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MediaWiki 1.42.1 • 05:14 • September 25, 2024 • 320 users • 87,145 files • 102,686 pages • 171,443 edits

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Author of the Month:

Total # of stories: 10

Story of the week:


A fanfiction continuation of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode, "I was made to love you".

Did I mention, "Wow?"

Whatever kid built her had good taste. I didn't get a good look at her in the park, since it was getting dark, but... she's very, very pretty. Straight dark hair past her shoulders, deep brown eyes, perfect skin, kissable lips. I took off her dress (if I'm going to examine her, I need to examine all of her, and it's not like it's a real girl I'm undressing), and she's perfectly realistic all the way down. I bet you could have sex with her and hardly know she wasn't a real girl -- except for the hole in her belly, and a small recessed button in the hollow between her breasts. I checked her out thoroughly, and there seemed to be no other controls of any kind -- at least, if there are, they're the kind you have to press through the skin, so they don't show. In fact, there are no seams or anything either, which seems absurd -- there has to be some way to get inside to repair her, or reprogram her, or change her batteries. And I'm not about to press that one button just because it's the only button I see. What if it turns her on -- I mean, activates her -- and she goes on a rampage? Rupert said she'd caused some trouble in town, and I have no idea how fast or strong she is or what she's programmed to do.

Damn, there's Natalie coming home. I ought to go up and say hi.

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