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==Part 2 - Help around the house==
==Part 2: Help around the house==
R. Sabrina operated fairly smoothly for the first six months of her life, much to Greg and John’s delight, as well as her own.  Still, Greg kept an eye on her whenever he could via her tablet, and Sabrina agreed to run regular diagnostics whenever she could at school and work.  One day, when they had a mutual day off, John surprised them by arriving at their apartment with a large box, as well as a smaller box.

“Hey you two, I’ve got a surprise for you!” he said when they answered the door.
“Hey Dad, nice to see you,” Sabrina said, walking out and giving him a hug.
“What’s in the box?” Greg asked.
“I’ll show you when we get it inside,” John said, though the box was the same size and shape as the one Sabrina arrived in, so it wasn’t too hard to guess.  Once they got the boxes situated in the living room, they all sat down.  “I think you two have already guessed that there is an android in there."
“Yes,” Greg and Sabrina said at the same time.
“Well, in addition to Sabrina’s model android, the HRMs, we have also been developing a similar project, called the DPMs."
“I know what an HRM is,” Greg said, “But what’s a DPM?”
“DPM stands for Donated Personality Model, in other words, it's an android that looks like a real person, but who only donated their personality, and some memories, but not the whole package like Sabrina here."
“Interesting,” Sabrina mused, “What are they for then?”
“Well, people who need money can donate their image, personality, and a few memories, and we use all that build an android that can perform a variety of functions for them while they live their lives, go to school, or travel."
“So, it can work for them?” Greg asked.
“Yes, but because it isn’t meant to be a replacement, like Sabrina, we can program them with a variety of tasks, such as household chores, office knowledge, sexual positions, you name it."
“Cool,” Greg said, “Can you tell us about the one you gave us?”
“Sure,” John said, “The donor is a 28 year old, female Turkish immigrant named Ipek,” he started, “She donated her image and personality in exchange for a job with our company, in accounting."
“Nice,” Greg said, “What kind of features did you program her with?”
“I gave you guys a wide selection,” John said, “She’ll do household chores like laundry and the dishes, she can cook since I know you two can’t, she can do your taxes and other secretarial type stuff, she can guard your home while you're asleep, she’s got all the necessary programming to perform repairs on Sabrina here if something happens while you’re away or I’m too busy, she has nursing programming in case Greg here is home sick, and she is fully programmed and equipped for bisexual sex with hundreds of sexual positions installed,” he finished, “Oh, and just in case you two ever have kids, she’s programmed to be a nanny as well,” he added with a wink.
“Wow, you guys thought of everything,” Sabrina said.
“So, what kind of personality does she have, and what sort of memories?” Greg asked.
“Well, she kind of came from a well off family, so she might seem like she's putting on airs, but the important thing is for you treat her like a member of your family, and her personality will adapt to better suit you,” John explained, “As for her memories, she’ll be able to offer opinions on fashion, music, food, and entertainment,” he said, “But she won’t really have any specific details about her donor’s real life.”
“Oh, we’ll keep that in mind,” Greg said, “We’ll she be getting body upgrades?”
“Only if there are major improvements,” John said, “I see no reason why Ipek here can’t look 28 for the rest of your lives.”
“I agree," Greg nodded, "anything else we should know?”
“Yes, regardless of her personality, she will be completely obedient to the two of you and will do whatever you ask or order her to, within ethical and moral reasons,” he said, “She also won’t have the same restraints on her controls that Sabrina here does."
“So, does she have a control tablet too?” Greg asked.
“No, and that reminds me,” John said, “Hand me Sabrina’s control tablet."
“Alright,” Greg said, and he handed him the tablet and watched as John inserted a MicroSD card into a spare slot.
“There, now this tablet can control Ipek as well as Sabrina,” John said, handing it back to Greg, "More cost effective," he chuckled.
"Thanks!" Greg laughed, taking the tablet and putting it back down on the table.
“Well, I think I’ve said enough, I’ll head out and let you two get acquainted with Ipek,” he said, getting to his feet.
“Thanks dad, I’m sure we’ll benefit greatly from having her around,” Sabrina said, walking over and giving him a hug.
“No problem sweetheart,” he said, “I just want to make sure the two of you are in well taken care of.”
“Well, if Ipek here can cook well, then I’d say she’s worth it,” Greg said.
“Alright, you two have fun!” John said, and he headed out and drove off.  Once John was gone, they both locked the doors and shaded the windows before returning to the living room. 
“Well Greg, I think it goes without saying that today is a play day,” Sabrina smiled, looking at the box.
“Yeah,” Greg smiled, “So, you ready to take a look at Ipek here?”
“Go ahead,” she said.
Just as he had with Sabrina’s box several months before, he entered his security key in the keypad and stood back as the box opened, revealing their new maid, Ipek. 
Ipek was a 28 year old Turkish woman of average height with an hourglass shape, and with neck-length black hair was parted neatly in the middle so it fell evenly on both sides.  Although they both expected her to be dressed as a maid, she was dressed in a simple black skirt with black leggings and black shoes.  Her top was a simple grey, three quarter sleeve shirt.  While she wasn’t the most attractive woman Greg had ever seen, she still looked a little pretty.
“She looks kinda pretty,” Sabrina said, reaching in and touching her hair.
“Yeah, she is,” Greg said, “You want to turn her on now, or do you want to play with her first?”
“You can turn her on now,” Sabrina said, stepping back.
“Alright." He picked up the tablet and turned it on, seeing it now had two main apps on the home screen, one for Sabrina and the other for Ipek.  He tapped on Ipek’s and brought up the activation sequence.  Once the initial startup diagnostics completed and her systems booted up, her body slowly came to life.  Her eyes finally opened, and her brown eyes looked at both of them before smiling.
“Hello, my name is Ipek, your new DPM,” she said in a perfect American accent, stepping out of the box and shaking both their hands, “According to my programming, you are Greg, and you are R. Sabrina, correct?”
“That’s correct,” Greg told her.
“Great! I’m sure you two want to get to know more about me, and my features, but I would appreciate seeing your apartment first so I can begin supplementing my programming with your habits."
“Sure, we can show you around,” Sabrina offered.
“Thanks,” Ipek said, and both Greg and Sabrina took her on a tour of their apartment.  They were surprised at how in depth Ipek looked at their place.  She opened every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen, cataloguing every utensil, and ingredient they had in the pantry.  She inventoried all their laundry and cleaning supplies in the storage room.  She also went through all their clothes.  When she was finally through seeing everything there was to see in their apartment, they all headed back out to the living room and sat down.
“Well Ipek, what do you think?” Greg asked.
“I think I have more than enough information to adequately perform my functions,” she smiled, “Though I will be writing a list of things you should buy to better assist me in the kitchen, if that isn’t a problem."
“No problem,” Sabrina laughed, “If it means you can cook us good food, we'll spare no expense."
“Yeah, no expense,” Greg laughed.
“Thanks,” Ipek smiled.
“So Ipek, what can you tell us about yourself?” Greg asked.
“I’m a prototype DPM with multiple specialty programs installed,” she said, “My donor is a Turkish immigrant who now works for the company that built me."
“Do you have any of your donor’s memories?” Sabrina asked.
“Only a small amount,” she admitted, “I know my favorite color is Red, I like classical music, and I picked these clothes, but that’s about it."
“How come you don't have a Turkish accent?” Greg asked.
“My donor immigrated here when she was a child,” she explained, “Though I am programmed with every know language, so I could speak with any accent, if you'd like me to.”
“I think we're happy with your current accent,” Greg nodded, along with Sabrina, “So Ipek, are you aware that Sabrina's an android?”
“Of course," she answered, "her father programmed all her specs in my A.I., and I am able to remotely access her systems and can immediately detect when she is malfunctioning."
“Really?! you aren’t able to control me remotely, are you?” Sabrina asked nervously.
“No,” Ipek assured her, “I am only tied into your diagnostic array and your A.I..”
“Good,” Sabrina said, looking relieved.
Greg smiled, despite himself. “So, do you have any hardware that Sabrina doesn’t?”
“Not much,” she said, “Why don’t you access my visual feed,” she suggested, looking at the tablet.
“Alright,” Greg said, picking up the tablet and accessing her visual feed.  For a moment, the feed showed Ipek’s vision, including her HUD; it was roughly the same as Sabrina’s vision.  Ipek eyes were currently focused on both Greg and Sabrina, sitting on the couch across from her chair.  Suddenly, the feed changed to an infrared look at them.  He was surprised to that the infrared signature for Sabrina looked fairly normal, despite her being an android; he surmised her body was probably designed to distribute heat more human like.
“Cool! why do you have infrared vision though?” Greg asked, watching as the feed switched back to normal.
“It’s part of my home security programming,” Ipek shrugged, “That’s about the only major hardware difference between Sabrina and I, the rest is all software related.  Is there anything else you would like to see?”
“Yes Ipek, would you mind taking your clothes off?” Greg asked.
“No, I wouldn’t mind,” she smiled, “You know, you could have ordered me to, but you actually asked nicely,” she said, standing up and pulling her shirt off.
“Hey, you have a human personality, and a real human’s body,” Greg said, “As such, I’m going to talk to you just the same I would any human, because I don’t see you as an appliance, but a new member of our family."
“Thanks,” Ipek blushed, “That really means a lot to me,” she said, neatly folding her shirt and then sitting down to remove her shoes and socks.
“Hey Ipek, do you think you could stop a moment so we can see your feet up close?” Greg asked, when he saw her bare feet.
“Sure,” she smiled, and she scooched her chair a little closer to them and rested her feet on the couch.
“Thanks,” Sabrina smiled, and they each grabbed one of Ipek’s feet and felt it.
“You know, if you both have a foot fetish, I have many techniques programed into me to help you out,” Ipek offered.
“Maybe later,” Greg said, and he continued examining Ipek’s right foot.  It was fairly ordinary looking, and only a size 8, compared to Sabrina’s size 10.  He was pleased to see her nails were natural looking, and very well groomed.  Since she had only been online for a few minutes, there was no odor, but there was a bit of moisture that had begun to build up.
“Well, are my feet to your liking?” she asked, once they finished and let her put her feet down.
“Yes,” Greg said, “And would you mind staying barefoot whenever you are here?”
“Sure," she replied cheerfully, "though I will have to wear something while cooking, for safety reasons."
“Fair enough,” Greg said, “You can continue getting undressed now."
“Alright,” she said, and she stood up and removed the skirt, followed by the leggings.  Finally, she removed her bra and panties and stood before them naked, twirling around so they could see her whole body, and asking with a blush, “How do I look?” She had a fairly attractive body.  Aside from a chubby abdomen, she had a well-toned body with very pale skin.  He breasts were also a modest size, about half the size of Sabrina’s.
“You look very nice,” Greg and Sabrina said.
“Thanks,” Ipek blushed modestly.
“Would you mind if we paused you so we can get a closer look at you?” Greg asked.
“Not at all,” Ipek said.
“Thanks,” Greg said, “Ipek, Pause,” he said, and she instantly froze up.
“Wow, that is kinda creepy,” Sabrina said, looking at Ipek’s face, which was frozen in her smile, “Is that what it’s like with me?” she asked, getting up and walking over to Ipek’s frozen body.
“Yes,” Greg answered honestly, feeling Ipek’s breasts.
“Well, you should film me sometime,” she said, examining Ipek’s vagina, “You know I’d like to see what you do to me when I’m paused or off."
“Alright,” Greg said, playing with Ipek’s face, “I wasn’t sure you even wanted to see what I did to you,” he admitted, “Because I do think of you as my Sabrina now.”
“Well thanks,” she said, feeling Ipek’s backside, “But I have as much of a robofetish as you."
“Duly noted,” Greg said, “Hey, it just occurred to me, couldn’t you control Ipek’s body?”
“What do you mean?”
“On your first day here, I opened your head and saw your brain, and you said it could be removed and put in another android body, but since you were only just activated, you didn’t want to risk me removing your brain and I just forgot about it."
“Oh, I remember,” she said, “Though the part about me controlling another android body came on day two,” she corrected him.
“That’s right,” he said, “Still, couldn’t I remove Ipek’s brain, and then your brain, and place your brain in her head and then you control it?”
“I don’t see why not,” she smiled, “Would you like me to?”
“Yeah! it’ll be fun!”
“Alright, well you’ll have to have Ipek here show you the safest way to remove my brain,” she said, “I can’t exactly remove my brain myself, and she has the proper programming to assist you.”
“Alright, you want to unpause her now?”
“Ipek, Unpause,” he said, and she instantly came back to life.
“So, did you two enjoy feeling my body?”
“Yes we did,” Sabrina said.
“Hey Ipek, would you mind if I put Sabrina’s brain in your body for a while?” Greg asked.
“No, I’m yours to play with if you like,” she smiled.
“Thanks,” he said, “But I’ve never removed Sabrina’s brain before, could you show me how so I don’t damage it, or yours?”
“Certainly,” she smiled, “Did you want to do it right now?”
“Sabrina?” Greg asked.
“Sure,” she answered.
“Alright, could you sit down please?” Ipek asked Sabrina, and once she did, she sat down on the couch next to Sabrina, “Now, you’ll need to shutdown first,” Ipek said.
“Do I absolutely have to be shut down?” she asked, hoping to experience her brain being disconnected while still online.
“No, it’s safer though,” Ipek warned.
“I’ll take the risk,” Sabrina said, “We have a robofetish and I want to feel what it’s like to be removed from my body while I’m still online."
“Alright,” Ipek said, “Could you open your scalp access for me?”
“Sure,” Sabrina said, and she zoned out while a seam appeared around her scalp.  Once the seam was there, Ipek carefully pulled it off and set it aside on a nearby table.
“Come here Greg,” Ipek ordered, sitting on one side of Sabrina so he could sit on the other.  Once Greg was there, she had him look inside of Sabrina’s open head, all the while she was looking out the corner of her eyes at both of them.  “Now Greg, it’s not really that complicated, you just have to be gentle,” Ipek said, guiding his hand onto Sabrina’s brain, “Just grab it from underneath and pull it out, and don’t worry, you don’t have nearly enough strength to cause any significant damage to our brains with just your hands."
“Alright,” Greg said, trying to control his breathing, “You ready Sabrina?”
“Do it Greg,” Ipek said.
Greg put his entire hand on her brain and let his fingers go underneath it.  He then slowly pulled it until he felt it release.  “Error, host A.I. not found,” Sabrina’s body suddenly blurted out before going quiet. 
“Don’t worry, that’s normal,” Ipek assured him as he removed Sabrina’s brain.
“I figured,” he said, holding his girlfriend’s brain up to his face.  He saw a data connection on the bottom, which is where all the data to and from her brain went through, “Is she still ‘awake’?"
“No,” Ipek answered, “Her brain's only active when it's receiving power."
“Oh,” he said, carefully setting Sabrina’s brain down on the table.
“Now, it’s just the same with me,” Ipek smiled, and she quickly zoned out as a seam appeared around her scalp.  Once it was all there, she calmly brought her hands to her head and removed her scalp, placing it down neatly next to Sabrina’s.
“Did you want me to place you in Sabrina’s body?” he asked, moving over so he could reach into Ipek’s open head.
“Unfortunately my brain isn’t capable of functioning in a non-DPM configured body, as much as I'd like that,” Ipek told him regrettably. 
“Well, that’s too bad,” Greg said, “Anyway, you ready?” he asked, reaching in and putting his hand on her brain.
“Yes Greg, and I don’t mind what Sabrina does while using my body,” she said, “As far as I am concerned, if her brain is operating it, it is her body."
“Thanks Ipek,” Greg said, “Here goes,” and he quickly pulled her brain out.  “Error, host A.I. not found,” Ipek’s body said before going quiet.  He looked around for a safe place to set Ipek’s brain down, and decided to click it in place in Sabrina’s open head.  Her body made no announcement at it being plugged in, true to Ipek’s statement they weren’t compatible, but at least he knew it would be safe there.  He placed Sabrina’s scalp back on, though since her body wasn’t active, the seam remained visible.  “Well Sabrina, let’s get you into Ipek here,” he said, carefully picking up Sabrina’s brain from the table and bringing it over to Ipek’s body.  He carefully inserted it into Ipek’s open head and felt it click into place. Several lights blinked inside her head before he heard Ipek’s body speak, “Host A.I. found, loading A.I.,” and then a few seconds later, her eyes blinked rapidly a few times before coming to life.
“Sabrina, you with me?” Greg asked, looking into Ipek’s eyes.
“Yes, I think so,” she said, speaking with uncertainty.
“Is anything wrong?”
“No, it’s just weird,” she said, “I’m trying to get used to her body."
“Okay, I’m going to put your scalp back on now,” he said, picking it up from the nearby table and clicking it back on.
“Ok,” she said, and she made the seam vanish before smiling, “Wow Greg, this is amazing!” she said, “It’s like this body is actually mine, it’s just feels so natural!”
“I thought before you said you were trying to get used to it."
“At first,” she said, “It took awhile for my A.I. to be able to process Ipek’s motor functions, but once it did, it all became so natural."
“I see."
“So, where did you put Ipek’s brain at?” she asked, looking around.
“In your head,” he answered, looking at her body which was sitting passively on the other side of the couch.
“Oh, then why isn’t she in control of my body?”
“Apparently her brain can only work in a DPM configured body."
“Oh, that’s too bad,” she said, “I would have loved to hear what she thought of using my body."
“Yeah, don’t you want to look at your body?”
“Yes, of course,” she said, and she turned around and faced her dormant body, “It’s so weird seeing my body sitting there like that,” she said, “It’s just staring at me, like I’m looking in a mirror,” she added, leaning in towards its face, “Whoa, it blinked!” she yelled, recoiling back slightly.
“Your body blinked?"
“Yeah, I didn’t know it would still do that,” she said, calming down and looking at her body again, “I guess all the involuntary systems are still online."
“Cool,” he said, watching her examine her own body.
“Hey Greg, could you help me take the clothes off?”
“Sure,” he told her, getting up and helping to remove her bodies clothing.  Once her body was naked, they sat it back down and he sat back to watch her examine it.
“Wow, people just don’t get to see themselves like this,” she remarked, looking at its back and other parts one wouldn’t be able to see by themselves.
“Yeah, I can only imagine."
“It really is too bad Ipek couldn’t control my body,” Sabrina said again, "then maybe we could both make out or something."
“Well, you still have me."
“Yes, I do,” she smiled, turning to look at him, “It doesn’t weird you out?” she asked, “Seeing Ipek examining Sabrina’s body, but knowing it’s really me?”
“It is a little weird,” he admitted, “But knowing it’s really you in there is actually turning me on even more."
“Really?” she said, “So you wouldn’t have any problem taking Ipek’s body here out for a spin?” she asked, now focused entirely on him instead of her own body.
“No,” he said, “And Ipek said as long as you are in her body, it might as well be your body, so I know she wouldn’t mind either."
“Good,” she smiled back, “So, you look a little out of place, why don’t you undress?”
“Fair enough,” he said, and he swiftly disrobed.
Fortunately they had the foresight to blind all the windows, because they had several rounds of sex on the couch, all while Sabrina’s lifeless body passively sat there, turning them both on even more. After they caught their breath, and cleaned themselves up a little in the shower, they sat back down in the living room.
“So, whose body was better to fuck?” she asked, “Mine or Ipek’s?”
“Well, you are more beautiful,” he said, “But there was something different about doing you in Ipek’s body,” he said, “It almost felt naughty…like I was cheating or something."
“I see,” Sabrina said, “The forbidden fruit sex appeal."
“Exactly,” he said, “You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, don’t worry,” she laughed, “I’m not tricking you like other girls would,” she said, “I felt the same way you did, only from the other side."
“Wow, not too many people could be having the conversation we are,” he said, laughing at the thought.
“Well I’d hope not,” she said, “Otherwise one of the two would have had to die first."
“Yeah,” he said calmly, since after six months of being with R. Sabrina, he found he was completely over the original Sabrina’s accident.
“So, is there anything else you want to do before returning us to our proper bodies?”
“Yes, actually,” he said, remember back six months prior on R. Sabrina’s first day online, “I want to remove your head really quick."
“Okay,” she shrugged, since she knew he had a thing for removing her head.
“Don’t worry, I have a thought and think I’m right,” he said, walking around behind her and pressing the manual release at the back of her neck.  After she gave her clipped speech announcing the removal of her cranial unit, he lifted her head up off her neck and then turned it around so it was facing him, giving her and excited smile, “Alright Sabrina, say something."
“What?” The voice that emitted digitally was Sabrina’s voice, not Ipek’s.
“That,” he said, “Didn’t you hear?” he asked, “You just spoke with your voice instead of Ipek’s."
“I did,” she smiled, “It must look weird from your perspective."
“Very!” he nodded fervently, “I thought you were going to talk to your dad about being able to speak with other people’s voices."
“I guess I forgot,” she said, in a voice that sounded like a shrug off.
“You’re a computer now, how could you forget?”
“Hey, I may be a computer, but I still basically think the same as a human, as Sabrina,” she said, “We did a lot of other stuff those first few days, and they were much better than me being able to speak with some else’s voice."
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” he gave in, “Anyway, it looks like your A.I. contains the vocal samples that are supplied to the body’s speaker."
“Yes, apparently."
“Anyway, I saw what I wanted to see,” he said, bringing her head back to the body and reconnecting it.
“Well, as fun as this has been, I think I want to return to my body now,” she said, once her head was back on.
“Sure, just one more thing,” he said, and he planted a quick kiss on her lips.
“That was nice,” she smiled, “Still showing me you don’t care if I’m in a less beautiful body?"
“Alright, I’m convinced,” she smiled, “Now let’s get me back into my body,” she said, sitting down next to it and making the seam appear around her scalp.
“Okay,” he said, and he carefully removed the scalp and then pulled her brain out of Ipek’s head.  He paused a moment to look at the two lifeless female androids sitting next to each other on his couch, naked.  This scene would have only existed in his dreams six months ago, but now he was surprised it was nearly becoming commonplace.  After he moved those thoughts from his head, he lifted the scalp panel from Sabrina’s head and carefully removed Ipek’s brain from inside, placing it on Ipek’s lap.  He then carefully reinserted Sabrina’s brain into her own head, hearing a satisfying click as it connected. While her A.I. was still loading, he quickly reattached her scalp and watched as it resealed.  Once it was resealed, she was fully loaded.
“Ah, it's so good to be back in my own body,” she said, sighing contentedly as she stretched her body out.
“I wish I could experience the same things as you."
“Well, you’d have to die first,” she said, “Are you sure you’d want to go that far?”
“No,” he said, “I don’t want it that badly,” he said, “So, did you want me to reinsert Ipek now?"
“Go ahead,” she said, and she watched as he moved over and reinserted Ipek’s brain, clicking her scalp back in place while she was loading. Once she was back, she took a few moments to get used to her change in position and then turned to look at Sabrina, “So, how did you like my body?”
“It was nice,” Sabrina smiled, “But no offense, I like my body better."
“None taken,” Ipek smiled, “You do have a better body than I do."
“Thanks,” Sabrina blushed modestly.
“So Greg, how was the sex with my body?” Ipek asked bluntly.
“What?” he asked, blushing in an embarrassed way, “What makes you think we had sex?”
“You’re naked now, and I can just tell,” Ipek said matter-of-factly.
“Well, it wasn’t as good as with Sabrina, but the whole forbidden fruit aspect just made it feel…different, almost naughty."
“I thought so,” she said, “You know, since we’re already naked, why don’t we go in and have a threesome?”
“What?” Sabrina asked.
“I’m programmed with every known sexual position, so maybe I can teach you two a few things to spice things up,” she suggested, “Unless you two are uncomfortable."
“No, it’s not that,” Sabrina said, “It’s just…we don’t have sex that often."
“I understand,” Ipek said, “But sex is a great stress reliever and could really improve your relationship."
“Well, if Greg agrees, I will."
“Hey, I think it might be fun," he replied.
“Well then, let’s go,” Ipek said, getting up and leading them into the bedroom.
What followed was nearly an hour of the best sex both Greg or Sabrina had ever had.  Ipek taught them things they never could have dreamt of, choosing the positions based on several factors she gathered while observing them go at it solo.  When they finally finished on the bed, they all walked into the shower to continue a few things while they cleaned up.
“Well you two, do you want to learn some more tomorrow?” Ipek asked, now fully dressed again.
“Absolutely,” they both said at the same time, causing them both to laugh.
“Good,” Ipek smiled, “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to cook us something for lunch,” she said.
“No, we certainly don’t mind,” Greg said.
“Yeah, we can’t cook to save our lives,” Sabrina agreed.
“Good, then I’ll get started,” Ipek said, and she got up and headed into the kitchen.
“So Greg, what do you think of her?” Sabrina asked, once Ipek was in the kitchen and busy getting things ready for lunch.
“Well, I wasn’t sure we were going to need her, but now I can’t imagine not having her."
“Me too,” Sabrina agreed, “I think she can keep you entertained on my long days, if you know what I mean."
“Isn’t that kind of like cheating?” he asked, trying to see if she was tricking him.
“I suppose so,” Sabrina said, “But I don’t care,” she said, “She’s a robot too, and you can play around with her the same way as with me if you really want to.”
“I know,” he said, “But you’re the one I want to play with,” he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss.
“Aww, you’re too sweet,” she smiled with rosy cheeks.
“Lunch is ready!” Ipek called from the kitchen.
They were definitely satisfied with Ipek being in their lives when they tasted the lunch she cooked for them, even with their minuscule supplies.  The rest of the day, they got to know Ipek more and more based on some of the few memories she had inherited from her donor. The dinner she cooked them was just as exquisite as lunch, though Greg and Sabrina did go to the store beforehand to buy some of the things Ipek requested. When the time came for them to go to bed, they suddenly remembered their apartment didn’t have a guest room, so they offered to let her sleep with them that night until they could get her own bed. Surprisingly, Ipek politely refused and said she would be more content to sit on the couch in the living room, since she could utilize her security protocols while in standby mode. By the time Ipek had spent an entire week with them, they truly considered her part of the family, as John had suggested.
Continued in [[The Replacement - Part 3]]
Continued in [[The Replacement - Part 3]]
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[[The Replacement - Part 6]]
[[The Replacement - Part 6]]
[[The Replacement - Part 7]]
[[The Replacement - Part 8]]

Latest revision as of 13:54, 4 April 2020

Part 2: Help around the house

R. Sabrina operated fairly smoothly for the first six months of her life, much to Greg and John’s delight, as well as her own. Still, Greg kept an eye on her whenever he could via her tablet, and Sabrina agreed to run regular diagnostics whenever she could at school and work. One day, when they had a mutual day off, John surprised them by arriving at their apartment with a large box, as well as a smaller box.

“Hey you two, I’ve got a surprise for you!” he said when they answered the door.

“Hey Dad, nice to see you,” Sabrina said, walking out and giving him a hug.

“What’s in the box?” Greg asked.

“I’ll show you when we get it inside,” John said, though the box was the same size and shape as the one Sabrina arrived in, so it wasn’t too hard to guess. Once they got the boxes situated in the living room, they all sat down. “I think you two have already guessed that there is an android in there."

“Yes,” Greg and Sabrina said at the same time.

“Well, in addition to Sabrina’s model android, the HRMs, we have also been developing a similar project, called the DPMs."

“I know what an HRM is,” Greg said, “But what’s a DPM?”

“DPM stands for Donated Personality Model, in other words, it's an android that looks like a real person, but who only donated their personality, and some memories, but not the whole package like Sabrina here."

“Interesting,” Sabrina mused, “What are they for then?”

“Well, people who need money can donate their image, personality, and a few memories, and we use all that build an android that can perform a variety of functions for them while they live their lives, go to school, or travel."

“So, it can work for them?” Greg asked.

“Yes, but because it isn’t meant to be a replacement, like Sabrina, we can program them with a variety of tasks, such as household chores, office knowledge, sexual positions, you name it."

“Cool,” Greg said, “Can you tell us about the one you gave us?”

“Sure,” John said, “The donor is a 28 year old, female Turkish immigrant named Ipek,” he started, “She donated her image and personality in exchange for a job with our company, in accounting."

“Nice,” Greg said, “What kind of features did you program her with?”

“I gave you guys a wide selection,” John said, “She’ll do household chores like laundry and the dishes, she can cook since I know you two can’t, she can do your taxes and other secretarial type stuff, she can guard your home while you're asleep, she’s got all the necessary programming to perform repairs on Sabrina here if something happens while you’re away or I’m too busy, she has nursing programming in case Greg here is home sick, and she is fully programmed and equipped for bisexual sex with hundreds of sexual positions installed,” he finished, “Oh, and just in case you two ever have kids, she’s programmed to be a nanny as well,” he added with a wink.

“Wow, you guys thought of everything,” Sabrina said.

“So, what kind of personality does she have, and what sort of memories?” Greg asked.

“Well, she kind of came from a well off family, so she might seem like she's putting on airs, but the important thing is for you treat her like a member of your family, and her personality will adapt to better suit you,” John explained, “As for her memories, she’ll be able to offer opinions on fashion, music, food, and entertainment,” he said, “But she won’t really have any specific details about her donor’s real life.”

“Oh, we’ll keep that in mind,” Greg said, “We’ll she be getting body upgrades?”

“Only if there are major improvements,” John said, “I see no reason why Ipek here can’t look 28 for the rest of your lives.”

“I agree," Greg nodded, "anything else we should know?”

“Yes, regardless of her personality, she will be completely obedient to the two of you and will do whatever you ask or order her to, within ethical and moral reasons,” he said, “She also won’t have the same restraints on her controls that Sabrina here does."

“So, does she have a control tablet too?” Greg asked.

“No, and that reminds me,” John said, “Hand me Sabrina’s control tablet."

“Alright,” Greg said, and he handed him the tablet and watched as John inserted a MicroSD card into a spare slot.

“There, now this tablet can control Ipek as well as Sabrina,” John said, handing it back to Greg, "More cost effective," he chuckled.

"Thanks!" Greg laughed, taking the tablet and putting it back down on the table.

“Well, I think I’ve said enough, I’ll head out and let you two get acquainted with Ipek,” he said, getting to his feet.

“Thanks dad, I’m sure we’ll benefit greatly from having her around,” Sabrina said, walking over and giving him a hug.

“No problem sweetheart,” he said, “I just want to make sure the two of you are in well taken care of.”

“Well, if Ipek here can cook well, then I’d say she’s worth it,” Greg said.

“Alright, you two have fun!” John said, and he headed out and drove off. Once John was gone, they both locked the doors and shaded the windows before returning to the living room.

“Well Greg, I think it goes without saying that today is a play day,” Sabrina smiled, looking at the box.

“Yeah,” Greg smiled, “So, you ready to take a look at Ipek here?”

“Go ahead,” she said.

Just as he had with Sabrina’s box several months before, he entered his security key in the keypad and stood back as the box opened, revealing their new maid, Ipek.

Ipek was a 28 year old Turkish woman of average height with an hourglass shape, and with neck-length black hair was parted neatly in the middle so it fell evenly on both sides. Although they both expected her to be dressed as a maid, she was dressed in a simple black skirt with black leggings and black shoes. Her top was a simple grey, three quarter sleeve shirt. While she wasn’t the most attractive woman Greg had ever seen, she still looked a little pretty.

“She looks kinda pretty,” Sabrina said, reaching in and touching her hair.

“Yeah, she is,” Greg said, “You want to turn her on now, or do you want to play with her first?”

“You can turn her on now,” Sabrina said, stepping back.

“Alright." He picked up the tablet and turned it on, seeing it now had two main apps on the home screen, one for Sabrina and the other for Ipek. He tapped on Ipek’s and brought up the activation sequence. Once the initial startup diagnostics completed and her systems booted up, her body slowly came to life. Her eyes finally opened, and her brown eyes looked at both of them before smiling.

“Hello, my name is Ipek, your new DPM,” she said in a perfect American accent, stepping out of the box and shaking both their hands, “According to my programming, you are Greg, and you are R. Sabrina, correct?”

“That’s correct,” Greg told her.

“Great! I’m sure you two want to get to know more about me, and my features, but I would appreciate seeing your apartment first so I can begin supplementing my programming with your habits."

“Sure, we can show you around,” Sabrina offered.

“Thanks,” Ipek said, and both Greg and Sabrina took her on a tour of their apartment. They were surprised at how in depth Ipek looked at their place. She opened every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen, cataloguing every utensil, and ingredient they had in the pantry. She inventoried all their laundry and cleaning supplies in the storage room. She also went through all their clothes. When she was finally through seeing everything there was to see in their apartment, they all headed back out to the living room and sat down.

“Well Ipek, what do you think?” Greg asked.

“I think I have more than enough information to adequately perform my functions,” she smiled, “Though I will be writing a list of things you should buy to better assist me in the kitchen, if that isn’t a problem."

“No problem,” Sabrina laughed, “If it means you can cook us good food, we'll spare no expense."

“Yeah, no expense,” Greg laughed.

“Thanks,” Ipek smiled.

“So Ipek, what can you tell us about yourself?” Greg asked.

“I’m a prototype DPM with multiple specialty programs installed,” she said, “My donor is a Turkish immigrant who now works for the company that built me."

“Do you have any of your donor’s memories?” Sabrina asked.

“Only a small amount,” she admitted, “I know my favorite color is Red, I like classical music, and I picked these clothes, but that’s about it."

“How come you don't have a Turkish accent?” Greg asked.

“My donor immigrated here when she was a child,” she explained, “Though I am programmed with every know language, so I could speak with any accent, if you'd like me to.”

“I think we're happy with your current accent,” Greg nodded, along with Sabrina, “So Ipek, are you aware that Sabrina's an android?”

“Of course," she answered, "her father programmed all her specs in my A.I., and I am able to remotely access her systems and can immediately detect when she is malfunctioning."

“Really?! you aren’t able to control me remotely, are you?” Sabrina asked nervously.

“No,” Ipek assured her, “I am only tied into your diagnostic array and your A.I..”

“Good,” Sabrina said, looking relieved.

Greg smiled, despite himself. “So, do you have any hardware that Sabrina doesn’t?”

“Not much,” she said, “Why don’t you access my visual feed,” she suggested, looking at the tablet.

“Alright,” Greg said, picking up the tablet and accessing her visual feed. For a moment, the feed showed Ipek’s vision, including her HUD; it was roughly the same as Sabrina’s vision. Ipek eyes were currently focused on both Greg and Sabrina, sitting on the couch across from her chair. Suddenly, the feed changed to an infrared look at them. He was surprised to that the infrared signature for Sabrina looked fairly normal, despite her being an android; he surmised her body was probably designed to distribute heat more human like.

“Cool! why do you have infrared vision though?” Greg asked, watching as the feed switched back to normal.

“It’s part of my home security programming,” Ipek shrugged, “That’s about the only major hardware difference between Sabrina and I, the rest is all software related. Is there anything else you would like to see?”

“Yes Ipek, would you mind taking your clothes off?” Greg asked.

“No, I wouldn’t mind,” she smiled, “You know, you could have ordered me to, but you actually asked nicely,” she said, standing up and pulling her shirt off.

“Hey, you have a human personality, and a real human’s body,” Greg said, “As such, I’m going to talk to you just the same I would any human, because I don’t see you as an appliance, but a new member of our family."

“Thanks,” Ipek blushed, “That really means a lot to me,” she said, neatly folding her shirt and then sitting down to remove her shoes and socks.

“Hey Ipek, do you think you could stop a moment so we can see your feet up close?” Greg asked, when he saw her bare feet.

“Sure,” she smiled, and she scooched her chair a little closer to them and rested her feet on the couch.

“Thanks,” Sabrina smiled, and they each grabbed one of Ipek’s feet and felt it.

“You know, if you both have a foot fetish, I have many techniques programed into me to help you out,” Ipek offered.

“Maybe later,” Greg said, and he continued examining Ipek’s right foot. It was fairly ordinary looking, and only a size 8, compared to Sabrina’s size 10. He was pleased to see her nails were natural looking, and very well groomed. Since she had only been online for a few minutes, there was no odor, but there was a bit of moisture that had begun to build up.

“Well, are my feet to your liking?” she asked, once they finished and let her put her feet down.

“Yes,” Greg said, “And would you mind staying barefoot whenever you are here?”

“Sure," she replied cheerfully, "though I will have to wear something while cooking, for safety reasons."

“Fair enough,” Greg said, “You can continue getting undressed now."

“Alright,” she said, and she stood up and removed the skirt, followed by the leggings. Finally, she removed her bra and panties and stood before them naked, twirling around so they could see her whole body, and asking with a blush, “How do I look?” She had a fairly attractive body. Aside from a chubby abdomen, she had a well-toned body with very pale skin. He breasts were also a modest size, about half the size of Sabrina’s.

“You look very nice,” Greg and Sabrina said.

“Thanks,” Ipek blushed modestly.

“Would you mind if we paused you so we can get a closer look at you?” Greg asked.

“Not at all,” Ipek said.

“Thanks,” Greg said, “Ipek, Pause,” he said, and she instantly froze up.

“Wow, that is kinda creepy,” Sabrina said, looking at Ipek’s face, which was frozen in her smile, “Is that what it’s like with me?” she asked, getting up and walking over to Ipek’s frozen body.

“Yes,” Greg answered honestly, feeling Ipek’s breasts.

“Well, you should film me sometime,” she said, examining Ipek’s vagina, “You know I’d like to see what you do to me when I’m paused or off."

“Alright,” Greg said, playing with Ipek’s face, “I wasn’t sure you even wanted to see what I did to you,” he admitted, “Because I do think of you as my Sabrina now.”

“Well thanks,” she said, feeling Ipek’s backside, “But I have as much of a robofetish as you."

“Duly noted,” Greg said, “Hey, it just occurred to me, couldn’t you control Ipek’s body?”

“What do you mean?”

“On your first day here, I opened your head and saw your brain, and you said it could be removed and put in another android body, but since you were only just activated, you didn’t want to risk me removing your brain and I just forgot about it."

“Oh, I remember,” she said, “Though the part about me controlling another android body came on day two,” she corrected him.

“That’s right,” he said, “Still, couldn’t I remove Ipek’s brain, and then your brain, and place your brain in her head and then you control it?”

“I don’t see why not,” she smiled, “Would you like me to?”

“Yeah! it’ll be fun!”

“Alright, well you’ll have to have Ipek here show you the safest way to remove my brain,” she said, “I can’t exactly remove my brain myself, and she has the proper programming to assist you.”

“Alright, you want to unpause her now?”


“Ipek, Unpause,” he said, and she instantly came back to life.

“So, did you two enjoy feeling my body?”

“Yes we did,” Sabrina said.

“Hey Ipek, would you mind if I put Sabrina’s brain in your body for a while?” Greg asked.

“No, I’m yours to play with if you like,” she smiled.

“Thanks,” he said, “But I’ve never removed Sabrina’s brain before, could you show me how so I don’t damage it, or yours?”

“Certainly,” she smiled, “Did you want to do it right now?”

“Sabrina?” Greg asked.

“Sure,” she answered.

“Alright, could you sit down please?” Ipek asked Sabrina, and once she did, she sat down on the couch next to Sabrina, “Now, you’ll need to shutdown first,” Ipek said.

“Do I absolutely have to be shut down?” she asked, hoping to experience her brain being disconnected while still online.

“No, it’s safer though,” Ipek warned.

“I’ll take the risk,” Sabrina said, “We have a robofetish and I want to feel what it’s like to be removed from my body while I’m still online."

“Alright,” Ipek said, “Could you open your scalp access for me?”

“Sure,” Sabrina said, and she zoned out while a seam appeared around her scalp. Once the seam was there, Ipek carefully pulled it off and set it aside on a nearby table.

“Come here Greg,” Ipek ordered, sitting on one side of Sabrina so he could sit on the other. Once Greg was there, she had him look inside of Sabrina’s open head, all the while she was looking out the corner of her eyes at both of them. “Now Greg, it’s not really that complicated, you just have to be gentle,” Ipek said, guiding his hand onto Sabrina’s brain, “Just grab it from underneath and pull it out, and don’t worry, you don’t have nearly enough strength to cause any significant damage to our brains with just your hands."

“Alright,” Greg said, trying to control his breathing, “You ready Sabrina?”


“Do it Greg,” Ipek said.

Greg put his entire hand on her brain and let his fingers go underneath it. He then slowly pulled it until he felt it release. “Error, host A.I. not found,” Sabrina’s body suddenly blurted out before going quiet.

“Don’t worry, that’s normal,” Ipek assured him as he removed Sabrina’s brain.

“I figured,” he said, holding his girlfriend’s brain up to his face. He saw a data connection on the bottom, which is where all the data to and from her brain went through, “Is she still ‘awake’?"

“No,” Ipek answered, “Her brain's only active when it's receiving power."

“Oh,” he said, carefully setting Sabrina’s brain down on the table.

“Now, it’s just the same with me,” Ipek smiled, and she quickly zoned out as a seam appeared around her scalp. Once it was all there, she calmly brought her hands to her head and removed her scalp, placing it down neatly next to Sabrina’s.

“Did you want me to place you in Sabrina’s body?” he asked, moving over so he could reach into Ipek’s open head.

“Unfortunately my brain isn’t capable of functioning in a non-DPM configured body, as much as I'd like that,” Ipek told him regrettably.

“Well, that’s too bad,” Greg said, “Anyway, you ready?” he asked, reaching in and putting his hand on her brain.

“Yes Greg, and I don’t mind what Sabrina does while using my body,” she said, “As far as I am concerned, if her brain is operating it, it is her body."

“Thanks Ipek,” Greg said, “Here goes,” and he quickly pulled her brain out. “Error, host A.I. not found,” Ipek’s body said before going quiet. He looked around for a safe place to set Ipek’s brain down, and decided to click it in place in Sabrina’s open head. Her body made no announcement at it being plugged in, true to Ipek’s statement they weren’t compatible, but at least he knew it would be safe there. He placed Sabrina’s scalp back on, though since her body wasn’t active, the seam remained visible. “Well Sabrina, let’s get you into Ipek here,” he said, carefully picking up Sabrina’s brain from the table and bringing it over to Ipek’s body. He carefully inserted it into Ipek’s open head and felt it click into place. Several lights blinked inside her head before he heard Ipek’s body speak, “Host A.I. found, loading A.I.,” and then a few seconds later, her eyes blinked rapidly a few times before coming to life. “Sabrina, you with me?” Greg asked, looking into Ipek’s eyes.

“Yes, I think so,” she said, speaking with uncertainty.

“Is anything wrong?”

“No, it’s just weird,” she said, “I’m trying to get used to her body."

“Okay, I’m going to put your scalp back on now,” he said, picking it up from the nearby table and clicking it back on.

“Ok,” she said, and she made the seam vanish before smiling, “Wow Greg, this is amazing!” she said, “It’s like this body is actually mine, it’s just feels so natural!”

“I thought before you said you were trying to get used to it."

“At first,” she said, “It took awhile for my A.I. to be able to process Ipek’s motor functions, but once it did, it all became so natural."

“I see."

“So, where did you put Ipek’s brain at?” she asked, looking around.

“In your head,” he answered, looking at her body which was sitting passively on the other side of the couch.

“Oh, then why isn’t she in control of my body?”

“Apparently her brain can only work in a DPM configured body."

“Oh, that’s too bad,” she said, “I would have loved to hear what she thought of using my body."

“Yeah, don’t you want to look at your body?”

“Yes, of course,” she said, and she turned around and faced her dormant body, “It’s so weird seeing my body sitting there like that,” she said, “It’s just staring at me, like I’m looking in a mirror,” she added, leaning in towards its face, “Whoa, it blinked!” she yelled, recoiling back slightly.

“Your body blinked?"

“Yeah, I didn’t know it would still do that,” she said, calming down and looking at her body again, “I guess all the involuntary systems are still online."

“Cool,” he said, watching her examine her own body.

“Hey Greg, could you help me take the clothes off?”

“Sure,” he told her, getting up and helping to remove her bodies clothing. Once her body was naked, they sat it back down and he sat back to watch her examine it.

“Wow, people just don’t get to see themselves like this,” she remarked, looking at its back and other parts one wouldn’t be able to see by themselves.

“Yeah, I can only imagine."

“It really is too bad Ipek couldn’t control my body,” Sabrina said again, "then maybe we could both make out or something."

“Well, you still have me."

“Yes, I do,” she smiled, turning to look at him, “It doesn’t weird you out?” she asked, “Seeing Ipek examining Sabrina’s body, but knowing it’s really me?”

“It is a little weird,” he admitted, “But knowing it’s really you in there is actually turning me on even more."

“Really?” she said, “So you wouldn’t have any problem taking Ipek’s body here out for a spin?” she asked, now focused entirely on him instead of her own body.

“No,” he said, “And Ipek said as long as you are in her body, it might as well be your body, so I know she wouldn’t mind either."

“Good,” she smiled back, “So, you look a little out of place, why don’t you undress?”

“Fair enough,” he said, and he swiftly disrobed.

Fortunately they had the foresight to blind all the windows, because they had several rounds of sex on the couch, all while Sabrina’s lifeless body passively sat there, turning them both on even more. After they caught their breath, and cleaned themselves up a little in the shower, they sat back down in the living room.

“So, whose body was better to fuck?” she asked, “Mine or Ipek’s?”

“Well, you are more beautiful,” he said, “But there was something different about doing you in Ipek’s body,” he said, “It almost felt naughty…like I was cheating or something."

“I see,” Sabrina said, “The forbidden fruit sex appeal."

“Exactly,” he said, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, don’t worry,” she laughed, “I’m not tricking you like other girls would,” she said, “I felt the same way you did, only from the other side."

“Wow, not too many people could be having the conversation we are,” he said, laughing at the thought.

“Well I’d hope not,” she said, “Otherwise one of the two would have had to die first."

“Yeah,” he said calmly, since after six months of being with R. Sabrina, he found he was completely over the original Sabrina’s accident.

“So, is there anything else you want to do before returning us to our proper bodies?”

“Yes, actually,” he said, remember back six months prior on R. Sabrina’s first day online, “I want to remove your head really quick."

“Okay,” she shrugged, since she knew he had a thing for removing her head.

“Don’t worry, I have a thought and think I’m right,” he said, walking around behind her and pressing the manual release at the back of her neck. After she gave her clipped speech announcing the removal of her cranial unit, he lifted her head up off her neck and then turned it around so it was facing him, giving her and excited smile, “Alright Sabrina, say something."

“What?” The voice that emitted digitally was Sabrina’s voice, not Ipek’s.

“That,” he said, “Didn’t you hear?” he asked, “You just spoke with your voice instead of Ipek’s."

“I did,” she smiled, “It must look weird from your perspective."

“Very!” he nodded fervently, “I thought you were going to talk to your dad about being able to speak with other people’s voices."

“I guess I forgot,” she said, in a voice that sounded like a shrug off.

“You’re a computer now, how could you forget?”

“Hey, I may be a computer, but I still basically think the same as a human, as Sabrina,” she said, “We did a lot of other stuff those first few days, and they were much better than me being able to speak with some else’s voice."

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” he gave in, “Anyway, it looks like your A.I. contains the vocal samples that are supplied to the body’s speaker."

“Yes, apparently."

“Anyway, I saw what I wanted to see,” he said, bringing her head back to the body and reconnecting it.

“Well, as fun as this has been, I think I want to return to my body now,” she said, once her head was back on.

“Sure, just one more thing,” he said, and he planted a quick kiss on her lips.

“That was nice,” she smiled, “Still showing me you don’t care if I’m in a less beautiful body?"


“Alright, I’m convinced,” she smiled, “Now let’s get me back into my body,” she said, sitting down next to it and making the seam appear around her scalp.

“Okay,” he said, and he carefully removed the scalp and then pulled her brain out of Ipek’s head. He paused a moment to look at the two lifeless female androids sitting next to each other on his couch, naked. This scene would have only existed in his dreams six months ago, but now he was surprised it was nearly becoming commonplace. After he moved those thoughts from his head, he lifted the scalp panel from Sabrina’s head and carefully removed Ipek’s brain from inside, placing it on Ipek’s lap. He then carefully reinserted Sabrina’s brain into her own head, hearing a satisfying click as it connected. While her A.I. was still loading, he quickly reattached her scalp and watched as it resealed. Once it was resealed, she was fully loaded.

“Ah, it's so good to be back in my own body,” she said, sighing contentedly as she stretched her body out.

“I wish I could experience the same things as you."

“Well, you’d have to die first,” she said, “Are you sure you’d want to go that far?”

“No,” he said, “I don’t want it that badly,” he said, “So, did you want me to reinsert Ipek now?"

“Go ahead,” she said, and she watched as he moved over and reinserted Ipek’s brain, clicking her scalp back in place while she was loading. Once she was back, she took a few moments to get used to her change in position and then turned to look at Sabrina, “So, how did you like my body?”

“It was nice,” Sabrina smiled, “But no offense, I like my body better."

“None taken,” Ipek smiled, “You do have a better body than I do."

“Thanks,” Sabrina blushed modestly.

“So Greg, how was the sex with my body?” Ipek asked bluntly.

“What?” he asked, blushing in an embarrassed way, “What makes you think we had sex?”

“You’re naked now, and I can just tell,” Ipek said matter-of-factly.

“Well, it wasn’t as good as with Sabrina, but the whole forbidden fruit aspect just made it feel…different, almost naughty."

“I thought so,” she said, “You know, since we’re already naked, why don’t we go in and have a threesome?”

“What?” Sabrina asked.

“I’m programmed with every known sexual position, so maybe I can teach you two a few things to spice things up,” she suggested, “Unless you two are uncomfortable."

“No, it’s not that,” Sabrina said, “It’s just…we don’t have sex that often."

“I understand,” Ipek said, “But sex is a great stress reliever and could really improve your relationship."

“Well, if Greg agrees, I will."

“Hey, I think it might be fun," he replied.

“Well then, let’s go,” Ipek said, getting up and leading them into the bedroom.

What followed was nearly an hour of the best sex both Greg or Sabrina had ever had. Ipek taught them things they never could have dreamt of, choosing the positions based on several factors she gathered while observing them go at it solo. When they finally finished on the bed, they all walked into the shower to continue a few things while they cleaned up.

“Well you two, do you want to learn some more tomorrow?” Ipek asked, now fully dressed again.

“Absolutely,” they both said at the same time, causing them both to laugh.

“Good,” Ipek smiled, “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to cook us something for lunch,” she said.

“No, we certainly don’t mind,” Greg said.

“Yeah, we can’t cook to save our lives,” Sabrina agreed.

“Good, then I’ll get started,” Ipek said, and she got up and headed into the kitchen.

“So Greg, what do you think of her?” Sabrina asked, once Ipek was in the kitchen and busy getting things ready for lunch.

“Well, I wasn’t sure we were going to need her, but now I can’t imagine not having her."

“Me too,” Sabrina agreed, “I think she can keep you entertained on my long days, if you know what I mean."

“Isn’t that kind of like cheating?” he asked, trying to see if she was tricking him.

“I suppose so,” Sabrina said, “But I don’t care,” she said, “She’s a robot too, and you can play around with her the same way as with me if you really want to.”

“I know,” he said, “But you’re the one I want to play with,” he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss.

“Aww, you’re too sweet,” she smiled with rosy cheeks.

“Lunch is ready!” Ipek called from the kitchen.

They were definitely satisfied with Ipek being in their lives when they tasted the lunch she cooked for them, even with their minuscule supplies. The rest of the day, they got to know Ipek more and more based on some of the few memories she had inherited from her donor. The dinner she cooked them was just as exquisite as lunch, though Greg and Sabrina did go to the store beforehand to buy some of the things Ipek requested. When the time came for them to go to bed, they suddenly remembered their apartment didn’t have a guest room, so they offered to let her sleep with them that night until they could get her own bed. Surprisingly, Ipek politely refused and said she would be more content to sit on the couch in the living room, since she could utilize her security protocols while in standby mode. By the time Ipek had spent an entire week with them, they truly considered her part of the family, as John had suggested.

Continued in The Replacement - Part 3

| The Replacement | The Replacement - Part 1 | The Replacement - Part 2 | The Replacement - Part 3 | The Replacement - Part 4 | The Replacement - Part 5 | The Replacement - Part 6 | The Replacement - Part 7 | The Replacement - Part 8 |