Mending a Relationship

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Revision as of 03:22, 30 November 2021 by RoboMilfLover (talk | contribs)
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Stacey had known she has never had a good relationship with her daughter, she very well wanted to have a good relationship, but her daughter just grew away from her more and more. Which is why she was staring at the large box with an eager tone.

As a Christmas Sale Anthrotech was selling thier androids as a cheaper price, and she jumped at the chance to buy a custom model of her daughter to sort,of semi mend their relationship. She made her way over to the box and opened it slightly. She was met with an almost gothic like CSP that looked like it was sleeping standing up. The breasts, almost K cups. Burst out of the box. Sending the Android toppling out.

Stacey took the Android out of the box. And sat it upright, finding the button behind its neck and pressed it, it soon activated and played a stereotypical users manual message . It then promptly deactivated as Stacey was left to find the tablet in the androids box so she could program the Android.

updates tommorow!