FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0014

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FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0012

You pull away from the girl, swinging her back but keeping your arm around her. She looks flustered, like your kiss really got her going. You know this is all artificial, that this personality has only existed for no more than a minute, but you like it anyway. She looks like a girl who's really in love with you.

"Wow! I didn't know you could kiss like that," she says, gasping a bit. "How come you've never kissed me like that before?"

You smile and wonder how far you can stretch this personality. Can she handle knowing she's a robot at the same time? "I've never kissed you before, Jesse. You're a robot, and I'm wondering whether I should buy you."

The robot laughs, throwing her head back. She doesn't breathe at all as she does this, all the sound coming from a speaker in her neck. "I'm a robot? You're crazy." She twirls out of your grasp and begins to move awkwardly around the room. Her moves are half robot-dance and half seizure. "I am a ro-bot. I can-not com-ply! Please ser-vice me mas-ter! Mal-func-tion!" The robot pretending to be a girl pretends to be a robot, segmenting her speech and speaking in a monotone. It gets you hot and bothered just looking at her, and you can feel your cock getting hard in your pants.

She looks back at you, grinning. "Okay, potential customer. What do I have to do to convince you?"

It takes you no time at all to decide. "Suck my cock, robot."

She apparently takes this as a direct command; her girlish demeanor disappears immediately, replaced by a steely robotic stare. "Yes, sir. I will orally stimulate you." Kneeling down, she unzips your fly with a cool efficiency, freeing your cock and beginning to stroke it. It's a bit stiff to be pleasurable, so you try something to bring back the personality. "Jesse, are you in there?"

All of a sudden the rhythm slows, the grip loosens, and her expression softens. She looks up at you. "I'm here, lover! I never left, but...but why am I down here? Why am I holding your penis? And why--why--why does it feel so right? Do you want me to suck it?"

"Do you want to suck it?"

She looks hungry; this robot obviously wants your load in her mouth. "Oh god, yes! I've never...I've never done this before, but I want to! Tell Jesse to suck your cock! Tell me to suck it!"

"Suck my cock!"
"Hang on a second..."