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Part 1

An office manager is interviewing a 30 yr old woman. Going over some of her qualifications, he feels good about her skills, and asks if she would like a tour of the facilities....

"Kristen, your resume is impressive, the skills you've been able to demonstrate, and to explain complicated theory. From all I've heard and seen you do this morning, you are just what we're looking for". Thank you very much". Kristen straightened her sitting posture and leaned in a little more. I really hope that I'll be able add to your wonderful team of talented individuals. I feel that I have a good sense of what you're looking for, and that I can add a lot more." I paused for moment, and also leaned forward a little to look at her. She smiled. Anxiety displayed across her face. "I believe that you will, indeed, so far I am very impressed. But before I officially say yes you're hired. Would you be open enough to tell me a lttle more about yourself? " I asked. She shifted her posture ever so slightly, and she seemed to relax a little more. "Uhmm sure. I come from a family of three children. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I'm the real excellor in the family. My brother's an officer in the army, my sisters married with two kids. I uhm... like to spend my free time hiking in the hills. Nature really relaxs me. Feeling the soft breeze across my face, listening to the music of the birds, and the rustling of the wind through the trees. I have this soundtrack on my mp3 that is just the sounds of the forest. I plug in and listen to relax, it helps rejuvenate me." Kristen shrugged her shoulders. I sat there for a few seconds just watching her. "Mr. Smith, some of my friends say I'm like an onion with just a few layers instead of many." She concluded. "I appreciate your openess. Often the whole interview process tends to be somewhat overwhelming, and I like to be a little more relaxd in this setting." I stated. " As for me, I'm often described as layed back and easy going. But when a goal or company deadline is near, I really buckle down to get it accomplished. Not too hard at it that I stress myself out, but I really get focused and apply myself." I watched as Kristen nodded, acknowleging my comment. "Well how would you feel about the idea of a little tour of the facilities? Would you like that?" I asked. Her look of anxiety turned to shear enthusiasm. She practically jumped out of her chair. Yes, I would like that very much! I stood up from behind my desk and walked around to her. Again I took a brief moment to visually look her over. Kristen was a soft brunette, with some golden highlights, dark blue eyes, about 27 - 32 years old in appearance, about 5' 10" in height, and approximately 130 lbs. Her hair was silky in appearance, with soft curls at her bangs, and the style reminded me of fluid waves. Not too many, not too few, and her face, beautiful, elegant, sophisticated. The business suit she wore was modest, and her blouse was open enough at the neck to reveal the chain necklace that she wore. "Oh, you may leave your things, we'll be back after the tour. Now if you'll follow me please." I stated. I opened the office door and escorted her out. The heels of her shoes clicked mildly as we left my office. I turned to Kristen as we walked down the hall. "As you're aware Kristen, we do a lot of government contract work here. However a large majority of our clients come from the private and independent sector." She turned to face me. "I see. So do your private sector clients request a more specialized robot for what they require compared to some of the Government’s?" She asked. I took a few more steps, then stopped at a door, turned and faced her. “We feel that regardless of the client, we want to provide the highest quality of product. Or robot, as you’ve put it.” I gently took this opportunity to place my left hand on her shoulder. “Kristen, we design, build, and test a wide variety of products. Many are just automated industrial robots for production and assembly. Some more technical than others, however, with your education and background in micro-circuitry engineering and servo motors, you'll be an asset to our R & D division. As well as what we're currently hoping will be our next advanced leap in robotic engineering.” She looked back at me with her brow raised. “Oh, what would that be?” She asked with genuine curiosity. I swiped my access card through the card reader of the door and entered the proper code. Then turning back to her, “That would be androids. Highly sophisticated androids, so human-like in appearance and function, that even you my dear, would have a hard time telling the difference between a real man or woman, and an artificial one” And with that I opened the door and gestured for her to enter.

The room was a light grey color and completely void of any furniture other than a set of four partitioning curtains. Kristen turned to face me. “What’s behind the curtains?” “To help you understand some of what you’ll be doing here, we must start at the beginning. As you can see each curtain is labeled 1 through 4. Now I must apologize Kristen, some of what you may see in this room, and perhaps later in the tour, you might consider to be offensive.” I told her. She looked a little confused, “Offensive?” I let out a sigh. “Does nudity offend you?" She still looked confused. "You’ll get my meaning. Please.” I pointed to curtain 1. “Pull it back.” She took a few steps forward to the curtain and grabbed at the seam and pulled it back away. Inside were two basic automotive assembly type robots. One, with a large arm, and the other with two large arms. She let out a soft giggle and turned back to me. I’m sorry, but these are not what I thought would be behind the curtain. I merely smiled and pointed to curtain 2. She took a few more steps and again grabbed the curtain to pull it back. This time there was a single robot, large and bulky. A bipedal type with four limbs and a camera attached to the top. Kristen stepped to the third curtain and turned to face me. “Is this like 20 questions or charades”? Again I smiled and gestured for her to continue. Again a third time she pulled the curtain back. This time her hand swung up to her mouth as she let out a soft gasp. “You see the progression of things I take it?” I asked “Uh huh?” was all she said. Inside curtain three were two very humanoid looking robots. Almost average size and build, in appearance one was a male, the other female. All grey and metallic looking from head to toe. No hair or real human like features. Two eyes, a speaker area for the mouth, almost Flash Gordon type era robots from the early thirties and forties of the twentieth century. She turned to me, a look of anticipation. “Can I?” I nodded to the affirmative. She reached up almost hesitantly and pulled the curtain quickly back. Inside were two human appearing individuals. Both had all but a sheet draped over them, with a hole for their heads to fit through. This was to keep them somewhat modest in appearance. They were both bald, yet you could tell one was female, the other male. They appeared human in most respects. The skin tone was not quite right and some seams were visible at the arms, waste, and legs. I stepped up to Kristen, “What do you think?” She took a step up to the female and began to examine her. “Why no hair? She turned back to me. “Wigs are a wonderful thing. A brunette one day, redhead the next.” I told her. “They look very real. Aside from the seams, which are hardly noticeable at all. Are they all….?” She started as she turned back to the two robots. “What?” I asked. “Authentic?” she said. “If you mean, all there? No, these are for military and hazardous duty. That was their primary purpose.” I stated. “Oh,” she turned back to me. “You see Kristen. We have made some truly large steps here in robotic engineering and design. We are hoping that you will be able to help further that progress. “I would love to, this is so much more than anything I had hoped for.” Great! So far I am very impressed. Shall we continue? “Yes please." I led her out of the room and down the hall to a door marked ‘Alpha Static Free’ I punched a code into the access panel and opened the door. “Kristen we’ll have to pass through a second door, once this one closes. It’s to help protect what’s inside.” She nodded and proceeded ahead of me. I closed the door and a soft hiss was heard. There was a soft breeze of air from overhead, then the locked clicked open on the next door. I opened it and entered in front of Kristen. This room was much larger, with a taller ceiling and excellent lighting. There were several work stations, tables with various computer type parts, circuit boards, wiring, and micro servo motors strewn about before us. In the background were several gurney type tables with sheets covering them. A few people were working in that direction. Dressed in white with masks. “Are they Doctors?” Kristen asked. I stretched forth my hand and said this is our primary R & D room. Here we have next gen circuit boards, servo motors, top secret development and design, and…. I pointed in the direction of the workers and gurneys. Our next line of android. She quickly turned and grabbed my arm. I was surprised by her excitement. May we go over and see?” She asked. It was as if she had the excitement of a little child. I looked down at my arm she had a hold of, then back to her. “Oh, sorry.” She stated. “A quick look would be alright. But please, not too many questions.” I told her. We made our way through the maze of desks and tables and stopped at the first gurney. A sheet completely covering what lie beneath it. I gently grabbed a hold of it and pulled it downward, stopping half way. “Oh wow!" She said. It was a man with sandy blonde hair. His eyes were closed. He wore no clothing. His appearance was young, strong and muscular. Kristen eyes darted from his head to his chest and stopped just above his waste. “Ewe, where’s his skin?” Where his navel should have been was an open area, about 4inches by 4 inches, revealing a tangle of wiring and deeper inside were a few blinking LED’s. “He is obviously not complete, being repaired, or still in testing.” I stated. “This is amazing. Incredibly amazing that he looks so real. Her hand traced his stomach muscles to the open area at his navel. I watched her intently to see what she may have been thinking. “I guess you’re wondering about this one? Whether or not he has all the working parts?” I asked. She turned back to me and a flush of red came into her face. “I am so sorry! Was it that obvio….Oh I apologize, truly I do. That was very unbecoming of me.” She stated with genuine sincerity. “No need to apologize Kristen. I probably should not have suggested it. Would you like to see more?” I asked. “Oh yes.” She said. Then turned her eyes back to the man in front of us. “I'm sorry Kristen, I meant more of the facilities." "Oh, yeah." She stated with a look of disipointment on her face. "Great, please follow me." I led her across the rest of the room, passing more gurneys. She slowed her step briefly as we passed one gurney, the sheet was pulled down revealing the faceless head of a female. “She looks a lot like something out of the old Terminator movies, with out the face and skin.” She said. “Very close.” I agreed. We reached another set of doors and again went through the same process as when we had entered. Kristen seemed lost in thought for a moment as I glanced over at her. After several short halls and a few turns we stopped in front of a set of glass doors. "There doesn't seem to be too many people here. I mean, we've walked a few halls and I have only seen is one other person." Kristen stated. The work ethic here is demanding, yet there are many people here as you'll see. Now as an employee here, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy our physical exercise room during your off hours.” I grabbed the door handle and opened it, letting her enter in. I saw her eyes widen as she took the room in. It was a perfect temperature, and had a pleasant smell to the senses. The room had a few people working out at various stations. A strikingly beautiful woman was on the treadmill, and appeared to have been for some time judging from the perspiration on her t-shirt and abdomen. A man in his mid-thirties was doing leg lifts at a nautilus machine. Another was doing free weights with a partner and appeared to be having no difficulty with a sizable amount of weight on the bar. I turned to the left of where we had entered and saw another woman doing a leg stretch on the floor in front of a mirror. Kristen noticed the direction I was looking. “She’s very limber.” She stated. “Yes, it appears so.” The woman on the floor looked up at us and smiled. I watched Kristen for a moment as she continued to scan the room. There were dual television monitors in each corner. The volume was low and the closed captioning was turned on so each person could individually pay attention to what he or she wanted to. “Mr. Smith, I could very much enjoy working here and having access just to this alone. I could cancel my expensive membership to…” I cut her off, “Please, you can call me Jim. Mr. Smith is my father.” I told her. “Alright, thank you. Jim” She stated. “Kristen, there are two more rooms that I’d like to show you. If you'll follow me please.” I opened the door and allowed her to walk beside me. I stopped after just a few steps. I turned to Kristen. She stopped to face me. “Kristen, those people in the exercise room, do you think they were human or machine?” I saw a quick look of disbelief flash across her face, then her brow bunched together. “Human! I mean……that woman on the treadmill, she was sweating. And the other one on the floor stretching. No way a machine could do that and appear human. No I think there were all human.” She stated. I took a step back and folded my arms. “What if I told you that they were all androids. The men and the women.” She looked a little startled at the thought, then her features softened. “But they look so real.” She said. “Real enough to fool even you.” I stated. Kristen looked a bit baffled. “Wow. No. no you’re toying with me. That’s too real, to human-like.” “Fair enough. But that's what we hope to accomplish. Maybe the next room will better persuade you.” I told her. I began walking again with Kristen a step behind me. After a few moments we came to another door. I again entered an access code and opened the door, but I turned to Kristen before opening it all the way. “I want to prepare you for what you’re about to see.” What?” she asked. “One of the purposes of our android design is… well… for human companionship.” I paused. “And intimacy.” With that I opened the door which allowed her to enter the room. Kristen took two steps into the room and let out a loud gasp. “Oh my God!” Kristen was staring at the activity displayed before her. The room was a bedroom. Decorated as such there was a king sized bed, dresser and night stands on either side of the bed. A window to the right of the bed where it appeared to be night out side, although it was not. On the bed was a man and a woman engaged in vigorous sexual intercourse. Their backs were to us. The man lay flat on his back while the woman was furiously fucking him. Each was moaning is delight and ecstasy. Each enjoying the other. Kristen turned to me. “Don’t they know we’re here?” I looked back at her. “No. The access code I entered sends a signal that allows us to enter and for them to be totally unaware of our presence.” I moved a few steps past Kristen towards the bed, then turned to look her. “What do you think?” She had a look between embarrassment and shock. The woman fucking the man began to moan louder and louder. He started to thrust and buck more beneath her. Matching her rhythm. Kristen stepped up beside me. “Are they both androids?” she asked. “Yes. In fact you may recognize the woman.” I told her. Kristen gave me a puzzled look, then turned back to the two on the bed. The mans face we could easily see now. He was definitely enjoying the ride. The woman still faced away from us. She was a brunette with a very tone body. “I … Jim, we should leave….maybe” Kristen was hesitant. I walked around to the head of the bed to get a better view of the woman, as well as the rigorous display or carnal pleasure. Kristen stood at the foot looking unsure. “They are so real Kristen!” I exclaimed. You can see the perspiration glistening on her chest and abdomen.” Just then the woman arched her back and began to moan louder, writhing in an explosive orgasm. "Oh baby. Yes! Fuck me, ohh! fuck me, fuck me harder! Give, uhn, give it to me, yes, YES, FUCK ME! EEEE!" The man seemed to give a powerful thrust, then a loud moan as well. The woman tossed her head back as her body rocked through her orgasm and that’s when Kristen saw her face and let out another gasp. Her hand flew to her mouth. The Woman slowly slumped over her lover, as she wound down and continued to caress his chest while they both recovered from that wonderful moment. Kristen brought her arm up and pointed it at the woman. “That’s me.” She said softly, barely audible. “She looks just like me. But how?” She asked. I moved back over to her and placed both hands on her shoulders and look her directly in the eye. “Kristen..” I started, then she brought her hand up with her index finger pointing directly at me. “You did a full body scan of me! Today when I walked through security. Didn’t you?” She said in an accusing tone. I shrugged my shoulder and feigned ignorance. “No, not exactly.” I stated. Kristen turned back to the couple laying on the bed. “It’s amazing! Robots that can even perform sex. Wow!” She said, then she began to circle the bed staring intently as the two lovers as they gently caressed each other.

“Well Kristen, you’ve certainly surprised me by your understanding and enthusiasm about what we hope to accomplish here. Now, if you would please follow me. There is one more area that I’d still like to show you.” I told her, gesturing toward the door. I saw how she hesitated for a moment, then finally turned to face me and started towards the door. After a few steps she turned to me with an excited look on her face. “I want him to fuck me too!” I stopped just short of the door. “Miss Anders!!” I cried. Her expression changed to one of shock and horror as she realized just what she had said. Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh God! Did I just say that? Mr. Smith I am so so sorry. That outburst was inexcusable.” She said mournfully as she lowered her head before me. I walked up to her and took her by the arm escorted her out of the room. Once out in the corridor I turned her to face me. “Kristen, are you feeling alright?” I asked her. She looked up at me. “I……..I don’t know. I am so sorry. I’d understand if you didn’t want to hire me now.” She replied sincerely. She lowered her head again, staring at the floor. Gently, I place my hand on her shoulder as was about to say something when she brought her head up and smiled, looking more like the confident Kristen I had seen earlier. “I feel very……mixed up?” She said. “I don’t understand.” I told her. I could see the confusion again returning to her countenance. “Well, all this talk about robots and androids. Then seeing them up close……I want to……” She looked back down at the floor, then back up at me. Taking a deep breath she spoke. “I’m feeling very horny! There I’ve said it. Sorry!” I pulled my hand back and rubbed my chin for a second. “Now, where was this next area that you wanted to show me?” She asked rather matter of fact. I now took a deep breath, smiled and extended my arm out to the left. “This way please.” I stated, wondering now just what may happen next with Kristen.

To be continued...

Part 2

I watched Kristen out of the corner of my eye as we walked down the corridor. We finally came to a set of solid oak double doors, "Kristen, this is one of our monitoring rooms. We are able to observe and monitor our androids from here, as well as make any directive changes that we may deem necessary." I stated, then turned, entered my passcode and opened the door. I motioned for her to enter, then followed close behind.

The size of the room was enormous. Kristen turned to me. "It's like..mission control!" She said in awe. There were rows of display monitors, work stations, and people seated, watching and monitoring a variety of information. The room was tall and wide, yet quiet. The individuals at their stations, observing with headsets on, remained silent in their duties. "How many androids do you watch here?" She asked. I turned to her. "From this room we can monitor nearly three hundred of our androids. Both from within the facility, as well as without." I told her. Kristens expression changed to wonder. "Isn't that also like spying on those who are human?" She asked. "Follow me." I said, then walked up behind a woman seated at a station. I pointed to the display screen. "This station here monitors the androids internal workings and status. She never sees what the android sees, and doesn't hear what it hears." I stated. Kristen raised her hand and pointed to a man in the next row up. "He's got a visual display, and most everyone has a headset on. Why?" Kristen asked. I smiled, "Yes, you are correct. Spying? No. At least not intentionally. Some of what they hear are signals being transmitted from the androids." I told her. "Kristen, follow me please." I asked "OK". I lead her over to the corner of the room to an empty work station.

"Kristen, having seen all you've seen today. Knowing what we do here, and what we hope to accomplish. How do you see yourself as an employee with us?" I asked. Kristen's countenance brightened. "Well, you have shown me a lot. I never knew that android and robotic technology had progressed this far. I'm still a little in awe of it all. I feel my education will deffinatey be an assett, and I'd very much love to work here. I would hope Mr. Smith, that my actions, or rather my reactions to what I've seen here won't sway you away from hiring me." She stated.

I rubbed my chin for a moment as I looked at her. "Well Kristen, I appreciate your honesty. There's one last thing I would like to demonstrate to you." I said. "Oh?" Kristen had a look of curiosity. I leaned over and started typing on the keyboard infront of us. The monitor flickered and brought up a schematic display. I turned to look at Kristen. "You see my dear, you've helped us so much already. You successfuly recovered from an unexpected glitch, that with earlier software versions litteraly on the spot." Kristen's expression turned to one of confusion. "I don't understand. What are you talking about?" I quickly typed a few more strokes. "Here you are." I said, pointing to the screen. Kristen leaned in a little closer. "This shows me information for an 'Alison' beta series. Status run completed? Maybe I should ask if you're feeling alright Mr. Smith." She stated. I leaned in near to Kristen, placing my hand on her shoulder. "That, is you! You are our next step, our next big thing. Well done." I said. She turned her head to look at my hand on her shoulder, then back to me. "You know what? Maybe this isn't what I was looking for. I'd like to get my purse please and I'll be leaving." She said defiently. I was surprised. "Kristen. You are hired! Now please report to software." Her look remained unchaged. "What!? I don't even know where .. where that is." I turned quickly from her to the monitor, then back again. "You're hired! Kristen, terminate all autonomus functions please." I told her. Kristen placed her hands on her hips. "Mr. Smith, do you think I'm one of your robots? You really do, don't you?" Everything that I was expecting vanished at that moment. Suddenly I realized that Kristen had become aware, or that her programming had glitched in a mannor that we hadn't expected. "Uhm... I apologize for that. Yes...I'll see you out Kristen." I told her. "Wait! Aren't you going to answer me?" I stood up to face her. "Yes, you deserve an answer. Please wait at the doors, and I'll be right there." I told her. She shrugged her shoulders and turned and headed for the double doors. I quickly turned back to the monitor to see if I could discern what had happened. A quick glance and nothing out of the ordinary jumped out at me. "I can't allow her to leave. . . There!" I mumbled to myself as I took the mouse and manually adjusted her behavioral settings to submissive, then her sexual arousal levels to near max. "Ohh my GOD!!!" Kristen screamed. I turned in time to see her knees buckled and bent. She struggled to remain standing as her body qwivered in a sexual rush of emotion, need, and exstacy.

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