FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0012

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FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0012

Prompted by one of the technicians and the Albot's own instructions, you say "American Girl." You add a "please," even though no one is listening but the robot, and manners really don't matter in this situation. You wait a moment as she stops moving; the room grows quiet except for the sound of her hard drives whirring and clicking. You hope that's not as loud all the time.

After a while she begins to move again. She breathes deeply, her ample bosom rising as her shoulders roll back. Her jeans strain against her stomach as she breathes in, like they're going to pop open if she inhales any more. Then she opens her eyes, smiling, looking like she's been wakened from a very restful nap.

She looks at you with a quizzical eye, turning her head to the side the same way canines do when they're addled. "Um, hi. Wait, do I know you?" She speaks in a honey-tinged Californian accent, the perfect tone for a girl next door. There is no trace in her voice of the robot who walked in here with you; the Jessica Albot is completely gone, replaced for now by this personality.

You reach your hand forward and introduce yourself, repeating your name twice between the "nice to meet you" and "impressive design." She smiles when she hears your name, pausing first to log it in her internal memory. "Of course! How could I forget my favorite...boyfriend!" The end of that sentence comes out late, the product of her sentience program creating it on the fly. "I'm Jesse, and I'm here for whatever you like. Wait, why did I say that? You know who I am! After all, you know why we're here..."

"I can't say I'm entirely sure," you say, probably knowing where she's going but wanting to hear it from her. You'd pay full price to hear anything from that voice.

She laughs. "Tonight we're going all the way, silly! I want you to be the one. I've never been with a boy before, and I want you to take it from me. I want you to be the one, because you're going to make me feel so right."

You don't complain, and walk right up to Jesse, taking her in your arms and kissing her as hard as you can. She yells, muffled by your lips pressed against her artificial visage. You know exactly what you want from this robot. She's going to...

Suck your cock Feel you inside her