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Bits and Pieces

Part 1

There was a sharp knock on the door, followed impatiently by another round of rapid knocks. Ethan had only been in a room a few paces from the front door, but the third round of knocks had already started. Ethan opened the door a little faster than he should have and managed to barely cover the look of surprise at the speed he had opened the door with. He was greeted by an impatient looking delivery man holding out a tablet to him.

"Delivery for Ethan Halks. Thumb print verification please" the delivery guy drawled in the exact opposite tone of his impatience. His leg twitched up and down almost involuntarily as he leaned up against the hand truck holding up a 4 foot tall cardboard box, slightly crumpled at the edges. Atop the large box sat another significantly smaller box wrapped in yellow tape declaring "fragile" every few inches, it was also slightly crumpled at the corners. Ethan looked over the invoice for only a second before realizing what he had just received and quickly pressed his thumb against the tablet until it dinged its approval.

"Thanks. Have a nice day" and before he could return the farewell the delivery man had removed his hand truck and was half way back to his delivery van. On any other day Ethan would be tempted to fantasize about calling in and reporting the stellar service he had just received, but not today.

He grabbed the smaller box and brought it in to his rather spartan apartment and set it on the couch. He then dragged the large box into his apartment and all the way down the short hall to the room he had come from just a few minutes earlier. He closed the front door and took out a cell phone and began dialing.

"Hey Sara, its Ethan. I just got the last pieces. When you get off tonight why don't you come over. I'll probably have her assembled by then. See you tonight sweetie."

Ethan hung up and walked back to what could only be classified as a lab. Two walls were devoted to holding cheap wire shelves stacked with boxes labeled with sharpie. Cables, bits of circuitry, and blocky metallic components of all sized stuck out of the boxes. One shelf held several more interesting parts. Hands that stopped at the wrist with cables spilling out of them. Three long slender arms, one of which had a section of skin missing, exposing a tangled mess of cables and circuitry below it. Legs, feet, a clear plastic bin with fingers and toes, and several pairs of perfectly shaped breasts. On the top shelf were two gorgeous female heads a long black haired beauty and a pixie cut red-head, their necks ending in a recessed silver cap with a solid looking tube and several wires dangling out of it.

The red-head's eyes were closed and a vague smile graced her lips. She looked almost like she had just fallen asleep. The dark haired head however was less peaceful. There was a look of concern on her face, like someone who had just been told that they were being fired from a favorite job. Her lips were parted ever so slightly. One eye was open and her dark brown eye looked dim. Her other eye was missing completely. The socket open but several wires dangled out of it and rested lightly against her cheek bone.

Ethen backed into the room backwards, dragging the large box along with him. His back bumped into a large metal table in the middle of the room. He set down the large box as gently as he could, but ended up dropping it the last few inches in order to get his fingers out of the way in time. He let out a breath and turned around.

On the table, arranged in their approximate locations, were a set of smooth, lightly tanned legs. Each foot ended in a set of perfectly pedicured toes. A set of arms lay with palms up, currently balled up into a fist. Each component had the same sunken silver plates as the heads on his shelf, but the wires were all connected to a hub that was then connected to a laptop sitting in the center of the table. Right where a torso would sit.

Ethan leaned over the table to the laptop and typed a few commands into the command line console he had left open. "Is it finally here?" A sugary sweet voice asked from across the room. "Yep, but there's still a bit of work to be done" Ethan replied as he looked over at another desk. There were two monitors sitting there. Next to them, clamped around the neck was another head. Her blond hair trailing behind her in a ponytail. The cables hanging out of her neck were run to a similar looking hub that was connected to a desktop below the desk. As soon as he pressed enter both hands relaxed into a neutral position. Ethan tapped enter on the keyboard, as soon as he did both fists unclenched. When they were Ethan began disconnecting each one and bundled up the wires. "Is this one for me?" Ethan placed the mess of wires on a shelf "nope, I'm afraid you aren't compatible with this one" "Oh, thats too bad, well is there anything I can do to help?" "Yeah there is, two things actually." "Of course! I would be happy to do anything for you" Ethan had to chuckle, "I know you would, you're programming wont let you be anything but helpful." "Thats me! Programmed to serve. I only wish I had a body so I could do more for you" she winked, but Ethan was huddled over a tool box gathering up all that he needed. "Naughty naughty Cassandra. What did you say you were programmed for again?" "Before you modified me I was a maid, then I was sold as a stripper to-" "Yeah I know, it was a rhetorical question. Can you start compiling Kate's personality, then I am going to need you to eject your face plate and shutdown." "Absolutely, am I to assume you weren't able to find a replacement set of eyes for Kate?" "That's correct, she'll be using yours." "How disappointing, I wont get to see Kate power up. She is compiling now." Suddenly Cassandra's face lost all expression, her eyes closed and slid forward an inch with a slight mechanical whir.

Ethan grabbed her face and push in to her cheekbones with his thumb while holding the back of her face with the rest of his fingers. It popped free and Ethan set it aside. Next he took a thin, but sturdy metal rod, about the thickness and length of a large paperclip. "Some things never change" Ethan muttered to himself as he slid the rod into a small hole where Cassandra's tear ducts would have been. After a second of fumbling there was a click from within Cassandra's head and her eyeball jerked forward slightly. Ethan repeated the process for the other eye. He set aside the rod and picked up a pair of needle-nose pliers. He gingerly tugged the eyeballs out just far enough to reach the pliers in and disconnect the attached wires. He then slid the eye out. The whole unit was easily the length of his index finger. A central bundle of tightly packed circuit boards all arranged on a central post. Several connection points lined the boards. Ethan set the green eyes down on the desk and began unhooking the wires in Cassandra's neck. Once he had he loosened the clamp and took her head and face over to the shelves where he placed them both next to the red-head.

Ethan took the dark haired head over to the desk. He clamped it in enough to be held steady. He felt around behind her ear for a second before handing himself the metal rod again. He slid it into the hole behind her ear until there was a soft click and then he tugged her face off. He ejected the one remaining eye the same as he had for Cassandra and then gently connected and slid the replacements into place. Ethan picked up the head and face plate and walked over to the table and set it approximately where it should be. Ethan snapped the face back on and smiled down at it.

From across the room Ethan's computer dinged to signal that the files were done being compiled. He pulled out a pocket knife and slit open the small box and pulled out two 8 inch long circuit boards. They were densely packed with an array of chips with individual liquid cooling systems. There were also dozens of open ports running along the top of the cards. Ethan spent the next five minutes connecting the two cards together with varying length and coloured cables. When the ports on the tops of the cards were finally connected to each other in a lattice of coloured cables Ethan hooked a single USB cable into his computer and began a transfer of the Kate personality files that Cassandra had started.

The estimated fifteen minutes gave Ethan time to turn around and open the large box he had dragged in. As soon as the packing tape was split open Ethan took a deep breath and pulled open the cardboard, hoping that the idiot delivery driver had only damaged the box and not its contents. He opened the box to see it filled with cheap packing peanuts and not the sturdy form fitting foam he had been hoping for. He brushed them aside and found what he had hoped for.

A slim, smooth, womanly torso rest gently inside the box. Just above the collar bone there was a short stump of a neck with a few connection wires sticking out of it. One of them was frayed at the end and looked like there had been some electrical damage to it. "That explains why you were so cheap." Ethan grumbled. The danger of buying robot parts second hand is that you never can quite tell what you're getting. Ethan frowned a little. Fixing the wire wouldn't be difficult, he had a spare and within a few minutes he had pulled out the old cable and replaced it. The arms were cut off just past the shoulder and the legs below the hips. Ethan snorted just a little when he looked at the chest though. The previous owner had been kind enough to keep the entire frontal panel. Just below the collar bone down to just above the vagina gaped open. "This one must have had some sweet tits if thats the only thing that the last guy wanted to keep." Ethan glanced over at the shelves. No matter, he had some replacements. He grabbed the torso just under the shoulders and lifted it out and set it on the table. All the pieces were here, but bits and pieces doesn't equal a robot. Ethan began connecting wires from the top of the legs into the matching cable connections on the legs, then arms, and eventually the head. The connections to the head involved a little more work since it required connecting a rubber tube and cinching it tight to prevent leaks. In the limited amount of space between the top of the torso and the bottom of the head his fingers had to try several times to make all the connections.

Once everything was connected Ethan walked to the shelves and looked through a few boxes before he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a small, but deceptively heavy cylinder and walked back to the table. Ethan pushed a few wires inside the chest out of the way and slid the cylinder horizontally inside. It rest just behind where her breasts would eventually be. Dangling out of the front of the cylinder was a standard power outlet cable, Ethan grabbed a power strip and plugged it in and then ran it over to the table. He pulled a short length of cabling from the cylinder and held it just above the power strip. "Ok baby, lets hope a burnt actuator cable was the only thing wrong with you." And he plugged in the cable.

Ethan heard the soft whir of fans spinning and a sharp crack. Ethan spun around in time to see tufts of packing peanuts go flying out of one of the many cooling fans. He let out a breath. He let her run for a minute just to make sure all was well. He noted that as he watched her the small red light on the power cylinder turned yellow. One third charged. Ethan reached inside just below the neck for a second until he found a small button. He rested his finger on it then placed his other hand under the head, taking care to sweep her long black hair out of the way. He pressed the button and felt a gentle tug on the head and watched the wires and rubber tubing begin to retract towards the body. He guided the head into place where it finally clicked and locked. The seam was still noticeable, and the skin tones were ever so slightly off, but he knew her automated pigmentation systems would correct both of those. He began the same process for the arms and legs, each one softly clicking into place.

Ethan kicked the large box out of the way and checked his computer. It was just finishing the transfer. He waited for a few more seconds until it finished then disconnected the boards. He spun around to the table and set the double cards down next to her head. He began pushing wires and sealed plastic bags and tubing out of the way. Once he had a clear path he grabbed the cards and clicked them both in place in her abdomen. He began piling wires and tubes back in the approximate place where he had moved them from.

"Now the hard part, what kind of rack do I want to have on her. Tough call right Cassandra?" Ethan looked around wondering why there was no response. "Oh, right. Well, enjoy your nap. Still, company is needed. C'mere Alexa." Ethan reached up and took down the red-head and clamped her head into the mount by his computer and hooked her up. He punched in a few commands on the computer and Alexa's eyes fluttered open. "Alexa now online. Initializing human emulation software...loading...loading...this unit is ready for human emulation, would you like to continue?" Alexa droned in a sweet but monotone voice. "Yes" Ethan said standing over the head. Hands resting on his hips looking down at her. Alexa drew a sharp breath as if she had just woken up suddenly. Her eyes flicked left and right before looking up at Ethan. A seductive smirk crossed her lips. "Another body-less blow-job Ethan? You dirty boy." She said, obviously enjoying the thought of such a thing happening. "Not right now beautiful. I need your keen eye for sexy things. Kate's torso arrived, but its got boobs. Can't have that now can we?" Ethan stepped aside so that Alexa had a view of the android laying on the table. "Mmm, she's a beauty. Maybe if I'm a real good girl you'll let Kate and I play?" "Focus." Ethan said mockingly. "Sara would let me." "Sara would join in and I wouldn't see any of you for days." "Hmmmm, that sounds nice" "Rope it in you little deviant." Alexa let out a little whimper. "Fine, but if I help you with this you have to let me play with your new toy some time soon." "Deal." Alexa squealed her delight. "Ok big boy, hold up your hands." "What, why?" Ethan held up his hands. "I heard once that any more than a handful..." Ethan rolled his eyes. "I suggest something in a C cup. Pick on with perky nipples, I like those." Ethan was on his way over to his parts shelf. "They aren't for you." He called over his shoulder. "Sara likes them too." Ethan glanced over his shoulder at the little red haired head mounted on his desk. She was smiling and lifting her eyebrows. Ethan turned back to the shelves and found some nice rounded C sized breasts with perky nipples. He turned around and held them up. "Hmm, they look ok, but I'm afraid I'm gonna need to run a tongue over them real quick. You know, just to be sure." Ethan let out a sigh. "Girl's gotta try at least." Ethan leaned the breasts and the skin coloured panel they were attached to against the table. He walked to the computer and began typing. "Don't forget, you made a deal, I want a shot at those tits" "Good night Alexa." Ethan punched enter. Alexa's eyes closed and the same vague smile crossed her lips. Ethan placed her back on the shelves. He picked up the chest panel and set about connecting both pieces to the torso. The elaborate hinge was the most time consuming, after that it was dozens of wires and sensor modules to connect. After nearly half an hour it was finally done. Ethan closed the chest and couldn't resist. He ran his hands over the breasts and had to admit, they were the perfect size, he even begrudgingly admitted to himself that he liked the perky nipples. He glanced up at Alexa and could have sworn her smile was just a little bit bigger.

Ethan grabbed the metal rod and with two fingers began feeling abound the sternum. He found the small blemish in the skin and inserted the rod all the way down to the handle before he felt the small internal button. He pushed it and quickly pulled out the tool. After a few seconds he saw Kate’s eyes open, staring straight up. He heard her inhale through her nose and saw her chest being to rise and fall. “Starting first boot system checks. New devices found, scanning for drivers…scanning…drivers found. Head module ready for use. Left arm module ready for use. Right arm module ready for use. Left leg module ready for use. Right leg module ready for use. Sexual systems ready for use. Core personality module ready for use. All systems fully operational. Ready to begin human emulation software. Would you like to continue?”

Ethan smiled, it had worked. He had finally built a functional android from just parts. He savored the moment, then said “yes” Kate’s eyes closed briefly, then opened back up as if waking up from a nap. She turned her head and looked at Ethan and smiled. She swung her body around and dangled her legs over the edge. With little effort she hopped down and Ethan noticed the pleasant jiggle of her breasts as her feet made contact with the floor.

As soon as she was off the table she sprang at Ethan and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. As she did she let out a small squeal of delight. Ethan returned the embrace and took a moment to enjoy the feeling of her flesh under his hands. It was cool, but her knew it wouldn't be for long. It felt soft and wonderful, just like he had hoped it would be weeks ago when he had ordered the torso.

Kate released the hug and took the closeness to Ethan to plant a kiss on his lips. He wasn't expecting it but quickly melted into it. As it continued it quickly became a more passionate kiss. Kate slid her tongue inside of Ethan's mouth and found it was oddly dry. Thats when he remembered he hadn't given her any fluids when he was assembling her, that was going to make what he had planned for the day a little more difficult. For now though he simply enjoyed the feeling of having Kate's nude body pressed closely against his and the feeling of her skin under hand.

After a few more minutes of kissing Ethan pushed away enough to gaze into her eyes. "I forgot your fluids" Ethan said slightly out of breath. "Thats going to make a few things difficult" "My thoughts exactly" "Well, open up and I'll top you off" Ethan left the room and headed to the bathroom. He grabbed several bottles of various sizes and labels. Some KY brand android sex lube, some over the counter cherry flavored saline solution for saliva, and a small bottle of artificial tears. When Ethan returned Kate was just detaching her face plate from her skull, her entire chest had already been hinged open. Her legs were spread in a wide, but stable stance. Ethan always loved the sight of a beautiful woman with panels open, cables running from inside her body onto the panel of artificial flesh. Kate skillfully placed her face on a built in hook inside the left half of her now open chest cavity.

"God you're beautiful." Ethan said as he walked over to her. With her face removed she wasn't able to articulate words, but she pressed her fingers and thumb together in front of her to make a heart. Ethan smiled at the gesture then opened the bottle of artificial tears and set it on the table. He unscrewed a small cap located directly between Kate's eyes and began filling it with the tears. Next he filled a small hard plastic container with the cherry saline that was mounted to the inside of her right chest panel. Ethan took out the rod tool and pushed in to a small port above her vagina. It clicked free and began sliding out. Ethan caught it quickly and gently glided the whole module free. The whole thing was 1twelve inches long and consisted of a large array of rollers connected to servos. "For my pleasure" Ethan thought to himself as he looked at it. Ethan uncapped a long slender tank that ran the whole length of the component. He tipped what remained of the container into it. He screwed the cap back on and slid the sex assembly back into place.

"Alright, you're full, go ahead and put your face on." Kate reached over and glided her face back into place with an unnatural amount of grace and elegance. Once it clicked onto the ejection post she let her hands fall to her side as her face slid the final inch back to her skull. A slight mechanical whirring could be heard up until her face sealed against the rest of her head. She opened her eyes and blinked several times while moving her mouth and tongue around to get the fluids pumping. She reached up her hands and placed them on her breasts and was about to start pushing when Ethan held out a hand and said "woah, hang on there. I like you like this." A sly smirk crossed her face, "oh you like this eh?" She said, gesturing at the mass of wires and circuits inside of her. "And here I thought you just assembled us machines. I never would have guessed you were into us." She said, her words dripping with sarcasm. "Well, to be honest I would like to be a little more into you, if you catch what I mean." Kate tilted her head slightly and her tone became flat, "No, if you were in me more it might damage my systems as well as cause you injury" "Wh-no I meant that-" Ethan stammered Kate's playful smile once again played across her face "gotcha." "I should have seen that coming" "Why don't you hop up on the table and show me how into me you want to get." "With pleasure!" Ethan said as he shed his shorts and boxers and hopped up onto the table. "That's why you built me, isn't it?"

Under normal circumstances for a woman to climb on top of a table and then on top of a man laying there while their chest hung open would have taken an astronomical amount of strength, dexterity, and coordination. Kate managed to not only accomplish just that but also managed to look damn sexy while doing it. Ethan was already hard as granite by the time Kate had so much as began her ascent. As she lowered herself onto his dick he could see the small rollers on her vaginal module pulsate, moving the lubricant all over the thick formed latex lining inside of her vagina. Ethan had no trouble getting inside of her, she was as smooth and silky inside as she was out. Her lips split easily and welcomed him in. As Kate began slowly lowered herself down into a missionary position Ethan propped himself up slightly. Kate began rolling her hips in a slow steady rhythm, Ethan let his gaze roam over her form. The sturdy chassis that her many circuit boards, tubes, wires and cars were all secured. He could see his own penis inside of her vaginal module, moving back and forth in the same rhythm as Kate's hips.

He ran his hands over the edge of her open panel. Kate's whole body shivered as he did. "Mmmm, thats some stimulation I didn't know I would like. Do it again, touch something inside of me." Ethan reached inside of her and stroked a few of the low importance circuits. Kate let out a moan of extacy. Ethan knew she hadn't felt a thing, there were no tactile sensors inside of her, but her programming and her A.I. Had told her that she liked the "feeling" of it. Ethan knew that this machine was only doing what that set of double personality cards was telling her to do. Ethan liked it that way. He grabbed her hips and begun thrusting her deeper and faster. Without missing a beat Kate matched his thrusts with her whole body. She arched her back and cried out in pleasure. She reached up and held the hinged panels of her open cavity in place so that they didn't accidentally swing closed improperly.

It didn't take too long before both Ethan and Kate were moaning with pleasure as Ethan exploded inside of her. When he did he could feel The whole of her vagina massage his penis. It rolled gently down the length of his shaft and then back up. Several more times did she do this, each time Ethan jerked with renewed pleasure. "You better close up, Kate. Don't want to get anything else inside of you." "Oh fine, I like seeing you that happy, and I know seeing what I am makes you that happy. Besides, I kinda like seeing my own circuits as well." Kate replied. She put a hand on each breast and glided her chest panels into place and clicked them into place. She took a moment to look down at herself and massage her breasts briefly. "Nice choice on my tits, I like these." She rolled her nipples between her fingers for a moment then lifted herself off of Ethan and back onto the floor.

Ethan walked to the bathroom to clean himself up a bit. As he did he called back up the hall, "Hey Kate, what's your power level at?" "22%" "You better plug in. Sara is going to want to meet you and you are going to need some juice for that. Might as well put on some clothes too. You're about Sara's size, grab something from the closet." "Do I have to?" Kate whined. "Yes, what if a client drops by?" "Ugh, fine. Way to be a kill joy." Ethan rolled his eyes, and jotted down a note on a nearby notepad. "Turn down sass on Kate" it read in his scrawling handwriting.

Kate walked in a few minutes later wearing a long black skirt, Ethan assumed no panties, and a simple orange tank-top. Ethan noticed her nipples were easily visible beneath her top. She walked over to the power strip by the table and picked it up. She carried it with her over to the computer desk. She stood up straight and exhaled through her nose, as she did a small square panel flipped down just over her right breast. Kate reached two fingers inside of herself and pulled out the wall plug for her power unit. She pulled it out to a length that would reach the desktop. She set the power strip on the desk next to the head mount and plugged herself in. "Shut down too, you'll charge faster" Ethan said, he was leaning against the door post. "You just want to touch me without me talking back." She said and winked at him. "Maybe so." "Good night Ethan, see you later." She closed her eyes and Ethan stared at her for just a moment. Before moving on to clean up his lab.

The next several hours passed slowly. Ethan cleaned up the boxes and packaging, put away the tools, and began browsing online for parts. Cassandra needed a set of eyes, and he looked for another torso for Alexa. A sexual deviant she may be, but with the right set of curves she would be a lot of fun.

Eventually Ethan heard a key in the front door and Sara came in. Standing at just above five feet tall, she had shoulder length brown wavy hair which was currently tied up in a messy bun. She was wearing a "Pizza 'Spress" T-shirt and yoga pants. She walked over to the small kitchen bar and dropped a pizza box on it. "Dinner is served" she declared. "Hi babe, hows the new addition?" Ethan spun around in his chair and planted a kiss on her cheek. "She's good. I have her charging in the lab." "You tested her out yet?" "Yep. She's, ahem, fully functional." Sara laughed genuinely, "you cad! Taking advantage of a freshly assembled android! She didn't know any better. If I had been here I would have shown her what a sophisticated person would act like!" "Yep, you're a real classy lady." Sara giggled as she walked away. She sauntered up the hall to the bathroom. A moment later Ethan saw a bundle of clothes go flying out the door and the sound of the shower running. Ethan got up and collected Sara's clothes and tossed them in the laundry then went into the bathroom to watch his girlfriend shower. He entered about the time that Sara was soaping up her shapely breasts. Noticing Ethan she put a little extra vigor into her scrubbing and massaging. Sara finished her shower and began toweling herself off. "Alright mister, I'm clean now. Do I get to meet Kate?" "Your date awaits madam" Ethan said sweeping his hand towards the lab and bowing low. Sara laughed and kissed Ethan's forehead. "Join me, wont you kind sir." She said as she walked past him.

Ethan followed behind Sara, mostly to enjoy the view of her ass as she walked to the lab. She walked straight over to Kate and began running a hand up Kate's arm and over the features of her face. "Who's eyes did you end up using?" Sara asked as she turned to look at Ethan. "Cassandra. She was bummed that she didn't get to see Kate's first boot." "I can see why, shes amazing. Good job Ethan." "Same to you, you did a good job programming her personality. Oh, you'll need to make her a little less sassy though. Maybe later tonight you can recode it?" "I'm offended, my code is flawless. You just need to loosen up. Although I guess I can build in another profile modifier specifically for you that will make her less sarcastic to you." "Sure, uh, you're the expert." "Don't you forget it." Sara said planting her fists on her hips. Sara turned back to Kate and disconnected the power cable. She gave it a quick tug and it began zipping back inside of Kate. Once it was secured back in place Sara pressed a button on the power module inside of Kate's open panel.

Kate inhaled through her nose, signaling that she was turning on. Sara flipped the open panel closed and took a step back to stand next to Ethan. Ethan put a hand around Sara's waist and tugged her a little closer to his side, earning him a smile from Sara. Thirty seconds later Kate's eyes opened and she grinned at the pair standing in front of her. "You must be Sara." Kate said looking into Sara's eyes. "I love your eyes!" Sara blushed a little, she had heterochromia, granting her one dark brown eye and one crystal blue. "Thanks, I like yours too." Sara replied. "Remind me to thank Cassandra for them later."

Kate too a step forward and placed her hands on either side of Sara's face and drew her in for a gentle lingering kiss. "I'm glad they are being used to look at someone so beautiful, Sara." Sara leaned back in and began a passionate kiss with Kate. As she did she ran her hands around Kate's hips and over her perfectly shaped butt. After a quick squeeze, she slid her hands under the elastic waist band and guided Kate's skirt down past her hips and let it tumble to the floor. Ethan's suspicions were confirmed, Kate hadn't bothered with panties.

Ethan watched the two continue to kiss and paw at each other. Meanwhile he slipped out of his pants and shirt. Kate had her tank top up and over her head and Sara had knelt down and was busy skillfully playing her tongue over Kate's nipples. Kate let out a deep, husky sigh as Sara placed a hand on Kate's other breast and began massaging it slowly. Ethan walked over and stood next to Kate just as she discarded her top and began kissing her passionately. Kate ran her fingers through Ethan's hair and held him firmly against her lips. Their tongues collided and began to dance around each other. Kate's hand grasped him gently around his shaft and started slowly pumping up and down. Ethan couldn't help but moan.

Kate gasped as Sara inserted two fingers inside the folds of Kate's vagina. Kate put a hand on the desk to help balancer herself and thrust her hips forward. Sara took her thumbs and spread Kate's lips and began flicking her tongue around the edges. Soon Sara flexed her tongue into a point and dived deep side of Kate. Greedily licking at anything she could find. She eventually found her way to Kate's artificial clit and played with it on the tip of her tongue until she could feel an influx of warm lubricant. Kate was cumming as best her systems would let her. Sara stood up, pleased with herself.

"Hey Kate, how about you let me borrow your head for a bit." Sara said lacing her fingers through Kate's hair. Kate and Ethan broke their kiss and looked at Sara. They both smiled. Kate lifted her hands to rest on her jaw. A thin seam line appeared encircling her neck then her head lifted an inch away from her body. Kate pulled upward and Ethan reached into the gap between her head and her neck and disconnected the connection wires. "Head module disconnected. Remote module control activated. Remaining module power 100%. Resuming human emulation" Kate droned as soon as the last wire was disconnected. "Oh! This is interesting. Alright Sara, lets have some fun!" Sara held Kate's head in front over her and walked over by the shelves. Meanwhile Ethan lifted Kate's body onto the table and spread her legs. He easily guided himself inside of her and began thrusting. He looked up to see Sara leaning back at a nearly 45 degree angle against the wall, both hands holding Kate's head against her crotch.

The sight of his girlfriend being pleased by the machine he had just build was extremely arousing to Ethan. He kept pumping harder and harder as he watched Sara become more and more aroused. Kate was an expert at her craft, because within minutes Sara was only able to produce gasps and soft short moans and sighs of pleasure. Ethan couldn't hold out any longer and once again orgasmed inside of Kate. As he did he looked up in time to see Sara take one staggered step back to try and bace herself against the waves of pleasure she was feeling. Thats when Ethan noticed the small box that the personality cards had come in was right in line with Sara's next step. He called out to her but it was too late. Her foot landed on the empty box and it was just enough to throw off her balance and she tumbled to the floor. Kate's head luckily tumbled slightly down Sara's other leg and across the floor.

Sara fell sideways hard and smashed her head into one of the shelves she had been standing next to. Ethan quickly scrambled off of the table and over to Sara. Ethan let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. Sara lay on the floor, eyes wide open and staring up at the ceiling. Her head lay at an unnatural angle compared to her body. The skin on her neck was torn open and several wires poked out. There was also a large piece of flesh torn from above her eyebrow up to her hairline. Cream coloured hard plastic shown behind the torn flesh. Sara's fingers twitched wildly and every now and then her whole body would convulse. Her head kept trying to turn to look at Ethan, but all she managed was a slight turn and then her head would snap back into place. The sound of straining servos would audible through the hole in the side of her neck. "Oh Sara, you never did recode that balance protocol I told you about." Ethan said exasperated. "Ahh! Ethan-I...Ahh! Ethan-I...Ahh! Ethan-I..." Sara repeated over and over in a genuinely shocked tone. Ethan reached up onto the shelf and grabbed his rod tool and poked it through the skin above her breast and her whole breasts slid out and then swung open. Ethan reached in and held down a glowing white power button for five seconds before Sara went completely limp. Her eyes still wide with shock and her mouth froze open.

Ethan looked at Sara and sighed again. More parts...

Part 2 - Sara

Sara's eyes opened but she was unable to clearly focus on anything. "I must have hit my head pretty hard" she thought. "The last thing I remember was Kate's head in my crotch, I slipped and fell. Then this." "Oh thank goodness you're operational" Sara heard a familiar voice nearby. It was her boyfriend, Ethan. "Ugh, yeah, but I think there's something wrong with my eyes, I can barely see, everything is just a big white blur. Did you take me to a hospital or something?" "No, you're still in the lab. Here, hang on a second." Sara blinked rapidly and scrunched up her face attempting to clear whatever fog was blurring her vision. While she did she heard Ethan typing away on a keyboard, as soon as she heard Ethan's tell tail smack of the enter key her vision immediately cleared up and she was able to focus. "Don't try and move, you took quite the tumble and I don't know how extensive the damage is." Ethan warned her, resuming his furious typing. Sara had a clear view of the steel lab table in front of her. There was a nude body on it and she noticed it was missing its head module. There was a tear in the flesh below the silver connection plate running half way around the neck. It looked as if it had been partially cut with a sharp knife, probably to allow Ethan better access to the damaged area. It only took a few moments of study before Sara recognized that the body was hers. "Ethan, whats going on? Why do you have a copy of my body?" Ethan stopped his typing for a second and looked over at Sara's head which was now clamped into a sturdy mount. An array of wires dangled out of the bottom of the neck stump. They were bundled together in a slightly dented silver cap. Sara's eyes met Ethan's, "Ethan? What's going on?" "You are an android, just like everyone else in this apartment." "Don't be ridiculous, if I was a robot I would know. I would have to." "How do you figure?" "How do I charge?" "You lay down in bed, close your eyes and your A.I. records that you fell asleep, in actuality you stand right back up, open your entire chest cavity, refill your fluids, replace your artificial stomach, and then plug in. Once you are fully charged you close yourself back up and lay back down." "Well...what about my memories?" "Those are just a structure that your A.I. uses to build details onto." "No, because I remember my family, as a little girl playing with my sisters, i have a life" "I see, tell me about your sisters." "Ethan." "Humor me." "Fine, me and my three sisters used to play in the forest behind our house in Vermont all the time." Ethan typed on his keyboard for a few moments then smacked the enter key. He turned back to Sara. "How many sisters was it that you said you had?" "I have one sister Ethan...wait thats not right, I just said I have three but I only have one." "Uh huh, now how many?" Ethan entered another command. "...three..." "Sara, you're a robot, and I was just modifying your memories. You've only been online for two years." "But why didn't I know?" "Everyone of us fills a role for a social experiment by our manufacture, Cybertronix." "What roles?" "I was manufactured to see if A single bot could support a full cluster of droids on a shoestring budget. That's why I am always looking for second hand parts. You were designed to be a human, thus you had no idea you were a machine." "What about the others?" "Kate will enter the world but be aware of what she is to test her programming in a social situation. Cassandra is a standard maid slash domestic droid. Alexa is a standard companion sexbot." "So, I'm am android. But now that I know what I am wont that skew the test?" "Not really. Once I fix your body and put you back together your A.I. will probably tell you that you passed out for a bit." "Wouldn't my internal clock tell me i had been out for a while?" "Humans don't have internal clocks. So, no." "But there are clocks, I am sure I would figure it out." "Did you look at the time before you came in here with me?" "Uh, well, no." "See, no point of reference, your programming would kick in and tell you that it's reasonable to assume you were out for a while." "So, I wont remember I'm a robot?" "Not at all, your programming will tell you that you have a headache fir a day, but you wont actually feel any pain. You'll just think you are." "But, I like the idea of being a robot, its really sexy!" "Sorry hon, you are the sleeper in the group. Its who you are, its why you do the things you do." A look f disappointment flicked across her face before she continued. "Do you mind if I ask some more questions while you work on me?" "Go for it." Ethan stood up and began gathering various tools from around the lab, eventually ending at the table n the center of the room. He pulled out a sharp looking knife and began cutting around the circumference of Sara's half attached neck stump. "How come I never put two and two together? I mean until today there were no other fully assembled androids, but we always had a supply of saline and stuff." "Simple, you were programmed specifically to overlook those details. Just like you didn't get jealous that I had sex with Kate, or that I have gotten blow jobs from Alexa's head. Inside of this apartment your A.I. assumes everything thats done here is normal. As far as your programming knows, keeping android fluids and having sex with robots is normal in the confines of ones own home." "Oh, ok. Is that why I get turned on by androids so much? I'm programmed to think its normal?" "Not necessarily, that's just a personal preference I wrote into you. I figured if we were going to be building bots in here you might as well enjoy your work?" Ethan had cut free the top of Sara's neck and set it aside. He picked up a long thin metal rod attached to a handle. The rod was as thin as a paperclip, but wouldn't bend even if Ethan put all his strength into it. The tip was pointed rather sharply. He lined up the tip of the tool somewhere around the bottom of Sara's sternum, he pushed down quickly and the tool pushed through the skin and deep inside of her chest. There was a faint click followed by Sara's chest splitting from just above Ethan's tool up to her collar bone. From there it ran horizontally over her breasts and down her side. The seam then ran a curved path across her ribs and up to meet next to Ethan's tool. Another seam ran from around the tool, down across the ribs and swooped across her lower abdomen. As soon as the seams had appeared the three sections of Sara's torso sprang slightly outward. Ethan lifted the abdominal section free and withdrew the tool which was awkwardly poking through the bottom of the detached section of skin. Ethan reached in under each of the split chest pieces as well and lifted them out and off of Sara's torso. "I look different, I mean my circuits and stuff. There are usually all kinds of wires and tubes and what not in all the other droids I've seen. I look...sleek." Sara said, trying to get a good glimpse inside of her open body. "You are. You and I are the only ones who were assembled by Cybertronix, so we are the Cadillacs of androids. Most of your systems are self contained modules, they connect to each other better and it makes replacing parts on you easier. See?" Ethan push up on a plastic covered cylinder just inside the open chest cavity and it slid out of the top of her neck, taken ripped and cut flesh with it. Ethan held it up for Sara to see. He tossed it onto the table and walked back to the shelves. He reached into an unlabeled cardboard box and pulled out a plastic cylinder that matched the broken one and a small spray bottle. Ethan slid it into the top of Sara's neck and clicked it into place. He idly gave it a few tugs to make sure it was secure. He took the spray bottle and began spraying a skin toned foam in short bursts over the spots where the skin had been cut away. The foam quickly dried into very convincing skin. "There we go, good as new" Ethan said as he recapped the spray bottle and put it back on the shelf. "Do the others know? About me that is?" "Nope, as far as Alexa and Cassandra are concerned you are a human. Even if they saw you completely disassembled their A.I. would simply ignore it and fabricate a scenario that was believable. Hell, even if you told them point blank that you were a robot they would just think you were playing around." "I suppose that makes sense. So, what happens now?" "I put you back together and you wake up thinking you got a nasty bump." "Isn't there something I can do? I don't want to forget about what I am! I've dreamed of being an android, and now that I find out that I AM, you're going to take it away." "I'm really sorry Sara, I have no choice. It's in my programming. Maybe your personality will be put into an aware droid next time." Ethan gave her a very slight encouraging smile. "Next time? Next time what?" Sara replied. "Oh, the experiments are only five years long. After that we will all be reclaimed, the data downloaded, and we will be disassembled and sold for parts." "What!? So I've only got three more years to live and then what? Some tech will strip me down, pull me apart and sell me off in pieces to the highest bidder??" Ethan was slightly taken aback. He hadn't expected her to lash out so much. "Well, maybe you'll get lucky and you'll have your memory wiped and you'll be sold as a whole refurbished model." "So much better Ethan, I look forward to the day I can be part of the bargain bin." Sara snapped back. "Sorry, that isn't my call. C'mon, time get you back in one piece." "No! Stop it! I refuse to go! You can't make me! Stop it!" While Sara threw her fit, Ethan unclamped her head and walked over to her now repaired body. The nice thing about self contained modules is that there weren't any wires to reconnect and tuck away. Just a simple connection point for everything. Ethan laid Sara's head down and mechanically slid it into place, all the while Sara continued her tirade. As soon as the connection was made Sara stopped mid sentence. Her mouth closed gently and her eyes drooped shut. The expression on her face changed from anger to serene calm. Ethan hinged both her chest panels closed and replaced the abdominal panel. He took a brief second to smile down at his companion. When active she was his expert code writer, lover, and friend. Everyone else would see her the same way, but Ethan was the only one who knew she was really just as mechanical as the rest of them. "She ok?" Ethan jumped, despite all the best programming in the world, the human emulation made it happen. He looked over his shoulder to see Kate in the doorway. "You can't be fully charged yet. Shouldn't you be plugged in?" Kate shrugged and took a step into the lab. "I was concerned about Sara. That was some fall she took." "It sure was, but she looks like its just a bump. She'll come to soon. I'm just glad you weren't damaged. After all, we just got you a body." "And boy do I appreciate it." Kate reached up an groped herself for a moment "Especially these! They feel so nice, I can't wait for Sara to get back on her feet so I can play with hers too!" Ethan rolled his eyes. He began wondering if Alexa had secretly injected some of her sexual programming into the rest of the girls. "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out, ok?" Kate said and turned to leave. As soon as Ethan was sure she was back in the bedroom charging he reached behind Sara's head and into her hair. His programming told him right where the hidden power switch was and he pressed it. Sara's eyes immediately opened and she looked around. A look of concern and worry crossed her face. "It's ok hon, you're alright. You took a nasty fall and hit your head, thats all." "Man, i must have. My head is killing me. How long was I out?" Sara said, obviously dazed and rubbing her forehead where the skin had previously been torn open. "Just a few minutes. Do you want some water or something?" "Yeah, thanks." Ethan went to the kitchen and Sara slid off the table and walked to the bedroom. When she walked in Kate turned and smiled at her. "Hey there sleepy head. How are you feeling?" Kate said, disconnecting her power cable and retracting it into her chest. She walked over to Sara and hugged her. "I'm ok, I think I just need a nap." "That sounds good. I'll go charge in the lab then." "Oh no, you're fine. It might even be nice to know you are right there if I need anything." Kate smiled at Sara as she lay down on top of the covers on her bed. Her eyes drifted slowly closed. As soon as they were closed they snapped back open. Sara reached up towards her chest as a small panel slid open above her right breast. Sara reached in and pulled out a power cable and plugged it in to the wall. She laid back down, "charging. This unit is currently at 28% power. Entering sleep mode." Kate plugged herself back in using the same wall plug as Sara. She looked down at her sleeping friend and thought about how cute she looked when she was asleep. Meanwhile Ethan tidied up the lab. Putting away tools and tossing Sara's broken neck module in the trash. It was beyond simple repair. Tomorrow Kate would begin her search for work and once she started getting a steady pay check it wouldn't take long to save up enough to get Alexa a body. Though her's would cost a pretty penny for sure. Sexbots required all kinds of special equipment. Ethan sat down at the lab computer and began looking for more parts...

Part 3 - Kate's home

A petite woman lay still on the bed. Her shoulder length brown hair hadn't moved in over 3 hours, nor had her eyes blinked. She also hadn't bothered to get dressed since she got home and took a shower. “Charge cycle complete. Disconnecting.” She sat up and bent over the bed she was laying on and pulled a power cable out of the wall. It quickly retracted into a square opening in her chest. She reached up a hand and gingerly grasped a squared piece of flash that was hinged downward over the open panel. She firmly pressed it in to place and the remaining seam quickly disappeared. “Resuming human emulation software now. Loading Sara A.I. cores. Engaging sleeper protocols now.” Sara lay back down on the bed in a comfortable resting position. She drew a breath in and her chest began to rise and fall, lifting her perfectly shaped breasts. Sara's eyes slowly opened and she stretched, arching her back and pointing her toes. She looked around and noticed that Kate wasn't in the room any more. Her charge cycle must have finished already Sara thought to herself. She was glad her headache was gone too. Her and her boyfriend Ethan had just finished assembling their very first complete android a few hours earlier and wanted to celebrate by having some kinky robot sex in the lab. She and Ethan both had quite the fetish for androids, in fact it was one of the most intimate things the couple shared. Ethan had been busy pleasuring Kate's synthetic pussy while Sara removed Kate's head and held it to her won womanly parts. Sara knew she had done a good job programming Kate's sexual systems, but was unaware of how good a job she had done. As Kate's tongue had brought Sara to the crest of orgasm she had slipped on some debris in the lab and had hit her head. She blacked out for a little bit, but Ethan had been there to take care of her. At least that's how she remembered it. In actuality Sara was also an android, she was just unaware of her true nature. She was a sleeper as most people called them. An android that had been programmed to think they were human. Sara's programming would rewrite memories or simply not notice obvious details. As Sara thought back on the encounter she had with Kate a few hours earlier she began to get turned on by thought. She also realized with a pout that she had been denied the sexual fulfillment she had been looking forward to all day long. Ethan had left her a message at work saying that he had finally gotten the last component, a fully functional torso, and it had filled her mind for the rest of the day. Sara stood up and realized she was still naked, she didn't necessarily want to get dressed but needed to. She walked to her dressed and took out a black lace thong and a matching bra. She went to her closet and got out a simple black camisole and a pair of jeans. She noted that her mouth felt dry, like she was just out of saliva. She walked out to the main room to find Ethan on the couch with his laptop out. He looked up and immediately smiled at Sara. He quickly set aside his laptop and went over to her, embracing her and giving her a tender kiss. “How are you feeling hon? Head still hurt?” “I'm fine now, my mouth is just dry. That's all.” “well, let me get you a glass of water. Kate's out job hunting, she wanted me to tell you she hopes you get better and she'll see you tonight to-” Ethan used finger quotes “finish what she started.” Ethan smiled at her. “Oooo, I like this idea. But I think this time we'll take it some place a little more safe. One potential concussion is enough for me.” “Oh, that reminds me! While you were sleeping I went over some of the shared code. I think there is a little flaw in the balance subset. When you are feeling up to it would you mind looking at it and getting it sorted out? Kate's gonna be in the real world and I don't want her toppling over.” “You bet, I'm feeling good now so I'll go take a look now. Man, sometimes I wish I was an android and could just have my flaws updated like that.” She looked off in the distance longingly. “Sexy and practical.” “One day, dear.” Ethan called from the kitchen. He took the opportunity while Sara was distracted to turn on the sink, but instead grabbed a glass out of the fridge that was filled with a standard synthetic saline solution. “Here you go, drink up.” Ethan said as he put the glass in Sara's hand. “Aww, you even made it cold, thanks honey.” She kissed him on the cheek. She drank the whole glass down in one long unending pull. “Ahh, so much better. Ok! Now to fix some code.” she sauntered off to the lab. Ethan watched her butt sway back and forth up the hall way. She glanced over at him before entering the lab and smirked at him. “You know, no one is home and I am still all pent up from before. Kate never got a chance to finish me off but maybe you could.” She winked at him and then blew him a kiss. Ethan wasn't one to argue. The two met in the middle of the hallway, shedding clothes as they went. They met for a passionate kiss and allowed their mouths to entwine and their tongues to begin playing inside of each others mouths. Ethan reached around and grabbed Sara's ass firmly in both his hands and pulled her whole body towards him. He was already fully erect by now and Sara feeling his hard cock against her spread her legs slightly. Ethan reached lower on her bottom and picked her up with a squeal of delight from Sara. He walked her into their bedroom. Sara Kissed his neck all the way. They both flopped onto the bed and began kissing each other anywhere their mouths could make contact. Ethan kissed down her neck, over her collar bone and to her breasts. Taking time to slowly lick each nipple thoroughly. He enjoyed pressing his whole mouth over one of her nipples and applying some gentle suction while he used his tongue to swirl small circles around her areolas. Sara arched her back in pleasure and let a breathy moan escape her lips. Ethan continued to kiss downward until he finally reached her clean shaven pussy. He could smell the faint cherry flavoring of the lubricant he knew she was filled with. He pressed his mouth fully over her sex and pushed his tongue in. He had read once that if you attempt to do the alphabet with your tongue while in a woman that you are sure to please her. Ethan much preferred to try and spell out as much of Sara's sexual programming code as he was able to. While he was doing so he reached up both hands and cradled her tits, squeezing them every time he came to a new line of code in her sexual programming. He was barely 5 lines of code in before Sara was moaning in extacy and gripping his hair. Ethan, tongue still inside of her, could feel the advanced technology in her vagina begin to carry away any excess liquids as well as begin to dispense a mild cleaning solution. Sara was breathing hard and a small amount of sweat had beaded on her chest. Ethan watched for a moment as she lay quietly panting, her breasts heaving up and down with each breath. The breathing was necessary, even for a robot of her superb quality. She was far superior to any other android in the house, but she still needed to breath. The heat from the many processors and components inside of her needed to go somewhere, and even though she was mostly liquid cooled there were still a small number of fans that pushed hot air around inside of her. Breathing allowed her to ventilate the hot air coming off of her circuitry and brought in fresh air. As her breathing calmed and her artificial sweat began to evaporate Ethan crawled up the bed to hold her in his arms. Sara, eyes still closed, smiled and cooed at Ethan's touch. As she moved close to him she felt that he was still hard and hadn't gotten any kind of excitement the whole time. “Well hello, what have we down here?” Sara reached down and began stroking Ethan's hard member. She kissed Ethan for a few moments while gradually stroking him faster and faster. She abruptly stopped and pushed off of Ethan and rolled onto her hands and knees, then dropped so her chest was flat against the bed. She widened her legs and looked over her shoulder to Ethan. He had gotten the clue and hod positioned himself behind her on his knees. Just as their eyes locked Ethan pushed his dick inside of her ass. Sara's mouth was wide open but no sound, save for a few strangled gasps of pleasure escaped. Ethan began to pump himself faster and faster inside of her, taking hold of her hips and pulling her rump towards him at the same time as he thrust his hips forward, resulting in a rhythm of satisfying slaps as their flesh met and parted over and over. Sara squealed with delight through every second of Ethan's anal thrusting, and before long Ethan was moaning his pleasure as he released his load inside of her. Sara smiled over her shoulder at him as she wiggled her butt a little with him still inside of her. This caused a few more waves of pleasure to roll over Ethan's sexual processors. The couple took a quick shower together and dried off and then met back up in the lab. Sara at the main lab computer pouring over line after line of code, trying to figure out how to correct the balance issue that Ethan had somehow discovered. Meanwhile Ethan had pulled up a stool and sat with his laptop on the heavy metal table that dominated the middle of the lab. He was, as always, looking for more parts. “So, who's next on the list?” Sara idly asked. “The sex-bot or the sex-maid?” “She isn't a sex-maid.” “Around here she will be. Especially once we get Alexa up and running.” “Alexa was actually who I was thinking of building out next. She has a good potential to earn a lot of money, which will help to offset the cost of the kind of body she's going to need.” “What's so special about her body?” “It's going to need to be a companion class chassis. So it'll need to be super strong, but light weight. She's going to need a pretty beefy battery pack, and probably two of them so she can swap them out. Plus if shes going to go to work at a club or something shes going to need a self sanitizing sex module. The only good thing is that she only requires half a personality card.” “only half? That's rude” “It isn't like that. Most bots personality cards are double sided and there are usualy two or three of them strung together. Sex-bot's generally only need one because they aren't expected to be in the kind of social situations that require terabyte upon terabyte of personality data. She's not going to be some kind of neanderthal, but she wont be expected to be the host of a big party.” “that depends on the party.” Sara mumbled. “I guess that's true. We should limit her to one orgy a week once shes up.” Sara had to laugh at the comment, but wouldn't mind more than one orgy, particularly if Kate and Alexa were involved. “Besides” Ethan continued, “Cassandra is going to need a new set of eyes before she can get a body, and for some reason optical modules have been in short supply lately.” They both heard the sound of a key in the front door and then the sounds of a bag dropping to the floor. “Guys! I did it! I found a job!” Kate called from the front room. Sara and Ethan both went out to the main room in time to see the tall raven haired android locking the door. Kate stood at about 5 foot six, and was best described as the girl next door. Pouty lips, dark black glossy hair, and perfectly shaped breasts. They both hugged her in congratulation. “There's this little adult shop across town that sells all the normal stuff but also has a section dedicated to robots. When I told them that I was in to that kind of stuff they hired me on the spot.” Kate rambled off in a singular breath. “You didn't tell them you WERE a robot though, right?” Ethan said with a hint of concern in his voice. “Of course not. Ethan you know as well as I do that my programming wouldn't allow that. I just told him that I liked the role playing, looking at stuff online, that kind of thing.” “just making sure is all.” “No no, I told the owner that I liked that kind of stuff, thought it was fun, wished I was an android blah blah. The guy said that I was the perfect candidate for the job. So, I start tomorrow.” Kate beamed. “Awesome! Great job Kate!” Sara said, grinning ear to ear at Kate. Ethan piped in “Sex shop with a specialized section for androids. Are you talking about for people who are into droids or for actual droids themselves?” “Both actually, there are more things for people who are into robots, but there are some parts there.” “Hot damn! That's perfect! Alexa was next in line to get fully assembled and what better place to find the things I need to get her in one pice than a robot sex shop!” Ethan was practically dancing around the living room. He reached out and planted a firm kiss directly on Kate's lips. The joyous gesture engaged Kate's sexual programming and forced a thought to the surface. She turned and looked at Sara while Ethan dashed to his laptop and started investigating the kind of inventory Kate's new job would allow him access to. "Hey Kate, what's this place called?" "Frolic, it's over on Birch. Right by the indian restaurant." "Got it thanks." Ethan was already searching for the shop and had multiple tabs open with some of his favorite online shops to compare prices. Kate yawned and put an arm around Sara's shoulders. "So i'm pretty tired, I should go charge up. Sara and I are going to hit the sack." "Uh huh" Ethan replied, not even bothering to look up from his computer. Kate leaned towards Sara and whispered, "care to pick up where we left off?" Sara looked into Kate's eyes and winked her approval. The pair turned and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Kate and Sara tumbled into bed and locked each others lips together. Kate began matching Sara's kisses with her own but always attempted to move to the next level. Sara would open her mouth just the slightest bit and Kate would dart her tongue inside of Sara's mouth. Kate soon took dominance of the encounter, her tongue in Sara's mouth more than the other way around. Kate moved it around, trying desperately attempting to explore every possible nook of Sara's mouth. Sara's breathing steadily increased as Kate continued to probe her mouth. Even through her clothes, Sara could feel the heat radiating off of Kate. Her systems must be getting quite the workout today Sara thought to herself. Sara reached her arms around Kate and held her close to her own body. Pressing into her Sara rolled under Kate. Kate easily matched the move by rolling her body on top of Sara and planting her legs on either side of her lover. Sara ran her hands over Kate's butt a few times before sliding them under Kate's T-shirt. Sara had been attempting to find the clasp on Kate's bra, but was pleasantly surprised to find Kate wasn't wearing one. Sara ended up scratching up and down Kate's back instead. Kate broke the kiss long enough to let out a sigh of pleasure. Kate sat up on top of Sara and pulled her shirt up and over her head and tossed it aside. Sara reached up and cupped Kate's gorgeous C cup breasts. She ran her fingers gently over Kate's perky nipples, tracing around them with her finger nails. Kate allowed Sara to play with her breasts for half a minute before sliding her hands down her hips inside the waist band of her skirt. Kate removed her flowing skirt with the kind of efficiency that only a being designed and programmed to do so could. Kate was able to lift herself in ways that Sara couldn't comprehend in order to remove the garment while never leaving contact with Sara's own body. Kate leaned down and kissed Sara once more then sidled down Sara's body, allowing her face to hover mere inches above Sara's every curve. Kate reached the zipper on Sara's jeans and deftly popped open the button and clamped the zipper between her teeth. Kate held the waist band of Sara's jeans and panties and with hardly any effort at all, unzipped her pants. Kate quickly dragged Sara's pants and underwear down her thighs and over her feet. She continued the motion and blindly tossed the clothes behind her. Kate kissed small circles around Sara's bald vagina. Each time her lips would contact Her skin Sara would gasp slightly. Kate moved from kisses to simply allowing her tongue to trace the same circles around her sex. After teasing for a few minutes Kate finally reached up a hand and began massaging Sara's lips, gently spreading them. Kate drover her tongue inside of Sara's moist folds and licked with wild abandon. Sara instinctually reached both hands down and held them on either side of Kate's head. Sara thrust her hips forward into Kate's face causing her to drive deeper inside of Sara. Sara felt as if she would cum at any second when Kate stopped. She sat up and smiled. "Wait here for me. Okay?" Kate said with a mock pout. Kate walked out and over to the lab. She retrieved Alexa's head set it down on its side at the desk. She hooked in the connection wires and started entering commands into the open window on Ethan's computer. Alexa's eyes flickered open and then looked around a bit. A look of confusion on her face until Kate picked Alexa's head up. "Oh, hey there good lookin'. What's a nice lookin' bot like you doing in a place like this?" "I was hoping you had some time to join Sara and I in a little game?" "What's the game?" Alexa giggled. "It's called 'who cums first'" "Sounds like my kind of game, lets go!" Kate walked back into the bedroom holding Alexa's head out in front of her. Sara lifted an eyebrow at the addition, but wasn't about to complain. Her and Alexa had spent several afternoons locked in some kind of sensual situation. Kate handed Alexa's head to Sara. "Hey Sara, lemme see some tits will ya?" Alexa said. "You know how much I love your boobies. Set the girls free!" Sara chuckled and set Alexa's head down while she sat up and stripped off her camisole and bra. Sara picked Alexa back up and held her in front of her breasts. Alexa whimpered slightly as Sara held her just out of tongue range. Sara brought her closer and Alexa began licking her nipple and mixed in an occasional nibble. Sara enjoyed the experience immensely by virtue of both of her nipples hardening. Kate was enjoying the show so much that she hadn't noticed her own sexual response had guided her hand down to her crotch and was now rubbing her own sex. Kate walked over to the bed and climbed up. Sara looked over to Kate who pointed a finger at Alexa's head and then down to Sara's wet pussy. Sara happily complied and held Alexa in front of her crotch. As she was doing that Kate straddled Sara's face and thrust her own vagina towards Sara's mouth. Sara welcomed Kate's wet sex onto her mouth licking hungrily and swirling her tongue inside of Kate. At the same time Alexa was putting what small pieces of her sex-bot programming she had access to into play. She thrust her tongue into Sara much deeper than Sara had thought possible and then to her absolute delight Alexa's tongue began to pulsate and vibrate within her. Sara hadn't been expecting that and cried out in pleasure. Kate took this as a cue and once again thrust her hips forward driving Sara back inside of her. Sara was once again close to climaxing and Kate knew she had the perfect thing to drive her over the edge. "Ungh, I'm getting so hot, I think I'm going to over heat if I don't cool my systems down!" Kate moved her hands up around her breasts just as her skin split vertically between them. Kate pulled apart the two pieces of her now open chest, extending them out as far as they would reach. Sara could see an array of wires and tubing connected to two chest panels running inside of her and disappearing into her torso. She could see, even from the angle she was at, a multitude of circuitry, fiber optic cables, and modular components all connected together. It was more than enough to make Sara's pussy explode with pleasure. Kate, who's sexual response, had been specifically coded to wait until her partner reached climax, also orgasmed in small spasm. Alexa unfortunately, having no body and therefore no hardware or code simply smiled to herself and withdrew her longer than average vibrating tongue, but not before giving Sara's clit one last flick with the tip of her tongue. Kate dismounted Sara’s face and flopped down next to her in bed, her chest cavity still sprawled open. Sara brought Alexa’s head up and cuddled it under one arm and then rest her other arm on Kate’s thigh. Kate and Sara were both panting fairly heavily, while Alexa’s head did nothing. Kate and Sara both turned and kissed each other briefly. Sara sat up and looked inside of Kate. She could see her artificial lungs filling with air that was then pumped off to the rest of her systems by way of tightly sealed rubber hoses. Sara couldn’t help but look on in wonder, wishing silently that she too was as robotic as her lover was. Sara ran her hands up both sides of the now vertical panels as Kate looked on in pure bliss. Sara’s hands ran over Kate’s breasts and then over the edges of her panels. She lightly ran her finger tips over some of the circuits on the inside of the panel before reaching up and closing her panels until they clicked into place. She felt as if she looked at the complex androids innards for too long that she might get turned on once more and up more of her precious coding time. “Thanks love.” Kate said looking tenderly up into Sara’s eyes. “I envy you, I would love to be able to open myself up like that, show off my parts. Of course then I would just get all kinds of turned on and wouldn’t get anything done!” “I know honey, even though we robots have come a long way one day we’ll figure out a way to transfer a human brain into a robot body. On that day you, me and Alexa will get together and trade stories.” Kate kissed Sara on the forehead. “Hell yeah we will. We’ll show you things only androids can do. We’ll make a weekend out of it!” Alexa said from next to Sara. Sara picked up Alexa’s head and set it down in front of her. “Well, let’s get you a body first girl. Then you can show me anything you want.” “You got it sweetie.” Alexa replied. Sara scooted off of the bed and put her clothes back on then picked up Alexa’s head. “Would you mind plugging me in for a bit? I haven’t had my head module charged in a while and I am down to 34% battery. I want to be ready in case any of you need an expert in the sexual realms.” Sara chuckled a little and agreed. She got back to the lab and clamped Alexa’s head into the desk mount. She plugged in a few connections and Alexa breathed a sigh of relief. The flow of power to her relatively small amount of circuitry was a welcome relief. Sara spent the next few hours poring over line after line of code. Tidying up pieces here and there. She did eventually find the faulty subroutine that apparently caused the balance issues Ethan had tipped her off to. It was easily eleven’o’clock by the time she had finished rewriting the code and compiling it down into a patch file. Ethan came in behind her and rubbed her shoulders a little bit. She smiled and let him do it for a minute or two before finally spinning around in the chair. “Welp, found the error and fixed it. I just finished compiling the update and its ready to go. We should load it into Kate first thing in the morning. I think she’s charging now.” She held up a USB flash drive and handed it to Ethan. “Good idea, why don’t you go get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” Sara stretched and yawned in agreement. She got up and headed towards the bedroom, Ethan in tow. As she entered the room she unzipped her jeans and kicked them off, stripped off her Camisole and tossed it aside and finally undid the clasp on her bra and let it fall off of her. She finally flopped face down on the bed. “Mind if I stay up for a bit longer. I think I have a good lead on a few parts for Alexa and possibly a new set of eyes for Cassandra.” Ethan said, pocketing the USB drive. "Uh-huh, ni-night." Sara mumbled her face planted in her pillow. Ethan stood nearby, knowing what was coming next. As soon as Sara's eyes closed they snapped back over. She rolled over and swung her legs off the edge of the bed, as soon as her feet touched the floor she stood up straight. Her right hand moving up in front of her. "Halt charging operation." Ethan said. "Charging operation halted, standing by." Sara said, her voice flat and lifeless. "Open data entry port." "Acknowledged." As soon as the word left her lips a small circle of skin over her left temple slid inside of her head and out of the way. Ethan pulled out the USB drive and plugged it in to the side of the androids head. "External storage drive attached. Compatible patch file located. Would you like to install this update?" Sara droned on. "Yes." "Acknowledged. Installing...installing...update installed. To apply this patch you must restart. Would you like to restart now?" "No. Open primary chest cavity and remove your faceplate. Then shutdown." "Acknowledged." Sara's chest split across her collar bone and down each of her sides and followed the line of her ribcage up towards her sternum. In the center of her torso the seam shot straight up to meet the seam along her collar bone. Both sides popped open slightly, enough room for Sara to reach up and fit her fingers inside. She swung both sides open. She then reached up towards her face which had detached and pushed away from her skull an inch. She pulled gently and her face came completely off. She continued to hold her face in her left hand and let both arms drop to her sides. Several blinking lights inside of her chest and head suddenly went dark, signaling Ethan that she had shut down. Ethan walked to the bathroom and retrieved a few bottles of different fluids. Each went to a different hard plastic container within her body. Sex lube into a form fitting tank around a large semi-hard latex bag that contained the complex vaginal unit that had seen so much action lately. Another to large central tank where one might assume the stomach was. Ethan poured the canister of artificial saline into the large tank. Ethan closed her chest then filled a small tank in her head with artificial tears. Sara only refilled once a week and as needed, tonight was refill night. Ethan took her face and clicked it back into place. Ethan reached up and found the small hidden button at the base of her skull. Sara's eyes opened and looked straight ahead. "Configuring updates...updates configured. Standing by." "Resume charging operation." "Acknowledged." Sara reached up and placed a hand just above her right breast. A small square panel flipped open and Sara guided it open then reached in and withdrew a power cable. She bent over and plugged it in to the wall outlet. "Charging, this unit is at 12% charge." Ethan walked back to the lab and sat down at the computer and reached up a hand over his own chest and opened a panel in the same place as Sara had. He pulled out a similar charging cable and plugged it in to a power strip under the desk. He also opened the port in his own temple, but instead of plugging in the USB drive he connected a cable from himself into the computer. From there he loaded the balance patch as well as typed a few commands to ensure he would restart after the update. After all, he had more parts to find.

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