FYOP/My Fembot Story/0002

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You decided to have some fun with your gift before heading out. You firstly walked around the transparent box, looking at your dragonmaid fembot's whole naked body. You then proceed to reach for the cut outs and try her breasts and pussy folds. Her breasts are surprisingly realistic, squishy, soft and comforting and her pussy fold is also realistic and can get moist. She looks and feels real, like she's a real person instead of being a robot.

You (Thought): "Wow...Technology has advanced for the better. And I'll hand it to KALTAC Corp., they know their stuff."

You continued to play around with her breasts and pussy before opening the box. You took the remote that's tied on the left side of her head and looked at it. The remote has the necessities and a lot of fun modes. The necessities being a red power button, a yellow maintenence button, a blue system access button and a small display screen. The rest contains a volume button, an arrow key button, 5 mode change selection button; Sleeper Mode, Robot Mode, Doll Mode, Lust Mode and Guard Mode, and 5 pose change selection button, each with labels that shows which pose she'll pose in. You also took out the manual and gave it a quick read. It was a 6 page manual about her systems, where her panels are and how to use her. After reading, you took out her charging cables and a charging stand where she stands on and self recharge when she's in the room. After setting up her charging stand, putting her charging cables and manual on the table, you hold her by the pits, lifted her up and out of the box and put her on the bed in a sitting position. You took out the remote and pressed the red power button. Her internal systems slowly starts humming softly as her body slowly straightened up and her eyes opened. Her dull grey eyes slowly glows to a beautiful emerald green eyes as it opens.

Sheou: "Dragonmaid_Fembot: 5H.30.U-Ver: 1.2.5...Given Name: Sheou...System Activating...Battery Power 98%...Security System: Secure...Memory Playback: Empty...User Registry: Not Registered...Entering Demo Mode...All Systems Online."

She spoke in a beautiful feminine voice. She then looks at you before she smiled as she stands up, turns to you and bows down, one hand on her cleavage and the other the front.

Sheou: "Greetings. I am Dragonmaid Sheou at your service. It seems like you're still unsure of hiring me as your personal maid and I understand that. But don't fret sir, I have all the capabilities of a maid and can protect you from any dangers. Do you wish of me to make some tea for you?"

You: "O-oh! Well um...thank you Sheou. I would like that. I am (Your Name Here), and I just recently got you. I know you have all the capabilities of a maid and can protect me from danger. I know you very well."

You (Thought): "Wow. Even in a demo mode she preforms very beautifully."

Sheou: "Thank you for acknowledging me. I shall bring you your tea as you requested~"

Sheou bows again before heading outside. A few minutes later, she came back with a cup of jasmine tea on a antique teacup and coaster. She behaved so loyal and royal to you as she hands the cup of tea to you.

Sheou: "Here's your tea sir~ Is there anything else you wish of me?"

You sip on the warm tea before looking at her and then the remote. The display screen is showing that her Demo mode has a time limit of 5 minutes. Now she has only 2 minutes left before her demo ends and she shuts down.

You: "This tea is great! And I would like you to be my personal dragonmaid~"

Sheou: "That would be wonderful~"

She smiles as she holds her hands together to her cleavage. Then, her systems beeps and she starts to act a bit more robotically to you.

Sheou: "Would you like to register me as your owner user?"

You looked at her quite shocked. Her belly panel then opened up, showing her display screen, a small keyboard, some USB and other ports and a small hatch that revealed to be her power core. The display screen on her belly panel lit up, showing the registration information so that you can register and own her. Although it would be fun to have her as your personal maid, but you also would like to see her shut down as you secretly have a kink about robots malfunctioning. What will you do?


  1. Own Her?
  2. Not Own Her Yet?
