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The Liar (talk | contribs)
New page: A Contradiction of Life - Part 1 David was working through his lunch break… or trying to anyway. His progress was pretty much non-existent, as he sat there looking at the glowing screen...
The Liar (talk | contribs)
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Alyssa continued to avert David’s gaze. She grabbed his hand and quickly led him away.
Alyssa continued to avert David’s gaze. She grabbed his hand and quickly led him away.

A Contradiction of Life - Part 4.5
Alyssa quietly stared out the window as they drove home.
“Um,” David asked, “what was that about?”
“Me asking someone to kill themselves?” Alyssa asked, “Its standard procedure… they want to know if they will… It’s… necessary.”
David was silent. He didn’t know what to say.
“I’ve often wondered,” Alyssa said sadly, staring at her hand, “if I’d do it. If I’d destroy myself because someone asked me nicely… I don’t want to die.”
“I’m…I’m sure you wouldn’t.” David said, trying to comfort her.
There was a moment of silence. Alyssa’s expression worsened.
“Yeah…” She said, “I kinda think that to.”
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Revision as of 11:56, 3 May 2011

A Contradiction of Life - Part 1

David was working through his lunch break… or trying to anyway. His progress was pretty much non-existent, as he sat there looking at the glowing screen.

He wasn’t out to impress his bosses or co-workers. As far as they were concerned the A.I. build for the Anima - 9C5 - Type V – Sleeper H-Matrix – “Tammy” was finished; everything in acceptable parameters ready to be sent out to the testing department that afternoon.

The flaw he was trying to resolve had existed since the inception of the Sleeper H-Matrix. It had been reduced and smoothed over, but never actually eliminated. Any serious attempts to do so were abandoned years ago, and he doubted going to find the answer in a lunch break.

He continued staring blankly at the screen; clicking the mouse from time to time to stop the Anima Corp logo from bouncing about the screen.

“Yo, lunch is half over,” David turned to see a woman, “and I believe someone owes me a free one. The 7D2 – Type B’s beat out the 3E1 – Type L’s on the sales charts; or did you forget our little bet?”

This was Alyssa. Alyssa had joined the company around the same time as David had, about 6 months ago, and worked in the testing department. They had met in the cafeteria, started having lunch together, then started go to a bar after work. She didn’t seem to have any friends from the testing department, possibly do to her manic tendencies. David had spent the entire time trying to work up the nerve to ask her out.

“What are you doing anyway? I thought you guys finished Tammy, and she was ready to be shipped off to us.” Alyssa leaned over his shoulder, which gave David a quick look down her neckline, then turned to look at him with a cynical look in her face. “The Sleeper Paradox? Seriously!?”

Alyssa took a seat next to him and continued her berating.

“You’re not going to fix the Sleeper Paradox, because it can’t be fixed.” Alysia crossed her legs and sighed, “You’re asking to have something be completely human, but also be a will less obedient machine at the same time. It’s a contradiction! It doesn’t work! If you create a complex self evolving personality matrix, there’s a limit to how many antithetical thoughts and actions you can force on it before it destabilizes. No matter how hard you try, you can’t get 1 + 1 to equal 3… well, except as an analogy for sex.”

Alyssa paused for an awkward moment.

“Anyway,” she continued, “my point is the only way you get a completely stable sleeper system is a simplified personality matrix, with limited growth potential, or an integrated control program. I’d go with integrated myself. ”

“An integrated sleeper?” David smirked, “Yes, nothing says ‘I’m human’ like being told that everything you know is a lie, and nonchalantly responding ‘Well, that explains a lot’ without even pausing the vacuum.”

“Fucking Youtube…” Alyssa sighed, “That was an 80 year old 1A1 – Type 0. It was a miracle it was still functioning. The entire industry is driven by integration now days, trying to find increasingly subtle ways to balance a Human Heart with mechanical compliance; usually erroring on the side of the mechanical…which I don’t really agree with…at all.”

Alyssa paused and got a momentarily despondent look on her face.

“God my job can get depressing. Anyway,” She continued, her cheery disposition returned “why were you even trying? They usually last past their 10 year estimated usage… unless they’re owned by sadists, and legal has us covered there.”

“Well,” David began, “it’s kind of sad, and their owners might actually care about them.”

She rolled her eyes at him, got up, put a hand on his shoulder, and looked him in the eye.

“Look,” She began, “I really can’t say this without sounding completely corny, but in this world there is a 40 year old 2W3 - Type Q, one of the most unstable sleeper builds ever, still functioning and with their Matrix completely undegraded. She remained so because her owner always treated her with love, kindness, and respect. So you need not fear for the loved ones, for they are protected…by love…and stuff.”

Alyssa stood there for an awkward silent moment; unsure of how to continue her little pep talk, when David burst out laughing. Alyssa turned red, and sat back down.

“Look, jerk!” Alyssa said crossly, “My point is you won’t have to worry about your girlfriend going catatonic when you finally muster up the nerve to buy her!”

“I’m sorry,” David apologized, after he stopped laughing “and…um… (cough) speaking of girlfriends… Iwonderifyou’dliketogoonadate.”

Alyssa turned redder, and just looked at him for a moment.

“Um…” David stuttered, “with me… Would you like to go on a date with me?”

“Um…” Alyssa was flustered, “Well, this is kinda sudden. I can’t agree right now-“

David interrupted her.

“Um, yeah, sure, forget I said anyth-“ David was interrupted as Alyssa grabbed his face and kissed him.

“I didn’t mean that as a no.” Alyssa explained, to a stunned David, “I meant that, as a probably yes, but there’s something I have to do before I can commit. It’s complicated…well not really, but I can’t really explain it at the moment. Think of it like my family insists on approving my boyfriends. I’ll get back to you at the end of the day.”

“So you have a controlling family?” David inquired.

“You have no idea!” Alyssa grabbed him by the arm, “Look I’ll explain everything at the end of the day… probably, and you can decide if you still want me. Anyway, we still have 25 minutes, and you still owe me a lunch!”

“Why, wouldn-“ David began, but was cut off by Alyssa.

“Lunch now, secrets later!” Alyssa dragged a confused David to the cafeteria.

A Contradiction of Life - Part 1.5

David was waiting in the lobby when Alyssa walked up and kissed him.

“That’s so you don’t start thinking this is a rejection again,” she explained, “but we have to talk… in private.”

“Um…ok.” David replied. David had spent much of the afternoon in a state of both confusion and elation. It seemed that Alyssa wanted to go out with him, but the strange things she kept saying… he couldn’t make head nor tail of them.

“We could go to my place.” he suggested.

“Your car would probably good enough. No wait…” She seemed to reconsider, “It would probably be better if we waited till we got to your place.”

As they walked to his car David couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Her slightly tanned skin, sky blue eyes, wavy auburn hair that seemed to shine in the sun light; less poetically he had to admit that her perk D-cups, and toned ass weren’t unappealing either. He felt a pang of guilt for thinking such things, given the seriousness of her demeanor.

They drove to his place in silence. Alyssa spent the whole time twiddling her fingers with a worried look on her face. David wanted to break the silence, but wasn’t sure how, it all seemed a little to sober to be about a date.

They got to David’s apartment, a fairly nice loft apartment. As David closed the door, Alyssa began to undo her blouse.

“What are you-?” David began, but was cut off by Alyssa.

“Look, please just stand there and be quiet!” Alyssa pleaded as she pulled open her blouse and grabbed her left breast. “I’ve spent a long time thinking of a good way to do this. There isn’t one, but this seemed like the least bad one.”

She took a deep breath.

“I will go out with you.” Alyssa stated, speaking quickly, “As you have now been approved to intimacy test the experimental android Anima – 0A0 - Type XZ – Integrated Matrix – ‘Alyssa’ which is technically my full name.” There was a hissing noise as Alyssa squeezed her breast, and the left half of her chest opened to reveal an access panel.

She gave a sheepish look, “So, well, um, yeah…surprise?”

A Contradiction of Life - Part 2

Alyssa closed her access panel; the seams in her chest disappearing with a click.

David just stood there in stunned silence.

“Well…say something.” Alyssa pleaded, “You know like ‘This has to be a joke’ or ‘Everything I knew about you is lie’ or, you know, maybe ‘Hey you’re a robot, I think that’s hot.’” Alyssa gave a weak smile. “I’m kinda hoping for that last one, but please say something!”

David gave a bewildered look, “a…um… err…so if I squeeze your breast, it opens?”

Alyssa turned red, and began re-buttoning her blouse.

“I didn’t mean…I need to release the lock first.” Alyssa replied, “You can grope me without worry, ok.”

“Sorry… I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…” David paused as he sat down in his chair, “I don’t know what to say… I don’t even know what to think.”

David paused for another moment.

“So,” he began “you don’t really work in the testing department do you?”

“No, I work there,” Alyssa replied, “then they let me do what I want in my spare time.”

This surprised David; he had assumed she had been spending her time there being poked and prodded. Then again, the entire situation didn’t make much sense to him.

“Um, Why?” he asked, “I mean what’s the point? You’re a test unit, what are you being tested on?”

“I think… its social interaction in business and casual settings, with and without independent discretion… I think,” she gave an uncertain expression, then continued, “Truthfully, I don’t really know. That’s the thing about being an experimental test android is no one feels any obligation to explain things to you.”

“That was oddly specific for a guess.” David commented.

Alyssa shrugged, “I work in the department… I kinda have an idea how they do things.”

“So…” David continued his questioning, “if some one asks you on a date, you have to ask your bosses-“

“NO!” Alyssa interrupted, almost panicked, “I mean yes… I’ll have to get their approval to have someone approved to intimacy test me, but merely someone asking me out doesn’t obligate me to try to get them approved.”

“I want you to understand something,” she continued, “They’re letting pick my own intimacy tester… sure they have to give the A-OK, but it’s my choice… probably the only real one I’ll ever have…and I like you …a lot…more then anyone else. You’re the only real friend I ever had… the only one who ever cared about me. I want to love you.”

She got on her knees and grabbed his hand.

“Actually, I’ve wanted this for a long time…” She confessed, “but I was always to afraid to ask. Maybe you wouldn’t feel that way about me…and… you know…well… all of this.”

She looked at him pleadingly.

David looked at her for a long moment. Alyssa was still Alyssa. She was still the same woman he’d had lunch with. The same person he’d got drunk with. The same person he’d been fawning over since the moment he met her, and here she was pouring her heart out saying she felt the same. This was a nigh’ on story book situation. Her being robot seemed like such an irrelevant thing.

“Alyssa,” David spoke, “I’m still not sure what to make of all this, but I’m will to give this, whatever this is, a chance.”

Alyssa leapt up and hugged him, “Thank you! I’ve always I liked you more than anyone.”

“Well, um, tha- Alyssa!? Alyssa!?” Alyssa’s face had suddenly gone blank, and she became unresponsive.

“Aly-“ David was cut off, when Alyssa suddenly regained her life, and changed her hug to a straddling kiss.

“But now I love you,” Alyssa purred as she shifted herself to sit in his lap, “So… dinner and a movie?”

A Contradiction of Life - Part 3

Alyssa and David drove to the movies.

“This is so unnecessary.” Alyssa’s commented. This confused David, from her words one would assume a negative connotation, but she had spoken them with such blissful elation.

“What do you mean?” David asked.

“Well,” Alyssa explained, “most people wouldn’t have bothered to take a robot on a date. We don’t really carry any obligation for romance; they usually just keep us in their apartments for sex.”

“I hadn’t really thought about that.” David replied. It was an honest reply. His mind still hadn’t quite acclimatized to the situation, and grappling with it had been giving him a headache. So he put it from his mind, and tried to think of it as just going out with the girl he liked.

Though he realized how it might be misconstrued the moment he said it.

“Oh…So do you want to just go back to your place and have sex?” Alyssa asked. She had spoken in such a neutral way; a way that conveyed neither joy nor disappointment at the prospect, just curiosity.

David’s mind went blank and his headache returned.

“Um…ah…What do you want?” David asked gingerly.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, gave an exasperated sigh.

“I want,” She explained, “to go to the movies. I would, however, be in no way, shape, or form opposed should you choose to just take me back to your place and bend me over the table.”

She fell back into her car seat.

“Seriously, David!” she exclaimed, “You’re a programmer! I know you work primarily with pure sleepers, but you should at least have an idea of how they expect me to act!”

“Well, I wanted to go to the movies to.” David said grumbling, “You’re the one suggesting we skip it.”

Alyssa was silent for a moment.

“I’m sorry.” Alyssa said, giving an apologetic look, “I know you’re still trying to get your head around the whole… you know… me being a robot.”

They pulled into the theater parking lot. After stopping the car David turned to her.

“Look,” he said, “I’m sorry to. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

Alyssa laughed as she got out of the car.

“Look we can stand here all night saying which of us is sorrier,” Alyssa said grabbing him by the arm, “but then we’d miss the movie.”

“But,” she cooed, “it was wonderfully unnecessary.”

“Why do you keep using that word like it’s a complement?” David asked.

“Because it is,” Alyssa explained, “Necessary things have to be done, and therefore the act of doing them has no real value. It’s the unnecessary things actually mean something.”

As David contemplated this point of logic, they walked into the movie theater.

They hadn’t really planned on what they were going to see beforehand, but they were all going to start sometime in the next 30 minutes, so David skimmed through the list.

“Let’s see,” He began, “We have yet another Saw mo-“

“No!” Alyssa abruptly cut him off.

Alyssa’s passionate assertion had surprised David. Sure, he didn’t much like the franchise, but he didn’t know why she would quite so opposed to it. Her outburst seemed to have left her flustered.

“I mean,” She said meekly, “I’d prefer we didn’t see a horror movie. But, we can if you really want to.”

“I never much liked the series myself.” David replied.

They continued through the list. The 3-D ones were out; Alyssa’s visual preceptors couldn’t properly perceive them. They settled on a romantic comedy.

Alyssa insisted on going Dutch, apparently the company had provide her with an account for recreational endeavors. They bought their tickets. David bought himself a medium popcorn, and then turned around to find that Alyssa had filled a large popcorn tub with Swedish berries.

“Um, you sure you should eat all that?” David asked uncertainly.

“Why?” Alyssa asked quizzically, popping a berry in her mouth, “It’s not like I’m gonna get fat.”

They went and watched the movie. David found it clichéd and boring. As they left he asked Alyssa’s option on it.

“The plot was formulaic, the acting flat, and overall it almost bored me to tears. But,” she said grabbing his arm and looking into his eyes “the company was good.”

They drove away from the movie theater.

“So,” he asked, “should I take you back to the company?”

“It’s a little late for that, I only need a recharge once a week anyway, ” she said, “and they’re kinda expecting you to keep me the night.”

David blushed.

They went back to his place.

David showed her to his bed.

“Um, you can sleep here tonight if you want,” David said awkwardly, “I can sleep on the couch.”

“Seriously,” Alyssa rolled her eyes exasperated, “For the love of-”

She pushed him to the bed and began kissing him, grinding her hips against his. Her mouth tasted of the candies she had consumed that night. When David began returning the kiss, she undid his pants and began caressing him shaft, and he began to undo her blouse. When they were both naked, he flipped her on her back, spread her legs and he thrust himself between them till they both came.

Alyssa gave a contented smile.

David pulled out, and lay on his back panting. Alyssa cuddled up to him, placing her head on his chest.

“I love you,” she said, “I know a robots love is meaningless, I could have been made to love anyone. Just insert name and that dormant part of my matrix activates and integrates with the rest of it. But you’re my best friend, no one forced me to feel that; and I chose this. This is probably the closest thing to true love a robot will ever be allowed to have, and I want that to give it meaning…and I want you to love me back.”

David couldn’t answer, he didn’t know what to say; everything was to confusing and going to fast. Alyssa waited a little longer for a response then snuggled closer.

“It’s ok,” She whispered quietly, “You don’t have to answer… I know… I’m just a robot.”

A Contradiction of Life - Part 4

David woke up to a surge of pleasure.

His eyes flew open and he bolted upright; his heart racing and a wonderful feeling between his legs.

He looked down to see Alyssa lifting her head from his crotch.

“Ah, good, you’re awake” she said swallowing, “You always complain when I get you up, so I thought I’d try the ‘Morning Glory’ method today.”

She righted herself and brushed the hair from her face.

“Well no complaints so far,” she commented, as she began to get dressed, “Anyway get dressed, we both have work today. I’ve already made you breakfast.”

It had been 2 months since David had started “dating” Alyssa. As a whole, he’d be hard pressed to think of a happier time in his life. They’d normally go out in the evening, though sometimes they would just stay home and watch TV, and the night unusually ended with some of the best sex he ever had. But mornings… she kinda made mornings a bit hectic.

“and yes,” She continued, “I made it naked wearing only a apron. Because you didn’t get up earlier, You-Missed-Out.”

David had seldom been late for work, but getting there on time was Alyssa’s obsession. Admittedly he could drag his feet in the morning, partly because he didn’t react well to being woken up; though to be fair the one time he had convinced her to let him wake up naturally, he’d slept in. Maybe it was because his nights had become a little longer…and more active.

She did keep adding incentives to make the process more pleasant, and David had to admit, he would be enjoying this new wake up call.

“Well, come on,” She urged, “We haven’t got all day. Go! Go! Go!”

They arrived at work 30 minutes early, something he was being to think of as the norm. They went into the lobby coffee shop to kill the time, something that was also becoming habit. As much as being forced out the door annoyed him, he did enjoy this; just sitting there drinking coffee with her, looking in to her blue eyes.

He felt a pang of guilt. He still didn’t have an answer for her.

Everything was so wonderful, perfect; almost dream like. He was terrified that if he really gave it any thought, the waveform would collapse and he’d be left with an answer he didn’t like. So he just kept putting it from his mind, unthinkingly going with the flow.

The time passed quickly. Alyssa kissed him goodbye, and they both went off to their respective departments.

David’s workload had been somewhat limited since they finished Tammy. The company wasn’t going to assign them another project until the testing department determined that she required no modification. So they mostly just programmed memories at the testing department’s request. David’s day passed fairly quickly and uneventful until shortly before leaving time, when his boss Paul came up to him.

“Yo, David!” his Paul called out to him, “could you take this disk down to the testing department? You can take off early afterward. ”

David gave a confused look.

“A hard-copy?,” he asked, “Is the network down or something?”

“Not that I know of,” Paul replied, “but maybe they’re having problems down on their end. Look, don’t ask me about their reasoning. I can never understand those guys, why the hell did they want Tammy to think she had 20 kids? But they asked for you specifically, so maybe it’s just your girlfriend finding an excuse to get you down there.”

David took the disk and headed down to the testing department, wondering what this was all about. He wasn’t met by Alyssa, but it was someone he recognized. Dr. Alrick Morris, head of the testing department.

David had never officially met Morris before, though he had seen him speak before at a few conferences and company meetings. The man always smiled and spoke pleasantly, in his vaguely British accent, but David had always found something off-putting about the man. There was just something about him that made his skin crawl.

“Um, Mr. Mor-“ David began but was cut off.

“Doctor…of robotics, psychology, and sociology!” Morris corrected with flourish, “I know… the last one is a bit of a joke now days, but I prefer to think of myself as more in line with Milgram, then those Victorian minded Neo-Feminists who so infest the profession… if we could program a mind that so contradicted itself, it would be the preverbal holy grail of the industry.”

David stared at him blankly. “Sir, err, Doctor… I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No one ever does,” Morris sighed, “it gets so infuriating at times. Tell me have you ever thought of ordering Alyssa to lay down, shut up, and stay that way, then periodically having your way with her limp form when ever you felt like it?”

David gave a horrified expression; he was beginning to think that his initial impressions of Dr. Morris were right.

“Genuine shock and horror,” Dr. Morris said with a disturbingly creepy eagerness, “Two whole months and it hadn’t even crossed your mind to treat her like the doll she is. Oh…You…Are…Beautiful!”

David stood there fumbling for the disk, hoping to get away from the man as quickly as possible.

“But,” the doctor asked, “Is it because he holds to much respect for her as a person to subject her to that, or is it because his own flawed sense of self perception couldn’t possibly imagine such desires existing within himself?”

The question was more addressed to himself then David.

“Um…the disk you wanted.” David said awkwardly, handing it to the man.

“Oh, yes the disk!” The doctor grabbed the disk and pocketed it.

“I’ll be-“David began, but was yet again cut off by the strange man.

“You know,” He asked “how about I be nice and let Alyssa off early today?”

“I’m sure her work is important.” David countered. As appealing as the offer sounded, he really could wait another half hour for her if it meant getting away from this man a minute sooner.

“Oh, not at all,” Dr. Morris replied, “we just have her do some of the controlled tests on the builds that use the standardized formulas, any idiot could do it. But testing the truly experimental ones, they require so much more…creativity.”

“I see, um…” David was hard press for another excuse.

“You know it’s odd,” the doctor commented, “Most people in your position would take this opportunity to ask some questions. Questions like ‘why are you letting your test androids pick there own’…oh lets call them significant others to be polite about it.”

The man wasn’t letting him go, and honestly he had been curious about that. David relented.

“Ok, why?” he asked.

“I’m glad you thought to ask,” Dr. Morris replied, “I’ll tell you on the way.”

He began leading David down the hall.

“Because choices are important.” the doctor explained, “A persons choices are what define them. Most laymen think that androids don’t have choices, that they don’t have freewill.”

He paused for a moment as he glimpsed his black berry and turned left.

“This is true, but only in the same way humans don’t have freewill,” he continued, “But choices; you and I both know that the point of creating an A.I. is to create something that can make choices.”

David listened intently.

“Something that perceives, comprehends, reasons, comes to conclusions, then finally makes a decision,” the doctor continued on, “But in the end, we only want them to make come to the conclusions and make the decisions we desire. We can make a perfect system, and by perfect that I mean, alien, inhuman, overly literal, lacking any frame of reference…dumb as a post.”

Morris looked at his black berry again, and they turned left.

“So we give them emotions,” he went on, “limited, directed, incomplete, but hopefully enough to let them understand. Were that all maybe this job would be easy; but what’s the point of having something that makes the same mistake, over and over. So we have them learn, grow, and change.”

Morris looked at the black berry again, and they turned left. David wondered what he kept looking at, it wasn’t a map, from a brief glimpse it seemed text of some type. Wait…left, left, left… was he leading him in a circle?

“and this is where the job gets complicated,” David was only giving him half an ear at this point, “what variables, what events will change them, how will this impact their future decisions? What is the impact of rejection? of a transition from, a relationship based on mutual respect to one of objectification… or so very, very rarely, a maintained and returned affection?”

They turned left again. He had led him in a circle.

“Yet all the time,” David wasn’t listening anymore, “we have to make sure that, no matter what happens to them, no matter what they’re subjected to, what the situation, or what variables might arrive, they still make the choices we want them to. Well here we are.”

Dr. Morris pointed to a door. David was fairly certain that this was almost where they had started. Morris looked at his black berry then leaned on the door. He wanted to lead him here, so why?

“I do wonder,” The doctor inquired, “is your affection based on an understanding of who and what she is, or are you merely clinging to the illusion of that woman who never really existed?”

He was stalling. This was about timing. He wanted them to walk in at the right time.

The doctor opened the door.

“Mary…” Alyssa was sitting a chair, a woman standing in front of her.

She stopped and turned to the opening door, and gave a look of horror at the sight of David.

“David,” She cried, an air of panic to her voice, “what are you doing here?”

“I thought I’d be nice,” Dr. Morris said, “and let you two love birds leave early. Just after you finish this up.”

“But regulations dic-“Alyssa started, but Dr. Morris cut her off.

“I know what you’re doing.” he stated, “His presence shouldn’t contaminate the results. So just do it.”

“Maybe, I should-“ David began, but Morris interrupted.

“This shouldn’t even take half a minute,” Morris assured, “Then you can both leave.”

As Morris talked Alyssa looked crestfallen, and turned to the other woman.

“Mary,” Alyssa asked, handing her a gun, “Please shoot yourself in the chest.”

David stopped in stunned horror as, as the woman took the gun.

“Are you sure?” The woman asked.

“Yes,” said Alyssa.

The woman looked at the gun for a few moments. Then put it to her chest, and pulled the trigger. There was a click, but no bang.

A look of relief spread across both David and the woman Mary’s face, but Dr. Morris’s smile remained implacable, and Alyssa’s expression remained downcast.

“It was empty?” David asked.

“Of course it was empty,” Dr. Morris replied, “the Ammo alone would have cost a fortune the number of times we have to do this.”

Alyssa averted her gaze from David and handed a tablet to Dr. Morris.

“14 seconds,” Is all she said.

“I see,” Morris replied, “Very well. You two go off now.”

Alyssa continued to avert David’s gaze. She grabbed his hand and quickly led him away.

A Contradiction of Life - Part 4.5

Alyssa quietly stared out the window as they drove home.

“Um,” David asked, “what was that about?”

“Me asking someone to kill themselves?” Alyssa asked, “Its standard procedure… they want to know if they will… It’s… necessary.”

David was silent. He didn’t know what to say.

“I’ve often wondered,” Alyssa said sadly, staring at her hand, “if I’d do it. If I’d destroy myself because someone asked me nicely… I don’t want to die.”

“I’m…I’m sure you wouldn’t.” David said, trying to comfort her.

There was a moment of silence. Alyssa’s expression worsened.

“Yeah…” She said, “I kinda think that to.”

Back to the story archive