FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0014

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“AHH! You’re hurting me!” She screamed.

You continued to hump at her, as she smoked incessantly. She then bent up, holding onto the wall. She pleaded for you to stop, until she started to weaken.

“Overheating… overheating… DANGER! DANGER!”

You thrust your dick again, ramming it into her butt. She started to shake and spark.

She screamed in a high-pitched tone, “AH! NO! AH! Wai-wai-wai-wait! Sto-o-o-o-o-o-o-op!”

You kept going, starting to feel feverishly aroused, as Farra started to bend down.

“Overheating… system error… sexual overload… please remove…”

Her voice started to slow down, as your removed your dick from her. She bent down and started to smoke from her back. You tilted her back up and held her tight.

“Sexual overload… system errrrrrr…”

Her voice went to a slur and started to whir mechanically and slowly. You hugged her, stroking her breasts and pussy. You caressed her smooth crotch, ignoring the heat from her body, which caused her to power down. Suddenly, she started to beep. She opened her eyes and shone her blue eyes.

“System rebooted… resuming function…”

Her eyes turned back to a natural brown and turned around. She started to kiss and caress you. Sadly, her battery had very little power left. You continued to make out with gynoid for five minutes, before her battery died. Would you continued to fondle at her or call Farra to get her up and running again?

Make out with her motionless body

Call Farra