FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0016

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You got dressed up and called to Farra. Her gynoid double seemed much damaged. Since you know how it works now, it’s best to have her clean it up, since she created them. You were in such a hurry. However, as you leave to the door, Farra stops in front of you and apologized for any damage that could cause towards you or her. You reply back that you had fun, since you loved it.

“Good. Come back soon to try out one of our models. Of course, Farra is our test sex doll and not for sale,” she replied, “Come again soon.”

You leave the factory, as Farra went in the room to examine her broken gynoid.

As you left, you felt disappointed by the fact that you may have broken the Perfect Farra sexbot. But at least you fucked her… and it was good.

The End