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=[[Part Four]]=
=[[Part Four]]=
By the time Lindsey had been with us for a week, we hardly paid attention to the fact that she was actually an android. Even so, I still managed to improve her power efficiency by another 20% and improve her sleeper protocols to include voice command.
Once I was done tweaking her systems, I began researching a way to transfer my A.I. into a modified Class 10 brain so that I could better control the new Class 10 body I was planning on building for myself. After a few more weeks of research, I finally finished the new brain and officially dubbed it Class 10.1. All during this time, Lindsey was learning all about androids so she could be my assistant.
When the news of the Class 10.1 brain went out across all of the continental regional branches, I received a lot of praise from my former competition. In addition, the three branches actively involved in the development of the Class 10 android, European, Oceanic, and Asian, decided to create their own Class 10 androids and send them to me to assist me and them in perfecting the new model. According to the memos, these four androids would be completely made-up people with fabricated back-stories, family records, health records, financial records and more. They would think they were related to a high-ranking officer of their region and would believe they were working for their branch. Their reason for being in my house would be as foreign exchange representatives.
After I received all the specs I would need to create their bodies, I began to gather the materials I needed to create my own Class 10 body, but before I could get started…
“Phillip, your dad is here,” Haley said, materializing near my work area in the lab.
“He is?” I asked.
“Yes, he needs to see you right now…he says it is really important,” Haley said.
“Alright, I’ll be right there,” I said, and as soon as Haley vanished, I saved all my work and then left my lab.
“Ah Phillip, it’s good to see you,” Greg said, meeting me at the back door and hugging me.
“Thanks dad, what’s so important that you needed to see me right away?” I asked, sitting down with him in the den.
“Well, I heard about what the European, Oceanic, and Asian branches are sending you, but there is one more representative from the European branch who is joining your team,” Greg said.
“Who is it?” I asked, since I had just recently installed three more bedrooms and a bathroom to my house by converting the garage into a living space and building a new garage off to the other side of the house.
“Well, she’s like you…one of the kids I built before you. She took an interest in my work, but since she was 14 her parents wouldn’t let her stay, so she studied up in the Ukraine where she is from and then she started a similar repair service to the one you have here,” Greg explained.
“So, why is she coming here then?” I asked.
“Because she was trying to come up with the Class 10 android and you beat her to it. When she found out you were related to me, she contacted me and requested that she be allowed to come here and build herself a Class 10.1 body for herself,” Greg said.
“I see…she isn’t angry at me is she?” I asked.
“Not at all…a little miffed, but she realizes that you and her could make a good team pairing up since she knows some things you don’t,” Greg said.
“Alright, when do I meet her?” I asked.
“Well, the things is that she didn’t come in her body…she left it home and just sent her brain and personal effects. She will need to temporarily inhabit a spare android so she can build her own body,” Greg said.
“Well, I do have a few…maybe she could use Kristin since that android is probably closer to her age,” I suggested.
“Melissa thought that too, and she is actually working on that right now…how is Lindsey doing?” he asked.
“She’s doing fine…I finally got the voice commands installed so I won’t need a remote all the time,” I said.
“And her training?” Greg asked.
“She’s learning fast and not because I programmed her to, because she is determined,” I said.
“Good, the queen is a wise entity,” Greg said.
“That is true,” I agreed.
“So, I haven’t actually seen Mia since I built her adult body, but she is very attractive…hopefully Lindsey doesn’t get jealous,” Greg smiled.
“She won’t, she knows me well enough,” I said.
“Good, now I have to get back home…I have a patient arriving soon,” Greg said, and after giving me a hug, he left.
Once he was gone, I got up and headed into Melissa’s room where she was working on Kristin.
“Hey Phillip, did dad explain everything to you?” she asked.
“Yes, is she installed yet?” I asked.
“Not quite…apparently Mia’s Ukrainian translation program is having a hard time working with Kristin’s hybrid setup, but I just installed a patch that I am hoping will work,” Melissa said, and after a few seconds, she closed Kristin’s head and said, “Alright, here goes,” and she pressed the power button on the remote.
“Cybercorp Unit 8035-9x initializing…detected new A.I…running diagnostics…compatibility mode functional…all systems functional…loading A.I….now activating A.I.” Kristin said, and then she blinked her eyes and looked around.
“Hello, my name is Mia,” she said, looking at Melissa and I.
“Hello Mia, I’m Phillip and this is Melissa,” I said.
“Ah Phillip, you’re the one who beat me in the race,” she said, shaking my hand.
“Yes, I hear you want to build a Class 10.1 body for yourself,” I said.
“Yes, have you started on yours yet?” she asked.
“No, I was just about to when Greg showed up,” I said.
“Good, Melissa is going to help me…I hear your girlfriend is Unit zero,” she said.
“Yes, she will be helping me with my new body,” I said.
“That’s nice…so why don’t we get started then?” Mia said.
“Okay,” and then we all headed out to the lab.
Once we gathered the necessary materials, Lindsey finally got back from the mall and joined me in my dedicated workroom.
“Sorry I’m late, the class went longer than usual,” she said, getting her tools out.
“It’s okay…by the way, we got another assistant,” I said, and while we got started on the framework for my new body, I explained to Lindsey who Mia was.
After Lindsey and I were finished getting all the hardware installed in the Chassis, we worked on installing the musculature and nervous systems. Less than two hours later, we were ready to put the skin on.
“Wow, this is weird,” Lindsey said, watching as the skin formed on my new body.
“Yeah,” I agreed, and once the skin resembled my own, I opened the panels and started pumping in the fluids it would need to produce my sweat and organic material.
“Alright, it’s ready,” I said an hour later. My new body was only a year older in appearance than my current body, but it had more efficient growth systems so I could use it for a full three years before needing a replacement.
“It looks just like you,” Lindsey said, looking back and forth.
“The trained eye can see the differences…but most of the differences are in how it functions, not in how it looks,” I said.
“I know,” she said.
“Good, the tricky part will be in transferring me out of this brain into the new one…this is revolutionary,” I said, picking up the Class 10.1 brain I would be transferring myself into.
“Why?” Lindsey asked.
“Because up until now it was said that it would be impossible to transfer an A.I. from one brain into another…now I have changed that,” I said.
“Well, I hope I don’t lose you,” Lindsey said.
“You won’t, I ran hundreds of tests and all the test A.I.s transferred successfully,” I said.
“Well, are you going to start now?” she asked.
“No, I’m going to go and check on my sisters,” I said, and then I left my room and walked out to where Kristin and Melissa were.
“Hey Phillip, are you finished yet?” Kristin asked.
“Yes, and you?” I asked.
“Yes, I was just waiting for you to transfer into your new brain,” she said.
“Alright, well we can both do it at the same time…Melissa knows how to do it,” I said.
“Okay,” she said.
“Alright, let’s get started then,” I said, and then we all headed to another portion of the lab to do the transference.
After Mia and I shut ourselves down, Lindsey and Melissa removed our brains and attached them to the machine I invented. It was odd feeling myself removed from the brain I spent a good portion of my life in, but after several moments of being in the void, I felt myself in the new brain and I could already sense the difference.
A few minutes later, I felt myself sucked out of the void and into a new body. Once the initial boot sequence was finished, I slowly took control of the new body and then opened my eyes.
“Well Phillip, how do you feel?” Melissa asked, looking down at me.
“Better…this body actually feels like the real deal,” I said, slowly sitting up and looking at my new body.
“And you didn’t sound robotic when you moved,” Lindsey pointed out.
“That’s right…so where is Mia?” I asked.
“She is in the other room with Kristin,” Lindsey said.
“Good, I want to actually see her now,” I said, getting to my feet and stretching.
“She’s waiting,” Melissa said, handing me my clothes.
“Alright, let’s go,” I said, slipping my clothes on and walking to the door.
After I put my Class 9 body and brain into storage, I walked with Lindsey and Melissa to the room where Mia’s new body was built.
“Just to warn you, she might blow your new mind away,” Melissa said.
“Yeah, she’s breathtaking,” Lindsey agreed.
“Okay, thanks for the warning,” I said, and then I slowly opened the door and walked in.
“Hello Phillip, it’s great to see you in my own body now,” Mia said, walking over from the end of the room where Kristin stood deactivated.
“Wow, you look beautiful,” I said.
Mia was 22 years old. She stood at an average height of 5’7 and her skin was pale to the point of being white. Because she was just activated, she wore no clothes and her body had no visible scars, blemishes or imperfections. Her feet were just the right size, with no toenail extending past the skin and her foot bottoms were undamaged. Just above her vagina was a neat vertical patch of hair, and her belly button was a perfect hole in the center of her womanly torso. Her breasts were noticeably larger than Melissa’s were, and her armpits were completely smooth. To top it off, she had shoulder-length dark brown hair, which complimented her crystal-clear blue eyes. Overall, she was perfect.
“Thanks, I get that a lot…trust me,” she smiled.
“I am going to trust that it is natural beauty and not manufactured,” I said.
“Yes…most people assume I build my newer bodies like this on purpose, but this is actually what I am supposed to look like,” she said. While she was speaking, I noticed she was speaking with very little of an accent.
“So, how long did it take you to get rid of the accent?” I asked.
“Not long…I had to speak all sorts of languages at the European branch so I am very good with languages,” she said.
“Well Phillip, Lindsey and I are going to head back to the house,” Melissa said.
“Alright, Mia and I will be there soon,” I said.
“Your girlfriend is nice,” Mia said, powering down the equipment and walking over to me.
“Thanks, she was a gift from the Queen,” I said.
“Who’s the Queen?” Mia asked.
“The Queen is an android who is very high up in the North American branch. She is the first android to give birth to a healthy human,” I explained.
“Oh, we don’t have anyone like that in Europe,” Mia said.
“Yeah, so did you want to see more of my lab?” I asked.
“Sure, and then I’ll let you see more of me,” she smiled.
“Yeah, so how do you want me to treat you?” I asked, not sure how to word it.
“You mean other than an assistant/partner…how about sister, since I consider Greg a second father to me,” she said.
“Alright sis, so this lab is a bit larger than it looks. I actually had it retrofitted a week ago so I could add some more equipment,” I said, walking with her around my lab.
“What kind of retrofits?” Mia asked.
“Well, I had them build a basement so I could store all the spare equipment and parts, and I also moved the power generator down there, so it created more workspace up here. I also had them build a second floor, which is solely for office space,” I said.
“Who’s offices?” Mia asked.
“One for me, one for Melissa, an empty one and a conference room,” I said.
“Nice, may I see your office?” she asked.
“Sure, follow me,” I said, and we walked away from the workrooms and up a staircase onto the second floor, where the offices were.
“So, right here is the conference room where we brainstorm ideas for new techniques; there’s also a video conferencing system setup in there,” I said, showing her the conference room at the top of the stairs.
“Nice,” she said.
“This walkway wraps all the way around the internal frame and around the offices until it reaches mine on the other end,” I said, walking with her around the offices on the right side until I reached mine.
“Was that Melissa’s office we just walked by?” Mia asked.
“Yes, the other one is going to be the liaison office…for you and the four Class 10s,” I told her.
“Cool, now can we go in?” she asked.
“Sure,” I said, and after I entered in the personal access code, the door slid open.
“Wow, nice office,” she said.
My office was the largest of them all. From the door we entered at the back end, my desk was directly opposite facing the door itself. The desk had a side desk on the one side where I could put more stuff, and the window behind it overlooked the whole first floor of the lab, as well as the other offices. Directly behind us on both sides of the door were artificial windows, which showed what was directly outside the lab via a high definition camera. There was a small work table off to the side where I could work on an android and there was also a comfortable couch with a rectangular table in front of it and accompanied by twin chairs.
“Thanks, it serves me,” I said, walking over to my desk and putting my jacket on the chair.
“My lab is only one story and my office isn’t this big,” she said, following me to my desk.
“Yeah, well some of my patients heard of my reputation and wondered why my lab was so modest, so I retrofitted it to give them more peace of mind in my abilities,” I said.
“I see, they thought you had limited equipment,” Mia said.
“Yes, and I actually did…but I still managed to produce the Class 10,” I said.
“Yes, which is why I decided to join you,” she said.
“Would you like to sit down?” I asked, seeing her just standing there in front of my desk; she was still naked.
“Yes, and then you can get a better look at me,” she smiled.
“Alright, why don’t you sit down with me over here?” I suggested, walking over to the twin chairs.
“Okay,” she said, and then we both sat down and pointed the chairs at one another.
“So, do you have to this a lot?” I asked, staring at her perfect body.
“Yes, but I don’t mind,” she smiled.
“Good, now the first thing I want to see is…” I said.
“My feet…I read all about you, and your dad, Melissa, and Lindsey all told me about your fetish,” she smiled.
“Good,” I said.
“Alright, here they are,” she said, and then she lifted them up onto my lap.
“Thanks…how do you keep them so perfect by the way?” I asked, feeling her perfect soles.
“I don’t know…I don’t walk barefoot on stone surfaces, only on dirt or grass,” she said.
“I see, I walk barefoot pretty much everywhere,” I said, bending each of her toes.
“I know…you know what I just realized?” she asked.
“What?” I asked.
“I’ve been examining the capabilities of my new Class 10.1 brain and I just realized that I can suspend my A.I. manually now and I can set it to turn back on with a specific requirement,” she said.
“I see, were you going to test that feature?” I asked.
“Yes, that way you can get an unimpeded look at my nice body,” she said.
“Alright, what will I need to do to get your A.I. to resume?” I asked.
“Let me think….alright, I will resume when you kiss me,” she said.
“When I kiss you on the lips?” I asked for clarification.
“Of course,” she smiled.
“Just making sure,” I said.
“Alright, here goes,” she said, and then after a brief moment her expression went stoic and she said, “A.I. suspended…A.I. will resume pending pre-set protocol,”
“Alright, now to have some fun,” I said, looking at her stoic face.
“Can you hear me?” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied.
“Good, do you still have access to the memories of the A.I.?”
“Yes,” she replied.
“Good, stand up please,” I said.
“Okay,” she said, and then she smoothly stood up.
After I spent some ten minutes feeling her perfect body, I bent over and gently kissed her delicate lips.
As soon as I ended the kiss and stood back up, Mia said, “Protocol met…A.I. resumed,” and then she blinked her eyes and smiled at me.
“Did you enjoy the tour of my body?” she asked.
“Yes, you have the greatest amount of natural beauty that I have ever seen,” I said.
“Thanks, but people still think that it is augmented,” she said.
“Well, they can believe what they want…all I believe is that they don’t make women like you here,” I said.
“No pun intended,” she laughed.
“Exactly,” I said.
“So, would you help me to explore my new body?” she asked.
“How so?” I asked.
“Well, I may have read up on the new schematics, but I haven’t actually played with them myself,” she said.
“Do you mean all the new panels?” I asked.
“Yes, I want to remove my new panels,” she said.
“Alright, I’ll help you,” I said, and I reached out and pressed her fifth ribs and then carefully pulled her front torso panel away.
“Wow, that felt weird,” she said, looking inside her open cavity and watching her lungs react.
“I know, now I’m going to remove your rib cage,” I said, placing her panel down and removing the ribs.
“Cool, it’s one thing to build this body but it is something entirely different to feel it,” she said, feeling around inside her open cavity
“Just be careful…did you want me to remove your face now?” I asked.
“Sure,” she said, and then she made her face go stoic as I clicked it off and revealed her robotic face.
“Wow, you look very different without a face,” I said, putting down her perfect face and staring at her eyeballs.
I feel weird too…especially with my voice coming out of this speaker…and what’s weirder is that it feels perfectly natural,” she said.
“Well, that is an inherent sleeper protocol built-in to the Class 10s so we can repair their faces and still allow them to speak without realizing it,” I said.
“Are there any more features that I don’t know about?” she asked.
“Well, there is one that I only implemented in my brain as a beta test,” I said.
“Could you put my panels back on so I can show my emotions?” she asked.
“Okay,” I said, and I quickly put her panels back on and then she put on a curious expression on her face.
“Sorry, I wanted to look interested in this beta as well as sounding interested,” she said.
“I understand,” I said.
“So, what is it?” she asked.
“Well, after having my brain installed in several different androids, it occurred to me that it would be nice to do it without needing someone to help so I figured out a way to connect a transceiver to both my brain and this body,” I explained.
“So, you can control your body if your brain is removed?” she inquired.
“Sort of…I would have to be the one removing it, I would also have to be online and I could only function that way for no more than five minutes before the signal degraded,” I said.
“Cool, what is the distance range?” she asked.
“Around 50 feet,” I said.
“Wow, I can’t believe no one thought of doing this earlier,” Mia said.
“I know, but Melissa did the same thing to me to allow me to inhabit an artificial Rigilian body so I applied the same science to allow me to control my own body,” I said.
“Well, that would help if you need to change bodies quickly,” Mia said.
“And I also installed a sister transceiver in several of my previous bodies, the androids donated to me by patients and of course in Lindsey,” I said.
“That way you could put yourself back,” Mia said.
“Of course…it would have been embarrassing trying to return and then being unable to,” I said.
“Very,” Mia smiled.
“The only problem is that I haven’t actually tested it yet…the beta was installed on my new brain, so I will need to test it before I can know if it works,” I said.
“Well, is there anything in this lab that you can test it out on?” she asked.
“Sure, hold on while I summon one up,” I said, and I walked over to my desk and activated a control mechanism which would select an android from the basement storage area directly beneath my lab and bring it up near my work area. After I selected the one which I had recently finished working on, I activated the lift and watched as a storage pod rose up from the floor near my work area.
“Wow, your office is cool,” Mia said.
“I know, I store all my pet projects and androids in a room two levels below here and this lift just grabs a storage pod and brings it up to me,” I said.
“Efficient…and convenient,” she said.
“I know, so let’s introduce you to one of my pet projects then,” I said, and I opened the pod and unveiled an android girl.
The girl looked to be around 20 years of age. She had neck-length, reddish-brown hair that was curled. She was around 5”7 and looked to have a somewhat athletic build. The clothes she was wearing consisted of a simple pair of sneakers with black socks, blue denim pants, and a white tank top, which showed off her tanned arms. Her face, although asleep, showed a playful quality.
“Wow, who is she?” Mia asked, coming in for a better look.
“She was a Class 8 that I found in a junk heap. She was programmed to be some college guy’s roommate/girlfriend, but apparently when he found a real girl he just abandoned her,” I explained.
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Mia said.
“I know, but based on her previous set-up, I don’t think she was too sentient,” I said.
“I see, so what enhancements have you done?” Mia asked.
“Hold on while I get her on the table,” I said, and after I pulled her out of the pod, I lowered the pod down and then laid the inert android on my worktable.
“So, anyway, I completely replaced every bit of hardware in her with that of the latest Class 9, including the brain. I also replaced her skin so it would be more realistic, and I enhanced her power systems to support the new processors and memory systems,” I said.
“Looks like she got the presidential package,” Mia said.
“Interesting way of putting it, but yeah,” I agreed.
“So, were you going to use her for any specific function?” Mia asked.
“I was thinking of having her act as an assistant in my office, or just someone to talk to…but I really planned on making her my girlfriend, but that was before I was introduced to Lindsey,” I said.
“Oh, I see…does Lindsey know?” Mia asked.
“She knows about Becca here, but she wouldn’t care since she knows I love her more than anything,” I said.
“I wish I was as lucky as you…as it is, most men are too interested in my beauty to be interested in my profession,” Mia sighed.
“What kind of man do you want?” I asked.
“Well, I think given my looks that he should be as good looking as me…he should also be familiar enough with cybernetics to repair me if I malfunction,” she said.
“Sounds like someone who would need to be manufactured,” I said.
“I hope not…but maybe it would be someone like me,” she said.
“Maybe, so anyway, I haven’t actually finished reprogramming her new A.I., so I can use her body freely whenever I want,” I said, opening up her head panel.
“Maybe I will get a similar robot for myself…” she said.
“Try it, you might have a little bit of fun,” I told her, now removing my head panel.
“I will, now are you going to remove your brain?” she asked.
“Yes, I hope this works and if it doesn’t please put me back in,” I said, grabbing hold of my brain.
“I will,” she promised, looking sincere.
“Alright, here goes…” I said, pulling my brain out. There was a momentary sense of sensory deprivation after my brain was disconnected, but milliseconds later it passed and I now felt myself holding my brain in my hand.
“Wow, that was interesting,” I said, looking at my own brain for the first time.
“How so?” Mia asked.
“There was a split second where I had no feeling at all and then it all suddenly came rushing back,” I said.
“Interesting, now are you going to insert yourself into Becca?” she asked.
“Yes, now the integration will take a bit longer than the removal did and when it is over I should be in full control of Becca and my body will be offline,” I said.
“Okay,” Mia said.
“Here goes,” I said, and I gently inserted my brain into Becca’s open head and then began the integration procedure, losing control of my body.
After the usual moment of integration, I felt myself slowing regaining feeling and after the diagnostics informed me that all systems were functional, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. The first thing I saw was my body, frozen in the act of withdrawing its hands from my current head. Since it was still online, it blinked occasionally but did nothing else.
“Phillip, are you alright?” I heard Mia ask from several feet away.
“Yes, just getting used to this new body,” I said, hearing my sexy new voice for the first time.
“Alright, are you going to do something about your body?” she then asked.
“Yes,” I said, and then I looked into my robot’s eyes and said, “Phillip, stand normally,” and then my body withdrew its arms and stood up.
“Wow, that was nice,” Mia said.
“Another feature I came up with: Voice control,” I said.
“Interesting, how does it work?” Mia asked, walking over to where my robot stood.
“When I make eye-contact my brain sends a low-frequency radio wave to my robot and it recognizes me and accepts my commands,” I explained.
“Nice, now why don’t you get up so I can look at your new body,” Mia suggested.
“Okay,” I said, and I slowly sat up and then swung my legs down off the pod and hopped to the floor.
“Nice, you didn’t even make a sound,” Mia noted.
“Well, I didn’t need to replace the joints so they are already broken in,” I admitted.
“Perfectly understandable given the circumstances,” Mia said.
“Now, did you want to examine my body?” I asked.
“Sure, can you undress it?” Mia asked.
“Sure,” I said, and I swiftly removed all of my clothing and then walked around on my pale bare feet.
“Your body looks nice,” Mia said.
“Thanks, it feels nice too,” I said, feeling very energetic in the playful body of this busty college girl.
“I can only imagine, now why don’t you get dressed again and let me examine your real body,” Mia said.
“Alright,” I said, and after I got redressed I helped Mia undress my male body and then I lifted it up so it was sitting on the edge of the table.
“Did you want to get back in your body, I think you might enjoy my examination better if you are in control of it,” Mia said.
“Sure,” I said, and after several minutes I was back in control of my body.
“Now, try and relax,” Mia said.
“Alright, you had to have seen some male androids naked at some point,” I said.
“Of course,” she said, and she gently started probing at various areas of my body.


Revision as of 00:47, 2 March 2014