FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0022

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You press her right nipple. Farra began to shake, as she removed your dick from inside her. She stood up and started to bow down. She got up again and started to shut down.

“Analyzing data… Data saved… resuming function… shutting… dooooooo…”

Farra bowed down and was deactivated. You approach her and started to fondle her hip, which was leaking. You then put her clothes back on and placed her on the chair. You brushed her hair and sat down with her. She started to move around again. She saw you and started to blush.

“Oh, hey,” Farra said, not remembering a thing, “Must’ve been some rum in that tea. I usually add liquor to my cup.”

You nodded and said that you’d love to try out a robot some other time.

“OH? Is it because you were eager about me?” She asked, “It’s okay. To be honest, I find you very attractive, even though I am married.”

She then unbuttoned her blouse and went towards you. Knowing that it might happen again, you declined her offer and asked if you’d leave.

“Oh. Okay. Then… give me a moment,” she said, as she went to her desk.

She gave you a couple of pamphlets to check out, about the Perfect Robo-Girls. You thank Farra and hope that you’ll try to test them out.

“Come again soon, when you save up! And don’t forget, you do have a free testing on one of our robots,” Farra smiled, “Oh. I won’t tell my darling, Percy, what happened today.”

That’s what you’re afraid of. Anyway, you left the factory, a bit uneasy and pleased.

Farra, however, felt her crotch, which was moist.

“Huh? Did I just had an orgasm?” She thought.

I wonder when she’ll realize that she’s a robot.

The End