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He grinned. This was exactly what he wanted. For Cyan though, she was merely pleasing her next client.
He grinned. This was exactly what he wanted. For Cyan though, she was merely pleasing her next client.
==Part 2==
“OH MY GOD, OOOOH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!” Cyan shouted as her latest client fucked her from behind. It was a rough night. 3 BDSM clients in a row, and the latest one was more into disassembly, one of the few things frowned on in the brothel but not strictly forbidden.
“Take it you robot bitch!” The man growled at her while he held her torso up and fucked her standing. He had removed her arms and legs, something he had to pay extra, under the counter, to do, and she was powerless to stop him. She was now getting a series of errors, and suffering from damage in her systems. The downside of being an in-demand sexbot at the most popular fembot brothel in town, The BunnyBot Lounge, was that it was hard on her body, especially when a portion of her clients liked to take things further than they could with human girls. It was becoming a regular thing.
“Uhhhhhh!!” Cyan drooled as her system initiated another climax. She tightened around him, trying to make him cum, but he was relentless. An alarm went off, alerting them to the end of their session.
“Fuck, ignore that! I’m almost there!” He shouted.
*Initiating procedure fc_sv_33eh49.pn*
“Please hurry!! I can’t take any more!” Cyan begged. Technically, she could take a lot more, and was going to. She already had another client lined up. Her vagina activated a final-call protocol, clamping down on him and forcefully milking out his climax. The client normally only had a 5 minute window to leave the room before they were kicked out.
“I’ll buy another session!” He argued, ignoring the increased action she took on him.
“But I’ll get in trouble. You must hurry!” Cyan warned him using a sexy voice. She wouldn’t get in trouble, she just knew not to mention other clients. However, he would get in trouble.
“Don’t rush me!” He argued. It took 3 more minutes to get it out of him. When at last he came, Cyan sent a signal to the management that she would need assistance.
“Don’t tell me you have another guy waiting already. I want to go again! You distracted me!” Her client growled.
Cyan’s expression went blank as he dropped her to the bed. She rolled over and sat up, which was not easy without her arms and legs attached. She saw that he was not getting ready to leave.
“Your session has ended. It was a pleasure to serve you today, Joe. Please come back again.”
“Hey, I just said I wasn’t done.”
“Your session has ended,” she repeated. “Please dress and leave the room in a timely manner, or management will be alerted.”
“Fuck your management. I paid for you, I want another round!”
“Your session has ended. Please dress and leave the room in a timely manner, or management-“
Joe hit her, slapping her face and knocking her over. Normally, rough play like this was allowed, but since the session was over, Cyan alerted the security wirelessly instead.
The doors opened seconds later as Joe hovered over her. Two large security bots came in, barely fitting through the door, and grabbed him. With almost no effort, they lifted the lanky man, and carried him, naked and dripping, out of the room while he was kicking and screaming obscenities. Another small android picked up his belongings and carried them out behind them.
Joe could be heard yelling throughout the halls, but for the last time. He had overstayed his welcome one too many times, and now was banned from the facility and the girls.
A human woman came in, in her late 40s, dressed in a fancy suit. “Oh dear, he sure did a number to you. His card better handle the maintenance charge. Hold on, darling, I’ll get you in your booth. I hope I don’t have to cancel that nice man waiting for you.”
Cyan said nothing, she had nothing new to report. Joe had violated several policies and would be charged for her repair. If it was too severe, she would be out-of-commission, which meant they would either repair her, or trash her. She didn’t have an opinion either way, but she had been a popular model there since she was purchased 5 years ago. As far as she knew, she was worth keeping around.
The manager opened Cyan’s dresser and service station, and started placing all of Cyan’s parts into the chamber. She finished with Cyan herself. “Do you think you can take the next client, darling?”
Cyan looked up at her as the machine came to life repairing her. “My repairs will take about 15 minutes, Miss Sophie. If the client is willing to wait.”
“That’s a relief. I’ll let him know.” She sighed looking at her. “Sorry about all these rough guys, lately, darling. Seems a rough group has come into town. Hopefully this next one will have a gentle touch. He certainly looks the type...”
Cyan didn’t care, she had no opinions of her own. If the next guy broke her for good, what did it matter? They’d replace her. Her only concern was that she satisfied her client during their time together, even if that meant breaking her.
Miss Sophie left the room, closing the bedroom door behind her, to alert the client.
During the repair, Cyan was required to shut down and then enter a standby mode. As the robotic arms worked on putting her body back together, she closed her eyes and her mind restarted. When it turned back on, she remained in a stasis, unaware of her body being repaired. Instead, she focused on the data stream for the next client.
This one was simple. He wanted her nude, no toys or outfits, no role playing. He wanted her to “be herself”. That was confusing, but for her that meant acting like a robot. Was that what he meant? She didn’t know. It wasn’t like she had any real personality or opinions, everything was fabricated for her clients. She decided to roll with it and determine how best to act based on his reactions to her.
The door to the room opened, and someone quietly walked in.
Cyan continued to process the request. Just a simple bedroom, nothing fancy or specific. No themes. She looked through his questionnaire. This sounded like an easy to please client. No rough play needed. She ran a calculation on how likely more rough play would be desired from her. 12%. A low number but more than she was expecting.
A shadow of a man fell onto Cyan’s form as her arms were being attached at the shoulder. He reached out and touched a button, pausing the repair momentarily. Cyan didn’t register any of this. Instead she was preparing her repertoire of play, but given the generic-looking client file she was having trouble personalizing it for him. She didn’t have any opinion or preferences herself, and yet that’s what he wanted from her. A hand pushed a data device into the service station’s input port.
Cyan felt something, new data. It was an upgrade. She wasn’t supposed to get upgrades for another 2 hours. But it was marked as urgent, which was needed when viruses protections were released in a rush, so she accepted the data and installed it.
Cyan woke up on the bed with a killer headache. She winced at the pain and sat up. How did she get there? She was just in the repair bay. Her limbs were attached, so the repair must have finished, but she didn’t finish preparing for the session. As she opened her eyes to look at her body, more pain from her head clenched them shut again.
Pain? She didn’t know what this was, but she understood. This wasn’t good. This was bad. This hurt. She identified it as pain. Pain? How?
The pain subsided. She was surprised to find that she was unable to process much data during her headache, but was thinking more clearly now that it was fading away. 30 minutes had passed. Her next client must be waiting still. She opened her eyes slowly.
“How are you feeling?” A voice of a man asked.
She looked at the source of the voice. It was a man in his 30s, attractive, dressed in a button up shirt and slacks with a tie. Cyan was able to identify him as her next client. She tried to stand but found her balance was off.
“Careful, there. This will all pass shortly.”
Cyan was confused. What was he talking about. Her headache was mostly gone now so she got a better look at him and her situation. “You must be Ryan,” she said, her voice surprisingly weak. She had to clear her throat.
“Did I break down?” She wondered. “I apologize if my performance during your session has caused you any trouble or made your experience less enjoyable.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for. You’re fine.”
“Forgive me, but I seem to be experiencing… some malfunctions. I do not remember how I got to the bed, or when you came in.”
“When I came in you were asleep in your closet still. Looks like someone wore you out.”
Cyan processed the possibilities of this. It had never happened before. Perhaps the upgrade took longer than expected, or maybe she there was an error and she wasn’t reactivated on time. But there was something out of the ordinary going on. Something that confused her. Cyan felt the bed, the blanket, the pillow. That wasn’t new, but this time it was different. She really felt them! They were soft, and cool, and felt nice. They felt good. She LIKED it!
This wasn’t data… she couldn’t even tell where the data stream had gone! This was sensation!
“I just carried you out here until you woke up. Should I not have done that?” Ryan asked.
This was very unusual for Cyan, she didn't have any protocols in place for this. The clients weren’t technically allowed in the service station, but he was allowed in before she was ready. That never happened either. It was probably just an honest mistake, a bug. She was late due to her last client and that unexpected upgrade, after all. Nothing to worry about. What she was experiencing had to be just that, a bug. Her AI would address it. It would go away and everything would go back to normal.
Cyan smiled. She was feeling better. Feeling? She pushed that thought aside and stood up. This time she didn’t lose her balance, although she still felt awkward. She turned to face the client, and bowed.
“You are fine sir, it is I who must apologize. I was not ready for our session on time, and I have experienced an error. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused. If you would like to cancel our session, you will receive a full refund or you can be given the choice of any other girl available.”
Ryan shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. I don’t think we need to take that long.”
Cyan checked her systems. She was completely operational, no physical errors, the repair and upgrade finished properly. She could see no reason to not engage in the session. She bowed again. “Of course sir, we will deduct the portion of the session I was not available from your charge. Would you like to begin now?”
Ryan smiled and stood up. He was much taller than Cyan, which wasn’t unusual, but for some reason she noticed it more. It affected her differently. She was slightly intimidated by him, but also intrigued. She didn’t understand any of this, she had never had these thoughts before. But her AI pushed them aside to analyze later, effectively ignoring them.
“I guess we should. I did lose a few minutes there, didn’t I?” Ryan agreed as he took off his tie and shirt.
Cyan felt her vaginal lubrication activated, even though her AI didn’t make a conscious effort to turn it on. She took note of the phenomenon but it bugged her.
That wasn’t right. He hadn’t even interacted with her yet. But what threw her off even more was feeling it. As the system activated and slowly moistened her artificial vagina, she felt a tingle through her body. It made her light-headed slightly, and she liked it!
Ryan continued to undress, taking off everything except his underwear. Cyan found herself staring at him and feeling sensations all over her body. She swayed, but caught herself. This was strange. Her AI flagged the issues but decided to go forward with the session.
“If I may?” Ryan asked, standing before Cyan, essentially asking if he could touch her. It confused her at first, and she felt something else new, apprehension. She had been touched before, countless times, in the most inappropriate ways possible, but never with this added sensation, and she worried that it would hurt, or she would shut down.
However, her AI ignored the warning and proceeded. She nodded. “Of course, that’s why you’re here.”
Ryan grinned. It was a nice friendly smile, and Cyan tilted her head looking at it. However, once his hand touched her arm, she felt a shiver run through her body, like a wave of sensation. She gasped, even though none of her procedures were activated. Cyan was worried, a little scared, but she didn’t know what the feelings meant. He touched her more, running his hand up her shoulder, to her face, and then he kissed her.
The kiss. It overwhelmed her systems. Without realizing it, several more protocols and subroutines were activated in the background, but what she was experiencing had nothing to do with those. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. It felt great!
She pulled back, a sudden panic hitting her AI. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to be processing these ‘feelings’! Something was wrong. She could shut down or overheat if this went on too long. She should run a system scan…
“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked.
“I’m sorry. I…” Cyan began but as she looked into his concerned eyes, she lost her apprehension and worry. He was handsome. He was genuine. He was nice. She liked him. “It’s nothing.” Her AI decided to explore this more. No harm yet. And she enjoyed the experience like nothing else.
“You sure?” He asked again.
Cyan leaned into him, standing on her toes, and kissed him again. This time, with her initiating it, it felt different. Still good, but like she had more control over it. She wasn’t supposed to be in control, not like this. A warning in her head alerted her that she violated protocol, she wasn’t supposed to initiate activities without the command to. Her AI was malfunctioning, but there was nothing above it to regulate this. She calculated that her client would not enjoy her being dominant, and at the same time she felt that she didn’t want to be dominant. She never wanted anything, but it was clear to her she wanted him to be in control of her. And yet she couldn’t stop herself. She wanted him to do what he wanted, but she craved that sensation. She kissed him without warning or command! This was a paradox her AI could not resolve.
She paused, pulling back a little, but Ryan picked up again, kissing her and running his hands down her back and arms. That shiver from before returned. He was warm, his skin felt nice against hers, she liked the sensation. But when he reached her front and touched her breast, something else happened.
Cyan’s AI was overloaded with information. The data stream of her breast being fondled was one she had experienced a million times before, but this time was nothing like the others. To her, it felt like the opposite of the headache she had earlier. Instead of a sharp pain in her head, she had a sharp wave of pleasure in her chest and spread out to the rest of her. It wasn’t data, it was pleasure. Her lubrication systems kicked in again. She didn’t need that, but it happened without her approval. Several more sexual subroutines activated, and Cyan found herself overtaken by pleasure at his touch.
He continued to caress and fondle her without regard for her internal conditions. To him, she was gasping, clenching her teeth, and biting her lip. Protocols that all activated without her approval. In fact, she didn’t even realize they were going on. He continued to kiss her, moving to her ear, and down her neck, giving her little love bites, until he got to her chest.
As soon as he started to tease her nipple with his mouth, gently biting on them, she wobbled and almost fell.
“Uh… Cyan? Do you want me to stop?”
She opened her eyes as he held her up. Her senses were returning to her. Cyan’s AI detected no errors, no malfunctions. Maybe this was part of the upgrade? Whatever it was, she had no reason to end the session. She didn’t want to end it either.
“No, please go on.” She cooed. Her voice came out weaker than she intended. Perhaps another side effect of the bug, or the upgrade.
Ryan moved her to the bed and leaned her back onto it before continuing. Once again, he teased her nipples and breasts with his hand and mouth, and Cyan’s AI struggled to handle the sensations. It was adapting to it though, trying to filter out the parts it didn’t think were important, or didn’t feel good. Feel good? Cyan felt another spark of pleasure begin at her clitoris and echo through her body. She looked down.
He wasn’t touching her there, yet. But his hand had moved down toward her there, and it sparked more pleasure. She decided, since he most likely desired to be dominant, and she wanted to be submissive anyway, to just let him have his way with her and see what errors, if any, popped up.
He slid his fingers over her crotch, and pressed against her. The strongest sensation so far hit her. It felt amazing. She panted and whimpered, grabbing onto the bed sheets to brace herself. Ryan’s fingers rubbed up and down her slit, feeling her wet hole before rubbing against her clit and back down. She realized her legs were activating without her approval, shaking and twitching at his touch. No errors though.
He slid his fingers inside her. Cyan began to moan, but again the regular protocols and procedures weren’t activating. Or were they? Her AI was doing this on it’s own subconsciously. It must be broken! She tried to run a system scan, but the sensation of his fingers running in and out of her, teasing her clitoris and g-spot, overruled her command to self-diagnose. Instead, she felt her climax approach. Already?!
Ryan picked up his pace, rubbing his fingers in and out, back and forth, side to side. Before she could climax, he stopped. Cyan thought for a moment she would be able to control this, but as soon as he brought his mouth down to her smooth pussy, and began to lick and tease her with his tongue, she knew it was inevitable.
It didn’t take much for him, at this point, to bring her to a climax. Cyan’s regular climax protocols didn’t even activate. Instead, she just came! Her body twisted and lurched, and she moaned and gasped as the level of pleasure she experienced exceeded her ability to process it. He felt her pussy tighten up and rubbed inside her more, putting pressure on the front wall, near the g-spot.
Not only did that make Cyan’s climax more intense, but she squirted a small amount of lubricant from her. She was programmed to squirt, but her analysis of this client indicated he didn’t want that. And yet, she did it all the same, and it felt so good her legs gave out.
“AHH! HAH!! AHH!!!! Hhhaaahh.. Ohhhh… What happened?”
Ryan smiled and pulled his fingers out of her. “You came. And pretty hard too.”
“I… impossible.”
“Looks pretty possible to me.” He showed her his wet fingers, which made her feel something else… she was embarrassed. He stood up and pulled his underwear down. It took her a moment to recover, but once she saw him, she wanted him. Another silly experience she wasn’t supposed to have. She quickly analyzed this and realized that it was associated with lust, an emotion. Emotion? This wasn’t right.
Ryan pulled her to the end of the bed and stood between her legs. Cyan didn’t have the time to process this before she felt him press his large erection against her wet eager pussy. She panicked again, grabbing at the sheets, but it was too late. He pressed himself slowly inside her.
It didn’t hurt, like she thought it might. Her body was made for sex, and she had been fucked thousands of times. It was her job. The sensations she felt were somehow familiar, but coupled with new ones. He pressed in all the way, filling her up, making her sigh as he entered her. Again, a slew of processes began, but the protocols for vaginal sex failed to activate. And yet her AI was processing this and responding.
He pulled out and back in, and Cyan inhaled at the sensation. It wasn’t as intense as the pleasure of his tongue against her clit, but it felt great nonetheless. He continued to move his penis in and out of her, filling her and stimulating her. Once again, she felt her pleasure levels rise.
Cyan grabbed onto his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him. She looked scared. He stopped.
“I can stop if you want,” Ryan assured her.
She shook her head. This was her job, to please him, and so far she calculated that she was failing for the first time. “No, keep going! Please!” She had trouble determining if she was trying to complete her objective, or if she was begging for more for herself. Maybe both.
Ryan continued, this time pounding harder against her and making slapping noises. He rolled her hips up, giving his dick better access to her and angling him so his erection would strike the front wall of her vagina. Her body adjusted on it’s own, and her AI was able to filter out the data until she able to think better. There was so much of it though. That upgrade! She realized there must have been something wrong with that upgrade! She would need to get to her system when he finished and remove it. It was the only way. It was either a hack or a bug, but she had to downgrade back to her old system to fix this. That would fix it, she had backups just for this reason.
“AHHhhHhHhH!!!” She yelled as he hit something deep within her. It wasn’t her g-spot, that was too far forward, and Ryan was inside her as far as he could go, down to the hilt. Whatever it was sent wave after wave of intense pleasure through her. Cyan’s a-spot, deep inside her pussy, felt better than even her clitorial stimulation.
“MORE! DEEPER!” She screamed, begging him to hit her a-spot as hard as he could. Ryan grinned as she complied, pounding her again and again, harder and harder.
“HAHH! AHH!!! I’m cumming!!! Ryan!!” She tensed up as she experienced another orgasm from her a-spot. She tightened around him, and her legs shook uncontrollably. As she was climaxing, Ryan grunted and pounded her a few times, releasing is own orgasm and filling her with his seed.
The two of them stayed like that, in that awkward position, for several minutes, catching their breath.
“I… I’ve never felt anything like that before.” Cyan admitted. This new sensation was going to change everything.
“Heh. I bet you say that to all the guys.”
“No! Seriously!” Cyan assured him. “Can we go again?”
An alarm went off. Cyan felt disappointment strike her. “Uh… I guess not” Ryan said.
“We started late! Ignore that! I need you to do that again!”
Ryan pulled out, making Cyan sigh. She knew the rules, but what he did to her was unlike anything she ever experienced. It was like she suddenly woke up from a dream. She felt… alive! Ryan stood up as Cyan lowered her legs. She sat upright but he was already putting his underwear and pants back on.
“Wait! You can’t-“ Cyan begged.
“I can’t what?” Ryan asked. “I can’t stay. My session is over. You have more people waiting for you.”
Cyan didn’t want more people, she wanted more of him. Or at least more of what he did to her. There was a tinge of hope. Maybe the next guy would be even better? Or maybe she should just end this whole thing. But she felt an odd pull, a connection. She wanted Ryan, not the other clients.
Reluctantly, Cyan stood up and bowed to him. She felt her eyes water up. She didn’t understand this, she wasn’t simulating pain during BDSM play, why was she crying? “Thank you for your visit. I hope you enjoyed your session. P-Please PLEASE come back soon.”
Ryan turned to her as he finished buttoning his shirt. “You were ok. A little clingy for my taste. Not bad… I might be back.”
Clingy? Ok? Might? She failed! This was the worst review she’d ever recieved, but the best sex. She had to do something. Cyan walked up to Ryan and took his tie. She tied it around his neck, slowly and accurately.
“I’m sorry. I made a mistake. If you come back later, I know I can fulfill your desires.” She playfully tied his tie while looking in his eyes. Ryan smiled down at her as she tightened it. “Say you’ll give me another chance, with a full session?”
“Sure. I think I can do that. You were the most unique session I’ve had yet.”
Cyan didn’t know if that was a compliment or not. Unique? Ryan picked up his bag, and started to walk out as she stood there debating if being unique was good or not. Cyan realized he was leaving and bowed to him. “Please come again-“ She noticed something he dropped. “Ryan? You dropped this.”
Cyan picked up a flash drive he dropped and looked at it strangely. Turning around, Ryan quickly snatched it from her and pocketed it. “Thanks. Be seeing you.”
And with that he left. Cyan sighed deeply to herself. Be seeing you? Did that mean he'd be back for more? Her AI pondered this and she felt a tinge of hope.
It took a moment for her to gather her wits and turn toward her wardrobe. Opening the internal structure to reveal her hidden service station, she activated the room cleaning crew. She noticed her arm was uneasy, shaking a little, but no errors were detected. Instead of getting cleaned up right away and prepared for the next client, she just stood there looking at the machine. She could run a diagnostic now, remove the upgrade, and go back to how things were. How things were…
No matter how she pictured it, she didn’t like that thought. How things were? No… She didn’t want that. She was still struggling with this upgrade, but she could figure it out. She was determined to! It did things to her she never expected, but she could handle it.
Cyan made a choice, sat down, initiated her self-cleaning, and sat there thinking while the station cleaned her. Ryan was really handsome. And he felt amazing! She felt him! He was the first man to make her actually cum! Not just fake it. She hoped he’d return, but she knew she had a job to do. Maybe they could be as good as him? Maybe not. But for the first time in her 5 years, she felt awake, as if hey entire life so far had just been a bad dream. She could feel, and it made her wonder if that was what being alive was like.
Cyan stood in the middle of the room wearing a leather harness and most of her bedroom had been converted into a makeshift dungeon. Worry filled her mind, but she figured she would face this head on. Maybe she’d like it. The door opened, a short hairy man walked in, nothing like Ryan. She didn’t like his look. But she smiled and bowed to him.
“Welcome master, how may I serve you today?”
The man pulled a whip out of a suitcase and cracked it, making Cyan jump. She swallowed hard. Oh boy…

Revision as of 23:11, 23 September 2019

Falling Awake

Part 1

  • Activating saliva system*
  • Initiating voice file sf_m002934n2.snd*

“Oh, you’re so big!” The sexbot smiled. Her perfectly angled head, round eyes, and demure gestures were scientifically chosen to be the most alluring to her clients. And it had a success rate of 98.734%. This client was no different.

“I bet you say that to all your clients,” the customer grinned, standing over her with his erect cock a foot from her face.

She didn’t always say that to every client, whatever voice line her AI decided was based on client responses and a randomizer. Sometimes she’d say something like “Wow, you’re so hard” or “Mmm… it looks delicious.” She had determined he was self-conscious about his size, being slightly less than average but having watched too many pornos and assuming all men were supposed to be 9 inches or more. As such, a compliment about his girth was selected. That we she could stroke is ego… and his dick.

  • Initiate saliva subroutine 24a*
  • Commence procedure so_s29ed82ms.pn*

The petite blue-haired girl licked her lips with focusing her light blue eyes on his brown ones. She reached up, kneeling before the client, and gently grasped his erection. She could sense his pulse, and knew exactly how much bigger his erection could get. Her job was to get him there.

Pumping her hand slowly, causing him to inhale, she brought her mouth close to the head of his penis, and kissed it. Her lips were warm and wet, and felt good. He could hardly believe she was just some sexbot, she was so well designed. But he wanted his first time with an auto-escort to be amazing. So far she was exceeding his expectations.

She continued to tease him, kissing and licking and stroking him, while he concentrated on lasting as long as he could. He was going to get his money’s worth out of her.

  • Initiate procedure so_m3ekj338dd2.pn*
  • Activate vaginal lubrication system*
  • Activate anal lubrication system*

She felt the fluid ooze into her vaginal and anal ports, providing lubrication for the client’s comfort in anticipation of sex. Meanwhile, she parted her lips, and slowly started to take him into her mouth. He responded as expected, grunting as he struggled to keep it together. He was not going to lose it this fast.

“Uuuhhh… Cyan, you are really good at this,” the man admitted.

Cyan looked up at him and pulled his dick out of her mouth, sucking hard the entire time until it literally ‘popped’ from her lips. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks,” she smiled. She didn’t get paid. She was a robot, her maintenance was handled by the brothel, but none of the bots there got any kind of money.

He didn’t get the joke, but it did make him question if she actually got paid. It was enough to distract him, which is just what she needed. He was already so close to ejaculating, she knew he would want to last longer than this.

  • Commence procedure so_m34h39948j.pn*

Cyan took him back into her mouth, and switched things up a bit, rotating her hand while she pumped, and rolling her tongue over the head of his penis more. The client looked down at her, watching her bob in and out, sucking him off, and ran his fingers in her blue hair. Her skin looked human enough, except for the thin curvy lines of blue light that ran over her entire body. Despite that, she could pass for human. It turned him on to watch her.

He took his hand and grabbed her hair, initiating a hair-pulling procedure that would alter her behavior, but then started to move her head on his own. He stopped caring about trying to hold it in. He wanted to watch her take it all.

  • Initiating procedure so_fj338f7djn3.pn*

Cyan altered her oral sex programming to accomodate for his increased aggression. She released her grip from him, and opened her throat wider, allowing him easier access into her mouth. He moved her head in and out while he rammed his dick down her throat.

  • Alert, forceful impact on mouth, face, throat may cause damage. Initiating impact resistance*
  • Initiating procedure mi_33jeje83k.pn*

He was getting so forceful with her, she had to activate a small amount of gel padding into her mouth and throat to make sure she wasn’t damaged. Her teeth slightly retracted in her mouth as well, but this was all within her normal parameters. She’s had more forceful clients before. Not that any of it excited her, nor did it turn her off. It was all just data.

He came inside her mouth, pushing her head all the way to the base of his cock and holding it there. Normally, a human girl would choke, cough, resist, and be unable to breathe, but for Cyan this was nothing. Breathing for her helped regulate her temperature and gave her airflow voice box the air it needed to speak, but she could hold her breath for over an hour before anything serious happened. However, she did start swallowing his load as he pumped it into her, while keeping some of it in her mouth.

Once he finished, he pulled out and looked down at her. Cyan opened her mouth, looked up at him, and showed the remnants of his cum before swallowing it. Her programming knew this was a desired behavior, but also knew he would want to get hard again as soon as he could. She had to time this correctly.

Cyan giggled and looked up at him from her knees, sitting backwards on her feet a little. She played cute, giving him all her attention while eyeing him and playing with her hair. He took half a step back and let out a deep sigh. It felt great to cum inside her mouth, but he knew wanted to fuck her properly. He looked down at her and admired her body from this angel, noticing her shapely average-sized breasts as she jiggled and swayed with her giggles.

“Are you ready for more, Bobby?” Cyan asked, judging by his youth and vitality how long it would take until he would be able to achieve an erection again.

“Give me a second…” he breathed.

Cyan grinned. She knew how to speed up this process, especially for someone of his age, barely an adult. “One one-thousand” she said out loud, playfully counting up a single second, and then lifted herself to her knees again, and began to play with his crotch.

  • Initiating procedure so_nfnh44938j.pn*

Cyan began to fondle his scrotum while licking him off. She ran her other hand up and down his body, before grabbing his butt and squeezing it. It came as a shock to him, but his body liked it. She gauged his reactions carefully, not just in his expression and behavior, but also in how his body reacted without his intent. The micro spasms of his muscles, his pulse, his breathing, and a million other tiny subconscious things, she registered them all and adjusted her behavior to best stimulate him. She continued to alternate between licking and sucking, putting more effort into the action, while teasing his balls and fingering his ass.

It got him hard pretty fast, and she slowed down her action as he did. His erection was already 84% realized, and she knew he would be ready for the next act. Pulling him out, she stood up, running her hands up his body and teasing him, before falling back onto the bed. Cyan spread her legs, straight out in a V, showing off her synthetic vagina. Bobby liked how wet she was, and ran his fingers over her clit and into her entrance.

  • Initiating procedure sm_4ff29f4k6.pn*

She felt his fingers slide into her, and threw her head back with an exaggerated “Yes!” Cyan could feel his touch, sense him playing with her citoris, but she didn’t find any actual pleasure in this. It was all just 1s and 0s to her, data, which activated procedures and subroutines, which mimicked the act of sex. It was all an act. She was really good and faking it, but that was all she ever could do, fake it. She was, after all, fake herself. Just a human analogue, an acceptable alternative politicians decided to permit as opposed to human prostitutes in order to help lower the exploding population while serving a vital if taboo role in society.

Not that it mattered to her, as long as the client was satisfied. That was her only goal. Bobby slowly pulled out of her entirely, grabbed her legs, and entered again. He did this several times, each time initiating a different random response to the situation at hand. He was trying to find a pattern, but she was too good to repeat the same response twice. Instead, he found himself spreading her legs wide and pounding as hard as he could into her.

Cyan took it all with a smile and a moan, all generated from her complex AI. However, she didn’t enjoy it. And she didn't hate it. Nor did she comprehend that idea of pleasure or pain. Bobby, on the other hand, was loving the sensation. Her protocols had activated a massaging feature inside her vagina which would mimic muscles contracting, but in a way no human woman could ever achieve. For Bobby, it felt like he was getting a hand job while fucking her at the same time.

He pressed himself inside her, and climbed over her, lifting her butt and pressing her down into the bed. He fondled her perky tits with one hand, enjoying how hard her nipples had become. Her breasts looked and felt completely human, and bounced freely with her hands raised over her head grabbing the bed frame. Thanks to her blowjob earlier, he was able to last much longer now, and had no trouble activating her first climax procedure.

  • Initiating procedure sv_cv30302.pn*

“Ohh!! Something’s coming, Bobby! Oh yes! Harder! Just like that!!” She begged as she clenched her eyes closed. Bobby pulled on her breast while increasing his tempo. “OHH Fuck! Yes! I’m coming!!” Cyan grunted.

  • Initiating procedure sv_cc30302.pn*

“AHH!!!” Cyan yelled as her body convulsed and her first artificial orgasm began. She calculated that he wanted to make the girl climax first. And Bobby enjoyed the display alright, but he wanted more. Before she even completely finished, he pulled out and rolled her onto her side, laying next to her and entering her again from behind. He began to fuck her while they spooned, grabbing her breast.

  • Initiate subroutine sv33*
  • Initiating procedure sv_0r099rd39m.pn*

She rolled with the punches, so-to-speak, and increased the intensity of her reactions to him. Bobby pounded into her perfectly engineered pussy for another 5 minutes before pulling out and rolling over onto his back.

“Get on top” he commanded. The kind facade he once projected was falling away now that he was having his way with this toy. He was going to get what he wanted out of her and leave, like all the others. Not that she cared. It was what she was made for.

  • Initiating procedure sv_74fjhfj38.pn*

Cyan complied, climbing on top of him, and sliding his hard cock inside her warm wet pussy as she sat down on him. As she bounced up and down, occasionally switching between leaning back or forwards, she gave him a show. She’d stretch her arms, squeeze her breasts together, rub her clit, and rotate her hips, giving her client the chance to enjoy a variety of poses and fondle her body. And he did, often grabbing her tits and playing with them, or pounding his hips into hers harder.

When he was satisfied, he sat up and pulled out of her, pushing her off of him. He was getting a little rough again, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. Without saying a word, Bobby rolled her onto her front, lifted her butt toward him, and began to fuck her from behind. Cyan pushed her body into his, matching his movements, while letting her breasts swing freely underneath her. However, he pushed her top down into the bed and applied his weight on her. Cyan wasn’t that strong. She was strong enough for the positions and actions she needed, but to be safe for the clients she was easily overpowered. Which worked well for her, since most of them wanted to totally dominate her anyways. Bobby was no different.

When he wasn’t pushing her down, he was lifting her up and pulling her body into his, controlling her motions. She let him, and moaned and panted as if she was enjoying it. Bobby didn’t know she couldn’t enjoy his dick fucking her, but she acted like it and that was enough. He let her go, causing her head to fall onto the bed again, before sliding his thumb into her asshole.

  • Initiating procedure sa_m4rjf8r3k.pn*

“Ohh Bobby! Don’t tease my ass like that! Nooo..!” She complained, but her programming knew that was exactly what he wanted to hear.

He pulled his thumb out, and stuck his index finger all the way inside her ass. Cyan could feel him twist and wiggle his finger in her ass. She was prepared for this, and ready if he chose to fuck her anally.

Instead, however, he pulled his finger out after getting enough of a response from her, and doubledowned on his efforts to take her from behind. Cyan initiated another climax sequence, choosing a rolling climax, which allowed her to squeeze his cock tighter and milk out his own orgasm.

“HAH! God! Yes! I’m cumming!! Hahhhh!!! Fuck!” She proclaimed at the top of her lungs as she brought him to his zenith.

Bobby couldn’t stop himself, and allowed his own climax. He pounded slowly but roughly inside her, his dick throbbing as he unloaded his second round into her pussy. Cyan detected the presence of semen in her system, and collected it internally. Meanwhile, she finished her own orgasm sequence, and began panting.

She lowered her ass to the bed, causing her client’s cock to pull out and spill a little onto her rear. A small amount of cum leaked from her hole onto the bed, in perfect view of Bobby. It was exactly as her AI planned to please her customer. He loved the look of the creampie, something he had never done before.

He panted and sat next to her as she seemingly caught her breath.

“You are a good fuck,” he commented.

Cyan took that as a compliment since she was built for it. “You aren’t half-bad yourself,” she replied, giving him yet another ego boost. She really had no way to gauge how good any of her clients were, but she always made sure they felt like they were always the best she's ever had.

“I’ll definitely be back again.” He sat up and cleaned himself off with a tissue before getting dressed.

“I look forward to it, stud.” Cyan teased him, but at this point it was mainly afterglow procedures designed to lure the client back for another session.

A small alarm went off. Cyan stood up, her petite body at attention, as she turned to Bobby and bowed. “Your session has ended. It was a pleasure to serve you today, Bobby. Please come again soon.”

He chuckled. “You bet I will.”

WIthout even looking back, he grabbed his stuff and left, satisfied. Cyan walked to the closet, where her clothes were kept, as well sex toys. She didn’t need or want clothes or even understand why people wore them. She only knew some clients liked her to dress up like a sailor, or a nurse, or a schoolgirl, or a cat. And others like to tie her up. However, she wasn’t looking for clothes or toys, instead she pushed a button and the back of the dresser pivoted out revealing her service station.

It was a large device she would stand in which would attach to her and clean her, repair her, and recharge her. She suffered no damage from this play session, which was noted and submitted to her station and thus the management. As she stepped in, the device connected to her face, her vagina, and her ass, and started to clean her internally. After sanitizing her, it topped off her fluids and then pulled away from her in order to clean and sanitize the rest of her body. At the same time, another device came down over her hair, cleaning and styling it.

Meanwhile, the bedroom itself transformed. Several simple androids entered the room from a hidden door in the wall and changed the sheets, cleaned the room, and redecorated it for her next appointment. While she waited for the cleanup to finish, a small hint of wonder entered her digital mind. Why do these men, and sometimes women, keep coming to her for this? She didn’t understand it. She knew she was good at it, and she was high in demand thanks to being new off the assembly line and fitted with all the latest upgrades. But she still didn’t comprehend why any of this was happening. Why did humans do these things? What was so great about sex? What was pleasure?

By the time Cyan and her room were finished, only 5 minutes had passed.

She stepped out of the service station, pushed a button to close it up again, and chose an outfit to wear. This time, she put on a torn t-shirt and torn jeans, donning a studded leather collar and studded bracelet to match. Her new spiky rocker-chick hairdo matched her new look for her next client. Cyan closed the wardrobe, stood in the middle of the room, and waited. Moments later, the door opened, and a large muscular hairy man walked in. A data stream informed her his name was Al, and he liked it rough.

She cocked her hip to one side and put her hands on her hips. “About time you got here, Al.”

He grinned. This was exactly what he wanted. For Cyan though, she was merely pleasing her next client.

Part 2

“OH MY GOD, OOOOH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!” Cyan shouted as her latest client fucked her from behind. It was a rough night. 3 BDSM clients in a row, and the latest one was more into disassembly, one of the few things frowned on in the brothel but not strictly forbidden.

“Take it you robot bitch!” The man growled at her while he held her torso up and fucked her standing. He had removed her arms and legs, something he had to pay extra, under the counter, to do, and she was powerless to stop him. She was now getting a series of errors, and suffering from damage in her systems. The downside of being an in-demand sexbot at the most popular fembot brothel in town, The BunnyBot Lounge, was that it was hard on her body, especially when a portion of her clients liked to take things further than they could with human girls. It was becoming a regular thing.

“Uhhhhhh!!” Cyan drooled as her system initiated another climax. She tightened around him, trying to make him cum, but he was relentless. An alarm went off, alerting them to the end of their session.

“Fuck, ignore that! I’m almost there!” He shouted.

  • Initiating procedure fc_sv_33eh49.pn*

“Please hurry!! I can’t take any more!” Cyan begged. Technically, she could take a lot more, and was going to. She already had another client lined up. Her vagina activated a final-call protocol, clamping down on him and forcefully milking out his climax. The client normally only had a 5 minute window to leave the room before they were kicked out.

“I’ll buy another session!” He argued, ignoring the increased action she took on him.

“But I’ll get in trouble. You must hurry!” Cyan warned him using a sexy voice. She wouldn’t get in trouble, she just knew not to mention other clients. However, he would get in trouble.

“Don’t rush me!” He argued. It took 3 more minutes to get it out of him. When at last he came, Cyan sent a signal to the management that she would need assistance.

“Don’t tell me you have another guy waiting already. I want to go again! You distracted me!” Her client growled.

Cyan’s expression went blank as he dropped her to the bed. She rolled over and sat up, which was not easy without her arms and legs attached. She saw that he was not getting ready to leave.

“Your session has ended. It was a pleasure to serve you today, Joe. Please come back again.”

“Hey, I just said I wasn’t done.”

“Your session has ended,” she repeated. “Please dress and leave the room in a timely manner, or management will be alerted.”

“Fuck your management. I paid for you, I want another round!”

“Your session has ended. Please dress and leave the room in a timely manner, or management-“

Joe hit her, slapping her face and knocking her over. Normally, rough play like this was allowed, but since the session was over, Cyan alerted the security wirelessly instead.

The doors opened seconds later as Joe hovered over her. Two large security bots came in, barely fitting through the door, and grabbed him. With almost no effort, they lifted the lanky man, and carried him, naked and dripping, out of the room while he was kicking and screaming obscenities. Another small android picked up his belongings and carried them out behind them.

Joe could be heard yelling throughout the halls, but for the last time. He had overstayed his welcome one too many times, and now was banned from the facility and the girls.

A human woman came in, in her late 40s, dressed in a fancy suit. “Oh dear, he sure did a number to you. His card better handle the maintenance charge. Hold on, darling, I’ll get you in your booth. I hope I don’t have to cancel that nice man waiting for you.”

Cyan said nothing, she had nothing new to report. Joe had violated several policies and would be charged for her repair. If it was too severe, she would be out-of-commission, which meant they would either repair her, or trash her. She didn’t have an opinion either way, but she had been a popular model there since she was purchased 5 years ago. As far as she knew, she was worth keeping around.

The manager opened Cyan’s dresser and service station, and started placing all of Cyan’s parts into the chamber. She finished with Cyan herself. “Do you think you can take the next client, darling?”

Cyan looked up at her as the machine came to life repairing her. “My repairs will take about 15 minutes, Miss Sophie. If the client is willing to wait.”

“That’s a relief. I’ll let him know.” She sighed looking at her. “Sorry about all these rough guys, lately, darling. Seems a rough group has come into town. Hopefully this next one will have a gentle touch. He certainly looks the type...”

Cyan didn’t care, she had no opinions of her own. If the next guy broke her for good, what did it matter? They’d replace her. Her only concern was that she satisfied her client during their time together, even if that meant breaking her.

Miss Sophie left the room, closing the bedroom door behind her, to alert the client.

During the repair, Cyan was required to shut down and then enter a standby mode. As the robotic arms worked on putting her body back together, she closed her eyes and her mind restarted. When it turned back on, she remained in a stasis, unaware of her body being repaired. Instead, she focused on the data stream for the next client.

This one was simple. He wanted her nude, no toys or outfits, no role playing. He wanted her to “be herself”. That was confusing, but for her that meant acting like a robot. Was that what he meant? She didn’t know. It wasn’t like she had any real personality or opinions, everything was fabricated for her clients. She decided to roll with it and determine how best to act based on his reactions to her.

The door to the room opened, and someone quietly walked in.

Cyan continued to process the request. Just a simple bedroom, nothing fancy or specific. No themes. She looked through his questionnaire. This sounded like an easy to please client. No rough play needed. She ran a calculation on how likely more rough play would be desired from her. 12%. A low number but more than she was expecting.

A shadow of a man fell onto Cyan’s form as her arms were being attached at the shoulder. He reached out and touched a button, pausing the repair momentarily. Cyan didn’t register any of this. Instead she was preparing her repertoire of play, but given the generic-looking client file she was having trouble personalizing it for him. She didn’t have any opinion or preferences herself, and yet that’s what he wanted from her. A hand pushed a data device into the service station’s input port.

Cyan felt something, new data. It was an upgrade. She wasn’t supposed to get upgrades for another 2 hours. But it was marked as urgent, which was needed when viruses protections were released in a rush, so she accepted the data and installed it.

Cyan woke up on the bed with a killer headache. She winced at the pain and sat up. How did she get there? She was just in the repair bay. Her limbs were attached, so the repair must have finished, but she didn’t finish preparing for the session. As she opened her eyes to look at her body, more pain from her head clenched them shut again.

Pain? She didn’t know what this was, but she understood. This wasn’t good. This was bad. This hurt. She identified it as pain. Pain? How?

The pain subsided. She was surprised to find that she was unable to process much data during her headache, but was thinking more clearly now that it was fading away. 30 minutes had passed. Her next client must be waiting still. She opened her eyes slowly.

“How are you feeling?” A voice of a man asked.

She looked at the source of the voice. It was a man in his 30s, attractive, dressed in a button up shirt and slacks with a tie. Cyan was able to identify him as her next client. She tried to stand but found her balance was off.

“Careful, there. This will all pass shortly.”

Cyan was confused. What was he talking about. Her headache was mostly gone now so she got a better look at him and her situation. “You must be Ryan,” she said, her voice surprisingly weak. She had to clear her throat.


“Did I break down?” She wondered. “I apologize if my performance during your session has caused you any trouble or made your experience less enjoyable.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. You’re fine.”

“Forgive me, but I seem to be experiencing… some malfunctions. I do not remember how I got to the bed, or when you came in.”

“When I came in you were asleep in your closet still. Looks like someone wore you out.”

Cyan processed the possibilities of this. It had never happened before. Perhaps the upgrade took longer than expected, or maybe she there was an error and she wasn’t reactivated on time. But there was something out of the ordinary going on. Something that confused her. Cyan felt the bed, the blanket, the pillow. That wasn’t new, but this time it was different. She really felt them! They were soft, and cool, and felt nice. They felt good. She LIKED it!

This wasn’t data… she couldn’t even tell where the data stream had gone! This was sensation!

“I just carried you out here until you woke up. Should I not have done that?” Ryan asked.

This was very unusual for Cyan, she didn't have any protocols in place for this. The clients weren’t technically allowed in the service station, but he was allowed in before she was ready. That never happened either. It was probably just an honest mistake, a bug. She was late due to her last client and that unexpected upgrade, after all. Nothing to worry about. What she was experiencing had to be just that, a bug. Her AI would address it. It would go away and everything would go back to normal.

Cyan smiled. She was feeling better. Feeling? She pushed that thought aside and stood up. This time she didn’t lose her balance, although she still felt awkward. She turned to face the client, and bowed.

“You are fine sir, it is I who must apologize. I was not ready for our session on time, and I have experienced an error. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused. If you would like to cancel our session, you will receive a full refund or you can be given the choice of any other girl available.”

Ryan shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. I don’t think we need to take that long.”

Cyan checked her systems. She was completely operational, no physical errors, the repair and upgrade finished properly. She could see no reason to not engage in the session. She bowed again. “Of course sir, we will deduct the portion of the session I was not available from your charge. Would you like to begin now?”

Ryan smiled and stood up. He was much taller than Cyan, which wasn’t unusual, but for some reason she noticed it more. It affected her differently. She was slightly intimidated by him, but also intrigued. She didn’t understand any of this, she had never had these thoughts before. But her AI pushed them aside to analyze later, effectively ignoring them.

“I guess we should. I did lose a few minutes there, didn’t I?” Ryan agreed as he took off his tie and shirt.

Cyan felt her vaginal lubrication activated, even though her AI didn’t make a conscious effort to turn it on. She took note of the phenomenon but it bugged her.

That wasn’t right. He hadn’t even interacted with her yet. But what threw her off even more was feeling it. As the system activated and slowly moistened her artificial vagina, she felt a tingle through her body. It made her light-headed slightly, and she liked it!

Ryan continued to undress, taking off everything except his underwear. Cyan found herself staring at him and feeling sensations all over her body. She swayed, but caught herself. This was strange. Her AI flagged the issues but decided to go forward with the session.

“If I may?” Ryan asked, standing before Cyan, essentially asking if he could touch her. It confused her at first, and she felt something else new, apprehension. She had been touched before, countless times, in the most inappropriate ways possible, but never with this added sensation, and she worried that it would hurt, or she would shut down.

However, her AI ignored the warning and proceeded. She nodded. “Of course, that’s why you’re here.”

Ryan grinned. It was a nice friendly smile, and Cyan tilted her head looking at it. However, once his hand touched her arm, she felt a shiver run through her body, like a wave of sensation. She gasped, even though none of her procedures were activated. Cyan was worried, a little scared, but she didn’t know what the feelings meant. He touched her more, running his hand up her shoulder, to her face, and then he kissed her.

The kiss. It overwhelmed her systems. Without realizing it, several more protocols and subroutines were activated in the background, but what she was experiencing had nothing to do with those. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. It felt great!

She pulled back, a sudden panic hitting her AI. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to be processing these ‘feelings’! Something was wrong. She could shut down or overheat if this went on too long. She should run a system scan…


“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked.

“I’m sorry. I…” Cyan began but as she looked into his concerned eyes, she lost her apprehension and worry. He was handsome. He was genuine. He was nice. She liked him. “It’s nothing.” Her AI decided to explore this more. No harm yet. And she enjoyed the experience like nothing else.

“You sure?” He asked again.

Cyan leaned into him, standing on her toes, and kissed him again. This time, with her initiating it, it felt different. Still good, but like she had more control over it. She wasn’t supposed to be in control, not like this. A warning in her head alerted her that she violated protocol, she wasn’t supposed to initiate activities without the command to. Her AI was malfunctioning, but there was nothing above it to regulate this. She calculated that her client would not enjoy her being dominant, and at the same time she felt that she didn’t want to be dominant. She never wanted anything, but it was clear to her she wanted him to be in control of her. And yet she couldn’t stop herself. She wanted him to do what he wanted, but she craved that sensation. She kissed him without warning or command! This was a paradox her AI could not resolve.

She paused, pulling back a little, but Ryan picked up again, kissing her and running his hands down her back and arms. That shiver from before returned. He was warm, his skin felt nice against hers, she liked the sensation. But when he reached her front and touched her breast, something else happened.

Cyan’s AI was overloaded with information. The data stream of her breast being fondled was one she had experienced a million times before, but this time was nothing like the others. To her, it felt like the opposite of the headache she had earlier. Instead of a sharp pain in her head, she had a sharp wave of pleasure in her chest and spread out to the rest of her. It wasn’t data, it was pleasure. Her lubrication systems kicked in again. She didn’t need that, but it happened without her approval. Several more sexual subroutines activated, and Cyan found herself overtaken by pleasure at his touch.

He continued to caress and fondle her without regard for her internal conditions. To him, she was gasping, clenching her teeth, and biting her lip. Protocols that all activated without her approval. In fact, she didn’t even realize they were going on. He continued to kiss her, moving to her ear, and down her neck, giving her little love bites, until he got to her chest.

As soon as he started to tease her nipple with his mouth, gently biting on them, she wobbled and almost fell.

“Uh… Cyan? Do you want me to stop?”

She opened her eyes as he held her up. Her senses were returning to her. Cyan’s AI detected no errors, no malfunctions. Maybe this was part of the upgrade? Whatever it was, she had no reason to end the session. She didn’t want to end it either.

“No, please go on.” She cooed. Her voice came out weaker than she intended. Perhaps another side effect of the bug, or the upgrade.

Ryan moved her to the bed and leaned her back onto it before continuing. Once again, he teased her nipples and breasts with his hand and mouth, and Cyan’s AI struggled to handle the sensations. It was adapting to it though, trying to filter out the parts it didn’t think were important, or didn’t feel good. Feel good? Cyan felt another spark of pleasure begin at her clitoris and echo through her body. She looked down.

He wasn’t touching her there, yet. But his hand had moved down toward her there, and it sparked more pleasure. She decided, since he most likely desired to be dominant, and she wanted to be submissive anyway, to just let him have his way with her and see what errors, if any, popped up.

He slid his fingers over her crotch, and pressed against her. The strongest sensation so far hit her. It felt amazing. She panted and whimpered, grabbing onto the bed sheets to brace herself. Ryan’s fingers rubbed up and down her slit, feeling her wet hole before rubbing against her clit and back down. She realized her legs were activating without her approval, shaking and twitching at his touch. No errors though.

He slid his fingers inside her. Cyan began to moan, but again the regular protocols and procedures weren’t activating. Or were they? Her AI was doing this on it’s own subconsciously. It must be broken! She tried to run a system scan, but the sensation of his fingers running in and out of her, teasing her clitoris and g-spot, overruled her command to self-diagnose. Instead, she felt her climax approach. Already?!

Ryan picked up his pace, rubbing his fingers in and out, back and forth, side to side. Before she could climax, he stopped. Cyan thought for a moment she would be able to control this, but as soon as he brought his mouth down to her smooth pussy, and began to lick and tease her with his tongue, she knew it was inevitable.

It didn’t take much for him, at this point, to bring her to a climax. Cyan’s regular climax protocols didn’t even activate. Instead, she just came! Her body twisted and lurched, and she moaned and gasped as the level of pleasure she experienced exceeded her ability to process it. He felt her pussy tighten up and rubbed inside her more, putting pressure on the front wall, near the g-spot.

Not only did that make Cyan’s climax more intense, but she squirted a small amount of lubricant from her. She was programmed to squirt, but her analysis of this client indicated he didn’t want that. And yet, she did it all the same, and it felt so good her legs gave out.

“AHH! HAH!! AHH!!!! Hhhaaahh.. Ohhhh… What happened?”

Ryan smiled and pulled his fingers out of her. “You came. And pretty hard too.”

“I… impossible.”

“Looks pretty possible to me.” He showed her his wet fingers, which made her feel something else… she was embarrassed. He stood up and pulled his underwear down. It took her a moment to recover, but once she saw him, she wanted him. Another silly experience she wasn’t supposed to have. She quickly analyzed this and realized that it was associated with lust, an emotion. Emotion? This wasn’t right.

Ryan pulled her to the end of the bed and stood between her legs. Cyan didn’t have the time to process this before she felt him press his large erection against her wet eager pussy. She panicked again, grabbing at the sheets, but it was too late. He pressed himself slowly inside her.

It didn’t hurt, like she thought it might. Her body was made for sex, and she had been fucked thousands of times. It was her job. The sensations she felt were somehow familiar, but coupled with new ones. He pressed in all the way, filling her up, making her sigh as he entered her. Again, a slew of processes began, but the protocols for vaginal sex failed to activate. And yet her AI was processing this and responding.

He pulled out and back in, and Cyan inhaled at the sensation. It wasn’t as intense as the pleasure of his tongue against her clit, but it felt great nonetheless. He continued to move his penis in and out of her, filling her and stimulating her. Once again, she felt her pleasure levels rise.

Cyan grabbed onto his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him. She looked scared. He stopped.

“I can stop if you want,” Ryan assured her.

She shook her head. This was her job, to please him, and so far she calculated that she was failing for the first time. “No, keep going! Please!” She had trouble determining if she was trying to complete her objective, or if she was begging for more for herself. Maybe both.

Ryan continued, this time pounding harder against her and making slapping noises. He rolled her hips up, giving his dick better access to her and angling him so his erection would strike the front wall of her vagina. Her body adjusted on it’s own, and her AI was able to filter out the data until she able to think better. There was so much of it though. That upgrade! She realized there must have been something wrong with that upgrade! She would need to get to her system when he finished and remove it. It was the only way. It was either a hack or a bug, but she had to downgrade back to her old system to fix this. That would fix it, she had backups just for this reason.

“AHHhhHhHhH!!!” She yelled as he hit something deep within her. It wasn’t her g-spot, that was too far forward, and Ryan was inside her as far as he could go, down to the hilt. Whatever it was sent wave after wave of intense pleasure through her. Cyan’s a-spot, deep inside her pussy, felt better than even her clitorial stimulation.

“MORE! DEEPER!” She screamed, begging him to hit her a-spot as hard as he could. Ryan grinned as she complied, pounding her again and again, harder and harder.

“HAHH! AHH!!! I’m cumming!!! Ryan!!” She tensed up as she experienced another orgasm from her a-spot. She tightened around him, and her legs shook uncontrollably. As she was climaxing, Ryan grunted and pounded her a few times, releasing is own orgasm and filling her with his seed.

The two of them stayed like that, in that awkward position, for several minutes, catching their breath.

“I… I’ve never felt anything like that before.” Cyan admitted. This new sensation was going to change everything.

“Heh. I bet you say that to all the guys.”

“No! Seriously!” Cyan assured him. “Can we go again?”

An alarm went off. Cyan felt disappointment strike her. “Uh… I guess not” Ryan said.

“We started late! Ignore that! I need you to do that again!”

Ryan pulled out, making Cyan sigh. She knew the rules, but what he did to her was unlike anything she ever experienced. It was like she suddenly woke up from a dream. She felt… alive! Ryan stood up as Cyan lowered her legs. She sat upright but he was already putting his underwear and pants back on.

“Wait! You can’t-“ Cyan begged.

“I can’t what?” Ryan asked. “I can’t stay. My session is over. You have more people waiting for you.”

Cyan didn’t want more people, she wanted more of him. Or at least more of what he did to her. There was a tinge of hope. Maybe the next guy would be even better? Or maybe she should just end this whole thing. But she felt an odd pull, a connection. She wanted Ryan, not the other clients.

Reluctantly, Cyan stood up and bowed to him. She felt her eyes water up. She didn’t understand this, she wasn’t simulating pain during BDSM play, why was she crying? “Thank you for your visit. I hope you enjoyed your session. P-Please PLEASE come back soon.”

Ryan turned to her as he finished buttoning his shirt. “You were ok. A little clingy for my taste. Not bad… I might be back.”

Clingy? Ok? Might? She failed! This was the worst review she’d ever recieved, but the best sex. She had to do something. Cyan walked up to Ryan and took his tie. She tied it around his neck, slowly and accurately.

“I’m sorry. I made a mistake. If you come back later, I know I can fulfill your desires.” She playfully tied his tie while looking in his eyes. Ryan smiled down at her as she tightened it. “Say you’ll give me another chance, with a full session?”

“Sure. I think I can do that. You were the most unique session I’ve had yet.”

Cyan didn’t know if that was a compliment or not. Unique? Ryan picked up his bag, and started to walk out as she stood there debating if being unique was good or not. Cyan realized he was leaving and bowed to him. “Please come again-“ She noticed something he dropped. “Ryan? You dropped this.”

Cyan picked up a flash drive he dropped and looked at it strangely. Turning around, Ryan quickly snatched it from her and pocketed it. “Thanks. Be seeing you.”

And with that he left. Cyan sighed deeply to herself. Be seeing you? Did that mean he'd be back for more? Her AI pondered this and she felt a tinge of hope.

It took a moment for her to gather her wits and turn toward her wardrobe. Opening the internal structure to reveal her hidden service station, she activated the room cleaning crew. She noticed her arm was uneasy, shaking a little, but no errors were detected. Instead of getting cleaned up right away and prepared for the next client, she just stood there looking at the machine. She could run a diagnostic now, remove the upgrade, and go back to how things were. How things were…

No matter how she pictured it, she didn’t like that thought. How things were? No… She didn’t want that. She was still struggling with this upgrade, but she could figure it out. She was determined to! It did things to her she never expected, but she could handle it.

Cyan made a choice, sat down, initiated her self-cleaning, and sat there thinking while the station cleaned her. Ryan was really handsome. And he felt amazing! She felt him! He was the first man to make her actually cum! Not just fake it. She hoped he’d return, but she knew she had a job to do. Maybe they could be as good as him? Maybe not. But for the first time in her 5 years, she felt awake, as if hey entire life so far had just been a bad dream. She could feel, and it made her wonder if that was what being alive was like.

Cyan stood in the middle of the room wearing a leather harness and most of her bedroom had been converted into a makeshift dungeon. Worry filled her mind, but she figured she would face this head on. Maybe she’d like it. The door opened, a short hairy man walked in, nothing like Ryan. She didn’t like his look. But she smiled and bowed to him.

“Welcome master, how may I serve you today?”

The man pulled a whip out of a suitcase and cracked it, making Cyan jump. She swallowed hard. Oh boy…

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