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There may be some typos in here...please go easy on me! :)

Had a lot of fun writing this one, been kicking around in my head for quite awhile. Please let me know what you think!

Arthur closed his eyes and exhaled.

Back against the trunk of a great pine, he held a rifle against his chest. He pulled out the worn magazine, examined it, and slotted it back into the gun.

He did three Hail Marys and fervently grasped the collection of dog-tags hanging around his neck. He whispered to himself, "Three bullets left Arthur...make em count."

His breath clouded the cold, dry air.

Arthur pivoted around the trunk, leaning his left shoulder into the rough bark of the tree. His right shoulder pushed hard against the stock of his rifle as he looked down its scope.

Through the lens he quickly spotted his targets. Two humanoid forms gestured to each other, communicating, in front of a long dilapidated garage. Their frighteningly long and tendril-like arms moved so fast they seemed to vibrate the air around them. The white snow at their feet contrasted against the deep, polished, leathery brown of their "skin".

They were unaware of his presence some 200 meters away.

Arthur trained his scope up and down their bodies over and over. Their appearance was simultaneously riveting and revolting. Intelligent design truly of an other-worldly evolutionary gene-path.

With his scope still fixed, Arthur's heart skipped a beat. The figure on the right had turned giving him a clear view of it's back. The blue-fluorescent gleam of an alien fungus spread out radially from a center point near it's "spine". A deep, violet, unearthly blue marked the entry point of a bullet from Arthur's last encounter with the monster.

His friends who had become family over the last 14 months had been gruesomely extinguished from existence at the hands of this strider only weeks before.

Arthur sought revenge. He thanked the heavens his final bullets were coated with an aluminum finish. His adversaries surfaces were strong and resilient, often requiring dozens of rounds to bring down. However, they healed through the application and self-growth of the glowing blue fungus that coated his target's back. Darryl, one of his now deceased squad mates had discovered that this fungus was composed primarily of potassium dichromate. Aluminum and potassium dichromate reacted...very spectacularly.

His fingers squeezed the trigger of his rifle and sent the first projectile flying straight into the middle of the fungus. He moved his sight to the other strider and squeezed off his second shot just as the first landed. A brilliant explosion of vibrant cyan, cerulean, magenta, and fuchsia rocked the long limbed humanoid. The chemical reaction was bright and violent; most of it's body disintegrated in the ferocious blow and fell in a heap on the now discolored snow.

The second bullet ripped through the shoulder of the other strider, but without hesitation it immediately traced the source of the projectile and began lunging towards Arthur's position.

He exhaled and fired his final round catching the quickly approaching strider in the lower leg. It tripped and fell, but quickly rose and resumed the hunt of it's assailant.

Arthur threw his rifle around his back and sprinted as fast as he could. The strap of his weapon dug into his chest as it bobbed uncontrollably against his shoulders.

Striders were fast. Even injured they often had the agility and stamina to easily catch any human. Arthur just prayed his two shots had been enough to slow his pursuer and allow him to escape. Along with his rifle, his two sidearms, a Glock G41 Gen4 and .45 Colt Revolver were also out of ammunition. All he could do now was run and run.

Arthur panted, breathing heavily he trudged forward as fast as he could. His boots sinking into the deep snow with each step. He never looked behind him, knowing that if he was caught by his pursuing strider he would be as good as dead with no means of fighting back.

He ran for what felt like hours, until the winter cold stung his lungs so sharply and ferociously he fell to the ground coughing, spitting, exhaling forcefully. After getting his breathing under control Arthur listened intently. All he could hear was the steady cold blow of the winter wind. He thanked God, performed a Hail-Mary, and got to his feet. He scanned the horizon. Off in the distance a cluster of small buildings caught his eye, and he methodically began walking in their direction.

--- ---

After scoping out the cluster of buildings, Arthur determined it to be a homestead. Confirming it was clear, he moved forward and walked through the space. There had been fighting here previously. Blood, both human and strider alike was splattered on the walls of a one story house and the small barn that faced it. There was a small shed as well; he peered into it quickly and saw nothing of interest.

Arthur decided to enter the house first, thinking he could use it as a resting place and base of operation as he planned his move.

He stepped inside and found her lying face down against the floorboards. Her great mane of brown hair poured from the top of her head, shielding her face from view. Thin, toned, legs emerged from the bottom of a high-waited, pleated, black skirt. Certainly odd attire for the local climate, but Arthur found himself drawn to the figure nonetheless.

He was certain she was deceased, the way her body sprawled across the ground was unnatural and sent the primal portion of his brain reeling. He hesitated before approaching. Striders usually left their victims completely torn apart and eviscerated. Yet, here she lay fully in tact and seemingly untouched, an apparent exception to his rule.

He thought for a minute that maybe she had passed away for reasons other than the striders. Suicide? Sickness? Although Arthur found this unlikely considering their markings were all over the homestead. Striders had been here, he was certain of that. They usually defiled every human body they came across, which made her intact-ness all the more bewildering.

Maybe it was a trap, but he doubted it. Although they were certainly clever, he had yet to witness striders spring any kind of trap or pre-mediated trickery of this nature.

Regardless, he shook all doubts out of his mind and gripped his rifle tight. Remembering the lack of ammunition, he exhaled defeatedly, but still cautiously stepped forward.

He prodded the feminine body beneath him, gently pushing the butt of his rifle against her shoulders through her tight white top.

Arthur waited several seconds, there was no response.

He prodded her again. This time adding his voice to the mix, "Hello! Are you uh...." He hesitated, "...Alive?"

He waited another several seconds, and still there was no response.

He cursed himself silently for letting his optimism get the best of him. He didn't even want to see her face, he had seen enough death in the weeks and months prior. He turned to leave the room and gave the body one last frustrated poke.

The butt of his rifle caught her shirt and moved it up to expose her slender lower back. Arthur thought nothing of it and left the room.

Something had caught his eye, just enough for him to pivot and return to the body, peering closely at the newly exposed skin of her lower back. There was some kind of seam or gap that ran perpendicular to her spine near her bottom lumbar. Arthur rolled her shirt up further and uncovered the top of what he now thought was some kind of well camouflaged panel.

He looked dumbfounded. He had never seen anything remotely of this nature. Reaching through his bag he found a small flat head screwdriver, and very carefully, he pushed it's edge up and along the seam of the panel.

Within minutes he had removed the slice of artificial skin and stared mouth agape into the innards of what he now took to be some kind of robot. Even while looking at the intricate assembly of her electrical components through the hole in her back, he was amazed at how realistic she felt. Her skin, although cold, was soft and springy to the touch of his hands.

Arthur re-focused his attention, "There has to be some way to turn her back on." he whispered quietly to himself.

He thought about turning her over, but the idea of accidentally introducing particulates into her complex mechanical systems made him think twice. He instead opted to re-examine her components through the open panel in her back with a renewed sense of diligence.

Arthur first rid himself of his several layers of winter attire. The shelter of the house and his newly found sense of excitement had warmed him greatly. In his socks, long-johns, t-shirt, and beanie he buried his face in the female robot's exposed backside.

With the help of a small flashlight from his bag Arthur began methodically mentally cataloging every wire, tube, motor, and component he could see.

He was impressed at the organization of her complex internal architecture. Thousands of wires were bundled together and routed in, around, and in some cases through a skeleton composed mostly of what Arthur guessed was a mix of titanium and carbon fiber. The wire bundles were neatly tucked away from stacks of circuit-boards and several servo-motors that governed the motion of her lower back. He saw several hundred LEDs. Not one blinked. They were all dim from a lack of power.

A small analog gauge caught his eye. He shined his light and squinted to discover it was volumetric. The needle read roughly 3000 mL out of 5000 mL capacity. He traced it back to it's source where he immediately made out the complex design of an internal fluid reservoir.

Arthur quickly grew excited at the idea of what functionalities the surprisingly large reservoir supplied. He realized in that moment that he had subconsciously pivoted himself such that his groin now rested between the robot's rubbery bottom. With a greedy hand he grabbed a cheek through the pleated, thin material of her skirt. Her softness felt good in his hands. Arthur craned his head downwards, curious to see the what internal systems operated between her legs. However, he found that her battery, a slender matte black block, obstructed his view. With a small grin he chuckled, "Now that you have me all turned on, let's see if we can get you turned on!"

He searched for a switch, a button, anything that would turn her back on. However, after noticing a small digital readout that was attached to the battery, his hopes sank. It faintly flashed 00.00%. The flashes were so dim Arthur expected the last morsels of her power supply were being used on this display.

He sighed and thought to himself. Another inspection of her battery and Arthur discovered what he thought to be a positive and negative terminal.

He tried tracing components from her battery outwardly in hopes of finding a charging port or some kind of removable panel where she could be plugged in. However, the seemingly endless jumble of wires and circuits led him nowhere.

He stood up and chuckled, "Fuck it. She has terminals. Maybe I can jump her."

Arthur proceeded to scour the entire house. With it's relatively small size, he was able to search every nook and cranny within the hour. He found no charger, no electronics, not even an electrical outlet. The designers of this house had obviously wanted it to be off the grid and electricity-free. "Well I guess I couldn't charge her up even if I wanted to." Arthur whispered to himself. "What an awful place for a robot. Why the fuck is she here?"

He decided to go check out the barn and see if he could scavenge anything worth using from there. The sun was beginning to set and the already cool air had begun to chill even further. The cold bit at his exposed arms and face. He quickly shuffled to the barn, opened the door, and slid inside.

Immediately he was overwhelmed with a dreadful stench. His eyes located the source of the smell; a cluttered pile of human and strider debris interwoven with one another sat on the cold ground. Frost had hardened the remains, but it couldn't hide the deep burgundy red of some poor soul's blood splashed on the walls.

The multi-colored glow of the strider's blood hung on the walls as well. It could have been a modern art exhibit had it not been for the god-awful smell and pile of dead, rotting organic matter.

Arthur quickly deduced that some form of explosion had ripped through the strider and human alike. He was shocked the walls of the barn had held up. The barn's wood framing was splintered radially, making it simple for him to trace back the source of the explosion. Unsurprisingly, he found it led to the confusing mess of alien and human debris at his feet.

Arthur pinched his nose, performed yet another Hail-Mary, and with a sense of renewed purpose began looking around the barn.

In the far corner of the barn was an old, rust-worn jeep. The explosion had eaten away at it's trunk and rear tires. It's heavy frame now sagged, the rear axle touching the ground. This car was going nowhere anytime soon and Arthur almost dismissed it.

However, the front of the jeep looked in surprisingly good condition. He managed to pop the hood and take a look inside. Everything was well worn with age and heavy use except for one seemingly new component...the battery. Arthur muttered under his breath while nodding enthusiastically, "Well now there we go!"

With an even further stroke of luck Arthur opened the jeep's rear door and thanked the heavens. Whoever had come before him had been stockpiling. A set of five car batteries and a handful of jumper cable spools sat neat and pristine against the back seat; they had narrowly avoided the explosion.

Upon further examination Arthur found that four of the five batteries had been written on with thick black marker, "DONE". He grabbed the one unlabeled battery and began to bring it out of the barn and into the house when he thought better of it. Without an inverter box, which he hadn't seen lying around, hooking the battery directly up to the robot would do absolutely nothing.

He thought about bringing her into the barn and using the running jeep to jump-start her systems. But, he decided against it, not wanting to bring her unblemished form into the stench-ridden barn of death. He returned to the back seat, eyed the multiple jumper cables and got creative.

Arthur realized he would need to start the car and with another good stroke of luck he found the jeep's keys still hanging in the ignition. He did a Hail-Mary and turned the keys. The motor coughed, spit, and wheezed. He tried it again, this time not stopping as the mechanisms seized, hitched, and eventually caught traction engaging their stroke sequence. He left the car idling and moved out of the barn.

He ran back inside, with the energy of a child's first day of summer in his eyes. With a daisy-chained string of jumper cables woven through the kitchen window, Arthur carefully maneuvered the clamps through the slight opening in her back and attached each lead to it's corresponding positive and negative terminal. He gave her a pat on the rear, admiring her springy firmness one last time before attempting her reactivation.

Arthur ran back to the barn and jumped into the truck. He delicately pushed down on the accelerator for several seconds before letting off. He repeated this several times before leaving the car idling and running inside to check on his progress.

Arthur jumped with glee upon walking in the room where the robot lay. The hundreds of previous dormant LEDs now blinked with colors vibrant through the small slot in her back. Reds, oranges, yellows, and greens all flicked into and out of existence again and again; a repeating cycle signifying the flow of energy running through her circuits.

With more careful observation he peered down at her battery. Beneath it were 32 LEDs lined up horizontally; the first LED, furthest to the left was yellow and the remaining 31 red. Arthur deduced that this was the status of her battery's charge and decided to go back to the barn hit the engine some more.

In the jeep he eyed the fuel gauge and found it at about a half tank. He gently hit the accelerator again. He repeated this a few dozen times. However, he quickly grew impatient. He looked into the backseat and grabbed one of the many car batteries, putting it down near the pedal. He then got out of the car and picked up a cylindrical piece of piping. He carefully placed it behind the accelerator pedal and then placed the battery on top. The engine revved up with a constant hum and Arthur moved into the house.

He tried to preoccupy his attention by getting settled into the house and searching around for any supplies he could make use of, but the picturesque feminine "sleeping beauty" was all he could think about.

He checked the status of her charging again, the farthest left LED was now green, the next one yellow, and the remaining 30 red. She was charging, albeit at a painfully slow pace for Arthur's aching curiosity. He lay down next to her with a hand on her back.

He gently traced shapes against her ultra realistic polymeric SynthSkin. A small flesh colored disc behind her ear caught his eye. He pushed it. Nothing happened. He held it for several seconds. Nothing happened. He clicked it twice repeatedly. Nothing happened.

Puzzled, he yawned and returned to lazily tracing shapes against her smooth exposed back.

Lulled by the distant hum of the idling engine, he quickly dozed off to sleep.

--- ---

Arthur woke in the middle of the night. It was cold. The air cut at him with sharp precision. The sound of the jeep's engine was gone and he was momentarily disoriented. His unfamiliarity of the space soon melted to remembrance as he found himself spooning the robot, his arms wrapped around her slender waist.

He pulled himself closer against her. She was soft and very warm. He didn't remember her being warm like this earlier. Before he could give it more thought though, he noticed his aching erection. It sat stiff, nestled in between the silicone synthflesh of the robot's buttocks.

He swore he could feel her grinding into him, pushing the malleable softness of her cheeks around his manhood. He exhaled sharply and noticed the jumper cables had been removed from the recessed cavity in her lower back and sat on the floor above her head. Was he having a fever dream?

For the sake of his own reality, he turned his eyes, diagonally peering into her lower back. The bank of LEDs were half green and half red. None were yellow. She was half-way charged.

Again he recognized the absence of the jeep's heavy idling and figured it had either died or run out of gas. However, his mind was soon elsewhere as his erection, now almost painful, slowly pressed against her elastic derriere. Soon, his member was enveloped in the lovely robot's backside. He could feel her rocking, pulsing against him gently.

Slowly coming to his wits and desperate to see current happenings to their conclusion, Arthur reached down and peeled the thin black fabric up and away from her ample buttocks. He also quickly unzipped and pushed his drawers down to his knees. His erection sprung out and lodged itself against her soft synthetic labia. He could feel her dampness now, hot and slick against the tip of his head. She sighed and pressed into him even deeper, with more urgency.

Arthur sensed her breath, the warm air brushing over the tops of his hands. He couldn't believe how real she felt, how real she moved, how real she sounded.

Greedily, Arthur moved a hand over the sex-bot's pert breast and grabbed at it, kneading her supple artificial mammary between her fingers. He found a stiff plastic areolae poking rigidly through her sheer white top and pinched it. This elicited a shrill moan from the synthetic woman.

Arthur leaned in and kissed the nape of her slender neck. Her soft blemish-less skin felt smooth and creamy against his lips. He bit her gently, his teeth slightly distorting the spongy silicone polymer that composed her outer dermal layer. He pulled away and grinned once again at her realism. Her synth-skin slowly receded back to its original un-tampered form-factor, rendering the bite mark non-existent.

The artificial woman continued her moaning as he continued playing with her firm yet pliant breasts through the fabric of her top. Unbeknownst to him, the sex-bot was emitting precision-formulated pheromones from a dozen pores around her body. Each one was delicately plumbed to her internal fragrance bank. His grinding became more urgent as his arousal reached new heights. He reared back, adjusted his angle of attack and gingerly pushed into her slick artificial pussy.

Her authentic warmth and fresh-off-the-factory-floor tightness overwhelmed him. He pulled out and thrust himself in again, a wet slap echoing off the walls of the room. He exhaled deeply, feeling the elastomers of her vaginal walls contract and pulse against his firm manhood.

Arthur pulled out and slid in again several more times before noticing the lack of response from his robotic companion. Then suddenly, with a slight spasm and a violent whine of protest from the servos embedded within her delicate arms and legs, she lifted herself on all fours. Arthur was lifted as well, perched on her back still piercing her perfect plastic sex with his rock hard cock. He was simultaneously turned by both her feat of strength and her robotic behavior.

The sex-bot slowly spread her knees wider and wider. The tight compression of her inner walls around his erection subsided, albeit only slightly. Arthur put his ear to her upper back and swore he could hear internal drives spinning up in intensity.

The artificial woman spoke, her voice was deep and sensual while also being light and friendly. Her speech was hauntingly familiar and gentle. As a child playing baseball in the hot summer evenings, he could hear her voice murmuring in the stands. Standing atop the slide at the neighborhood pool, he could hear her encouraging on a swimmer. In the halls of his school, he could remember her calling out friendly reminders as he walked by.

"Please disengage from your K1MB3RLY_M84U Companion-Bot. Sexual intercourse with the Dermal Lumbar Panel removed is not recommended. Severe damage to your K1MB3RLY-M84U Companion-Bot may occur. Severe bodily harm to the user may occur."

Arthur removed himself from the compromised sex-droid as her vocal routine started back up, identical in every which way to the first, "Please disengage from your K1MB3RLY_M84U Companion-Bot. Sexual intercourse with the Dermal..."

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Arthur realized his stomach was pressing into the recessed cavity where her Dermal Lumbar Panel should be, he instinctively pulled away, falling into a heap on the floor. He scanned the room quickly. He didn't see her missing panel where it had been. "Odd." He thought.

His synthetic lover, still on all fours, remained frozen in place for several seconds. Then there was an audible click and she smiled at the wall, "Thank you for disengaging from your K1MB3RLY_M84U Companion-Bot!".

Speaking in the same familiar voice to the still empty wall, the alluring sex-bot continued, "Would you like to see what your K1MB3RLY-M84U Companion-Bot can still do for you with her Dermal Lumbar Panel removed?".

Arthur blurted out, "Yes!".

She froze momentarily again, her eyelashes batting repeatedly. Then, with an increased whir of electronic circuitry within, she pivoted to face Arthur.

"Okay!", she replied. Her voice carried a more seductive timbre to it this time around. Arthur hardly had time to notice, for the gynoid jumped on him, lowering her mouth over his still flagpole-like erection.

She pistoned up and down pneumatically. Her delicate tongue moved up and down his unwavering shaft, her soft rubber cavity was hot and slippery. She felt so amazing, bobbing up and down in iterative learning cycles aimed at developing a 3-Dimensional model of his manhood to at maximize his pleasure. Her pert breasts hung from her chest, standing proud and taught on her lithe frame, they jiggled slightly with her every movement up and down.

Arthur was in ecstasy. He could hardly process what was happening around him anymore. His surroundings melted back into obscurity. His only focus was on the precision engineered sex-bot currently going down on him.

Her beauty overtook him.

Her scent compromised him.

Her sounds leveled him.

But most of all, her touch became one with his very own thoughts. He grabbed for her mane of chestnut brown hair and pulled at it furiously as he climaxed into her mouth.

Arthur expelled his every worry and concern right then and yelled the name he had only just learned until the house shook, "Kimberly!!!".

--- ---

The next morning the jeep once again idled wildly. Arthur had replaced the battery with the only remaining one that wasn't labelled with the thick black sharpie "DONE".

Kimberly sat idle against the wall, charging to full capacity. Her eyes stared empty and doll-like up at the ceiling.

Apparently she couldn't be active while charging for some reason or another. Arthur had missed the details of the conversation from earlier that morning. She had been giving him a massage during her dialogue, and whether intentional or not, had been gently grinding her smooth artificial labia into his lower back. Arthur guessed it was intentional, and combined with her soft and strong hands working the soreness from his back he had paid little attention to her speaking.

Looking through his pack of supplies, he found his last remaining morsel of food. A long expired energy bar. He bit into the stale block of calories and thought a plan forward for the two of them. A trip to the city would allow for him to stock up on supplies for himself and his newfound Companion-Bot. He wasn't sure what she required other than power and was more than happy to learn on the way to Denver. Maybe they could hunker down in the federal library, he could learn more about her upkeep and maintenance if he could manage to power some of the digital archives. It was decided, they would immediately move down from the foothills into the city, staying away from roads and trails to avoid any strider presence.

After several minutes of packing and scavenging the house and barn for any remaining bits of useful junk, he killed the engine to the jeep and walked back inside to Kimberly. He pulled the jumper clamps out of her back and placed them carefully in his travel-pack. He then reached down and double-clicked the recessed button behind her ear.

Within several moments Kimberly whirred to life and smiled bright. Her smile was lustrous and inviting. Arthur had to focus on the task at hand to not get distracted with her. He replaced her Dermal Lumbar Panel which he had found easily enough that morning. He informed her of his plan, where they were going, where he thought they currently were, and the routes they needed to take to get there. She processed his words for a moment.

He wrapped her neck with a scarf and began digging through his pack for extra bits of warm apparel she could wear. Her current outfit of tight white top, pleated black mini-skirt, and pumps was outrageous for the weather outside. He found an old sweater and turned to hand it to her. She had been preparing behind his back, her top was up around shoulders and she had tied her new scarf tied tight against her buoyant breasts. They were almost bursting out their makeshift bra, the dingy scarf barely holding them back. 'Every moment is a sexy moment for a K1MBERLY_M84U'. At least that was the company motto for her line of state-of-the-art companion-bots.

Kimberly grinned at Arthur's confused look, "I don't need that gross sweater. My chassis is rated for full operation in climates ranging from -10 degrees to 45 degrees Celsius. I'm also fully water-proof and impervious to most forms of electrical shock." She sexily threw her hips to one side to accentuate her point. "When I went outside earlier, my atmospheric thermometer registered a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius." She grinned, again beaming her perfect smile.

"So, may I make the trip dressed like this..." Her tongue lingered on the last syllable, and she pushed her hands against her breasts and slowly down the outsides of her slender thighs.

Chuckling, Arthur grabbed the scarf away from Kimberly, "Fine, but no scarf." Her perfect breasts bounced up and down momentarily before settling back into their default bubbly position. "You're too damn distracting. Please don't attempt to seduce me on the way there okay? It's dangerous and I want to get us both to the library fully in-tact." With that he pulled her tight white top back down.

"Okay...", she pouted. "But I can get us there!" Kimberly exclaimed excitedly, her tone shifting artificially. "My navigation systems are incredibly advanced!"

She paused and attempted to triangulate her position. Her body froze stiff. Her eyes stared glossily and vacant.

Traditionally, she would use her internal GPS to plot her movements. However, her vast array of wireless embedded senors and antenna neatly disguised into the cartilage of her plastic ears picked up only sporadic signal noise, and nothing her systems de-crypted contained usable information. This puzzled her systems. She had no idea a large portion of the world's communications satellites had been destroyed by the striders, and with no available wireless data connection she would never be able to connect and figure it out.

Her systems quickly improvised and shifted computational priority to a detailed analysis of her internal compass. Utilizing complex predictive analytics and a state of the art gyroscopic subsystem, Kimbery was able to assemble an optimal route for their trip with 87.6% accuracy. She also had rudimentary star pattern recognition software that could feed metadata into her manual navigation bus and increase her routes accuracy, but since it wasn't nighttime she shut the process down.

A full 12.07 seconds later she finally unpaused. Arthur jumped a little at her sudden burst of life.

"Follow me to Denver!", she said without losing a hint of enthusiasm from before.

--- ---

Arthur watched Kimberly from behind, each stride an intense calculation maximizing movement efficiency and male arousal. Her perfect symmetric hips swayed to and fro as her strikingly realistic artificial muscles tensed and relaxed with each meticulous step. Her long legs seemingly flowed down to the ground, her movements dripping with the utmost grace. Even her footsteps formed perfect prints in the virgin snow.

They had been walking for the better part of the day. Arthur was getting tired and was growing hypnotized watching the beauty walk before him. They were in the city, but he wasn't sure where. He had relinquished navigational duties early on when Kimberly's system had proved more robust and infinitely more efficient.

They continued walking, the sun was setting somewhere behind the sheets of clouds slowly making their surroundings more and more gray.

The bottoms of her round and pliable cheeks teased him, peeking out from the hem of her skirt with each raise of her artificial legs. The skirt tightly hugged her round bottom, slight ripples running through the fabric as each leg made contact with the ground, a reflection of the noticeable jiggles occurring in her cheeks underneath.

Arthur was so caught up in Kimberly's motion he didn't even notice that they had arrived at their destination. She stopped on a dime and pivoted 180 degrees. Her flawless smile beamed towards Arthur, she was proud of her performance in reaching their destination without the aid of her internal GPS subsystem.

Arthur, still entranced by the very idea of her movement, failed to notice she had stopped and he plowed right into her. The two stumbled a few feet backwards into the wall of the library.

Kimberly pushed her back against the library's cold bricks to steady their fall. Arthur's body pushed into hers and her precision engineered dermal sensors immediately recognized the presence of his erection. Her Main CPU determined that since they had arrived at their destination they were "no longer on their way there". It OK'd her frozen seduction subroutines to once again execute, and within the blink of an eye her sex-ware automatically activated. Her seduction protocols picked from a randomized list of intercourse initiation actions and plugged them into operation. She pulled Arthur closer, her full lips slightly parted, she wrapped a leg around his, she moved one of his hands onto the wall to act as a support and she greedily moved his other onto her buoyant right breast.

Arthur, absolutely floored by her sudden seduction attempt after hours of nothing was surprised at the sobriety of his next sentence, "No, not out here. We should get inside."

Kimberly frowned confusedly, her main CPU had calculated with 99.7% certainty that Arthur desired her in that moment. and that she had met the requirements needed to re-initialize her most erotic subroutines. Was she experiencing a glitch, some kind of hiccup in her state of the art software package?

Arthur noticed her frown and quickly amended his sentence, "We should get inside...make sure it's safe...then immediately continue 'this'." He emphasized the word "this" by pointing his finger and circling around their embrace.

Kimberly's powerful array of processors chugged momentarily trying the determine the meaning of his gesture. Her vibrant ocean blue eyes stared forward inhumanly for 2.23 seconds before her processors finished their calculations. With an 91% confidence interval they determined that Arthur did want to engage her in sexual intercourse. He had only rejected her initial seduction subroutine to ensure their safety, to ensure her safety. She cooed at the thought of Arthur protecting her.

Kimberly's systems were pleased with her function; of course she hadn't experienced a glitch or miscalculation, she was a K1MB3RLY_M84U, by far the most advanced and reliable companion bot on the market. She flashed a devilish smile at Arthur and followed him inside.

Breaking in had proven more difficult than he had anticipated. Massive steel doors were sealed barring their entrance. This only increased Arthur's swelling sense of pride after he finally picked his way through the last of a series of dead-bolt locks. Kimberly watched and listened intently, her ultra sensitive audio array detected the click of each rotating tumbler but she lacked the logical reasoning computational capacity to deduce where the sounds were coming from. Her Logic Reasoning Core flagged the audio logs as errant and prompted the execution of one of a dozen pre-progammed responses she possessed when responding to an errant audio log that couldn't be interpreted or processed correctly.

Kimberly struck a sensuous pose, one hand on a hip and the other cupping a breast, and spoke alluringly and inquisitively, "Do you think I'm sexy?!"

Arthur looked at her genuinely puzzled. Was she okay?

"Yeah. I do." He said with a hint of annoyance, and gestured for her to enter the door in front of him.

Kimberly grinned and trotted through the door, knowing she was sexy in the moment. 'Every moment is a sexy moment for a K1MBERLY_M84U'

The inside of the library was cavernous. High windows encircled an open space that let the gray-white light of winter pour in from the outside. A second floor mezzanine encircled the rows and columns of books and digital exhibits that lined the main floor. It was quiet. Arthur gestured to Kimberly, she followed him up the stairs up onto the mezzanine.

Once on the 2nd floor Arthur was easily able to scan the rest of the library for other survivors who may have holed up here as well, and with an even more vigilant eye he looked for the telling luminescent trails that betrayed the recent presence of a strider.

Kimberly's visual receptors methodically scanned the vast space in front of her as well. If Arthur had looked at her eyes he would have noticed a slight outward tell alluding to her robotic nature. Her glamorous ocean blue iris' rotated slowly and her pupils dilated and retracted repeatedly as her systems switched between several embedded sensory arrays examining a half-dozen different spectrums of light.

They reached their conclusions at the same time and turned to each other, managing to speak the same words to each other in unintentional unison, "Nobody's here."

They each processed each others words for a moment. Kimberly had a harder time with the processing, a faint whir could be heard as her main computational stack worked it's way through the thousands of most statistically probable scenarios for what she had just heard.

Her Logic Reasoning Core flagged again flagged her audio logs as possibly errant; the odds of her speaking the same words that Arthur spoke at the same time he spoke them were calculated as less than 0.71%. Her main CPU instead opted for her to instead smile and slightly accentuate her perky breasts. It was another one of the dozen pre-programmed responses she possessed when responding to an errant audio data log that couldn't be interpreted or processed correctly.

Before her main CPU had adjusted itself from dealing with the errant audio processing, Arthur plowed into Kimberly. This time it was very intentional. She squealed as he pushed her forcefully against a book shelf. She arched her back, the middle of her mechanized spine lifting away from the leather-bounds, and pushed her pelvis into Arthur's groin. The delicate array of sensors beneath her navel again registered the presence of Arthur's stiffening manhood.

Her sex-ware once again booted into operation with an instantaneous buzz of energy through a complex array of pumps, actuators, servomotors, and dedicated processing cores. Her seduction protocols reached an improvisational behavior branch and again calculated her intercourse initiation actions from a randomized list that could share no more than 20% in commonality with her previously executed seduction routine outside the library.

This time Kimberly locked her wet lips around his, momentarily letting their tongues dance, before putting a hand on his chest and pushing him away. With an alluring look in her blue eyes she bit her bottom lip and slipped the fingers of her right hand beneath her skirt. She began toying with her slick artificial vagina and moaned. She lifted her other hand to squeeze a breast and crossed her eyes momentarily as her processors stabilized themselves under the increasing computational load.

A series of side-chained auxiliary processors booted into operation and with a little brute force were able to stabilize her main computational stack. After a brief 2.7 second pause, Kimberly's eyes uncrossed themselves and cast their lustful gaze onto Arthur.

Her brilliant blue iris' beckoned him in and he obliged. Interrupting her self-pleasing seduction routine, Arthur moved in and picked her up by through her armpits. Kimberly flailed somewhat wildly, kicking quasi-randomly. Arthur found this adorable and chuckled. Kimberly instinctively giggled back, although she knew her flailing was actually a known glitch in the entire K1MB3RLY_M84U series of companion-bots brought on by faulty Y-axis gyroscopic sub-components that outputted garbled position information when picked up quickly. She decided not to tell Arthur these technical details and instead let him fuck her senseless.

Arthur spun around with Kimberly in his arms and threw her down on a nearby reading desk. Her processors hitched for a heartbeat and her eyelids fluttered unnaturally. She recovered almost instantaneously.

Arthur was incredibly turned on by Kimberly's minor glitches and slight robotic tells. With excited breath he grabbed her top and yanked it up and over her head. Her amber hair exploded upwards for a moment before falling about her shoulders and face messily. She delicately blew a few strands away and grinned at Arthur's hungry eyes. She spread her perfect glossy legs exposing her primed artificial sex through the bottom of her pleated black skirt.

Arthur pushed the skirt up past her slender hips and thrust himself deep within Kimberly's hot and lubricated synthetic pussy. He pulled out and pushed deeper. Again. Again. Again and again. He was rigid like the barrel of a howitzer and it felt marvelous slipping in and out of the sex-bot's slick plastic vagina. With each penetration, the pink folds of her torrid sex wrapped around his member with an overwhelming cushioned firmness.

He placed each hand on a breast and squeezed hard. They were bendable and malleable in his hands. Arthur let go momentarily and they promptly sprung back to their default perky position. He put a stiff nipple in his mouth and sucked on it, creating a small vacuum against the polymer-silicone of her fabricated bosom. It tasted faintly of plastic and this oddly drove him wild. He was becoming more and more turned on thinking about her artificial nature.

Kimberly was also beside herself, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, a non-programmed response to the overwhelming amount of pleasure-data coursing from her sex-ware through her svelte chassis.

Without the consent of her sex-ware's embedded CPU, her orgasm subroutine booted itself into operation. This was unprecedented.

She moaned first, a loud guttural howl dripping with sexuality and fertility. She moaned again, louder than the first. Small fragments of audio generated from her internal vocal-synthesizer-engine becoming distorted with a hint of digital noise. The elastomers surrounding her vaginal walls began contracting around Arthur's cock as waves of electric current pulsed through harder and harder. Arthur felt the rhythmic contractions of her snug plastic pussy and anticipated her approaching climax. He moved his face downwards and lock his lips with Kimberly's. Their tongues parried each other and they each gently sucked on the others lips.

With Arthur's iron erection buried deep within her hot slit, his hands triggering every embedded stimulus sensor in her supple breasts, and his mouth interlinked with her own, Kimberly's orgasm subroutine executed.

A wave of electricity flooded through her curvaceous body and she pulsed and twitched uncontrollably, grinding her mons against Arthur. This sent him over the edge and without warning he exploded into her. He continued pumping and pumping, thoroughly invigorated in the moment.

Kimberly was built for this. She was designed for this. She yearned for this. She was programmed for this, and still the waves of simulated pleasure took up her every last byte of processing capacity. Writhing on the desk, dripping with lubricant, her stimulus sensors maxed out, her familiar, tantalizing voice called out, "Ar-Ar-Ar-Ar-Ar-thur! I-I-I-I-I'm com-com-com-coming!"

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