The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 2/Chapter 12: Difference between revisions

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Kylan tried hard to re-assure her.  “Portia, he does love you more than Patricia.  If he ever felt he needed to leave a legacy, then it would be you.  You’re more than human or a machine.  You’re unique.  So don’t worry about your cosmetics, just consider them tools to help you be blend in with humans… And consider them a gift to share with the one who appreciates you the most.”
Kylan tried hard to re-assure her.  “Portia, he does love you more than Patricia.  If he ever felt he needed to leave a legacy, then it would be you.  You’re more than human or a machine.  You’re unique.  So don’t worry about your cosmetics, just consider them tools to help you blend in with humans… And consider them a gift to share with the one who appreciates you the most.”

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Kye could see the slightly brighter, seamless patch of skin on Mitzie’s arm where Anja had finished repairing her.  He saw all the other smooth patches that he had become familiar with when the body was once Portia’s.  Old memories were now seen through new eyes and he felt desire to embrace them and Portia’s offer.  “I can’t,” he said, “What if you still need her?  What if Frank doesn’t approve?”
Kye could see the slightly brighter, seamless patch of skin on Mitzie’s arm where Anja had finished repairing her.  He saw all the other smooth inconspicuous patches that he had become familiar with when the body was once Portia’s.  Old memories were now seen through new eyes and he felt desire to embrace them and Portia’s offer.  “I can’t,” he said, “What if you still need her?  What if Frank doesn’t approve?”

Latest revision as of 15:07, 14 March 2010

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In a sense Kylan was glad that Portia didn’t try to seduce him because he would not have been able to resist her regardless of his friendship with Stan. Kye’s body was aching to feel her kiss once more and to be held in her gentle but powerful embrace… to discover what other treasures her body had to offer. And Kylan had come to realize how much he truly cared for her now that the veil of bias had been lifted from his eyes.

But she felt no lust without Frances Stanley’s presence and none for any other man as long as he was alive. She was careful about whom she trusted with their personal lives and Kye could see that she was very vulnerable at the moment. He knew that she did not have the same biological needs or desires that humans do.

He was grateful that she was sharing so much with him. It was her form of intimacy without betrayal. “I think that I know what this is about,” he told her consolingly as he took a seat next to her on her bed, “You aren’t actually considering what Daniella said about you? Are you?”

“I have to,” she said as she pulled out a plastic box from under the bed and opened it. “Frances gave this to me for our fifth anniversary, three years ago,” Kye could see two rows of small crystal hard drives as she plugged it into an outlet and connected an adjoining cable into the port in the back of her head.

“He made this from the drives that he salvaged from the male androids that he scrapped. He calls this my ‘Thinking Cap.’ It’s a super algorithmic processor that I can use to create upgrades myself and for really deep contemplation. Together with my mind, it can make a PC from the beginning of this millennium look like an abacus. It would take around a million of those computers to process what a human brain does. A human brain operates at roughly a trillion instructions per second -- no kidding -- and so do my special drivers, but my mind can be more narrowly focused at times. I can only use partial neural-net comprehension. I still can’t see quite as abstractly and generally as humans do. This can help me understand.”

“Wasn’t Stan afraid that you might use it to override his emergency control over you?” Kye asked kindly.

“He made sure that I wouldn’t want to,” Portia put her hand on his knee. “I’m smart enough to know that it would be stupid to jeopardize yourself and the people around you. But as a machine, I know it would be illogical to create something that would turn on you and destroy you. What if the Girls told me to go to Hell just now? No, Kylan. We need to work in harmony. The machines will do what they are good at and humans should do their part. Remember, Sweetie, that we don’t need the same things that humans do so we don’t have your ambitions. I could be happy just being a desktop computer in a barren wasteland if I was programmed to be. And I want to be happy.”

“You’ve all made The Lounge such a great place,” Kye said as he rested his hand atop hers on his knee.

“And so have you,” Portia said returning the compliment. “Humans are part of this planet’s ecosystem. A machine was not, but your numbers increased to the point that you needed technology to sustain you. You needed technology to make the land fertile, to shape your world, and to free you to evolve into something greater. That’s when we became a part of this planet too.”

The crystals in Portia’s Thinking Cap gleamed with her thoughts. “But many peoples’ selfishness kept getting in the way of maximizing all of our potentials to create a productive balance,” she said. “Phillip Gaines didn’t consider the mistake he was making even if he didn’t intend all the death. Logically an A.I. wouldn't care about the condition of human survival since we need far less than humans do.”

She shifted as she looked deeply into Kylan’s eyes. “Kye… even though we don't need humans to help us to keep things operating anymore, you still help us be part of Life itself and to understand life in different ways. You have the ability to create and conceptualize and we can streamline and refine. And together we can reach advancements that we can only dream about now!” But her excitement faded as she became troubled once more, “…or maybe I really am a freak.”

It was hard for Kylan to see her doubting herself and feeling inadequate; he knew how painful that could be. But he had long since let go of believing it was a waste of time talking to an A.I. and he was glad that Stan never did.

Portia was Frances Stanley’s anchor to his life; she gave him purpose, stability, peace and affection. In turn, Stan became Portia’s constant guide to her own life and in becoming part of this world. But Stan never forgave himself for his small and unwitting role in the events that began the massacres.

Ironically, it was Stan’s tortured soul and consuming guilt that helped shape Portia into a genuinely good person. She had a conscience. She had compassion for those she cared for. She also had consideration for the effects of all of her actions. This was rare even in humans. Stan also felt an enormous responsibility for her happiness since he was the one that created her self-awareness and, therefore, he shielded her from many things. She was feeling his absence.

“You can’t let Daniella get to you, Porsh,” Kylan reassured her as he put his arm around her silk covered body and she responsively leaned her head on his shoulder. “She even had me fooled for much too long.”

“But there is something that you should know, Kye,” she said softly. “Patricia is Little Phillip's mother.”

Kylan felt a chill go through his body and Portia’s sensors registered his reaction. This changed the entire perspective of the situation and suddenly Kylan could understand why Portia would question her place in Stan’s life. It also explained why Stan adored the young man like a son even though Stan would have been a teenager when Phil Jr. was born.

Stan was four years younger than Patricia who was now in her early forties. But Phillip Gaines Sr. had divorced his beautiful trophy wife to focus on his own career. He then used his vast power to win custody of their son.

Patricia was a career socialite and she had since remarried when Frances Stanley began working for Gaines Co. and when he had first seen her captivating portrait. This was before Stan met her in person… only to fall in love with the charming woman.

Phil Sr. didn’t care for his ex-wife but he loved Stan like a brother. Phillip Gaines thought it would be amusing if he helped his hapless and lovesick right-hand man have a better copy of her made. It would be as much an insult to her as it would be a gift to Stan. He was Phil’s only real friend, after all.

Phillip Sr. felt that Stan, who had grown up a brilliant but poor man, would only end up getting hurt by the spoiled socialite. Deep down Stan knew it too. But Frances Stanley wanted a worthy successor to Patricia and he found more than he hoped for in Portia. Now Portia needed a worthy substitute to Stan’s guidance.

Kylan’s mind raced fervently to find the words to comfort Portia, “Stan loves you more than Phil, more than me, more than anyone,” Kye said.

Portia looked up at him once more, “How can you be sure?” she asked hopefully.

“Because in the end, when he winked at you he risked Little Phillip’s life and his own so that you could defy Daniella. He wasn’t going to let you just be torn to pieces! He had total faith in you to do what you thought was right,” Kylan gently touched her face.

“But DID I do what was right!?!,” Portia seemed fragile and Kye could not bear to let her go on like that.

“Porsh. I could hear it in Stan’s last scream! When he called your name, he wasn’t calling for help. He was only caring about what happened to you. But now he needs you more than ever,” he assured her and once again took her hand.

She appeared to go blank for a moment while she processed the information before she spoke again, “But what if Daniella was right about Frances ever wanting a child?

“My body is mainly cosmetic,” she began to explain logically. “My hair, my anus and breasts, and even my vagina serve no practical function. I can even do without a realistic mouth. Things like my fingernails help me sense pressure. My other features give me the other human senses and my human form allows me to navigate easily within a human environment. I can utilize your equipment and your resources. But I can’t be a mother.”

Kylan became slightly furious, “I’m not going to let her and her lies ruin your life like she did mine! You are far more fit to care for another person than she is and you are a much better person than she could ever be!”

He regained his composure but remained firm. “I know Stan very well, Portia. He is way more comfortable being a friend or just ‘Uncle Franky’ than being a dad. His conscience wouldn’t forgive him if he brought a child into this world. He was telling the truth when he said that he thought it was a selfish thing to do…”

Kylan tried hard to re-assure her. “Portia, he does love you more than Patricia. If he ever felt he needed to leave a legacy, then it would be you. You’re more than human or a machine. You’re unique. So don’t worry about your cosmetics, just consider them tools to help you blend in with humans… And consider them a gift to share with the one who appreciates you the most.”

“Sometimes human logic seems ‘desperate’ to me, like making excuses,” her expression was empty. “But it is something that I need to assimilate so that I can better interact with you and find the most positive applications,” she said indifferently. “…Yet,” she became warm once again as she snuggled against Kye, “I can truly understand your affirmations.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, though he felt uncomfortable with Portia’s affection. He was starting to bond with her on a much more intimate level.

“I’ve had a lot to process today, Kye. Pain… doubt… and even hatred. I knew you were the right person to talk to.” She sat up and looked thankfully at Kye.

“You might still want to talk to Lori or some of the other females about motherhood,” Kye added sympathetically.

“I think I’ve learned enough for now, Honeybear. The question now is whether or not I should upgrade my systems to incorporate these feelings or just erase the bad effects,” she asked solemnly.

“History repeats itself,” Kylan said as he chanced putting his hand on her bare thigh, but she didn’t resist. “I say you should be ready for it.”

“Thank you, Kylan, I will be,” she said as she decided on perseverance tempered with understanding. She froze as her “Thinking Cap” helped her enhance and upgrade her mental capacities.

Kye was falling apart inside. He knew it was wrong, but he felt compelled to touch her more privately as she sat motionless and unaware. He fought the urge but could not stop gazing at her and wishing he could make love to her. Wishing she would make love to him. To seal the bond that had been developing between them for years, just as she had developed, and finally climaxed that moment. It was a bond that his loneliness had misdirected onto a selective and idealistic memory of Daniella.

Kye panicked when Mitzie walked into the room as Portia rebooted herself. He felt a wave of shame flood over him because of his runaway thoughts and decided that he would not do anything to hurt the true friendship that she had entrusted to him. Then he thought of his friendship with Stan. Years of suppressed feelings overwhelmed him. Kylan looked distraught and almost to broke down when Portia sensed his distress and put her arm around him. “What’s wrong, Kye?” she asked softly.

“I didn’t realize how close I’ve gotten to you, Porsh. It’s not right. I should leave,” he said as he began to rise.

Portia grabbed him by the arm and stood up as she pulled him back towards her. “Oh my Goodness, Sweetie. I’m so SO sorry,” she said apologetically. “I didn’t mean to mislead you. But I want you to know that I appreciate what you’ve done for me SO much. I do care for you Kylan and I meant what I said about you being the only other man that I would have. Frances is lucky to have a friend like you… and so am I.” Portia hugged him tenderly.

Kylan submitted to her and embraced her. “I know that you didn’t want to hurt me, Porsh, but I didn’t realize how much you’ve come to mean to me. I know that you were only expressing yourself in a way that would let me know your sincerity because that’s what you do with Stan. And I know your crazy pet names are just part of your personality programming, but I want to thank you. Thank you for trusting me and having faith in me; I’ll try not to let you down.” Kye seemed at odds.

“Kylan,” she said kindly, “You’re not alone anymore. You never were. But since you freed me from Franky’s last command to me, as long as he is alive, I’m his. My Darling Frances wanted to share what we have with you when he gave you Aura. Since I can’t do more for you, now I want to do the same.” Mitzie had been standing silently at the door and began to walk slowly towards them. “Mitzie is a part of me. Her body was once mine. I want you to take her. Please.”

Kye could see the slightly brighter, seamless patch of skin on Mitzie’s arm where Anja had finished repairing her. He saw all the other smooth inconspicuous patches that he had become familiar with when the body was once Portia’s. Old memories were now seen through new eyes and he felt desire to embrace them and Portia’s offer. “I can’t,” he said, “What if you still need her? What if Frank doesn’t approve?”

“I’ll deal with Frances,” she asserted, “but please don’t reject me, Kye. This is the only way I can share myself with you without violating my devotion to him. I want you to be happy.”

“What about Aura?” Kye thought aloud.

“Wasn’t she once a maid,” Portia said coldly. Her upgraded pattern recognition had apparently associated the android with Daniella as well. “She’s only a few generations more advanced than an automaton. You don’t owe her anything. Besides, Franky programmed her to be bisexual like me. She won’t get jealous and neither will Mitzie. They’ll both be there for you.”

Kylan could see that he could not argue with her. As usual, she was right. But most of all he didn’t want his desire for Portia to continue to worsen. “I don’t know what to say,” he confessed.

“Say ‘Yes,’ Honeybear,” she smiled. “I haven’t had time to give Mitzie a proper personality programming, so tell me how you want her and I’ll do my best when this is all over.”

“I want her to be like you,” Kye whispered.

“That’s very sweet. We’ll see,” Portia said as she kissed his cheek before she retrieved a silk robe and put it on over her nightie. She packed up her Thinking Cap and began to leave. With a thought Portia turned on a sound system and a very old sound file beginning with Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” started to play. “But right now Mitzie is going to show you all the reasons why that Stripper program became so popular. Then she’s going to help you get some rest because you’re going to need it,” Portia said as she walked out the door.

Before Kylan could speak Mitzie pushed him onto the bed and fell on him heavily. She gave him a deep kiss that was nearly as intense as Portia’s. For the first time Kye gazed into her eyes. Stan had installed warm light-brown eyes that sparkled like amber and they seemed to smile back at him. Kye was trying to accept the incredible turn of events and whispered “Portia.”

“I’m here.” It was Portia’s voice that came from Mitzie’s mouth and the android stood up in front of him and sensually gyrated her hips as she began to do a slow erotic dance.

Mitzie began to remove the sport bra she was wearing to reveal the large perfect breasts that were once only privy to Stan when the body was Portia’s. As her breasts brushed against him, tiny synthetic muscles contracted and her nipples hardened. Portia peeked in on them from the doorway. “You DO know that she has fake boobs, don’t you?” She laughed and, with a wink, left Kylan to one of the happiest moments of his life.

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