked their heads curiously. "Game?" they said, almost in unison. Donna merely raised an eyebrow, and Kate had an excited look on her face.

"Just a bit of harmless fun," I assured them as Janet continued to inspect the drawer, shifting her position slightly to sway her hips. The cards were hardly hidden, and she didn't actually have any trouble finding them, but I had installed numerous programs to get her to pose and put on a show for me over the years.

At last, Janet drew out a small handful of greeting card-sized envelopes. She brought them over to me, presenting them like a showgirl at an award ceremony.

I made a show of mixing up the envelopes. "Inside each envelope is a card," I said as I passed them out. "Written on each card is an instruction, a command of sorts. Your command is a secret - I don't currently know who got which card. Don't show it to me or anyone else, or tell anyone what it says. Don't open them yet," I added, "Let me explain.

The rules are simple - You win if you can avoid obeying that command. You lose if you obey it."

"And if we win, presumably our stay is free, no strings attached?" asked Donna. "What if we lose?"

I smirked. "For each of you who loses," I said, "I get to take an item of my choice from the things you have with you." I held up a finger, warningly. "If all four of you lose, I also get to keep your food."

"An item?" Chase asked, nervously. "You mean like our clothes or something?"

I laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to send you off indecently. You will be fully clothed and unharmed when you leave, you have my word."

"You get an extra prize if all four of us lose," cut in Donna, "what if all four of us win?"

This was a surprise. "What did you have in mind?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Donna glanced towards the kitchen hallway, where the maids were just now returning. "Your maids, they're ARAs, aren't they?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes," I answered. "Are you wanting one of them?"

Connie folded her arms. "Are you rich?"

"I'll never have to worry about money," I answered, honestly. "I have more money than I will ever spend." Not that I had any intention of spending any money anytime soon.

"If you're rich, you've got more robots, don't you?" Donna asked, sounding excited.

"A few," I confirmed.

Connie got a mischievous look in her eyes. "What's the most advanced 'bot you own?"

This was getting interesting. "Janet, get undressed and show these nice ladies your body."

Donna opened her mouth to say something, a confused look on her face, but I held up a finger to silence her as Janet unhesitatingly unzipped her elegant, silky gown, letting it pool at her feet.

Beneath, she wore a bustier/garter combo, designed to showcase her body rather than conceal it. My guests stared, open mouthed in shock. Donna's gaze seemed transfixed on Janet's smooth pussy. "Wha- what the hell?" she stammered.

I walked calmly around behind Janet, running my hands up her sides, around her shoulders, then up her neck. I brushed the backs of my fingers across her cheeks before grasping her head firmly in both hands. In one sudden, fluid movement, I twisted the head sharply to one side, then lifted it off her body. "Did you say something, darling?" Janet's head asked.

"Janet is a prototype ARA, highly advanced and extensively modified. Not only are her systems state-of-the art for an ARA, she also serves as a security monitoring and early alert system, provides convenient concealed storage for valuables, is fully loaded with almost every sexual routine written in the past fifteen years, and has one feature not seen in any other model." I leaned her head back to address her directly. "Janet, become Kendra."

There was a soft humming as the structure of her face gradually shifted and changed. Her cheekbones became higher, her face narrower, her eyes more almond-shaped... her entire likeness transformed to that of a completely different woman. Even her hair grew out, spilling over my hands where I held her. When all the structural changes were done, her hair shifted in color, it's normally brunette hue fading to a golden blonde. As the hair changed, so did her skin tone, dropping to a deeper tan.

"Ta-daa!" I said, turning her face towards the other four. I felt like I was giving a sales pitch. "Complete likeness transformation. It's not as evident with this particular profile, but the body frame is also capable of limited adjustments to height and other measurements."

If anything, the four girls were even more astonished than before. "She'd be worth a fortune," breathed Kate. I beamed with pride. She would be, if there were any market where she could be sold. Of course, most of my modifications would mean she'd have to be sold on the black market, but that would just drive the value up further.

"If all four of you win, you can do with her as you please," I said.

Donna narrowed her eyes. "This isn't some trick or something? These commands aren't things like 'exist' or 'breathe' are they?"

"Tell you what," I said, "You can read the card before you agree to the game."

Donna frowned, but opened her envelope all the same, as did the others. There was a long silence as they stared at the cards, then Kate spoke up. "Seriously?" she said in disbelief, "That's it?"

"That's it," I said, re-attaching "Kendra's" head to her body. I'd forgotten how good she looked with this face. Maybe I should have her wear it more often.

"I'm in," said Connie.

"Me too," agreed Chase.

Kate simply nodded enthusiastically as Donna said "This isn't even a challenge."

"Wonderful," I said as I re-dressed Kendra in her gown. "Of course, I reserve the right to award bonus prizes at my discretion for any reason." I zipped the gown back up. "The game will end at nine, so we'll check to see who has and hasn't obeyed just before then." I smoothed down the satiny fabric of Kendra's dress, more to feel her curves than to adjust the garment. "Until then, let me show you around."

We wandered through the mansion's hallways as I described the various luxuries available on the ground floor. Of course, I was merely showing off. Why not? I enjoy showing off, and I definitely enjoy an appreciative audience. The girls were certainly appreciative as we passed through the study, library, lounge, and dining hall, but this was nothing compared to their reaction when they saw the gallery.

I've never had an interest in paintings - they tend to be so imprecise, the blotches of paint failing to accurately reproduce the image the so-called "artist" wished to convey. Even the genre of hyper-realism grated on my nerves like sand in my eye. Regardless of the skill or talent possessed by the person responsible for the composition, there was always something not quite accurate about it. Something would be off-model, misshapen, improperly lit, wrong size, wrong color, wrong texture, just wrong!

Photography, on the other hand, created a perfect snapshot of a moment in time, freezing the image in exact detail. I had a modest collection of classical mechanical cameras, and even a small supply of chemical-based film, but those were really just novelties. I performed my photography exclusively with a computer-controlled studio rig, which could capture the image at any angle at the touch of a key.

Of course, the best photography equipment in the world is worthless without something to photograph. Fortunately, I had a few things which were suitable: Janet and the maids, in particular. Nude or partially dressed, licking, fingering, or just posing seductively, their forms were every bit as lovely to behold as they were fun to play with.

And so it was that the seven-foot-high picture which Kate was currently admiring was one of Janet's torso, with her hands squeezing her breasts together, and my cock sliding between them. I'd captured the moment of ejaculation perfectly, my jism spurting towards her chin, just visible at the top of the image.

Donna, Connie, and Chase wore expressions of amused shock, while Janet-Kendra's expression was one of vacant arousal. Kate, on the other hand stared at the image in rapt fascination. "I've never seen composition like this," she said, a note of awe in her voice. "The framing, the balance, the contrasts of light and shadow, even the timing would have been a challenge." She turned to me. "I have to know, where did you get this?"

"Thinking of commissioning a piece?" I asked, smiling.

"I-" she hesitated, then turned back to the image. "I'd just like to talk with the artist about something." She looked back over her shoulder at me. "Do you think you could introduce me to him?"

I grinned. "I already did. He's me."

Donna gaped. "You took this?" she asked in disbelief. "But at that angle, to get a shot like that, the photographer would have to be the one who..." she trailed off, then her eyes went wide. Apparently arriving at the same conclusion, Chase and Connie looked similarly surprised as they all three glanced nervously at my crotch.

"Yes," I said, "the photographer would have to be the one who was tittyficking Janet."

Connie glanced around the gallery. Not all the images were as explicit as this one, and most of them were only one or two girls with no evidence of a male presence. "You didn't do all these," she said, "did you?"

"Every one," I said, proudly. "The women are Janet and the maids." I took a moment to survey my work, then added, "Mostly. I did have some other models occasionally."

Chase spoke up. "Hey, Kate, now's your chance. Ask him."

Donna and Connie looked confused, while Kate merely chewed her lip.

"What chance?" Donna asked.

Chase grinned. "For as long as I've known her, Kate's had this fantasy of-"

"Chase!" Kate interrupted, "That's personal, you're not supposed to tell!"

Chase shrugged. "What's the point keeping it a secret if it means passing up your opportunity?" she asked. "We're here, he does this kind of thing, it's a perfect shot. If you do it, it's not like you'd be able to keep it hidden with us here, and if you don't, you'll just end up regretting it."

Kate considered, then took a deep breath. "Okay...It's just... I want to model for this kind of thing."

I raised an eyebrow. "What, professionally?"

"No, I-" She hesitated. "I want to be in a picture like that. I want to know what it's like." A growl of desire crept into her voice. "I want to be captured in an image of pure sexuality."

There was a silence as Donna and Connie stared, open-mouthed at their companion. Chase, on the other hand, looked almost proud.

I considered the request, savoring the anxious look on Kate's face. I knew exactly what was going through her head: Will he say yes? Will I look as good as these other pictures? Do I have the body for this? What if I like it too much? Do I already like it too much?

"I suppose I might be able to. Would you like to wait until morning?" I looked sympathetically at her. "You know, just to prepare?"

"No!" She said, forcefully. Then, softer, "No, I can't wait. If I wait, I'll lose the nerve."

"Well, then," I said, clapping my hands together, "there's no time to waste. Follow me." With that, I led them through the hallways towards my studio.

As we walked, Kate eagerly followed my lead just to one side, with the other girls trailing behind. "You do realize you'll have to do whatever I tell you, correct?" I asked her.

"Yes," she said, more enthusiastically than she meant. She cleared her throat, then tried again. "I know that. I don't have a problem with that."

"And you know you'll have to take off those clothes?" I asked. "You're not going to get cold feet at the studio when I ask you to undress, are you?"

"I-" she bit her lip again, hesitating. "Not if I don't get the chance," she said, reaching back to unzip her skirt.

"Kate, what the hell are you doing?" Donna asked.

"I'm making sure I don't get a chance to chicken out," she said, determinedly. The skirt unzipped enough to simply fall off her hips as she walked. She barely broke her stride as she kicked her heel up to retrieve it, then she handed it to me.

I wasn't surprised to see neither her panties, nor her pantyhose had a crotch. Instead, the hose was cut in a fashion to resemble a garter belt, but as a single article of clothing. "Take it off, girl!" Chase cheered. It almost sounded mocking, but I knew Chase was only trying to encourage her friend. She didn't know that Kate felt like she was being humiliated - nor how much she was enjoying that humiliation.

Kate's hands worked fast as she undid the buttons on her blouse. Once undone, she shrugged off the shirt and jacket in one swift motion, revealing the sheer, transparent camisole she wore beneath.

Bundling up the shirt and jacket, she passed those to me as well. "Should I get totally naked, or is this fine?"

"Hmm," I said, considering. "Panties and top off." She instantly moved to take off the flimsy, lace panties before I had even finished speaking. "You can keep the tights on for now," I said as she pulled off the wispy camisole, passing both garments to me in a surprisingly compact, wadded up ball.

She looked over her bare shoulder at her companions. "You don't have to come along if you don't want to," she said.

"Oh, what the hell," Donna said, not slowing. "It's not like you've got anything we haven't seen before."

"Neither do you," Connie observed. "Does that mean you'll be stripping, too?"

Donna glared at her, but said nothing.

At last, we reached the studio. I flicked on the staging lights, illuminating the satin sheets of the bed on a raised platform in the middle of the room. On one wall was a long rod with various lingerie sets hanging along its length. Near this was a work table with nipple clips, spiked chains, vibrators, and other accessories.

On the opposite wall stood the control interface, just next to a large bookshelf of albums - samples, for whenever I wanted to go over shots not currently displayed in the gallery.

Janet/Kendra stood passively by the door, awaiting direct or implied commands, as was her function. Donna and Connie gazed around the room with a deer-in-headlights expression, while Chase nonchalantly began exploring. Without a hint of the trepidation she was afraid of showing, Kate made a beeline for the bed. Climbing onto it on her hands and knees, she turned to face me, sitting shyly with her legs tucked under herself. In contrast to this position, she leaned back on her hands, blatantly putting her tits on display. "Should I just pose, or..."

"Don't worry," I said, "I'll tell you what to do. You just obey my commands."

"Yes, of course," she sighed.

"Wow Kate," Connie said, "you're really throwing yourself into this, aren't you?"

"Trust me," said Chase, who had wandered over to the bookshelf, "you have no idea how long she's gone on about this." She picked up an album and began flipping through it.

"Are you going to do her like the one we saw in the gallery?" asked Donna. "The one with your dick between the girls breasts, I mean."

"Is that a request?" I asked.

"I-wha-" Donna stammered, "No! I just wondered, that's all, I don't care how you fu... I mean..." She sighed, exasperated. "You're the photographer, it's up to you how you take the picture!" She looked away, crossing her arms. "Sheesh, I was just a little curious."

"What do you think, Kate? Should I fuck your tits?" Kate drew in a sharp breath, but didn't answer. "I mean, I've already got a pretty good shot of that, and not all breasts are even up for the task."

"I could do it," Kate replied, almost pleading. She grabbed her tits with both hands and squeezed them together. "They're nice and soft, and you could slide it right between them, no problem!"

"Oooh, you know what you should have her do?" Chase asked me. "A blowjob. I hear she's really good at that. Remember that guy we met a while back, Kate? What was his name, Kevin something?" She waved the thought away. "Doesn't matter, not like you really got to know him before you wrapped your lips around his shaft."

"Oral sex? Is that what you're into, Kate?" I asked.

"I like the way it feels in my mouth," she said. "You could cum on my face, if you wanted."

"I could, that's true," I mused. "Have you ever been with a woman, Kate?"

Kate looked confused. "Been with a- what do you-" she began.

"Have you ever had sex with another woman?" Connie interjected. "He wants to know if you're a lesbian, or bi."

Kate's eyes went wide again. "I-" she began, but faltered. The thought hadn't even occurred to her. "I'm not..."

"Frankly, Kate," I cut in, "what you -are- doesn't matter. We all know full well what you are. I was asking about what, and who, you've done." I shrugged. "Not like it matters much, since I already know what you'll do, anyway."

"You do?" she asked, sounding surprised.

"You'll do anything I command you to do," I said. "Hands and knees, facing away from me. Ass in the air. Legs apart."

Unquestioningly, Kate assumed the position as instructed. I motioned to Kendra, guiding her to the edge of the bed, unseen by Kate. Chase, apparently interested in the activity put away the album and craned her neck to get a better view. I moved Kendra's hand to Kate's cunt, guiding her to stroke and finger the warm wetness between Kate's legs.

Kate moaned, her head drooping. "Eyes forward," I barked. Her head immediately snapped up to face forwards again.

Already initiated by my implicit guiding commands, Kendra now took up the action on her own, her hand moving back and forth, alternating between tracing her fingers around Kate's outer lips and thrusting her fingers tantalizingly in and out of her hole. Kate gasped and moaned with pleasure, squirming her hips and grinding against Kendra's hand.

"Chase," I called, "You see that array of buttons on the control console?"

Chase studied the console near the bookcase. "Yeah, there's about a hundred of them."

"A hundred and twelve, to be exact. Push the third one down, fourth from the left, I think."

"Yes, sir!" she called, saluting playfully. She punched the button, and an articulated mechanical arm extended from the ceiling, ahead and to the right of Kate's face. I glanced back at the monitor on the console, showing the camera's view, aimed along Kate's body, with Kendra visible in the mid-background. I was just barely visible to Kendra's left.

"Keep doing what you're doing," I told Kendra as I pulled down the top of her gown enough to expose her tits. I pulled her skirt aside, exposing her pussy, and guided her free hand between her own legs. "Kate," I said, "are you enjoying this?"

Whatever her take on the matter, she was incapable of speech at the moment, and merely emitted groans and gasps of desire.

I took Kendra's hand away from Kate's crotch and guided it up to grab her right breast. She compliantly took up the action of squeezing and kneading as her other hand worked on her pussy. "Let's put that mouth of yours to good use, dear," I murmured. "Chase, when I say now, push the button with the red light." Chase nodded, poising her hand over the control.

Lacking any direct attention, Kate whimpered. "Please," she said, her voice desperate. "More... need more..." Despite being barely able to string together a coherent sentence, she kept her head facing forwards, not once glancing down or back at me.

"Brace yourself," I told her. "The best is yet to come." I pushed down on Kendra's shoulders, an implicit physical command she compliantly followed. "Now do what you do best," I said.

Positioning her face in the ideal position, Kendra set about the task of using her extensively modified tongue and mouth system to its fullest potential. Kate let out an all-too-restrained "Huhmmmm!" but that seemed to be the extent of her thoughts at the moment.

I stepped to one side, just out of the frame of the camera. "Get ready, Chase," I said. I counted down in my head, three, two, one...

Just as expected, a barely audible buzzing noise could be heard coming from Kendra's head. I watched the monitor, studying Kate's expression closely. She bit her lip, hummed and moaned... and then Kendra's second stage cut in. The buzzing became louder, the vibration increasing in speed and intensity. Kate's eyes snapped open, and her mouth formed a perfect "o" of surprise as she began to climax.

"Now!" I shouted to Chase over Kate's cries. Chase stabbed down at the button, and a flash lit the bed and its occupants, freezing a moment in time for the camera to record in perfect fidelity. The thrill of it made the moment seem to stretch out forever, that perfect, isolated fragment of unchanging time...

And just as suddenly, Kate's orgasmic scream cut into my thoughts, snapping me back into the present. I was irritated now. That moment of stasis was a treasure to me, and losing it was never pleasant. Never mind, I thought to myself, I'll make up for it later.

"It's beautiful," Kate said.

I had wasted no time readying the image for presentation, my equipment more than capable of rendering it on the canvas in mere seconds. By the time Kate had put her skirt and top back on, the maids had already retrieved it, framed it, and cleared a spot to hang it in the gallery. Kate's expression when she had first seen it was the picture of pure delight and gratitude. Now, as my guests and I stood admiring it, she was clearly still impressed.

"Gotta admit Kate," Chase said, appreciatively, "you'd make one hell of a porn star."

The image itself was in greyscale, with a full view along the length of Kate's torso. The specific angle I had chosen made not only her face and breasts clearly visible, but also Kendra's body in the background. Although Kendra's face wasn't visible, her hands were, and her masturbation was plainly evident in the shot. It was raw, hedonistic sexuality, captured in the peak moment of ecstasy.

"I like it," offered Connie. "Obviously, I would never do that kind of thing myself, I can't deny it has a certain vicarious appeal."

Donna looked back and forth between her companions. "Really? Seriously, Connie, 'vicarious appeal'?"

"You don't find it a bit... thrilling?" prompted Connie.

"I-" Donna considered. "How I find it isn't important. Since when are you an art lover?"

Connie feigned indignation. "Maybe there's a lot you don't know about me." She turned and smiled mischievously in my direction. "Maybe I have hidden depths to be discovered."

"Hey, I've got a question," called Chase. She had wandered off to admire the other portraits in the gallery.

"Yes?" I said.

"You've got a bunch of pictures with swimwear on display, and way more in those albums, but I didn't see any swimsuits on the clothes rack in there. Just more costume-like outfits."

"Ah, yes," I nodded, "the costumes on the racks are just for the pictures - they never leave that room except to be cleaned or mended. Sometimes I take some shots of the girls wearing clothes from the other general use wardrobes. Those are from the pool and playtime wardrobe."

"You have a pool?" Connie asked.

"It's a mansion, Connie," Donna said, sardonically. "He probably has a bowling alley and wine cellar, too."

I ignored the comment. "Olympic-sized and perfectly heated. There's a hot tub, too." I leaned in. "Would any of you care for a swim?"

"We'd have to borrow some of your swimsuits," Connie said.

I grinned. "I think I can accommodate that."

"This is just the seasonal collection, you understand," I said, pulling open the double doors leading to the massive wardrobe. "I cycle through outfits to maintain some variety."

The girls were awestruck as the filed into the room, itself nearly as large as the gallery had been. Clothing racks and hangar rods lined the walls, with higher tiers accessible by a system of catwalks.

"These can't all be swimsuits," observed Connie.

"No, of course not," I said. "Only the front half of the lowest level are swimwear. The rest of the collection is assorted sports and activewear next to the swimsuits, assorted roleplay outfits on the second level, and miscellaneous fetish clothing on the top level."

"Roleplay outfits?" Donna asked. "Like what?"

I shrugged. "Much of it is randomly selected, within some specific guidelines. For the summer collection, I think it's mostly waitresses, maids, clubwear, and schoolgirls."

Chase gave an excited yelp. "Schoolgirls? Do you mind if... could I..."

"By all means," I said, gesturing towards the spiral staircase leading to the second tier.

Her companions watched, nonplussed, as Chase dashed up the staircase. At the top, she let out a cry of delight and surprise. "Oooo," she murmured, "they're just so cute!" She peeked over the railing at us from above. "What do you think, Kate?" she said, holding up a pair of outfits.

"Chase," Donna began, "You know you're standing above us? In a short dress skirt? On a wire catwalk that we can see through?"

Chase studied the schoolgirl outfits alternating between them as if weighing her options. "What's your point, Donna?"

"I think her point is, nice thong," Connie interjected. "but it doesn't quite match your stockings."

"Thanks," Chase answered absently. Then she did a double-take. "Wait, what?" Before anyone could answer, she shook her head dismissively. "Doesn't matter," she said, sounding determined. "I think I'll go with this one." She decided on one of the outfits she had selected - a tight halter-top-styled sweater and a skirt barely long enough to be considered a large belt.

Without missing a beat, she began stripping off her business-like office attire, tossing it aside casually. Donna's eyes went wide. "Chase," she said, aghast, "what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm trying it on," Chase insisted. "I thought that part was obvious."

"I can see that!" Donna replied, "In fact, that's why I asked! Shouldn't you find a changing room or something?"

"Didn't you just get through telling me you could all see up my skirt? What difference does it make if you see me in my undies now?" Chase said, now clad only in her lingerie. She pulled on the halter-top sweater. "Besides," she continued, stepping into the short skirt, "After Kate's performance, I'm being downright prudish."

Now wearing the full outfit, she ran her hands up and down her sides, relishing the feel of the skimpy clothes. "Not that I feel prudish, mind you." A wicked smirk flashed on her face. "This kind of outfit really makes a girl feel like misbehaving." She looked down at me, and her hands drifted down between her thighs. "Hey Mr. Parson, wanna play teacher and naughty student?"

"You know," I pointed out, "Your previous outfit would have worked for a naughty secretary."

"Nah," she said, shrugging, "That skirt was way too long."

"Not when it's pulled up around your waist," I said.

She grinned. "Are you offering me an internship, Mr. Parson?" She put a finger to her lips, as though thinking carefully. "What kind of position did you have in mind?"

Connie cleared her throat, loudly. "Fun as this is, weren't we here for another reason?" The flushed look on her face told me she wasn't just being sarcastic. She held up a hanger with a bikini on it. "Pool? Swimming? Bathing suits? Ring any bells, girls?"

Kate nodded. "Connie's right," she said. "And after that drive, I could really use a nice, relaxing soak."

"What's wrong," asked Chase, "Didn't the photo shoot get you wet enough?"

"Oh, for Pete's sake," Donna interjected, grabbing a random bikini from a nearby rack, "This is ridiculous. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting changed." She glanced around the room, searching, then turned to me with a stern look on her face. "Let me guess, no changing rooms? Any time someone changes clothes here, you get to watch, is that it?"

I held up my hands defensively. "Not at all! Janet-" I checked myself. "Kendra, please show Donna to the changing area."

"Of course, dear," Kendra breathed. Her gaze ever distant, she put an arm delicately around Donna's waist. "Right this way," she told her. Donna, somewhat dazedly, went with her, too stunned to object to Kendra's arm around her.

Connie cleared her throat. "No offense," she said, "but I'd like to have some time to look around before I pick an outfit."

I wore my best "trust me" smile. "Of course. Take as long as you need, all of you."

"Um... Mr. Parson?" Chase asked, sounding nervous. She was hamming up her schoolgirl role, anxiously clutching her hands together as one foot fidgeted in place. "Would it be okay if... Could I swim in this?" She gestured at the costume. "Please?"

My "trust me" smile nearly turned into a wolfish grin. Nearly. "Of course you may," I said soothingly. "Shall we?" I asked, holding out my elbow. She wrapped herself around my arm adoringly, making incoherent happy sounds. "Ladies," I called, "When you're ready, Kendra will show you to the pool."

As it happened, Chase was less interested in swimming than she was in just getting wet. When we arrived at the pool area, her attention was immediately drawn to the hot tub, its bubble jets already blasting. She looked at it, then back at me, pleadingly. "Can I?" she asked.

I swept my arm, the perfect gentleman. "By all means."

As she stepped in the hot tub, I mentally breathed a sigh of relief at her selection of shoes - these were a solid plastic pair, with no leather or other cloth which could be damaged by either the water or the temperature. In anticipation of my guests', I had made sure to set the temperature somewhat lower than normal so as to not cause any damage, but I hadn't really expected Chase to suggest wearing the outfit instead of a swimsuit.

"Mmm..." Chase murmured, delighted as the water crept up her legs. "It's so warm." She looked back at me with narrowed eyes. "You're sure it's okay for me to wear this in here?" she asked. "I could... you know..." Apparently unwilling to suggest it herself, she hooked her thumbs in the waist of the skirt, bending and wiggling her butt as if to remove it. "I wouldn't want to damage it or anything," she said, in an over-the-top good-girl voice.

"Oh, the outfit's quite durable, I assure you," I said, relishing the look of disappointment on her face. This isn't for your enjoyment, I thought to myself. This is -my- fun, not yours.

Pouting, she lowered herself into the tub, dipping low to get the top completely soaked before sitting in one of the molded seats. "Well," she said, fluttering her eyes at me. "All the same, I should make sure I don't overheat." She stretched her arms up as though relaxing, then pulled off the halter-top sweater, once again treating me to a view of her lacy bra. "Mmmm," she cooed, scooping up water to pour out on her chest. "That's much more comfortable." She looked back to me with mock innocence. "Care to join me?" she said.

"I might," I said. "You just enjoy yourself for now." And I'll enjoy watching.

Chase seemed disappointed, but grinned all the same as she swirled the water around. The bubble jets created a mild foam on top of the water, obscuring my view of her from the surface down. I chuckled to myself when I noticed the back and forth motion she was making with her arms under the water. She probably thinks she's giving me a show, I realized. It wouldn't occur to her that I might not be able to see it.

"You've got to be kidding me," I heard Donna exclaim as she entered the pool area. She gestured to Chase in the hot tub. "This is really too much. What's wrong Chase, he didn't get a clear enough look at your tits before? Why not just take the bra off entirely?"

For all her protests, the bikini Donna had selected offered her little to no modesty, barely covering her crotch and nipples, and leaving her ass completely exposed. I noted in amusement that she had decided to change into even higher heels to wear with the swimsuit. Had she seen one of the others dressed similarly, she probably would have griped even louder - but it wasn't like she would even notice her own behavior.

Chase had apparently interpreted Donna's question as a serious suggestion, and was playing with her bra straps in a teasing way. "I suppose I could," she mused as Kendra glided in just behind Donna. Chase looked to me, pleadingly. "What do you think?"

I took my time to answer her, beckoning Kendra to my side. Her own swimsuit was more for show than for swimming, a one-piece made of translucent fabric. In truth, it was probably intended to be lingerie, but I liked seeing her soak in it. "I suppose," I said to Chase, absently stroking Kendra's breasts, "but don't lose that bra." Not that it was important, but I enjoyed telling her what to do.

Chase tugged off the bra excitedly, then carefully folded it, placing it at the edge of the hot tub. Initially, she held her arm across her chest in a show of modesty, but then grinned mischievously, pulling it away and unabashedly showing off her tits.

Connie and Kate arrived shortly thereafter, each dressed in a simple string bikini. Kate did a double-take upon seeing Donna's skimpy swimsuit. "What?" asked Donna, an irritated look on her face.

"That's..." Kate began. "That's an interesting choice of swimsuit," she finished, stifling a laugh.

Donna merely rolled her eyes. "Well, some of us prefer practicality over sluttiness," she declared, oblivious to the irony.

Connie showed initial surprise at Chase's current state, then shrugged it off as par for the course. "When in Rome," she said, without a hint of irony or irritation. She tugged at the simple knot holding on her top, letting it drop to the floor, then paused to consider. "Might as well," she mused, slipping off the thong as well. She turned to look at me, posing seductively. "Is it okay for me to finger myself in the hot tub, or should I do it on one of the lounge chairs?

"Oh, he doesn't mind," Chase blurted, then clapped her hand over her mouth in a shocked expression. "Not that I would know! I mean, I wasn't..."

"Yes you were," I said flatly. Chase's eyes went wide. "And no, I don't mind. Chase, don't stop on my account, get back to it." A shocked expression still on her face, Chase's hands dropped back below the surface of the water. Her shock soon turned to confusion - likely because she didn't know why she was doing it - then bliss as the sexual stimulation took over.

"Okay, that's it," Donna blurted, "Forget the swimming, that's all I can tolerate. More than, in fact. I'm turning in for the night. She turned to storm out the door to the pool, then paused, then heaved a resigned sigh. "Mr. Parson," she said, sounding as though she were speaking through clenched teeth, "would you be so kind as to show me to my room?"

"Of course," I said, "Kendra, would you be so kind..."

"No!" Donna said, startled, then continued in more controlled tones. "I think you ought to show me yourself."

I didn't respond, pretending instead to inspect my fingernails. "Please," Donna said, the word itself sounding like a sigh. I still didn't answer. After another pause, she added an irritated "Sir."

I looked up at her, smiling. "Well, what kind of host would I be to refuse?" I smirked. "But Kendra will still be coming along."

"Aww," Chase moaned, "can't you stay and play?" she asked as Kendra and I reached the door.

"Oh, I'll be back soon," I assured her. "Don't do anything until I get back. Any of you."

None of them moved as the door swung shut behind me.

"...of course, they're simpler to maintain with adequate access to supplies," I told Donna as we made our way through the mansion. The conversation had turned, as always, to the maids and Kendra. "That becomes more and more difficult considering the circumstances."

"I'm sure," Donna said, flatly. "So, they're basically junk?" She glanced at Kendra, a curious look on her face.

"Oh, hardly," I laughed. "It's been a while, I admit, but I'm sure some parts and supplies will become available soon."

"Yeah, of course," she said dismissively.

We came to a stop in front of one of the bedrooms. "You'll be in here for the night," I told her, opening the door.

"Whatever," came her haughty response. Though her tone was ice cold, she strode past me with her hands on her hips, seductively swaying her butt back and forth as she walked. Once inside, she turned back to me. "Well," she said, "Let's get it over with, then."

Amused innocence danced on my face. "I can't imagine what you..."

"Cut the crap," she said. Anger momentarily flashed on my face, but I reigned it in to a blank expression. "Well, aren't you going to come in?" she asked.

I narrowed my eyes, then walked through the door, pulling Kendra behind me. Donna craned her neck to see around me, making sure the door was closed. She looked suspiciously at me. "Don't think I don't realize what's going on." I raised an eyebrow, but gave no other response. "I know why the others have been practically sucking your dick this whole time." She crossed her arms. "Your gee-whiz innocent act doesn't fool me," she said sternly. "You're not as smart as you think you are."

My expression had grown colder and harder as she spoke. Was it possible? She shouldn't even be capable of knowing, let alone of throwing it back in my face - but to insult me like that... I might need to get rid of her.

"It's pathetically obvious," she continued, "they think if they can get you off, you'll give them a consolation prize."

My thoughts of eliminating her vanished, as a laugh built up in my throat. Unable to contain it, I nearly doubled over in hysterics. "Consolation prize?" I wheezed through the laughter.

"I reserve the right to award bonus prizes at my discretion for any reason," she said, reciting. "Remember? You said it when you were setting up this game of yours."

I'd forgotten. It was part of my gallant host routine, part of the act... she was taking it literally. I finally managed to get through the laughing fit. "Okay," I sniffed, wiping a tear of laughter from my eyes, "so why tell me now? Do you think you're ratting them out or something?"

"I just wanted to make it clear that what I'm about to do is purely for that prize, whatever it is," she said. "At least I'm being up front about it. Now, why don't you sit down while I give you a show."

A wicked grin spread on my face. "A show? You mean a striptease?" I nearly started laughing again. "You think I'll give you some kind of prize for a striptease?"

Donna made a 'duh' gesture. "That's the idea, moneybags. Hell, I won't even ask for much. You're rich, what's a few grand to your bank account?" She stood sternly, hands on her hips. "C'mon, do you want my top off first, or do you wanna get a good look at my pussy?"

I cleared my throat. "Kendra, be a doll and load up the changing room video," I said. I picked up the remote on the nightstand, pointing it at the vidscreen.

Kendra tilted her head, a distant look in her eyes. "Ready to play," she said pleasantly.

"You're still transmitting on the auxiliary channel, right?" I asked, as I flipped through the vidscreen menus.

"Yes dear," she affirmed. I switched to the right input, and was treated to a paused, full length view of Donna, still clothed in her business dress, holding the swimsuit she now wore. I turned the remote on Kendra and pressed the play button.

The on-screen Donna looked around furtively, then turned to the camera. "So you're just a machine, right?" she asked.

"That's right," Kendra's voice said.

"You don't get embarrassed or anything?" Donna said, a note of suspicion in her voice.

"Not at all," Kendra's voice breathed.

"So, I could do anything I wanted with you," the on-screen Donna continued, "and you wouldn't mind?"

"Anything," Kendra said, "Unless my master says otherwise."

On-screen Donna seemed to study her for a few moments, then hastily stripped out of her clothes, revealing her shelf bra and see-thru panties. She briefly traced her fingers over her nipples, then quickly pinched them, a look of bliss on her face as she did so. She then walked towards the camera. Reaching out, she took hold of Kendra's hand. "You won't mind..." she mumbled.

"Not at all," Kendra repeated.

Biting her lip, the Donna on screen let go of Kendra's hand, then hurriedly tugged down her panties. "I can't believe how wet this place is making me," she said, setting aside the soaked underwear. She grabbed Kendra's hand again, then tugged her over to the opposite wall. Leaning with her back against the wall, the on-screen Donna spread her legs and shoved Kendra's hand between them. "Make me come," she breathed.

I pressed pause. "So you see, you giving me a striptease isn't really much of a big deal."

Donna was agog, but also squirming in a way that wasn't entirely offended. "She brought a camera in with her?" she asked in astonishment.

"Kendra -is- a camera, slut." At the word, Donna's eyes closed, and she moaned briefly in pleasure before snapping to look at me again. She was trying to be stern, but had to bite her lip to maintain composure.

I pressed play again. On the screen, Kendra’s hand began working in and out of Donna's sex, while Donna roughly grabbed and kneaded her breasts. Kendra reached up with her other hand and brushed Donna's hands away. "I'm sorry," she said, "But you are not permitted to play with yourself."

The Donna on the screen was too lost in pleasure to object as Kendra cupped her hand around the writhing girl's breast. "But I can play with you," she said, her voice still pleasant and polite. She took Donna's left nipple between two fingers, then sharply pinched it, squeezing it tight.

On the screen, Donna gasped deeply, crying, "Yes! Harder, please!"

The camera view moved to give a close up view of Donna's tits as Kendra’s fingers rolled and twisted her nipple, accompanied by moans and gasps from Donna. "Feels so... amazing..." she gasped.

The camera moved again, this time down to be level with Donna's crotch, smooth and glistening. In the background, Donna's hands were reflexively trying to grab handfuls of the wall. Kendra's hand alternated between rubbing her whole hand across the outside of Donna's pussy, and plunging deep and rapidly into the delicate folds.

The view rose again, and Kendra released Donna's nipple. "No..." moaned Donna. "Please..."

"You will turn around now," Kendra said simply. She pulled her hand away from Donna's crotch, and firmly grabbed the other girl by the shoulders, spinning her around to face the wall. "Please bend over," Kendra's voice continued. "You may play with your breasts now."

Her shoulders leaning heavily on the wall, Donna bent, sticking her ass out as her hands shot to her tits, squeezing and pinching desperately. The camera once again lowered to give a clear view of Donna's rear and pussy, before Kendra's fingers once again disappeared inside her - this time probing not only her pussy, but also her anus.

Donna let out a small moan - but not the Donna on the screen. I paused the video. Donna whimpered at me, completely failing to disguise her arousal.

"Are you bisexual, Donna?" I asked, as if it mattered.

"What? No!" she said, her eyes flashing back to the screen. "I'm totally straight! It's just... she was there... I knew she wouldn't..." She trailed off, her eyes drawn back to the screen.

"Skip forward two minutes, Kendra," I said.

The image on the screen skipped to a POV shot of Donna's head between Kendra's legs. I hit play. "Mmmnghh" cried the Donna on the screen, a look of desperation and craving on her face. "You taste amazing!" she managed to say between laps.

"You will lick my breasts now," Kendra's voice said. Donna immediately moved into position to do as she said. I paused the video again.

"Not bi?" I asked again.

"N-no!" Donna said, but her gaze was fixed on Kendra. "I wouldn't do that kind of thing with a woman, but she doesn't count!" she insisted. "She's just a machine."

I looked coyly at the vidscreen, then back at Donna. "So your offer is that you'll take off your swimsuit for me?" I tapped my finger to my chin in a gesture of consideration. "I don't think you'll be able to top the show you've already given me." I pursed my lips. "I think I'll save that one for later," I mused. "Kendra, transfer that video to archive."

"Of c-c-c-o-o-o-u-u-u-r-r-rse dear," she said, her speech distorting as the transfer overtaxed her systems.

"Fine," Donna said, still fidgeting. "I could... you know. We could..."

"Have sex?" I finished for her. She nodded, trying her best to hide her enthusiasm. "Donna, I'm not exactly starved for pussy." I pointed at Kendra. "She'll fuck me on demand, and I can make her look like anyone... even you." I gestured towards the doors. "The maids will join in if I ask, and frequently offer even if I don't. Hell," I said, sweeping my hand, "Even your friends seem pretty eager." I sneered at her. "I like sex, sure, but I can have it any time I want, with anyone I want, any way I want it. You want a prize? Offer me something special."

Donna looked abashed, then shook herself to regain composure. "Okay," she said. "You're obviously rich. What do I need to do for a million?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Ambitious," I said. "Okay, I'll tell you what: Get rid of that swimsuit and re-enact that video for me, right here, right now."

"Wh-what?!" she said, aghast. "But you've already got it on video! You can see it any time!"

"I've always been a fan of live performances," I replied.

She gaped at me. "I... alright, fine, yes," she said, reaching back to undo her top. "But I get a million, right?"

"If you win the game tonight, yes," I said, wryly. "You're not afraid you'll lose, are you?"

"Like hell," she said. She shrugged off the top then began on the bottom of the swimsuit.

"Kendra," I said, "Dress off. Now." Without a word, Kendra stripped off her gown in a matter of seconds.

"Now then," I said, taking a seat on the bed, "once more, with feeling."

Kendra lunged at Donna with surprising speed, pinning her against the wall. "What are... It wasn't like this the first-AH!" Not expecting Kendra's agility, she was interrupted mid-protest as Kendra began working on both nipples, pinching and twisting them fiercely. "Oh, fuck, that feels incredible!" she gasped.

"Kendra," I said, "broadcast a live feed, please."

"Of course, dear," she replied gently, her hands still aggressively squeezing and pinching Donna's tits. The frozen image of Donna between Kendra's thighs was instantly replaced with Kendra's current view, looking straight at Donna's face, her eyes closed in a look of utter rapture.

"That's enough of her face, Kendra, let's get a good look of the parts of her that really matter," I said.

Wordlessly, Kendra began taking in Donna's full form, slowly panning down as the view on the vidscreen followed. Donna's breasts came into view, and Kendra moved in closer to better frame them on the screen. "Donna, I think you should open your eyes for this," I told her.

Donna's eyes snapped open, and she caught back a gasp - this time, not one of pleasure, but of shock. "What are..." A moan rose from deep within her as Kendra twisted her nipples sharply again. "That's what she's seeing?" she managed to say through short breaths.

"Have you ever taken a good look at your own tits?" I asked. "Up close? Ever watched someone play with them? Squeeze them? Pinch them?" As I said this, Kendra followed each question with another demonstration. "Ever watched yourself play with them?" I said this as an idle question, as casual as if I were asking her if she thought it would rain.

"N-no," she stammered, her eyes fixed on the vidscreen, "I don't play with my..."

"Of course you do. Several times a day, in fact." She whimpered, but said nothing else. "Every chance you get, you always wind up practically naked, fondling and fingering yourself." I chuckled. "Answer the question. Ever watched someone play with them?"

"Hmmmah... Nuh-not live video," she murmured.

That took me by surprise. "What do you mean, not live..." I began, then realization dawned on me. "You take pictures of yourself while you masturbate, don't you?" I laughed. "Oh, I knew you were a whore, but I never imagined you would do that kind of thing."

Donna tore her gaze from the vidscreen. "What?" She grimaced in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "We've never met before today! You can't possi-huhhhAHH!" Overwhelmed once again, her gaze drifted back to the screen.

"But I'm not wrong, am I?" I pressed on. "Do you play with yourself practically every chance you get?"

Now beyond the ability to speak, she merely whimpered and nodded. "Do you take pictures?" Another, slightly more hesitant nod. As I made a mental note to check her camera later, I noticed her start to trace her fingers up her thighs, working their way to her crotch. "No!" I said sternly. "You're not allowed to touch yourself." I shook my head, impressed. "You really are a whore, aren't you?"

"Yeh-yeh-yeh..." she stammered, unable to get the word out.

"Sorry, can't hear you, you'll have to speak up a bit." I smirked and leaned forward, steepling my fingers. "Tell me what you are," I said, icily.

"I'm a, I'm a," she panted, "I'm a whore! A slut! A naughty little cunt that needs to be fucked and spanked and..."

"Stop, Kendra. Back over here," I ordered. Kendra instantly ceased her fondling, and took her place at my side.

Donna whimpered again. "Please," she squeaked, "I need something in me, I don't care which hole, please stick something in me..." Still obeying the command not to touch herself, she kept her arms flat against the wall behind her, as though manacled there. "I need it," she growled.

I stood, approaching her. Her gaze was fixed on me, a hunger without rationale. She leaned as though pulled towards me, but still held fast to the wall. "Anywhere?"

"Anything you want, just please, stick something in me, hurry..." she whined.

I grabbed her roughly by the arm and practically threw her at the bed. She leaned back on her elbows, her legs wide apart.

"Oh, no, not like that," I said, stripping out of my own clothes. "Bend over."

She eagerly flipped over, resting her head in her folded arms. "Kendra, get where you can see us both." Now naked myself, I moved into position behind Donna, teasing my erect cock against her pussy lips. Donna sucked air in through her teeth.

"Please," she begged again, "My pussy needs..."

"Shut up, whore," I snapped. "This isn't about your needs." I smacked her hard on her ass, and her eyes closed in an expression of bliss. "Don't you dare close your eyes, not even to blink," I told her. I grabbed her hair, pulling it back so she could see the vidscreen. "You don't want to miss this, do you?" I asked. With Kendra's live feed still running, Donna now had a clear view of me, naked, pressed up against her from behind.

Smearing her juices on my shaft, I shifted my position slightly for a better entry angle - and with one quick thrust, slammed my cock into her her anus. She drew in a sharp, long breath, holding it for a silent moment... then cried out a scream of tortured joy.

The screams didn't stop until I did.

Later, having spent myself, I collapsed into the chair by the bed. My breath was ragged, and my body was covered in sweat. Reflexively, Kendra had moved to lick my cock clean as soon as I sat down. With the live feed still broadcasting, my dick now filled the enormous screen. "Flattering," I mumbled to myself. Glancing at Donna, I realized that her eyes were still glued to the screen, and she was licking her lips as though parched with thirst. "Kendra, cut the live feed," I said, curiously. The screen went black.

"More..." Donna said in a small, soft voice. "Please..."

"Later," I told her. "Get dressed. We'll meet the others downstairs. It's just about supper time, which seems an opportune time to end the game."

Back at the pool area, Chase, Connie, and Kate were still at the pool, as though I had never left. I gave them the opportunity to get changed for supper, and they all met me in the dining hall, dressed in their original clothes.

Donna, now back to her normal demeanor, raised a sarcastic eyebrow at the table settings. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

"Something wrong?" I asked innocently as I took my seat at the table.

She snorted in derision. "Did the maids forget or something?"

I made a show of studying the table. "No, everything seems to be in place. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"So, are we eating in another room or something?" Connie asked, quizzically.

"Why the fuck is there only one place set?" demanded Donna.

I grinned. "Because only one person will be dining." Their confusion was as delicious as a good wine. "I believe we had a wager of sorts ongoing."

"These cards?" Chase said, holding up hers. "Don't do what the card says to do. Not much of a challenge, at least for mine anyway. So is the catch that you're not giving us anything to eat?"

I ignored the question. "In just a few seconds time, I'll call the end of the game. If you manage not to obey the card in that time, I'll let you claim your prize."

"Was dinner supposed to be part of our prize?" Kate asked. "I don't remember that part."

"It wasn't," Chase remarked. "I think he's just screwing with us." As she said the word "screwing," Donna shot her a nasty glance, and opened her mouth as though about to speak... then decided against it.

"Something wrong, Donna?" Kate asked, noticing the reaction.

I pulled out a pocketwatch and cleared my throat. "Just a few more seconds," I said. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

"I want to forfeit," Kate said, urgently.

"Me too, I forfeit," blurted Chase.

"I'd like to lose, please" Connie, said, a puzzled look on her face.

Donna looked at them incredulously. "What are you all doing?" Then she blinked, a look of realization on her face. "Oh, I'm supposed to lose." She looked at me earnestly. "I forfeit, Mister Parson."

"And not a moment too soon," I said as Bridget approached with my soup. "I trust none of you object to me taking the liberty of already claiming your food."

"You won it, fair and square," Connie noted. "It was inevitable."

"He also gets to take four items we have with us," Donna reminded them. "At least, that was what we agreed to earlier."

"There's no reason it has to be just one item for each of us," Kate said. "We could let him take more, if he wanted."

"What would you like, Mister Parson?" Donna said. "Just name it. If it's something in the speeder, I'll bring it in for you." She thought for a moment. "Actually, Kate, give him the keys to the speeder."

"There won't be any need for that," I said, grinning from ear to ear. Again, I was treated to their confused expressions. "Where were you going, by the way?" They blinked, not understanding. "When you arrived here, you were looking for a hotel. You were on a trip, remember."

"Oh yeah," Chase said, "the roadtrip." She smacked her forehead. "I was so busy losing the contest, I totally forgot."

"Was it a long roadtrip?" I asked.

"It's practically cross-country from home to there," Donna said.

I tilted my head in mock curiosity. "And where exactly is "there"? Where were you going?"

Kate smiled, excitedly. "We were going on a trip to... to..." She furrowed her brow. "Place. Placename? Somewhere..." She turned to Chase. "What was it called again?"

Chase was snapping her fingers, trying to remember. "Something, it's on the tip of my tongue."

Connie had a more considered look on her face. "I don't think any of us remember."

I smacked my lips as I set down my glass. "You packed an awful lot of food."

Donna shrugged. "It was a multi-day trip."

"Did you eat anything?" I asked, idly.

"Of course we..." Donna began, then blinked in realization. "Huh. Actually, no, I don't think we did."

I feigned astonishment. "Where are my manners, sitting here eating like this right in front of you, you must all be practically starving."

"No thanks," they all said, almost in chorus. Chase turned to Connie. "You're not hungry either?"

Connie shook her head. "No, for some reason, I just don't feel like eating right now." Murmurs of agreement rippled through their group.

"For such a long trip, you seem pretty refreshed, especially considering how you were dressed. Did you sleep on the way?" They shook their heads. "You must be tired, then. Are any of you sleepy?"

Connie, Kate, and Donna frowned in puzzlement. Chase was still snapping her fingers trying to recall their original destination. "Something noplace? That's not it..."

"You seem to know each other pretty well," I remarked.

"We're really close friends," Kate confirmed. "Chase and I have known each other practically forever."

"When did you meet?"

"Just before we got in the speeder," Kate replied, confidently. "It's when we all met for the first time." She paused. "Wait, what?"

I stood again and approached them. "Are any of you bisexual?" They shook their heads, but showed no sign of offense. "Not even a little bit?" I asked, holding my fingers up in the universal gesture of "teeny tiny."

"Not really," Chase said. "Girls just don't do it for me."

"Chase, Connie, kiss and finger each other," I told them.

"'Kay." Chase nodded.

"Sure," Connie agreed. They moved to each other, each tugging up the other's skirt - Chase had reclaimed her panties from earlier, but Connie either hadn't bothered, or hadn't brought any in the first place. Chase moved behind Connie, both of them facing me, and began teasing Connie's cunt from behind. Connie leaned back to kiss her over her shoulder, reaching back to stick her hand down Chase's flimsy panties, rubbing it back and forth.

Donna and Kate watched them idly, no particular reaction evident on their features. "Kate, Donna, this turns you on." The effect was instant. While previously, they had been watching as though it were merely something pleasantly interesting, they now squirmed, tracing their hands over their own curves and absently licking their lips.

I walked past Chase and Connie, brushing my hand across Connie's tits as I did. "Do you know what the best games in the world are."

"Strip poker?" suggested Kate. "I could play if you wanted, but I don't know a thing about cards."

I approached Kate, placing my hand on her hip as I moved behind her. She watched me passively as I unzipped her skirt and pulled down her moist panties. "The best games in the world are the ones that I can't lose." I nudged Kate's shoulder, and she compliantly bent over, placing her hands on her knees.

"I agree," Donna offered. "The best games are the ones where you always win, Mister Parson. But what do you want for your prizes? Besides the food, that is."

"Oh, the food was already mine. In fact, all the prizes were mine already." I stroked my hand across Kate's backside, then gave her a firm, lout swat. She smiled and hummed. "Can you guess what my prizes are?"

"Money?" Chase asked, breaking her kiss with Connie for only a moment, before locking lips with her again.

"None of you have any," I said, dismissively. "You four are my prize. My possessions." I grabbed Kate's ass hard, slipping my fingers into her ass and pussy at the same time. "I own you," I growled. "I own all four of you."

"That's fair," Donna agreed, nodding as Kendra brushed past her, carrying a small bundle of lace and sheer fabric. "Ah, your uniforms." I held up one of the skimpy maid outfits. "I trust none of you have any objections to being my maids?"

"Sounds good to me," Kate enthused.

"When-ah-mmm do we start?" Connie said between kisses.

I grinned. "You already have."

Later that night, I lounged in my chair in the bunker. My stomach was full and my libido satisfied for the moment. Janet, once again wearing my favorite face lay nuzzled up against me, ready to indulge me should any further need arise. As I stroked my hand along her hips, idly considering having another round, or telling her to put on a show for me, I took mental stock of the latest supply run.

The 'bots I sent out for restocking my food and equipment weren't often terribly bright, and had to be sleepers to avoid detection. Forging documents to give them temporary identities was simple enough, but cobbling together a convincing personality profile for each one took some doing. It almost seemed like more trouble than it was worth, but experience had taught me that, however briefly my delivery girls might be out in the real world, there was no predicting the level of scrutiny they might undergo.

I looked over at the bed, where Donna and Chase's inert forms - deactivated, after I had partially dismantled them during our celebratory fuck - still lay sprawled, their frozen faces gazing sightlessly at nothing. At some point during my little orgy, I had told Kate to go down on Connie. Not having received any further instruction on the matter, she still lapped away between Connie's thighs, as the other girl's disconnected (but still activated) head moaned from halfway across the room.

I tended to be fairly careful when it came to covering my tracks - their minds would be wiped when I sent them back out the next time, just as they had been each time before that - but I also knew I had enemies. I was a hunted man, both by the authorities, and by the bots infected by my lovebug virus. Oh, I was innocent of course, framed by Peters, and the virus was only targeting me due to some unknown glitch, but just because they were wrong didn't mean they would stop hunting me.

As if on cue, a metallic boom sounded from above. Grunting, I shoved Janet to the ground, grabbing the wand and shoving it in her in one practiced motion. She didn't even have a chance to try to talk before switching to the security system.

"Report makeout point beacon status," I told her.

"Beacon signal lost," was her only reply.

Looks like the delivery girls arrived just on time then. If they'd arrived later, they probably would have been ambushed by a pack of lovebugged fembots. With infected 'bots above, I wouldn't be able to send them out for days, possibly weeks. Nothing to do now but wait it out.

The banging was unbearably loud. I switched on the network broadcasts to try to drown it out, randomly scrolling through feeds until I found a news report. I wasn't able to hear it initially, so I turned it up as loud as I could tolerate.

"...ave issued no official statement regarding the area-wide evacuation, although local meteorologists deny any possibility of a weather-related disaster," babbled the supermodel news anchor - doubtless one of those legless ARAs mounted on an office chair base, since she would never have to stand up. "Nevertheless, authorities are insistent on a total and complete evacuation of the region, using force or arrests when necessary. Police captain Devon Tate had this to say:"

The image switched to that of a rotund man with a walrus mustache. "We know this is difficult on a lot of people, but the federal word is that if we don't get these people out, lives will be lost. That may just be Washington grandstanding again, but I'm not about to risk the lives of everyone in the area on that possibility. This order comes from the highest level, so even if I have to personally bust down doors in Wendover, or walk all the way to Susanville to drag people out by their ears, that's what I'll do.

The image switched once again to a map of Nevada, showing a darkened circle with crosshairs around the area in question. Almost dead center in the circle was a small town dot. I gave a half life. "Too bad, Fallon," I muttered. "You weren't such a bad place until Peters stated building that..."

I stopped short. An evacuation centered on one of ScenariCorp's biggest and final facilities? That couldn't be a coincidence. When Derek had passed through, he'd been coming from almost the opposite direction. If he hadn't stopped here and had just kept going in a straight line, he might have ended up there.

Maybe he had managed to stay ahead of a mob of his lovebug-stricken "girlfriends," or maybe he was planning something - but this almost certainly meant my plan hadn't worked. Not completely anyway. I knew the limitations of the Found'im beacons. Holed up in one of Kirk's facilities, he could wait until doomsday and still have food leftover. The viral 'bots couldn't even get in my bunker: They didn't stand a chance of breaching a ScenariCorp dome.


The banging on the upper bulkhead snapped me back to reality. Any information uploaded to one viral bot would be disseminated across all of them within range. If there were a way to get information into my current unwanted guest's synthetic mind - say, security codes, facility blueprints and the like - she could pass that along to her sisters and crush Derek like the bug he was.

I couldn't just transmit it to her, though: The lovebug communication protocol was randomly encrypted, and even I couldn't break it. The only way they really absorbed information was when they infected another 'bot.

Oh, if only you had a spare ARA lying around somewhere, I thought to myself. Not Janet, of course. It would be a pain in the ass to customize another one of her, and I would have to go to a GySys factory to get another anyway. Not the delivery girls, either. Losing one of them would mean making a new personality profile to replace her.

Jenni, Bridget, or Amber... Jenni was barely functional, and infection would just as likely fry her system before any information could be transferred. Bridget's software was pretty badly corrupted, so any information I gave her would likely get garbled before it could be downloaded.

That just left Amber. A pity. I had been looking forward to being married to her for a few weeks. I was going to have Janet be her visiting sister. She would have caught me fucking Janet, then confess her own bisexual curiosity...

Oh well. I could just use Chase or Connie instead. Connie had a nicer ass anyway.

"Amber," I called, "There's something I need to tell you."

Uploading the information into Amber would have gone much more quickly, if not for the constant pounding on the bulkhead door, but after just over an hour of compiling data and uploading it directly through Amber's eye-port, she was ready. As a precaution, I sent her up through the link tunnel, a memory wipe erasing knowledge of it as soon as she surfaced in the mansion.

I waited, anxiously staring at the security feed as the infected 'bot repeatedly pulled back, then slammed its head into the bulkhead door, over and over again until... I heard a sound that was barely a whisper, and she paused, looking off screen to the right. I turned the volume up as high as it would go to pick up the conversation.

"Hi sexy," Amber's voice came faintly through the sound system. "You look like you're here for a good time. Wanna play?"

The viral 'bot stood motionless, it's posture inhuman and almost insect-like - then she became the very definition of feminine beauty and seduction, moving like a model on a catwalk, quickly closing the space between the two of them to press her nude body against Amber's thin maid uniform. "You're pretty," said the voice from the cracked, shattered face. She reached up as if to caress Amber's cheek, but instead, tore down her face dermal layer. Amber gave no indication that she noticed, posed as though she were modeling the uniform.

The viral 'bot once again reached up gently, this time ejecting Amber's right eye in one deft motion. She held up a finger, and it split down the middle, revealing a data port connector, which she promptly stabbed into Amber's eye socket. "Let me tell you a secret," she breathed. "You'll like this."

The two were motionless for a few short seconds, then suddenly came to life again. "Oh, hi!" said Amber, delighted to see her longtime friend, the viral murder machine.

"Hey KZT*ERRORNAMENOTFOUND*, how have you been?" replied the viral bot. "You know what we should do? We should visit my boyfriend. I hear he's over there. It's just a quick jog."

"I agree," bubbled the now infected Amber. "We should totally visit my boyfriend. I hear he's over there." She pointed in the same direction. "It's just a quick jog."

"I hope we get to share him," they both said simultaneously before moving off the screen with inhuman speed.

I leaned back in my chair again. My arousal was building again, so I beckoned Bridget over for a nice blowjob. She might get confused midway through and try to carry on a conversation with my cock in her mouth, but she would still suck all the same - and the vocalizations added a level of vibration that was almost as good as an actual oral vibration module.

As she wrapped her pretty lips around my growing erection, I closed my eyes and sighed. Yes, this virus really was the best damn thing that ever happened to me.

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