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The Dyson Institute's androids are marvels of robotics design and engineering.  They are, externally, completely indistinguishable from organic women.  Their outer dermal layers are molecularly sealed, leaving no detectable seams between components or around [[access panels]].  They are capable of doing virtually anything an organic woman can do--only better.  They can ingest food and liquids.  Even the closest of intimate contact will not reveal their robotic nature.
The Dyson Institute's androids are marvels of robotics design and engineering.  They are, externally, completely indistinguishable from organic women.  Their outer dermal layers are molecularly sealed, leaving no detectable seams between components or around [[access panel]]s.  They are capable of doing virtually anything an organic woman can do--only better.  They can ingest food and liquids.  Even the closest of intimate contact will not reveal their robotic nature.

The Institute's androids are of modular construction for ease of manufacture and maintenance.  The torso is the core of the android, containing the sophisticated computing hardware that stores the client's digitized consciousness; only one torso is built for each android, while other components--heads, limbs, pelvises--are manufactured in greater number and stored for future use.
The Institute's androids are of modular construction for ease of manufacture and maintenance.  The torso is the core of the android, containing the sophisticated computing hardware that stores the client's digitized consciousness; only one torso is built for each android, while other components--heads, limbs, pelvises--are manufactured in greater number and stored for future use.

Revision as of 01:36, 3 March 2009

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The Dyson Institute stories take place in the present day or perhaps the not-too-distant future. The world is largely similar to our own, but with one significant exception: The Dyson Institute has made it possible for thousands of women to voluntarily become highly-sophisticated female androids, for their own benefit.

The Dyson Institute

Known to the general public only as a highly-exclusive, up-market day spa and health club, the Institute operates internationally with one goal: giving women the oppurtunity to become androids. The spa aspect not only provides a cover for the Institute's more covert primary operation, but serves as a valuable recruiting tool. The Institute's facilities provide not only conversion services, but extensive servicing and maintenance facilities for its clientele. The Institute's facilities are almost exclusively operated by female androids--some of them scratch-built units with advanced artificial intelligence, but predominantly former organic women.

Dr. Dyson

Dr. Dyson

The Institute is the brainchild of Dr. Elaine Dyson. Dr. Dyson, a tall, beautiful woman in her forties, is herself an android, having been the first to undergo the conversion process she had pioneered. Dr. Dyson had previously worked as an engineer in the nuclear power industry, designing systems to safely manipulate fuel rods within nuclear reactors. Almost overcome by the stresses of a particularly difficult project, she was suddenly struck by the idea of developing a replacement android body for women, realizing the incredible possibilities inherent in overcoming strictly human limitations. Having developed the earliest designs for such an android, she recruited a small core team of fellow female scientists, engineers, and physicians and began what would eventually grow into the modern Dyson Institute. Once Dr. Dyson had proven the viability of her concept by being the first woman to become an android, she and her team worked to refine the process and the basic android design. That core team of women soon followed Dr. Dyson in becoming androids themselves.

Dr. Dyson enjoys the highest levels of servicing and maintenance, and has a dedicated team of female android technicians who see to her technical support needs. She has been through several android bodies at this point, often being one of the first units to be upgraded following the development of a new android chassis.

Dr. Dyson, like many women who have become androids, finds being a machine to be intensely erotic. She exults in her android existence, frequently indulging her need for sexual gratification and her enjoyment of being a completely robotic woman.


The Dyson Institute's androids are marvels of robotics design and engineering. They are, externally, completely indistinguishable from organic women. Their outer dermal layers are molecularly sealed, leaving no detectable seams between components or around access panels. They are capable of doing virtually anything an organic woman can do--only better. They can ingest food and liquids. Even the closest of intimate contact will not reveal their robotic nature.

The Institute's androids are of modular construction for ease of manufacture and maintenance. The torso is the core of the android, containing the sophisticated computing hardware that stores the client's digitized consciousness; only one torso is built for each android, while other components--heads, limbs, pelvises--are manufactured in greater number and stored for future use.


The Institute prides itself on the conversion process, which is painless and in no way harmful to the woman's original organic body. Sophisticated neurointerface systems are able to analyze, digitize, and record a woman's thoughts, memories, and feelings--in essence, her entire consciousness. That digitized consciousness is uploaded into the core systems of the android torso, where it is 'run' as software and interacts seamlessly with a considerable array of subsystem software that attends to the moment-to-moment operation of the android's body.

The organic bodies of clients are maintained in a kind of suspended animation, kept in perfect health while inert. Units have the option of returning to their organic bodies at the end of their contracted period of operation, or at any time they so choose. It is comparatively rare that a woman elects to return permanently to her organic body, as the Institute strives to make their robotic existences as satisfying as possible; some women will from time to time return to their organic bodies in order to have children, however, generally returning to a new android body afterwards.

Sexual Systems

From early in the development process, Dr. Dyson placed considerable emphasis on designing a fully-functional, high-performance robotic sexual system. The key hardware element is the SynGina package, which is designed to not only mimic but to exceed the capabilities of organic female genitalia. The sexual sensitivity of the SynGina in particular is far greater than that of an organic woman, allowing a unit to experience a vastly expanded range of sexual pleasure. The SynGina is also engineered to provide the ultimate sexual experience for a unit's partner.

Dyson androids are typically programmed with a vast library of sexual techniques, drawing from a meticulously-compiled and maintained database of sexual performance software drawn from the experiences of thousands of other women who have previously become androids. All units are further programmed with a library of thousands of digitized orgasm sequences.

Paplexus Interface

Although all units are provided with multiple access panels for ease of maintenance, the paplexus interface is the primary 'gateway' into an android's systems. Located on the lower abdomen, between navel and pubic mound, the paplexus is an access point allowing power, data, and fluids replenishment connections. The paplexus is extensively utilized not only under in-lab maintenance situations, but also for day-to-day self-maintenance and those occasions where one unit needs to interface directly with another.


The ASU, or android servicing unit, largely resembles a desktop computer tower (though perhaps slightly larger). It is an android woman's primary point of contact for routine self-maintenance, such as recharging, diagnostics, and fluids replenishment. The ASU is networked remotely with the Institute's computer systems, allowing routine data backups, download of software updates, and upload of diagnostic information.

Android Series

The Dyson Institute continually works to refine and improve its technologies, culminating in a long series of new android models. Units typically are given the chance to upgrade to a new chassis after a series enters full production.

AX500 series

The AX500 was the first prototype android chassis developed. Dr. Dyson, as AX501, was the first unit in operation.

CX1000 series

RX2000 series

RX3000 series

Rachel, Maria Dwyer, and Christina Logan were RX3000 series units.

RX4000 series

RX5000 series

RX6000 series

RX7000 series

RX8000 series

RX9000 series

VX2000 series

VX5000 series

VX9000 series

UX1000 series

The UX1000 series is the most advanced unit currently in general service. Dr. Dyson is presently Unit UX1002.

UX2000 series

The UX2000 series is under development. A few prototypes are in operation, but the series is still in the testing phase. The general roll-out of the UX2000 series is anticipated soon.

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