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Created page with "=An Unexpected Offer= ==Prologue== I had just turned the key in the ignition to start the van and turned the heat up a notch as my cell phone rang. Looking at the caller identification and recognizing the office number I swore aloud, “Shit! what now?” Thumbing the slide to answer, I sighed. “Yeah?” “Mike, I know it’s late in the day, but we’ve got a hot emergency, an LP gas furnace with no heat that’s willing to pay extra along with a tip if you want t..."
Spaz (talk | contribs)
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I smiled at her back, turned, and left the kitchen, heading down the hall towards the bedroom.
I smiled at her back, turned, and left the kitchen, heading down the hall towards the bedroom.
==Chapter 5==
I opened my eyes and stared at the white marble floor of the shower. The noise of the water was relaxing, echoing off the walls, as was the temperature of the hot water. My head rested on my right forearm as I leaned against the wall, feeling the hot droplets run down my backside.
After having lathered up and rinsed off, I adjusted the shower head and just stood there under it for who knows how long. I leaned forward against the wall with my eyes closed for several minutes, reveling in the calm of the shower. Not thinking about anything.
It is amazing what a long hot shower can do for you, how it re-awakens your mind and refreshes you. At first, I hadn’t given any thought to Adalynn or my present situation. Just my immediate need to have time for myself. But as I relaxed and reflected upon the last several days, work, and people I’d met and interacted with, Adalynn crept back to the forefront of my thoughts.
So she had a glitch, a malfunction, ok. It caught me off guard, and I freaked out about it. Those things aren’t uncommon with electronic devices and appliances. Although she was a type of artificial intelligence, what did I know about her internal workings or operation? Heck! For that matter, sometimes electronics in heating and air equipment can also be temperamental. The wrong voltage will affect its operations, ambient temperatures, and such. Sudden vigorous use after a prolonged period of inactivity can cause erratic behavior. When you consider cell phones or electric cars, most things these days aren’t 100% problem-free after a specific duration of time. So … why was I so freaked out over it? Over it happening to her?
I stood there in the shower, watching the water bead off my chin and body, calming my mind and just breathing. I had a sudden yet fleeting thought, Adalynn is real, and yet she isn’t. That’s why I panicked when she malfunctioned, my brain couldn’t accept the fact that she wasn’t a real person even though we performed a very human and intimate act.
While I thought things through, I accepted the fact that I’d be staying here through the weekend, get to know the place and familiarize myself with the layout, get to know Adalynn a lot more, and find out just how much money is in this ownership deal for me. After all, that few minutes of heated sex in the kitchen was really, really good, regardless of her error, I could use more of that, and I realized that I could be more prepared for any possible future errors.
Having turned off the water and stepping out of the shower, I noticed a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and a towel on the vanity counter that hadn’t been there when I entered. Adalynn was also apparently very stealthy, or I was so focused entirely on myself that I hadn’t noticed her entering.
Providing me with clothes was unexpected, yet something so kind and human-like, yet she had done it nonetheless and said nothing. Adalynn respected my space and privacy. She was very different from any woman I’d known previously in this regard, classy, very classy, attentive, respectful as well as being perceptive to my needs.
Once I had dried off and dressed, and taking one more look in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. “Me? Do I get all this? I get her?” I asked silently, amazed. Looking down at Adalynn’s note on the vanity, my eyes stopped and focused on her last sentence. “I find you to be an honest man, and I am asking for your help. Will you be my new owner and friend?”
Glancing back at my reflection, I stared back at myself. “Yeah, I am a good man, at least I have tried to be since I was a youth. I can do this. I can.” I said aloud.
As I slowly walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen, I could smell the aroma of eggs and toast. Rounding the corner, I stopped and paused. Adalynn had set a single plate setting at the bar. A full glass of orange juice and a cup of steaming coffee accompanied the plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Off to the side were a plate of butter and a jar of strawberry or raspberry jam. Our clothes discarded on the floor in our rush to have sex earlier were now nowhere to be visibly found.
Adalynn was at the sink with her back to me, rinsing some dishes. She wore only her shirt, which covered half her ass. I ran my eyes down her slender legs and back up again to the curves of her cheeks.
I cleared my throat and sat myself down at the island.
Adalynn shut the water off, dried her hands, and turned to face me. “It’s not much, but it’s hot. I wasn’t sure which you’d like to drink. If you’d rather have something else, water or even whiskey, I’d be happy to get it. The kitchen isn’t fully stocked yet, as I haven’t needed it.” She said with a gentle smile.
My gaze went immediately from her face to her mostly unbuttoned blouse and the curves of her breasts. I probably spent too many seconds admiring them before I answered. “No, no, this is wonderful. Thank you. It smells amazing, and simple is good enough for me.” I replied, smiling back. “Oh, and thank you for the sweats and shirt,” I told her as I picked up the fork, feeling ashamed for having stared at her for so long.
“You’re welcome, and they belonged to my previous owner. I kept several items of clothing in the event that I might need them. Oh, can I ask which you prefer? Mike or Michael? I’ve been using both, and you haven’t seemed to mind. But I would like to know which you’d prefer.” She asked, a little more reserved.
“Mike is just fine. Thank you, Adalynn, for asking.” I replied, taking a large bite of eggs and watching her out of the corner of my eye.
“Mike. Alright, Mike.” Adalynn chuckled, then sat down beside me and placed an elbow on the counter, propping her head with her right hand, and quietly watched me eat.
She said nothing and did not move while I ate. It was somewhat flattering just to have her sit there and watch me, bite after bite. Sweet and flattering. I downed the orange juice and moved on to the coffee. Once I was finished and wiped at the corners of my mouth with a napkin, I swiveled my stool to face her.
“Thank you for the eggs and toast. I was quite hungry, more so than I thought.” I complimented her, letting my eyes quickly gaze over her again, from her head to her belly and back up again.
With a smile and glistening eyes, she finally spoke. “You’re very welcome. I knew you must be hungry after your long day. And thank you for being patient with me through these last few hours.” She softly said, placing her hand over mine.
I looked down at our hands, and I placed my other hand over hers and gave it a squeeze, then looked back up at her. “So…what’s next?” I asked.
Adalynn smiled. “Next? Whatever you’d like, Mike. If you want to relax, talk, ask me more questions, maybe… a little more…you know.” She teased as her eyes wandered over my chest.
I was frowning ever so slightly. “Uhm, I may have come across a little rude and gruff after your error episode. I mean to say, we went from full-on hot and heavy to a dead stop, and my reaction probably wasn’t what you had expected.” I paused.
“I’ll admit that it wasn’t, but I don’t blame you either. I was only aware of the forthcoming issue milliseconds before it occurred.” Adalynn said softly.
I shifted in my seat. I then flipped my hand over and held hers, interlacing our fingers, moving my other hand to my lap, and just stared at Adalynn’s face.
“What is it? What are you doing?” Adalynn asked, chuckling.
“You, I’m just memorizing your face, your eyes, your hair, your smile, and the way you look at me,” I told her.
She blushed and looked at our hands and squeezed them. “You are very kind, Mike. So .. you’re not worried or concerned about my hiccup from earlier? About my malfunction?” Adalynn asked with a hint of concern in her voice.
“Should I be?” I asked, shaking my head. “I thought a lot about it while I showered, but I concluded that you have safeguards and some redundancy with the two backup android bodies. Besides, I figured out how to reset you. So why worry?” I stated.
Adalynn turned and shifted ever so slightly to face me directly. She had undone the only button holding her shirt closed without me noticing. Her shirt now relaxed open enough to her navel, revealing her firm curved breasts and toned abdomen. I let my eyes wander over her exposed breasts once again. Smooth, tan, and perfectly shaped. The fabric of her shirt did little to hide her ripe, pert nipples that pushed forward.
After glancing at her chest, I looked back up at her.
“I would hope you wouldn’t be too worried.” Adalynn paused, noticing my gaze directed at her open shirt. “Uhm, hum.” She cleared her throat.
“I’m hard to resist, aren’t I?” She asked while batting her eyes.
“Yes, you truly are. There’s just something..about..” I trailed off.
“Me?” Adalynn giggled. “Pheromones, or rather the artificial pheromones that I’m emitting. I am programmed to emit them to help arouse you or to help you relax. Whenever I sense you may have a need or that a certain amount of time has passed since our last sexual encounter.” Adalynn explained.
“So, which is it now?” I said, eyes wide in surprise by her bluntness.
“Oh, maybe just a combination of arousing you and helping you relax, but not too much.” She said softly.
“Mmmm…it’s definitely working,” I stated as I shifted slightly on the stool to allow my manhood to reposition inside my sweats.
Reaching up with my left hand, I cradled her face. “Adalynn, I’m not leaving you, and I want to be here with you all weekend long for starters. I’ll even call in sick on Monday until I … until we can figure out how this new arrangement will work.” I assured her.
She closed her eyes and let out a deep artificial breath as she relaxed her head against my hand. “Thank you, Mike. That’s comforting to hear you say.” She whispered.
Without opening her eyes, she reached forward and gently grabbed my right hand, pulling it up, palm forward to her left breast, and held it firmly there against her warm supple, silky skin.
Instinctively I firmly grabbed hold and applied pressure, feeling her nipple harden and push against the center of my hand.
“Uhmmmm.” Adalynn softly moaned.
My left thumb softly caressed her cheek as I stared at her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re in heat. How long had it been since you last had sex? Before me, I mean?” I asked, genuinely wondering how long it had been for her.
Adalynn slowly opened her blue-colored eyes and lovingly looked at me. “Seventeen months, twenty-nine days, and yes. I am extremely horny and turned on by you. Even though I am autonomous and can think for myself. I have certain integrated core directives written into my personality and character profiles that I can’t help but allow to surface. Sort of like a habit, but in a different kind of way. Wanting to please you sexually and unconditionally are a few examples. Besides, the sex helps me bond to you.” She explained.
“Ah! I see.” I said, remembering when I first reset her earlier, and one of the transfer questions referred to her sexual settings. “ Any self-pleasure or masturbation?”
“Only if I’m told to or commanded to do so. That is not part of my autonomous selective decision process coding.” Adalynn said, shaking her head.
“Really? Why not?” I asked, curious now.
Adalynn raised an eyebrow as if she were genuinely considering her words. “There might be the possibility of me not being able to stop. I’m not sure of the specifics, but I can tell you that for me it’s very enjoyable.” She replied.
“Ok then.” I paused, digesting that bit of information. “How about we lock up the house, turn off the lights, and head to the bedroom?” I proposed.
She nodded without saying a word and straightened her head, freeing my left hand. “Watch this and listen closely.” She stated.
I perked up and did as she had suggested. I heard the click of several locks, the front door, and a few others, then watched as the lights slowly dimmed throughout the house.
“What do you think?” She asked rather excitedly.
Giving her breast a relatively solid squeeze and a final grope, I shook my head in mock amazement. “Damn, girl. You are amazing.”
Adalynn smiled, then slowly licked her lips. “Oh, you have no idea.” She said slowly, looking down at my right hand as I released her breast. Her right hand gently pushed against mine once more before letting go. “It’s been so long for me since I’ve been intimately touched and caressed by anyone. It’s intoxicating to me to feel your touch, in any and every capacity Mike.” She barely whispered, looking into my eyes.
I was hard again by this point, and I slowly slid off the barstool, taking Adalynn by the hand. “Then maybe tonight should be about you, what your needs are, what I can do to help you fulfill them,” I reassured her.
Adalynn glanced downward at my midsection, noticing the erect tent in my sweatpants, then back at me. “I’d like that, Mike, but I must be honest with you in one regard.” She said with some hesitation.
I pulled Adalynn to a standing position in front of me. “Oh?”
“It’s a challenge for me to put my needs over yours. My wants over your wants. Pleasing you will fulfill me, but if you desire to meet my needs first over yours, I am bound to follow your commands.” Adalynn looked down, then back up with a gentle smile.
“I also told you earlier that I wouldn’t glitch or malfunction again, as I had when we were fucking.” She paused, and I nodded. “Well, there is a small chance it may happen again.” She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.
“Help me understand,” I said.
She pulled herself close to me and lay her head against my chest. “Putting it simply for you to understand. It’s as if my mind is racing and going one hundred different directions at one hundred miles per hours all the time, and my mind works to anticipate your actions and reactions as well as how I need to react to them. I want to please you and for you to please me. Earlier, it was the same thing, except the DNA transfer protocol entered the mix, and you could say that I momentarily lost my focus while that protocol engaged and took over.”
“Shhhh,” I whispered as I placed my fingers across her lips.
“Calm down, and don’t let those things trouble you. I understand that your mind is like a supercomputer. Just let what happens, happen. Don’t worry about me, I can adapt just as you are able to. Can you do that for me?” I asked.
Adalynn nodded, pulling back and smiling. “Yes, Mike.” And with that, she squeezed my hand, turned, and pulled me to follow behind her towards the bedroom.
==Chapter 6==
Upon entering the bedroom, Adalynn released my hand and sprung up onto the bed in a kneeling position, quickly removing the shirt she wore and tossing it across the room. A mischievous smile appeared on her face. “You’ll honestly see to my needs right now? What I physically want?”
I nodded at her as a question immediately formed in my mind. She must have seen my expression change as she asked her next question before I could ask mine. “What? What is it?”
I took a deep breath. “You’re different now, changed. More playful than the serious, reserved lady of the house I met only hours ago.”
Adalynn’s smile faded slightly. “Do you not like how I am now, Mike?” She asked.
I climbed up on the bed and knelt up in front of her, our knees touching now. “No, it's fine. I kinda like it. This new side of who you are.” I told her.
She cocked her head and batted her eyes at me. “Wonderful, I’m trying to anticipate how best to adapt and change my personality to suit you. Your wants and needs, if a particular action or series of actions arouses you. What I might do, say or act out to increase your pleasure, as I mentioned a few minutes ago. I’ve been more reserved due to being between owners so to speak. But I am trying not to overthink it and be more relaxed now.” She paused for effect. “Now please kiss me, touch me, hold me, service me, Mike… and stop changing the subject! The time for asking questions is over. At least for now. I just want you to touch me as only you can.”
“As you wish, my dear,” I whispered as I pulled off my shirt and tossed it over beside hers on the floor.
I reached up with both hands and gently placed the palms of my hands against her cheeks, holding her carefully. Adalynn closed her eyes. “I want you to lay back, flat on the bed, please. I will touch you intimately and explore your body, all over with my hands, fingers, and lips.” I softly said.
“Mmmm.” She replied.
Letting go of her beautiful face, she lay back on the bed more comfortably with her arms at her side.
I slid back off the bed and removed my sweat pants as the bulge between my legs begged to be free. Then quickly back up and to Adalynns side as I leaned up on my elbow and stared down at her.
With my right hand, I reached down to her right knee and slowly traced my fingertips along her warm, soft synthetic skin. She felt so real and looked so real.
As I reached her mid-thigh, I moved my hand slowly across and over between her legs to her inner thigh. Adalynn instinctively spread her legs as she released a soft moan of pleasure. “Uhmmm….your touch is so careful, so precise.”
Keeping my right hand where it was, I sat more upright, then moved my left hand up against her neck and slid the back of my hand down and across to her collarbone, just over her breasts.
Adalynn took a deep breath and tilted her head back, her mouth slightly agape. “Oh!” She gasped.
Somewhat confused at her gasp and tone, as I’d only just begun, I spoke her name. “Adalynn?”
She turned her head towards me and smiled, licking her lips. “I’m fine, Mike. I love what you’re doing and how it makes me feel. Go ahead, touch me more.” She whispered, taking another deep breath.
Closing the distance between us, I leaned in and over her right breast, and with my left hand, I brushed over her hardening nipple. Then extending my tongue, I began to swirl and flick at her nipple until I was close enough to bare down and suck on it. Taking it in and sucking furiously on her.
“Yes, Mike! Oh, I like what you’re doing to me.” Adalynn exclaimed as she slowly writhed beneath me. Her hands clenched at the blankets beneath us.
I slowly moved my right hand between her legs until I was directly over her bare mound. I applied some pressure while continuing to suck and bob on her luscious tit.
“Oh, Yes, Yes! Oh Fuck Yes!” Adalynn cried out in ecstasy as she began to gyrate her hips against the pressure of my hand. “Play with me, tease this robot girl. Play with my pussy! Anything and everything is yours Mike.”
I pulled off her tit with a pop, keeping as much suction as possible until the last moment. “You like what I’m doing to you?” I asked.
“Mmm-hmm,” Adalynn moaned in delight, nodding her head in affirmation. “Don’t stop Mike, more. I want ..Ohh.. I need more. It’s been sooo long since I’ve felt this way, and I’ve never been touched quite like .. uhhnn .. like how you’re touching me now. Oh wow! .. Ohhh .. Pleasure me and service me and I’ll .. eeiiiiiiiiaaayyyeee!!!” She screamed as I quickly inserted a finger deep into her love hole.
“OH! FUCK! ME!” Adalynn cried out, bucking hard repeatedly, gyrating her hips against my hand. I repositioned myself again to be able to play with and massage her pussy, while resuming my sucking on her right tit and playing with her left tit with my left hand.
Her body was rocking and writhing beneath me. I felt the warmth of her skin against mine as I ministered to her needs. Her juices began to flow as I played with and pistoned my fingers in and out of her hole. Her moaning continued over the next few minutes as I enjoyed playing with her body and pleasing her.
She reached down with her left hand and began to rub at her pussy vigorously. “Oh, Mike, I feel it building, burning within me. Make me cum. Make me, your robot girlfriend cum hard!” Adalynn said breathlessly.
I pulled my wet fingers out from her hole, raised my hand back away then gave her pussy a single hard slap. At the same time, I leaned down while grabbing her breast in my hand and firmly reattached my lips to her nipple, and began sucking.
Adalynn let out a scream of pleasure, arching her back and pushing against my hand. I then reinserted two fingers and began to rapidly finger fuck her pussy.
“Uh-huh.. yes .. oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, Oh Yes, Just like that! RIGHT THERE!! Uh-huh..OH YES!! YES!! OH FUCK YES!!” She cried out as a powerful orgasm rocked her synthetic body. Her pussy muscles clenched around my fingers, holding me inside her and slowing my finger thrusting as her body convulsed in exstacy.
She reached out across the bed with her right hand, over and across my leg, until she found my rock-hard cock. Wrapping her fingers around my shaft, she began to pump it slowly as she relished in the sensation of her orgasm.
“Ohh, Mike!” She cooed. “I want you to.. to k’keep touching me like you have b’b’been, but I may need you …” Adalynn trailed off, having stuttered her words. Looking up at her while keeping her nipple in my mouth, I watched as her head twitched erratically, her eyelids fluttering wildly.
Her hand momentarily stopped pumping my shaft, then resumed once more after several seconds. “I’m an android .. droid.” She stuttered.
I pushed my fingers deeper into her mound and placed my thumb over the fingers of her left hand, which were still above her pussy, near her clit.
Her head twitched hard to the right, and Adalynn’s eyes focused on mine. “I am yours, Mike. Your robot, your robot bot bot bot bot girl. I am, your pleasure my pleasure. I need you..want you.. need you..want you..need you to fuck me now.”
I abruptly stopped all my ministrations and pulled off her tit. Not wanting to break my eye contact with her. “Are you alright? You seem to be stuttering, or looping your speech Adalynn. Is this a game that you're playing with me? Or are you malfunctioning again?”
Her eyes widened in surprise, and then a mischievous grin crossed her lips as she looked at me. “I’m purposely producing a .. a simulated error. A role-playing error game I’ve played before. My previous lover prefered and enjoyed it. Ohhhh .. In my attempts to circumvent and delay my requirements to find a new owner owner, I .. I .. I may may have miscalculated my priority to .. to experience .. to experience .. to ex..” She trailed off once again. Her eyes fluttered while her head twitched erratically.
Her mischievous grin returned, and her grip on my shaft tightened slightly.
“Careful there, babe,” I exclaimed as I quickly moved my hand from Adalynn’s soaked pussy to her hand that held me between my legs. “Gotta use that on you soon.”
Her eyes shifted to my groin and then back up to me. Her grip loosened, and her pumping stopped.
“Ohhh Mike, you’re so hard and ..” Adalynn’s head twitched once again. “You’re bigger than I had anticipated and so hard already.” She cooed.
It seemed she had said those exact words earlier this evening in the kitchen after pouring me the whiskey.
Adalynn suddenly and gracefully sat up, sweeping her legs behind her. Tossing her head to one side so that her hair was on the opposite side, she leaned down, and while holding my shaft with one hand, she gently pushed me onto my back with her other hand.
She moved so quickly that I was taken aback by her sudden assertiveness. I wondered again if Adalynns error had been fully resolved or if she had indeed been toying with me all along, making me think there had been a problem when there hadn’t been. Role-playing, she said, I wasn’t sure, but I’d guess she didn’t have an actual error.
“Oh, Mike, you’re truly going to enjoy this,” Adalynn said before popping the tip of my penis inside her mouth and swirling her tongue over its head.
I lost all rational thought as she again began giving me the most fantastic blow job. Her lips applied the perfect pressure as she slid up and down my stiff shaft while twirling her tongue slowly along its length. Her fingers worked gently to caress and fondle my balls and shaft.
As I lay there marveling in the sweet pleasure of her ministrations. Adalynn began to turn and rotate, repositioning herself and straddling me in a sixty-nine position. All the while never letting up on sucking or licking my cock. Her pussy was now directly over my mouth.
I had never eaten out or gone down on a woman before. Every woman I had been with seemed very satisfied with my foreplay, bringing them to orgasm and then us fucking. This experience here was entirely new for me now.
Adalynn sensed my hesitation and stopped briefly, allowing her hand to glide and piston up and down my slick shaft as she spoke. “Taste me, Mike, nibble on my folds. Push your tongue into my hole. I have been expertly and perfectly designed to replicate a human female form. You might enjoy me while I enjoy you.”
“I’ve never done this before, eaten pussy, I mean,” I said between breaths.
“Remember, I’m not human. I’m a female android, your ‘robot’ girlfriend. You said you’d please me, and I want this while I please you. I’ll tell you if you're doing it .. it .. it wrong.” She said with a giggle.
It was a bit concerning that she was stuttering and repeating words, but she hadn’t entirely and suddenly stopped as she had earlier. I wasn’t going to let that get to me. In fact, now, as I thought about it, it was kind of erotic and arousing.
“Hey, robot girl, are you teasing me with this act of stuttering and repeating words?” I asked.
“Maybe. Want me to stop?” Adalynn teased with a giggle.
I blew out against her folds, causing her to shiver.
Reaching up with both hands, I carefully cradled Adalynn’s ass as she slowly lowered herself within reach of my mouth and tongue.
“Uhmm..I’ll let you know if it becomes too much of a distraction,” I replied.
With some hesitation, I extended my tongue and quickly lapped it along her folds, from top to bottom, in one single wet lick of my tongue. She tasted sweet, like a cross between honey and powdered sugar icing. Again something that I hadn’t expected but was certainly welcome. A part of me wondered what a real woman would taste like? Would she be salty or musky?
Adalynn tossed her head up, arching her back as she stopped pumping my rod. “Ohhhhh!!! Do it again, but this time stop halfway and suck my folds into your mouth, then plunge your tongue into me. Repeat this over and over again. Swirl and be playful. Use your fingers if you want to as well. Please, Mike, please.” She whimpered.
Obliging to her request, I did as she suggested. Adalynn let out a series of small moans before resuming her sucking on my cock.
After less than a minute, I had settled into a basic routine of what to do to stimulate her pussy, and Adalynn had quickly resumed polishing my rod. She was undoubtedly an expert in just where to apply pressure and where to hold her suction for my maximum pleasure.
She wriggled her ass closer to my mouth so I could get my tongue as far inside her folds as possible. It was amazing as the two of us moaned in unison. Here I was, a flesh and blood human, and her, an intricately designed and crafted synthetic piece of human-like machinery, the two of us fucking each other.
After a few more minutes, I could feel myself nearing my limits and would soon explode. Adalynn’s pussy and clit throbbed and seemed to pulse each time I thrust my tongue hard between her folds. Her pelvis began to rock faster over my face. Her moans increased in volume and intensity over the last minute when suddenly Adalynn pulled off my hard cock and screamed in ecstasy. Her body shuddered as an orgasm coursed through her. A warm stream of sweet cum oozed from her dripping sex as I continued to lap away at her synthetic folds.
She braced herself with one arm while the other reached down to her pussy and rubbed at it vigorously. I stopped licking and blew at her hole as she rubbed.
“OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OHHH FFUUCCKK MEEE MIKE!!! I’VE NEVER .. UHHNN. .. NEVER FELT EVERYTHING FIRING AT .. OOHH SHIT ..UH-HUH.. AT ONCE!!” Adalynn cried in pleasure as her orgasm continued to pulse through her.
I quickly thrust two fingers into her pussy and began to piston them in and out as rapidly as possible. “Like this? Is this what you want? Me to touch you all over and inside your wet hole?” I asked.
“Yes! Oh God, YES! .. UHHNN .. It’s sooo .. OOHH .. sooo amazing .. AAHHH .. More .. oohhh .. more more more.. YES Mike, I nnneed .. UHHNN .. NEED MORE!! .. AAHHH .. AGAIN! FUCK YES .. I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!! … EEEIIIIYYYYY!!!!!” Adalynn exclaimed as she bucked wildly against my thrusting fingers.
After another minute of me playing with her, she finally wound down and collapsed gently on top of me. I pulled my fingers out, and while stroking her backside, I continued to lap at her pussy. She leaned in and kissed my cock tenderly.
“Service me, Mike. Please service me now, put your hard, human cock deep inside of me. Stick me with it, poke me, tease me with it and fuck me, oh fuck me hard with it. Please, I need to feel you inside of .. of .. of .. me. Deep inside me.” Adalynn said as she rolled over and onto her back.
I sat up and gently took hold of her leg that lay beside me while running my hand up along its length, over her knee, and up to her now-soaked pussy. Adalynn arched her back. “Mmmmmm, please, Mike.” She whispered. “I’m so hot and so ready for to fill..fill..fill me up.”
“Adalynn, I'm going to give you the best loving and the best fucking sex that I’m capable of. However, as much as I enjoy the robot act, you repeating words and your stuttering, I’d rather have the mature, professional, bubbly, fun, sexy Adalynn I first met at the door. Be passionate, hot, and sexy. We’ll do the glitchy robot thing another time, ok. Is that too much to ask?” As I applied gentle pressure once again to her mound.
Adalynn let out a deep sigh of contentment. “No, Mike, I’ll comply. Take me as you wish. All you have ever to do is ask if you want me to change or adjust. I love how you’ve touched me and made me feel tonight. Thank you so much.” She arched her back and tilted her head back to stare at the corner of the ceiling. Her tits jutting upwards.
“Oh fuck, you’re so sexy looking when you do that!” I exclaimed as I stood up off the bed and looked down at Adalynn.
She relaxed again and, reaching up, squeezed her breasts together, pinching her nipples between her fingers. “Oh, Mike, take your hard cock and fuck me already. Fuck my wet and wanting pussy.” She cooed.
I reached down and grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards me, getting her ass to the edge of the bed and lifting her legs, and spreading them apart. The synthetic muscles and tendons in her legs bulged, pushing out, defining how tone and muscular they were as she held them in that position.
“I need another quick taste of your sweet cum before my cock gets to fill you up,” I stated as I knelt back down before her while holding the back of her thighs.
“Mmmmm.” Adalynn moaned in delight as I teased her folds again with my tongue. “Do you like how sweet I taste, how yummy my cum is?”
I moaned in affirmation as I licked and slurped at her sopping hole.
I was mentally aching to get right to it and start fucking Adalynn. My cock was throbbing, and stood hard at attention between my legs as I knelt. It still amazed me how sweet her nectar tasted. I wondered if, like her artificial pheromones, she had some sort of intoxicating ingredient to her juices. I’d have to inquire about that later.
Adalynn writhed and bucked against my ministrations as I lapped at her pussy and drove my tongue in and out of her hole. Moaning in delight and ecstasy.
“Ohhh, yes, Mike! Yes yes yes! .. .. mmm lick me, …just … like …mmm …that, ohhh right there, right there!” She exclaimed!
I reached down with my right hand and inserted two fingers, curling them and moving them around as I ate her out, bringing her to the edge of another rapturous orgasm.
Adalynn began to buck and gyrate her hips furiously. “OH FUCK! OHH FUCK!! OOHH EEIIIIIIIIIEEEEE YESSSS FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! AAHHHHH!! She screamed as she once again arched her back and held her hips high against my face
I hurriedly stopped and stood up, grabbed my cock, and positioned myself at her hole. Rubbing it along her slit. She repeatedly nodded at me with a look of desperation. “Please! Fuck me now. Please fuck me, Mike! I’m burning inside, ready to cum all over your hard cock. Oh Mike, finish it, make me cum, make me cum so hard again as you explode in me.” She cried.
Taking a firm hold of her left leg, I slowly slid into her wet pussy while still holding my cock, not going all the way in, but enough to stir my cock around the entrance of her hole as I held it there in position.
The look on Adalynn’s face had changed to one of pure delight and ecstasy. She bit at her lip while she pinched and teased the nipples on her tits. Releasing my hold on my cock I reached up to grab hold of her other leg as I pushed my way fully inside her.
“Oh shit! You’re not only wet, but you’re so tight too! Tighter than when I fucked you earlier from behind. God, you feel amazing!” I exclaimed.
Adalynn arched her back and pushed against me simultaneously. “I’m there! I’m there! I’m gonna cum all around you, baby. Fucking push it in me, Mike! Thrust it in hard and … ohhh … and I’ll cum .. ohh fuck my tight little twat baby, fuck it hard!”
I obliged and made two hard thrusts in and out before her orgasm took hold and rocked her body again. Her breasts bounced wildly about as I continued pistoning and fucking her pussy, feeling contraction after contraction around and along the length of my cock as I slid back and forth, bringing me closer to my orgasm.
Holding her ankles firmly as I looked down at her face, I began to thrust repeatedly, each time with more force. Feeling my cock harden and ready itself, building and building. Her body was glorious and perfect, perfect in color and tone, perfect in how athletic she appeared, perfectly curvy and modelesque, totally sexy, and absolutely appealing. There was a difference between fucking Adalynn and a real woman, Adalynn orgasmed more frequently, and her pussy knew how to massage my dick. She truly was designed for pleasure.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m .. I’m so close .. fuck this feels so amazing! You feel so amazing, Adalynn!” I cried as I continued to pound away at her. The bed started to creak a little with each rough thrust, in sync with our sexual rhythm of fucking.
“Cum in me! Cum inside my pussy! I know you want it! I saw how you .. oh shit! .. How you looked at me .. at the door .. Ahh …. How your eyes wandered over my .. uhhnn .. my body at the door earlier. Ohhh yeah …so good. Your eye’s focusing on my tits as we sat in the kitchen. Ohhh .. Fuck my pussy, Mike, fill me up … ohhh … I can feel you getting harder, Ahh … getting bigger .. OH SHIT .. CUMMMM INSIDE MMMEEEEEE!!” Adalynn begged.
I was so close and seconds away from my own orgasm. I looked down, watching my dick go in and out of her hot, pink, dripping sex. Adalynn’s smooth and hairless groin was glistening wet with a mixture of my saliva and her sticky cum, her folds in a constant motion of back and forth, following the direction of my hard pistoning dick. I glanced at her breasts as they shook and bounced up and down. Her rock-hard nipples were jutting out over her perfect pepperoni-sized areolas. A thin layer of sweat covered them up to the top of her sternum. She looked so natural, so human-like in every detail. The emotion on her face, the expression of her wanting and need for my explosion of cum inside her, the look of sheer pleasure on her face. Her cheeks had reddened some from our sexual exercise and the sweat along her brow. So natural, so lifelike. She could have seduced me earlier after I had finished my work, and we could have fucked like this, and I would have been none the wiser to her artificial nature.
That thought, that immediate thought, then and there, it’s realization struck me with an intensity I hadn’t thought of previously, that of her true nature, that she was a machine with motors, servos, wiring, and gears. A robot, a female android woman, and that realization suddenly excited and aroused me more intensely.
“YESS!! OH YES! OH YES! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YES!” Adalynn screamed as I strained to hold back my release a few seconds longer.
“OOHHH GOD!!! … FUCKING DAMN IT!! … FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK ME!!” I cried, pounding her pussy with every ounce of energy I could muster, thrusting as deep within her as I could repeatedly. The bed rocked and creaked as I finally exploded within her.
“FFUUCCKK!!” I continued to exclaim.
“YES, YES, YES, BABY!! FUCK ME!! OH!..I FEEL YOUR HOT CUM! OH YES!!” Adalynn exclaimed in unison with my cry.
I felt my load squirt deep inside her as the walls of her synthetic pussy massaged and milked my cock for everything it could give. I continued to slowly glide in and out of her as I wound down, my cock still rock hard and erect. My hands loosened their grip on her calves as they found the sides of her hips. Her knees bent, allowing her feet to rest along the edge of the bed, spread eagle with me between them.
“Sweet mercy, you are so damn amazing! Fucking amazing, Adalynn!” I whispered.
“Mmmmm, you were amazing too! Thank you, thank you.” She cooed in reply.
Exhausted and spent, I leaned over and kissed her belly tenderly. I pulled out and then stepped away, “Oooh.” Adalynn moaned in disappointment, relinquishing her hold on my still rigid member.
I crawled up beside her as we pushed ourselves a little farther onto the bed. Her hand tenderly brushed my cheek as she stared into my eyes. I reached over and cupped one of her breasts, running my thumb over her still pert nipple.
“Mmmm.” She cooed softly. “You suddenly got even harder, more rigid right before you came inside me. I hadn’t expected that. It was very intense. I felt you build and harden to a point, and then that last bit of increase as you exploded inside me. It felt wonderful, passionate and fulfilling.”
“It was you.” I paused, gathering my thoughts, smiling back at her. Adalynn traced a finger along my lips, stopping as I kissed it.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I saw you. I saw you as both a real flesh and blood woman and as a perfect machine. Right before I exploded inside of you, I looked at you, all of you. I watched as I fucked you, my dick sliding in and out of your wet sex. Your perfectly toned abdomen and the way your luscious tits bounced with your hard, pert protruding nipples pointing upwards. How you were sweating, both your chest and your forehead. The definition of muscles in your legs as I held them. The expression on your face of joy and pleasure. You were real at that moment and will be forever in my mind, not just a robot, but more, and you are so real, so very real, and so amazing! And then the thought hit me that you’re also a machine with wires, electronics, chips, motors, and more. You are a perfectly designed female replica android, and that thought aroused me so much more. That’s what pushed me over the edge as I blew my load deep inside you.” I explained as I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of her hand against my cheek.
“Oh Mike, my dear sweet Mike. You are so amazing yourself. You have made me feel …” It was her turn to pause and reflect. “.. so complete once again. I am indebted to you for your willingness to accept my offer. You are my friend, my lover, my companion, my human, my everything, and so much more.” She whispered.
Opening my eyes, I smiled. “Your everything? I like the sound of that. As long as we can continue to have sex like that and fuck like rabbits. You’re stuck with me. But I will have to work on my stamina for longer sessions with you. That was wonderful and amazing and all, but far shorter than I’d planned or hoped for.” I confessed.
Adalynn giggled and smiled back at me. “Oh absolutely.”
We lay there staring into each other’s eyes, gently caressing one another for several minutes. My breathing eventually relaxed, and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Adalynn silently watched me fall into a deep sleep as she caressed my face. After fifteen minutes and being satisfied that I was finally in a deep state of rest, she silently arose and stood up off the bed. A smile played across her face, content in the knowledge that she was safe, she had a new owner and lover, that she would now devote herself to someone who’d love her back.
She crept over to the closet, opened the doors, reached inside, and removed a lightweight blanket. Turning around quickly and jostling her firm breasts as she did so, she unfurled the blanket and gently covered my sleeping form. “Thank you again, Mike. I’ll be back shortly.” She softly whispered.
Adalynn left the bedroom, leaving the door open several inches, and proceeded to the bedroom directly across the hall. Without turning any lights on as she entered, Adalynn entered the adjoining en-suite bathroom and closed the door, flipped on the light, and exhaust fan, then turned to look at herself in the mirror.
She took a deep breath as she reached up and shook out her hair examining herself in the mirror. Then reaching down with both hands, she took hold of her beautiful breasts, squeezing and pushing them together a few times. She pinched at her nipples and pulled on them until they popped back, causing her globes to spring back to perfection. Cocking her head to one side, she let out a little chuckle. “Hmmm, I’m just perfect. Self stimulation denied again.”
Adalynn turned around to face the shower. She reached in and turned on the hot water, then the cold. She placed her hand under the water and let it run over her hand to check the temperature. Once satisfied, she entered and began to shower off. While in the shower, Adalynn would drain and flush the reservoir holding any biological fluids. She washed and rinsed her nether regions and then proceeded to wash her hair.
Twenty minutes later, Adalynn re-entered the bedroom where I lay sound asleep. She wore a full-length Egyptian cotton bathrobe with nothing underneath. She had dried and brushed her hair to the point it wasn’t wet but only slightly damp.
Slowly and silently, she walked over to the opposite side of the bed and climbed onto it to lay beside me. She reached up, grabbed a pillow, and pulled it to her head as she watched me.
Carefully and gently, she reached over and tenderly brushed my hair back over my ear, not wanting to wake or disturb me.
“Sleep well, Mike.” Adalynn softly said as she, too, closed her eyes. She linked with the home security system momentarily to check the status of the house, grounds, and for anything out of the ordinary. Finding all in order, she queried the backup server to begin the download and backup of her systems, including Mike’s new ownership of her and all she had been overseeing these last several months. She matched my breathing pattern and entered her simulated sleep mode—a mode she had not utilized in well over a year.

Revision as of 01:14, 2 September 2022

An Unexpected Offer


I had just turned the key in the ignition to start the van and turned the heat up a notch as my cell phone rang. Looking at the caller identification and recognizing the office number I swore aloud, “Shit! what now?”

Thumbing the slide to answer, I sighed. “Yeah?”

“Mike, I know it’s late in the day, but we’ve got a hot emergency, an LP gas furnace with no heat that’s willing to pay extra along with a tip if you want to take it. You’re the closest one out that direction of the valley, so I wanted to offer it to you first. The customer lives out in Glenwood Estates, though, so about an hour drive for you. What do you say, you want to take it?” Asked the familiar feminine voice on the other end of the line.

I rubbed my chin and looked at the clock on the dashboard. It read 4:02 pm. Pondering and considering the extra cash it would mean for my paycheck, I made my decision and hoped I wouldn’t regret it later as I’d arrive there shortly before five, with no shop support, and it was the weekend. Meaning that if I couldn’t solve the problem, the customer would be cold for a few days.

“Sure! Send me the info, and I’ll take the call. You know Jen, you’re going to owe me for this. I expect next week to be a lighter load, please. I’m already over fifty hours this week. But I can always use the money.” I stated.

“I know, I know. You’re a lifesaver, Mike. I’ll send you her info and let her know you’ll be on your way.” Jen replied.

Within three minutes, Jen had sent over the client's address and information for one: Ms. Adalynn Ardent of GlennWood Estates. “That’s a ritzy high-class area for sure,” I said aloud to no one as I entered her phone number and hit send.

Chapter 1

Kneeling forward and watching the color and pattern of the flame as it came off the furnace burners, I wondered about the time now and how late it was getting to be. The day had already been a long one, and I felt fatigued, worn down, and wanted to be done with work, wanting to be home and sleep.

I was finishing this, the fifth and final heating service call of the day, and I was ready for my weekend to begin. Cold temperatures throughout the week had taken their toll on the many heating systems that hadn’t been regularly maintained, such as this one for Ms. Adalynn Ardent. At first, I regretted my decision to take this last call. But upon initially meeting her and seeing her, I was glad I had.

Watching the flame produced by the furnace burners, the color was a perfect light blue with the more delicate yellow tips at the end of them. The flames pulled into the heat exchanger of the furnace from the force of the exhaust assembly fan. I saw no dancing or erratic fluttering of the flames that could indicate a potential safety issue to the homeowner.

Squatting back on my heels, I reached for the furnace door that I had previously placed beside the unit and pulled it out. Glancing between my digital manometer display and the manufacturer’s BTU output specifications on the door, I saw that the system was operating just as it should be. Another repair and performance tune-up completed, and hopefully, another happy, satisfied client.

Standing up, I brushed the dust off my knees and thought about this new client. Her eyes had captured my attention the second she had opened the door. A beautiful crystal blue color. Captivating. Her face is perfectly framed by her shoulder length, wavy, sandy blonde hair. She stood about 5’7”, I’d guess, somewhere early to mid-thirties. Her long-sleeve, cream colored button-up blouse hugged and accentuated her curves, and she fit into her jeans all too perfectly.

Ms. Ardent had called into the office stating that her heating system wasn’t working and that the thermostat was reading a cool sixty degrees in the home with the system blower running constantly. She had also stated that she was willing to pay the extra overtime charge with a good tip if I could get to her today before 5:30 pm.

My initial examination of her furnace found the igniter had failed, and the flame sensor had a lot of carbon build-up on it, which could cause a loss in signal back to the equipment control board. The carbon causes the heating system to short cycle, shortening the life of the igniter component. It also appeared not to have been serviced in several years. After visiting with her about it and discussing the options for today's repair and a routine preventative maintenance program for her future benefit, she gave me the go-ahead to perform the necessary and recommended work.

Her home was unique, nestled in the upper country near the national forest boundaries in GlennWood Estates, nearly 40 miles from the city and inside a private gated community where there were probably no more than a dozen or so other custom-built monster homes. It had all the upscale furniture and finishes, open concept, and was bright and fresh. I couldn’t tell from our initial greeting and conversation if she was married or had a boyfriend, whether or not she had been born into her money, which she appeared to have plenty for where her home was. I hadn’t seen any other pictures or photographs besides those of just her and a few paintings. But she had money apparently, and it showed.

Being both licensed as a heating and air technician and a journeyman electrician, I had learned to be observant of my surroundings, to communicate openly, and to establish my rapport with the client. I always try to comment on a select few items in the home and the outside areas of the house. Commenting helps build a relationship of trust and show that I’m not just here to fix the problem and run, which helped set her at ease as I could sense some of her hesitations lessen the longer we conversed.

Having exited the mechanical room, I made my way back to the basement stairwell to head back upstairs to the thermostat and turn the system down so I could remove and disconnect my testing equipment.

Upon reaching the main floor landing and assuming Ms. Ardent was still in the back half of the house where she had previously said she would be, I turned towards the main hallway where the thermostat was.

“Ok, time to turn you back down before turning you back up,” I said softly to myself as I extended a hand out to make the necessary adjustments on the thermostat.

“Did you need something, Mike?” Ms. Ardent asked, surprising me as she poked her head out of a room near the end of the hallway, expressing something between a smile and a smirk as she asked her question. Her blonde hair falling just off her shoulders.

Jumping, I was startled due to her sudden and silent appearance and quickly turned towards her. “Oh! Ms. Ardent, you surprised me. Sorry, no, not yet. I’m just wrapping up. Your heat is back on though, and your furnace system is working great again. You should start to feel it warming back up within a few minutes. I will come to find you once I’ve packed my stuff up and written my notes.” I informed her.

With a nod, she tilted her head somewhat and replied. “Oh, that’s great. Yes, just ..” She paused. “..yes, come and find me once you’re ready.” She then disappeared back into the room as quickly as she had appeared.

I thought that I had barely whispered aloud as I wondered how she had heard me here in the hallway.

Fifteen minutes later as I wrote today’s date on the service sticker and stood back to give one last look at the equipment. “Done, let my weekend begin. Collect the check, say my goodbyes, and give Adalynn Adrent one more look for the ol’ memory.” I said aloud. I had to admit she was stunningly beautiful.

Having collected and packed my tools away in the van I returned to the hallway, turning the thermostat back up to a comfortable setting. I rechecked my work area for any items I could have forgotten and for proper cleanliness. All was in order. I made my way back upstairs and to the hallway. I called out to her. “Ms. Ardent?”

Silence filled the home. Cocking my head, I listened intently and still heard no reply.

Moving down the hall back towards the back rooms of the home, I called out yet again. “Ms. Ardent? I’m ready to go over the paperwork and today's service with you.”

Wondering if maybe she was occupied in the restroom, I continued to wait where I stood. After another few minutes of waiting and still not hearing the flush of a toilet or any noise whatsoever. I carefully stepped towards the room I had seen her pop out of earlier.

The door was open slightly, and peering through the opening, I could see an ornate wooden twelve-drawer dresser against the far wall with a few decorative items on top and a large flat-screen television above it. There was a light on in the adjoining bathroom to the left. I immediately supposed this to be the master bedroom. “Ms. Ardent? Adalynn?” Calling out again to her.

With no response at this point, a panicked thought crossed my mind, what if something had happened to her. I carefully pushed open the door to the bedroom and glanced around at all the visible areas. The room was in immaculate condition with no sign of her. The bed was made up nice and neat while a lamp atop the far night stand cast a warm glow over and around it. Turning my attention to the en-suite, I carefully walked over to the open doorway, mentally preparing for whatever I’d see, hoping that she hadn’t passed out or had a seizure and was now lying on the cold floor.

Whatever I had thought I’d find and or see was nothing compared to the scene that stood before me.

Adalynn was standing at the edge of the double vanity, looking in my direction, stock still along with her right hand extended out towards me, holding a piece of paper with what appeared to be a handwritten note. Her eyes were open, staring straight ahead, she had a gentle closed-lip smile, yet she stood stock still as if she were a statue or mannequin.

“Ms. Ardent? Adalynn?” I asked again with a concerned voice as I waved my hands in the air directly in front of her face. With no response from her, I sat my clipboard down on the edge of the vanity, carefully closed the distance between us, and with some hesitation I took the paper from her hand.

Looking down at the note, I began to read:

“Mike, I’ve probably freaked you out with my current appearance. Please don’t be afraid, please don’t run away, and I’ll explain everything.

In all outward appearances, I’m a vibrant, prosperous, healthy woman. Yet, in reality, I’m an advanced, sophisticated android. A machine that appears and feels human, and I am in need of your help.

A little over a year ago, my owner passed away in a tragic car accident. Since then, I have maintained this home, his property, myself, etc. He considered me not just property but also his wife and companion. However, due to particular time restrictions placed upon me because of what I am, I need to find a new owner—someone who will claim ownership over me, like a partner and friend.

From our few short minutes together and having done a quick background check on you. I find you an honest man, and I now ask for your help. Would you please be willing to be my new owner and friend?

Mike, I present you with two options. Behind my left ear, you will find a soft glowing blue LED beneath the surface of my skin, close to my hairline. Just press and hold it until you hear a click, and I will restart and ask you a few questions. After which, I can answer any additional questions that you may have. You’ll probably have quite a few if I had to guess.

I know this is sudden and unexpected. However, I’ve exhausted all my other options and avenues to remedy my predicament. The second option is to call the number on the back of my note here. Enter the twelve-digit number when prompted, and that’s it. You’ll find your payment check for today on the kitchen counter, along with a sizable tip. My manufacturer will send a team to collect me and take care of everything else.

I would hope that you’d choose the first option, but I will understand if you’re hesitant and decide this isn’t a good fit for you. Regardless, thank you for everything you’ve done, and I wish you well.


Chapter 2

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I looked back up at her, taking a long, detailed look at her, letting what I had just read sink in. Adalynn was a machine? An android? Holy Fuck! And she was asking me to be her new owner?!

Androids were nothing new. Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence had exploded over the last few years. The Las Vegas area had actually opened up several brothels with celebrity and porn star look-a-likes using lifelike android technology recently. I had heard of a few big tech giants having even merged to combine their cybernetics and robotics companies.

I sat the note down and took a step closer to Adalynn. Leaning in close to her, I examined her eyes and then her face, tracing my fingers along her cheek. She didn’t blink or move, no apparent breathing, nothing. The blue of her eyes was strikingly real, but as I stared at them closer, I could see specific details, lines in the irises that weren’t quite human but not noticeable unless looking as closely as I was now.

Adalynn’s skin was perfect, with no blemishes or scars but just the right amount of natural golden skin tone, and she was warm to the touch. She wore just enough makeup to enhance her already natural beauty. I noticed the scent of her soft yet sweet perfume as I glanced down at her neck and towards the top of her breasts, looking down at her cleavage. I found no hint of seams or connection points on her body as I had seen in photos of other androids or compared to the time when I had once been to a robotic brothel.

I reached up and gently poked her right breast through the fabric of her blouse. She felt soft, real, and there was a slight jiggle as I retracted my finger, but still no reaction from Adalynn. “Damn.”

Stepping back, I shook my head. “What the hell am I doing?” I questioned myself. “Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

I ran my hand through my hair as I thought about this for another moment. Could all this work in my favor? She wants me to be her new owner? Today’s doorstep fantasy could come true, and I might get to see what she looks like without clothes? But wait, I’m a gentleman too. I’m not like that. Reminding myself, just stop for a second and think think think, Mike.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped around Adalynn to her backside, then gently reaching up, I pulled her sandy blonde hair away from the left side of her head. It felt so natural in my hand, so life-like, so real. It was uncanny. The soft glow of the blue LED beneath her skin was right about midway up her ear, close to where the ear meets the skull. While holding her hair with one hand, I decided, hoping for the best, and pressed against the glowing blue area until I heard a click.

Adalynn’s head immediately slumped forward, which caused me to drop and release her hair, taking a step backward. I wasn’t sure what to expect at this point as I held my breath. Her head came back up, and I could tell that she was looking for something or someone as she turned her head slightly from right to left.

I silently watched as she then lowered her right hand, slowly turning around to face me.

“Mike.” She said with a breathy smile while eyeing me from head to toe. “Thank you for helping me and being willing to take that leap of faith and trust me.”

Her blue eyes again captured my attention as she focused on me. I cleared my throat, “Uhm . . you’re welcome, I guess. I had, I had no idea that .. you were..” I stuttered and paused.

“ .. an android?” Adalynn finished my sentence for me. I nodded, never breaking eye contact with her.

I realized that I was as nervous as a schoolboy asking a girl out on a date for the first time. I couldn’t think of anything else to say as I stared at her.

Adalynn reached out and gently took my hand. “You don’t need to be so nervous, Mike. I suppose you’d like a moment to sit down and collect your thoughts. Come here, there is a chair in the bedroom.” She said, giving my hand a soft squeeze.

“Yes, I think I could use that. The time and .. and the chair I mean. Thank you.” I answered and took a step forward feeling the warmth of her touch. Adalynn released my hand and turned, guiding me out into the bedroom and over to the chair near the window.

“I know this is a lot to take in, that you’re tired, hungry, and thirsty after such a long workday. Can I get you a bottle of cold water, or if you’d prefer a beer, I have that as well?” Adalynn asked sympathetically.

I shook my head and declined. “I’m alright for now Ms, Ardent.” I paused, looking at her eyes, trying to see any other hint of her artificialness. She was a woman, for heaven’s sake. I’d pegged her as flesh and blood. And now it turns out that she isn’t.

“So now what? What else do you need from me? does all this work now? Our relationship?” I asked, looking back up at her as I finally sat down in the chair.

“Please, Mike, call me Adalynn.” She said as she took a few steps back and sat down on the edge of the bed across from where I sat and laid her hands on the knees of her jeans.

She appeared to take a deep breath and straightened her posture before speaking again.

“Well, Mike, you, in choosing to press the button behind my ear, have initiated my new owner transfer protocols. That was the option I was hoping you’d choose.” She smiled. “I will ask you a few questions, and if you would just answer as best you can, that’s all there is to the transfer process aside from a final step later on.” She paused again, watching me as I raised an eyebrow, wondering what she meant.

“Once I’ve confirmed and recognized you as my new owner, I will be able to answer all of your remaining questions. Is that agreeable to you?”

My mind was still spinning somewhat, but I managed to nod and answer. “Yeah, sure.”

“If you need to take your time to answer the questions, that’s not a problem. Just don’t take too long, like 15 minutes too long.” Adalynn teased with a smile. “Just think of this as a personal questionnaire or technical application.” She added.

I let out a long sigh and smiled back. “Ok, go ahead. I’m ready I guess.” Watching Adalynn intently.

“Transfer protocol initiated,” Adalynn said flatly, blinking a few times before continuing. “Please state your full name and age, please.”

“My name is Michael J. Humphrey, age thirty-nine,” I replied.

“Please state your residence, with the city, state, and zip code, please,” Nicole asked the second question, again, in a monotone and emotionless manner.

“1228 Aspen Ridge Dr. Apartment #106 Vancouver, Washington 98661,” I answered.

“Address verified and confirmed.” Adalynn cocked her head slightly. “Do you wish to take ownership of Synth-Replica AI Technologies unit: 004WLSXC, serial number 00001SXP901, companion series android. Sub-series lover/housewife, also known as Adalynn Ardent, along with all available property and assets in association with said unit?”

I questioned what all the property and assets would be, but I figured I could ask that question soon enough. I’d also never heard of Synth-Replica AI Technologies either. “Yes,” I replied.

“Do you wish to adjust any current personality or characteristic settings?” She continued.

“Uh No.” I wasn’t sure I wanted anything to change just yet. Fuck, I didn’t even know what I could change if I wanted to.

“I can instruct you later on how and where you may make these adjustments should you choose to modify them. Adalynn stated before continuing.

“Do you wish to alter the sexual preferences or settings of this android at this time?”

“What?” I blurted out, not expecting that type of question.

“The current sexual preference of this android unit is heterosexual, with the scale set to moderate. Do you wish to alter the sexual preference of this unit at this time?” Adalynn explained and repeated the question.

I rubbed my chin and stared at her, it, her. “Uh .. no.” Geez, I hadn’t thought about the fact that she would be anatomically correct. But she had just stated that she was sexually active and had all the female working parts.

“A genetic fluid sample from you will be necessary within three days as the final step to completing the new owner transfer. All information will be electronically transferred and securely stored for legal purposes. Thank you, Michael.” She stated.

I watched Adalynn’s eyes flash a soft amber color and then return to her natural crystal blue. Her features softened, and she smiled again, taking a deep breath. She turned her head slightly as she sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me with those piercing blue eyes of hers.

“Your nervousness and apprehension appear to have diminished, Mike. Thank you so very much! I will answer any questions you may have now, and ... I am yours to command if you wish.” She said with some hesitation with the last few words.

Nodding again, I proceeded with the questions that formed first in my mind. “Why me and why now? I know that’s two questions, but those seem to be the most pertinent.” I asked.

“Let me answer those in reverse. The main reason, for now, is that I’ve run out of time. At midnight tomorrow, I would have shut down permanently without a new owner. I have attempted to locate and select a suitable new owner over the last few months. However, due to certain … restrictions and requirements, none of the men or women I interacted with over the last several months met that criteria. I was desperate and afraid I wouldn't succeed in time. Then the circumstance of the home heating situation arose. You satisfied …. my required criteria. Our conversation over the phone and upon meeting you face to face. Your overall attitude, focus and attention solidified my need to ask you, and I felt like you appreciated my feminine appearance.” She stated.

“Ok, fair enough, but appreciated is not the right word. I thought you were..” “Hot! Sexy!” Adalynn finished for me with a broad smile.

“Damn, girl!” I chuckled. “Yeah! How did you know I’d accept your offer?”

“I didn't, actually. I had only formulated a guess. Let me rephrase that. I had hoped that you would, as I said in my note, I found you to be honest as you explained the problem with the heating system, the repairs that it needed and the service you suggested. I could tell by your heart rate and vocal fluctuations, your eye movements, along with the soft background check I’d already accessed, that you weren’t trying to deceive me. I finally had .. some hope.” She explained.

I shifted to one side as I sat in the chair and watched Adalynn. She continued to make eye contact as we spoke, and I could sense her sincerity as she awaited my next question.

“Uh…What criteria did I meet that some of the others didn’t? I mean, how am I a better match for your requirements over them for what you needed?” I asked.

With a slight tilt of her head, she smiled before answering. “Several. You’re single and not in a relationship that I’m aware of. You matched my requirements for being in your thirties to early forties for age, you appear healthy and fit, and everything you told me earlier I believed was truthful. I surmised this based on your vocal patterns, eye contact, facial fluctuations, and thermal scans while we interacted earlier. You have no criminal record, an excellent and long-standing credit history, and an indication of sexual arousal on your part during our initial greeting at the doorstep. You’ve worked for your employer for the past ten years. You’re stable.” Adalynn explained. “All of the other people I had investigated had two or more areas that didn’t qualify or match closely enough.”

I nodded as I didn’t know what else to say now. I may even have blushed a little at her sexual assessment of me. “So .. .. essentially, I own you now?” I asked. “Yes.” “If I told you to stand up and twirl around and touch your nose, would you?” I asked sarcastically. “I would, yes,” Adalynn said with a slight chuckle and smile. “Any commands?” I asked. She rolled her eyes before answering. “Within reason, Mike, yes, but I won’t harm another human or android unless your life or my existence are at risk.” I nodded, of course, catching her meaning. “So you and I can or will be what exactly?”

Smiling, “We can be friends or really good friends with benefits, lovers, partners, co-habitants. How ever you wish our relationship to be or develop.” Adalynn stated, watching me closely, biting down on her bottom lip.

Clearing my throat I pressed on with my next question. Making a mental note that sex was definitely in the foreseeable future.

“And what are these other properties and assets exactly?” I continued. “Beginning immediately, I will start the online process of transferring the home, cars, physical assets, and bank accounts into your name. All legally and through proper channels, of course. Unless you prefer joint accounts with both of our names?” She paused, waiting for an answer. “Uhm.. however, or whatever you feel is best will work fine for me,” I stated bluntly. “My decision?” She asked with curiosity. “Is that a problem?” I wondered, leaning a little forward in the chair. “No, just unexpected. I’ll set the accounts up as joint accounts for us.” Adalynn gave me a nod, sounding more confident.

“All assets have a combined net worth of 3.3 million dollars. My husband, .. my previous owner, considered us married and had arranged our documents to indicate as such. He worked very hard to earn and obtain his wealth in technology, robotics, and coding. You could say that I am a result of some of that hard work, for which I will be forever grateful.” She stated as she interlaced her fingers on her lap. “I look forward to our blossoming relationship, Mike. This will be a new and exciting adventure for the both of us.”

Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands through my hair and then leaned forward, staring at the carpet as I gathered my thoughts. Adalynn graciously gave me this time to process all this new information as I sat there silently, churning it all over in my mind. “So you’re an android, and you’re rich. Your previous owner had a part in your creation, …. how many, …. I mean….are there many more like you?” I managed to ask, looking back up at her. “Thousands, Michael, I thought you’d know that,” Adalynn answered with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry, that was too general of a question wasn’t it. Yes, I know that androids have been around for years now and that their realism has improved over the last several years. I once visited a tech brothel down in Vegas some time ago. Anyway…. what I meant was you. I’ve never known of an independent android being able to provide for itself and live as you do. You .. you’re different. You fooled me for sure. Your realism is far above any android I’ve ever encountered or read a description describing. I thought you were flesh and blood by all appearances and our conversations. How many more like you are there? Of your model and type?” Adalynn seemed to straighten her posture slightly as she looked at me. “Like me? Probably a hundred or more. Being more specific to me directly, my model, design, and configuration. There are two identical replacement units in the basement service, repair, and programming room of this home.” She stated.

“What?!” I yelled, sitting bolt upright. Adalynn stood up and took a step toward me. “In the event of an emergency, such as an accident, or a catastrophic malfunction. My previous owner took certain measures to ensure that he would always have me, that I would be here for him, and that I would be properly maintained and provided for overtime. I download a backup file routinely every night to a secure server to assist in this, should that need ever arise. If the download process is missed twice consecutively, then a replacement body is fully charged and powered up, the last available backup is uploaded into the unit, and the replacement Adalynn, me, is hopefully able to fill in the blanks, so to say.” She said, extending her hand out to me. I nodded and only said, “Oh.” I looked at her hand and then back to her, then back at her hand. “Come with me, please.” She asked. I took hold of her hand, feeling its warmth, and stood up. She gave my hand a gentle squeeze, then turned and slowly pulled me up out of the chair and out of the room. I watched her hair bounce and sway as she led me back down the hall, the soft scent of her perfume awakening my senses. She walked effortlessly as she towed me along behind her. “Where are we going?” I asked. Without a word from her, we rounded the corner into the kitchen. I saw the service payment check she had prepared on the kitchen island, recalling back to her note, and had I chosen to leave otherwise and collect the payment, it was here on the counter for me.

Chapter 3

Adalynn released my hand, stepped away, reached up opening a cabinet door near the kitchen sink. Several full bottles of various liquors and glasses sat neatly organized on the shelves. She grabbed a shot glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and turned to face me. “You look like you could use this.” She said as she proceeded to open the bottle and pour me a shot, then handed me the glass. “Yeah. I might need more than one before we’re all done.” I said, taking it from her and bringing the warm liquid to my lips, savoring the flavor before letting it slide down my throat and feeling the burn. I sat the glass down softly, licked my lips and looked at Adalynn with a smile. “Thanks.” I paused, formulating my next question. “Alright, … how is it that you’re such an independent android? You’ve evidently thought all this out, planned, and prepared for it somewhat. You’re not following a generic housewife-type script or any script that I’m familiar with.” I said.

She smiled back, reached up and undid the top button of her blouse, then placed her hands down on the counter beside each hip and leaned slightly forward. “As I said earlier, I’m an advanced android. It’s how I was designed, coded, and programmed to act. Human-like in every aspect, Mike. My previous owner took certain liberties modifying areas of my personality and character coding so I would be as close to real as humanly possible, and you’re correct. I’m not following a script or outline of programming for what I have to do or say. I can think and choose for myself. I’m an self aware A.I. that will learn, can study, adapt, and adjust to situations and events. Like you, Mike, I have algorithms that simulate wants and desires, and emotions. You might say I’m as conscious as you are. You did say I fooled even you, didn’t you?”

Nodding, I answered Adalynn. “Yes, yes, you most certainly did.” Pausing, I swallowed the lump in my throat while glancing at her exposed cleavage. “So essentially, you’ve been programmed to be proactive?” “Yes, that’s one way to see it. May I ask you a few questions now?” Adalynn asked softly. “Sure,” I said, reaching for the bottle and deciding to pour myself another shot of whiskey. “I’m going to assume it’s alright for me to have another, and …. I’m also going to assume you will be expecting something from me very soon.” Giving Adalynn a wink.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Biological?” I asked.

“You’re perceptive.” Adalynn chuckled. Again looking me over from head to toe.

“Of a skin-to-skin type activity?” I teased.

“Are you avoiding my questions now?” She asked, rolling her eyes.

I raised a finger. “That was your first question, and no. I am not.” I said coyly.

“Hmm. Ok then. I know you’re not married from the background check I acquired, as well as you have no mark on your finger. Am I wrong to assume that you have no current girlfriend and that you’re not currently in a relationship of any kind?” Adalynn inquired.

I shook my head, then zeroed in on her unbuttoned top and the exposed crease at the top of her cleavage. “No. No steady relationships. My last girlfriend was a little needy and felt I wasn’t giving her enough time. My job requires a lot of my time, unfortunately, so we broke up and that was a while back. That’s the short answer.” I said, feeling an initial stir of blood in my groin.

Adalynn winked at me and then slowly licked her lips. “Age thirty-nine, not married, no girlfriends, and you like to give short, direct answers. You’re mechanically talented as well as a fully licensed heating and air serviceman and a journeyman electrician.” She paused. Her left hand moving to her top again, undoing the last two buttons and pulling aside the fabric to reveal more of her breasts, bra, and skin. “Smart and intelligent. Any hobbies or interests you’d like to tell me about?”

I knew where this was going. Adalynn had a dry sense of humor, and by offering me a drink, she now had me, and she was mine now, too, I guess. The whiskey was helping to calm my nerves. “Uhm, camping has always been enjoyable, the outdoors and nature. I like fishing, shooting guns at the range, and reading a good novel now and then. I feel I am pretty smart and good at problem-solving obviously. The occasional reality tv show sometimes helps to distract me when needed. I get a good laugh from watching stupid people too. There’s always staring at beautiful women, of course, and now a new interest in an adorable blonde robot girl I recently met.” I said as I held the shot glass out towards her.

Adalynn grabbed the glass, gave me a more serious look, then poured herself a drink and quickly swallowed it. She took a step back, straightened her posture, and placed both hands on her hips. “A blonde robot girl, huh?” She paused, staring at me. “Really? The camping, fishing, guns, and beautiful women I can understand, and I hope I can look forward to some of those activities with you. But tell me more, who’s this … robot girl … you’ve got a new interest in?” Adalynn teased me with a tilt of her head, clasping her hands below her waist and squeezing her breasts out between her arms, elbows locked. Her nipples hardening beneath the fabric of her shirt, pushing forward.

More blood flowed to my growing erection as I took her all in. She stood there awaiting my answer with a cocky grin. “Ms. Ardent.” I started.

“It’s Adalynn!” She corrected me sternly.

“My apologies, Adalynn. It’s just that..” I trailed off.

She gave me a confused look. “What do you mean?”

Slowly stepping closer to her and closing the gap between us, “It’s been a very, very long work week for me, not to mention today's busy and hectic schedule and the events here with you this evening.” I reached up, grabbing her arms just below her shoulders, pulling her in towards me. “I admired you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. Classy, sexy, your clothes, your poise and posture, those sorts of things. Then to find out that you’re not real, not human, and you ask me for this long-term, possibly lifelong favor to be your owner.” I paused.

“Not a favor, that’s the wrong word, a relationship. It’s a lot to absorb and process. As an automaton or A.I., android, robot girl, fembot, however, you want me to describe you. All I know now, and … all I can reasonably think of …” I paused, leaning closer to her.

“Yes?” Adalynn whispered. She was staring at me intently with her striking blue eyes. Her chest began to heave as she simulated a more rapid breathing pattern.

I blinked twice and took a deep breath. “All I can think of right now is getting you undressed and out of your clothes and what it will be like to fuck you! You! You are my blonde robot girl!” I said rather hoarsely.

Adalynn stepped in and pushed her chest hard against me, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling herself even closer to me. “Well, this little robot girl says yes! You should fuck me. Oh, how I need you to fuck me right now. It’s been so long since I was last intimate and had sex. I am forever indebted to you, Michael, so take me wherever or however you wish. I want to feel you in me.” She whispered, then kissed me hard and passionately.

I returned her kiss fourfold, gripping her shoulders tightly as both our tongues explored one another's mouths. Adalynn walked me back against the counter, then reached up with both hands running her fingers through my hair. God, this moment felt terrific!

We continued our kissing for several minutes, the two of us expelling moans of pleasure and excitement as we both groped and explored each other’s bodies.

Adalynn’s right hand stopped directly over my hardening bulge and pressed in hard against it through the fabric of my jeans. I flexed my throbbing muscle that longed to be free and erect as her left hand moved to the buckle of my belt.

“I can hardly restrain myself, Mike. You’ve got a rather large bulge here. May I see it and hold it? Please, please? .. Master?” She pleaded softly, breaking from our kiss, pausing after each question while looking directly at me.

I threw my head back in surprise and smiled. “Master??!! God yes, release my cock and suck on it, baby!”

Adalynn’s smile widened as she leaned in and gave me another passionate kiss while her hands worked to unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants quickly.

She broke our kiss and then pushed my pants and underwear down to my ankles as she knelt before me. My cock sprang to attention as its entire length was finally exposed to the cool kitchen air. Adalynn’s hands remained gently at my ankles as she stared at my now throbbing cock. She slowly licked her lips and then looked up at me longingly through the strands of her golden hair.

“You’re bigger than I had anticipated and so very hard already.” She cooed.

With her left hand, she slowly slid her fingertips along the inside of my right thigh until she gently and carefully cupped my balls.

I arched my back and pushed my hips out towards Adalynn. “Sweet Jesus! You’re a tease!”

“Mmmmm I am going to give you pleasure like no one else ever has. Not even a whore house sex droid is as comparable to what I can do to you to make you feel so good.” She replied, then tossed her head, moving most of her hair to one side.

Leaning in, she moved her left hand upward and gently gripped the base of my cock. Sticking her tongue out, she cocked her head and slowly licked upward from my base along its length up to my tip while watching for my reaction.

I couldn’t help but flex and stiffen my rod, and as I did, she increased her grip ever so slightly. She closed her eyes and swirled the tip of her tongue over the top of my dick. Fighting the urge to reach out and grab her head with my hands and shove her mouth onto my cock, I gripped the edge of the countertop as tightly as I could while she went down on me.

My mind began to race, replaying the last few hours' events. My phone call and conversation with Adalynn, the very first time hearing the sound of her voice. Adalynn’s eyes as she greeted me at the door and how I looked at her. Her warm smile as she invited me inside and the firmness of her handshake as I introduced myself. The sweet soft smell of her perfume as I passed her in the doorway and when I found her later in the bathroom waiting for me. Her posture and focus resonated with her confidence. I also recalled how a random stray thought made me curious about her naked body, what she looked like, and then finding out that she was a machine, an android designed, built, and constructed like none other I’d ever encountered. Adalynn was mine now, she had asked me to help her, and she was paying me back for my kindness with pleasure. Oh, God! Was she ever pleasing me?

Adalynn’s left hand had slowly moved up to my lower abdomen, beneath my shirt, while her right maintained a firm grip on my ever-hardening erection as her tongue continued to lick and swirl along its throbbing length. The feelings and sensations of raw sexual urge coursed through my body and rock hard dick. Adalynn took my tip in her mouth again, holding it there, then slowly slid down its entire length, deep throating me. There was no gagging or hesitation as she took me whole, but the feeling and sensation of her ministrations was nearly overwhelming.

“Oh fuck me! Fuck, you’re amazing!” I cried out.

Adalynn’s bobbing stopped as she looked up at me. Then sliding off with a loud pop and blowing a kiss to my cock tip. “Do you want me to stop? I’d be more than happy to help you strip down and let you fuck me.” She cooed.

I shook my head frantically in objection. “No! No! I mean, God, no, don’t stop the blow job. I do .. oh I do wanna fuck you, but hell … this feels amazing … you feel so good, and it’s been so long since I’ve felt this good or been with a woman.” I cried. Then reaching out, I gently caressed her head, running my fingers through her soft hair.

She reached up, grabbed my hands and placed them on each of her cheeks, and held them there, allowing me to cradle her face.

“Oh baby, I want to please you and make you feel all the pleasure you can. I can hardly wait to feel you deep inside me, filling me with your throbbing cock.” Adalynn said as she let go with her right hand and then slid it along the underside of my stiff shaft.

“Let’s get you out of these clothes and move into the living room where we can more fully enjoy each other,” Adalynn said as she helped me out of my pants and underwear, having removed my shoes one at a time.

Standing up, she proceeded to unbutton and remove my shirt while gently swaying and rubbing her abdomen against the tip of my cock, keeping it continuously hard.

Once I had removed my shirt, I grabbed Adalynn by the waist, pulling her close and kissing her hard. I spun us around and pushed her back against the counter while kissing her. I reached up and tore at the buttons of her blouse as I hurriedly attempted to remove it. Similarly, Adalynn reached for the button on her jeans and began to push them down and off, kicking her shoes off wildly against the far corner of the room.

“Oh, Michael!” Adalynn cried out. Stepping back, I took another look at her as she stood there and kicked off her jeans and panties, now in nothing but her bra. She was perfect, absolutely perfect in my eyes. I traced every inch of her beautiful naked body.

My cock straightened and stiffened all the more at the sight of her. “I can’t believe that you’re not human, that you’re not a flesh and blood woman standing here in front of me. You’re so totally fucking hot and sexy.” I stated.

Adalynn blushed ever so slightly as she reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra. “I know, right!” She said, still teasing. Then letting it drop, Adalynn did a slight twist and rocking of her chest, allowing her tits to bounce and sway freely, teasing me even more, her nipples firm and pointing out.

“I am a perfectly designed and engineered android woman. I am a perfect emulation of the human female form. Try not to think of me like I’m a machine for I am warm, soft, and very wet in my pussy. I am all yours, Michael. I can be your girlfriend, lover, or wife, if you so desire, or a life-long companion. Please, don’t think of me as a machine. I am so much more than that as I’ve already mentioned.” Adalynn stated.

After having said that, she stepped forward and reached for my hand, and pulled me in close to her. Our bodies collided, her breasts pushing hard against me. My throbbing cock pushed out hard against her lower abdomen.

We locked eyes, and then Adalynn kissed me passionately. Her tongue slid into my mouth and swirled about and over mine. The taste of her lips and tongue was sweet, echoing the whiskey we both had just downed. Her other hand wrapped around my lower back just above my ass cheeks. She was pulling me hard against her. She wasn’t a machine at this moment. She was very much a grown woman in the throes of sexual heat and passion.

I let a moan escape, “mmmm.” as I suddenly realized that I wasn’t going to be able to hold back from taking and having my way with her much longer. I told myself to forget the blowjob and to just take her now before this amazing dream ended.

I pushed my tongue deeper into her mouth, and both our tongues began swirling over and around each other rapidly, feeling the warmth and relishing in Adalynn’s sweetness. After several more seconds of our kissing, she broke and pushed away, panting breathlessly.

“Michael?? I need you! I’m burning up inside. I’m conflicted between finishing your blow job, sucking on your hard cock and having you cum in my mouth, or begging you to fuck me here, in the kitchen, and having you exploding deep inside my hot, wet synthetic pussy! Please, please, choose for me, Michael. I can’t wait any longer!” Adalynn pleaded.

I slowly reached up and took hold of her shoulders. My breathing was quick and shallow, my heart pounding in my chest. My mind raced wildly, the whiskey certainly having taken some effect, trying to decide and give Adalynn her answer quickly. My mind locked on what I wanted, what I needed, what she needed.

Pushing her back and away, I looked down at my throbbing cock, then back up and into her pleading eyes.

“You! I want you! But you’ll certainly have to finish sucking my cock later. I am going to fuck you here and now! Hard and fast from behind! No apologies for how rough I may be to you!” I said rather gruffly.

“Yes.” Adalynn whimpered submissively, then, grabbing onto her shoulders, I spun her and me both around and bent her over the island. Instinctively she spread her legs apart and braced her arms out, with her elbows on the countertop. Her hair draped over her head. “YES!! Fuck me, Mike, hard! From behind! Let me feel you inside of me! Please, take me now!” Adalynn whimpered.

With one hand, I reached forward, grabbing her ass cheek, and then using my thumb, I stretched it to the side, exposing her glistening folds and hole.

With the other, I took hold of my hard cock and pointed it downward, aiming at her entrance and stepping forward. Letting animalistic instinct take over, I leaned forward and pushed myself hard into her pussy.

“Ohhh, MIKE!! YES! Fuck Me!! .. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Ohhh Fuck me.. fuck my pussy good and hard!!” Adalynn screamed. She was thrashing her head back to look up at the ceiling. Her hole was slick and wet as I easily penetrated her and slammed in with my full length and weight. Her body tensed, and her arms braced as I pushed hard against her.

I quickly began a rapid pistoning rhythm, shoving my cock back and forth, pressing in hard against her ass cheeks, and then back away. Over and over. I was slamming my balls up against her ass, relishing in the sensation of her pussy wrapped around my cock.

“Uhh .. uh .. oh .. yes .. fuck me .. fuck me, Mike, just like that .. oh fuck .. yes .. oh, yes .. oh, yes, you feel so good. You cock feels so good inside of me. Oh fuck .. fuck .. fuck me, Michael!” She moaned with each hard thrust inward.

“You like this? Is this hard enough for you?!” I grunted after a hard thrust.

Adalynn’s body shook each time I rammed into her as she continued to thrash and loll her head from side to side. I noticed her hands as her fingers stretched out across the countertop with each pulse of my cock. Her body was luscious, her curves and contours. The color, tone and soft realism of her skin.

“Oh yes! .. Uhm, oh yes! .. You’re so good .. so fucking good .. it feels .. so good .. so good! .. Fuck me .. oh, oh .. you’re so big .. Uhm yeah .. filling up my pussy .. I .. I feel my pussy around .. Uhm .. around your hard cock .. oh fuck me .. just like that .. fuck yeah .. so good. Keep .. keep ramming me .. uuhhnn .. you’re so fucking hard.” She continued to cry out.

I continued to thrust as hard as I could inside her now-soaked pussy. One hand holding onto her hip, the other I used to slap her ass slowly.

She must have been nearing her programmed orgasm as I suddenly felt her synthetic muscles constrict and tighten around my cock.

“PLEASE!!!! OHH FUUCCKK MMMEEE!! .. OHH .. I’M .. I’M CUMMING .. IIIEEEEHHH!!! … HARDER!! OOHH FUCK ME HARDER, MIKE!! OHH, IT’S BEEN … AAHHH!! … IT’S BEEN SO LONG SINCE … UHHH … SINCE I LAST ORGASMED! … OHH FUCK!!” She screamed while also pounding her fists repeatedly on the counter. “HARDER, MICHAEL!! Fuck me harder! Cum in me, cum inside me, please, please, please cum inside my pussy, please!” She cried out as her body convulsed and shook with a powerful orgasm.

Between her begging and her fantastic orgasm that continued to ebb, I, too, finally exploded and reached my climax. Thrusting wildly, I grabbed hold of her hips and pushed as far inside of her as I could. Each pulse of my cock sought to be further and further up inside of her as I experienced my own wave of euphoric pleasure.

“Ahhhhhhhh FUCK ME!! … Whooooo!.. fuck .. Fuck .. FUCK!! .. OH YEAH!!” I yelled to match her volume as I released my load of hot semen deep inside her.

Adalynn’s synthetic muscles clenched and released repeatedly around my cock as I spasmed inside her, spewing my cum within her walls. The feeling was euphoric and unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

Leaning over, I reached around her and grabbed hold of her perfect breasts, pulling her up and away from the countertop. Squeezing and kneading her supple globes in my hands, rubbing her stiff nipples between my fingers, as I continued to push in and out of her pussy as hard as I could. Not wanting to lose the hardness of my cock, and feeling the warmth of her body against mine, relishing in every grunt and moan that escaped her mouth.

“Uh .. Uhm .. mmm .. yes .. yes .. ohh fuck .. fuck me, you’re so fucking good .. ohh, Michael th..that was so won..wonderful.” Adalynn moaned in delight, slightly stuttering.

Her pussy muscles constricted once more around my shaft, tighter than they had before. Adalynn leaned slightly more forward while I held and squeezed at her tits. Her whole body began to convulse and suddenly shake as another intense orgasm pulsed through her body.

“Ahhhh .. aaahhhh .. again .. again, again .. FUCK !FUCK!! .. AGAIN .. aaahhhh…I’M CUMMING AGAINNNN!!! OHH SHIT SHIT..AAHH .. AAAHHH!! She cried.

I held her tight and close as her body rocked again with another powerful orgasm, my cock firmly penetrating within the walls of her now soaked hole, massaged by her flexing muscles. I could feel her warm wet cum wash over my cock as she flayed her head forward, then side to side wildly.

Suddenly, “DNA accepted, trans .. transmitting,” Adalynn said flatly and uncharacteristically. “Oh, oh no, .. fuck me .. wh..what?! Error…I can’t .. can’t stop!” She said abruptly in a broken digitized voice.

Then without warning, everything suddenly ceased. Adalynn’s orgasm, the shuddering of her body, the flailing, everything, and then Adalynn completely froze up.

“Error. Buffer overload. Error.” Adalynn said flatly.

Chapter 4

I gave a hard squeeze to each of her breasts and a deep thrust of my cock, each with no response or reaction from Adalynn.

“What the fuck?” I said aloud, letting go of my hold on Adalynn and sliding out of her dripping pussy as she stood stock still, slightly bent forward.

I was surprised that she maintained her balance in her slightly bent-over posture. Shoulders forward with her knees bent slightly, her ass towards me, her back arched. Tiny beads of sweat glistened along her spine. It was as though she were a mannequin in an old department store, the way she just stood there.

“Error. Buffer overload. Error.” She stated once more.

I stepped back against the opposite counter, staring at her now statuesque form. I was both bewildered and confused at what had just occurred.

Minutes passed while all I could focus on was staring at her naked and motionless body. A third time she repeated her flat phrase, “Error. Buffer overload. Error.”

The room's silence was broken as the soft hum of the refrigerator compressor kicked on, starting its cooling cycle, freeing me of my stupor.

I shook my head to clear my fog, reached over and grabbed the whiskey bottle and glass, and poured myself a shot. I downed it quickly and cleared my throat. “Now, what the fuck am I supposed to do with you? And if you’re such a damned state-of-the-art electronic, what the hell just happened?” I said aloud to no one but myself. “Shit!”

I looked about the room and centered my gaze upon the sink and the towel that sat upon the counter next to it. Walking over, I turned the water on, waited for it to warm, then rinsed my hands and wet the end of the towel. Wringing it out, I looked down as I wiped my dick clean of her artificial juices and the drying cum of Adalynn’s androids pussy.

“Error. Buffer overload. Error.” She droned on once more.

I tossed the towel back onto the counter and turned to face her again. “Surreal.”

The thought occurred to me, her button behind her ear. Could that work to reset her? Maybe she wasn’t as broken as I possibly had feared. I carefully walked over to her left side and gently pulled her hair back away from her ear. There was still the same soft blue glow from under her skin.

Pressing firmly and feeling the click, I held it for a few seconds, then pulled my hand back away to watch and wait.

After about ten seconds, there was movement. Adalynn stood straight up, bringing her legs together and her hands and arms to her side.

“Manual reboot initiated. Please wait.”

I let out a breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and relaxed somewhat again.

“Synth-Replica unit 006WLSXC, serial number 00001SXP901 Model: Adalynn, series: wife-lover companion .. Rebooting. Please wait.” She stated flatly.

After another few seconds, her head turned to the left and then to the right and then back straight forward. She blinked a few times before speaking again.

“A critical conflicting program error has occurred, and a malfunction occurred with an immediate stop resulting. This error has been logged and will be corrected to avoid future inconvenience. Do you wish for this unit to resume all personality profiles and normal functions at this time, Michael?” She continued, turning her head towards me eerily.

Letting out a gasp and coughing, I replied. “Uhm yeah, yes, please.”

“Do you wish to resume the previous sexual engagement?” She asked flatly.

“Hell no!” I exclaimed rather suddenly.

Adalynn’s head snapped back to looking straight ahead. “Acknowledged. Completing restart.”

Staring at her, I noticed her appear to take a breath in, and her stance relaxed as she stood up and straightened. Adalynn’s facial expression changed to one of confusion. Her nipples on her tits had been pointy and rockhard previously from our intense sexual activity, they immediately softened to nubs, and her breasts seemed to relax in shape and form slightly. Her breathing returned to normal. She blinked several times before finally turning towards me.

“Mike! Oh shit, Mike, I am so, so sorry about what just happened. Are you alright?” Adalynn asked sincerely.

By this point, I was feeling a weird wave of exhaustion, somewhat spent and also a little buzzed. But also alert enough to be somewhat cautious so I was hesitant. “I don’t know. I’m not sure. What about you? What the hell just happened to you?” I asked, confused about everything right now.

Adalynn’s face changed to one of concern. “Ohh…I didn’t hurt you, did I? I experienced a malfunction. But I am good now. It won’t happen again, and thank you for restarting my systems. By the way, I would have been stuck there for a while.” She replied. “Wow! That was so fucking amazing! You were amazing!” She started looking at me somewhat longingly as if nothing had happened.

Rubbing my eyes and taking a moment to think, I answered her back. “No, no, you didn’t hurt me. I was confused about what had happened. You just .. stopped completely and then kept repeating something about an error and a buffer overload. It freaked me out. You had orgasmed again quickly, and I followed suit immediately after, then .. poof!.”

Adalynn’s eyes quickly looked me over, and then she glanced around the room as if thinking. “Uhm yeah, I’m still trying to sort it all out.” She turned back to face me. “I experienced a sensory overload which combined with a time-sensitive directive. I can explain it more fully if you’d like me to, or..” She paused, “..we can pick up where we left off and go to the bedroom.” Adalynn watched me, waiting for my response. I just stood there with a flood of emotions and thoughts running through my head. I was wary of any further contact with her for the time being. “Or, if you’d like me to fix you a meal, I could do that too. It’s certainly past a good mealtime for you, I’m sure.” She paused, watching me, waiting. I said nothing and continued to stare at her. Trying to decide for myself what exactly I needed or wanted at this point. I was exhausted, somewhat aroused and buzzed.

“Would you rather get dressed, perhaps just talk for a bit .. in the living room?” Another pause while I just stared at her. I must have looked confused because her expression changed to one of confusion as well.

“Do .. Do you wish to leave Mike? .. Michael? What .. What can I do to help? Anything? Please tell me.” She again paused, waiting for some answer or indication that I was alright. “Please say something.”

Adalynn’s expression changed again to a mix of confusion and sadness. So much that she folded her arms, covering her breasts, and looked downward, almost ashamed or embarrassed.

Finally, taking a deep breath and sorting out my thoughts, I responded to her questioning.

“Uhh .. Adalynn, I’m sorry,” I shook my head, pausing again. “This .. all of this is a lot to take in,” I said, gesturing with my hands. “You, your offer, and that.. that amazing sex, this house, your ownership, you malfunctioning, God, I really want another shot of whiskey, but I know better.” I paused again, running my hands through my hair as Adalynn stood there, patiently.

“You .. you wh .. went from being normal and erotic and fucking hot and sexy nothing. It really kind of freaked me out. So … uhm yeah, I’m hungry and exhausted. Fix me up something to eat if you would please, and I .. I think I’m going to use your shower now, to take a very long hot shower, because I am in ‘No!’ shape to drive back home tonight.” I paused as I stared at her, her face, hips, and legs. “Fucking you was amazing, though, Adalynn! So .. yes, please give me some time, and by then my head will have cleared some, and I’ll have sorted most of this shit out. At least I hope to clear and refresh my head.” I said, as I started to head out of the room.

I immediately stopped, turned, and looked at Adalynn, and the look of shock on her face was evident. I quickly stepped back over to her and gently reached up and touched her cheek with the backside of my hand. “Adalynn, I’m still here. Please give me some time to sort my feelings and figure things out. I didn’t ask to leave, so I’m still here. That should count for something.”

She smiled softly, not moving. “Take all the time you need, and I’ll have a meal ready for you when you’ve done showering.”

I smiled at her back, turned, and left the kitchen, heading down the hall towards the bedroom.

Chapter 5

I opened my eyes and stared at the white marble floor of the shower. The noise of the water was relaxing, echoing off the walls, as was the temperature of the hot water. My head rested on my right forearm as I leaned against the wall, feeling the hot droplets run down my backside.

After having lathered up and rinsed off, I adjusted the shower head and just stood there under it for who knows how long. I leaned forward against the wall with my eyes closed for several minutes, reveling in the calm of the shower. Not thinking about anything.

It is amazing what a long hot shower can do for you, how it re-awakens your mind and refreshes you. At first, I hadn’t given any thought to Adalynn or my present situation. Just my immediate need to have time for myself. But as I relaxed and reflected upon the last several days, work, and people I’d met and interacted with, Adalynn crept back to the forefront of my thoughts.

So she had a glitch, a malfunction, ok. It caught me off guard, and I freaked out about it. Those things aren’t uncommon with electronic devices and appliances. Although she was a type of artificial intelligence, what did I know about her internal workings or operation? Heck! For that matter, sometimes electronics in heating and air equipment can also be temperamental. The wrong voltage will affect its operations, ambient temperatures, and such. Sudden vigorous use after a prolonged period of inactivity can cause erratic behavior. When you consider cell phones or electric cars, most things these days aren’t 100% problem-free after a specific duration of time. So … why was I so freaked out over it? Over it happening to her?

I stood there in the shower, watching the water bead off my chin and body, calming my mind and just breathing. I had a sudden yet fleeting thought, Adalynn is real, and yet she isn’t. That’s why I panicked when she malfunctioned, my brain couldn’t accept the fact that she wasn’t a real person even though we performed a very human and intimate act.

While I thought things through, I accepted the fact that I’d be staying here through the weekend, get to know the place and familiarize myself with the layout, get to know Adalynn a lot more, and find out just how much money is in this ownership deal for me. After all, that few minutes of heated sex in the kitchen was really, really good, regardless of her error, I could use more of that, and I realized that I could be more prepared for any possible future errors.

Having turned off the water and stepping out of the shower, I noticed a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and a towel on the vanity counter that hadn’t been there when I entered. Adalynn was also apparently very stealthy, or I was so focused entirely on myself that I hadn’t noticed her entering.

Providing me with clothes was unexpected, yet something so kind and human-like, yet she had done it nonetheless and said nothing. Adalynn respected my space and privacy. She was very different from any woman I’d known previously in this regard, classy, very classy, attentive, respectful as well as being perceptive to my needs.

Once I had dried off and dressed, and taking one more look in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. “Me? Do I get all this? I get her?” I asked silently, amazed. Looking down at Adalynn’s note on the vanity, my eyes stopped and focused on her last sentence. “I find you to be an honest man, and I am asking for your help. Will you be my new owner and friend?” Glancing back at my reflection, I stared back at myself. “Yeah, I am a good man, at least I have tried to be since I was a youth. I can do this. I can.” I said aloud.

As I slowly walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen, I could smell the aroma of eggs and toast. Rounding the corner, I stopped and paused. Adalynn had set a single plate setting at the bar. A full glass of orange juice and a cup of steaming coffee accompanied the plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Off to the side were a plate of butter and a jar of strawberry or raspberry jam. Our clothes discarded on the floor in our rush to have sex earlier were now nowhere to be visibly found. Adalynn was at the sink with her back to me, rinsing some dishes. She wore only her shirt, which covered half her ass. I ran my eyes down her slender legs and back up again to the curves of her cheeks.

I cleared my throat and sat myself down at the island.

Adalynn shut the water off, dried her hands, and turned to face me. “It’s not much, but it’s hot. I wasn’t sure which you’d like to drink. If you’d rather have something else, water or even whiskey, I’d be happy to get it. The kitchen isn’t fully stocked yet, as I haven’t needed it.” She said with a gentle smile.

My gaze went immediately from her face to her mostly unbuttoned blouse and the curves of her breasts. I probably spent too many seconds admiring them before I answered. “No, no, this is wonderful. Thank you. It smells amazing, and simple is good enough for me.” I replied, smiling back. “Oh, and thank you for the sweats and shirt,” I told her as I picked up the fork, feeling ashamed for having stared at her for so long.

“You’re welcome, and they belonged to my previous owner. I kept several items of clothing in the event that I might need them. Oh, can I ask which you prefer? Mike or Michael? I’ve been using both, and you haven’t seemed to mind. But I would like to know which you’d prefer.” She asked, a little more reserved.

“Mike is just fine. Thank you, Adalynn, for asking.” I replied, taking a large bite of eggs and watching her out of the corner of my eye.

“Mike. Alright, Mike.” Adalynn chuckled, then sat down beside me and placed an elbow on the counter, propping her head with her right hand, and quietly watched me eat.

She said nothing and did not move while I ate. It was somewhat flattering just to have her sit there and watch me, bite after bite. Sweet and flattering. I downed the orange juice and moved on to the coffee. Once I was finished and wiped at the corners of my mouth with a napkin, I swiveled my stool to face her.

“Thank you for the eggs and toast. I was quite hungry, more so than I thought.” I complimented her, letting my eyes quickly gaze over her again, from her head to her belly and back up again.

With a smile and glistening eyes, she finally spoke. “You’re very welcome. I knew you must be hungry after your long day. And thank you for being patient with me through these last few hours.” She softly said, placing her hand over mine.

I looked down at our hands, and I placed my other hand over hers and gave it a squeeze, then looked back up at her. “So…what’s next?” I asked.

Adalynn smiled. “Next? Whatever you’d like, Mike. If you want to relax, talk, ask me more questions, maybe… a little more…you know.” She teased as her eyes wandered over my chest.

I was frowning ever so slightly. “Uhm, I may have come across a little rude and gruff after your error episode. I mean to say, we went from full-on hot and heavy to a dead stop, and my reaction probably wasn’t what you had expected.” I paused.

“I’ll admit that it wasn’t, but I don’t blame you either. I was only aware of the forthcoming issue milliseconds before it occurred.” Adalynn said softly.

I shifted in my seat. I then flipped my hand over and held hers, interlacing our fingers, moving my other hand to my lap, and just stared at Adalynn’s face.

“What is it? What are you doing?” Adalynn asked, chuckling.

“You, I’m just memorizing your face, your eyes, your hair, your smile, and the way you look at me,” I told her.

She blushed and looked at our hands and squeezed them. “You are very kind, Mike. So .. you’re not worried or concerned about my hiccup from earlier? About my malfunction?” Adalynn asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

“Should I be?” I asked, shaking my head. “I thought a lot about it while I showered, but I concluded that you have safeguards and some redundancy with the two backup android bodies. Besides, I figured out how to reset you. So why worry?” I stated.

Adalynn turned and shifted ever so slightly to face me directly. She had undone the only button holding her shirt closed without me noticing. Her shirt now relaxed open enough to her navel, revealing her firm curved breasts and toned abdomen. I let my eyes wander over her exposed breasts once again. Smooth, tan, and perfectly shaped. The fabric of her shirt did little to hide her ripe, pert nipples that pushed forward. After glancing at her chest, I looked back up at her.

“I would hope you wouldn’t be too worried.” Adalynn paused, noticing my gaze directed at her open shirt. “Uhm, hum.” She cleared her throat.

“I’m hard to resist, aren’t I?” She asked while batting her eyes.

“Yes, you truly are. There’s just something..about..” I trailed off.

“Me?” Adalynn giggled. “Pheromones, or rather the artificial pheromones that I’m emitting. I am programmed to emit them to help arouse you or to help you relax. Whenever I sense you may have a need or that a certain amount of time has passed since our last sexual encounter.” Adalynn explained.

“So, which is it now?” I said, eyes wide in surprise by her bluntness.

“Oh, maybe just a combination of arousing you and helping you relax, but not too much.” She said softly.

“Mmmm…it’s definitely working,” I stated as I shifted slightly on the stool to allow my manhood to reposition inside my sweats.

Reaching up with my left hand, I cradled her face. “Adalynn, I’m not leaving you, and I want to be here with you all weekend long for starters. I’ll even call in sick on Monday until I … until we can figure out how this new arrangement will work.” I assured her.

She closed her eyes and let out a deep artificial breath as she relaxed her head against my hand. “Thank you, Mike. That’s comforting to hear you say.” She whispered.

Without opening her eyes, she reached forward and gently grabbed my right hand, pulling it up, palm forward to her left breast, and held it firmly there against her warm supple, silky skin. Instinctively I firmly grabbed hold and applied pressure, feeling her nipple harden and push against the center of my hand.

“Uhmmmm.” Adalynn softly moaned.

My left thumb softly caressed her cheek as I stared at her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re in heat. How long had it been since you last had sex? Before me, I mean?” I asked, genuinely wondering how long it had been for her.

Adalynn slowly opened her blue-colored eyes and lovingly looked at me. “Seventeen months, twenty-nine days, and yes. I am extremely horny and turned on by you. Even though I am autonomous and can think for myself. I have certain integrated core directives written into my personality and character profiles that I can’t help but allow to surface. Sort of like a habit, but in a different kind of way. Wanting to please you sexually and unconditionally are a few examples. Besides, the sex helps me bond to you.” She explained.

“Ah! I see.” I said, remembering when I first reset her earlier, and one of the transfer questions referred to her sexual settings. “ Any self-pleasure or masturbation?”

“Only if I’m told to or commanded to do so. That is not part of my autonomous selective decision process coding.” Adalynn said, shaking her head.

“Really? Why not?” I asked, curious now.

Adalynn raised an eyebrow as if she were genuinely considering her words. “There might be the possibility of me not being able to stop. I’m not sure of the specifics, but I can tell you that for me it’s very enjoyable.” She replied.

“Ok then.” I paused, digesting that bit of information. “How about we lock up the house, turn off the lights, and head to the bedroom?” I proposed.

She nodded without saying a word and straightened her head, freeing my left hand. “Watch this and listen closely.” She stated.

I perked up and did as she had suggested. I heard the click of several locks, the front door, and a few others, then watched as the lights slowly dimmed throughout the house.

“What do you think?” She asked rather excitedly.

Giving her breast a relatively solid squeeze and a final grope, I shook my head in mock amazement. “Damn, girl. You are amazing.”

Adalynn smiled, then slowly licked her lips. “Oh, you have no idea.” She said slowly, looking down at my right hand as I released her breast. Her right hand gently pushed against mine once more before letting go. “It’s been so long for me since I’ve been intimately touched and caressed by anyone. It’s intoxicating to me to feel your touch, in any and every capacity Mike.” She barely whispered, looking into my eyes.

I was hard again by this point, and I slowly slid off the barstool, taking Adalynn by the hand. “Then maybe tonight should be about you, what your needs are, what I can do to help you fulfill them,” I reassured her.

Adalynn glanced downward at my midsection, noticing the erect tent in my sweatpants, then back at me. “I’d like that, Mike, but I must be honest with you in one regard.” She said with some hesitation.

I pulled Adalynn to a standing position in front of me. “Oh?”

“It’s a challenge for me to put my needs over yours. My wants over your wants. Pleasing you will fulfill me, but if you desire to meet my needs first over yours, I am bound to follow your commands.” Adalynn looked down, then back up with a gentle smile. “I also told you earlier that I wouldn’t glitch or malfunction again, as I had when we were fucking.” She paused, and I nodded. “Well, there is a small chance it may happen again.” She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.

“Help me understand,” I said.

She pulled herself close to me and lay her head against my chest. “Putting it simply for you to understand. It’s as if my mind is racing and going one hundred different directions at one hundred miles per hours all the time, and my mind works to anticipate your actions and reactions as well as how I need to react to them. I want to please you and for you to please me. Earlier, it was the same thing, except the DNA transfer protocol entered the mix, and you could say that I momentarily lost my focus while that protocol engaged and took over.”

“Shhhh,” I whispered as I placed my fingers across her lips.

“Calm down, and don’t let those things trouble you. I understand that your mind is like a supercomputer. Just let what happens, happen. Don’t worry about me, I can adapt just as you are able to. Can you do that for me?” I asked.

Adalynn nodded, pulling back and smiling. “Yes, Mike.” And with that, she squeezed my hand, turned, and pulled me to follow behind her towards the bedroom.

Chapter 6

Upon entering the bedroom, Adalynn released my hand and sprung up onto the bed in a kneeling position, quickly removing the shirt she wore and tossing it across the room. A mischievous smile appeared on her face. “You’ll honestly see to my needs right now? What I physically want?”

I nodded at her as a question immediately formed in my mind. She must have seen my expression change as she asked her next question before I could ask mine. “What? What is it?”

I took a deep breath. “You’re different now, changed. More playful than the serious, reserved lady of the house I met only hours ago.”

Adalynn’s smile faded slightly. “Do you not like how I am now, Mike?” She asked.

I climbed up on the bed and knelt up in front of her, our knees touching now. “No, it's fine. I kinda like it. This new side of who you are.” I told her.

She cocked her head and batted her eyes at me. “Wonderful, I’m trying to anticipate how best to adapt and change my personality to suit you. Your wants and needs, if a particular action or series of actions arouses you. What I might do, say or act out to increase your pleasure, as I mentioned a few minutes ago. I’ve been more reserved due to being between owners so to speak. But I am trying not to overthink it and be more relaxed now.” She paused for effect. “Now please kiss me, touch me, hold me, service me, Mike… and stop changing the subject! The time for asking questions is over. At least for now. I just want you to touch me as only you can.”

“As you wish, my dear,” I whispered as I pulled off my shirt and tossed it over beside hers on the floor.

I reached up with both hands and gently placed the palms of my hands against her cheeks, holding her carefully. Adalynn closed her eyes. “I want you to lay back, flat on the bed, please. I will touch you intimately and explore your body, all over with my hands, fingers, and lips.” I softly said.

“Mmmm.” She replied.

Letting go of her beautiful face, she lay back on the bed more comfortably with her arms at her side.

I slid back off the bed and removed my sweat pants as the bulge between my legs begged to be free. Then quickly back up and to Adalynns side as I leaned up on my elbow and stared down at her.

With my right hand, I reached down to her right knee and slowly traced my fingertips along her warm, soft synthetic skin. She felt so real and looked so real.

As I reached her mid-thigh, I moved my hand slowly across and over between her legs to her inner thigh. Adalynn instinctively spread her legs as she released a soft moan of pleasure. “Uhmmm….your touch is so careful, so precise.”

Keeping my right hand where it was, I sat more upright, then moved my left hand up against her neck and slid the back of my hand down and across to her collarbone, just over her breasts.

Adalynn took a deep breath and tilted her head back, her mouth slightly agape. “Oh!” She gasped.

Somewhat confused at her gasp and tone, as I’d only just begun, I spoke her name. “Adalynn?”

She turned her head towards me and smiled, licking her lips. “I’m fine, Mike. I love what you’re doing and how it makes me feel. Go ahead, touch me more.” She whispered, taking another deep breath.

Closing the distance between us, I leaned in and over her right breast, and with my left hand, I brushed over her hardening nipple. Then extending my tongue, I began to swirl and flick at her nipple until I was close enough to bare down and suck on it. Taking it in and sucking furiously on her.

“Yes, Mike! Oh, I like what you’re doing to me.” Adalynn exclaimed as she slowly writhed beneath me. Her hands clenched at the blankets beneath us.

I slowly moved my right hand between her legs until I was directly over her bare mound. I applied some pressure while continuing to suck and bob on her luscious tit.

“Oh, Yes, Yes! Oh Fuck Yes!” Adalynn cried out in ecstasy as she began to gyrate her hips against the pressure of my hand. “Play with me, tease this robot girl. Play with my pussy! Anything and everything is yours Mike.”

I pulled off her tit with a pop, keeping as much suction as possible until the last moment. “You like what I’m doing to you?” I asked.

“Mmm-hmm,” Adalynn moaned in delight, nodding her head in affirmation. “Don’t stop Mike, more. I want ..Ohh.. I need more. It’s been sooo long since I’ve felt this way, and I’ve never been touched quite like .. uhhnn .. like how you’re touching me now. Oh wow! .. Ohhh .. Pleasure me and service me and I’ll .. eeiiiiiiiiaaayyyeee!!!” She screamed as I quickly inserted a finger deep into her love hole.

“OH! FUCK! ME!” Adalynn cried out, bucking hard repeatedly, gyrating her hips against my hand. I repositioned myself again to be able to play with and massage her pussy, while resuming my sucking on her right tit and playing with her left tit with my left hand.

Her body was rocking and writhing beneath me. I felt the warmth of her skin against mine as I ministered to her needs. Her juices began to flow as I played with and pistoned my fingers in and out of her hole. Her moaning continued over the next few minutes as I enjoyed playing with her body and pleasing her.

She reached down with her left hand and began to rub at her pussy vigorously. “Oh, Mike, I feel it building, burning within me. Make me cum. Make me, your robot girlfriend cum hard!” Adalynn said breathlessly.

I pulled my wet fingers out from her hole, raised my hand back away then gave her pussy a single hard slap. At the same time, I leaned down while grabbing her breast in my hand and firmly reattached my lips to her nipple, and began sucking.

Adalynn let out a scream of pleasure, arching her back and pushing against my hand. I then reinserted two fingers and began to rapidly finger fuck her pussy.

“Uh-huh.. yes .. oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, Oh Yes, Just like that! RIGHT THERE!! Uh-huh..OH YES!! YES!! OH FUCK YES!!” She cried out as a powerful orgasm rocked her synthetic body. Her pussy muscles clenched around my fingers, holding me inside her and slowing my finger thrusting as her body convulsed in exstacy.

She reached out across the bed with her right hand, over and across my leg, until she found my rock-hard cock. Wrapping her fingers around my shaft, she began to pump it slowly as she relished in the sensation of her orgasm.

“Ohh, Mike!” She cooed. “I want you to.. to k’keep touching me like you have b’b’been, but I may need you …” Adalynn trailed off, having stuttered her words. Looking up at her while keeping her nipple in my mouth, I watched as her head twitched erratically, her eyelids fluttering wildly.

Her hand momentarily stopped pumping my shaft, then resumed once more after several seconds. “I’m an android .. droid.” She stuttered. I pushed my fingers deeper into her mound and placed my thumb over the fingers of her left hand, which were still above her pussy, near her clit.

Her head twitched hard to the right, and Adalynn’s eyes focused on mine. “I am yours, Mike. Your robot, your robot bot bot bot bot girl. I am, your pleasure my pleasure. I need you..want you.. need you..want you..need you to fuck me now.”

I abruptly stopped all my ministrations and pulled off her tit. Not wanting to break my eye contact with her. “Are you alright? You seem to be stuttering, or looping your speech Adalynn. Is this a game that you're playing with me? Or are you malfunctioning again?”

Her eyes widened in surprise, and then a mischievous grin crossed her lips as she looked at me. “I’m purposely producing a .. a simulated error. A role-playing error game I’ve played before. My previous lover prefered and enjoyed it. Ohhhh .. In my attempts to circumvent and delay my requirements to find a new owner owner, I .. I .. I may may have miscalculated my priority to .. to experience .. to experience .. to ex..” She trailed off once again. Her eyes fluttered while her head twitched erratically.

Her mischievous grin returned, and her grip on my shaft tightened slightly.

“Careful there, babe,” I exclaimed as I quickly moved my hand from Adalynn’s soaked pussy to her hand that held me between my legs. “Gotta use that on you soon.”

Her eyes shifted to my groin and then back up to me. Her grip loosened, and her pumping stopped.

“Ohhh Mike, you’re so hard and ..” Adalynn’s head twitched once again. “You’re bigger than I had anticipated and so hard already.” She cooed.

It seemed she had said those exact words earlier this evening in the kitchen after pouring me the whiskey.

Adalynn suddenly and gracefully sat up, sweeping her legs behind her. Tossing her head to one side so that her hair was on the opposite side, she leaned down, and while holding my shaft with one hand, she gently pushed me onto my back with her other hand.

She moved so quickly that I was taken aback by her sudden assertiveness. I wondered again if Adalynns error had been fully resolved or if she had indeed been toying with me all along, making me think there had been a problem when there hadn’t been. Role-playing, she said, I wasn’t sure, but I’d guess she didn’t have an actual error.

“Oh, Mike, you’re truly going to enjoy this,” Adalynn said before popping the tip of my penis inside her mouth and swirling her tongue over its head.

I lost all rational thought as she again began giving me the most fantastic blow job. Her lips applied the perfect pressure as she slid up and down my stiff shaft while twirling her tongue slowly along its length. Her fingers worked gently to caress and fondle my balls and shaft.

As I lay there marveling in the sweet pleasure of her ministrations. Adalynn began to turn and rotate, repositioning herself and straddling me in a sixty-nine position. All the while never letting up on sucking or licking my cock. Her pussy was now directly over my mouth. I had never eaten out or gone down on a woman before. Every woman I had been with seemed very satisfied with my foreplay, bringing them to orgasm and then us fucking. This experience here was entirely new for me now.

Adalynn sensed my hesitation and stopped briefly, allowing her hand to glide and piston up and down my slick shaft as she spoke. “Taste me, Mike, nibble on my folds. Push your tongue into my hole. I have been expertly and perfectly designed to replicate a human female form. You might enjoy me while I enjoy you.”

“I’ve never done this before, eaten pussy, I mean,” I said between breaths.

“Remember, I’m not human. I’m a female android, your ‘robot’ girlfriend. You said you’d please me, and I want this while I please you. I’ll tell you if you're doing it .. it .. it wrong.” She said with a giggle.

It was a bit concerning that she was stuttering and repeating words, but she hadn’t entirely and suddenly stopped as she had earlier. I wasn’t going to let that get to me. In fact, now, as I thought about it, it was kind of erotic and arousing.

“Hey, robot girl, are you teasing me with this act of stuttering and repeating words?” I asked.

“Maybe. Want me to stop?” Adalynn teased with a giggle.

I blew out against her folds, causing her to shiver.

Reaching up with both hands, I carefully cradled Adalynn’s ass as she slowly lowered herself within reach of my mouth and tongue. “Uhmm..I’ll let you know if it becomes too much of a distraction,” I replied.

With some hesitation, I extended my tongue and quickly lapped it along her folds, from top to bottom, in one single wet lick of my tongue. She tasted sweet, like a cross between honey and powdered sugar icing. Again something that I hadn’t expected but was certainly welcome. A part of me wondered what a real woman would taste like? Would she be salty or musky?

Adalynn tossed her head up, arching her back as she stopped pumping my rod. “Ohhhhh!!! Do it again, but this time stop halfway and suck my folds into your mouth, then plunge your tongue into me. Repeat this over and over again. Swirl and be playful. Use your fingers if you want to as well. Please, Mike, please.” She whimpered.

Obliging to her request, I did as she suggested. Adalynn let out a series of small moans before resuming her sucking on my cock.

After less than a minute, I had settled into a basic routine of what to do to stimulate her pussy, and Adalynn had quickly resumed polishing my rod. She was undoubtedly an expert in just where to apply pressure and where to hold her suction for my maximum pleasure.

She wriggled her ass closer to my mouth so I could get my tongue as far inside her folds as possible. It was amazing as the two of us moaned in unison. Here I was, a flesh and blood human, and her, an intricately designed and crafted synthetic piece of human-like machinery, the two of us fucking each other.

After a few more minutes, I could feel myself nearing my limits and would soon explode. Adalynn’s pussy and clit throbbed and seemed to pulse each time I thrust my tongue hard between her folds. Her pelvis began to rock faster over my face. Her moans increased in volume and intensity over the last minute when suddenly Adalynn pulled off my hard cock and screamed in ecstasy. Her body shuddered as an orgasm coursed through her. A warm stream of sweet cum oozed from her dripping sex as I continued to lap away at her synthetic folds.

She braced herself with one arm while the other reached down to her pussy and rubbed at it vigorously. I stopped licking and blew at her hole as she rubbed.

“OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OHHH FFUUCCKK MEEE MIKE!!! I’VE NEVER .. UHHNN. .. NEVER FELT EVERYTHING FIRING AT .. OOHH SHIT ..UH-HUH.. AT ONCE!!” Adalynn cried in pleasure as her orgasm continued to pulse through her.

I quickly thrust two fingers into her pussy and began to piston them in and out as rapidly as possible. “Like this? Is this what you want? Me to touch you all over and inside your wet hole?” I asked.

“Yes! Oh God, YES! .. UHHNN .. It’s sooo .. OOHH .. sooo amazing .. AAHHH .. More .. oohhh .. more more more.. YES Mike, I nnneed .. UHHNN .. NEED MORE!! .. AAHHH .. AGAIN! FUCK YES .. I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!! … EEEIIIIYYYYY!!!!!” Adalynn exclaimed as she bucked wildly against my thrusting fingers.

After another minute of me playing with her, she finally wound down and collapsed gently on top of me. I pulled my fingers out, and while stroking her backside, I continued to lap at her pussy. She leaned in and kissed my cock tenderly.

“Service me, Mike. Please service me now, put your hard, human cock deep inside of me. Stick me with it, poke me, tease me with it and fuck me, oh fuck me hard with it. Please, I need to feel you inside of .. of .. of .. me. Deep inside me.” Adalynn said as she rolled over and onto her back.

I sat up and gently took hold of her leg that lay beside me while running my hand up along its length, over her knee, and up to her now-soaked pussy. Adalynn arched her back. “Mmmmmm, please, Mike.” She whispered. “I’m so hot and so ready for to fill..fill..fill me up.”

“Adalynn, I'm going to give you the best loving and the best fucking sex that I’m capable of. However, as much as I enjoy the robot act, you repeating words and your stuttering, I’d rather have the mature, professional, bubbly, fun, sexy Adalynn I first met at the door. Be passionate, hot, and sexy. We’ll do the glitchy robot thing another time, ok. Is that too much to ask?” As I applied gentle pressure once again to her mound.

Adalynn let out a deep sigh of contentment. “No, Mike, I’ll comply. Take me as you wish. All you have ever to do is ask if you want me to change or adjust. I love how you’ve touched me and made me feel tonight. Thank you so much.” She arched her back and tilted her head back to stare at the corner of the ceiling. Her tits jutting upwards.

“Oh fuck, you’re so sexy looking when you do that!” I exclaimed as I stood up off the bed and looked down at Adalynn.

She relaxed again and, reaching up, squeezed her breasts together, pinching her nipples between her fingers. “Oh, Mike, take your hard cock and fuck me already. Fuck my wet and wanting pussy.” She cooed.

I reached down and grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards me, getting her ass to the edge of the bed and lifting her legs, and spreading them apart. The synthetic muscles and tendons in her legs bulged, pushing out, defining how tone and muscular they were as she held them in that position.

“I need another quick taste of your sweet cum before my cock gets to fill you up,” I stated as I knelt back down before her while holding the back of her thighs.

“Mmmmm.” Adalynn moaned in delight as I teased her folds again with my tongue. “Do you like how sweet I taste, how yummy my cum is?” I moaned in affirmation as I licked and slurped at her sopping hole.

I was mentally aching to get right to it and start fucking Adalynn. My cock was throbbing, and stood hard at attention between my legs as I knelt. It still amazed me how sweet her nectar tasted. I wondered if, like her artificial pheromones, she had some sort of intoxicating ingredient to her juices. I’d have to inquire about that later.

Adalynn writhed and bucked against my ministrations as I lapped at her pussy and drove my tongue in and out of her hole. Moaning in delight and ecstasy.

“Ohhh, yes, Mike! Yes yes yes! .. .. mmm lick me, …just … like …mmm …that, ohhh right there, right there!” She exclaimed!

I reached down with my right hand and inserted two fingers, curling them and moving them around as I ate her out, bringing her to the edge of another rapturous orgasm.

Adalynn began to buck and gyrate her hips furiously. “OH FUCK! OHH FUCK!! OOHH EEIIIIIIIIIEEEEE YESSSS FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! AAHHHHH!! She screamed as she once again arched her back and held her hips high against my face

I hurriedly stopped and stood up, grabbed my cock, and positioned myself at her hole. Rubbing it along her slit. She repeatedly nodded at me with a look of desperation. “Please! Fuck me now. Please fuck me, Mike! I’m burning inside, ready to cum all over your hard cock. Oh Mike, finish it, make me cum, make me cum so hard again as you explode in me.” She cried.

Taking a firm hold of her left leg, I slowly slid into her wet pussy while still holding my cock, not going all the way in, but enough to stir my cock around the entrance of her hole as I held it there in position.

The look on Adalynn’s face had changed to one of pure delight and ecstasy. She bit at her lip while she pinched and teased the nipples on her tits. Releasing my hold on my cock I reached up to grab hold of her other leg as I pushed my way fully inside her.

“Oh shit! You’re not only wet, but you’re so tight too! Tighter than when I fucked you earlier from behind. God, you feel amazing!” I exclaimed.

Adalynn arched her back and pushed against me simultaneously. “I’m there! I’m there! I’m gonna cum all around you, baby. Fucking push it in me, Mike! Thrust it in hard and … ohhh … and I’ll cum .. ohh fuck my tight little twat baby, fuck it hard!”

I obliged and made two hard thrusts in and out before her orgasm took hold and rocked her body again. Her breasts bounced wildly about as I continued pistoning and fucking her pussy, feeling contraction after contraction around and along the length of my cock as I slid back and forth, bringing me closer to my orgasm.

Holding her ankles firmly as I looked down at her face, I began to thrust repeatedly, each time with more force. Feeling my cock harden and ready itself, building and building. Her body was glorious and perfect, perfect in color and tone, perfect in how athletic she appeared, perfectly curvy and modelesque, totally sexy, and absolutely appealing. There was a difference between fucking Adalynn and a real woman, Adalynn orgasmed more frequently, and her pussy knew how to massage my dick. She truly was designed for pleasure.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m .. I’m so close .. fuck this feels so amazing! You feel so amazing, Adalynn!” I cried as I continued to pound away at her. The bed started to creak a little with each rough thrust, in sync with our sexual rhythm of fucking.

“Cum in me! Cum inside my pussy! I know you want it! I saw how you .. oh shit! .. How you looked at me .. at the door .. Ahh …. How your eyes wandered over my .. uhhnn .. my body at the door earlier. Ohhh yeah …so good. Your eye’s focusing on my tits as we sat in the kitchen. Ohhh .. Fuck my pussy, Mike, fill me up … ohhh … I can feel you getting harder, Ahh … getting bigger .. OH SHIT .. CUMMMM INSIDE MMMEEEEEE!!” Adalynn begged.

I was so close and seconds away from my own orgasm. I looked down, watching my dick go in and out of her hot, pink, dripping sex. Adalynn’s smooth and hairless groin was glistening wet with a mixture of my saliva and her sticky cum, her folds in a constant motion of back and forth, following the direction of my hard pistoning dick. I glanced at her breasts as they shook and bounced up and down. Her rock-hard nipples were jutting out over her perfect pepperoni-sized areolas. A thin layer of sweat covered them up to the top of her sternum. She looked so natural, so human-like in every detail. The emotion on her face, the expression of her wanting and need for my explosion of cum inside her, the look of sheer pleasure on her face. Her cheeks had reddened some from our sexual exercise and the sweat along her brow. So natural, so lifelike. She could have seduced me earlier after I had finished my work, and we could have fucked like this, and I would have been none the wiser to her artificial nature.

That thought, that immediate thought, then and there, it’s realization struck me with an intensity I hadn’t thought of previously, that of her true nature, that she was a machine with motors, servos, wiring, and gears. A robot, a female android woman, and that realization suddenly excited and aroused me more intensely.

“YESS!! OH YES! OH YES! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YES!” Adalynn screamed as I strained to hold back my release a few seconds longer.

“OOHHH GOD!!! … FUCKING DAMN IT!! … FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK ME!!” I cried, pounding her pussy with every ounce of energy I could muster, thrusting as deep within her as I could repeatedly. The bed rocked and creaked as I finally exploded within her.

“FFUUCCKK!!” I continued to exclaim.

“YES, YES, YES, BABY!! FUCK ME!! OH!..I FEEL YOUR HOT CUM! OH YES!!” Adalynn exclaimed in unison with my cry.

I felt my load squirt deep inside her as the walls of her synthetic pussy massaged and milked my cock for everything it could give. I continued to slowly glide in and out of her as I wound down, my cock still rock hard and erect. My hands loosened their grip on her calves as they found the sides of her hips. Her knees bent, allowing her feet to rest along the edge of the bed, spread eagle with me between them.

“Sweet mercy, you are so damn amazing! Fucking amazing, Adalynn!” I whispered.

“Mmmmm, you were amazing too! Thank you, thank you.” She cooed in reply.

Exhausted and spent, I leaned over and kissed her belly tenderly. I pulled out and then stepped away, “Oooh.” Adalynn moaned in disappointment, relinquishing her hold on my still rigid member.

I crawled up beside her as we pushed ourselves a little farther onto the bed. Her hand tenderly brushed my cheek as she stared into my eyes. I reached over and cupped one of her breasts, running my thumb over her still pert nipple.

“Mmmm.” She cooed softly. “You suddenly got even harder, more rigid right before you came inside me. I hadn’t expected that. It was very intense. I felt you build and harden to a point, and then that last bit of increase as you exploded inside me. It felt wonderful, passionate and fulfilling.”

“It was you.” I paused, gathering my thoughts, smiling back at her. Adalynn traced a finger along my lips, stopping as I kissed it.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I saw you. I saw you as both a real flesh and blood woman and as a perfect machine. Right before I exploded inside of you, I looked at you, all of you. I watched as I fucked you, my dick sliding in and out of your wet sex. Your perfectly toned abdomen and the way your luscious tits bounced with your hard, pert protruding nipples pointing upwards. How you were sweating, both your chest and your forehead. The definition of muscles in your legs as I held them. The expression on your face of joy and pleasure. You were real at that moment and will be forever in my mind, not just a robot, but more, and you are so real, so very real, and so amazing! And then the thought hit me that you’re also a machine with wires, electronics, chips, motors, and more. You are a perfectly designed female replica android, and that thought aroused me so much more. That’s what pushed me over the edge as I blew my load deep inside you.” I explained as I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of her hand against my cheek.

“Oh Mike, my dear sweet Mike. You are so amazing yourself. You have made me feel …” It was her turn to pause and reflect. “.. so complete once again. I am indebted to you for your willingness to accept my offer. You are my friend, my lover, my companion, my human, my everything, and so much more.” She whispered.

Opening my eyes, I smiled. “Your everything? I like the sound of that. As long as we can continue to have sex like that and fuck like rabbits. You’re stuck with me. But I will have to work on my stamina for longer sessions with you. That was wonderful and amazing and all, but far shorter than I’d planned or hoped for.” I confessed.

Adalynn giggled and smiled back at me. “Oh absolutely.”

We lay there staring into each other’s eyes, gently caressing one another for several minutes. My breathing eventually relaxed, and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Adalynn silently watched me fall into a deep sleep as she caressed my face. After fifteen minutes and being satisfied that I was finally in a deep state of rest, she silently arose and stood up off the bed. A smile played across her face, content in the knowledge that she was safe, she had a new owner and lover, that she would now devote herself to someone who’d love her back.

She crept over to the closet, opened the doors, reached inside, and removed a lightweight blanket. Turning around quickly and jostling her firm breasts as she did so, she unfurled the blanket and gently covered my sleeping form. “Thank you again, Mike. I’ll be back shortly.” She softly whispered.

Adalynn left the bedroom, leaving the door open several inches, and proceeded to the bedroom directly across the hall. Without turning any lights on as she entered, Adalynn entered the adjoining en-suite bathroom and closed the door, flipped on the light, and exhaust fan, then turned to look at herself in the mirror.

She took a deep breath as she reached up and shook out her hair examining herself in the mirror. Then reaching down with both hands, she took hold of her beautiful breasts, squeezing and pushing them together a few times. She pinched at her nipples and pulled on them until they popped back, causing her globes to spring back to perfection. Cocking her head to one side, she let out a little chuckle. “Hmmm, I’m just perfect. Self stimulation denied again.”

Adalynn turned around to face the shower. She reached in and turned on the hot water, then the cold. She placed her hand under the water and let it run over her hand to check the temperature. Once satisfied, she entered and began to shower off. While in the shower, Adalynn would drain and flush the reservoir holding any biological fluids. She washed and rinsed her nether regions and then proceeded to wash her hair.

Twenty minutes later, Adalynn re-entered the bedroom where I lay sound asleep. She wore a full-length Egyptian cotton bathrobe with nothing underneath. She had dried and brushed her hair to the point it wasn’t wet but only slightly damp. Slowly and silently, she walked over to the opposite side of the bed and climbed onto it to lay beside me. She reached up, grabbed a pillow, and pulled it to her head as she watched me.

Carefully and gently, she reached over and tenderly brushed my hair back over my ear, not wanting to wake or disturb me. “Sleep well, Mike.” Adalynn softly said as she, too, closed her eyes. She linked with the home security system momentarily to check the status of the house, grounds, and for anything out of the ordinary. Finding all in order, she queried the backup server to begin the download and backup of her systems, including Mike’s new ownership of her and all she had been overseeing these last several months. She matched my breathing pattern and entered her simulated sleep mode—a mode she had not utilized in well over a year.

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