FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0023

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"Well, I don't have to pamper you. I COULD just stand here obstinately, doing absolutely nothing." You stop short and stand patiently on the sidewalk with your arms folded.

"Oh, you think that's cute, huh?" she says, sashaying up to you. "You think you can just stand there like a little bitch and I'll do all the work?"

"I mean, you ARE a robot," you reason. "So technically, yes?"

"Oh, I see how it is," she says, planting her hands on her hips. "You think because I'm a robot, I'm just some kind of sex toy, huh? That I'll just do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want it?"

"No! I told you in the store—you're gonna be in charge in our relationship, Janelle. I'll do what you want..."

Tell Janelle you consider her toughness charming... and act like her boyfriend
Tell Janelle you consider her temper a turn-on... and act like her sub