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New page: "What do I need to do," said Heather. I massaged my temples, the ridiculousness of the situation becoming overwhelming. "Just go ahead and get undressed, Heather. Underwear too." Heather...
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Revision as of 04:30, 3 January 2014

"What do I need to do," said Heather.

I massaged my temples, the ridiculousness of the situation becoming overwhelming. "Just go ahead and get undressed, Heather. Underwear too."

Heather turned and looked at me, puzzled and amused, but not offended. "What?"

I shook my head, clearing it. "Sorry, I'm just feeling a little distracted. 80% of the time, I'm fine, but then... why am I telling you this?"

Heather shrugged. "It's okay. I sympathize, 100%."

"Okay, Heather, I need you to open your system's control panel, do you know how to do that?"

"Sure thing!" Heather turned in her desk and tapped at the flat smoothness on the dummy laptop, as though typing on a keyboard. As usual, she began to squirm in her seat.

"Hey, you know, I wouldn't mind getting undressed. You know, if you wanted me to." Her head tilted to one side, staring distantly at a point in space.

"Knock yourself out," I sighed. I had seen more T&A tonight than a late night skin flick.

"Huh?" This time, she didn't turn to me, nor did she look particularly confused. She just continued to stare vacantly, a compliant smile on her face. I was going to be here all night at this rate.

"Strip, Heather. Naked."

"Whatever you say, Rebecca." She stood quickly, then started gyrating and swaying to unheard music. I was so surprised, I laughed. It must have been the word choice. "Strip" probably has a specific action meaining in her profile. Chuckling at the misunderstanding, I caught myself staring at her ass, holding my breath in anticipation as she slid her shorts down her hips, my eyes caught by the edge of her thong...

Wait, what? I really must be tired. "Heather, stop dancing, just get naked."

"Whatever you say, Rebecca." A cheerful look on her face, she immediately stood upright, and pulled her clothes off in a matter of seconds. "Thank you so much. I'm just going to make myself comfortable," she said, bending over at the waist. "Okay, now let me just. I. Soooft. Feel my. Oooh." The panel just above her ass... I shook my head. The panel in the small of her back clicked and whirred its way open, providing me access to the control ports inside. I plugged in my mobilecomp, my hand lingering longer than it should. Heather's face took on a slack, detached look, with a slight smile. My hand drifted along the curve of her thigh...

Focus. I needed to focus.

"Heather, tell me about your sex life."

"It's awesome," she said, impassively. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Has your system logged any changes in your sexual behavior patterns, in the past... month?" I asked. I needed to figure out a way to pick up the pace here.

"My sex life has not changed significantly in the past four weeks," she replied.

"Okay, that's good..." I poked around my mobilecomp, pulling up recent network activity. Browser, clean. Cache, clean. No sign of any infection. I pulled up some sample files from her cache. Sex advice website, campus lingerie swap announcement, email to her friend Susan... wait.

There was an image attachment in the email. I pulled up the image, squinting at the small screen on the mobilecomp. It was just a garbled mess of static, completely incoherent noise. I checked to make sure I hadn't grabbed a truncated data packet... no, the header checks out. This is actually the file she sent. I scrolled through more files... and there was a response.

To: HeatherJennings@sccu.localhost.edu From: SusanWilliams@sccu.localhost.edu

OMG, that's so cute! I want one so bad, but I don't even have a 75% chance of finding one like that!

>To: SusanWilliams@sccu.localhost.edu >From: HeatherJennings@sccu.localhost.edu >Subject: You just have to see this cute picture! > >Hey Susan, found this hilarious picture, you will just die laughing! > >ATTACHMENT:LVRBY.IPC

I furrowed my brow. So, not only did Heather send a garbled image, Susan replied to it... and thought it was cute? This didn't make any sense. Susan's system had come up completely clean. No way was she infected with anything. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the IT lab.

"IT, this is Synthia, what can I help you with?"

"Synthia, it's Rebecca. Listen, I'm working my way through residence hall C, and I've found something... well, it's weird." I stared at the garbled image, trying to make sense of it.

"Weird, how? Is it infected with the virus?"

"No, it comes up clean. It's just... I don't know. I don't think it is the virus, but I'm 85%..." I blinked. Was that a pattern in the image? "I'm 90% sure it's related somehow."

"Not much I can tell you to do about it if it isn't infected. You outrank me anyway. Do you want to talk to Vanessa?"

"Nah, that's okay. She's probably got a lot on her plate right now."

"Not really. I mean, you and Beth are busy with the house calls, but back here at the fort, everything's pretty quiet. Vanessa and I were watching a movie, in fact."

"Yeah? Sounds fun. If I can finish in time, maybe I'll join you. How far into it are you?" The phrase "how far in" bounced around in my head, and I found myself staring at Heather's bent-over form, her round, ample tits pressed against the desk. From this angle, her head laying in her arms, she was facing me. She blinked. I knew it was an automated behavior, part of the background maintenance profile, but it still startled me. I turned away.

Synthia's muffled voice called out over the phone. "Hey, Vanessa, how far into that thing are we? Really? I thought we are further along than that." Her voice became less muffled. "She says we're only about 50% in, but I was sure we were closer to 80% in."

"Too bad. I'll probably be a lot longer than that working on this hall. Any word from Beth?"

"Not a peep. Actually, she hasn't even requested a quarantine signal."

"Really? Sounds pretty promising. Maybe she's having better luck than me." I paused, realizing something. "Speaking of, do you have a record of human versus sleeper residences? Seems like almost every system I've checked tonight was a sleeper."

"Umm... hang on." Synthia's muffled voice shouted something incoherent to Vanessa, then, at normal volume, "Vanessa says we don't have that information in the IT files. I think they only keep track of that in the Admissions office."

"Admissions? They never tell us anything these days. Oh well, maybe the halls are separated by life form status. Humans in one, bots in another?" I suggested.

"It's not really something I've thought about much. I just push the flashy buttons on the mainframe," Synthia did her best ditzy voice at this.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Oh, hey, I sent an affected 'bot back there, Lyn Sparks. She should be there soon. She just needs to wait in one of the bays until her backup reload finishes. She'll probably leave on her own after that, but be sure to ask her how her night went. She's supposed to remember a trip to the club."

"The Mechanism? Have you been? It's awesome. Loud, but awesome. Not many guys there, though." Synthia sighed, forlorn. "Oh, won't some fair prince come ravish me?"

"Heck, at this point, it wouldn't take a fair prince to ravish me. I'd be happy with a toad, so long as it was decently-endowed." I poked at my mobilecomp some more. "I'll be sending some data back in a bit, I've compiled a package of what I've learned so far."

"Okay, I'll keep my eyes peeled." There was a sound in the background. "Yoohoo, Lyn! Over here!" A brief snippet of muffled conversation, then Synthia spoke again. "Lyn's here now, I'll just take her into the bay room."

"Sounds good. I'll check back later." I folded my phone shut again. Wait... if that was Lyn, how would she have a conversation? She couldn't hear. Unless... maybe arriving at the IT Lab doors counted as no longer in-transit in her binary brain. Sometimes I had trouble even imagining the thought process of a fembot.

There was a knock on the door. Still lost in thought, I nearly called out "Come in" before realizing Heather's apparent position. If that was a human outside... "Who is it?" I called.

"Susan Williams. From 122? Rebecca, is that you?"

I relaxed. Susan was a sleeper, no doubt - most, if not all of the cheerleading team was, and I knew from experience. Their frequent athletics made for heavier wear and tear, and we had to dismantle each of them nearly once every two weeks. "Come in."

Susan pushed through the door, as though trying not to disturb a light sleeper. She glanced at Heather - or mostly in the direction of Heather's ass. "Hey Heather, how's it going?"

"Hello Susan, I am fine."

"So, Rebecca, still working on Heather's system?" she said, looking at Heather as if seeing her friend nude, bent over, with a hand-held computer plugged into her back was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe in MY world, I thought.

"Yeah, still going through a few scans, isn't that right Heather?"

"That's right, Rebecca. We're still going through a few scans, Susan." Heather didn't shift position at all as she said this, her voice remaining impassive.

"That's good. Hey, Rebecca, I just got a message for you." She held out a piece of paper, expectantly.

I frowned. "A message for me? From who? I just talked to the IT office, they're the only ones who would know I'm here."

"It's pretty important. I think you should read it." She shook the paper. "Reeeeaad iiiiit," she said in a playful, zombie-like voice.

"Fine, just lay off the cheesy zombie impressions." I took the paper and looked over it. "What's this?" I said, confused, looking up at her.

"It's a really important message for you, Rebecca. Read it."

"No it isn't. It's a square full of random dots. It doesn't make any sense. It's like that picture..." I trailed off, losing my train of thought. There was something funny about that picture. I just couldn't remember...

"No, silly, look again!" Susan pointed at the paper in my hand.

I looked back down. Of course! It was an important message for me. "It's from the new manager of the IT department!" I said. "I need to contact him right away." I flipped the sheet over, but the back was blank. I looked back at the front, but there was no more information there. "There's no phone number. I don't know how to call him yet."

"Oh, it's okay. He's my boyfriend. That's how he knew where to find you." Of course, that made perfect sense. I was so glad Susan had found someone.

Susan had pulled out her phone, and began dialing. She held it to her ear as it rang, then her face lit up with delight when the new manager answered. "Hi lover," she cooed. "I gave that message to Rebecca like you wanted, and she knew just what to do. You want to talk to her?" She passed me the phone. "I'm just going to play with Heather for a few minutes, okay?" She unplugged my mobilecomp from Heather's panel. Heather's eyes fluttered, and she stood upright, stretching.

"Hello, Rebecca?"

"Hi Mr. Manager. It's great to finally talk to you!" I was thrilled to hear his voice. I just knew he was going to bring great things to our department. Susan tapped Heather on the shoulder. Heather turned, facing her.

"Thanks, listen, what's the status on this virus outbreak?" Susan whispered something in Heather's ear, and Heather began running her hands up and down the cheerleader's body. Susan moaned in plasure.

"Well, I've been going door to door here in this residency hall, and so far, it looks like 100% of the cases I saw had little to nothing to do with that list of websites we pulled together." I remembered Jennifer's case. "Well, almost 100%." Heather had pulled Susan's top off now, and was massaging her tits.

"Yeah, I didn't think it would... Wait, almost? Uh..." He paused. So careful and calculating. This was a man who knew what he was doing. "Heather, this is going to be a big challenge. Are you up to it?"

"Absolutely, 100%!" I gushed. Susan, now bereft of a skirt, had closed her eyes, her head back in ecstasy. Heather had come around from behind, put a hand down Susan's tights, and was vigorously fingering the cheerleader right in front of me. I swallowed.

"Okay, good. Now tell me about this virus."

"Well, Vanessa's the one who compiled most of the data so far. All we really know at this point is that it causes a dramatic spike in sexual activity in sleepers. I don't know how it affects a normal computer. I haven't seen it on one yet."

He started laughing, as though I'd just told him the funniest joke in the world. I was glad I made him happy. "Did I say something funny?" I asked. I wanted to be able to tell this story later to my friends.

"Oh, sorry, no. I, ah, I wasn't quite expecting IT to react to... the virus. Or its effects. So you've been going around, finding sleeper bots who are feeling particularly horny and... what?"

"Well, we can't really isolate the infection. So far, it's been either restore from backup or reinstall the main AI OS." Heather had Susan's tights off now, and the two girls were kissing deeply, their breasts almost symmetrically pressed together, as though each were the mirror image of the other...

"Okay. Yeah. Right, Rebecca, change of plans. From now on, I want you to make sure every system has that... virus... installed, okay?"

"Okay!" I said, excited. That would save a lot of time. Instead of trying to remove the virus from each and every system, I could just install it. That would be much faster. "Well, Heather's already running it, but Susan came up clean earlier, and she's still here. Should I infect her system?"

"No, that's not necessary. I already had Heather handle that for me."

"Okay, I'll just go on to the next room, then."

"Not yet. Hand the phone to Susan and get completely undressed. I need her to do some stuff to you first."

I smiled. This sounded fun. "No problem, boss man." I passed the phone to Susan, and began unbuttoning my blouse, relishing the feel of the bodice I wore underneath. Professional on the outside, playful underneath, that was my motto. I undid my shorts, sliding them down the smooth texture of my pantyhose. Well, sometimes you've got to be playful on the outside, too. I wondered if I needed to take off my heels, but remembered that he had said "completely" undressed, so that meant bye-bye pantyhose, and that meant the shoes came off. I decided to put the stilettos back on after I got my hose off.

Susan was still listening intently on the phone, while Heather idly brushed her hands over the cheerleader's gorgeous tits. Susan put her hand over the receiver, whispering to me. "Bend over and spread your legs, Rebecca. Heather and I have some work to do, then we need to teach you something."

I was so glad I had gotten in contact with the manager. It was a lucky thing he was dating Susan. As I bent over, putting my head and feet in exactly the same spots Heather had placed hers, I idly wondered if it was against school policy for a girl to date her manager. Probably not. I felt a pair of hands - Susan's or Heather's, I neither knew nor cared which - grab my ass, then run down the backs of my legs, then up my inner thighs. I heard a moist sucking sound, which I quickly recognized as the sound of someone licking a finger or thumb, and was suddenly overcome by intense ecstasy.

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