FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0009

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“Okay, here I come, you hairy animal,” she said, as she stood up.

She went towards your firm dick and inserted it slowly into her pussy. She started to pump back and forth. You start to enjoy it, as she continued to hump at your dick. She started to thrust at you and held your shoulders. She began to lightly leak from her pussy, while thrusting up and down. She moaned at you, while she continued, and suddenly went closer to your face. She went close to your face and licked your face. She began to kiss you and caress your hair. You removed all of your clothes, while Farra continued to kiss and thrust at you. Her bare breasts rubbed onto your chest, as she continued.

“You are such an animal,” Farra said, as she kissed you, “I love a man with a very stiff rod like yours.”

You held her tight, but felt a bit uneasy, since the white stuff from her pussy continued leaking and spreading all over your dick. Farra started to feel very stimulated. She began to shake from her hips and felt very tired.

“My… my battery is fading…” she spoke, “Too… much… stimuli…”

Now would be a good time to remove your dick from her pussy. Or, if you want, continue that fun you are fucking with, before she dies down. Farra won’t mind.