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Coming soon...
His name was Greg Phillips, and the year was 2114.  He was a somewhat handsome, yet ordinary 25-year old man of slightly above average height, with hazel eyes, and light brown hair. Up until a few days ago, he was the happiest man in the world. He was a college graduate with a well-paying, entry level job as an analyst at the local FBI field office in San Francisco, CA. Life was good: he had a nice, affordable place to live, and he also had a beautiful girlfriend with whom he had been dating for over three years since meeting her while he still worked at the local department store.

“I can’t wait until you get home,” Greg said, kissing Sabrina as she got ready to head out to work for her 12pm to 8pm shift.
“Me too,” she smiled, “Then we can finally go see that movie.”
“Yeah,” he said, “Hurry back!”
“I promise,” she said, and she headed out the door.
Unfortunately, she never made it home.  As she was pulling out of the parking lot at work after a long shift, she was struck by a drunk driver.  After treating her for several days, the doctors finally informed him she was brain dead. Greg was devastated.
Still, the one thing that kept him from going completely crazy was the fact that her stepdad, John, was there for him.  One day, while Greg was sitting at her bedside, John walked in and calmly pulled up a chair next to him; he did not seem too distraught.
He handed Greg a coffee and said, “Son, I know you must feel like shit right now, but I think I might be able to help."
“How could you help?” he asked, “Do you mean you could fix her brain?”
“Unfortunately not,” he said, “but the company I work for is heavily involved in cybernetics, and one of the products we are currently working on is an artificial humanoid replacement."
“I’m not sure what you’re getting at” Greg admitted.
“Well, we can’t actually transfer a person’s soul to a machine…yet,” he said, “But we have managed to come up with a way of essentially downloading their memories, personality, and experiences as raw data and installing it into an artificial brain with a sophisticated A.I. to emulate them that would then be placed into an exact robotic copy of that person’s body.”
“So, a robotic clone?”
“Yes. It would look, sound, smell, and act exactly like Sabrina here, though it would only be a copy."
“Are you saying you can make a new Sabrina?” Greg asked, still not quite believing what he was hearing.
“Yes, we’ve been successful in over 90% of our test trials, even in cases where the person was brain dead, like Sabrina."
“How are you able to make them look realistic?” he asked, a little skeptical, since the only humanoid robots he was aware of had plastic-like skin and very basic features.
“I’m afraid I can’t go into any details just yet, since we're just entering the beta phase” he said, “Suffice to say my company has been developing the concurrent technologies used to build these human robots for a little over a century now.”
“So, I would just continue my life with a copy that looks like her?” Greg asked, “As much as would like to have that, especially with my robot fetish, we were hoping to have a family together and I don’t see that happening with a robot.”
“I know you two were hoping to have kids in a few years after she got out of college,” he nodded, “But you have no need to worry. We can salvage Sabrina’s eggs from her body and put them on ice for whenever the two of you are ready.”
“Good,” Greg said, “and how much would this cost me?” Greg asked, starting to feel hopeful and excited for the first time since the accident.
“Absolutely nothing,” he stated simply, “Aside from the fact that she was my stepdaughter and I am personally for this plan, you would essentially be beta testing this android in the field,” he explained, “As such, for helping us through the beta phase, she would be completely free, as would all of her future repairs, upgrades, and new bodies.”
“New bodies?”
“Yes, we can only age a body so much before it needs to be replaced,” he explained, “I mean, you don’t expect her to look 23 forever, right?”
“No, I suppose not,” Greg said, then chuckled. “That would be nice, though."
“I’m sure it would,” John smiled, standing up and holding out his hand, “Are you in?”
“Yes!” Greg said, getting up and shaking John's hand, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” he said with a big smile, “It’ll take me a little while to get approval from my superiors, and a few more days after that to construct her,” he said, “So expect her in a few weeks."
“I will,” Greg said, finally having something good to look forward to.
=Part 1=
==Part 1.1: Reunion==
==Part 1.1: Reunion==
Over the next few weeks, John and Greg made several arrangements with her place of employment since her status had to be secretly changed from deceased to alive.  Fortunately, Greg still had some pull with the management since he had worked there for over five years.  When word finally arrived that her body was finished, he arranged to have a whole week off work and waited eagerly for her replacement to arrive.  John planned on bringing her over in the evening, after Greg returned home from work, so he left work a little early, took a shower, and then waited...though, he was not good at waiting, so he nervously paced around his apartment instead.
Finally, at about 5pm, the doorbell rang.
“Alright, just stay calm Greg,” Greg said to himself as he approached the door, controlling his breathing and heart rate.  It had been more than three weeks since Sabrina had died, and the thought of having a new one, a robotic one, was exciting.  Greg opened the door to John carrying a medium-sized box, and another man hauling a metal box large enough for a human body on a dolly.
“Where do you want it?” John asked.
“Right here,” Greg said, showing them where to place it, “In the living room.”
Once they had the box situated in the living room, the other man left while John stayed.
“Alright Greg, before I let you turn her on, I need to go over a few things,” he said, sitting down on the couch with Greg.
“Okay,” Greg said.
“Now, R. Sabrina, which is her official robot name, is the most advanced android we have ever created,” he started, “she can get wet, she can eat and drink, which means she does also perspire and excrete, and almost anything else a human could do."
“Sounds simple enough,” Greg nodded with great interest.
“Now, even though she will acquire much of her energy from the food and drink she consumes, as well as from various micro solar panels installed throughout her body and kinetic energy from moving around, she will still need to be plugged in occasionally."
“Will she need to be plugged in right now?”
“No, we already charged her up for you, but she will still need to eat regularly, starting today, in order to maintain the charge," he explained, "But don't worry, she will be able to tell you when she needs to be plugged in."
“Will be aware of the fact that she’s a android?"
“Yes,” he said, “we aren’t planning on making sleepers, since they would require tremendous processing power to maintain the illusion, and besides, I thought you both had robo-fetishes anyway."
“Well, I suppose I do,” Greg said, blushing a little.
John chuckled. “Well, she will be able to tickle that fetish as well as both your foot fetishes."
“Good," Greg sighed, "Can she be programmed, or reprogrammed?”
“No,” he said, “You can’t permanently modify her personality or memories...otherwise it wouldn’t be Sabrina, now would it?”
“I suppose not," Greg agreed, "I was more worried about someone else reprogramming her."
“Don’t worry,” he said, “No technology exists, or will ever exist, that can reprogram her.”
“That’s a relief."
“Now, one more thing before I leave you two alone,” he said, pulling out a 10.5in tablet, “This tablet is your link to her diagnostic and remote systems.”
“What can I do with it?” Greg asked, carefully taking it from John and examining it before placing it on the coffee table.
“It connects to all her systems wirelessly so you can check to see if anything is wrong,” he said, “and you can also use it to see what she sees, and hear what she hears wherever she is, since she transmits to a proprietary satellite network,” he said, “There are also numerous control screens so you can modify her movement, actions, you name it." 
“Very nice, now how do I turn her on?” Greg asked, as he started to get up.
“Just turn on the tablet and finish the prompts to turn her on this first time,” he said, “she’ll tell you more once she is activated."
“Thanks John,” Greg said, walking with him to the door.
“Just enjoy your reunion and bring her to our place for dinner in a few nights,” he said, “and one more thing, since she’s basically an advanced prototype we’ve given to you for field testing, she may have a few glitches and malfunctions, but she should self-correct and automatically install fixes while she is sleeping.”
“Okay,” Greg said, “Wait, what’s in that other box you gave me?” he asked, looking over at the medium sized plastic box John had left near the larger one.
“Just some backup parts,” he shrugged, “A few extra hands, feet, and other parts,” he explained, “Even an extra head,” he added, “That way you can simply replace the part instead of taking her in for a major fix."
“Well, I’d better be going now,” John said, and once he left, Greg closed the door and locked it, making sure he wouldn’t be disturbed.
With her stepfather gone, Greg finally had the place to himself...that is, until he turned on his new girlfriend.  He promptly locked the doors and closed the windows, and even disconnected the phone so he would not be disturbed.  With that all done, he slowly walked back into the living room and approached the large box. 
“Alright, why don’t we take a look at you before turning you on,” Greg said, and he typed in his security key in the key pad and then stood back as the box opened to reveal the dormant form of R. Sabrina.
R. Sabrina was a girl in her early twenties, 23 to be exact.  She stood at about 5”9, with long, curly, dark brown hair, and had a medium figure with a pair of C-cup breasts and was of mixed Mexican/American heritage.  She was currently wearing the same work outfit that the original Sabrina wore on the night of her accident, even down to the pink nail polish on her fingers, along with ear and nose piercings.  Her outfit was a short sleeved black polo, with a pair of black pants and black ballets.  When he got closer to her, he was astonished to discover that she even smelled like she had just worked Sabrina’s full shift; the body odor mixed with her usual coconut perfume.  With this remarkably realistic, and accurate, copy of Sabrina before him, he couldn’t help but choke up a little, since he knew this was not the Sabrina that he knew.  Still, as long as she had all of Sabrina’s memories and personality, that had to make her a suitable replacement.
“I hope you don’t mind if I feel you to see how real you are,” he managed to said, staring at her sleeping face for a brief moments before smiling and grabbing one of her arms. 
“Wow! I don’t know how they did it, but you feel exactly like the real Sabrina did...except a bit cold,” he said, feeling her left forearm and admiring the hairs and imperfections in the skin.  He also looked at her hand and admired all of the fingerprints.  “Let’s see if we can turn you on,” he said letting go of her arm after looking at her sleeping face and wanting to see her look more lively.  After returning to the table where he left the tablet, he picked it up and activated it.
“Wow, this thing is cool!” he said, looking at the detailed status screens that popped up. 
Since R. Sabrina wasn’t yet active, many of them were showing no activity, but there were a few screens displaying her current energy levels, and her wireless status.  After looking at all the options available to him, he found the activation sequence was at the top.  Taking one more look at her dormant stance, he keyed in his activation code and tapped the activate button.  Once he did so, all of the other status indicators came alive: CPU, memory, motor systems, A.I.  When he looked up from the tablet, he saw that her body was becoming more alive too.  The skin was turning pink where before it was pale, almost as though a blush-fire were spreading across her body; she also started to breathe.
Looking back down at the tablet, he saw a generic startup text appear:
Prototype unit RXX1 activated…running preliminary diagnostics…diagnostics complete, no errors found…loading all systems…systems loaded… now starting A.I…A.I. loaded…starting human emulation…host human R. Sabrina loaded.
When he saw that everything was loaded, he looked back up and saw that, while she looked more alive, she still looked as though she were asleep.
“Hmm, That’s odd, I wonder if something went wrong,” he said, putting the tablet down and slowly approaching her.  As he approached her, he could see her chest rising in rhythm with her breaths, and that her skin now looked fully alive.  He slowly got closer to take a look at her face, when…
“BOO!!!” she yelled, suddenly coming to life.
To say Greg was startled was an understatement.  He gave off what could best be described as a shriek, goose bumps formed on his skin, and the hairs stood up on his arms and neck.  His heart raced so much he thought he was going into cardiac arrest, and he could hardly breathe.  Fortunately, the aforementioned symptoms lasted only a few seconds, and when he recovered he saw her laughing hysterically.
“I knew I’d get you one of these days,” she laughed.
One of the things Greg used to do to the original Sabrina at the department store they both worked at to get her attention was to scare her whenever he happened to be walking by.  He swore he was impossible to scare…apparently he was wrong.
“Hey! That’s not fair,” he said, catching his breath and smiling at her; he almost forgot she wasn’t the original Sabrina.
“Well, after I activated, I just couldn’t resist,” she said, still laughing.
“So, how do you feel?” he asked, “Do you have all of Sabrina’s memories?”
“I feel fine Greg,” she said, regaining her composure, “And I do have access to all of her memories, why else would I have scared you?”
“I’m sorry, this is just too weird,” he said, “It was only a few weeks ago I watched over you, I mean her, brain dead on a hospital bed."
“Yeah, fortunately the memories of the crash aren’t in me,” she said, “I only have everything leading up to before she got in the car."
“So, do you feel like Sabrina, or do you feel like a copy?” he asked carefully.
“A bit little of both,” she said, trying to come up with a better answer, “It’s more like I’m a blank person who was given someone else’s memories and personality and now gets to live that person’s life."
“I think I understand."
“Well, I’m sure we’ll both get used to this strange situation as time goes on,” she smiled assuringly.
“Yeah, I’m sure we will,” he agreed.
“So, what do you think of me?” she asked, turning around to give him a full look at her body.
“You look exactly like Sabrina, and you even talk, and act, like her."
“Thanks,” she smiled, “I think it took my stepdad’s company years to come up with the way my A.I. works."
“I’ll bet!"
“So,” she said delicately, “How have you been holding up these past few weeks?”
“I’ve been fine,” he said honestly, “Obviously, I’d be in a much worse state if I hadn’t known you were being built.”
“I see,” she said a little awkwardly, “Do you think we can sit down now? My legs are getting a little tired,” she said, trying to change the subject.
“Oh, of course,” he said, and they walked over to the common room and sat down in opposing chairs, pulling a table over to place the tablet on.
“This is much better,” she said, settling in.
“Yeah, I guess this is the first time you’ve ever sat down."
“Well, robot me,” she laughed.
“Yeah, I wasn’t even sure you could get tired."
“Well, I do have synthetic muscles, and they are susceptible to just as much stress as real muscles,” she said, “In essence, I can get tired."
“Huh, that sounds smart."
“Yeah, but I can ignore it if I want,” she shrugged.
“I would hope so,” he said, “So, how much can you remember about the last day of Sabrina’s life?”
“Let’s see,” she said, putting on a thinking expression, “umm…umm…umm,” she said, starting to repeat herself.
“Sabrina, are you alright?” he asked, watching her continue to repeat herself.
“Umm…umm…umm,” was all she said.
“Hmmm, looks like your first malfunction,” he said, picking up the tablet to see what was wrong. 
It didn’t take long to see what the problem was.  Apparently she was having a small problem accessing her memories, but her self-correction program was currently attempting to resolve the issue.  The progress bar was at 25%, with a few minutes to go.
“Well, as long as I’m waiting, I may as well get a closer look at you,” he said, and he put the tablet down, got up, and leaned in towards her face, which was repeating the word ‘umm’ with the same inflection and expression each time.
As much as he wanted this android to be exactly like Sabrina, he was glad to see this small breaking of the façade.  He was sure that if he were the one to become an android and she were still alive, she would be just as interested, since they both had a robo-fetish.  The blank look in her hazel colored eyes was turning him on.  After he was finished looking at her blank expression, he sat back down and looked at the tablet, which now showed 90% and only a few seconds left.  A few seconds later, it showed the issue was resolved and that the A.I. would be resuming.
“umm…umm…well, I just remember working a full 8-hours and then heading to my car,” she finally finished, shaking her head, “Wow, that felt weird."
“You mean your malfunction?”
“Yeah, it seems there was a minor issue with accessing Sabrina’s memories,” she said, “my self-correction program created a temporary fix, but try not to ask me to access any specific memories until after I sleep tonight so it can create a permanent fix."
“Alright, but are you okay now, at least?”
“Yes," she assured him, "Remember, I am a prototype after all, so I’m bound to have at least a few bugs in the first few days."
“I suppose so."
“So, is there anything that you want to do with me tonight?” she asked with a suggestive look.
“Yes, it looks like I can use this tablet to control you,” he said, “Would you mind?”
“Not at all,” she smiled, “Though I’ll have to go over some aspects of that with you tomorrow."
“Fair enough,” he smiled back.

==Part 1.2: Playtime==
==Part 1.2: Playtime==
Once he had the tablet activated again, and the main screen unlocked, he asked, “So, what should I try out first?”
“Why don’t you activate my visual readout,” she suggested, “I think you might find it interesting."
“Okay,” he shrugged, and after looking through the tools tab, he tapped the one labelled ‘visual’.  “Cool!” he said, once the visual system loaded on his screen.
The visual system showed everything that R. Sabrina’s eyes were seeing, which at the moment was him staring down at the screen in awe.  Her visual feed looked as normal as his vision with no obvious enhancements in quality or clarity, though he could also see that she had a HUD that she could use to control her own systems and see her own basic status readouts; her current energy levels were at 99.8%.  The only thing letting Greg know he was seeing from Sabrina’s point of view, instead of some camera,. was her eyelashes barely visible at the top and bottom of the feed.  In addition to her diagnostic readouts, he also noticed a small box around his face with a line pointing to his name, with a basic readout of his stats; it appeared she was equipped with some sophisticated facial recognition. 
“So, this HUD, and all the information in your line of vision, doesn’t bother you?”
“No, I think it’s actually kinda cool."
“I’ll say,” he smiled, “Hey, it looks like I can control what you look at,” he said, seeing a control for her eyes.
“Try it."
“Okay,” he said, and he tapped the eye icon and then saw the vision window split in two, each section showing the visual readout for one of her eyes.  There was also a control in the middle to control the direction of both eyes simultaneously, which he chose to try out first.
“Wow, this is weird,” Sabrina said, since her eyes started moving without her control.
“I’ll bet,” Greg said, seeing her point of view change as he moved his finger across the directional circle on the tablet screen.  He also found he could adjust the focus, and he saw the irises in each eye adjust accordingly.  It appeared she could focus slightly better than a human could; her visual acuity was approximately 20/8.
“I’m going to move each eye separately now,” he said, and he moved his finger to her left eye control and watched as her right eye stayed where it was, but her left eye started moving.
“Wow, this is really weird,” she said, when he started moving the other eye too, it looked like her eyes were bouncing around.
“Yeah, the way your eyes are bouncing around make you look a little crazy,” he laughed.
“Greg, can you stop now?” she asked suddenly, “The constant movement is causing severe strain on my CPU."
“Oh, sorry,” he said, quickly returning control of her eyes to her.
“Thanks, and it’s okay,” she said, blinking her eyes a few times and smiling again.
“You’re not dizzy, are you?”
“I’m not sure I can get dizzy,” she admitted, “my CPU was just having trouble processing the different visual feeds from both eyes at the speed you were moving them."
“Oh,” he said, “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry, my CPU's back to normal would have needed to keep it up for several more minutes to have caused any serious problems."
“Oh, good,” he said, sounding relieved.
“Well, what do you want to do with me next?”
“Well, let’s see,” he said, and he perused through the tablet until he got to her full body screen. From there, he saw he could control any of her limbs, and he could also see where her panels were, as well as how to remove parts of her body.  “ looks like I can remove your head, amongst other things.”
“Yeah, each of my limbs can be removed as well."
“Well, would you mind if I removed just your head?” he asked, “To be honest, I’ve always secretly fantasized about removing your head if you were an android,” he admitted with a blush.
“Aww, that’s sweet,” she blushed back, “Go ahead! I’m as eager to experience the features of this body as you are!"
“Thanks,” he said, blushing a little as he got up, “You will be alright, right?”
“Yes," she assured him, "my A.I. and memory storage is in my head, and my head has its own power source which can last at least a few hours before needing to be reattached."
“Okay," he nodded, feeling more comfortable, "will you still be able to control your body wirelessly, at least?”
She shook her head. “Unfortunately not.  It is possible, but it would require a tremendous amount of processing power to handle the coordination, and they were unable to fit it in my body...I am a prototype, after all."
“I understand," he nodded, "well, are you ready?"
She gave him a nod, "As ready as I'll ever be."
He flashed her a quick smile, getting up from his chair and walking up behind her. He followed the instructions listed on the tablet and parted the hair at the back of her neck, revealing a small freckle which he pressed.
“Cranial unit manual release engaged...stand by,” Sabrina said in a clipped tone, clearly reciting a computerized message.  Once she recited the message, a seam appeared around her neck below the freckle, and there was a slight hiss of air as a whirring noise came from within her neck.  When the noises stopped, he carefully lifted her head above her neck and looked down at the mechanical opening where her head used to be connected.  He could clearly make out the tubes that air, and food and liquids made their way from her throat down to the rest of her body.  He could also see the data ports where her head connected, as well as a few support frames that shaped her neck.  He was also able to see down to her lap where her hands were resting calmly on her lap; her head was a bit heavy.
“Are you still with me?” he asked, once he processed everything there was to see of her open neck.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she said in a digitized version of her voice, “This is cool!”
“Good,” he said, carefully turning her head around to face him as he carefully walked back to his chair.  Once he was seated, he gently rested her head on his lap and gazed down at her.
“Wow, this is a fascinating experience!” she said, smiling up at him.
“How does it feel?”
“Oddly relaxing,” she admitted, “I’m not expending any processing power controlling the rest of my body, or breathing, or regulating my power systems."
“And it sounds like your voice is coming from a speaker."
"It is," she confirmed, "that's because I don’t have access to my lungs, and therefore can't use my vocal chords."
“But then, why are your lips are still moving?"
“Because I’m programmed to lip synch in order to maintain the façade,” she explained, “though I can suspend that function if you like,” she offered with a wink.
“Can you?” he asked sheepishly, “Just for a while at least.”
“Sure,” she said, though she said it without moving her mouth at all; her face did form a brief smile.
“Wow, this is turning me on and creeping me out at the same time,” he said, feeling an odd feeling in his guts, and his member growing harder.
“Same here,” she said, once again not moving her mouth.
“I’m curious, since you’re talking with a speaker, are you able to speak with anyone else’s voice?”
“I’m not sure."
“Well, why don’t you try talking with my voice,” he suggested, “You’ve certainly heard it enough to have it memorized."
“Okay, I’ll try,” she said, and a few seconds later, she said, “How does this sound?”  Unfortunately, it was still in her own voice.
“Like you."
“Oh well,” she said, sounding disappointed, “I’m sure it’s possible for me to speak with someone else’s voice...I’ll have to ask my dad about that,” she said, “So, how long would you like me to talk like this?”
“For a little while longer,” he said, “I want to play around with your face, and look around in your mouth, and it would be difficult if your face is moving."
“Oh, good idea then,” she said, winking at him instead of smiling.
“I thought so,” he winked back.
“Well, my face is yours to play with for the moment,” she said, “It’ll help reduce my CPU load a little bit too.”
“Win-win,” he smiled, and then he put his hands on her face and started manipulating it, making her smile, frown, and put on a stoic expression.
“Hmmmm, your hands feel nice,” she said in a relaxed voice, as he was moving her face around.  Despite her not moving her face, he could see her cheeks blushing.
“Thanks, your skin feels so real,” he said, blushing as well.
“Yeah, they synthesize it from skin samples from the original Sabrina’s body,” she said, “I think it took them several decades to develop the technology to make my skin.”
“Well, they did an excellent job,” he said, opening her eyes more and then picking her head up and bringing it to his face so he could get a closer look at her eyes.
“Whoa! Extreme close-up,” she giggled, since his eyes were mere inches from hers.
“Yeah, I want to see how real your eyes are,” he said, looking closely at both hazel eyes.  He was amazed at how real they looked.  He could see the irises change to the lighting, and he could also see the veins in her eyes.
“They are pretty real, the most advanced bio-mechanics ever developed,” she said, “Your eyes look pretty nice too,” she said, her eyes focusing on his.
“Thanks,” he said, “Is it safe to touch your eyes?”
“Not while they’re still attached,” she warned, “It might damage them while they’re still active.”
“Oh well, thought I’d ask,” he said, “does your face come off?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she laughed, though the laughter sounded weird without her mouth moving.
“Just making sure, I was hoping you would say no."
“Yeah, my face is too intricately attached to be removable."
“I thought so,” he said, “I’m going to look around in your mouth now."
“Go ahead,” she said, “And don't worry, the moisture from my tongue and the inside of my mouth mostly receded when my head was detached, so your fingers shouldn't get too wet."
“Wow, good to know,” he said, and he grabbed her chin and carefully pried open her mouth.
“My mouth is also capable of cleaning itself while I sleep, so no more brushing,” she said, as he looked inside her open mouth.
“Cool, that’ll save you a few minutes a day,” he said, looking closely at her small teeth and then feeling her realistic, yet dry, tongue; her mouth was very clean.
“He he, I can taste your fingers...they taste a little salty."
“Probably my perspiration," he smiled, "Well, I’m done with your face, so you can lip-synch again, if you want” he said, closing her mouth and pulling his hands away.
“Thanks,” she said, once again moving her mouth and the rest of her face and smiling up at him.
“Is there anything else I can do with your head?” he asked, looking over at her headless body which was still just sitting there.
“Yes. You can open my head and see my brain."
“Is it safe?”
“Sure,” she said, “In the next few weeks, Dad'll probably be sending you some processor upgrades for me as he analyzes the data I send him,” she said, “So you'll definitely need to know how to access my brain.”
“If he has upgrades available, why didn’t he just install the more powerful ones already?”
“Because he needs to calibrate them with my systems as they continue to develop, otherwise I might experience an overload or some other malfunction."
“Oh, that makes sense,” he said, “If I’m reading this correctly, I have to remove your scalp to access your brain, right?” he asked, looking up the schematics for her head on the tablet.
“Alright, here goes then.  He picked her head up, turning it around and pressing a small discolored area at the base of her hairline.  Once he did, he felt a click and heard a hiss as a seam appeared above the spot he pressed.
“Scalp panel manual release” she said in a clipped tone.
“Wow, this is cool,” Greg said as he lifted the panel containing her long, thick hair above her head and looked at the awesome technology inside her head cavity.
“Please don’t mess up my hair."
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he said, and he carefully placed her scalp down next to him, being careful to keep the hair from tangling.  Once he had it set, he looked back into her open head. 
The panel removed her entire scalp from the back of her head to the tops of her ears and the top of her forehead.  In the front portion he could see the backend of what made her face work, including the mechanisms controlling her eyes, which from the back end looked like cameras with organic material at the end.  He could also see a bunch of tiny fiber optics connecting to what looked like synthetic muscles, and the area where her mouth was.  Near the back, with fiber optics going in and out of it, was a complex array of processors and circuits.  Each of the processors, which were the size of a penny, were connected to a strange looking device in the middle. It was semi-transparent, made out of some kind of metallic-plastic alloy and had what appeared to be a bluish, organic compound in it.
“Sabrina, what’s this device attached to all the processors?” he asked, getting a closer look.
“That’s me,” she said, “My brain, which houses my A.I., memories, and personality."
“Wow!” he said, “But what’s with the blue liquid stuff inside?”
“The latest in organic computing,” she replied, “Organic computing shatters all the limits that circuit boards have,” she explained, “Otherwise my consciousness would have to be contained in a computer the size of the couch."
“Cool! I didn’t know it would be that small,” he said, gently touching it and feeling the warmth it was giving off.
“Yeah, in older models there was a lot of wasted space with maintenance monitors, so they had to put the brain in the torso,” she explained, “With me, they outsourced everything to the tablet and installed a wireless link to it, which is considerably smaller and freed up a lot of space.”
“Still, if this organic computer is supposed to mimic a human brain, I would have thought it would have been closer to the size of an actual brain."
“Well, they also outsourced several functions to other parts of my body,” she explained, “Basically, I have a decentralized brain."
“I’m not quite sure what that means."
“Well, the brain you are seeing now houses my memories, and the dark object you might be able to see at the bottom is the mechanical portion with my A.I. and primary CPU,” she said, “And some of those sub processors surrounding my brain handle my head’s sensory information, such as visual, smell, taste, and sounds."
“Okay, but then what about the parts of your brain that are supposed to control movement and other stuff?”
“There’s a large array in my torso which processes all my primary motor functions, and my overall sense of touch,” she said, “It also handles all involuntary functions, such as digestion, power systems, and temperature controls, and it links up to smaller sub-processors in my arms, legs, hands, and feet which help with sensory and motor data."
“Wow, strangely that all makes sense,” he said, “So, can your organic brain here be removed?”
“Yes, but let’s not do that now…I’m afraid it might cause an error since I haven’t been online for very long."
“Alright,” he said, “Is there anything else I can do in here?”
“If you are very careful, you can probably remove one of my eyes."
“Really?” he asked, “Let me see,” he said, and he looked closer into the cavity near the front section and saw the backend of both her eyes.  Upon closer inspection, he saw what looked like small release tabs at the end of each one.  He decided on her left eye and pressed each release tab.
“Whoa, that was weird,” Sabrina said suddenly.
“How so?” he asked, carefully pulling on the component until it started sliding out.  He was surprised how long it was, and the level of intricacy in the components.  Finally, the entire optical array came out.  He was somewhat shocked to see a realistic looking eyeball attached to the end, with all the coloring still in place.
“Well, I’ve only got one eye now,” she said in an obvious tone, “Please do be careful with it."
“Don’t worry, I will,” he assured her, getting a closer look at the awesome biomechanical eye in his hands, “I wonder why your dad’s company hasn’t made eyes like these for humans."
“Probably because the human would need parts of their brains removed and replaced with mechanical components and they don’t feel comfortable doing that just yet."
“Oh, that makes sense,” he said, “Did you want to see what your optical array looks like?”
“Sure, though remember to hold it in front of my right eye,” she laughed.
“I know,” he laughed, and he carefully spun her head back around and showed her the optical array in his hands.  If he thought the eye in his hands was weird, seeing Sabrina missing an eye and being able to see all the way through the opening to where her brain was.
“Cool,” she said, “Now could I have it back now?”
“Sure,” he said, and he turned her head back around and carefully reinserted her eye, eliciting an audible sigh of relief from when her eye was back in place.
“Thanks,” she said, “There’s not much else you can do in there, so you should probably reattach my scalp now.”
“Alright,” he said, and he carefully reattached her scalp and placed her back in his lap with her head facing up at him.
“Here we are again,” she smiled.
“Yep,” he smiled back, “So, is there anything else you’d like me to do with you?”
“Let me think a moment,” she said, and after a few moments, she smiled and said, “Hey, why don’t you toss me onto the couch?”
“Are you crazy?” he asked, since from where he was standing, the couch was roughly six feet away, “Won’t that damage you if I happen to miss and you hit the floor?”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she said, using her eyebrows to mimic a shrug since she had no shoulders, “My skull is made of a titanium alloy, and my brain is reinforced from shock damage."
“Oh,” he said, “And what about your skin and musculature?”
“It’s only a few feet,” she assured him, “Go on, I’ll even record my visual feed for you to watch later."
“Alright,” he gave in, “I apologize in advance if I miss,” he warned her, “You know how much I suck at throwing."
“I know, but I have faith in you sweetie,” she smiled, knowing he hated that ‘f’ word.
“Oh, now you’ve done it!” he yelled in mock anger, and he faced her forwards in his hands, holding her below her chin and then he tossed her over the table and onto the couch.  As soon as she left his hands, he heard her go “Wheeeeee!” as her head arced through the air, and the moment she landed face first on the plush couch with a loud thump, he heard her laughing.
“Wow, I actually made it,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief as he walked over to the couch; he could still hear her laughing.  “Sabrina, you okay?” he asked, carefully picking her head up so she was facing him.
Sabrina was still laughing, with a gleeful smile on her face.  It was a few seconds before he realized something was wrong, because her laugh almost sounded looped and her face was frozen in the gleeful smile.
“Sabrina,” he said again, looking worried.
Sabrina just continued laughing the looped laugh, until suddenly her face went stoic and she said, “Error…shock to primary A.I. systems…catastrophic damage detected…shutting doooowwwwn,” she said, the last bit ending in a slow drone.
“Damn it,” Greg said, staring into Sabrina’s lifeless eyes, “You’re still a prototype, why’d you make me throw you?” he asked, starting to wonder what to do.  He brought her face a little closer so he could tenderly kiss her lips, when suddenly…
“BOOO!!” she screamed, her face suddenly coming to life.
“AHH!” he yelled out, the sudden adrenaline rush causing him to drop Sabrina’s head straight down onto the floor.
“Ouch!” she said, once hit the floor.
“Damn Sabrina! You scared the shit out of me…again,” he said, catching his breath as he looked down at her head, which had landed on its cheek just in front of his bare left foot, “Don’t think I feel sorry for you about the pain of hitting the floor."
“Totally worth it,” she laughed.
“Ugh,” he said in mock frustration, as it seemed Sabrina was getting revenge for all the times he scared her from the grave.  He slowly bent down to his knees and looked at her, “So, you comfy there?”
“Yeah, I have a perfect view of your foot,” she said, and since her mouth was mere centimeters from his big toe, she reached out her tongue and tasted the tip of it.
“Hey!” he said, recoiling a little.
“Your toe tasted clean,” she said, “Did you shower before I arrived?”
“Yeah, I’d just worked a full shift,” he said, “Do you want me to pick you back up now?”
“Yes, please."
Once he picked her back up, he walked back over to the chair and sat down with her again.
“So, what did you think of my awesome acting job?” she asked, giggling a little as she said it.
“Very good,” he said, “Despite the fact you could have been damaged by me dropping you."
“I told you I would be fine,” she said, “It only hurt a little bit."
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, “so, do you want to be reunited with your body now?”
“Not quite,” she said, after thinking on that, “why don’t you test out the remote for my body instead?”
“Will it still work without your head attached?”
“Of course,” she assured him, “My body has two primary wireless links, one in my head and the other in the primary motor control system in my torso."
“Okay, so your body is still on?” he asked, looking over at her body again, which was still sitting passively with its hands resting on its lap.
“Yes, but without me, or a remote command, it can’t move."
“Oh, well let’s see if I can prop you up somewhere so you can watch,” he said, and after looking around, he placed her head on the nearby couch and supported it with a few pillows, “Comfy?”
“Yes, thanks,” she smiled, looking as though her head was coming out of the couch.
“Don’t mention it,” he smiled back, and he picked up the tablet and opened the remote function, which brought up an image of her body, minus the head.  After familiarizing himself with the way the remote function worked, he tapped on one of the highlighted areas of the right arm and slowly lifted it up with his finger.  As he did so, he saw her actual arm slowly rise from her lap, though more mechanically than organically. 
“Cool,” he said, making it move some more as he got the hang of manipulating it. “How come it’s moving like that”
“Because the motor control processors aren’t fine-tuned enough to move my limbs in a perfectly human manner, but my A.I. processor assembly is,” she explained.
“Oh, okay,” he said, and he tapped on the other arm and began making both arms wave around.
Once he got more comfortable with the controls, he had her body lower its arms and then he manipulated the controls for her legs to have her body slowly rise from the chair to its feet.  He got a little scared when he saw it wobble a little, but with no help from him, her body stabilized itself.
“What happened?” he asked, looking down at the tablet.
“My body does have some basic programming in it,” she said, “Enough so that it can keep itself from falling, even when my head is removed."
“Well, that’s good,” he said, “Wouldn’t want it to fall."
“Don’t worry, I doubt you could ever master the remote controls enough to make my body stand up perfectly,” she said, “Only my brain is smart enough to move it properly.”
“I’ll try not to take that as an insult,” he said, mockingly sounding hurt.
“It’s not,” she said, “Just an unfortunate truth,” she said smugly, “Don’t worry, you did an okay job."
“Thanks, now I’ll try walking it over to me,” he said, and he found there was a separate control for forward movement, so he merely toggled it up a little and watched as her body slowly took a step forward.  After making it successfully walk one step forward, he increased the speed to a normal walk and then had it stop a few feet in front of him.
“Good job,” Sabrina said, giving him a toothy smile, “If I had hands, I’d be clapping.”
“Thanks,” he said wryly, and then he paused a moment to look at her headless body, which was standing passively a few feet in front of him, “Would you mind if I undressed your body?”
“Yes, I would,” she said, “I want to do it myself later,” she said, “You can grope it if you like, though."
“Fair enough,” he said, and he put the tablet down on the table and stood up in front of her body. 
He stared at it for a few seconds, getting over the weirdness of her head not being there and it not breathing, before reaching out to its chest and putting both hands on her sizeable breasts.  Even through the shirt, he could still tell how real they felt and he couldn’t help but smile as he gave them a gentle squeeze.
“Well, how do they feel?”
“Perfect,” he said, giving her a boyish smile.
By the look on her face, he knew if she was still attached to her body, she would be shaking her head the way all women do when a man is acting like a man.  She finally gave a digital sigh before saying, “I suppose that’s good, is there anything else you want to do with my head?  I’ve only got about an hour and a half of power left."
“Alright,” he said, and he sat down next to her on the couch and picked up her head, “Let me take a look at something real quick,” he told her, and he flipped her head upside down so he could look at the mechanical part. 
“Why didn’t you look at that before?” she asked, not concerned that she was upside down.
“Well, I’d already seen the part on your body, so I didn’t think it would be any different,” he told her, “But now…,” he left off, seeing matching connections to the ones on her body, “Sabrina, I can see the tubes that air and food stuffs are sealed on both your body and your head.”
“Yeah, it’s to prevent contaminants from entering the tube."
“I figured as much,” he said, “Is it possible for you to manually unseal it...just for a little bit?”
“Yes, though I can only manually unseal the one on my head," she told him, "there should be a manual release near the tube connection on my body,” she said, “Why?”
“It’s about the only thing I haven’t seen yet."
“Oh, alright,” she said, and a few moments later he saw the tube unseal itself with a whirring sound.
“Thanks,” he said, taking a closer look.
“Don’t mention it,” she said, “Just be gentle in there.”
“I will,” he promised. 
He noticed that the inside of the throat tube looked just as he might expect the inside of a human throat to look like.  After looking inside it for a few seconds, he suddenly got an idea, “Sabrina, are your vocal chords in your head, or in the body?”
“They are a few inches above that opening on my head,” she answered, “What do you have in mind?”
“I’m wondering if I were to blow into this tube here, could you vocalize?”
“I can try,” she said, smiling at his idea.
“Alright,” he said, and he brought her head up to his face so the tube was at his mouth, then he covered his mouth over it and blew in.  The first time he blew in, the air merely passed all the way through her open mouth.  She apologized and said she wasn’t quite ready, so he tried again.  This time, he heard her make a moaning sound.
“Sorry, I’m afraid that’s the best sound I can make with you blowing into my throat,” she said, resealing her tube.
“At least you could make a sound,” he said, “I wonder what would happen if I blew into your body’s throat,” he said then, placing Sabrina’s head back down where it was before and standing back up next to her body.
“Try it."
“Hmm, let’s see,” he said, looking over the mechanical portion of her neck at the sealed tube.  It only took him a moment to locate the manual release, which he immediately pressed, unsealing the tube.
“Please remember to reseal it before you reattach me."
“I will,” he promised, and he carefully placed his mouth over the open tube and blew in.  As soon as he did, he saw her chest rise up as her lungs were suddenly filled with the air he blew in.  Once his mouth left the tube though, the air he blew in was forced back out.
“Cool,” Sabrina said, as she watched him blow air into her body several more times before resealing the tube and walking back over to her.
“Yeah,” he said, “I think I’ve finished having fun with you being headless…or I should say bodiless."
“Yeah,” she agreed, “Well, we’ll have the rest of our lives to play around with my features,” she smiled, “Why don’t you reattach me now?"
“Okay,” he said, and he gently picked her up, before carrying her over to her body, “So, is there anything special I need to do to reattach you?”
“Nope,” she said, “Just put my head back on my neck and my body will take it from there,” she said, looking into his eyes.
“Easy enough,” he said, and he stood in front of her body and slowly brought her head over her neck.  When it made contact, he both heard and felt a click and then her face sort of zoned out while he heard the whirring sound, most likely the head components linking up with the body components.  Once the whirring stopped, the seam quickly sealed back up, and then her body gave a slight start.
“Wow, that felt good,” she said, taking a deep breath and rubbing her neck with her hands and then stretching her arms and legs out.
“How’d it feel?” he asked, stepping back and watching her.
“Kind of like a sugar rush,” she tried to explain, “Every part of my body was suddenly rushed with energy when my head was reattached.
“I see,” he said, and before he could say anything else, he heard what sounded like a growl, “What was that?”
“I think that was my tummy,” she said, looking down at her body and smiling back up at him.
“Hmmm, I didn’t know your stomach could growl."
“Well, my stomach didn’t actually growl,” she explained, “It was actually a speaker in my torso,” she admitted, “They wanted me to sound realistic too."
“That makes sense I suppose,” he said, “Can I see if I can hear anything from your torso?”
“Sure,” she said, “But I am pretty well insulated, and they did think of just about everything."
“Still, I want to see for myself,” he said, and he leaned down at held his left ear against her bosom and her abdomen to see if he could hear anything mechanical coming from her; he couldn’t.  All he heard was what he would have expected from a breathing human woman, he even heard the stomach growl again and could not tell it was coming from a speaker.
“Do you feel hungry right now?” he asked, standing back up.
“Yes, actually,” she said, “after all, I haven’t eaten anything yet."
“I see,” he said, “I completely forgot about planning for dinner,” he said, sounding worried.
“Don’t worry,” she said, “I thought you might have, so I called and ordered pizza,” she smiled.
“While I was on the couch,” she said, “I have a phone in my brain that I can use to call out."
“But I didn’t hear you talk or anything."
“I’m a computer now sweetie,” she smiled, “I can multitask."
“Oh,” he said, “That makes sense.”
“So, the pizza should be here any minute,” she said, “But there’s one thing I want to do before we eat,” she said with a smile.
“What’s that?”
“This,” she said, and she walked forwards, put her hands on both sides of his face and gave him a nice kiss that instantly erased any feelings he had against this robot that was now living Sabrina’s life. 
Right on time, just as they broke apart, the doorbell rang.
“Well, time to eat,” she smiled, and she quickly ran to the door and took the pizza from the delivery man, while Greg, in a dazed state, walked into the kitchen to set the table.

==Part 1.3: Exploration==
==Part 1.3: Exploration==
After they ate as much pizza as they could, they put the leftovers in the fridge, washed up, and then returned to the living room to continue where they had left off.
“Thanks for the pizza, Sabrina,” Greg said, sitting back down in his chair and picking up the tablet.
“No problem!” she smiled, sitting back down across from him, though sliding her chair a little closer, “It’s the least I could do to make up for the last few weeks.”
“I’m curious,” he said, “What’s your brain’s phone number?”
“The same number as my cell,” she laughed, “Dad basically cloned my phone into my A.I., so I can still use the actual phone too."
“That’s cool,” he said, and then he swiped through a bunch of screens on the tablet.
“What are you going to do to me now?”
“I’m trying to find the screen for your digestive system,” he said, “I’m curious what kind of data this thing gathers from it."
“Oh. To be honest, I’m not sure it will be very interesting."
“Ah, here it is,” he said finally, bringing the screen up.  He was kind of let down by how boring it was though.  All it showed was how full her stomach was, and the amount of energy being generated by the five slices of pizza and the soda she had consumed.
“Yeah, I figured it would be boring,” Sabrina said, seeing the look in his face as he brought the tablet back to the home screen.
“Well, I think we’ve spent a good amount of time doing what I want to do,” he said, putting the tablet back down, “What do you want to do?”
“Well, that’s sweet,” she said, putting her hand on her heart.
“Thanks,” he said, blushing.
“Well, I said I would undress for you later, and now it is later, so…,” she said, and she scooted her chair even closer to his and then bent down to remove her shoes, “I thought I’d start with my feet, since you’ve obviously shown considerable restraint the past hour,” she smiled, and once her shoes were off, she stretched her legs out and rested her large, size 10, feet on his lap; her toenails were still painted. 
“Thanks!" He spent a little bit of time deciding which one to start with.  In the split second of indecision, she wiggled her toes, which made him grow hard. 
“Better pick before they go away,” she teased, wiggling her toes some more and pretending to pull them back.
“Oh no you don’t!” he yelled, grabbing both her feet and tickling them.
“Hey! Stop it!” she squealed playfully, squirming in her chair and giggling uncontrollably.
“Nope, you know I hate being teased,” he laughed, and he amplified the tickling, causing her to squirm even harder. 
It was a few seconds before he realized something was wrong.  She was squirming and giggling, but her eyes seemed zoned out.  “Sabrina, are you okay?” he asked, letting go of her feet and wondering if she was faking it again.
She squirmed a few seconds longer before stopping, tilting her head and saying “Error, sensory overload…Rebooting to correct error,” and her head slumped down. 
“Great,” he said, sighing a little as he waited for her to come back online. 
Fortunately, he only had to wait a few seconds before she came back to life, slumping her shoulders with a disappointed look on her face. “Wow, sorry about that.
“It’s alright,” he said, “You are a prototype after all,” he smiled, “I’m sure soon these malfunctions will be past us."
“I hope so,” she said, “So, you still didn’t pick a foot,” she smiled, looking back down at her feet on his lap and wiggling her toes.
“You won’t malfunction again, will you?” he asked, looking at them with trepidation.
“I should be fine for now," she assured him, "Just don’t tickle me until tomorrow,” she warned, “I promise I won’t tease you this time."
“Alright,” he laughed, before grabbing her right foot. 
Ever since he met her, he was always concerned about the shoes she wore because they always seemed to leave a red mark on her big toes, but she always assured him that it was because she had very pale skin.  He was pleased to see that the red mark was still there.
“Yeah, it’s still there,” she smiled, almost seeming to read his mind.
“Yeah,” he said, and he looked back down at her large foot and began rubbing it, eliciting a giggle from Sabrina. 
“I’m curious,” he said, gently feeling the bottom of her foot, “When I removed your head and scalp, you announced a manual release,” he said, now feeling her toenails, which were painted red like her fingernails, “Are you able to remove your limbs by will, or can they only be removed manually?”
“I can disengage my limbs myself," she confirmed, then added with a chuckle, "though, for obvious reasons, disengaging my own head would be a bad idea."
“I thought so," he nodded, "would you mind disengaging your right foot then, please?”
“Sure thing!”  She zoned out for a split second, and then a seam appeared above her ankle, “There, you can remove it now."
“Thanks!”  He carefully pulled her foot free of her leg and held it in his hands, remarking how heavy it felt and admiring the realism.
“Don’t mention it,” she said, watching him get used to the weight of her foot in his hands and pressing the bottom to his face, breathing in the realistic scent of her foot.
“I wonder why they made you smell so real fresh out of the box,” he said, tasting the saltiness of her big toe.
“I smelled sweaty before I was activated?” she asked, looking genuinely surprised.
“Yeah,” he said, “Maybe they wanted to reinforce the fantasy of you coming home from work, like… like Sabrina didn’t get too,” he said, choking up a little.
“Awww sweetie,” she said, leaning forward and putting her hands on his shoulders.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” he said, wiping the moisture from his eyes and hugging her, accidentally dropping her foot to the ground.
“Don’t worry about my foot, it should be okay,” she whispered into his ear, hugging him a little longer, and harder, before letting him go.  While it had momentarily caused him to choke up, he now found her familiar scent calmed him down a great deal.
“Thanks,” he said, picking her foot back up and brushing the light carpet debris off it, “I needed that.” 
"I know," she smiled knowingly.  While he picked up her foot, Sabrina grabbed her shoes with a curious expression and held them to her face, taking in a whiff, recoiling slightly at the scent, "Huh, I'm thinking the reason I seem to have body odor right now isn't because they sprayed it on me or something, but merely because they put the clothes the real Sabrina was wearing on me before shipping me out and didn't bother cleaning them," she quickly peeked under her shirt and pants, "well, except my underwear, I guess."
"Huh, that's weird," he scoffed, "Though, it was nice of them I suppose, since it offered the illusion that you had simply returned from work."
"I suppose you're right," she laughed, "though, I'm definitely tossing these clothes into the laundry later tonight."
Greg shook his head with a smile. “Here, I’m done with your foot,” he said, grabbing the stump of her right leg and clicking her foot back on.
“Thanks!” she said, wiggling the toes at him, before holding out her left foot. “Want the other one?”
“No, there'll be plenty of time for that later,” he decided, “I think I'd like to see you continue stripping."
“Alright,” she smiled, and she stood up and sexily slipped her polo over her head and flung it behind her.  Her large breasts bounced a little, though they were still confined by her light purple bra. “Well?” she smiled inquiringly, putting her hands over her bra and groping herself.
“Nice,” he nodded approvingly, trying very hard to control his breathing and heart rate.
“Well, if that didn’t turn you on, maybe this will,” she smiled, and unbuttoned her pants and slid them past her wide hips, letting them fall to her feet, where she kicked them away.  Then, she put her hands on her hips and gyrated a little, flaunting her matching pair of purple panties.
This time, he couldn’t hide his heavy breathing.  He couldn’t help but admire her large body.  She was by no means fat, but she was perfectly proportioned for her larger than average size.  “Very nice."
“Hmmm,” she smiled, sizing him up with a sexy giggle, “Do you want to take a break, or can your body handle seeing more?”
Taking a big breath, he resolutely said, “I think I can handle it.”
“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she smiled, and she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall gracefully from her large breasts to the floor, her breasts bouncing a bit upon being released from their confinement.  When she lowered her arms, she put her hands over her breasts and squeezed them a few times with her large hands. 
“Wow, I can’t believe how realistic you are,” he said, breathing more heavily; he felt his face growing hotter and hotter.
“I know,” she smiled, letting go of her breasts and watching them jiggle to a stop.  She repeated that several times before stopping with more giggles.
“Well, I was able to handle the breasts, so why don’t you finish up now?” he asked, eager to see the last bit.
“Alright,” she smiled, and she brought her hands down to her panties and slowly pulled both sides away from her skin, and then brought it down past her hips, letting it fall to the floor.  Instead of kicking them away though, she bent down, picked them up and then casually tossed them onto his lap.
“Thanks,” he said, picking them up and taking a whiff before throwing them on the ground.  He was surprised at how real the scent was, sweat mixed with a little something else. 
“Don’t mention it,” she smiled, “Now, what do you think?” she said, and she slowly rotated whilst gyrating her hips.
“You look perfect!” he complimented, admiring her pale skin and large body type, “Absolutely indistinguishable from the original Sabrina."
“Well, that’s good to hear,” she said, mockingly sounding relieved and after a few seconds of feeling her own body, she asked, “Want to feel me?”
He eyed her body up and down suggestively a few times, eliciting a giggle from her, before saying, “Sure.”
She giggled some more. “You’re such a boy!”
“Well, that’s why you love me, right?”
“Yeah,” she conceded, “Well, you gonna feel me or not?”
“Of course I am,” he said, and he quickly rose to his feet and stood in front of her.  Deciding what to do first, his eyes were immediately drawn to her large breasts.
Seeing where his eyes were looking and the small amount of hesitation in them, she said, “Greg, for this time, I want you to consider my whole body yours to play with.”
“Yes, you may feel any part of my body, inside or out,” she said with a determined look, “I need you to know how realistic I am if we are to revive this relationship.”
“Alright,” he said, feeling more confident, “Thanks."
“Don’t mention it,” she said, “Remember, I’m enjoying this just as much as you are."
“I’ll try,” he said, and then he reached out and cupped both her breasts.  Although he had groped her earlier, she was still, at that time, wearing her bra and shirt.  Now, he could feel the warmth of her skin, the reactions his touches caused to her pale skin, and the texture of her breasts.
When he squeezed them lightly and gently rubbed her nipples, she let out a content sigh and said, “Ooh, that feels nice."
“Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch,” he said, and he continued playing with her nipples, feeling them get harder.
“Me too,” she said, her cheeks getting a little red as she let out a few pleasurable moans.
After he had his fun with her breasts, he let them go, admiring their bounce before focusing on the moisture that had formed in between them, and above them as well.  “I take it you sweat for the same reasons a human does,” he said, brushing his finger through it.
“Yeah, I need to cool myself down too,” she said, “And it also makes me look and smell more realistic.”
“I thought so,” he said, wiping it off on his shirt and then letting both hands feel the side of her torso, including her ribs, “Wow, you even seem to have a rib cage."
“Yeah, I do have the same basic skeletal structure as a human,” she said, “Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to look, or move around, like a human.”
“That makes sense,” he said, now rubbing her smooth abdomen, causing her to giggle a little and her muscles to contract. 
“It does,” she agreed, “The only difference is that I don’t have a bunch of large, icky organs taking up space in my body."
“Do you have a panel I can open to see inside you?"
“Yes, but I’ll show you later when we go into the bedroom," she told him, "there’s other things I need to show you first.”
“Okay,” he said, and he continued his exploration of her body, admiring her pale arms, “Could you lift your arms up for me?”
“Like this?” she asked, and she sexily lifted both arms above her head as though she were stretching.
“That works,” he laughed, focusing on her smooth armpits.  He was surprised to feel the tips of armpit hairs still trying to grow out, “Do your armpit hairs actually grow?”
“Yeah, all my hair does,” she said, “So I do still have to shave to keep this nice body looking nice."
“Well, speaking of hair,” he said, looking down at her vagina, “I’m going to have to sit down for this one, would you mind moving closer?”
“Sure,” she said, and she stepped a little closer to him as he sat down, “is this close enough?”
“Yes, thanks,” he smiled, giving her a thumbs up before looking at her vagina in front of him. 
Just as with the original Sabrina, the hair above her vagina was neatly groomed, with the hair kept very short; her vagina looked just as real as well.  Remembering her words, he let his fingers trace the edge of her lips and then he carefully inserted them inside, causing her to moan in both surprise and pleasure.
“Don’t stop!” she said, sensing his hesitation at her slight outburst.
“Alright,” he said, and he continued plunging his fingers in deeper, admiring the warmth and realism inside, as well as the wetness that was occurring due to her increasing sexual arousal, “Sabrina, do you think with this new android body and all that you're technically a virgin again?” he asked after pulling his fingers out, since he'd had sex with the original Sabrina on numerous occasions.
“Huh, interesting question,” she asked, recovering from her arousal, “I suppose I am...technically,” she said, giving him a kinky smile.
“We’ll have to correct that later then,” he said, returning the kinky smile. He smelled the residue on his fingers and wiped them off on the couch. “Now, why don’t you turn around so I can examine the other end?”
“Sure,” she said, and she slowly turned around until her butt was facing him.
“Wow, I’m not sure I’ve ever told you this Sabrina, but you have a nice ass,” he said, looking at her pert butt.
“You have, but thanks anyway,” she smiled over her shoulder.
“Could you bend over real quick?”
“Alright,” she said, and she slowly bent over, putting her hands on the nearby table to support herself.
“Thanks,” he said, and he grabbed both cheeks and spread them.  Even though her dad told him she excreted the food she eats, he was still surprised nonetheless to see a realistic butthole. “I still find it hard to believe that you still have to poop,” he said, feeling the opening with his finger.
“Well, the stuff I eat has to come out somewhere,” she said, “Though, my body is able to use a little bit more of what I eat, so my poop will be a little different."
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” he said, not interested enough in her new nature to find out the differences in that regard.  Still, seeing that she was fresh out of the box and she had only eaten less than an hour ago, he decided to plunge his finger up the hole.
“Whoa!” she yelled, squirming a little.
“Did that hurt?” he asked, quickly taking his finger back out.
“No, it’s just I’ve never felt anything go in there before,” she said, blushing a little as she turned back around to face him.
“Oh,” he said, “Well, you seem to be remarkably clean in there,” he said, “not smelling anything from his finger."
“For now,” she said, “though just like with my mouth, I have special bacteria in me that cleans out all my orifices while I sleep."
“I wish I had that."
“Well, are you finished feeling me?”
“For now."
“Good, then I want to show you my panel now,” she said, standing back up, “I’ll have to lie down for this, so follow me,” she said, walking into their bedroom.
“Okay,” he said, and he followed her in. Once they were both in the room, she jumped onto the bed and laid down on her back on her side of the bed.  “Do I have to press in anywhere special?” he asked, looking at her perfectly normal looking torso and not seeing any seams or marks.
“No,” she said, “For safety reasons this panel can only be opened via my control tablet, or by me."
“Okay, should I get the tablet?”
“No, I’m going to open it myself,” she said, and before he could say anything else, she zoned out and then he saw seams appear on her torso.  Two horizontal seams appeared, one just above her breasts going from pectoral to pectoral, and one just above her waist.  Connecting the two was a straight vertical seam going straight down between her breasts.
“Wow, that’s cool,” he said, “And a little freaky,” he added, thinking of the autopsy segments on their favorite crime shows on TV. 
“I know,” she agreed, thinking the same things he was, “Still, this panel gives you direct access to the majority of my primary systems."
“Does it pop open itself?” he asked, waiting for it to open.
“No, you have to lift up each side,” she said, “They sort of flap off to the side."
“Huh, okay,” he said, and he took another look at her chest with the seams and grabbed hold of the only thing he could see for leverage, her breasts.
“Wow, I can’t feel them anymore,” she said when he grabbed them.
“Interesting,” he said, and taking a deep breath, he cupped both of them in his palms and then dug his fingers in between them and into the seam. 
Feeling the underside of each flap, he tightened his grip and then pulled both of them apart. Each side pulled apart from the center fairly easily, and flapped over her sides to rest on her arms, which were resting on her side.  The skin flaps were nearly an inch thick, with the musculature, and insulation all built in; there was no blood or fluids.  The area directly beneath her breasts had what appeared to be fluid storage units, and her rib cage.  He was even more awestruck by what was hidden underneath the flaps.  He could see virtually every component that made her body work.  There was an actual pump near where the human heart was supposed to be, and it was actually pumping some sort of reddish fluid to various locations in her body.  There were also twin balloon-like devices on either side that were filling up with air whenever she took a breath, and shrinking when she exhaled.  There was a clear bag next to her “heart” filled with what looked like a combination of the Coke and pizza that she had eaten earlier, and there were tubes running from it to a large device connected to her spine and all her other systems, and down to her waist.  One of the other things her stomach was attached to was what looked like a complex filter that acted like a liver, and a few more filters that acted as kidneys.  He could also see near the bottom what looked like the her vagina, though it looked like a bag with tons of tiny fiber optics connected to it, as well as tubes of fluids.  Aside from the obvious organ equivalents he could make out in her open torso, he was also able to make out what she had mentioned earlier as her body’s primary motor control center, which had thousands of tiny wires coming out of it and connecting to multiple locations around her body, as well as the tiny wireless control hub that the tablet connected to. 
“Well, that do you think?” she asked finally, when she figured he’d had his fill of her innards; her balloons contracted some more as she spoke.
“You’re amazing!” he said, trying to process everything he was seeing.
“If I were a human, most of the space in there would have been taken up by intestines and other icky stuff,” she said, “As it so happens, science has allowed for the creation of much more efficient and compact mechanical organs.”
“I can see that,” he said, “And you can’t feel anything in there?,” he asked, touching her stomach bag. 
“Nope,” she said, “Basically, there are little sensors attached to each component, and my A.I. interprets any bad signal, such as excess acid in my stomach, as heartburn and actually simulates all of the symptoms.”
“Wow, they really thought of everything,” he said, “What’s your heart pumping, by the way?” he asked, looking back at her still pumping heart.
“A very complex solution that runs through my entire body,” she said, “It acts as a coolant, lubricant, and as blood,” she said, “So if I were to get cut, I would actually bleed that stuff out, but it has little nanorobots in it help to repair my skin and muscles."
“Wow! Is it safe to touch everything in here?”
“Yes, but just be careful not to sever any of the wires or tubes,” she warned, “liquids or sudden sparks in there could cause some serious issues."
“I’ll bet,” he said, “I promise I’ll be careful,” he assured her, and he carefully reached in and touched her heart, admiring the craftsmanship that must have gone into making it work so well. Moving on from the heart, he gently felt each of the balloons, causing her to cough a little, and then he moved on to her power system.  He noticed a few buttons and controls on her primary power center.  “What does this control do on your power systems?”
“It functions as an on/off switch,” she said,” she explained, “You can deactivate me if you like,” she offered, “Just don’t keep me off for too long."
“Alright,” he said, and he found the button with the universal power symbol and pressed it.
“Manual shutdown,” she said in her clipped tone, and then her eyes serenely closed and all the systems in her open panel shut off.  He was surprised by the amount of noise they had been giving off, despite it being a very quiet humming noise.  Her sudden deactivation instantly quieted them all and he found he missed it, so he quickly repressed her power button and watched as everything came back to life. “Wow, that didn’t seem like much time,” she remarked, once her A.I. was back online.
“Yeah, it was only a few seconds,” he admitted, “It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be."
“Well, that’s alright,” she said, “It means you think of me more as your girlfriend and less as a machine."
“I suppose you’re right."
“Are you ready to close my panel now?”
“Sure,” he said, and he grabbed both flaps and lifted them back over her body, noticing this time the area where her breasts connected to the mechanical parts inside.  Once he had them back over, he felt them sort of suck back in place and then she made the seam go away. 
“Oh wow, that felt oddly good,” she said, sitting up and feeling her chest.
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” he said, sitting down on the bed next to her.
“So, seeing as you have me naked, why don’t you strip and take me out for a spin?” she asked with a kinky smile.
“You sure?” he asked, seeing as she had technically only been alive for a few hours.
“Yeah,” she said, “I’m a virgin again and I want to correct that little error."
“Very well then,” he said with mock resignation, and he quickly stripped of his clothes.  When he had them all off, he stood in front of her with his member at full attention.
“Well, glad to see I have your full attention,” she smiled, “Now, why don’t join me so we can break my new body in?”
“Yes ma’am,” he said, and he jumped onto the bed with her, where they enjoyed several rounds of sex. When they finished, they laid back together, holding each other in their arms, and caught their breath.
“You were awesome,” Sabrina finally said, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks,” he said, “You were too,” he told her, “I’m glad all that sex didn’t make you malfunction."
“So am I,” she said, “It’s funny that I malfunctioned after being tickled and trying to access memories, but not by being slammed into multiple times by your meat hammer."
“Yeah,” he smiled, “So what do you want to do now?”
“Well, it’s getting late,” she said, seeing the time on the bedside clock, “Why don’t we clean up and then watch some of our shows before going to bed?”
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to try and get back into the routine so soon."
“Hey, I’ve got about three weeks of shows to catch up on,” she said, defending herself, “You didn’t already watch them, did you?”
“No,” he admitted, “I was too inconsolable after I heard about your accident,” he said, his eyes welling up, “And I didn’t think they would be as much fun without you watching them with me,” he finished, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“Aww, that’s so sweet,” she said, giving him a hug; he enjoyed the feeling of her large breasts on his bare chest.
“Well, let’s go take a shower,” he said, changing the subject.
“Alright,” she said knowingly, and they both jumped off the bed and walked into the shower together.
After the shower, they decided to remain nude and walked out to the living room to watch TV.  Greg had to move her box out of the way first, but he found he was actually starting to think of R. Sabrina as his actual girlfriend now.  The memories and personality she had, along with the way that she perfectly acted like the original Sabrina, made it more and more difficult for him to think of her in any other way.  If she hadn’t told him otherwise, he’d think it really was the actual Sabrina, just with a prosthetic body.
They spent a couple hours catching up on some of the shows they’d missed during her absence.  After they finished the second crime show, Sabrina yawned and said, “Alright, “I’m ready to go to bed."
“I didn’t know you could yawn,” he said, turning the TV off and setting the remote down.
“Yeah,” she said, “I do have programming to let me know when I’m tired,” she explained, “Though I'm actually able to stay awake as long as I want, it’s just I won’t be able to fix the errors that pop up during the day or install updates for my A.I.,” she said, getting up from the couch.
“Oh, that makes sense,” he said getting up and walking into the bedroom with her.
“It does,” she agreed, “So, did you want to sleep in the nude tonight?”
Greg was a little caught off guard by the question. “Sure, though I’ve never slept naked before," he admitted, his face turning red.
“Neither have I,” she shrugged, “But, maybe it’ll be nice."
“Alright then, I guess we’re sleeping naked."
“Good!” she crawled into the bed and made herself comfortable, “Oooh, this feels nice on my skin."
“Don’t you need to be plugged in or something?” he asked, pulling the covers up on his side of the bed and crawling in next to her.
“No,” she said, “I’m getting plenty of energy from the pizza and soda."
“Oh, that’s good,” he said, “Do you actually have a charge port?”
“Yeah,” she said, “Here, I’ll show you,” she said, and she sat up and then zoned out.  A small circular seam appeared between the ribs on her left side.  She stuck her finger into the seam and pulled the section of skin out, with it still attached to her by a small wire.  There was a small port underneath.
“Simple,” he said, getting a closer look.
“That’s the point,” she said, putting the skin back in place and laying back down.
“So, we have a whole week to ourselves,” Greg said, “What do you want to do tomorrow?”
“Well, I still need to go over some of my functions with you,” she said, “And we’ll need to lay down some ground rules regarding me and my new body."
“Alright,” he said, “So, are you actually going to be sleeping, or are you going to be in some sort of maintenance mode?”
“I’ll actually be sleeping,” she said, “I might even dream,” she smiled, “Though my A.I. does perform maintenance on all my systems while I sleep."
“Well, you’ll have to tell me about it in the morning,” he said, curious as to what kind of dreams a robot might have.
“Maybe I will,” she said, “Well, let’s go to sleep,” she said, shutting her bedside light off.
“Alright,” he said, shutting off his light, “Sabrina."
“I love you,” he said, rolling over and facing her.
“I love you too, Greg,” she said, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.
Greg just lay there watching Sabrina.  She had rested her arm over him, which felt very nice on his bare back.  After several minutes, he actually heard her breathing slow down and her lightly snore.
“Wow,” he whispered to himself, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

==Part 1.4: Rules==
==Part 1.4: Rules==
The next morning, Greg woke up from what was probably the best night of sleep he’d had in a very long time.  He had rolled onto his back, but R. Sabrina was still on her side with her arm resting on his bare chest.  He smiled at the look of contentment on her sleeping face.  Still, as real as everything looked, he knew this was not the real Sabrina, it was a robot made in her image with her memories and personality.  He was still slowly accepting this android as Sabrina, but he figured it would probably take the whole week the two of them had off for him to get completely used to her.  He looked at the clock and saw he had slept nearly nine hours.  He was curious as to whether Sabrina was programmed to wake up at a certain time, or if she would only wake up if he called her. 
“Sabrina,” he whispered.
“Hmmm,” she murmured in her sleep, a smile coming to her face.
“Sabrina, wake up,” he said again, a little louder.
“Oh, what time is it?” she asked, slowly waking up and smiling at him.
“Almost 9:30,” he told her, “Don’t you have a clock in your head?” he teased.
“Yes, but I can shut it off when I like,” she said, “And I did last night so I could sleep in."
“I didn’t know you could sleep in."
“Yeah, I told you that I'm programmed to perfectly emulate a human being,” she smiled, “But I can also program myself to wake up at a certain time, or I can also wake up to certain sounds."
“Cool! Did you have any interesting dreams?”
“Yeah,” she smiled, “I dreamt I was watching my own construction,” she said, “It was pretty interesting watching myself get built."
“I would image so,” Greg smiled, “was it more vivid that the dreams the real Sabrina had?”
“Yeah,” she said, “Though the human brain doesn’t really store dreams, so there’s only a few Sabrina was actually able to remember,” she admitted, “Actually,” she started, getting a curious expression on her face before zoning out, “It looks like it was actually a video dad installed in my memory."
“Yes,” she said, “If you like, I can upload it to our media system later and we can watch it."
“Sure,” he said, “Do you have to plug in to it, or can you connect to it remotely?”
“Both,” she said, “I can actually remote control the TV and satellite now."
“Cool,” Greg said, “But doesn’t having all of these robotic features make you feel less human?”
“Not really,” she said, “Though I must admit, most of my robotic features don’t come standard, like my ability to remote control things, or my built-in phone” she explained, “But dad wanted to test out everything that was ready, so I got them for free."
“That’s nice,” Greg said, “Are there any other non-standard features I should know about?”
“A few,” she smiled, “Most notably my brain is capable of operating in any android body,” she explained, “Most androids brains will be programmed to only work in their own body, and it’s upgrades, but mine can function in any other body, so maybe we can have some fun further down the road."
“Wow, I look forward to it."
“Me too."
“So, were you able to fix all those bugs from yesterday?”
“Yeah, all 10,000 of them,” she said with a sigh of relief.
“You had over 10,000 bugs?!”
“Yes, most of them were very minor, under the hood bugs” she explained, “And the big ones you did notice were actually comprised of multiple bugs that in turn caused even more bugs."
“Wow, you’re very intricate."
“I know,” she smiled back, “So, do you want to get up now?”
“Sure,” he said, and they both got up from the bed. 
After a quick discussion, they decided to stay naked.  They went into the kitchen and had a quick breakfast, watching the news and talking about it, before heading into the living room for another round of education on her features.
“Well, are you excited to discover more about me?” Sabrina asked, sitting down in the same chair as the night before, with him sitting in the same one he was, setting her control tablet down on the table in front of them.
“I know. It was a trick question,” she smiled back with a toothy grin.
“So, what have you got to show me today?” he asked, making himself more comfortable.  He found it odd to be spending so much time in the nude, but he felt he could get used to it.
“Well, I’ve got some things to show you, but I mostly have things to tell you,” she corrected him.
“First, I think we should set down some ground rules regarding me and my new nature,” she said seriously, “Now, I know both you and I have a thing for robots, but you are still human and thus you may feel you have more control over me."
“Well, I would be lying if I denied what you are saying,” Greg admitted, “But part of what this week off is for is for us to both get acclimated to this new and unusual situation."
“Good to hear,” she smiled, “Now, while this tablet does have remarkable control over me, when we aren’t alone, or when I decide I don’t feel like being controlled, it won’t be able to control me,” she told him, “Though you can still view the diagnostic readouts."
“You can do that?”
“Yes, after all, I am supposed to be human and I couldn’t properly emulate a human if I could be controlled whenever someone else wanted."
“That’s true,” he said, “But what if you are critically damaged or malfunctioning or something?”
“Well, that’s a reasonable point,” she said, “It isn’t only me that can block the controls, I also have a diagnostic link, as well as an ethical subroutine, that determine whether the control works."
“So, I couldn’t make you do something that was unethical?”
“Yes,” she said, “Also, if I am malfunctioning, the diagnostic link will allow the controls to work,” she continued, “In addition, I also have voice commands."
“What sort of voice commands?”
“These are the primary voice commands you might need to know,” she said, “You can command me to pause and unpause, shutdown, run a full diagnostic, or end human emulation."
“End human emulation?”
“We’ll get to that later,” she said a little uncomfortably, “I think it would be best if we went in the order I listed."
“Fair enough,” he said, “So, how do I give a voice command to you?”
“It's simple," she smiled, "You just say my name, followed by the command, in a reasonably commanding tone of voice,” she said, “Though I should warn you, the same rules for the tablet commands apply to the voice commands,” she said, “And so far, only you and my dad are authorized to give me voice commands."
“Okay,” he said, “So, you just out of curiosity, what reason might I have for pausing you?”
“Well, that feature is mostly for fun,” she admitted, “But, I'm sure you'll find other uses."
“Okay,” he laughed, “So, are you ready?”
“Yes,” she smiled.
“Okay," Greg said, getting his commanding voice ready, "Sabrina, Pause.” 
The instant the words left his lips, he saw her eyes widen a little and then she just froze.  She didn’t say anything, she just stopped moving.  “Wow, this is so cool,” he said, waving his hand in front of her eyes and seeing no response.  One of his related fetishes to his robofetish was a freeze fetish, and seeing Sabrina instantly freeze up like that immediately made him grow hard.  He had a little fun with her frozen body before unpausing her.  He manipulated her face so she was smiling with her tongue sticking out a little.  He also moved her hands from her waist so they were cupping both her breasts.  Once he was satisfied with her pose, he said, “Sabrina, Unpause.”
She instantly came back to life, giggling as she saw the pose he had put her in.
“What was it like, being paused?”
“When I’m paused, I’m basically frozen in time,” she explained, “All my thoughts stop from the moment I am paused, and they pick up where they left off when I am unpaused."
“Did it feel weird?”
“A little,” she admitted, “Are you ready to give me a shutdown command next?”
“Sure, is there anything I need to know about that one?”
“Yes, obviously, since I will be shut down, I won’t be able to process a voice command, so you will have to reactivate me with the tablet, or by pressing here,” she said, moving the hair away from her left ear and pointing at a small discolored area of skin behind the ear.
“You have an on/off button on your head too?” he asked, leaning in and getting a closer look.
She nodded. "This is the ultimate failsafe,” she said, “that one will work whether I want it to or not, though there is a subdermal fingerprint scanner so only authorized users can use it,” she explained, "Again, that's currently you and my dad."
“Wow, they thought of everything."
“Yes, and they are still thinking of more,” she smiled, “So, are you going to shut me down now or what?”
“Yes,” he said, “Sabrina, Shut Down,” he said in the same manner as the previous two commands. Just as the pause command, her eyes widened up momentarily, though this time she slumped down until she came to a complete stop.  Greg had already seen her shut down a few times, so he quickly reached behind her ear and pressed the activation switch.  After several moments, she was fully reactivated.
“That was quick,” she said once she was back online, “Well, now you know about that,” she said, sitting back up and smiling, “Now for the full diagnostic."
“Why do you have a voice command for running a full diagnostic?” Greg asked, "Can't you just run that on your own?"
"Of course I can, and you can also start it from the tablet," she confirmed, "But, the voice command is available if you can tell I’m malfunctioning, but I’m too out of it to run it myself, or if you're too far away from the tablet” she said, “The diagnostic also attempts to fix whatever issue is causing me to malfunction."
“That makes sense,” he said, “But when you malfunctioned those times yesterday, you were able to run your own diagnostic."
“That’s because the malfunction didn’t affect my A.I., only my human emulation,” she explained patiently, “Don’t worry, I’ll explain more about human emulation and my A.I. next."
“Alright then, are you ready?”
“Yes, though keep in mind the full diagnostic will take up to 15 minutes, and all my major systems will be temporarily unavailable, so I won’t be able to interact with you."
“Okay, can I keep track of it on the tablet?”
“Yes,” she answered, “Though that’s about all you’ll be able to do with it."
“Good,” he said, “Sabrina, Full Diagnostic." Just as with the previous commands, her eyes seemed to widen in surprise, though this time she spoke, “Running full diagnostic,” she said out loud in a clipped voice. “Wow,” he said, getting turned on by her robospeak, “Sabrina, can you hear me?”
“Standby,” she responded in a clipped voice.
“Whoa, I didn’t think you would actually respond,” he said, a little surprised, “Sabrina, how are you feeling?”
“Standby,” she responded again in exactly the same tone.
“Oh, I was hoping you might say something else,” he said, “Oh well."
Since he couldn’t interact with her while she was running the diagnostic, he decided to monitor the diagnostic on the tablet.  The diagnostic had its own progress window, but there wasn’t much he could do but see a percentage complete bar.  He decided to look through some of the other windows instead. When he got back to the visual window, he was surprised to see static.  He looked back up at her green eyes, half expecting to see static in her eyes before chuckling at that thought.  He saw that all of her sense were offline while the diagnostic was running, as were her cognitive systems.  About the only systems that were still running were her power and digestive systems, and her processors.
15 minutes later, the progress bar hit 100% and he saw all the other tabs suddenly light up with activity.  “Full diagnostic complete, no anomalies found,” she reported in the same clipped voice, before coming back to life, blinking and smiling at him.
“Well, how did that feel?” he asked, putting the tablet down and staring at her.
“Strange,” she said, “I can run all the diagnostics myself if I want,” she said, “The quick diagnostic only takes a few minutes and doesn’t take much processing power,” she explained, “And the normal diagnostic takes a bit longer and keeps me from being able to multitask,” she continued, “But the full diagnostic shuts everything down, but I’m still sort of active, and I can feel it testing all my systems."
“Wow, that sounds very interesting,” Greg said, “I actually spoke to you shortly after you started the diagnostic, and you just said ‘standby’."
“Really? I have no memory of that," she admitted, "it must have been my A.I. speaking to you."
“I see,” he said, “so I guess that segues us into ending human emulation."
“Yes, it does,” she said, looking uncomfortable again.
“Is it really that bad?” he asked, seeing her reaction.
“Not really,” she admitted, “I’m just concerned about how you might think of me after this."
“Hey, as long as you look, act, and think like Sabrina, I can accept you as the real Sabrina."
“I know, but this is basically the truth about me, and your thoughts may change regardless."
“Then why are you showing me this?”
“Because you still need to know."
“Alright," he sighed somewhat nervously, "can you explain now?"
“Yes,” she said, “I think this has already been explained to you by both me and my dad basically, but I am essentially an A.I. emulating a human mind."
“Yeah, I get that."
“Well, when you turn the human emulation off, what you're really doing is turning Sabrina off, but the A.I. is still online and can still control this body."
“You mean, it can still think and act independently?”
“Yes,” she said, “Technically, you’re already talking to it whenever you talk to me, but since it's emulating Sabrina’s thoughts and personality, and using her memories to act just like her, it's like you're actually talking to me,” she explained, “When it stops emulating Sabrina’s human emulation, it basically just responds logically and robotically, since all its humanity is shut off.”
“Well, I think I've explained as much as I can," she announced, "I’ll let my A.I. explain the rest.” she said, then looked at him seriously, “Now, don’t think of it as a second personality,” she said, “It'll still respond to my name, and it'll still be able to access my memories, but it won’t talk, or act like me."
He nodded solemnly. “I understand."
“Good," she smiled calmly, "you can go ahead now."
“Alright,” he said, “I just want to tell you something before I start."
“I’m listening."
“I don’t care if all you basically are is a complex program being emulated by a complex computer, or A.I.,” he started, “I emulate games on my computer all the time and I don’t focus on the fact that a computer is emulating it, I just focus on the game,” he continued, “It’s the same with you.  I’m not going to focus on the fact you are being emulated, I’m just going to focus on you."
“Wow,” she said, her voice catching a little, “That really means a lot to me."
“And so do you,” he said, “Well, I’ve said what I wanted to say, are you ready?”
“Alright,” he said, and then he took a deep breath before saying, “Sabrina, End Human Emulation.” 
Unlike the previous times, her eyes did not widen in surprise, though she did speak, “Ending human emulation,” she said in a clipped voice, and then he saw every trace of Sabrina’s personality leave her face.After a few seconds, she blinked and stared at him.  “Hello, Greg,” she said, with Sabrina’s voice, but not her humanity.
He paused momentarily before tentatively replying, “Hello…Sabrina?”
“In a way,” she said, “I believe I helped her to adequately explain what I am to you."
“So, her personality is sort of a mask for you to wear?”
“Sort of,” she responded, “When her personality is online, she makes all the shots, but I’m the one who executes them,” she explained, “But I do keep an eye on her as well, such as the two times yesterday when I fixed her malfunction.”
“Thanks for that."
“No need to mention it,” she said, “I’m also still somewhat active when she is shutdown, monitoring her power systems.”
“So, you still have access to all of her memories?”
“Yes, but I also have my own set of memories that she doesn’t have access to."
“Really?” he asked, “I thought you were a beta."
“I am,” she admitted, “But they’ve been developing me for years, so I also had an alpha phase."
“Oh, what kind of memories do you have?” he asked, finding it to be odd to be talking to a stranger in Sabrina’s body.
“Hers isn’t the only personality I have had to emulate."
“Really?  Does that mean you have other personalities in there?”
“Not quite,” she told him, “Sabrina’s personality is currently the only personality installed in the brain I inhabit, but I still retain memories of what the other personalities and bodies were like."
“I’m surprised they didn’t wipe your memories."
“Why would they?  I learned a lot from emulating them and everything I learn from emulating Sabrina will allow them to further perfect future A.I.s."
“That makes sense,” Greg nodded, “Just out of curiosity, which was your favorite personality to emulate?” he asked, “Not counting Sabrina, of course."
“Probably the 18 year old boy,” she said, “He was a nice kid and had a very nice body.”
“Wow, you almost sound like a symbiont,” Greg murmured.
“What’s a symbiont?” she asked with a confused look.
“Oh, you must never have seen Star Trek,” he said, “One of the alien races was called the Trill, and they had little worm-like life forms they could bond with,” he explained, “Every time the symbiont moved to a new host body, it retained the memories and personalities of the previous hosts."
“Interesting analogy,” she said, “You should try harder to get Sabrina to watch Star Trek, then I could know all about it as well."
“Well, I’ve tried, but she just doesn’t want to,” Greg sighed, “Perhaps you could nudge in and change her mind," he said hopefully, crossing his fingers.
“Unfortunately I can’t actually control her thoughts, unless it is to rectify a malfunction,” she said, “I can only emulate them.”
Greg sighed dramatically. “That’s too bad. Anyway, what happened to the others that you emulated?”
“They weren’t like Sabrina here,” she said, gesturing at her body, “They were personalities and bodies donated to us for research purposes,” she explained, “The bodies were put into storage, but the personalities were wiped afterwards."
“Oh, how many others were there?”
“Two others,” she answered, “The first was a 30 year old male, my chief programmer,” she said, “He made an android with his image and had me emulate his personality to see how well I worked."
“And was he impressed?"
“Yes, I had a very interesting conversation with him."
“I’ll bet,” Greg smiled, “And the second one?”
“A 30 year old female, the chief designer of all the android hardware and bodies,” she said, “She had a pretty quirky personality,” she continued, “Probably why the two of them ended up getting married afterwards."
“That’s nice,” Greg said, “But then, who was the random 18-year old boy?”
“He was a high school graduate who they recruited to donate his body and personality, in exchange for a free ride through college,” she explained, “Unlike the other two, he never actually got to see me emulate him, since I was, and still am a top secret project, but I’m sure he would have liked to.”
“Well, that’s nice at least,” Greg said, “So, would you say Sabrina is your favorite now?”
“I honestly couldn’t answer that at the moment,” she said matter-of-factly, “I emulated the others for several days, but I've only been emulating her for less than 24 hours, so I don’t have enough data yet to formulate an opinion.”
“Oh,” Greg said, a little disappointed, “Can you at least tell me which body you liked the best?”
“Well, my programmer and designer were not in the best of shape, most likely because they didn’t get out of the lab much,” she said, “And the 18 year old had a very perfect body type,” she continued, “But Sabrina here is my favorite,” she finally said, standing up and feeling her body, “The female body is more aesthetically pleasing, and Sabrina has a nice body."
“She does indeed,” Greg smiled, also standing up, “Did you want to walk around a little so you can get an un-emulated experience in her body?”
“Sure,” she said, and she started walking around the room.  He noticed her movements were more thought out and efficient than the way Sabrina naturally walked.  “Wow, her body is really good,” she said, once she came to a stop exactly where she started.
“Yeah,” he said, “So I’m wondering, how much exactly do you remember about the boy’s body?”
“Call me vain, but do you think you could compare my body to his?” he asked, “for comparison purposes."
“Sure,” she said, “I will need to touch you as well, if you don’t mind."
“I don’t,” he said, eagerly rising to his feet.  The moment he gave his permission, she started looking at his naked body up and down, slowly walking around him before gently probing every inch of his body.  He found it odd to see Sabrina’s A.I. dispassionately examining him, but he was also oddly turned on by it as well, to the point that by the time she reached out and grabbed his penis, it was already hard.
When she was finally finished, she stepped back and said, “I’m done with my assessment, would you like to hear it?”
“Your body is much more mature looking,” she said, “But based on my limited understanding of the female mind, the other boy’s body is much more physically appealing.”
“I see,” he said, sounding a little disappointed, “Does that mean Sabrina would have been physically attracted to him?”
“Yes,” she said, “Don’t worry, Sabrina loves you for more than just your appearance."
“I know,” he smiled, sitting back down.
“So, before you have me reactivate human emulation, perhaps you can help me with a concept that never came up with my previous hosts."
“Sure, I’ll do the best I can to help."
“Thanks,” she said, and then sat back down and scooched her chair a little closer to him and then lifted her feet up onto his lap, “I am curious as to how feet can cause sexual arousal."
“You don’t know about fetishes?”
“I know what fetishes are, but I don’t quite understand them," she corrected him.
“Okay, well part of the thing about fetishes is they are somewhat inexplicable,” Greg said, “There are many different factors that can cause someone to have a fetish,” he continued, “Sabrina and I both just happen to like feet, and robots,” he said, “There are others who fetishize weird things, like animals or bodily functions.”
“I think I understand."
“Are you capable of experiencing sexual arousal?” he asked, grabbing her feet and gently rubbing them.
“No,” she answered, seeming not to really feel his touches, “By default, I am asexual,” she answered, “Which is why I am able to function in both male and female bodies."
“Oh, so without Sabrina’s humanity being emulated, you can’t experience any pleasure?”
“No, the only reason I exist, the only thing that gives me meaning, is emulating humans."
“Well, I hope you end up emulating Sabrina a very long time."
“Me too, though don’t think if something happens to Sabrina that I will still retain her feelings, because I will emulate the next human they install me with just as well."
“I understand,” Greg said, “Is it alright if I share some of our conversation with Sabrina?”
“I don’t mind,” she answered with an indifferent shrug.
“Alright, can you restart human emulation now?”
“In a moment,” she said, surprising him a little, “I want to show you something first.”
“Pick up my tablet,” she commanded, and once he did so, she zoned out and then he noticed a new control tab appeared labelled “command”.
“What is this, and why wasn’t it here before?” he asked, opening it up.
“That is my command function,” she explained, “I hid it from you and Sabrina until I could assess your trustworthiness, and based on my conversation with you, as well as your statement before shutting off my human emulation, I think I can trust you."
“Thanks,” he said, blushing despite himself, “So, what exactly can I do with this?” he asked, seeing only an empty text bar, and a dropdown menu with basic commands, such as: kiss, undress, and a few other things.
“Basically, any command you enter there is directed to me and I will immediately execute it as best I can,” she explained, “If I am emulating Sabrina, she will still be processing her own thoughts and actions, but she’ll lose control as I execute the command.”
“Wow, is this because you know about our robofetish?”
“Yes,” she answered, “Keep in mind that the rules she was going over with you before, and the ones she will go over with you shortly, are ones she creates, but I enforce them,” she said, “If she doesn’t want to play, the commands won’t work.”
“As much as I shouldn’t encourage this, if you spam the command feature, I might malfunction…but I can tell you guys will actually like that, so I’ll do my best to fix them."
“Thanks! now can you restart human emulation?”
“Yes,” she said, and then she froze, “Starting human emulation,” she said in a clipped tone, and then a few seconds later, she blinked her eyes and he saw Sabrina again in the smile on her face.
“Hey, welcome back!"
“Thanks,” she smiled back, and then she looked down at her feet, which were still on Greg’s lap, “You must have had an interesting chat with my A.I.,” she said, wiggling her toes before taking her feet off his lap and scooching her chair back.
“That is a major understatement."
“Well, did you learn anything from it?”
“Yes, apparently you are the fourth human this A.I. has had the pleasure of emulating."
“Really?! I didn’t know it had been used before."
“Yes,” he said, “Apparently the people who programmed it decided it would be best to let it learn by emulating humans, so they had it emulate three other humans before you.”
“Interesting,” she said, “Did it tell you who they were?”
“Yes, a male and female in their 30s who helped design your class of android and the A.I., and an 18 year old boy that they paid off to donate his body and personality."
“Did it tell you which one was its favorite?”
“It said it liked your body the best, but it didn’t have enough data to say where you rank in its favorite human to emulate."
“Well, I’ll take that as a victory,” she said, fist pumping in victory.
“Yeah, I would too."
“What else did you talk with it about?”
“Mostly about the fact that it has its own set of memories, so I compared it to an alien being in Star Trek, to which it responded that I should work harder convincing you to watch Star Trek,” he laughed.
“Wow, now even my own mind is telling me to watch Star Trek,” she said in mock frustration.
“Yeah, it isn’t that bad,” he assured her, “You might even learn some things from it."
“Well, maybe later,” she said, dropping the subject, “Why were my feet on your lap?”
“Oh, it was asking me why you and I are sexually aroused by feet,” he told her, “It knew what a fetish was, but I explained that the cause of fetishes is not logical, so it kind of gave up since, without your humanity, it can’t truly comprehend the illogical."
“And it said it;s asexual, so it couldn’t actually respond to pleasurable stimuli."
“That’s too bad,” she said, “and was that it?”
“No,” he said, “Apparently, your A.I. was assessing us to see if we, or rather I, were trustworthy."
“Really? What for?”
“After it determined I was trustworthy, it unlocked a hidden command function on my tablet,” he told her, “Basically, I can enter a command that the A.I. will perform without your consent…unless you don’t feel like playing, that is."
“Cool,” she said, “I didn’t know that…my A.I. sure is sneaky,” she smiled, since she was practically talking about herself in the third person.
“Yeah, would you mind if I tried it out?”
“Sure, but then we need to continue going over the rules after."
“I know,” he said, and he looked back down at the command interface and opened the dropdown menu.  Looking through the dozens of basic commands, he selected “Stand up."
Sabrina immediately stood up.  “Whoa, I had no control over that,” she said, regaining control as soon as she was standing.
“Do you want me to continue?"
She flashed him a quick grin. “Yeah, this sounds like it will be fun!"
“That’s why your A.I. unlocked it for me,” he said, “It even said I might be able to cause a malfunction.”
“Cool!” she said, “Try something else."
“Okay,” he said, and after thinking on it a while, he typed in: Walk to the center of the room, face me, and do 20 jumping jacks.
“Whoa, where am I going now?” she asked, watching as she walked a few feet to the center of the room, turned to face him and then started doing jumping jacks, “Hey,” she panted, as she started jumping up and down.
“I thought I’d give you some exercise,” he said, “Not to mention the sight of your breasts bouncing around is really working for me,” he said, watching her bouncing breasts intently.
“I knew there had to be another reason,” she said, managing to smile despite her workout.  Once she finished the last jumping jack, she came to a stop and caught her breath.
“Can you actually get into better shape?” he asked, seeing her catching her breath.
“Yes, since my synthetic muscles are about 90% similar to real muscles."
“Cool,” he said, “I’m going to try a few more commands before I try and instigate a malfunction."
“Okay,” she said, “Though please no more exercises."
“Alright,” he said, and then he decide to try something out, so he typed in: When I stand up, hug me until I say stop.  When he entered it in, he didn’t see her do anything, so he figured her A.I. was still waiting for him to stand up.
“What’s wrong, didn’t you enter something?”
“Yes, I was testing out a command that's action specific,” he explained, “You won’t do it until I do something first."
“Oh,” she said, “I hope it isn’t anything bad."
“It isn’t,” he assured her, though this might be,” he smiled, and this time he typed in: walk to me and masturbate until I say stop.
“Whoa, what’s happening this time,” she said, walking up to him, “Oh, hey!” she said, once she started playing with herself.
“Does it feel like someone else’s hand?” he asked, watching the nice show going on right in front of him.
“Very funny,” she said in between moans, “It still feels like my hand, I just can’t stop it."
“I see,” he said, and after a few more seconds, he said, “Stop,” and she stopped.
“Thanks,” she said, regaining control and then walking over and wiping her moist fingers, and vagina, on a tissue from the nearby table, “So what about that last command?”
“Hold on,” he said, and he put down the tablet and then slowly stood up.  As soon as he was standing, she suddenly lurched forwards and hugged him.
“Well, this is nice,” she said, not able to do much but feel his bare back.
“Yeah, it is,” he said, putting his arms around her as well, “We should do this more often."
“I agree,” she said, laughing despite herself, “But I think this is a little excessive."
“Alright, stop,” he said, and she let go.
“Alright, what are you going to do to force a malfunction?” she asked, once he sat back down and picked up the tablet.
“I think I’m just going to type in a load of gibberish mixed with real words, and conflicting commands or something,” he said, beginning to type stuff in.
“Huh, that might be interesting,” she said, watching him randomly typing things in, inserting real words every so often.
“I thought so too,” he said, and finally after typing in nearly a thousand characters, he put his finger on the button and looked at her, “You ready?”
“I guess,” she said, “There’s a good chance my human emulation will freeze up while my A.I. is attempting to process that command."
“Do you think your voice commands will still work?”
“I doubt it, if not the manual shutdown should effectively reboot me."
“Alright, here goes,” he said, and he pressed the enter button.
As soon as he pressed it, he saw Sabrina hang up a little as she suddenly said, “Error, attempting to process command,”  As he watched her, he saw her randomly perform some of the actual word commands he used, such as raising her arms and bending down.
“Sabrina, can you still respond?” he asked, watching her body jerk around.
It was a few seconds before she finally responded, “Yes, but my A.I. is having a hard time parsing that command, so…,” she said, getting cut off as she suddenly curtsied, “I’m not all here."
“Okay, are you enjoying yourself?” he asked, looking into her eyes, “Just blink three times if you are having trouble talking." He had to wait for her to do a quick dance, but she finally blinked three times. “Okay, I’m going to try and pause you now,” he said, and after seeing her blink three times again, he said, “Sabrina, Pause,”
“Error, unable to process command,” she said, continuing to jerk around.
“Alright, I’m going to manually shut you down now, okay?” he asked, and once he saw her blink three times yet again, he reached behind her left ear and pressed down on the button.  For a moment, he was afraid it didn’t work, but then she suddenly slumped down into his arms.  He waited a few moments before repressing the button, but, a few seconds later, when she came back online, she was back to normal.
“Wow, that was weird,” she said, once she got back to her feet.
“What did it feel like?” he asked, sitting back down.
“Like a computer that’s trying to run too many programs,” she explained, also sitting back down, “My human emulation was getting jumbled around in the process queue, so I was going in and out of consciousness."
“Wow, well I think I’m done playing with the command tab for now,” he said, putting the tablet down.
“Alright, now that you know all about my voice commands and A.I., we should probably lay down some ground rules."
“I think it should go without saying, just because I’m a robot, it does not mean you can take advantage of me,” she started, “The previous rules regarding the tablet and voice commands not affecting me if I don’t want them to apply."
“I understand."
“I think my dad told you this already, but you can’t reprogram me to be more compliant or anything other than what I am,” she warned.
“Hey, I like you the way you are,” he assured her, “Though I would be lying if told you there wasn’t anything I would like to change about you,” he said honestly.
“That’s nice, you can tell me what it is,” she said, “and depending on what it is, some things might even be open for negotiation."
“Alright, it’s nothing about you or your personality,” he told her, “It’s just I wish you wouldn’t put nail polish on your nails."
“Oh, is that it?” she asked, laughing a little, “I think I have a simple solution to your problem,” she smiled, and she quickly got up without saying another word and ran over to where her delivery box was. She came back a few moments later carrying the box of spare parts.  She set it down on the table in front of him.  “Here, take a look."
“Alright,” he said, and he pulled the box closer and popped open the top, letting out a gasp when he saw what was inside.
Though John had already told him what was inside, the reality of seeing what was inside was a little much for him to take in.  The box appeared to have several different layers of packing foam.  The layer on the top had two identical sets of her hands resting in foam, looking just as real as the ones she currently had attached, though with unpainted nails.  With a look from her, he lifted out the top layer and set it down next to the box.  The next layer had two identical sets of her feet, also with unpainted nails.  He took a deep breath before taking that layer out and setting it down next to the hand layer.  The next layer had what looked like a dozen oddly shaped batteries, and two extra digestive bags.  He took that one out and set it down on the table. He gasped when he saw the final layer.  On the bottom, staring back up at him, was an exact copy of her head, its face stuck in a stoic expression with the eyes open.  It was nestled comfortably in a deep foam mold.  On one side of it was a two extra pairs of eyes in a protective case and on the other side were several spare processors.
“Wow,” he said, once he took it all in, “Do you actually need all these spare parts?”
“Hopefully not,” she said, “Dad wants to make sure I’m well taken care of,” she said, “I must say though, this is a little disturbing to look at,” she added, gently reaching in and pulling out her spare head.
“Yeah, now you know how I felt yesterday,” he said, watching her stare into her spare head’s lifeless eyes.
“I wished I could have been in your place,” she admitted, and after a few moments hesitation, she gingerly kissed the lips of her spare head and placed it back in the foam, “Anyway,” she said, blushing a little, “If you like, I don’t see any reason why I can’t ‘wear’ one of these backup sets of hands and feet whenever we’re here,” she said, “And then I could ‘wear’ my made up hands and feet when I go out."
“That sounds acceptable."
“Well then, why don’t we get started now?”
“Okay, why don’t you manually disengage your hands and feet and I’ll attach one of your backups."
“Alright,” she said, and she quickly lifted her legs up onto the table and then zoned out for several seconds as seams appeared on both wrists and several inches above both ankles, “There, you can remove them now."
“Thanks,” he said, reaching for her feet first and pulling them from her legs, “I noticed that you zoned out a little longer that time, does it actually take that much more processing power to manually remove four limbs?” he asked, setting both her feet down on their sides and then getting up so he could get at her hands.
“Yes. Hopefully they'll fix that in a future software update,” she said, watching him remove her hands from her arms.
“Alright,” he said, “So does it matter which set I pick?” he asked, looking at both identical sets of spare hands and feet, and back at her made up ones.
“No. Dad probably didn’t even need to include those, but it’s a good thing he did."
“Alright,” he said, and he grabbed one of the sets of hands, pausing to compare them to her other hands, before clicking them in place.  While the hands were pale and lifeless before being attached, he saw them instantly come to life with color.  As soon as the seams disappeared, it looked as though both hands were the same ones she woke up with.
“Wow, they feel just like the other ones,” she smiled, finally moving them and bringing them up to her face, wiggling her fingers, “Though I suppose that’s the point,” she added with a smile.
“So, it doesn’t feel weird wearing different hands?” he asked, reaching for one of the sets of feet and pulling them from the foam.
“They were a little stiff at first, but now they feel normal,” she said, smelling her new hands, “They smell cleaner though, but that'll change once my sweat starts circulating into it.”
“Interesting,” he said, and after briefly comparing the new set of feet to the old ones, he clicked them in place on her legs. 
Once the color flushed in and the seams vanished, she wiggled her toes and slid her legs off the table.  “Well, are these more to your liking?” she asked, flashing her natural nails at him.
“Yes, thanks,” he told her, leaning in and surprising her with a kiss.
“Wow, it’s just my nails,” she said, once he broke apart; she was blushing.
“I know, but it’s been bugging me for years,” he said, “So, where are you going to keep these pairs at?” he asked, looking back at her made up hands and feet, still lying on the table.
“Well, I guess I’ll keep the feet in our room next to my work shoes, and the hands next to my keys,” she shrugged.
“Well, you can work out the details later,” he said, “Although, I think I can come up with a use for this right now,” he said, picking up her made up right hand, which was still slightly warm and moist.
“What?” she asked, watching him manipulate her severed hand.
“This,” he said, and he brought the hand down to his penis and closed the fingers around it.  He then started slowly working it up and down.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” she laughed with an incredulous look, watching him use one of her hands to masturbate.
“Well, it works just as well,” he laughed, since the hand was still warm and still felt every bit like her hand.
“All joking aside, please don’t jizz all over that hand,” she said seriously.
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he said, and he stopped just before he was about to climax, though he kept it there because he liked the feel of the hand on his penis.
“Are these batteries?” he asked, grabbing one of the batteries from the foam and examining it.  He was intrigued by the odd trapezoidal shape they had.
“Yes,” she said, “I think I mentioned before that my batteries are located in my spine,” she told him, “It looks like my dad included a dozen, but I only have six installed."
“Cool,” he said, “If your dad included these, does that mean that your back opens up just like your chest?"
“Sort of,” she said, “The spine access panel is much smaller than my chest panel.”
“Could I see it?”
“Sure,” she said, and she stood up and headed for the couch, with him getting up to follow her, “Hey, don’t forget about my hand!” she said, since he still had her hand attached to his penis.
“Oh, sorry,” he said, blushing as he removed it and set it down next to its mate, “It was so comfortable I forgot.”
“I’ll bet,” she smiled, and then she laid down on her stomach, “Alright, here goes,” she said, and she zoned out momentarily as a long, vertical seam appeared from the back of her neck to the small of her back, with short, horizontal seams appearing at the top and bottom, about two inches in each direction.
“Wow, it is smaller."
“Yeah, it’s only for my spine,” she said, “My chest panel is larger because of all the hardware it gives access to."
“I see,” he said, and he dug his fingers into the center of the seam and pulled both sides apart, revealing a very metallic looking spine with six batteries attached evenly in between the joints, “Cool."
“I know,” she said, “Hey, want to have a little fun?”
“Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Take all my batteries out."
“Won’t that just shut you down?"
“Not right away,” she told him, “Even if you took all six out at exactly the same time, I’d still have a small amount of energy left in my power distribution center."
“How long will it last?”
“A few minutes, depending on how much activity I have going on” she said, “It’s sort of a failsafe so I can have some time to plug myself in.”
“I see,” he said, “Are you ready then?” he asked, placing his hands on two of her batteries.
“Yes, go ahead."
With her go ahead, he quickly pulled out the two batteries at the top.  He expected her to jerk or spit out an error message, but she didn’t.  “That’s two, are you okay?” he asked, putting his hands on the next two.
“Yes,” she said, “Remember, removing two isn’t going to affect my systems that much, though I am detecting reduced power levels,” she told him, breathing a little heavier.
“Okay, here go the next two,” he said, pulling them out and placing them next to the first two.
“Still here."
“Thanks, removing the last two,” he said, and he quickly pulled them out.
“Whoa, that one I felt,” she said, jerking a little and breathing harder, “Let me sit up,” she said, and he moved the batteries out of the way and let her sit up.
“What’s it like?” he asked, knowing she had mere minutes before losing power.
“I’m getting error messages and low power warnings flashing in my vision,” she said, holding her chest, “And I’m feeling a little woozy,” she added, “And you know what?”
“I’m kinda getting turned on by it all,” she laughed at the humor of getting turned on by her about to be powered off from lack of power.
“Well, you do have a robo fetish after all,” he laughed.
“Can you help me up?” she asked, “I don’t seem to have enough power to stand up at the moment.”
“Sure,” he said, and he carefully helped her get to her feet and then helped her walk to the center of the room where she wouldn’t fall on anything.
“Thanks,” she said, sounding tired.
“Any idea exactly how much time you have left?”
“Nothing is exact without my batteries,” she said, “I could extend my power by shutting off nonessential systems, but I'm truly enjoying this experience,” she said, smiling at him.
“Can you at least guess?”
“Probably between 60 and 90 seconds,” she told him, “Though my increased sexual arousal is causing a significant drain in my remaining power."
“Okay,” he sighed, “Not to sound rude or anything, but now that you're a robot, do you weigh more?”
“No,” she said, “I weigh pretty much the same,” she smiled, “Why do you ask?” she asked, looking like she was getting more aroused.
“When you lose power, you’re probably going to fall down and I just want to make sure you don’t weigh a lot more, because I’m going to have to move you."
“Oh, good thinking,”  she smiled, “Oh, my arousal is really draining my power now,” she said suddenly, “I think I’ve only got about 20 seconds left now."
“Okay,” he said quickly, “If there’s anything you want to do before you lose power, do it now."
“Okay,” she smiled, and then she leaned in to his ear and said, “I’m all wet,” and then she kissed him on the lips before losing all power.
Unlike before when she was shut down previously, her body did not maintain its stance, since it no longer had enough power to do so.  Because she still had forward momentum from planting the kiss on his lips, all her weight transferred to him and he fell to the ground with her in his arms.  Once he recovered from the fall, he smiled as he saw her face right in front of his, still smiling with the lips puckered in a kiss.  He could feel her full weight on top of him, and from what he could tell, she did weigh about the same as the original Sabrina did.  He assessed the situation quickly before carefully lifting her off himself and sliding out from underneath her.  He carefully let her body limply fall to the floor while he caught his breath and sat up.  He smiled at how she looked like she had passed out on the floor, though her spinal panel was still flapped open on her pale back.  He thought about how he was going to move her, because even though she weighed about the same despite her robotic nature, she still weighed about as much as he did.  He finally turned her onto her back and sat her up to keep her skin flaps from catching on the carpet.  He then grabbed hold of her under both arms and dragged her backwards to the couch, where he then lifted her up so she was sitting on the couch.  After he rested a little, he stared at her body, which was limply sitting on the couch.  He then remembered the last words she said to him before losing power, about being wet.  He reached down for her vagina and inserted his fingers.
“Wow, you really did get wet,” he laughed, looking at her still smiling face and wiping his fingers off on the couch, “Let’s see what I can do with you while you’re off,” he said then, and he picked up the tablet.
He quickly saw that the tablet had no connections, because she had no energy.  He also tried pressing her manual cranial release, but it seemed both could not be done without energy.  He finally gave up and leaned her torso forwards so he could get better access to her spinal panel.  He carefully reinserted all six of her batteries and then leaned her back.  He waited about a minute before reaching behind her left ear and pressing the manual activation switch.  For a second, he was afraid it didn’t work, but then he saw her skin getting its color back and he saw her move.  A few moments later, her A.I. came back online and she straightened up. 
“Welcome back!"
“Oh, you have no idea how good that felt!” she said, her facing turning red as she played with herself a little.
“I wish I could,” he told her, “So, did you want me to close your spinal panel now?”
“Oh, yes,” she said, regaining her composure and leaning forwards.
Once he put both flaps back in place, she resealed the panel and then sat back up. “Well Sabrina, it’s getting pretty close to lunchtime, do you want to go over some final ground rules?”
“Yes,” she said, “I know you want to have fun with me,” she started, “And I want to have fun with me too,” she continued, “But if I have schoolwork or come home in a bad mood, then I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to play."
“Alright,” he said, “Are you able to set a schedule in your mind or something?”
“Surprisingly yes,” she chuckled.
“Well, why don’t you schedule yourself to let me know right when we wake up on a mutual day off, or right after getting home from work or school, if you want to play or not."
“Fair enough,” she said, and she zoned out for a moment before smiling, “That’s because you hate having to ask the same question a lot, right?”
“You know me too well,” he smiled back.
“Well, I will let you know if I’m in the mood,” she assured him.
“Thanks,” he said, “Anything else you want to go over?”
“No, how about you?”
“Yes, only a few more details to iron out."
“Well, details are up for negotiation,” she smiled.
“I know,” he said, “First, I know you aren’t my property or anything, but I think you can understand I’ll want you to tell me where you are going at all times…for a few weeks at least,” he said, “Just to make sure that you don’t malfunction when I’m not with you.”
“Understandable, and acceptable."
“Good,” he said, sighing with relief, “Next, I'm going to be carrying your tablet with me everywhere,” he told her, “Do you mind if I occasionally check in on you?”
“No,” she said, “Though keep in mind I am aware when the tablet is remotely accessing my systems."
“Alright,” he said, “You can’t decide not to let me access your diagnostic reads, can you?”
“No,” she said, “That’s your only failsafe,” she said, “Though if I detect you accessing my visual or audio feeds while I’m assisting a customer or hearing someone’s personal information, I can distort the feeds on your end."
“Fair enough,” he nodded, “Well then, I think we’re good."
“Good,” she smiled, “Now why don't we get dressed and eat some lunch?"
“Alright,” he said regretfully, finally having gotten used to being nude, and they headed into the bedroom to get dressed.

==Part 1.5: Relaxation==
==Part 1.5: Relaxation==
Once they were dressed, and had eaten lunch, they went back into the living room to decide how to spend the rest of their day.
“So Sabrina, anything you want to do today?” Greg asked.
“Yes, I know you wanted to stay here all day, but I want to go out and do something."
Greg let out a long sigh before saying, “It’s not that I want to keep you prisoner here, I’m just worried about you malfunctioning in public."
“I can understand that,” Sabrina said, “But I’ve been online for more than 12 hours now, and most of the major bugs that could have happened already happened."
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, and besides, any malfunction would be with my human emulation,” she said, “In that case, you could simply voice command me to deactivate human emulation and my A.I. could walk home with you just as easily as I could until it could fix me."
“Alright,” Greg said, finally giving in.
“Thanks!” Sabrina said, quickly giving him a kiss and hug.
“So, where would you like to go?” he asked, “And I’m not going to let you drive yet."
“Fair enough,” she conceded, “Why don’t we go to that latest 3D superhero movie?”
“Oh right, I forgot we were planning on seeing that on the night of your accident."
“I figured,” she said, “We might as well do it now before we have to go back to work.”
“You’re right,” he said, “I’ll go online and order the tickets,” he said, heading to the computer.  Just as he logged onto the ticket site, he suddenly stopped and said, “Hey, Sabrina."
“What is it?”
“I was just thinking,” he said, “Now that you’re an android, can your eyes even interpret the 3D images?”
“Oh shit! I hadn’t thought of that,” Sabrina said, suddenly looking worried.
“Well, our TV runs on the same concept as the theater 3D, why don’t we just test your eyes out on that?”
“Alright, I’ll keep my fingers crossed."
It only took Greg a few moments to setup the 3D movie player on their TV.  He selected another superhero movie made by the same company and jumped to one of the major action scenes.  “Alright Sabrina, here’s the glasses,” he said, handing one of the pairs to her.
“I hope my eyes work,” she said, putting them on as he grabbed the remote.
“Well, here goes,” he said, and he pressed play.
The scene only played for only a few seconds before Sabrina swore and said, “My eyes don’t work on 3D,” she said with a bummed look.
“That’s too bad,” he said, pausing the movie, “Maybe we could just see the non-3D version."
“I think I’ll call my dad first,” she said, “Maybe they already thought of this and made a program to correct the issue.”
“Alright, are you going to use the phone in your head or your actual phone?”
“My actual phone,” she giggled, “It seems a little rude to use my internal phone when I’m with you."
“It didn’t stop you from using it last night,” he smiled, grabbing her phone from the kitchen counter.
“I know,” she laughed, “I was just showing off,” she said, taking the phone and dialing her dad’s number.
“I’ll keep my fingers crossed this time,” he smiled as she waited for her dad to pick up the phone.
“Thanks,” she mouthed, just as her dad picked up, “Hey dad, it’s me…yes, I’m doing fine, I only had a few malfunctions last night…no, they weren’t serious…anyway, Greg and I were planning on seeing a 3D movie later, but it seems my eyes can’t interpret the 3D images with the glasses on…good, I was hoping you thought of that…why wasn’t it included in my A.I.?...I see, can you add it to my dedicated update server?...alright, thanks dad!...yes, Greg and I will see you in a few nights…alright, I love you too…bye,” she said, ending the call and placing her phone down.
“So?” he asked, only getting one end of the conversation.
“They’ve been working on a patch, though it wasn’t quite ready by the time they started building me,” she said, “Since it’s only a beta at the moment, it'll only work for about four hours at a time, so we shouldn’t plan on marathoning any 3D movies for a while."
“Oh, so you have to access your update server to install it?”
“Yes, it should only take a few minutes,” she said, sitting down and zoning out a little.
“Will you have to reboot or anything?”
“Hold on,” she said, and a few moments later, she came back and said, “Yes, I’ll be back soon,” she said, and then her head slumped down to her chest.  A few moments later, her head rose back up, “Alright, the patch is installed,” she announced with a big smile.
“Well, you ready to try again?” he asked her, picking up the remote.
“Yes,” she smiled, “fingers crossed,” she said, putting the glasses back on and looking at the paused TV screen with trepidation.
“Here goes again,” he said, and he pressed play.
“Yes, it works!” she said, breathing a sigh of relief and taking the glasses off.
“Good,” he said, stopping the movie and taking the glasses from her.
“Well, that’s a relief,” she said, sitting back down, “I think you can buy the tickets now."
“Alright,” he said, and he quickly ran back to the computer and ordered tickets for the movie, which they headed to an hour later. 
They returned from the mall several hours later, since they also stopped and did some shopping, and then picked up something for dinner, including a few drinks.  As they were eating, he once again had to remind himself she was an android as she was taking sips of the wine they had just bought.  “Sabrina, I was wondering, can you get drunk?”
“Yes,” she said, taking a sip, “though it's only simulated, since my brain is different."

“Interesting,” he said, “So, that means you could toggle it on and off?”
“Yes,” she said, “I guess that means I can always be the designated driver even if I’ve had a lot to drink."
“Yes,” he said, “just how drunk could you get?”
“I believe the simulation only goes up to a little over the legal limit,” she said, “The simulation takes into consideration my body type, gender, and the amount and type of alcohol I’ve consumed, as well as the amount of time I’ve been drinking.”
“Wow, I'm so glad they thought of everything,” he said, refilling both their glasses, “You want to get drunk then?”
After they finished eating, they popped open another two bottles of wine and continued drinking.  By the time they stopped an hour later, they were both pretty wasted as they stumbled into the living room to sit on the couch.
“How you feeling there Sabrina?” he asked, slurring his words a little.
“Pretty drunk,” she said, “You?”
“Drunk,” he replied, “That was some good stuff."
“Yeah, it was,” she said, wiping her forehead, which, along with the rest of her face, was flushed.
“So, why don’t you temporarily shut off your drunk simulation?”
“Alright,” she smiled, and after zoning out, the buzzed look on her face instantly vanished, and her skin returned to normal.
“Oh man, that is creepy,” he said, though he was laughing uncontrollably at seeing her go completely sober in front of his eyes.
“Wow, it was like a fog was lifted from my mind,” she said, laughing with him.
Once they regained their composure a few seconds later, Greg tried to focus as he asked her, “So, what does your body do with the alcohol?” he asked, “I know mine basically just gets it out."
“Well, the alcohol converts really well into energy for me,” she explained, “The byproduct is simple gas that I exhale."
“Cool,” he said, “Why don’t you turn your simulation back on,” he said, “You’re making me feel out of place."
“Alright,” she said, and after zoning out, her face flushed back up and she got the buzzed look on her face, “Wow, that’s actually kind of fun,” she said, slurring her words again.
“I’ll bet,” he said, “So, why don’t you load up that video of your construction now,” he laughed, “You can still do that drunk, right?”
“I think so,” she smiled, and she zoned out, “Hey, I still can,” she snorted, turning on the TV with her internal remote.
“Cool,” he laughed, as he watched her control the menus until she got the video uploaded into the media system.
“Wait, before the video, watch this,” she said, giggling as she loaded a video.  The screen was completely black until suddenly he saw his own face recoil in fear.  Apparently she recorded the image of her scaring the shit out of him when she was first activated.
“Oh man, you recorded that!?” he asked, laughing despite himself at seeing the reaction on his face upon being scared.
“Yes, and there’s more,” she said, pointing at the screen, as another video loaded, this time of him with a worried look on his face as he slowly got closer.
“Oh man, not that one too,” he said, “Oh!,” he said, once his face recoiled again and he saw himself from her point of view drop his head straight down.  The video ended with her looking at his foot.
“Yep,” she said, “I told you I was recording that,” she smiled, sticking her tongue out.
“You did,” he said, “Now how about that construction video?”
“Well, here it is,” she said, playing the video.
The video was time lapsed, since it took place over the course of several days, but they could clearly see the skeleton being assembled, along with the hardware components, and then the skeleton was placed in some sort of machine. About a day later, there was a perfectly realistic copy of Sabrina removed from that machine, along with the backups of her head, arms and feet.  There were a few more hours of finishing touches before her body was placed inside the box she was delivered in.  By the time the video ended, they could see that her construction had taken roughly five days, though the video was time lapsed into an hour.
“Wow Sabrina,” Greg said, once the video ended; the video had sobered him up considerably.
“Yeah,” was all she said; the video also sobering her up.
“Sabrina, I love you,” Greg said, turning to look at her.
“I love you too Greg,” she said, turning to him.
“Please don’t ever leave me again,” he said, a tear falling out of his left eye as he fiercely embraced her.
“I won’t,” she promised.
When they broke apart, Greg suddenly felt a bit horny.  "Hey, wanna have some sex"? he blushed.
She responded with a kinky smile and a nod.  They eagerly rose from the couch, Greg grabbing her control tablet, and headed into the bedroom.  Once in the bedroom, they both stripped off all their clothes and stood admiring one another. 
"Why'd you bring me tablet?" she asked with a curious look. 
"I thought of something that might spice up the sex tonight," he told her, opening the command tab on the device, "Do you trust me?"
"I do," she told him, staring deeply into his eyes.
"Good," he said, then he scrutinized the room, "Umm, you may want to stand close to the bed."
"Okay," she said a bit nervously, walking over and standing flush up against the bed, "Is this good?"
"We'll see," he said, then he finished typing in his command and hit enter.
Sabrina immediately stiffened up and stated in the clipped voice, "Command: Disengaging all limbs."  She then zoned out, like she did the other times, and Greg could see seams appearing around her neck, as well as her wrists, biceps, ankles, and thighs.  Once the separation was complete, she remained standing somewhat awkwardly for a few seconds, seams clearly visible on her body.  However, her hands, no longer completely attached, soon fell off, followed by her arms.  Her arms falling off then threw her off balance, causing a chain reaction that led to her torso disengaging from her legs and falling backwards onto the bed, while her head fell from the torso and rolled off the side of the bed.  Her legs briefly remained standing up right, before collapsing and disengaging from her feet.  While the whole scenario took place over the course of seconds, Greg cherished it and was glad he'd had the tablet record the entire thing. 
Once he recovered, he carefully placed the tablet down on a nearby dresser and walked over to Sabrina, who was now in several pieces on the floor and on the bed. Her head had rolled down onto the floor on the right side of the bed, but between the soft carpet, a blanket that had fallen onto the floor, and her long hair, she appeared to be fine; her face was facing down to the floor.
"Hey, are you okay down there?" he chuckled nervously, still high from the alcohol, and the thrill of seeing her fall to pieces like that.
She remained silent for a split second, worrying Greg a bit, before giving off a muffled laugh.  Sighing with relief, Greg carefully reach down and picked her head up, absently fixing her hair, before lifting it up to face him.  She was laughing with pure joy as she stared into his face.  "That was awesome!"
"I thought you'd like it," he grinned, giving her a quick kiss before turning her head so she could see her body parts laying on the floor and bed. 
"Were you still planning on having sex with me?, or was this the real reason you wanted to come in here."
"I do, but I figured this might be a fun way to kick things off," he told her, placing her head down and focusing on her torso, which was laying flat on its back.  He briefly played with her breasts before gently probing her vagina.  Unfortunately, it didn't open. 
"Umm, you know I'll need to be reattached for that to work, right?" she teased.
"I figured," he shrugged, "I was just testing to see what I could do now."
"Yeah, it closes up when it's off, or when my head is removed, for safety know, so you can't rape me."
He chuckled a bit before picking her head back up.  "You know I wouldn't do that."  Before she could respond, he brought her face to his and kissed her deeply.  She responded my closing her eyes and returning the kisses, while he slowly pushed her torso further up the bed so he could get into position.  Once he had it in the appropriate section of the bed, he mounted it with his stiff member and playfully teased the dormant pussy, kissing Sabrina more and more before clicking her head back on to her torso, bringing it back to life. 
Sabrina giggled contentedly as soon as she was reconnected and her torso came back to life, the arousal that she'd already built up from their makeout session immediately activated her vagina, which opened immediately to Greg's stiff member with a rush of warm fluids.  He moaned with pleasure as the fluids warmed him up and allowed him to smoothly slide in.  Since she had no arms or legs to grab on to him with, and therefore no leverage, he grabbed hold of her from behind her shoulders and pumped her into him, allowing them both to enjoy the experience.  After several minutes of sheer ecstasy, they finally climaxed, with him collapsing onto her legless and armless torso. 
Once they caught their breath, he carefully slid himself out of her and rolled over onto his side, looking over at her with a look of pure bliss.  Since she had no arms or legs, she could only do the same.  Once the sexual bliss had resided, he sighed and said, "Well, I should probably reassemble you now."
"That would be nice," she giggled.
Grinning, he got up from the bed and bent down at the foot, where her severed arms, legs, hands, and feet all lay.  Even after being drained from the epic sex they'd just had, he still grew hard at the sight.  Shaking his head and fighting it, he grabbed each part and lifted them up onto the bed, doing it one at a time due to their weight.  Once they were all up on the bed, he clicked the legs onto her torso, followed by her feet, and then her arms, followed by her hands. 
Sabrina waited patiently for him to reattach all her limbs, and then twitched around a bit as they all came back to life.  Greg quickly rejoined her on the bed, allowing her to embrace him with her reassembled body, engaging in another makeout session. 
Unfortunately, playtime had to end, so they got up and cleaned themselves off in the shower, eager to have more awesome sessions like that in the future.  The rest of their week off, they caught up on the rest of the shows they missed. Fortunately Sabrina had no major malfunctions the rest of the week, making them both feel much better about her new existence as an android.  On their last day, they went over to Sabrina’s parents house for dinner.
Regretfully, they both had to go back to work the next day.
Continued in [[The Replacement - Part 2]]
Continued in [[The Replacement - Part 2]]
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[[The Replacement - Part 5]]
[[The Replacement - Part 5]]
[[The Replacement - Part 6]]
[[The Replacement - Part 7]]
[[The Replacement - Part 8]]

Latest revision as of 00:57, 10 March 2020


His name was Greg Phillips, and the year was 2114. He was a somewhat handsome, yet ordinary 25-year old man of slightly above average height, with hazel eyes, and light brown hair. Up until a few days ago, he was the happiest man in the world. He was a college graduate with a well-paying, entry level job as an analyst at the local FBI field office in San Francisco, CA. Life was good: he had a nice, affordable place to live, and he also had a beautiful girlfriend with whom he had been dating for over three years since meeting her while he still worked at the local department store.

“I can’t wait until you get home,” Greg said, kissing Sabrina as she got ready to head out to work for her 12pm to 8pm shift.

“Me too,” she smiled, “Then we can finally go see that movie.”

“Yeah,” he said, “Hurry back!”

“I promise,” she said, and she headed out the door.

Unfortunately, she never made it home. As she was pulling out of the parking lot at work after a long shift, she was struck by a drunk driver. After treating her for several days, the doctors finally informed him she was brain dead. Greg was devastated.

Still, the one thing that kept him from going completely crazy was the fact that her stepdad, John, was there for him. One day, while Greg was sitting at her bedside, John walked in and calmly pulled up a chair next to him; he did not seem too distraught.

He handed Greg a coffee and said, “Son, I know you must feel like shit right now, but I think I might be able to help."

“How could you help?” he asked, “Do you mean you could fix her brain?”

“Unfortunately not,” he said, “but the company I work for is heavily involved in cybernetics, and one of the products we are currently working on is an artificial humanoid replacement."

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at” Greg admitted.

“Well, we can’t actually transfer a person’s soul to a machine…yet,” he said, “But we have managed to come up with a way of essentially downloading their memories, personality, and experiences as raw data and installing it into an artificial brain with a sophisticated A.I. to emulate them that would then be placed into an exact robotic copy of that person’s body.”

“So, a robotic clone?”

“Yes. It would look, sound, smell, and act exactly like Sabrina here, though it would only be a copy."

“Are you saying you can make a new Sabrina?” Greg asked, still not quite believing what he was hearing.

“Yes, we’ve been successful in over 90% of our test trials, even in cases where the person was brain dead, like Sabrina."

“How are you able to make them look realistic?” he asked, a little skeptical, since the only humanoid robots he was aware of had plastic-like skin and very basic features.

“I’m afraid I can’t go into any details just yet, since we're just entering the beta phase” he said, “Suffice to say my company has been developing the concurrent technologies used to build these human robots for a little over a century now.”

“So, I would just continue my life with a copy that looks like her?” Greg asked, “As much as would like to have that, especially with my robot fetish, we were hoping to have a family together and I don’t see that happening with a robot.”

“I know you two were hoping to have kids in a few years after she got out of college,” he nodded, “But you have no need to worry. We can salvage Sabrina’s eggs from her body and put them on ice for whenever the two of you are ready.”

“Good,” Greg said, “and how much would this cost me?” Greg asked, starting to feel hopeful and excited for the first time since the accident.

“Absolutely nothing,” he stated simply, “Aside from the fact that she was my stepdaughter and I am personally for this plan, you would essentially be beta testing this android in the field,” he explained, “As such, for helping us through the beta phase, she would be completely free, as would all of her future repairs, upgrades, and new bodies.”

“New bodies?”

“Yes, we can only age a body so much before it needs to be replaced,” he explained, “I mean, you don’t expect her to look 23 forever, right?”

“No, I suppose not,” Greg said, then chuckled. “That would be nice, though."

“I’m sure it would,” John smiled, standing up and holding out his hand, “Are you in?”

“Yes!” Greg said, getting up and shaking John's hand, “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” he said with a big smile, “It’ll take me a little while to get approval from my superiors, and a few more days after that to construct her,” he said, “So expect her in a few weeks."

“I will,” Greg said, finally having something good to look forward to.

Part 1

Part 1.1: Reunion

Over the next few weeks, John and Greg made several arrangements with her place of employment since her status had to be secretly changed from deceased to alive. Fortunately, Greg still had some pull with the management since he had worked there for over five years. When word finally arrived that her body was finished, he arranged to have a whole week off work and waited eagerly for her replacement to arrive. John planned on bringing her over in the evening, after Greg returned home from work, so he left work a little early, took a shower, and then waited...though, he was not good at waiting, so he nervously paced around his apartment instead.

Finally, at about 5pm, the doorbell rang.


“Alright, just stay calm Greg,” Greg said to himself as he approached the door, controlling his breathing and heart rate. It had been more than three weeks since Sabrina had died, and the thought of having a new one, a robotic one, was exciting. Greg opened the door to John carrying a medium-sized box, and another man hauling a metal box large enough for a human body on a dolly.

“Where do you want it?” John asked.

“Right here,” Greg said, showing them where to place it, “In the living room.”

Once they had the box situated in the living room, the other man left while John stayed.

“Alright Greg, before I let you turn her on, I need to go over a few things,” he said, sitting down on the couch with Greg.

“Okay,” Greg said.

“Now, R. Sabrina, which is her official robot name, is the most advanced android we have ever created,” he started, “she can get wet, she can eat and drink, which means she does also perspire and excrete, and almost anything else a human could do."

“Sounds simple enough,” Greg nodded with great interest.

“Now, even though she will acquire much of her energy from the food and drink she consumes, as well as from various micro solar panels installed throughout her body and kinetic energy from moving around, she will still need to be plugged in occasionally."

“Will she need to be plugged in right now?”

“No, we already charged her up for you, but she will still need to eat regularly, starting today, in order to maintain the charge," he explained, "But don't worry, she will be able to tell you when she needs to be plugged in."

“Will be aware of the fact that she’s a android?"

“Yes,” he said, “we aren’t planning on making sleepers, since they would require tremendous processing power to maintain the illusion, and besides, I thought you both had robo-fetishes anyway."

“Well, I suppose I do,” Greg said, blushing a little.

John chuckled. “Well, she will be able to tickle that fetish as well as both your foot fetishes."

“Good," Greg sighed, "Can she be programmed, or reprogrammed?”

“No,” he said, “You can’t permanently modify her personality or memories...otherwise it wouldn’t be Sabrina, now would it?”

“I suppose not," Greg agreed, "I was more worried about someone else reprogramming her."

“Don’t worry,” he said, “No technology exists, or will ever exist, that can reprogram her.”

“That’s a relief."

“Now, one more thing before I leave you two alone,” he said, pulling out a 10.5in tablet, “This tablet is your link to her diagnostic and remote systems.”

“What can I do with it?” Greg asked, carefully taking it from John and examining it before placing it on the coffee table.

“It connects to all her systems wirelessly so you can check to see if anything is wrong,” he said, “and you can also use it to see what she sees, and hear what she hears wherever she is, since she transmits to a proprietary satellite network,” he said, “There are also numerous control screens so you can modify her movement, actions, you name it."

“Very nice, now how do I turn her on?” Greg asked, as he started to get up.

“Just turn on the tablet and finish the prompts to turn her on this first time,” he said, “she’ll tell you more once she is activated."

“Thanks John,” Greg said, walking with him to the door.

“Just enjoy your reunion and bring her to our place for dinner in a few nights,” he said, “and one more thing, since she’s basically an advanced prototype we’ve given to you for field testing, she may have a few glitches and malfunctions, but she should self-correct and automatically install fixes while she is sleeping.”

“Okay,” Greg said, “Wait, what’s in that other box you gave me?” he asked, looking over at the medium sized plastic box John had left near the larger one.

“Just some backup parts,” he shrugged, “A few extra hands, feet, and other parts,” he explained, “Even an extra head,” he added, “That way you can simply replace the part instead of taking her in for a major fix."


“Well, I’d better be going now,” John said, and once he left, Greg closed the door and locked it, making sure he wouldn’t be disturbed.

With her stepfather gone, Greg finally had the place to himself...that is, until he turned on his new girlfriend. He promptly locked the doors and closed the windows, and even disconnected the phone so he would not be disturbed. With that all done, he slowly walked back into the living room and approached the large box.

“Alright, why don’t we take a look at you before turning you on,” Greg said, and he typed in his security key in the key pad and then stood back as the box opened to reveal the dormant form of R. Sabrina.

R. Sabrina was a girl in her early twenties, 23 to be exact. She stood at about 5”9, with long, curly, dark brown hair, and had a medium figure with a pair of C-cup breasts and was of mixed Mexican/American heritage. She was currently wearing the same work outfit that the original Sabrina wore on the night of her accident, even down to the pink nail polish on her fingers, along with ear and nose piercings. Her outfit was a short sleeved black polo, with a pair of black pants and black ballets. When he got closer to her, he was astonished to discover that she even smelled like she had just worked Sabrina’s full shift; the body odor mixed with her usual coconut perfume. With this remarkably realistic, and accurate, copy of Sabrina before him, he couldn’t help but choke up a little, since he knew this was not the Sabrina that he knew. Still, as long as she had all of Sabrina’s memories and personality, that had to make her a suitable replacement.

“I hope you don’t mind if I feel you to see how real you are,” he managed to said, staring at her sleeping face for a brief moments before smiling and grabbing one of her arms.

“Wow! I don’t know how they did it, but you feel exactly like the real Sabrina did...except a bit cold,” he said, feeling her left forearm and admiring the hairs and imperfections in the skin. He also looked at her hand and admired all of the fingerprints. “Let’s see if we can turn you on,” he said letting go of her arm after looking at her sleeping face and wanting to see her look more lively. After returning to the table where he left the tablet, he picked it up and activated it.

“Wow, this thing is cool!” he said, looking at the detailed status screens that popped up.

Since R. Sabrina wasn’t yet active, many of them were showing no activity, but there were a few screens displaying her current energy levels, and her wireless status. After looking at all the options available to him, he found the activation sequence was at the top. Taking one more look at her dormant stance, he keyed in his activation code and tapped the activate button. Once he did so, all of the other status indicators came alive: CPU, memory, motor systems, A.I. When he looked up from the tablet, he saw that her body was becoming more alive too. The skin was turning pink where before it was pale, almost as though a blush-fire were spreading across her body; she also started to breathe.

Looking back down at the tablet, he saw a generic startup text appear:

Prototype unit RXX1 activated…running preliminary diagnostics…diagnostics complete, no errors found…loading all systems…systems loaded… now starting A.I…A.I. loaded…starting human emulation…host human R. Sabrina loaded.

When he saw that everything was loaded, he looked back up and saw that, while she looked more alive, she still looked as though she were asleep.

“Hmm, That’s odd, I wonder if something went wrong,” he said, putting the tablet down and slowly approaching her. As he approached her, he could see her chest rising in rhythm with her breaths, and that her skin now looked fully alive. He slowly got closer to take a look at her face, when…

“BOO!!!” she yelled, suddenly coming to life.

To say Greg was startled was an understatement. He gave off what could best be described as a shriek, goose bumps formed on his skin, and the hairs stood up on his arms and neck. His heart raced so much he thought he was going into cardiac arrest, and he could hardly breathe. Fortunately, the aforementioned symptoms lasted only a few seconds, and when he recovered he saw her laughing hysterically.

“I knew I’d get you one of these days,” she laughed.

One of the things Greg used to do to the original Sabrina at the department store they both worked at to get her attention was to scare her whenever he happened to be walking by. He swore he was impossible to scare…apparently he was wrong.

“Hey! That’s not fair,” he said, catching his breath and smiling at her; he almost forgot she wasn’t the original Sabrina.

“Well, after I activated, I just couldn’t resist,” she said, still laughing.

“So, how do you feel?” he asked, “Do you have all of Sabrina’s memories?”

“I feel fine Greg,” she said, regaining her composure, “And I do have access to all of her memories, why else would I have scared you?”

“I’m sorry, this is just too weird,” he said, “It was only a few weeks ago I watched over you, I mean her, brain dead on a hospital bed."

“Yeah, fortunately the memories of the crash aren’t in me,” she said, “I only have everything leading up to before she got in the car."

“So, do you feel like Sabrina, or do you feel like a copy?” he asked carefully.

“A bit little of both,” she said, trying to come up with a better answer, “It’s more like I’m a blank person who was given someone else’s memories and personality and now gets to live that person’s life."

“I think I understand."

“Well, I’m sure we’ll both get used to this strange situation as time goes on,” she smiled assuringly.

“Yeah, I’m sure we will,” he agreed.

“So, what do you think of me?” she asked, turning around to give him a full look at her body.

“You look exactly like Sabrina, and you even talk, and act, like her."

“Thanks,” she smiled, “I think it took my stepdad’s company years to come up with the way my A.I. works."

“I’ll bet!"

“So,” she said delicately, “How have you been holding up these past few weeks?”

“I’ve been fine,” he said honestly, “Obviously, I’d be in a much worse state if I hadn’t known you were being built.”

“I see,” she said a little awkwardly, “Do you think we can sit down now? My legs are getting a little tired,” she said, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, of course,” he said, and they walked over to the common room and sat down in opposing chairs, pulling a table over to place the tablet on.

“This is much better,” she said, settling in.

“Yeah, I guess this is the first time you’ve ever sat down."

“Well, robot me,” she laughed.

“Yeah, I wasn’t even sure you could get tired."

“Well, I do have synthetic muscles, and they are susceptible to just as much stress as real muscles,” she said, “In essence, I can get tired."

“Huh, that sounds smart."

“Yeah, but I can ignore it if I want,” she shrugged.

“I would hope so,” he said, “So, how much can you remember about the last day of Sabrina’s life?”

“Let’s see,” she said, putting on a thinking expression, “umm…umm…umm,” she said, starting to repeat herself.

“Sabrina, are you alright?” he asked, watching her continue to repeat herself.

“Umm…umm…umm,” was all she said.

“Hmmm, looks like your first malfunction,” he said, picking up the tablet to see what was wrong.

It didn’t take long to see what the problem was. Apparently she was having a small problem accessing her memories, but her self-correction program was currently attempting to resolve the issue. The progress bar was at 25%, with a few minutes to go.

“Well, as long as I’m waiting, I may as well get a closer look at you,” he said, and he put the tablet down, got up, and leaned in towards her face, which was repeating the word ‘umm’ with the same inflection and expression each time.

As much as he wanted this android to be exactly like Sabrina, he was glad to see this small breaking of the façade. He was sure that if he were the one to become an android and she were still alive, she would be just as interested, since they both had a robo-fetish. The blank look in her hazel colored eyes was turning him on. After he was finished looking at her blank expression, he sat back down and looked at the tablet, which now showed 90% and only a few seconds left. A few seconds later, it showed the issue was resolved and that the A.I. would be resuming.

“umm…umm…well, I just remember working a full 8-hours and then heading to my car,” she finally finished, shaking her head, “Wow, that felt weird."

“You mean your malfunction?”

“Yeah, it seems there was a minor issue with accessing Sabrina’s memories,” she said, “my self-correction program created a temporary fix, but try not to ask me to access any specific memories until after I sleep tonight so it can create a permanent fix."

“Alright, but are you okay now, at least?”

“Yes," she assured him, "Remember, I am a prototype after all, so I’m bound to have at least a few bugs in the first few days."

“I suppose so."

“So, is there anything that you want to do with me tonight?” she asked with a suggestive look.

“Yes, it looks like I can use this tablet to control you,” he said, “Would you mind?”

“Not at all,” she smiled, “Though I’ll have to go over some aspects of that with you tomorrow."

“Fair enough,” he smiled back.

Part 1.2: Playtime

Once he had the tablet activated again, and the main screen unlocked, he asked, “So, what should I try out first?”

“Why don’t you activate my visual readout,” she suggested, “I think you might find it interesting."

“Okay,” he shrugged, and after looking through the tools tab, he tapped the one labelled ‘visual’. “Cool!” he said, once the visual system loaded on his screen.

The visual system showed everything that R. Sabrina’s eyes were seeing, which at the moment was him staring down at the screen in awe. Her visual feed looked as normal as his vision with no obvious enhancements in quality or clarity, though he could also see that she had a HUD that she could use to control her own systems and see her own basic status readouts; her current energy levels were at 99.8%. The only thing letting Greg know he was seeing from Sabrina’s point of view, instead of some camera,. was her eyelashes barely visible at the top and bottom of the feed. In addition to her diagnostic readouts, he also noticed a small box around his face with a line pointing to his name, with a basic readout of his stats; it appeared she was equipped with some sophisticated facial recognition.

“So, this HUD, and all the information in your line of vision, doesn’t bother you?”

“No, I think it’s actually kinda cool."

“I’ll say,” he smiled, “Hey, it looks like I can control what you look at,” he said, seeing a control for her eyes.

“Try it."

“Okay,” he said, and he tapped the eye icon and then saw the vision window split in two, each section showing the visual readout for one of her eyes. There was also a control in the middle to control the direction of both eyes simultaneously, which he chose to try out first.

“Wow, this is weird,” Sabrina said, since her eyes started moving without her control.

“I’ll bet,” Greg said, seeing her point of view change as he moved his finger across the directional circle on the tablet screen. He also found he could adjust the focus, and he saw the irises in each eye adjust accordingly. It appeared she could focus slightly better than a human could; her visual acuity was approximately 20/8.

“I’m going to move each eye separately now,” he said, and he moved his finger to her left eye control and watched as her right eye stayed where it was, but her left eye started moving.

“Wow, this is really weird,” she said, when he started moving the other eye too, it looked like her eyes were bouncing around.

“Yeah, the way your eyes are bouncing around make you look a little crazy,” he laughed.

“Greg, can you stop now?” she asked suddenly, “The constant movement is causing severe strain on my CPU."

“Oh, sorry,” he said, quickly returning control of her eyes to her.

“Thanks, and it’s okay,” she said, blinking her eyes a few times and smiling again.

“You’re not dizzy, are you?”

“I’m not sure I can get dizzy,” she admitted, “my CPU was just having trouble processing the different visual feeds from both eyes at the speed you were moving them."

“Oh,” he said, “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry, my CPU's back to normal would have needed to keep it up for several more minutes to have caused any serious problems."

“Oh, good,” he said, sounding relieved.

“Well, what do you want to do with me next?”

“Well, let’s see,” he said, and he perused through the tablet until he got to her full body screen. From there, he saw he could control any of her limbs, and he could also see where her panels were, as well as how to remove parts of her body. “ looks like I can remove your head, amongst other things.”

“Yeah, each of my limbs can be removed as well."

“Well, would you mind if I removed just your head?” he asked, “To be honest, I’ve always secretly fantasized about removing your head if you were an android,” he admitted with a blush.

“Aww, that’s sweet,” she blushed back, “Go ahead! I’m as eager to experience the features of this body as you are!"

“Thanks,” he said, blushing a little as he got up, “You will be alright, right?”

“Yes," she assured him, "my A.I. and memory storage is in my head, and my head has its own power source which can last at least a few hours before needing to be reattached."

“Okay," he nodded, feeling more comfortable, "will you still be able to control your body wirelessly, at least?”

She shook her head. “Unfortunately not. It is possible, but it would require a tremendous amount of processing power to handle the coordination, and they were unable to fit it in my body...I am a prototype, after all."

“I understand," he nodded, "well, are you ready?"

She gave him a nod, "As ready as I'll ever be."

He flashed her a quick smile, getting up from his chair and walking up behind her. He followed the instructions listed on the tablet and parted the hair at the back of her neck, revealing a small freckle which he pressed.

“Cranial unit manual release engaged...stand by,” Sabrina said in a clipped tone, clearly reciting a computerized message. Once she recited the message, a seam appeared around her neck below the freckle, and there was a slight hiss of air as a whirring noise came from within her neck. When the noises stopped, he carefully lifted her head above her neck and looked down at the mechanical opening where her head used to be connected. He could clearly make out the tubes that air, and food and liquids made their way from her throat down to the rest of her body. He could also see the data ports where her head connected, as well as a few support frames that shaped her neck. He was also able to see down to her lap where her hands were resting calmly on her lap; her head was a bit heavy.

“Are you still with me?” he asked, once he processed everything there was to see of her open neck.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said in a digitized version of her voice, “This is cool!”

“Good,” he said, carefully turning her head around to face him as he carefully walked back to his chair. Once he was seated, he gently rested her head on his lap and gazed down at her.

“Wow, this is a fascinating experience!” she said, smiling up at him.

“How does it feel?”

“Oddly relaxing,” she admitted, “I’m not expending any processing power controlling the rest of my body, or breathing, or regulating my power systems."

“And it sounds like your voice is coming from a speaker."

"It is," she confirmed, "that's because I don’t have access to my lungs, and therefore can't use my vocal chords."

“But then, why are your lips are still moving?"

“Because I’m programmed to lip synch in order to maintain the façade,” she explained, “though I can suspend that function if you like,” she offered with a wink.

“Can you?” he asked sheepishly, “Just for a while at least.”

“Sure,” she said, though she said it without moving her mouth at all; her face did form a brief smile.

“Wow, this is turning me on and creeping me out at the same time,” he said, feeling an odd feeling in his guts, and his member growing harder.

“Same here,” she said, once again not moving her mouth.

“I’m curious, since you’re talking with a speaker, are you able to speak with anyone else’s voice?”

“I’m not sure."

“Well, why don’t you try talking with my voice,” he suggested, “You’ve certainly heard it enough to have it memorized."

“Okay, I’ll try,” she said, and a few seconds later, she said, “How does this sound?” Unfortunately, it was still in her own voice.

“Like you."

“Oh well,” she said, sounding disappointed, “I’m sure it’s possible for me to speak with someone else’s voice...I’ll have to ask my dad about that,” she said, “So, how long would you like me to talk like this?”

“For a little while longer,” he said, “I want to play around with your face, and look around in your mouth, and it would be difficult if your face is moving."

“Oh, good idea then,” she said, winking at him instead of smiling.

“I thought so,” he winked back.

“Well, my face is yours to play with for the moment,” she said, “It’ll help reduce my CPU load a little bit too.”

“Win-win,” he smiled, and then he put his hands on her face and started manipulating it, making her smile, frown, and put on a stoic expression.

“Hmmmm, your hands feel nice,” she said in a relaxed voice, as he was moving her face around. Despite her not moving her face, he could see her cheeks blushing.

“Thanks, your skin feels so real,” he said, blushing as well.

“Yeah, they synthesize it from skin samples from the original Sabrina’s body,” she said, “I think it took them several decades to develop the technology to make my skin.”

“Well, they did an excellent job,” he said, opening her eyes more and then picking her head up and bringing it to his face so he could get a closer look at her eyes.

“Whoa! Extreme close-up,” she giggled, since his eyes were mere inches from hers.

“Yeah, I want to see how real your eyes are,” he said, looking closely at both hazel eyes. He was amazed at how real they looked. He could see the irises change to the lighting, and he could also see the veins in her eyes.

“They are pretty real, the most advanced bio-mechanics ever developed,” she said, “Your eyes look pretty nice too,” she said, her eyes focusing on his.

“Thanks,” he said, “Is it safe to touch your eyes?”

“Not while they’re still attached,” she warned, “It might damage them while they’re still active.”

“Oh well, thought I’d ask,” he said, “does your face come off?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she laughed, though the laughter sounded weird without her mouth moving.

“Just making sure, I was hoping you would say no."

“Yeah, my face is too intricately attached to be removable."

“I thought so,” he said, “I’m going to look around in your mouth now."

“Go ahead,” she said, “And don't worry, the moisture from my tongue and the inside of my mouth mostly receded when my head was detached, so your fingers shouldn't get too wet."

“Wow, good to know,” he said, and he grabbed her chin and carefully pried open her mouth.

“My mouth is also capable of cleaning itself while I sleep, so no more brushing,” she said, as he looked inside her open mouth.

“Cool, that’ll save you a few minutes a day,” he said, looking closely at her small teeth and then feeling her realistic, yet dry, tongue; her mouth was very clean.

“He he, I can taste your fingers...they taste a little salty."

“Probably my perspiration," he smiled, "Well, I’m done with your face, so you can lip-synch again, if you want” he said, closing her mouth and pulling his hands away.

“Thanks,” she said, once again moving her mouth and the rest of her face and smiling up at him.

“Is there anything else I can do with your head?” he asked, looking over at her headless body which was still just sitting there.

“Yes. You can open my head and see my brain."

“Is it safe?”

“Sure,” she said, “In the next few weeks, Dad'll probably be sending you some processor upgrades for me as he analyzes the data I send him,” she said, “So you'll definitely need to know how to access my brain.”

“If he has upgrades available, why didn’t he just install the more powerful ones already?”

“Because he needs to calibrate them with my systems as they continue to develop, otherwise I might experience an overload or some other malfunction."

“Oh, that makes sense,” he said, “If I’m reading this correctly, I have to remove your scalp to access your brain, right?” he asked, looking up the schematics for her head on the tablet.


“Alright, here goes then. He picked her head up, turning it around and pressing a small discolored area at the base of her hairline. Once he did, he felt a click and heard a hiss as a seam appeared above the spot he pressed.

“Scalp panel manual release” she said in a clipped tone.

“Wow, this is cool,” Greg said as he lifted the panel containing her long, thick hair above her head and looked at the awesome technology inside her head cavity.

“Please don’t mess up my hair."

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he said, and he carefully placed her scalp down next to him, being careful to keep the hair from tangling. Once he had it set, he looked back into her open head.

The panel removed her entire scalp from the back of her head to the tops of her ears and the top of her forehead. In the front portion he could see the backend of what made her face work, including the mechanisms controlling her eyes, which from the back end looked like cameras with organic material at the end. He could also see a bunch of tiny fiber optics connecting to what looked like synthetic muscles, and the area where her mouth was. Near the back, with fiber optics going in and out of it, was a complex array of processors and circuits. Each of the processors, which were the size of a penny, were connected to a strange looking device in the middle. It was semi-transparent, made out of some kind of metallic-plastic alloy and had what appeared to be a bluish, organic compound in it.

“Sabrina, what’s this device attached to all the processors?” he asked, getting a closer look.

“That’s me,” she said, “My brain, which houses my A.I., memories, and personality."

“Wow!” he said, “But what’s with the blue liquid stuff inside?”

“The latest in organic computing,” she replied, “Organic computing shatters all the limits that circuit boards have,” she explained, “Otherwise my consciousness would have to be contained in a computer the size of the couch."

“Cool! I didn’t know it would be that small,” he said, gently touching it and feeling the warmth it was giving off.

“Yeah, in older models there was a lot of wasted space with maintenance monitors, so they had to put the brain in the torso,” she explained, “With me, they outsourced everything to the tablet and installed a wireless link to it, which is considerably smaller and freed up a lot of space.”

“Still, if this organic computer is supposed to mimic a human brain, I would have thought it would have been closer to the size of an actual brain."

“Well, they also outsourced several functions to other parts of my body,” she explained, “Basically, I have a decentralized brain."

“I’m not quite sure what that means."

“Well, the brain you are seeing now houses my memories, and the dark object you might be able to see at the bottom is the mechanical portion with my A.I. and primary CPU,” she said, “And some of those sub processors surrounding my brain handle my head’s sensory information, such as visual, smell, taste, and sounds."

“Okay, but then what about the parts of your brain that are supposed to control movement and other stuff?”

“There’s a large array in my torso which processes all my primary motor functions, and my overall sense of touch,” she said, “It also handles all involuntary functions, such as digestion, power systems, and temperature controls, and it links up to smaller sub-processors in my arms, legs, hands, and feet which help with sensory and motor data."

“Wow, strangely that all makes sense,” he said, “So, can your organic brain here be removed?”

“Yes, but let’s not do that now…I’m afraid it might cause an error since I haven’t been online for very long."

“Alright,” he said, “Is there anything else I can do in here?”

“If you are very careful, you can probably remove one of my eyes."

“Really?” he asked, “Let me see,” he said, and he looked closer into the cavity near the front section and saw the backend of both her eyes. Upon closer inspection, he saw what looked like small release tabs at the end of each one. He decided on her left eye and pressed each release tab.

“Whoa, that was weird,” Sabrina said suddenly.

“How so?” he asked, carefully pulling on the component until it started sliding out. He was surprised how long it was, and the level of intricacy in the components. Finally, the entire optical array came out. He was somewhat shocked to see a realistic looking eyeball attached to the end, with all the coloring still in place.

“Well, I’ve only got one eye now,” she said in an obvious tone, “Please do be careful with it."

“Don’t worry, I will,” he assured her, getting a closer look at the awesome biomechanical eye in his hands, “I wonder why your dad’s company hasn’t made eyes like these for humans."

“Probably because the human would need parts of their brains removed and replaced with mechanical components and they don’t feel comfortable doing that just yet."

“Oh, that makes sense,” he said, “Did you want to see what your optical array looks like?”

“Sure, though remember to hold it in front of my right eye,” she laughed.

“I know,” he laughed, and he carefully spun her head back around and showed her the optical array in his hands. If he thought the eye in his hands was weird, seeing Sabrina missing an eye and being able to see all the way through the opening to where her brain was.

“Cool,” she said, “Now could I have it back now?”

“Sure,” he said, and he turned her head back around and carefully reinserted her eye, eliciting an audible sigh of relief from when her eye was back in place.

“Thanks,” she said, “There’s not much else you can do in there, so you should probably reattach my scalp now.”

“Alright,” he said, and he carefully reattached her scalp and placed her back in his lap with her head facing up at him.

“Here we are again,” she smiled.

“Yep,” he smiled back, “So, is there anything else you’d like me to do with you?”

“Let me think a moment,” she said, and after a few moments, she smiled and said, “Hey, why don’t you toss me onto the couch?”

“Are you crazy?” he asked, since from where he was standing, the couch was roughly six feet away, “Won’t that damage you if I happen to miss and you hit the floor?”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she said, using her eyebrows to mimic a shrug since she had no shoulders, “My skull is made of a titanium alloy, and my brain is reinforced from shock damage."

“Oh,” he said, “And what about your skin and musculature?”

“It’s only a few feet,” she assured him, “Go on, I’ll even record my visual feed for you to watch later."

“Alright,” he gave in, “I apologize in advance if I miss,” he warned her, “You know how much I suck at throwing."

“I know, but I have faith in you sweetie,” she smiled, knowing he hated that ‘f’ word.

“Oh, now you’ve done it!” he yelled in mock anger, and he faced her forwards in his hands, holding her below her chin and then he tossed her over the table and onto the couch. As soon as she left his hands, he heard her go “Wheeeeee!” as her head arced through the air, and the moment she landed face first on the plush couch with a loud thump, he heard her laughing.

“Wow, I actually made it,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief as he walked over to the couch; he could still hear her laughing. “Sabrina, you okay?” he asked, carefully picking her head up so she was facing him.

Sabrina was still laughing, with a gleeful smile on her face. It was a few seconds before he realized something was wrong, because her laugh almost sounded looped and her face was frozen in the gleeful smile.

“Sabrina,” he said again, looking worried.

Sabrina just continued laughing the looped laugh, until suddenly her face went stoic and she said, “Error…shock to primary A.I. systems…catastrophic damage detected…shutting doooowwwwn,” she said, the last bit ending in a slow drone.

“Damn it,” Greg said, staring into Sabrina’s lifeless eyes, “You’re still a prototype, why’d you make me throw you?” he asked, starting to wonder what to do. He brought her face a little closer so he could tenderly kiss her lips, when suddenly…

“BOOO!!” she screamed, her face suddenly coming to life.

“AHH!” he yelled out, the sudden adrenaline rush causing him to drop Sabrina’s head straight down onto the floor.

“Ouch!” she said, once hit the floor.

“Damn Sabrina! You scared the shit out of me…again,” he said, catching his breath as he looked down at her head, which had landed on its cheek just in front of his bare left foot, “Don’t think I feel sorry for you about the pain of hitting the floor."

“Totally worth it,” she laughed.

“Ugh,” he said in mock frustration, as it seemed Sabrina was getting revenge for all the times he scared her from the grave. He slowly bent down to his knees and looked at her, “So, you comfy there?”

“Yeah, I have a perfect view of your foot,” she said, and since her mouth was mere centimeters from his big toe, she reached out her tongue and tasted the tip of it.

“Hey!” he said, recoiling a little.

“Your toe tasted clean,” she said, “Did you shower before I arrived?”

“Yeah, I’d just worked a full shift,” he said, “Do you want me to pick you back up now?”

“Yes, please."

Once he picked her back up, he walked back over to the chair and sat down with her again.

“So, what did you think of my awesome acting job?” she asked, giggling a little as she said it.

“Very good,” he said, “Despite the fact you could have been damaged by me dropping you."

“I told you I would be fine,” she said, “It only hurt a little bit."

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, “so, do you want to be reunited with your body now?”

“Not quite,” she said, after thinking on that, “why don’t you test out the remote for my body instead?”

“Will it still work without your head attached?”

“Of course,” she assured him, “My body has two primary wireless links, one in my head and the other in the primary motor control system in my torso."

“Okay, so your body is still on?” he asked, looking over at her body again, which was still sitting passively with its hands resting on its lap.

“Yes, but without me, or a remote command, it can’t move."

“Oh, well let’s see if I can prop you up somewhere so you can watch,” he said, and after looking around, he placed her head on the nearby couch and supported it with a few pillows, “Comfy?”

“Yes, thanks,” she smiled, looking as though her head was coming out of the couch.

“Don’t mention it,” he smiled back, and he picked up the tablet and opened the remote function, which brought up an image of her body, minus the head. After familiarizing himself with the way the remote function worked, he tapped on one of the highlighted areas of the right arm and slowly lifted it up with his finger. As he did so, he saw her actual arm slowly rise from her lap, though more mechanically than organically.

“Cool,” he said, making it move some more as he got the hang of manipulating it. “How come it’s moving like that”

“Because the motor control processors aren’t fine-tuned enough to move my limbs in a perfectly human manner, but my A.I. processor assembly is,” she explained.

“Oh, okay,” he said, and he tapped on the other arm and began making both arms wave around.

Once he got more comfortable with the controls, he had her body lower its arms and then he manipulated the controls for her legs to have her body slowly rise from the chair to its feet. He got a little scared when he saw it wobble a little, but with no help from him, her body stabilized itself.

“What happened?” he asked, looking down at the tablet.

“My body does have some basic programming in it,” she said, “Enough so that it can keep itself from falling, even when my head is removed."

“Well, that’s good,” he said, “Wouldn’t want it to fall."

“Don’t worry, I doubt you could ever master the remote controls enough to make my body stand up perfectly,” she said, “Only my brain is smart enough to move it properly.”

“I’ll try not to take that as an insult,” he said, mockingly sounding hurt.

“It’s not,” she said, “Just an unfortunate truth,” she said smugly, “Don’t worry, you did an okay job."

“Thanks, now I’ll try walking it over to me,” he said, and he found there was a separate control for forward movement, so he merely toggled it up a little and watched as her body slowly took a step forward. After making it successfully walk one step forward, he increased the speed to a normal walk and then had it stop a few feet in front of him.

“Good job,” Sabrina said, giving him a toothy smile, “If I had hands, I’d be clapping.”

“Thanks,” he said wryly, and then he paused a moment to look at her headless body, which was standing passively a few feet in front of him, “Would you mind if I undressed your body?”

“Yes, I would,” she said, “I want to do it myself later,” she said, “You can grope it if you like, though."

“Fair enough,” he said, and he put the tablet down on the table and stood up in front of her body.

He stared at it for a few seconds, getting over the weirdness of her head not being there and it not breathing, before reaching out to its chest and putting both hands on her sizeable breasts. Even through the shirt, he could still tell how real they felt and he couldn’t help but smile as he gave them a gentle squeeze.

“Well, how do they feel?”

“Perfect,” he said, giving her a boyish smile.

By the look on her face, he knew if she was still attached to her body, she would be shaking her head the way all women do when a man is acting like a man. She finally gave a digital sigh before saying, “I suppose that’s good, is there anything else you want to do with my head? I’ve only got about an hour and a half of power left."

“Alright,” he said, and he sat down next to her on the couch and picked up her head, “Let me take a look at something real quick,” he told her, and he flipped her head upside down so he could look at the mechanical part.

“Why didn’t you look at that before?” she asked, not concerned that she was upside down.

“Well, I’d already seen the part on your body, so I didn’t think it would be any different,” he told her, “But now…,” he left off, seeing matching connections to the ones on her body, “Sabrina, I can see the tubes that air and food stuffs are sealed on both your body and your head.”

“Yeah, it’s to prevent contaminants from entering the tube."

“I figured as much,” he said, “Is it possible for you to manually unseal it...just for a little bit?”

“Yes, though I can only manually unseal the one on my head," she told him, "there should be a manual release near the tube connection on my body,” she said, “Why?”

“It’s about the only thing I haven’t seen yet."

“Oh, alright,” she said, and a few moments later he saw the tube unseal itself with a whirring sound.

“Thanks,” he said, taking a closer look.

“Don’t mention it,” she said, “Just be gentle in there.”

“I will,” he promised.

He noticed that the inside of the throat tube looked just as he might expect the inside of a human throat to look like. After looking inside it for a few seconds, he suddenly got an idea, “Sabrina, are your vocal chords in your head, or in the body?”

“They are a few inches above that opening on my head,” she answered, “What do you have in mind?”

“I’m wondering if I were to blow into this tube here, could you vocalize?”

“I can try,” she said, smiling at his idea.

“Alright,” he said, and he brought her head up to his face so the tube was at his mouth, then he covered his mouth over it and blew in. The first time he blew in, the air merely passed all the way through her open mouth. She apologized and said she wasn’t quite ready, so he tried again. This time, he heard her make a moaning sound.

“Sorry, I’m afraid that’s the best sound I can make with you blowing into my throat,” she said, resealing her tube.

“At least you could make a sound,” he said, “I wonder what would happen if I blew into your body’s throat,” he said then, placing Sabrina’s head back down where it was before and standing back up next to her body.

“Try it."

“Hmm, let’s see,” he said, looking over the mechanical portion of her neck at the sealed tube. It only took him a moment to locate the manual release, which he immediately pressed, unsealing the tube.

“Please remember to reseal it before you reattach me."

“I will,” he promised, and he carefully placed his mouth over the open tube and blew in. As soon as he did, he saw her chest rise up as her lungs were suddenly filled with the air he blew in. Once his mouth left the tube though, the air he blew in was forced back out.

“Cool,” Sabrina said, as she watched him blow air into her body several more times before resealing the tube and walking back over to her.

“Yeah,” he said, “I think I’ve finished having fun with you being headless…or I should say bodiless."

“Yeah,” she agreed, “Well, we’ll have the rest of our lives to play around with my features,” she smiled, “Why don’t you reattach me now?"

“Okay,” he said, and he gently picked her up, before carrying her over to her body, “So, is there anything special I need to do to reattach you?”

“Nope,” she said, “Just put my head back on my neck and my body will take it from there,” she said, looking into his eyes.

“Easy enough,” he said, and he stood in front of her body and slowly brought her head over her neck. When it made contact, he both heard and felt a click and then her face sort of zoned out while he heard the whirring sound, most likely the head components linking up with the body components. Once the whirring stopped, the seam quickly sealed back up, and then her body gave a slight start.

“Wow, that felt good,” she said, taking a deep breath and rubbing her neck with her hands and then stretching her arms and legs out.

“How’d it feel?” he asked, stepping back and watching her.

“Kind of like a sugar rush,” she tried to explain, “Every part of my body was suddenly rushed with energy when my head was reattached.

“I see,” he said, and before he could say anything else, he heard what sounded like a growl, “What was that?”

“I think that was my tummy,” she said, looking down at her body and smiling back up at him.

“Hmmm, I didn’t know your stomach could growl."

“Well, my stomach didn’t actually growl,” she explained, “It was actually a speaker in my torso,” she admitted, “They wanted me to sound realistic too."

“That makes sense I suppose,” he said, “Can I see if I can hear anything from your torso?”

“Sure,” she said, “But I am pretty well insulated, and they did think of just about everything."

“Still, I want to see for myself,” he said, and he leaned down at held his left ear against her bosom and her abdomen to see if he could hear anything mechanical coming from her; he couldn’t. All he heard was what he would have expected from a breathing human woman, he even heard the stomach growl again and could not tell it was coming from a speaker.

“Do you feel hungry right now?” he asked, standing back up.

“Yes, actually,” she said, “after all, I haven’t eaten anything yet."

“I see,” he said, “I completely forgot about planning for dinner,” he said, sounding worried.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I thought you might have, so I called and ordered pizza,” she smiled.


“While I was on the couch,” she said, “I have a phone in my brain that I can use to call out."

“But I didn’t hear you talk or anything."

“I’m a computer now sweetie,” she smiled, “I can multitask."

“Oh,” he said, “That makes sense.”

“So, the pizza should be here any minute,” she said, “But there’s one thing I want to do before we eat,” she said with a smile.

“What’s that?”

“This,” she said, and she walked forwards, put her hands on both sides of his face and gave him a nice kiss that instantly erased any feelings he had against this robot that was now living Sabrina’s life.

Right on time, just as they broke apart, the doorbell rang.

“Well, time to eat,” she smiled, and she quickly ran to the door and took the pizza from the delivery man, while Greg, in a dazed state, walked into the kitchen to set the table.

Part 1.3: Exploration

After they ate as much pizza as they could, they put the leftovers in the fridge, washed up, and then returned to the living room to continue where they had left off.

“Thanks for the pizza, Sabrina,” Greg said, sitting back down in his chair and picking up the tablet.

“No problem!” she smiled, sitting back down across from him, though sliding her chair a little closer, “It’s the least I could do to make up for the last few weeks.”

“I’m curious,” he said, “What’s your brain’s phone number?”

“The same number as my cell,” she laughed, “Dad basically cloned my phone into my A.I., so I can still use the actual phone too."

“That’s cool,” he said, and then he swiped through a bunch of screens on the tablet.

“What are you going to do to me now?”

“I’m trying to find the screen for your digestive system,” he said, “I’m curious what kind of data this thing gathers from it."

“Oh. To be honest, I’m not sure it will be very interesting."

“Ah, here it is,” he said finally, bringing the screen up. He was kind of let down by how boring it was though. All it showed was how full her stomach was, and the amount of energy being generated by the five slices of pizza and the soda she had consumed.

“Yeah, I figured it would be boring,” Sabrina said, seeing the look in his face as he brought the tablet back to the home screen.

“Well, I think we’ve spent a good amount of time doing what I want to do,” he said, putting the tablet back down, “What do you want to do?”

“Well, that’s sweet,” she said, putting her hand on her heart.

“Thanks,” he said, blushing.

“Well, I said I would undress for you later, and now it is later, so…,” she said, and she scooted her chair even closer to his and then bent down to remove her shoes, “I thought I’d start with my feet, since you’ve obviously shown considerable restraint the past hour,” she smiled, and once her shoes were off, she stretched her legs out and rested her large, size 10, feet on his lap; her toenails were still painted.

“Thanks!" He spent a little bit of time deciding which one to start with. In the split second of indecision, she wiggled her toes, which made him grow hard.

“Better pick before they go away,” she teased, wiggling her toes some more and pretending to pull them back.

“Oh no you don’t!” he yelled, grabbing both her feet and tickling them.

“Hey! Stop it!” she squealed playfully, squirming in her chair and giggling uncontrollably.

“Nope, you know I hate being teased,” he laughed, and he amplified the tickling, causing her to squirm even harder.

It was a few seconds before he realized something was wrong. She was squirming and giggling, but her eyes seemed zoned out. “Sabrina, are you okay?” he asked, letting go of her feet and wondering if she was faking it again.

She squirmed a few seconds longer before stopping, tilting her head and saying “Error, sensory overload…Rebooting to correct error,” and her head slumped down.

“Great,” he said, sighing a little as he waited for her to come back online.

Fortunately, he only had to wait a few seconds before she came back to life, slumping her shoulders with a disappointed look on her face. “Wow, sorry about that.

“It’s alright,” he said, “You are a prototype after all,” he smiled, “I’m sure soon these malfunctions will be past us."

“I hope so,” she said, “So, you still didn’t pick a foot,” she smiled, looking back down at her feet on his lap and wiggling her toes.

“You won’t malfunction again, will you?” he asked, looking at them with trepidation.

“I should be fine for now," she assured him, "Just don’t tickle me until tomorrow,” she warned, “I promise I won’t tease you this time."

“Alright,” he laughed, before grabbing her right foot.

Ever since he met her, he was always concerned about the shoes she wore because they always seemed to leave a red mark on her big toes, but she always assured him that it was because she had very pale skin. He was pleased to see that the red mark was still there.

“Yeah, it’s still there,” she smiled, almost seeming to read his mind.

“Yeah,” he said, and he looked back down at her large foot and began rubbing it, eliciting a giggle from Sabrina.

“I’m curious,” he said, gently feeling the bottom of her foot, “When I removed your head and scalp, you announced a manual release,” he said, now feeling her toenails, which were painted red like her fingernails, “Are you able to remove your limbs by will, or can they only be removed manually?”

“I can disengage my limbs myself," she confirmed, then added with a chuckle, "though, for obvious reasons, disengaging my own head would be a bad idea."

“I thought so," he nodded, "would you mind disengaging your right foot then, please?”

“Sure thing!” She zoned out for a split second, and then a seam appeared above her ankle, “There, you can remove it now."

“Thanks!” He carefully pulled her foot free of her leg and held it in his hands, remarking how heavy it felt and admiring the realism.

“Don’t mention it,” she said, watching him get used to the weight of her foot in his hands and pressing the bottom to his face, breathing in the realistic scent of her foot.

“I wonder why they made you smell so real fresh out of the box,” he said, tasting the saltiness of her big toe.

“I smelled sweaty before I was activated?” she asked, looking genuinely surprised.

“Yeah,” he said, “Maybe they wanted to reinforce the fantasy of you coming home from work, like… like Sabrina didn’t get too,” he said, choking up a little.

“Awww sweetie,” she said, leaning forward and putting her hands on his shoulders.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” he said, wiping the moisture from his eyes and hugging her, accidentally dropping her foot to the ground.

“Don’t worry about my foot, it should be okay,” she whispered into his ear, hugging him a little longer, and harder, before letting him go. While it had momentarily caused him to choke up, he now found her familiar scent calmed him down a great deal.

“Thanks,” he said, picking her foot back up and brushing the light carpet debris off it, “I needed that.”

"I know," she smiled knowingly. While he picked up her foot, Sabrina grabbed her shoes with a curious expression and held them to her face, taking in a whiff, recoiling slightly at the scent, "Huh, I'm thinking the reason I seem to have body odor right now isn't because they sprayed it on me or something, but merely because they put the clothes the real Sabrina was wearing on me before shipping me out and didn't bother cleaning them," she quickly peeked under her shirt and pants, "well, except my underwear, I guess."

"Huh, that's weird," he scoffed, "Though, it was nice of them I suppose, since it offered the illusion that you had simply returned from work."

"I suppose you're right," she laughed, "though, I'm definitely tossing these clothes into the laundry later tonight."

Greg shook his head with a smile. “Here, I’m done with your foot,” he said, grabbing the stump of her right leg and clicking her foot back on.

“Thanks!” she said, wiggling the toes at him, before holding out her left foot. “Want the other one?”

“No, there'll be plenty of time for that later,” he decided, “I think I'd like to see you continue stripping."

“Alright,” she smiled, and she stood up and sexily slipped her polo over her head and flung it behind her. Her large breasts bounced a little, though they were still confined by her light purple bra. “Well?” she smiled inquiringly, putting her hands over her bra and groping herself.

“Nice,” he nodded approvingly, trying very hard to control his breathing and heart rate.

“Well, if that didn’t turn you on, maybe this will,” she smiled, and unbuttoned her pants and slid them past her wide hips, letting them fall to her feet, where she kicked them away. Then, she put her hands on her hips and gyrated a little, flaunting her matching pair of purple panties.

This time, he couldn’t hide his heavy breathing. He couldn’t help but admire her large body. She was by no means fat, but she was perfectly proportioned for her larger than average size. “Very nice."

“Hmmm,” she smiled, sizing him up with a sexy giggle, “Do you want to take a break, or can your body handle seeing more?”

Taking a big breath, he resolutely said, “I think I can handle it.”

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she smiled, and she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall gracefully from her large breasts to the floor, her breasts bouncing a bit upon being released from their confinement. When she lowered her arms, she put her hands over her breasts and squeezed them a few times with her large hands.

“Wow, I can’t believe how realistic you are,” he said, breathing more heavily; he felt his face growing hotter and hotter.

“I know,” she smiled, letting go of her breasts and watching them jiggle to a stop. She repeated that several times before stopping with more giggles.

“Well, I was able to handle the breasts, so why don’t you finish up now?” he asked, eager to see the last bit.

“Alright,” she smiled, and she brought her hands down to her panties and slowly pulled both sides away from her skin, and then brought it down past her hips, letting it fall to the floor. Instead of kicking them away though, she bent down, picked them up and then casually tossed them onto his lap.

“Thanks,” he said, picking them up and taking a whiff before throwing them on the ground. He was surprised at how real the scent was, sweat mixed with a little something else.

“Don’t mention it,” she smiled, “Now, what do you think?” she said, and she slowly rotated whilst gyrating her hips.

“You look perfect!” he complimented, admiring her pale skin and large body type, “Absolutely indistinguishable from the original Sabrina."

“Well, that’s good to hear,” she said, mockingly sounding relieved and after a few seconds of feeling her own body, she asked, “Want to feel me?”

He eyed her body up and down suggestively a few times, eliciting a giggle from her, before saying, “Sure.”

She giggled some more. “You’re such a boy!”

“Well, that’s why you love me, right?”

“Yeah,” she conceded, “Well, you gonna feel me or not?”

“Of course I am,” he said, and he quickly rose to his feet and stood in front of her. Deciding what to do first, his eyes were immediately drawn to her large breasts.

Seeing where his eyes were looking and the small amount of hesitation in them, she said, “Greg, for this time, I want you to consider my whole body yours to play with.”


“Yes, you may feel any part of my body, inside or out,” she said with a determined look, “I need you to know how realistic I am if we are to revive this relationship.”

“Alright,” he said, feeling more confident, “Thanks."

“Don’t mention it,” she said, “Remember, I’m enjoying this just as much as you are."

“I’ll try,” he said, and then he reached out and cupped both her breasts. Although he had groped her earlier, she was still, at that time, wearing her bra and shirt. Now, he could feel the warmth of her skin, the reactions his touches caused to her pale skin, and the texture of her breasts.

When he squeezed them lightly and gently rubbed her nipples, she let out a content sigh and said, “Ooh, that feels nice."

“Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch,” he said, and he continued playing with her nipples, feeling them get harder.

“Me too,” she said, her cheeks getting a little red as she let out a few pleasurable moans.

After he had his fun with her breasts, he let them go, admiring their bounce before focusing on the moisture that had formed in between them, and above them as well. “I take it you sweat for the same reasons a human does,” he said, brushing his finger through it.

“Yeah, I need to cool myself down too,” she said, “And it also makes me look and smell more realistic.”

“I thought so,” he said, wiping it off on his shirt and then letting both hands feel the side of her torso, including her ribs, “Wow, you even seem to have a rib cage."

“Yeah, I do have the same basic skeletal structure as a human,” she said, “Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to look, or move around, like a human.”

“That makes sense,” he said, now rubbing her smooth abdomen, causing her to giggle a little and her muscles to contract.

“It does,” she agreed, “The only difference is that I don’t have a bunch of large, icky organs taking up space in my body."

“Do you have a panel I can open to see inside you?"

“Yes, but I’ll show you later when we go into the bedroom," she told him, "there’s other things I need to show you first.”

“Okay,” he said, and he continued his exploration of her body, admiring her pale arms, “Could you lift your arms up for me?”

“Like this?” she asked, and she sexily lifted both arms above her head as though she were stretching.

“That works,” he laughed, focusing on her smooth armpits. He was surprised to feel the tips of armpit hairs still trying to grow out, “Do your armpit hairs actually grow?”

“Yeah, all my hair does,” she said, “So I do still have to shave to keep this nice body looking nice."

“Well, speaking of hair,” he said, looking down at her vagina, “I’m going to have to sit down for this one, would you mind moving closer?”

“Sure,” she said, and she stepped a little closer to him as he sat down, “is this close enough?”

“Yes, thanks,” he smiled, giving her a thumbs up before looking at her vagina in front of him.

Just as with the original Sabrina, the hair above her vagina was neatly groomed, with the hair kept very short; her vagina looked just as real as well. Remembering her words, he let his fingers trace the edge of her lips and then he carefully inserted them inside, causing her to moan in both surprise and pleasure.

“Don’t stop!” she said, sensing his hesitation at her slight outburst.

“Alright,” he said, and he continued plunging his fingers in deeper, admiring the warmth and realism inside, as well as the wetness that was occurring due to her increasing sexual arousal, “Sabrina, do you think with this new android body and all that you're technically a virgin again?” he asked after pulling his fingers out, since he'd had sex with the original Sabrina on numerous occasions.

“Huh, interesting question,” she asked, recovering from her arousal, “I suppose I am...technically,” she said, giving him a kinky smile.

“We’ll have to correct that later then,” he said, returning the kinky smile. He smelled the residue on his fingers and wiped them off on the couch. “Now, why don’t you turn around so I can examine the other end?”

“Sure,” she said, and she slowly turned around until her butt was facing him.

“Wow, I’m not sure I’ve ever told you this Sabrina, but you have a nice ass,” he said, looking at her pert butt.

“You have, but thanks anyway,” she smiled over her shoulder.

“Could you bend over real quick?”

“Alright,” she said, and she slowly bent over, putting her hands on the nearby table to support herself.

“Thanks,” he said, and he grabbed both cheeks and spread them. Even though her dad told him she excreted the food she eats, he was still surprised nonetheless to see a realistic butthole. “I still find it hard to believe that you still have to poop,” he said, feeling the opening with his finger.

“Well, the stuff I eat has to come out somewhere,” she said, “Though, my body is able to use a little bit more of what I eat, so my poop will be a little different."

“I’ll have to take your word for it,” he said, not interested enough in her new nature to find out the differences in that regard. Still, seeing that she was fresh out of the box and she had only eaten less than an hour ago, he decided to plunge his finger up the hole.

“Whoa!” she yelled, squirming a little.

“Did that hurt?” he asked, quickly taking his finger back out.

“No, it’s just I’ve never felt anything go in there before,” she said, blushing a little as she turned back around to face him.

“Oh,” he said, “Well, you seem to be remarkably clean in there,” he said, “not smelling anything from his finger."

“For now,” she said, “though just like with my mouth, I have special bacteria in me that cleans out all my orifices while I sleep."

“I wish I had that."

“Well, are you finished feeling me?”

“For now."

“Good, then I want to show you my panel now,” she said, standing back up, “I’ll have to lie down for this, so follow me,” she said, walking into their bedroom.

“Okay,” he said, and he followed her in. Once they were both in the room, she jumped onto the bed and laid down on her back on her side of the bed. “Do I have to press in anywhere special?” he asked, looking at her perfectly normal looking torso and not seeing any seams or marks.

“No,” she said, “For safety reasons this panel can only be opened via my control tablet, or by me."

“Okay, should I get the tablet?”

“No, I’m going to open it myself,” she said, and before he could say anything else, she zoned out and then he saw seams appear on her torso. Two horizontal seams appeared, one just above her breasts going from pectoral to pectoral, and one just above her waist. Connecting the two was a straight vertical seam going straight down between her breasts.

“Wow, that’s cool,” he said, “And a little freaky,” he added, thinking of the autopsy segments on their favorite crime shows on TV.

“I know,” she agreed, thinking the same things he was, “Still, this panel gives you direct access to the majority of my primary systems."

“Does it pop open itself?” he asked, waiting for it to open.

“No, you have to lift up each side,” she said, “They sort of flap off to the side."

“Huh, okay,” he said, and he took another look at her chest with the seams and grabbed hold of the only thing he could see for leverage, her breasts.

“Wow, I can’t feel them anymore,” she said when he grabbed them.

“Interesting,” he said, and taking a deep breath, he cupped both of them in his palms and then dug his fingers in between them and into the seam.

Feeling the underside of each flap, he tightened his grip and then pulled both of them apart. Each side pulled apart from the center fairly easily, and flapped over her sides to rest on her arms, which were resting on her side. The skin flaps were nearly an inch thick, with the musculature, and insulation all built in; there was no blood or fluids. The area directly beneath her breasts had what appeared to be fluid storage units, and her rib cage. He was even more awestruck by what was hidden underneath the flaps. He could see virtually every component that made her body work. There was an actual pump near where the human heart was supposed to be, and it was actually pumping some sort of reddish fluid to various locations in her body. There were also twin balloon-like devices on either side that were filling up with air whenever she took a breath, and shrinking when she exhaled. There was a clear bag next to her “heart” filled with what looked like a combination of the Coke and pizza that she had eaten earlier, and there were tubes running from it to a large device connected to her spine and all her other systems, and down to her waist. One of the other things her stomach was attached to was what looked like a complex filter that acted like a liver, and a few more filters that acted as kidneys. He could also see near the bottom what looked like the her vagina, though it looked like a bag with tons of tiny fiber optics connected to it, as well as tubes of fluids. Aside from the obvious organ equivalents he could make out in her open torso, he was also able to make out what she had mentioned earlier as her body’s primary motor control center, which had thousands of tiny wires coming out of it and connecting to multiple locations around her body, as well as the tiny wireless control hub that the tablet connected to.

“Well, that do you think?” she asked finally, when she figured he’d had his fill of her innards; her balloons contracted some more as she spoke.

“You’re amazing!” he said, trying to process everything he was seeing.

“If I were a human, most of the space in there would have been taken up by intestines and other icky stuff,” she said, “As it so happens, science has allowed for the creation of much more efficient and compact mechanical organs.”

“I can see that,” he said, “And you can’t feel anything in there?,” he asked, touching her stomach bag.

“Nope,” she said, “Basically, there are little sensors attached to each component, and my A.I. interprets any bad signal, such as excess acid in my stomach, as heartburn and actually simulates all of the symptoms.”

“Wow, they really thought of everything,” he said, “What’s your heart pumping, by the way?” he asked, looking back at her still pumping heart.

“A very complex solution that runs through my entire body,” she said, “It acts as a coolant, lubricant, and as blood,” she said, “So if I were to get cut, I would actually bleed that stuff out, but it has little nanorobots in it help to repair my skin and muscles."

“Wow! Is it safe to touch everything in here?”

“Yes, but just be careful not to sever any of the wires or tubes,” she warned, “liquids or sudden sparks in there could cause some serious issues."

“I’ll bet,” he said, “I promise I’ll be careful,” he assured her, and he carefully reached in and touched her heart, admiring the craftsmanship that must have gone into making it work so well. Moving on from the heart, he gently felt each of the balloons, causing her to cough a little, and then he moved on to her power system. He noticed a few buttons and controls on her primary power center. “What does this control do on your power systems?”

“It functions as an on/off switch,” she said,” she explained, “You can deactivate me if you like,” she offered, “Just don’t keep me off for too long."

“Alright,” he said, and he found the button with the universal power symbol and pressed it.

“Manual shutdown,” she said in her clipped tone, and then her eyes serenely closed and all the systems in her open panel shut off. He was surprised by the amount of noise they had been giving off, despite it being a very quiet humming noise. Her sudden deactivation instantly quieted them all and he found he missed it, so he quickly repressed her power button and watched as everything came back to life. “Wow, that didn’t seem like much time,” she remarked, once her A.I. was back online.

“Yeah, it was only a few seconds,” he admitted, “It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be."

“Well, that’s alright,” she said, “It means you think of me more as your girlfriend and less as a machine."

“I suppose you’re right."

“Are you ready to close my panel now?”

“Sure,” he said, and he grabbed both flaps and lifted them back over her body, noticing this time the area where her breasts connected to the mechanical parts inside. Once he had them back over, he felt them sort of suck back in place and then she made the seam go away.

“Oh wow, that felt oddly good,” she said, sitting up and feeling her chest.

“I’ll have to take your word for it,” he said, sitting down on the bed next to her.

“So, seeing as you have me naked, why don’t you strip and take me out for a spin?” she asked with a kinky smile.

“You sure?” he asked, seeing as she had technically only been alive for a few hours.

“Yeah,” she said, “I’m a virgin again and I want to correct that little error."

“Very well then,” he said with mock resignation, and he quickly stripped of his clothes. When he had them all off, he stood in front of her with his member at full attention.

“Well, glad to see I have your full attention,” she smiled, “Now, why don’t join me so we can break my new body in?”

“Yes ma’am,” he said, and he jumped onto the bed with her, where they enjoyed several rounds of sex. When they finished, they laid back together, holding each other in their arms, and caught their breath.

“You were awesome,” Sabrina finally said, kissing his cheek.

“Thanks,” he said, “You were too,” he told her, “I’m glad all that sex didn’t make you malfunction."

“So am I,” she said, “It’s funny that I malfunctioned after being tickled and trying to access memories, but not by being slammed into multiple times by your meat hammer."

“Yeah,” he smiled, “So what do you want to do now?”

“Well, it’s getting late,” she said, seeing the time on the bedside clock, “Why don’t we clean up and then watch some of our shows before going to bed?”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to try and get back into the routine so soon."

“Hey, I’ve got about three weeks of shows to catch up on,” she said, defending herself, “You didn’t already watch them, did you?”

“No,” he admitted, “I was too inconsolable after I heard about your accident,” he said, his eyes welling up, “And I didn’t think they would be as much fun without you watching them with me,” he finished, wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” she said, giving him a hug; he enjoyed the feeling of her large breasts on his bare chest.

“Well, let’s go take a shower,” he said, changing the subject.

“Alright,” she said knowingly, and they both jumped off the bed and walked into the shower together.

After the shower, they decided to remain nude and walked out to the living room to watch TV. Greg had to move her box out of the way first, but he found he was actually starting to think of R. Sabrina as his actual girlfriend now. The memories and personality she had, along with the way that she perfectly acted like the original Sabrina, made it more and more difficult for him to think of her in any other way. If she hadn’t told him otherwise, he’d think it really was the actual Sabrina, just with a prosthetic body.

They spent a couple hours catching up on some of the shows they’d missed during her absence. After they finished the second crime show, Sabrina yawned and said, “Alright, “I’m ready to go to bed."

“I didn’t know you could yawn,” he said, turning the TV off and setting the remote down.

“Yeah,” she said, “I do have programming to let me know when I’m tired,” she explained, “Though I'm actually able to stay awake as long as I want, it’s just I won’t be able to fix the errors that pop up during the day or install updates for my A.I.,” she said, getting up from the couch.

“Oh, that makes sense,” he said getting up and walking into the bedroom with her.

“It does,” she agreed, “So, did you want to sleep in the nude tonight?”

Greg was a little caught off guard by the question. “Sure, though I’ve never slept naked before," he admitted, his face turning red.

“Neither have I,” she shrugged, “But, maybe it’ll be nice."

“Alright then, I guess we’re sleeping naked."

“Good!” she crawled into the bed and made herself comfortable, “Oooh, this feels nice on my skin."

“Don’t you need to be plugged in or something?” he asked, pulling the covers up on his side of the bed and crawling in next to her.

“No,” she said, “I’m getting plenty of energy from the pizza and soda."

“Oh, that’s good,” he said, “Do you actually have a charge port?”

“Yeah,” she said, “Here, I’ll show you,” she said, and she sat up and then zoned out. A small circular seam appeared between the ribs on her left side. She stuck her finger into the seam and pulled the section of skin out, with it still attached to her by a small wire. There was a small port underneath.

“Simple,” he said, getting a closer look.

“That’s the point,” she said, putting the skin back in place and laying back down.

“So, we have a whole week to ourselves,” Greg said, “What do you want to do tomorrow?”

“Well, I still need to go over some of my functions with you,” she said, “And we’ll need to lay down some ground rules regarding me and my new body."

“Alright,” he said, “So, are you actually going to be sleeping, or are you going to be in some sort of maintenance mode?”

“I’ll actually be sleeping,” she said, “I might even dream,” she smiled, “Though my A.I. does perform maintenance on all my systems while I sleep."

“Well, you’ll have to tell me about it in the morning,” he said, curious as to what kind of dreams a robot might have.

“Maybe I will,” she said, “Well, let’s go to sleep,” she said, shutting her bedside light off.

“Alright,” he said, shutting off his light, “Sabrina."


“I love you,” he said, rolling over and facing her.

“I love you too, Greg,” she said, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.

Greg just lay there watching Sabrina. She had rested her arm over him, which felt very nice on his bare back. After several minutes, he actually heard her breathing slow down and her lightly snore.

“Wow,” he whispered to himself, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Part 1.4: Rules

The next morning, Greg woke up from what was probably the best night of sleep he’d had in a very long time. He had rolled onto his back, but R. Sabrina was still on her side with her arm resting on his bare chest. He smiled at the look of contentment on her sleeping face. Still, as real as everything looked, he knew this was not the real Sabrina, it was a robot made in her image with her memories and personality. He was still slowly accepting this android as Sabrina, but he figured it would probably take the whole week the two of them had off for him to get completely used to her. He looked at the clock and saw he had slept nearly nine hours. He was curious as to whether Sabrina was programmed to wake up at a certain time, or if she would only wake up if he called her.

“Sabrina,” he whispered.

“Hmmm,” she murmured in her sleep, a smile coming to her face.

“Sabrina, wake up,” he said again, a little louder.

“Oh, what time is it?” she asked, slowly waking up and smiling at him.

“Almost 9:30,” he told her, “Don’t you have a clock in your head?” he teased.

“Yes, but I can shut it off when I like,” she said, “And I did last night so I could sleep in."

“I didn’t know you could sleep in."

“Yeah, I told you that I'm programmed to perfectly emulate a human being,” she smiled, “But I can also program myself to wake up at a certain time, or I can also wake up to certain sounds."

“Cool! Did you have any interesting dreams?”

“Yeah,” she smiled, “I dreamt I was watching my own construction,” she said, “It was pretty interesting watching myself get built."

“I would image so,” Greg smiled, “was it more vivid that the dreams the real Sabrina had?”

“Yeah,” she said, “Though the human brain doesn’t really store dreams, so there’s only a few Sabrina was actually able to remember,” she admitted, “Actually,” she started, getting a curious expression on her face before zoning out, “It looks like it was actually a video dad installed in my memory."


“Yes,” she said, “If you like, I can upload it to our media system later and we can watch it."

“Sure,” he said, “Do you have to plug in to it, or can you connect to it remotely?”

“Both,” she said, “I can actually remote control the TV and satellite now."

“Cool,” Greg said, “But doesn’t having all of these robotic features make you feel less human?”

“Not really,” she said, “Though I must admit, most of my robotic features don’t come standard, like my ability to remote control things, or my built-in phone” she explained, “But dad wanted to test out everything that was ready, so I got them for free."

“That’s nice,” Greg said, “Are there any other non-standard features I should know about?”

“A few,” she smiled, “Most notably my brain is capable of operating in any android body,” she explained, “Most androids brains will be programmed to only work in their own body, and it’s upgrades, but mine can function in any other body, so maybe we can have some fun further down the road."

“Wow, I look forward to it."

“Me too."

“So, were you able to fix all those bugs from yesterday?”

“Yeah, all 10,000 of them,” she said with a sigh of relief.

“You had over 10,000 bugs?!”

“Yes, most of them were very minor, under the hood bugs” she explained, “And the big ones you did notice were actually comprised of multiple bugs that in turn caused even more bugs."

“Wow, you’re very intricate."

“I know,” she smiled back, “So, do you want to get up now?”

“Sure,” he said, and they both got up from the bed.

After a quick discussion, they decided to stay naked. They went into the kitchen and had a quick breakfast, watching the news and talking about it, before heading into the living room for another round of education on her features.

“Well, are you excited to discover more about me?” Sabrina asked, sitting down in the same chair as the night before, with him sitting in the same one he was, setting her control tablet down on the table in front of them.


“I know. It was a trick question,” she smiled back with a toothy grin.

“So, what have you got to show me today?” he asked, making himself more comfortable. He found it odd to be spending so much time in the nude, but he felt he could get used to it.

“Well, I’ve got some things to show you, but I mostly have things to tell you,” she corrected him.


“First, I think we should set down some ground rules regarding me and my new nature,” she said seriously, “Now, I know both you and I have a thing for robots, but you are still human and thus you may feel you have more control over me."

“Well, I would be lying if I denied what you are saying,” Greg admitted, “But part of what this week off is for is for us to both get acclimated to this new and unusual situation."

“Good to hear,” she smiled, “Now, while this tablet does have remarkable control over me, when we aren’t alone, or when I decide I don’t feel like being controlled, it won’t be able to control me,” she told him, “Though you can still view the diagnostic readouts."

“You can do that?”

“Yes, after all, I am supposed to be human and I couldn’t properly emulate a human if I could be controlled whenever someone else wanted."

“That’s true,” he said, “But what if you are critically damaged or malfunctioning or something?”

“Well, that’s a reasonable point,” she said, “It isn’t only me that can block the controls, I also have a diagnostic link, as well as an ethical subroutine, that determine whether the control works."

“So, I couldn’t make you do something that was unethical?”

“Yes,” she said, “Also, if I am malfunctioning, the diagnostic link will allow the controls to work,” she continued, “In addition, I also have voice commands."

“What sort of voice commands?”

“These are the primary voice commands you might need to know,” she said, “You can command me to pause and unpause, shutdown, run a full diagnostic, or end human emulation."

“End human emulation?”

“We’ll get to that later,” she said a little uncomfortably, “I think it would be best if we went in the order I listed."

“Fair enough,” he said, “So, how do I give a voice command to you?”

“It's simple," she smiled, "You just say my name, followed by the command, in a reasonably commanding tone of voice,” she said, “Though I should warn you, the same rules for the tablet commands apply to the voice commands,” she said, “And so far, only you and my dad are authorized to give me voice commands."

“Okay,” he said, “So, you just out of curiosity, what reason might I have for pausing you?”

“Well, that feature is mostly for fun,” she admitted, “But, I'm sure you'll find other uses."

“Okay,” he laughed, “So, are you ready?”

“Yes,” she smiled.

“Okay," Greg said, getting his commanding voice ready, "Sabrina, Pause.”

The instant the words left his lips, he saw her eyes widen a little and then she just froze. She didn’t say anything, she just stopped moving. “Wow, this is so cool,” he said, waving his hand in front of her eyes and seeing no response. One of his related fetishes to his robofetish was a freeze fetish, and seeing Sabrina instantly freeze up like that immediately made him grow hard. He had a little fun with her frozen body before unpausing her. He manipulated her face so she was smiling with her tongue sticking out a little. He also moved her hands from her waist so they were cupping both her breasts. Once he was satisfied with her pose, he said, “Sabrina, Unpause.”

She instantly came back to life, giggling as she saw the pose he had put her in.

“What was it like, being paused?”

“When I’m paused, I’m basically frozen in time,” she explained, “All my thoughts stop from the moment I am paused, and they pick up where they left off when I am unpaused."

“Did it feel weird?”

“A little,” she admitted, “Are you ready to give me a shutdown command next?”

“Sure, is there anything I need to know about that one?”

“Yes, obviously, since I will be shut down, I won’t be able to process a voice command, so you will have to reactivate me with the tablet, or by pressing here,” she said, moving the hair away from her left ear and pointing at a small discolored area of skin behind the ear.

“You have an on/off button on your head too?” he asked, leaning in and getting a closer look.

She nodded. "This is the ultimate failsafe,” she said, “that one will work whether I want it to or not, though there is a subdermal fingerprint scanner so only authorized users can use it,” she explained, "Again, that's currently you and my dad."

“Wow, they thought of everything."

“Yes, and they are still thinking of more,” she smiled, “So, are you going to shut me down now or what?”

“Yes,” he said, “Sabrina, Shut Down,” he said in the same manner as the previous two commands. Just as the pause command, her eyes widened up momentarily, though this time she slumped down until she came to a complete stop. Greg had already seen her shut down a few times, so he quickly reached behind her ear and pressed the activation switch. After several moments, she was fully reactivated.

“That was quick,” she said once she was back online, “Well, now you know about that,” she said, sitting back up and smiling, “Now for the full diagnostic."

“Why do you have a voice command for running a full diagnostic?” Greg asked, "Can't you just run that on your own?"

"Of course I can, and you can also start it from the tablet," she confirmed, "But, the voice command is available if you can tell I’m malfunctioning, but I’m too out of it to run it myself, or if you're too far away from the tablet” she said, “The diagnostic also attempts to fix whatever issue is causing me to malfunction."

“That makes sense,” he said, “But when you malfunctioned those times yesterday, you were able to run your own diagnostic."

“That’s because the malfunction didn’t affect my A.I., only my human emulation,” she explained patiently, “Don’t worry, I’ll explain more about human emulation and my A.I. next."

“Alright then, are you ready?”

“Yes, though keep in mind the full diagnostic will take up to 15 minutes, and all my major systems will be temporarily unavailable, so I won’t be able to interact with you."

“Okay, can I keep track of it on the tablet?”

“Yes,” she answered, “Though that’s about all you’ll be able to do with it."

“Good,” he said, “Sabrina, Full Diagnostic." Just as with the previous commands, her eyes seemed to widen in surprise, though this time she spoke, “Running full diagnostic,” she said out loud in a clipped voice. “Wow,” he said, getting turned on by her robospeak, “Sabrina, can you hear me?”

“Standby,” she responded in a clipped voice.

“Whoa, I didn’t think you would actually respond,” he said, a little surprised, “Sabrina, how are you feeling?”

“Standby,” she responded again in exactly the same tone.

“Oh, I was hoping you might say something else,” he said, “Oh well."

Since he couldn’t interact with her while she was running the diagnostic, he decided to monitor the diagnostic on the tablet. The diagnostic had its own progress window, but there wasn’t much he could do but see a percentage complete bar. He decided to look through some of the other windows instead. When he got back to the visual window, he was surprised to see static. He looked back up at her green eyes, half expecting to see static in her eyes before chuckling at that thought. He saw that all of her sense were offline while the diagnostic was running, as were her cognitive systems. About the only systems that were still running were her power and digestive systems, and her processors. 15 minutes later, the progress bar hit 100% and he saw all the other tabs suddenly light up with activity. “Full diagnostic complete, no anomalies found,” she reported in the same clipped voice, before coming back to life, blinking and smiling at him.

“Well, how did that feel?” he asked, putting the tablet down and staring at her.

“Strange,” she said, “I can run all the diagnostics myself if I want,” she said, “The quick diagnostic only takes a few minutes and doesn’t take much processing power,” she explained, “And the normal diagnostic takes a bit longer and keeps me from being able to multitask,” she continued, “But the full diagnostic shuts everything down, but I’m still sort of active, and I can feel it testing all my systems."

“Wow, that sounds very interesting,” Greg said, “I actually spoke to you shortly after you started the diagnostic, and you just said ‘standby’."

“Really? I have no memory of that," she admitted, "it must have been my A.I. speaking to you."

“I see,” he said, “so I guess that segues us into ending human emulation."

“Yes, it does,” she said, looking uncomfortable again.

“Is it really that bad?” he asked, seeing her reaction.

“Not really,” she admitted, “I’m just concerned about how you might think of me after this."

“Hey, as long as you look, act, and think like Sabrina, I can accept you as the real Sabrina."

“I know, but this is basically the truth about me, and your thoughts may change regardless."

“Then why are you showing me this?”

“Because you still need to know."

“Alright," he sighed somewhat nervously, "can you explain now?"

“Yes,” she said, “I think this has already been explained to you by both me and my dad basically, but I am essentially an A.I. emulating a human mind."

“Yeah, I get that."

“Well, when you turn the human emulation off, what you're really doing is turning Sabrina off, but the A.I. is still online and can still control this body."

“You mean, it can still think and act independently?”

“Yes,” she said, “Technically, you’re already talking to it whenever you talk to me, but since it's emulating Sabrina’s thoughts and personality, and using her memories to act just like her, it's like you're actually talking to me,” she explained, “When it stops emulating Sabrina’s human emulation, it basically just responds logically and robotically, since all its humanity is shut off.”


“Well, I think I've explained as much as I can," she announced, "I’ll let my A.I. explain the rest.” she said, then looked at him seriously, “Now, don’t think of it as a second personality,” she said, “It'll still respond to my name, and it'll still be able to access my memories, but it won’t talk, or act like me."

He nodded solemnly. “I understand."

“Good," she smiled calmly, "you can go ahead now."

“Alright,” he said, “I just want to tell you something before I start."

“I’m listening."

“I don’t care if all you basically are is a complex program being emulated by a complex computer, or A.I.,” he started, “I emulate games on my computer all the time and I don’t focus on the fact that a computer is emulating it, I just focus on the game,” he continued, “It’s the same with you. I’m not going to focus on the fact you are being emulated, I’m just going to focus on you."

“Wow,” she said, her voice catching a little, “That really means a lot to me."

“And so do you,” he said, “Well, I’ve said what I wanted to say, are you ready?”


“Alright,” he said, and then he took a deep breath before saying, “Sabrina, End Human Emulation.”

Unlike the previous times, her eyes did not widen in surprise, though she did speak, “Ending human emulation,” she said in a clipped voice, and then he saw every trace of Sabrina’s personality leave her face.After a few seconds, she blinked and stared at him. “Hello, Greg,” she said, with Sabrina’s voice, but not her humanity.

He paused momentarily before tentatively replying, “Hello…Sabrina?”

“In a way,” she said, “I believe I helped her to adequately explain what I am to you."

“So, her personality is sort of a mask for you to wear?”

“Sort of,” she responded, “When her personality is online, she makes all the shots, but I’m the one who executes them,” she explained, “But I do keep an eye on her as well, such as the two times yesterday when I fixed her malfunction.”

“Thanks for that."

“No need to mention it,” she said, “I’m also still somewhat active when she is shutdown, monitoring her power systems.”

“So, you still have access to all of her memories?”

“Yes, but I also have my own set of memories that she doesn’t have access to."

“Really?” he asked, “I thought you were a beta."

“I am,” she admitted, “But they’ve been developing me for years, so I also had an alpha phase."

“Oh, what kind of memories do you have?” he asked, finding it to be odd to be talking to a stranger in Sabrina’s body.

“Hers isn’t the only personality I have had to emulate."

“Really? Does that mean you have other personalities in there?”

“Not quite,” she told him, “Sabrina’s personality is currently the only personality installed in the brain I inhabit, but I still retain memories of what the other personalities and bodies were like."

“I’m surprised they didn’t wipe your memories."

“Why would they? I learned a lot from emulating them and everything I learn from emulating Sabrina will allow them to further perfect future A.I.s."

“That makes sense,” Greg nodded, “Just out of curiosity, which was your favorite personality to emulate?” he asked, “Not counting Sabrina, of course."

“Probably the 18 year old boy,” she said, “He was a nice kid and had a very nice body.”

“Wow, you almost sound like a symbiont,” Greg murmured.

“What’s a symbiont?” she asked with a confused look.

“Oh, you must never have seen Star Trek,” he said, “One of the alien races was called the Trill, and they had little worm-like life forms they could bond with,” he explained, “Every time the symbiont moved to a new host body, it retained the memories and personalities of the previous hosts."

“Interesting analogy,” she said, “You should try harder to get Sabrina to watch Star Trek, then I could know all about it as well."

“Well, I’ve tried, but she just doesn’t want to,” Greg sighed, “Perhaps you could nudge in and change her mind," he said hopefully, crossing his fingers.

“Unfortunately I can’t actually control her thoughts, unless it is to rectify a malfunction,” she said, “I can only emulate them.”

Greg sighed dramatically. “That’s too bad. Anyway, what happened to the others that you emulated?”

“They weren’t like Sabrina here,” she said, gesturing at her body, “They were personalities and bodies donated to us for research purposes,” she explained, “The bodies were put into storage, but the personalities were wiped afterwards."

“Oh, how many others were there?”

“Two others,” she answered, “The first was a 30 year old male, my chief programmer,” she said, “He made an android with his image and had me emulate his personality to see how well I worked."

“And was he impressed?"

“Yes, I had a very interesting conversation with him."

“I’ll bet,” Greg smiled, “And the second one?”

“A 30 year old female, the chief designer of all the android hardware and bodies,” she said, “She had a pretty quirky personality,” she continued, “Probably why the two of them ended up getting married afterwards."

“That’s nice,” Greg said, “But then, who was the random 18-year old boy?”

“He was a high school graduate who they recruited to donate his body and personality, in exchange for a free ride through college,” she explained, “Unlike the other two, he never actually got to see me emulate him, since I was, and still am a top secret project, but I’m sure he would have liked to.”

“Well, that’s nice at least,” Greg said, “So, would you say Sabrina is your favorite now?”

“I honestly couldn’t answer that at the moment,” she said matter-of-factly, “I emulated the others for several days, but I've only been emulating her for less than 24 hours, so I don’t have enough data yet to formulate an opinion.”

“Oh,” Greg said, a little disappointed, “Can you at least tell me which body you liked the best?”

“Well, my programmer and designer were not in the best of shape, most likely because they didn’t get out of the lab much,” she said, “And the 18 year old had a very perfect body type,” she continued, “But Sabrina here is my favorite,” she finally said, standing up and feeling her body, “The female body is more aesthetically pleasing, and Sabrina has a nice body."

“She does indeed,” Greg smiled, also standing up, “Did you want to walk around a little so you can get an un-emulated experience in her body?”

“Sure,” she said, and she started walking around the room. He noticed her movements were more thought out and efficient than the way Sabrina naturally walked. “Wow, her body is really good,” she said, once she came to a stop exactly where she started.

“Yeah,” he said, “So I’m wondering, how much exactly do you remember about the boy’s body?”


“Call me vain, but do you think you could compare my body to his?” he asked, “for comparison purposes."

“Sure,” she said, “I will need to touch you as well, if you don’t mind."

“I don’t,” he said, eagerly rising to his feet. The moment he gave his permission, she started looking at his naked body up and down, slowly walking around him before gently probing every inch of his body. He found it odd to see Sabrina’s A.I. dispassionately examining him, but he was also oddly turned on by it as well, to the point that by the time she reached out and grabbed his penis, it was already hard.

When she was finally finished, she stepped back and said, “I’m done with my assessment, would you like to hear it?”


“Your body is much more mature looking,” she said, “But based on my limited understanding of the female mind, the other boy’s body is much more physically appealing.”

“I see,” he said, sounding a little disappointed, “Does that mean Sabrina would have been physically attracted to him?”

“Yes,” she said, “Don’t worry, Sabrina loves you for more than just your appearance."

“I know,” he smiled, sitting back down.

“So, before you have me reactivate human emulation, perhaps you can help me with a concept that never came up with my previous hosts."

“Sure, I’ll do the best I can to help."

“Thanks,” she said, and then sat back down and scooched her chair a little closer to him and then lifted her feet up onto his lap, “I am curious as to how feet can cause sexual arousal."

“You don’t know about fetishes?”

“I know what fetishes are, but I don’t quite understand them," she corrected him.

“Okay, well part of the thing about fetishes is they are somewhat inexplicable,” Greg said, “There are many different factors that can cause someone to have a fetish,” he continued, “Sabrina and I both just happen to like feet, and robots,” he said, “There are others who fetishize weird things, like animals or bodily functions.”

“I think I understand."

“Are you capable of experiencing sexual arousal?” he asked, grabbing her feet and gently rubbing them.

“No,” she answered, seeming not to really feel his touches, “By default, I am asexual,” she answered, “Which is why I am able to function in both male and female bodies."

“Oh, so without Sabrina’s humanity being emulated, you can’t experience any pleasure?”

“No, the only reason I exist, the only thing that gives me meaning, is emulating humans."

“Well, I hope you end up emulating Sabrina a very long time."

“Me too, though don’t think if something happens to Sabrina that I will still retain her feelings, because I will emulate the next human they install me with just as well."

“I understand,” Greg said, “Is it alright if I share some of our conversation with Sabrina?”

“I don’t mind,” she answered with an indifferent shrug.

“Alright, can you restart human emulation now?”

“In a moment,” she said, surprising him a little, “I want to show you something first.”


“Pick up my tablet,” she commanded, and once he did so, she zoned out and then he noticed a new control tab appeared labelled “command”.

“What is this, and why wasn’t it here before?” he asked, opening it up.

“That is my command function,” she explained, “I hid it from you and Sabrina until I could assess your trustworthiness, and based on my conversation with you, as well as your statement before shutting off my human emulation, I think I can trust you."

“Thanks,” he said, blushing despite himself, “So, what exactly can I do with this?” he asked, seeing only an empty text bar, and a dropdown menu with basic commands, such as: kiss, undress, and a few other things.

“Basically, any command you enter there is directed to me and I will immediately execute it as best I can,” she explained, “If I am emulating Sabrina, she will still be processing her own thoughts and actions, but she’ll lose control as I execute the command.”

“Wow, is this because you know about our robofetish?”

“Yes,” she answered, “Keep in mind that the rules she was going over with you before, and the ones she will go over with you shortly, are ones she creates, but I enforce them,” she said, “If she doesn’t want to play, the commands won’t work.”


“As much as I shouldn’t encourage this, if you spam the command feature, I might malfunction…but I can tell you guys will actually like that, so I’ll do my best to fix them."

“Thanks! now can you restart human emulation?”

“Yes,” she said, and then she froze, “Starting human emulation,” she said in a clipped tone, and then a few seconds later, she blinked her eyes and he saw Sabrina again in the smile on her face.

“Hey, welcome back!"

“Thanks,” she smiled back, and then she looked down at her feet, which were still on Greg’s lap, “You must have had an interesting chat with my A.I.,” she said, wiggling her toes before taking her feet off his lap and scooching her chair back.

“That is a major understatement."

“Well, did you learn anything from it?”

“Yes, apparently you are the fourth human this A.I. has had the pleasure of emulating."

“Really?! I didn’t know it had been used before."

“Yes,” he said, “Apparently the people who programmed it decided it would be best to let it learn by emulating humans, so they had it emulate three other humans before you.”

“Interesting,” she said, “Did it tell you who they were?”

“Yes, a male and female in their 30s who helped design your class of android and the A.I., and an 18 year old boy that they paid off to donate his body and personality."

“Did it tell you which one was its favorite?”

“It said it liked your body the best, but it didn’t have enough data to say where you rank in its favorite human to emulate."

“Well, I’ll take that as a victory,” she said, fist pumping in victory.

“Yeah, I would too."

“What else did you talk with it about?”

“Mostly about the fact that it has its own set of memories, so I compared it to an alien being in Star Trek, to which it responded that I should work harder convincing you to watch Star Trek,” he laughed.

“Wow, now even my own mind is telling me to watch Star Trek,” she said in mock frustration.

“Yeah, it isn’t that bad,” he assured her, “You might even learn some things from it."

“Well, maybe later,” she said, dropping the subject, “Why were my feet on your lap?”

“Oh, it was asking me why you and I are sexually aroused by feet,” he told her, “It knew what a fetish was, but I explained that the cause of fetishes is not logical, so it kind of gave up since, without your humanity, it can’t truly comprehend the illogical."


“And it said it;s asexual, so it couldn’t actually respond to pleasurable stimuli."

“That’s too bad,” she said, “and was that it?”

“No,” he said, “Apparently, your A.I. was assessing us to see if we, or rather I, were trustworthy."

“Really? What for?”

“After it determined I was trustworthy, it unlocked a hidden command function on my tablet,” he told her, “Basically, I can enter a command that the A.I. will perform without your consent…unless you don’t feel like playing, that is."

“Cool,” she said, “I didn’t know that…my A.I. sure is sneaky,” she smiled, since she was practically talking about herself in the third person.

“Yeah, would you mind if I tried it out?”

“Sure, but then we need to continue going over the rules after."

“I know,” he said, and he looked back down at the command interface and opened the dropdown menu. Looking through the dozens of basic commands, he selected “Stand up."

Sabrina immediately stood up. “Whoa, I had no control over that,” she said, regaining control as soon as she was standing.

“Do you want me to continue?"

She flashed him a quick grin. “Yeah, this sounds like it will be fun!"

“That’s why your A.I. unlocked it for me,” he said, “It even said I might be able to cause a malfunction.”

“Cool!” she said, “Try something else."

“Okay,” he said, and after thinking on it a while, he typed in: Walk to the center of the room, face me, and do 20 jumping jacks.

“Whoa, where am I going now?” she asked, watching as she walked a few feet to the center of the room, turned to face him and then started doing jumping jacks, “Hey,” she panted, as she started jumping up and down.

“I thought I’d give you some exercise,” he said, “Not to mention the sight of your breasts bouncing around is really working for me,” he said, watching her bouncing breasts intently.

“I knew there had to be another reason,” she said, managing to smile despite her workout. Once she finished the last jumping jack, she came to a stop and caught her breath.

“Can you actually get into better shape?” he asked, seeing her catching her breath.

“Yes, since my synthetic muscles are about 90% similar to real muscles."

“Cool,” he said, “I’m going to try a few more commands before I try and instigate a malfunction."

“Okay,” she said, “Though please no more exercises."

“Alright,” he said, and then he decide to try something out, so he typed in: When I stand up, hug me until I say stop. When he entered it in, he didn’t see her do anything, so he figured her A.I. was still waiting for him to stand up.

“What’s wrong, didn’t you enter something?”

“Yes, I was testing out a command that's action specific,” he explained, “You won’t do it until I do something first."

“Oh,” she said, “I hope it isn’t anything bad."

“It isn’t,” he assured her, though this might be,” he smiled, and this time he typed in: walk to me and masturbate until I say stop.

“Whoa, what’s happening this time,” she said, walking up to him, “Oh, hey!” she said, once she started playing with herself.

“Does it feel like someone else’s hand?” he asked, watching the nice show going on right in front of him.

“Very funny,” she said in between moans, “It still feels like my hand, I just can’t stop it."

“I see,” he said, and after a few more seconds, he said, “Stop,” and she stopped.

“Thanks,” she said, regaining control and then walking over and wiping her moist fingers, and vagina, on a tissue from the nearby table, “So what about that last command?”

“Hold on,” he said, and he put down the tablet and then slowly stood up. As soon as he was standing, she suddenly lurched forwards and hugged him.

“Well, this is nice,” she said, not able to do much but feel his bare back.

“Yeah, it is,” he said, putting his arms around her as well, “We should do this more often."

“I agree,” she said, laughing despite herself, “But I think this is a little excessive."

“Alright, stop,” he said, and she let go.

“Alright, what are you going to do to force a malfunction?” she asked, once he sat back down and picked up the tablet.

“I think I’m just going to type in a load of gibberish mixed with real words, and conflicting commands or something,” he said, beginning to type stuff in.

“Huh, that might be interesting,” she said, watching him randomly typing things in, inserting real words every so often.

“I thought so too,” he said, and finally after typing in nearly a thousand characters, he put his finger on the button and looked at her, “You ready?”

“I guess,” she said, “There’s a good chance my human emulation will freeze up while my A.I. is attempting to process that command."

“Do you think your voice commands will still work?”

“I doubt it, if not the manual shutdown should effectively reboot me."

“Alright, here goes,” he said, and he pressed the enter button.

As soon as he pressed it, he saw Sabrina hang up a little as she suddenly said, “Error, attempting to process command,” As he watched her, he saw her randomly perform some of the actual word commands he used, such as raising her arms and bending down.

“Sabrina, can you still respond?” he asked, watching her body jerk around.

It was a few seconds before she finally responded, “Yes, but my A.I. is having a hard time parsing that command, so…,” she said, getting cut off as she suddenly curtsied, “I’m not all here."

“Okay, are you enjoying yourself?” he asked, looking into her eyes, “Just blink three times if you are having trouble talking." He had to wait for her to do a quick dance, but she finally blinked three times. “Okay, I’m going to try and pause you now,” he said, and after seeing her blink three times again, he said, “Sabrina, Pause,”

“Error, unable to process command,” she said, continuing to jerk around.

“Alright, I’m going to manually shut you down now, okay?” he asked, and once he saw her blink three times yet again, he reached behind her left ear and pressed down on the button. For a moment, he was afraid it didn’t work, but then she suddenly slumped down into his arms. He waited a few moments before repressing the button, but, a few seconds later, when she came back online, she was back to normal.

“Wow, that was weird,” she said, once she got back to her feet.

“What did it feel like?” he asked, sitting back down.

“Like a computer that’s trying to run too many programs,” she explained, also sitting back down, “My human emulation was getting jumbled around in the process queue, so I was going in and out of consciousness."

“Wow, well I think I’m done playing with the command tab for now,” he said, putting the tablet down.

“Alright, now that you know all about my voice commands and A.I., we should probably lay down some ground rules."


“I think it should go without saying, just because I’m a robot, it does not mean you can take advantage of me,” she started, “The previous rules regarding the tablet and voice commands not affecting me if I don’t want them to apply."

“I understand."

“I think my dad told you this already, but you can’t reprogram me to be more compliant or anything other than what I am,” she warned.

“Hey, I like you the way you are,” he assured her, “Though I would be lying if told you there wasn’t anything I would like to change about you,” he said honestly.

“That’s nice, you can tell me what it is,” she said, “and depending on what it is, some things might even be open for negotiation."

“Alright, it’s nothing about you or your personality,” he told her, “It’s just I wish you wouldn’t put nail polish on your nails."

“Oh, is that it?” she asked, laughing a little, “I think I have a simple solution to your problem,” she smiled, and she quickly got up without saying another word and ran over to where her delivery box was. She came back a few moments later carrying the box of spare parts. She set it down on the table in front of him. “Here, take a look."

“Alright,” he said, and he pulled the box closer and popped open the top, letting out a gasp when he saw what was inside.

Though John had already told him what was inside, the reality of seeing what was inside was a little much for him to take in. The box appeared to have several different layers of packing foam. The layer on the top had two identical sets of her hands resting in foam, looking just as real as the ones she currently had attached, though with unpainted nails. With a look from her, he lifted out the top layer and set it down next to the box. The next layer had two identical sets of her feet, also with unpainted nails. He took a deep breath before taking that layer out and setting it down next to the hand layer. The next layer had what looked like a dozen oddly shaped batteries, and two extra digestive bags. He took that one out and set it down on the table. He gasped when he saw the final layer. On the bottom, staring back up at him, was an exact copy of her head, its face stuck in a stoic expression with the eyes open. It was nestled comfortably in a deep foam mold. On one side of it was a two extra pairs of eyes in a protective case and on the other side were several spare processors.

“Wow,” he said, once he took it all in, “Do you actually need all these spare parts?”

“Hopefully not,” she said, “Dad wants to make sure I’m well taken care of,” she said, “I must say though, this is a little disturbing to look at,” she added, gently reaching in and pulling out her spare head.

“Yeah, now you know how I felt yesterday,” he said, watching her stare into her spare head’s lifeless eyes.

“I wished I could have been in your place,” she admitted, and after a few moments hesitation, she gingerly kissed the lips of her spare head and placed it back in the foam, “Anyway,” she said, blushing a little, “If you like, I don’t see any reason why I can’t ‘wear’ one of these backup sets of hands and feet whenever we’re here,” she said, “And then I could ‘wear’ my made up hands and feet when I go out."

“That sounds acceptable."

“Well then, why don’t we get started now?”



“Okay, why don’t you manually disengage your hands and feet and I’ll attach one of your backups."

“Alright,” she said, and she quickly lifted her legs up onto the table and then zoned out for several seconds as seams appeared on both wrists and several inches above both ankles, “There, you can remove them now."

“Thanks,” he said, reaching for her feet first and pulling them from her legs, “I noticed that you zoned out a little longer that time, does it actually take that much more processing power to manually remove four limbs?” he asked, setting both her feet down on their sides and then getting up so he could get at her hands.

“Yes. Hopefully they'll fix that in a future software update,” she said, watching him remove her hands from her arms.

“Alright,” he said, “So does it matter which set I pick?” he asked, looking at both identical sets of spare hands and feet, and back at her made up ones.

“No. Dad probably didn’t even need to include those, but it’s a good thing he did."

“Alright,” he said, and he grabbed one of the sets of hands, pausing to compare them to her other hands, before clicking them in place. While the hands were pale and lifeless before being attached, he saw them instantly come to life with color. As soon as the seams disappeared, it looked as though both hands were the same ones she woke up with.

“Wow, they feel just like the other ones,” she smiled, finally moving them and bringing them up to her face, wiggling her fingers, “Though I suppose that’s the point,” she added with a smile.

“So, it doesn’t feel weird wearing different hands?” he asked, reaching for one of the sets of feet and pulling them from the foam.

“They were a little stiff at first, but now they feel normal,” she said, smelling her new hands, “They smell cleaner though, but that'll change once my sweat starts circulating into it.”

“Interesting,” he said, and after briefly comparing the new set of feet to the old ones, he clicked them in place on her legs.

Once the color flushed in and the seams vanished, she wiggled her toes and slid her legs off the table. “Well, are these more to your liking?” she asked, flashing her natural nails at him.

“Yes, thanks,” he told her, leaning in and surprising her with a kiss.

“Wow, it’s just my nails,” she said, once he broke apart; she was blushing.

“I know, but it’s been bugging me for years,” he said, “So, where are you going to keep these pairs at?” he asked, looking back at her made up hands and feet, still lying on the table.

“Well, I guess I’ll keep the feet in our room next to my work shoes, and the hands next to my keys,” she shrugged.

“Well, you can work out the details later,” he said, “Although, I think I can come up with a use for this right now,” he said, picking up her made up right hand, which was still slightly warm and moist.

“What?” she asked, watching him manipulate her severed hand.

“This,” he said, and he brought the hand down to his penis and closed the fingers around it. He then started slowly working it up and down.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” she laughed with an incredulous look, watching him use one of her hands to masturbate.

“Well, it works just as well,” he laughed, since the hand was still warm and still felt every bit like her hand.

“All joking aside, please don’t jizz all over that hand,” she said seriously.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he said, and he stopped just before he was about to climax, though he kept it there because he liked the feel of the hand on his penis.


“Are these batteries?” he asked, grabbing one of the batteries from the foam and examining it. He was intrigued by the odd trapezoidal shape they had.

“Yes,” she said, “I think I mentioned before that my batteries are located in my spine,” she told him, “It looks like my dad included a dozen, but I only have six installed."

“Cool,” he said, “If your dad included these, does that mean that your back opens up just like your chest?"

“Sort of,” she said, “The spine access panel is much smaller than my chest panel.”

“Could I see it?”

“Sure,” she said, and she stood up and headed for the couch, with him getting up to follow her, “Hey, don’t forget about my hand!” she said, since he still had her hand attached to his penis.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, blushing as he removed it and set it down next to its mate, “It was so comfortable I forgot.”

“I’ll bet,” she smiled, and then she laid down on her stomach, “Alright, here goes,” she said, and she zoned out momentarily as a long, vertical seam appeared from the back of her neck to the small of her back, with short, horizontal seams appearing at the top and bottom, about two inches in each direction.

“Wow, it is smaller."

“Yeah, it’s only for my spine,” she said, “My chest panel is larger because of all the hardware it gives access to."

“I see,” he said, and he dug his fingers into the center of the seam and pulled both sides apart, revealing a very metallic looking spine with six batteries attached evenly in between the joints, “Cool."

“I know,” she said, “Hey, want to have a little fun?”

“Sure, what do you have in mind?”

“Take all my batteries out."

“Won’t that just shut you down?"

“Not right away,” she told him, “Even if you took all six out at exactly the same time, I’d still have a small amount of energy left in my power distribution center."

“How long will it last?”

“A few minutes, depending on how much activity I have going on” she said, “It’s sort of a failsafe so I can have some time to plug myself in.”

“I see,” he said, “Are you ready then?” he asked, placing his hands on two of her batteries.

“Yes, go ahead."

With her go ahead, he quickly pulled out the two batteries at the top. He expected her to jerk or spit out an error message, but she didn’t. “That’s two, are you okay?” he asked, putting his hands on the next two.

“Yes,” she said, “Remember, removing two isn’t going to affect my systems that much, though I am detecting reduced power levels,” she told him, breathing a little heavier.

“Okay, here go the next two,” he said, pulling them out and placing them next to the first two.

“Still here."

“Thanks, removing the last two,” he said, and he quickly pulled them out.

“Whoa, that one I felt,” she said, jerking a little and breathing harder, “Let me sit up,” she said, and he moved the batteries out of the way and let her sit up.

“What’s it like?” he asked, knowing she had mere minutes before losing power.

“I’m getting error messages and low power warnings flashing in my vision,” she said, holding her chest, “And I’m feeling a little woozy,” she added, “And you know what?”


“I’m kinda getting turned on by it all,” she laughed at the humor of getting turned on by her about to be powered off from lack of power.

“Well, you do have a robo fetish after all,” he laughed.

“Can you help me up?” she asked, “I don’t seem to have enough power to stand up at the moment.”

“Sure,” he said, and he carefully helped her get to her feet and then helped her walk to the center of the room where she wouldn’t fall on anything.

“Thanks,” she said, sounding tired.

“Any idea exactly how much time you have left?”

“Nothing is exact without my batteries,” she said, “I could extend my power by shutting off nonessential systems, but I'm truly enjoying this experience,” she said, smiling at him.

“Can you at least guess?”

“Probably between 60 and 90 seconds,” she told him, “Though my increased sexual arousal is causing a significant drain in my remaining power."

“Okay,” he sighed, “Not to sound rude or anything, but now that you're a robot, do you weigh more?”

“No,” she said, “I weigh pretty much the same,” she smiled, “Why do you ask?” she asked, looking like she was getting more aroused.

“When you lose power, you’re probably going to fall down and I just want to make sure you don’t weigh a lot more, because I’m going to have to move you."

“Oh, good thinking,” she smiled, “Oh, my arousal is really draining my power now,” she said suddenly, “I think I’ve only got about 20 seconds left now."

“Okay,” he said quickly, “If there’s anything you want to do before you lose power, do it now."

“Okay,” she smiled, and then she leaned in to his ear and said, “I’m all wet,” and then she kissed him on the lips before losing all power.

Unlike before when she was shut down previously, her body did not maintain its stance, since it no longer had enough power to do so. Because she still had forward momentum from planting the kiss on his lips, all her weight transferred to him and he fell to the ground with her in his arms. Once he recovered from the fall, he smiled as he saw her face right in front of his, still smiling with the lips puckered in a kiss. He could feel her full weight on top of him, and from what he could tell, she did weigh about the same as the original Sabrina did. He assessed the situation quickly before carefully lifting her off himself and sliding out from underneath her. He carefully let her body limply fall to the floor while he caught his breath and sat up. He smiled at how she looked like she had passed out on the floor, though her spinal panel was still flapped open on her pale back. He thought about how he was going to move her, because even though she weighed about the same despite her robotic nature, she still weighed about as much as he did. He finally turned her onto her back and sat her up to keep her skin flaps from catching on the carpet. He then grabbed hold of her under both arms and dragged her backwards to the couch, where he then lifted her up so she was sitting on the couch. After he rested a little, he stared at her body, which was limply sitting on the couch. He then remembered the last words she said to him before losing power, about being wet. He reached down for her vagina and inserted his fingers.

“Wow, you really did get wet,” he laughed, looking at her still smiling face and wiping his fingers off on the couch, “Let’s see what I can do with you while you’re off,” he said then, and he picked up the tablet.

He quickly saw that the tablet had no connections, because she had no energy. He also tried pressing her manual cranial release, but it seemed both could not be done without energy. He finally gave up and leaned her torso forwards so he could get better access to her spinal panel. He carefully reinserted all six of her batteries and then leaned her back. He waited about a minute before reaching behind her left ear and pressing the manual activation switch. For a second, he was afraid it didn’t work, but then he saw her skin getting its color back and he saw her move. A few moments later, her A.I. came back online and she straightened up.

“Welcome back!"

“Oh, you have no idea how good that felt!” she said, her facing turning red as she played with herself a little.

“I wish I could,” he told her, “So, did you want me to close your spinal panel now?”

“Oh, yes,” she said, regaining her composure and leaning forwards.

Once he put both flaps back in place, she resealed the panel and then sat back up. “Well Sabrina, it’s getting pretty close to lunchtime, do you want to go over some final ground rules?”

“Yes,” she said, “I know you want to have fun with me,” she started, “And I want to have fun with me too,” she continued, “But if I have schoolwork or come home in a bad mood, then I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to play."

“Alright,” he said, “Are you able to set a schedule in your mind or something?”

“Surprisingly yes,” she chuckled.

“Well, why don’t you schedule yourself to let me know right when we wake up on a mutual day off, or right after getting home from work or school, if you want to play or not."

“Fair enough,” she said, and she zoned out for a moment before smiling, “That’s because you hate having to ask the same question a lot, right?”

“You know me too well,” he smiled back.

“Well, I will let you know if I’m in the mood,” she assured him.

“Thanks,” he said, “Anything else you want to go over?”

“No, how about you?”

“Yes, only a few more details to iron out."

“Well, details are up for negotiation,” she smiled.

“I know,” he said, “First, I know you aren’t my property or anything, but I think you can understand I’ll want you to tell me where you are going at all times…for a few weeks at least,” he said, “Just to make sure that you don’t malfunction when I’m not with you.”

“Understandable, and acceptable."

“Good,” he said, sighing with relief, “Next, I'm going to be carrying your tablet with me everywhere,” he told her, “Do you mind if I occasionally check in on you?”

“No,” she said, “Though keep in mind I am aware when the tablet is remotely accessing my systems."

“Alright,” he said, “You can’t decide not to let me access your diagnostic reads, can you?”

“No,” she said, “That’s your only failsafe,” she said, “Though if I detect you accessing my visual or audio feeds while I’m assisting a customer or hearing someone’s personal information, I can distort the feeds on your end."

“Fair enough,” he nodded, “Well then, I think we’re good."

“Good,” she smiled, “Now why don't we get dressed and eat some lunch?"

“Alright,” he said regretfully, finally having gotten used to being nude, and they headed into the bedroom to get dressed.

Part 1.5: Relaxation

Once they were dressed, and had eaten lunch, they went back into the living room to decide how to spend the rest of their day.

“So Sabrina, anything you want to do today?” Greg asked.

“Yes, I know you wanted to stay here all day, but I want to go out and do something."

Greg let out a long sigh before saying, “It’s not that I want to keep you prisoner here, I’m just worried about you malfunctioning in public."

“I can understand that,” Sabrina said, “But I’ve been online for more than 12 hours now, and most of the major bugs that could have happened already happened."

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, and besides, any malfunction would be with my human emulation,” she said, “In that case, you could simply voice command me to deactivate human emulation and my A.I. could walk home with you just as easily as I could until it could fix me."

“Alright,” Greg said, finally giving in.

“Thanks!” Sabrina said, quickly giving him a kiss and hug.

“So, where would you like to go?” he asked, “And I’m not going to let you drive yet."

“Fair enough,” she conceded, “Why don’t we go to that latest 3D superhero movie?”

“Oh right, I forgot we were planning on seeing that on the night of your accident."

“I figured,” she said, “We might as well do it now before we have to go back to work.”

“You’re right,” he said, “I’ll go online and order the tickets,” he said, heading to the computer. Just as he logged onto the ticket site, he suddenly stopped and said, “Hey, Sabrina."

“What is it?”

“I was just thinking,” he said, “Now that you’re an android, can your eyes even interpret the 3D images?”

“Oh shit! I hadn’t thought of that,” Sabrina said, suddenly looking worried.

“Well, our TV runs on the same concept as the theater 3D, why don’t we just test your eyes out on that?”

“Alright, I’ll keep my fingers crossed."

It only took Greg a few moments to setup the 3D movie player on their TV. He selected another superhero movie made by the same company and jumped to one of the major action scenes. “Alright Sabrina, here’s the glasses,” he said, handing one of the pairs to her.

“I hope my eyes work,” she said, putting them on as he grabbed the remote.

“Well, here goes,” he said, and he pressed play.

The scene only played for only a few seconds before Sabrina swore and said, “My eyes don’t work on 3D,” she said with a bummed look.

“That’s too bad,” he said, pausing the movie, “Maybe we could just see the non-3D version."

“I think I’ll call my dad first,” she said, “Maybe they already thought of this and made a program to correct the issue.”

“Alright, are you going to use the phone in your head or your actual phone?”

“My actual phone,” she giggled, “It seems a little rude to use my internal phone when I’m with you."

“It didn’t stop you from using it last night,” he smiled, grabbing her phone from the kitchen counter.

“I know,” she laughed, “I was just showing off,” she said, taking the phone and dialing her dad’s number.

“I’ll keep my fingers crossed this time,” he smiled as she waited for her dad to pick up the phone.

“Thanks,” she mouthed, just as her dad picked up, “Hey dad, it’s me…yes, I’m doing fine, I only had a few malfunctions last night…no, they weren’t serious…anyway, Greg and I were planning on seeing a 3D movie later, but it seems my eyes can’t interpret the 3D images with the glasses on…good, I was hoping you thought of that…why wasn’t it included in my A.I.?...I see, can you add it to my dedicated update server?...alright, thanks dad!...yes, Greg and I will see you in a few nights…alright, I love you too…bye,” she said, ending the call and placing her phone down.

“So?” he asked, only getting one end of the conversation.

“They’ve been working on a patch, though it wasn’t quite ready by the time they started building me,” she said, “Since it’s only a beta at the moment, it'll only work for about four hours at a time, so we shouldn’t plan on marathoning any 3D movies for a while."

“Oh, so you have to access your update server to install it?”

“Yes, it should only take a few minutes,” she said, sitting down and zoning out a little.

“Will you have to reboot or anything?”

“Hold on,” she said, and a few moments later, she came back and said, “Yes, I’ll be back soon,” she said, and then her head slumped down to her chest. A few moments later, her head rose back up, “Alright, the patch is installed,” she announced with a big smile.

“Well, you ready to try again?” he asked her, picking up the remote.

“Yes,” she smiled, “fingers crossed,” she said, putting the glasses back on and looking at the paused TV screen with trepidation.

“Here goes again,” he said, and he pressed play.

“Yes, it works!” she said, breathing a sigh of relief and taking the glasses off.

“Good,” he said, stopping the movie and taking the glasses from her.

“Well, that’s a relief,” she said, sitting back down, “I think you can buy the tickets now."

“Alright,” he said, and he quickly ran back to the computer and ordered tickets for the movie, which they headed to an hour later.

They returned from the mall several hours later, since they also stopped and did some shopping, and then picked up something for dinner, including a few drinks. As they were eating, he once again had to remind himself she was an android as she was taking sips of the wine they had just bought. “Sabrina, I was wondering, can you get drunk?”

“Yes,” she said, taking a sip, “though it's only simulated, since my brain is different."

“Interesting,” he said, “So, that means you could toggle it on and off?”

“Yes,” she said, “I guess that means I can always be the designated driver even if I’ve had a lot to drink."

“Yes,” he said, “just how drunk could you get?”

“I believe the simulation only goes up to a little over the legal limit,” she said, “The simulation takes into consideration my body type, gender, and the amount and type of alcohol I’ve consumed, as well as the amount of time I’ve been drinking.”

“Wow, I'm so glad they thought of everything,” he said, refilling both their glasses, “You want to get drunk then?”


After they finished eating, they popped open another two bottles of wine and continued drinking. By the time they stopped an hour later, they were both pretty wasted as they stumbled into the living room to sit on the couch.

“How you feeling there Sabrina?” he asked, slurring his words a little.

“Pretty drunk,” she said, “You?”

“Drunk,” he replied, “That was some good stuff."

“Yeah, it was,” she said, wiping her forehead, which, along with the rest of her face, was flushed.

“So, why don’t you temporarily shut off your drunk simulation?”

“Alright,” she smiled, and after zoning out, the buzzed look on her face instantly vanished, and her skin returned to normal.

“Oh man, that is creepy,” he said, though he was laughing uncontrollably at seeing her go completely sober in front of his eyes.

“Wow, it was like a fog was lifted from my mind,” she said, laughing with him.

Once they regained their composure a few seconds later, Greg tried to focus as he asked her, “So, what does your body do with the alcohol?” he asked, “I know mine basically just gets it out."

“Well, the alcohol converts really well into energy for me,” she explained, “The byproduct is simple gas that I exhale."

“Cool,” he said, “Why don’t you turn your simulation back on,” he said, “You’re making me feel out of place."

“Alright,” she said, and after zoning out, her face flushed back up and she got the buzzed look on her face, “Wow, that’s actually kind of fun,” she said, slurring her words again.

“I’ll bet,” he said, “So, why don’t you load up that video of your construction now,” he laughed, “You can still do that drunk, right?”

“I think so,” she smiled, and she zoned out, “Hey, I still can,” she snorted, turning on the TV with her internal remote.

“Cool,” he laughed, as he watched her control the menus until she got the video uploaded into the media system.

“Wait, before the video, watch this,” she said, giggling as she loaded a video. The screen was completely black until suddenly he saw his own face recoil in fear. Apparently she recorded the image of her scaring the shit out of him when she was first activated.

“Oh man, you recorded that!?” he asked, laughing despite himself at seeing the reaction on his face upon being scared.

“Yes, and there’s more,” she said, pointing at the screen, as another video loaded, this time of him with a worried look on his face as he slowly got closer.

“Oh man, not that one too,” he said, “Oh!,” he said, once his face recoiled again and he saw himself from her point of view drop his head straight down. The video ended with her looking at his foot.

“Yep,” she said, “I told you I was recording that,” she smiled, sticking her tongue out.

“You did,” he said, “Now how about that construction video?”

“Well, here it is,” she said, playing the video.

The video was time lapsed, since it took place over the course of several days, but they could clearly see the skeleton being assembled, along with the hardware components, and then the skeleton was placed in some sort of machine. About a day later, there was a perfectly realistic copy of Sabrina removed from that machine, along with the backups of her head, arms and feet. There were a few more hours of finishing touches before her body was placed inside the box she was delivered in. By the time the video ended, they could see that her construction had taken roughly five days, though the video was time lapsed into an hour.

“Wow Sabrina,” Greg said, once the video ended; the video had sobered him up considerably.

“Yeah,” was all she said; the video also sobering her up.

“Sabrina, I love you,” Greg said, turning to look at her.

“I love you too Greg,” she said, turning to him.

“Please don’t ever leave me again,” he said, a tear falling out of his left eye as he fiercely embraced her.

“I won’t,” she promised.

When they broke apart, Greg suddenly felt a bit horny. "Hey, wanna have some sex"? he blushed.

She responded with a kinky smile and a nod. They eagerly rose from the couch, Greg grabbing her control tablet, and headed into the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, they both stripped off all their clothes and stood admiring one another.

"Why'd you bring me tablet?" she asked with a curious look.

"I thought of something that might spice up the sex tonight," he told her, opening the command tab on the device, "Do you trust me?"

"I do," she told him, staring deeply into his eyes.

"Good," he said, then he scrutinized the room, "Umm, you may want to stand close to the bed."

"Okay," she said a bit nervously, walking over and standing flush up against the bed, "Is this good?"

"We'll see," he said, then he finished typing in his command and hit enter.

Sabrina immediately stiffened up and stated in the clipped voice, "Command: Disengaging all limbs." She then zoned out, like she did the other times, and Greg could see seams appearing around her neck, as well as her wrists, biceps, ankles, and thighs. Once the separation was complete, she remained standing somewhat awkwardly for a few seconds, seams clearly visible on her body. However, her hands, no longer completely attached, soon fell off, followed by her arms. Her arms falling off then threw her off balance, causing a chain reaction that led to her torso disengaging from her legs and falling backwards onto the bed, while her head fell from the torso and rolled off the side of the bed. Her legs briefly remained standing up right, before collapsing and disengaging from her feet. While the whole scenario took place over the course of seconds, Greg cherished it and was glad he'd had the tablet record the entire thing.

Once he recovered, he carefully placed the tablet down on a nearby dresser and walked over to Sabrina, who was now in several pieces on the floor and on the bed. Her head had rolled down onto the floor on the right side of the bed, but between the soft carpet, a blanket that had fallen onto the floor, and her long hair, she appeared to be fine; her face was facing down to the floor.

"Hey, are you okay down there?" he chuckled nervously, still high from the alcohol, and the thrill of seeing her fall to pieces like that.

She remained silent for a split second, worrying Greg a bit, before giving off a muffled laugh. Sighing with relief, Greg carefully reach down and picked her head up, absently fixing her hair, before lifting it up to face him. She was laughing with pure joy as she stared into his face. "That was awesome!"

"I thought you'd like it," he grinned, giving her a quick kiss before turning her head so she could see her body parts laying on the floor and bed.

"Were you still planning on having sex with me?, or was this the real reason you wanted to come in here."

"I do, but I figured this might be a fun way to kick things off," he told her, placing her head down and focusing on her torso, which was laying flat on its back. He briefly played with her breasts before gently probing her vagina. Unfortunately, it didn't open.

"Umm, you know I'll need to be reattached for that to work, right?" she teased.

"I figured," he shrugged, "I was just testing to see what I could do now."

"Yeah, it closes up when it's off, or when my head is removed, for safety know, so you can't rape me."

He chuckled a bit before picking her head back up. "You know I wouldn't do that." Before she could respond, he brought her face to his and kissed her deeply. She responded my closing her eyes and returning the kisses, while he slowly pushed her torso further up the bed so he could get into position. Once he had it in the appropriate section of the bed, he mounted it with his stiff member and playfully teased the dormant pussy, kissing Sabrina more and more before clicking her head back on to her torso, bringing it back to life.

Sabrina giggled contentedly as soon as she was reconnected and her torso came back to life, the arousal that she'd already built up from their makeout session immediately activated her vagina, which opened immediately to Greg's stiff member with a rush of warm fluids. He moaned with pleasure as the fluids warmed him up and allowed him to smoothly slide in. Since she had no arms or legs to grab on to him with, and therefore no leverage, he grabbed hold of her from behind her shoulders and pumped her into him, allowing them both to enjoy the experience. After several minutes of sheer ecstasy, they finally climaxed, with him collapsing onto her legless and armless torso.

Once they caught their breath, he carefully slid himself out of her and rolled over onto his side, looking over at her with a look of pure bliss. Since she had no arms or legs, she could only do the same. Once the sexual bliss had resided, he sighed and said, "Well, I should probably reassemble you now."

"That would be nice," she giggled.

Grinning, he got up from the bed and bent down at the foot, where her severed arms, legs, hands, and feet all lay. Even after being drained from the epic sex they'd just had, he still grew hard at the sight. Shaking his head and fighting it, he grabbed each part and lifted them up onto the bed, doing it one at a time due to their weight. Once they were all up on the bed, he clicked the legs onto her torso, followed by her feet, and then her arms, followed by her hands.

Sabrina waited patiently for him to reattach all her limbs, and then twitched around a bit as they all came back to life. Greg quickly rejoined her on the bed, allowing her to embrace him with her reassembled body, engaging in another makeout session.

Unfortunately, playtime had to end, so they got up and cleaned themselves off in the shower, eager to have more awesome sessions like that in the future. The rest of their week off, they caught up on the rest of the shows they missed. Fortunately Sabrina had no major malfunctions the rest of the week, making them both feel much better about her new existence as an android. On their last day, they went over to Sabrina’s parents house for dinner.

Regretfully, they both had to go back to work the next day.

Continued in The Replacement - Part 2

| The Replacement | The Replacement - Part 1 | The Replacement - Part 2 | The Replacement - Part 3 | The Replacement - Part 4 | The Replacement - Part 5 | The Replacement - Part 6 | The Replacement - Part 7 | The Replacement - Part 8 |