Long time in the waiting

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[[Original post]] Long time in the waiting

Part 1

Part 1.1

James lay in his bed, wide awake as he scrolled through the patch notes on his phone. The new Focus OS 11.0 was just released, and he had been up all night reading over the new features it came with.

While some features like the cross-platform compatibility and control made sense, others such as the enhanced word phrasing comprehension were confusing. Very few people used the built-in voice assistance and enhancing it didn’t make sense to James.

One feature which lost him was the cross-communication enhancement. “An enhanced, more life like communication between OS 11.0 devices? Who the hell has two phones that talk to each other?”

He rubbed his brown eyes before looking over at his digital clock and groaning as he realised it was 3am. The growing urge to use to use the bathroom finally defeated his will to stay in bed. Leaving his phone behind, he carefully navigated the clothes littered bedroom in the dark before reaching the door. He walked down the hall past his stepmother’s room before reaching the cold bathroom. Shivering, he quickly closed the opened bathroom window. “How many times do I have to tell her to do that!” he groaned before washing his face and blonde hair. On his way back, he noticed that her door was slightly opened, and that her light was now on.

He peaked through to find her sitting upright in the bed, wearing purple pyjamas as she stared ahead into the mirror. She was a rather attractive woman for her age. With deep blue eyes, a soft, elegant face and no obvious signs of ageing. She was an attractive 40-year-old to say the least. He particularly liked her flowing blonde hair which gave her a youthful appearance. Her personality also maintained its forever 21 appearance.

Suddenly, her mouth opened as she spoke. “OS 11.0 Update complete. Resuming A.I”

James’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “Is she… No, she can’t be.”

She visibly relaxed and her default smile returned. She stayed motionless for a few seconds before grasping the sheets which covered her legs and pulling them aside. She moved over to the edge of the bed and knelt, reaching under the bed. She retrieved an old radio and placed it on the bed. She also pulled out an old case stacked with CDs.

Once back on the bed, she leaned forward and slowly licked the radio, putting her sensual, precise tongue skills on display. She then pulled out a seemingly random CD case and removed the CD, placing it into the radio’s CD player.

Once in, her manicured fingers slowly pressed the play button. “Hey babe. Today the boys at the lab want you to try out the shock device. Set up the camera like normal and film the whole thing. And do what you want with it but remember to override any errors. Put that new OS to work. Love ya!”

He quickly realised that was his stepdad’s voice. “What was going on here?” he thought.

Cutting his thoughts short, she replaced the radio and the CD’s back under the bed and retrieved an old styled camcorder. She placed it on the tall boy opposite her bed and quickly undressed, revealing her bare, massive breasts and shaved vagina. She then reached into her dresser draw and retrieved what looked like a fly swatter with a dial at the end of the handle.

Taking the device to the edge of the bed with her, she sat up right and turned the nob. “Setting is at level one. I’m going to test my breasts and nipples first.” She spoke with a light Scandinavian accent. James was stunned to see her breasts expand noticeably as her nipples hardened to cartoonish size.

“Easily a cup size” he thought before she swatted her left breast.

“Oo that’s nice” she softly moaned before trying again. “Oo yeap, definitely nice” she reassured the camera. She then swatted her stiffened nipples and responded in a similar way. After a few more swats she changed the dial again.

“Setting is at level four. I’m going to test my breasts and nipples first.” She repeated in a near identical tone.

She swatted her left breast again and moaned. “Oo, I’m enjoying this.” She swatted her nipples and reacted in the same way. She then turned the dial again.

“The setting is at level six. I’m going to try my tongue, nipples and vagina”. She stuck out her tongue and paused for a moment as she looked at it in the mirror. After a brief pause her tongue stuck out ridiculously far as her lips formed a wide grin. She brought the swatter to her tongue and made contact. James swore he could smell smoke as the metal contacted the silicon.

She stayed that way for a moment before retracting her tongue. “Oo my. I’m feeling wonderful!” She brought the swatter to her nipple and swatted them. James saw a spark jump from the swatter to her nipple each time they got close to each other.

“Oo yes baby! That’s maxes me out right there!” she moaned before bringing it to her vagina. The second it touched her moist folds, she twitched hard and froze.

“Electrical disturbance detected. Assessing situation.” She mechanically announced before relaxing. “Error overridden. Resuming A.I function. Oo that good feels sexy hole wet!” she moaned before looking confused. “That didn’t make sense” her confused expression turned into a smile as she said “Oh well! Error’s out of sight, and out of mind!”

She then turned the dial once more.

“The setting is at level ten, the maximum setting. I’m going to try my breasts, nipples and vagina” she announced proudly.

She swatted her breast and froze for a second. “Oo that was nice nice nic.. That was nice” she quickly recovered before swatted her nipple, this time freezing for a little longer. “Oo that’s very nice. I’m enjoying this enjoying this this this this.”

James grew concerned over her stuttering tone but resisted any urge to interfere.

She then backed onto the mattress and spread her legs into a v shape, giving the camera a perfect view of her tight vagina. “Now for the piece of resistance!” she giggled before swatting her pussy.

She instantaneously froze upon contact and stayed that way for a few seconds before cocking her head to the left. “Oh my that’s powerful! I’m so glad I can handle this without any issues! Without any issues! Without any.. ERROR. CPU cycle mismatch. Returning A.I to previous stable state…. Oh my that’s powerful!”

James found it amusing. She was completely unaware of her errors.

Once again, James was speechless as her legs spread further, backwards at easily a 220-degree angle. Her skin creased unnaturally as her servos became audible.

“Ok boys, last test. Me verses this thing all the way in!” she announced before pushing the whole swatter into her pussy. At first, she seemed completely alright. “Ah yes! The superior being wins again!”

She stayed that way for a minute before tilting her head. “Catastrophic error has occurred. Error overriding has been overridden. Please wait.”

For the next few minutes she stayed that way, motionless and staring at the camera. The swatter was deep inside her. Feeling sympathetic, he entered the room and removed the swatter. She remained motionless.

James for one had seen enough. He left and went back to his room before hitting the bed.

“This is one crazy dream” he thought before finally getting to sleep.

Part 1.2

James woke up at 7:30 am sharp. He rubbed his eyes as the events of last night came flooding in. He quickly dismissed it for a dream before heading to the bathroom. Once he had done his business, he headed downstairs to the kitchen.

“Hey hun, how are you?” she called as he entered. He froze when he saw her, standing there in just a bra and panties.

“Hi Julie. I’m alright. Are you alright?” he asked as he walked over. He quickly noticed that she had put bread on the frying pan and eggs in the sink. “Maybe last night wasn’t a dream” he thought.

“Yea I’m fine. And I thought we were over the whole Julie thing. I’m your mum, even if I’m not your real mum.” She picked up the frying pan by the handle and let the bread slide to the other end.

James remained determined. “If you say so. It’s just that you have bread in the frying pan and the eggs are in the skin.”

Julie Immediately stopped what she was doing and looked back and forth at the sink and the pan for a few seconds. “Ohh yea you are right! How silly of me. I was up late last night and didn’t get much sleep.” She explained.

James sat at the table as he watched Julie scoop up the eggs with her hands and place it in the frying pan. She then pulled the bread from the pan and placed it into the sink. “There smart ass. All better!” she cheered.

James got up from the table and pointed at the sink. “Does bread cook in the sink Julie?”

She looked at the sink and froze completely. James waved his hand in front of her face to no avail. “No way, a real robot” he realised before he decided to be impulsive. He reached out and grabbed her large, well rounded left ass cheek. If felt firm, smooth and he enjoyed it.

As soon as he let go, Julie faced him. “What did I just say about the whole Julie thing? And can you take over here? I need to use the bathroom.” She quickly made her way to the downstairs bathroom as James picked up the bread and placed it into the toaster.

He quickly recalled that all OS 11.0 could interact with each other. He immediately turned off the stove and raced up to his room to get his phone. A quick Google search gave him the connection method he needed, and within moments he could see what Julie saw through her own fake eyes.

She was looking straight ahead into the bathroom mirror, her arms by her side as she stood motionless. There was no on screen display evident.

“Let’s see what’s going on inside you” he said to no one as he looked around the settings tabs. Within seconds he managed to bring up her HUD and debugging screen.

Thousands of lines of code raced past her debugger as she sorted out her errors. On the left of that there was a list of immediate issues:

“1: Current clothing is inappropriate. Pyjamas or gym outfit based of RNG # 3 2: Morning breakfast preparations were inappropriate. Toast goes into object code #192 and eggs into object code #190 3: Sexual drivers initiated. No valid human partner present. Audit on programming data confirms the error and has repaired it.”

James tapped on the first line but was met with an error. “This device is not registered as a prime user. Changes cannot be made. Please register this device to this unit.”

“Damn” he swore before throwing his phone onto the bed and returning to the kitchen. He heard Julie run upstairs and return in her two-piece gym outfit, revealing a massive cleavage as her black tights clung to her long legs. She swiftly removed the bread and retrieved the butter and jam from the fridge before spreading both on the toast with a knife.

“Here we go hun. Now I’m heading out to the gym for the next few hours. Keep the house clean for me.” She peaked him on the cheek before heading straight out the door. He waited until he heard the car start up and the engine noise fade into the distance. Once in the clear, he hastily made his way to her room.

He reached under the bed and sure enough, found both the radio and the CDs. Pulling one out from its clear, unmarked case revealed a date written in black inc. “June 2nd, 2021. Tomorrow’s date.” He left the radio and box on the bed before returning to his room. He started up his computer and inserted the disc. The recording immediately began.

“Hey babe. Nothing special tonight, just a routine check on all your sexual functions. Use the 8-inch dildo for your diagnostics. Love ya!”

“Time to change this” He smirked as he began editing. Using several online voice replicators, he changed the speech but kept the voice. He clicked play and waited.

“Hey babe. Nothing special tonight, just announce your registration number and all associated data. Love ya!”

“Perfect” He then placed the disc into the case and shuffled them to have it first in line in the case. He then returned to his room where he picked up his phone and decided to watch her day through her eyes.

She was parking the car at the gym and had gotten out. She retrieved a duffel bag and had tied her hair into a bun before entering the gym. She immediately was greeted by several men before one unit of a man approached her.

“Hey Julie” he said with confidence in a deep voice. She leaned in for a long kiss before he grabbed her ass.

“Hey Sam! Not here!” she giggled as she swatted his hand.

“You say that every time. Now come on, the boys are waiting” he groped her ass as they entered the shower room. James was stunned to see four other massive men waiting in the shower, all nude.

“Hey guys! Now, who gets what today?” she asked as she removed her clothing.

In a matter of minutes, she was on the wet floor taking one dick in her ass, with another in her pussy. She was pumping two other men with her hands as she deep throated the 5th man. She moaned and powered through every single one. Once they all came, they changed positions and went again.

In one hour, 5 different men had came in her hands, mouth, ass and pussy. They were exhausted while she seemed energetic. “Anyone up for round two!?” she giggled as she masturbated in front of all the guys.

“No more Julie. God damn woman you are a machine!” They all laughed. Julie didn’t like the joke.

“I’m not a machine Sam. I can assure you!” her serious tone quickly changed into one of lust as she quickly came to orgasm yet again before going under the shower.

“I mean, she’s incredible at sex but is too weird for me dude. She’s cold and fake, and I just can’t connect with her” Sam said to the other guys as they cleaned themselves. Julie heard them but generated no ‘thought’ on their conversation. She just let their cum drip out from her ass and pussy as she spit up the rest. She dried off and put on the gym outfit again. “See you tomorrow guys!” she waved before getting into her car again.

“See ya later you freak!” they all laughed as they waved.

The rest of the night was uneventful. James stayed in his room while Julie did the same. He spent hours reading up on the OS while she processed and sorted through the day’s events.

Part 1.3

It was 5 to 3am. James had anticipated this moment all day, and eagerly left his room. Like the night before, Julie’s light was on. Her door was slightly opened too. He saw her sitting the exact same way as last night, with the same pajamas and all.

At 3am, she removed the sheets from her legs and reached down from under the bed. She retrieved both the radio and the CD stack. Just like last night, she licked the radio seductively again.

“Gotta be a bug” James reasoned before he watched her place a CD in.

“Hey babe. Nothing special tonight, just a stress test of your CPU, RAM and Hard drive. Set up the Camcorder and disable your adaptability programming no matter what. The boys want to see how your code is holding up. Run programs 72 through to 74. If you go over an hour then reset and resume A.I functions. Love ya!”

“Ah fuck” he swore as he realised, he put the case in the wrong order. She selected them from the opposite end!

Julie quickly replaced everything under the bed and set up the camcorder before shedding her pyjamas. “Program 72 – Gym workout, push ups”

She planked on the floor before mechanically spreading her arms to the side. She propped herself up and started doing reps.

James gladly watched Julie’s breasts jiggle and bounce around against the timber floor. She was astoundingly quick, doing easily over 1500 push ups in 30 minutes. As soon as the 30-minute mark hit, she abruptly stopped, planked on the floor again and jumped up.

“Program 72 was a success. 0 issues detected. Program 73 – conversation mode. No humans present. Converting to self-discussion mode.”

She turned to the full body mirror and relaxed as she placed her arm on her hip. “Hey babe, you’re looking sexy today” she said to the mirror reflection.

“Thanks babe” she replied to herself. “You’re looking sexy too I might add.”

“Oh thank you! I just did 1562 push ups you know!” she giggled and smiled before abruptly displaying an astounded and impressed look.

“Wow you go girl! You know, I love your breasts. So big and wonderful!”

James witnessed her breasts grow by easily 2 cups before she changed expression again and fondled them. “They are amazing! And all natural too you know. Bradly just loves playing with them.”

Her breasts quickly shrunk back to their original size as her reflection replied. “Brad is way too lucky. But Mike is pretty happy with my D cup. God, I love these things! I really need to play with them more!”

“Oh babe I know all to well. Let me tell you about this one bloke, a Sam S. Monster of a man and can go for a long time. Today he lasted his longest of all the guys! 12 minutes and 4 seconds!” she jumped up and down in excitement before abruptly expressing an impressed look.

“You are lucky girl! Mind if I masturbate really quick?” her hands moved down to her naval as she penetrated her pussy.

She abruptly stopped and faced the camera. “Program 73 was a sub-success. Cancelled early as no human target was available. Situation revolved around sexual matters and ended with my partner masturbating. Note, this has been the 53rd time Program 73 has ended this way. Program 74 – tactile test. Please do not interrupt this test” Her hands immediately began rubbing every inch of pristine her body. James realised this was his chance, and quickly rushed in and slapped her breasts hard. She immediately stopped.

“Program 74 has been interrupted. Starting again. Please do not interrupt this test.”

Before she even began again James slapped her ass hard. This time, she froze and cocked her head. “Error. Reverting A.I back to previous safe state.”

In a few seconds, she reanimated. “Program 73 was a sub-success. Cancelled early as no human target was available. Situation revolved around sexual matters and ended with my partner masturbating. Note, this has been the 53rd time Program 73 has ended this way. Program 74 – tactile test. Please do not interrupt this test”

James’s hand was already on her breast before she began. “ERROR. Reverting A.I to earliest confirmed safe state. This may take a few minutes.”

James wasted no time in rushing over to the CD stacks and placing his CD case into the right position. He rushed out of the room once again and waited.

“A.I reversion successful.” She immediately bent over and retrieved her pyjamas. Once they were on, she went to the bed, sat up right and placed the covers over her legs. Almost immediately she threw the covers off her legs and reached down to the radio and CDs.

She licked the radio as usual and placed the CD in. “Hey babe. Nothing special tonight, just announce your registration number and all associated data. Love ya!”

She stared straight ahead for a moment. James thought he was busted for sure, up until she opened her mouth.

“Current registration number is 9I-IU-SW-24-ED-E3-4R-FG-T5-87-MN-MM-OL-4R-2F-6G-9K. Access is now opened for the next 15 minutes.”

James had a grin from ear to ear. He whipped out his phone and typed in the code. He was surprised he memorise it so easily.

“New user confirmed” she announced. “Closing activation access”. With that, she lay down and went to bed.

James went back to his room and immediately edited some files:

“1: Current clothing is inappropriate. Pyjamas or gym outfit based of RNG # 3. When target “James C” is present, bra and panties, maid outfit, bikini or nothing based on RNG #3. 2: Sexual drivers: Include “James C” as sexual user. Limit’s removed.”

He hit confirm and rested easy, eager for tomorrow.

Part 1.4

James woke up at 7am sharp and immediately raced down the stairs. He was surprised when he didn’t see Julia there. He put some eggs in the pan and some bread in the toaster before pulling up a seat at the table.

A few moments later, Julia came down the stairs wearing her pyjamas. James was disappointed. “Morning Julia!” he greeted her.

She looked over at him and immediately went red. “Oh hi dear. I didn’t think you’d be up this early. Can you give me a minute?” she fidgeted as she waited for his reply.

“Sure” She immediately ran up the stairs and returned moments later wearing a two-piece bikini. “There, sorry about that. I should dress more appropriately from now on.” She apologised as she went over to the kitchen.

James was ecstatic. “It worked!” he boasted, prompting Julia to look back at him.

“What worked hun?” she asked as she turned the bacon over.

“Oh, just a little experiment” he smirked. “Give me a minute, will you?” he asked as he rushed up stairs and retrieved his phone. He logged in and went to Julia’s on-screen HUD. She was processing the instructions necessary to cook the food. Nothing else was going through her A.I.

“Hey Julie. Can we talk?” he asked. Program 73 immediately loaded into her RAM as she replied.

“Sure hun. What do you want to talk about?” Her HUD showed her word selection. She formulated the sentence based on his word choice, tone and pitch.

“You’re advanced for sure.” He mumbled. “Julia, how’s the gym going? Any guys there you have your eye on?”

“James!” she exclaimed. “I don’t think we should talk about that here!” while her words said no, her programming said yes. Her nipples had slightly hardened, and her stance had relaxed slightly.

“Have you had sex with them? Any big, hard cocks there?” he pressed on. Her HUD showed the sentence as it came along and had dissected it. The words sex and big hard cocks had prompted a sexual response. Her higher A.I functions searched her directives and found what he had edited.

Her HUD read, “Program 06 – Sexual talk has commenced with “James C”.”

He noticed Julie push her firm ass out as she leaned in forward. “Oh yes actually. There is this one hunk, Sam whose penis is amazing. Half my work out is with him!” she giggled as she finished up the cooking. She lifted the pan and slowly, seductively made her way to James, placing the egg and bacon onto his plate as she leaned in. Her full bust was on display. “I’ll be meeting him today actually. I can’t wait to get penetrated!”

She stayed leaned in for a moment, almost as if she was waiting for James to do something. Eventually she straightened up. “I’ll be in the shower. Wash up when you’re done” she made her way upstairs as James returned his attention to his phone.

He quickly found a directive on her HUD which had timed out. “Waiting sexual stimulation from user has run out after 83 seconds”

“Damn” he swore before looking back at what her cameras captured. She was already in the shower, rubbing and cleaning every part of her body. He enjoyed the view of her breasts sway back and forth as she scrubbed them clean. A few minutes in, she stopped moving and stared at the floor as her HUD appeared.

“Sexual stimulation detected. Run program 12 – Self-gratification. Negative. Sexual stimulation caused by cleaning routine. Reducing sexual stimulus multiplier until self-cleaning routine has completed.

“Interesting. I need to look into that.” He thought as she finished up and dried off. She placed her gym outfit on again and hurried downstairs. “Now I’m heading out to the gym for the next few hours. Keep the house clean for me.” She pecked him on the cheek and went out the front door.

“Not today” James mused as he changed her scheduling. “You’ve already been to the gym today, don’t you remember” he laughed as he made the changes.

In a few seconds, the door opened again as Julie came back inside. “Hey James! Boy today was one hell of a workout! I really feel the burn!” she stretched her arms over her head as she sat next to him on the sofa. “So hun, what should we do now? We still have the whole day!” she brought her thighs against her chest as she hugged her knees.

“Julie, listen very carefully” She leaned forward towards James. “This statement is false”

She looked at him with a confused expression. “Well that’s wrong. If it’s true, then it has to be false. But if it’s false, it can’t be true. But if it’s false, then it must be true.” She quickly slowed down her tone.

“Bbbuuttt ittt musssttt bbbee tttt. ERROR. Processor overload detected. Reverting A.I to latest stable state…. So hun, what should we do now? We still have the whole day!” her confusion was quickly replaced with a smile.

James was impressed with her. He wondered how she could exist at the same time his crappy computer did. “Run program… 19” he said.

She looked at him with a confused expression. “Program 19? What are you on about hun?” she laughed before relaxing into the seat.

“Oh right. I forgot” He turned to his phone and changed her current running program.

She suddenly froze and spoke in a rigid tone. “Program 19 – saleswoman. Target “James C””

She abruptly sat upright, turned to face James and stuck out her hand. “Hi James! Welcome to Jimmy’s appliances. How may I assist you today?”

He noticed her cleavage expand dramatically, straining the fabric of the sports bra to their limits.

“Nope” was all he said before changing the program again.

“Program 20 – Volleyball Player. Target “James C”

Her breast size noticeably reduced this time, barely fitting into the bra at all.

She jumped up from the sofa and placed both hands on her hips. “Come on James! The game’s about to start! We’re gonna beat those guys this time I just know it!”

“Damn, not this one either. How can I find out what each program does!?” he yelled.

Julie just laughed. “Just ask silly!” she smiled, twirling her hair as she waited.

“What program makes you super easy?” he asked. She looked at the ceiling for a few seconds before answering. “Program 04 – Insatiably horny” she proudly announced as she mimicked throwing a ball over a net.

Just then, the doorbell rang. “Delivery!” he heard from outside.

He got up to answer it before a thought came to mind. He returned her A.I functions to her as he went upstairs. He disabled her HUD view and watched the scene unfold.

“Hi, delivery for Mrs C?” the man immediately looked at Julie’s boastful cleavage on full display.

“Ah yes, that’s me!” she replied. “Please, come on in” she gestured as she took the parcel.

She placed the package next to the door as the man reluctantly entered the house, James activated Program 04. The man turned to find Julie frozen. “Ah mam, are you alright?”

A few seconds passed before her frozen expression turned into one of lust. “I’m quite fine big boy. But I need you, now!” she moaned as she pulled off her tight sports bra, letting her massive breasts bounce.

The man was alarmed to say the least. “Ah I need to go” he hastily said, however she had different plans.

“Don’t you just love my breasts?” she moaned as she rubbed up against him.

“Ahh not right now! I really need to go” he persisted, but she wasn’t having any of it. His eyes went wide as her breasts expanded by a full two cups.

“How about now? Big enough for you?” she giggled.

“What the fuck?!” he shouted before pushing her over and running out of the house. She landed on her ass with a thud. Her vision flickered as did her HUD.

James came back down the stairs and closed the door before tending to Julie. She was staring straight ahead, frozen. Checking her HUD revealed that she was experiencing a malfunction which was eating up her RAM. He decided to slap her right on the back, forcing her to lean forward.

“Error. Time inactive has passed 10 seconds and tactile presence indicates human presence. Emergency recovery in process.” She instantaneously reanimated after that and looked around the room.

“This is a nice room” she said before looking down at her body. She cocked her head as she took both breasts in her hands. “Oo, this feels nice. I am topless. Why?”

She continued to inspect her breasts before they shrunk back to their original size. “Ah, that feels better” she softly said before looking past her breasts down to her pussy. “Oo, I am naked. Why?”

A confused expression overcame her before she quickly came to a realisation. “Oh that’s right! I am feeling insatiably horny and was about to deal with it! Now this makes sense” she groped her breast as she fingered her pussy fast and hard, moaning as she did.

Within seconds her eyes rolled back as she came hard. “Oo that was nice. But messy! I should clean up!” she brought herself to her feet and went up the stairs to the shower, leaving James standing there, dumbfounded.

The debug menu had confirmed that she had entered a scripted conversation designed in emergencies. By the time she entered the shower, her A.I was in control again.

James sat back and watched her shower through her own eyes, enjoying the sight before him.

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