The House Sitter

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The House Sitter

Tossing her clothes on the floor, Mary finally sat on the overpriced sofa, her bare butt sinking into the soft beige coloured leather as the break she was after finally arrived. She was grateful for the opportunity the Robertson's gave her, but hell, they were anything but warm people. From the get go, with not even a ‘hello’ at their front door, Mary knew this may have been a mistake. House sitting wasn’t alien to her, but this particular occasion was anything but familiar. Their house was astounding, with everything kept prim and proper, but it was as cold as their owners were with solid white walls, thin furniture and an eerie quiet.

She stretched out on the sofa, pressing her exposed feet into the cool tiles, and pushing her bare arms well above her head as she yawned. They did say ‘make yourself at home’ after all, well, in their own way. So, she did.

It wasn’t even 7pm yet, but she was already drained by their rigidity and formality. Despite this, Mary remembered exactly what attracted her to the neighbours offer. A price per day no one could turn down, let alone the benefits of staying in a far superior home to her crappy apartment. Free food in the fridge, a massive king size bed to sleep in. It was basically a paid getaway for a whole week.

Sliding down on the soft cushion, she closed her heavy eyes and drifted off…

Suddenly, the doorbell’s ring startled her. She froze for just a second as the fog in her mind cleared. Thinking quickly, she raced to the downstairs bathroom and found herself a bath robe. Once on, she placed her long red hair haphazardly into a second towel before sprinting to the door.

Giving herself a second to catch her breath, she readied herself.

“Hello?” she called out.

“Mrs Robertson? I have a package for you” answered the delivery woman.

Mary looked through the fisheye, only for the view to be blocked by a large cardboard box. Slightly frustrated, she helplessly looked around the edges of the peephole, only making out a tablet being held in two hands.

“Just a sec” she called back, stepping back, and opening the door.

“Sorry, I was in the shower. Since when do packages come this late?” Mary half-apologised, hoping her lie to this stranger would stick. “No worries, and it’s no trouble at all, especially for such a special delivery. So… cleaning up for the new toy I see?” the delivery woman slyly grinned.

“Umm yea sure. Where do I sign?” Mary quickly replied, slightly less confused than agitated. Why was it her job to accept a package let alone explain herself to this stranger?

Laughing lightly, she handed Mary her tablet. Signing a fake ‘Robertson’ signature with her finger, she handed it back before stepping away to give the cardboard box room to be rolled into the main foyer. For her small frame, the delivery woman did it with incredible ease, much to Mary’s surprise.

“Quite a place you’ve got here. I suppose if you can afford this place, you could easily afford us.” She chuckled, pointing to the stitched symbol. Only after a second did she realise Mary’s deep blue eyes were fixed on her instead, in a deep, blank glare.

“I think you should leave now. Thanks for the delivery” Mary snapped back, almost emotionless. She didn’t know who this person was, but the unplanned event had her frustrated. They almost always did.

The delivery woman made eye contact with Mary, staring her down for just a second before yielding. As she turned to walk out, she stopped at the door.

“Hunny, next time you want to hide the fact that you were walking around butt naked, at least dampen the towels.” She smiled before slamming the door shut.

Mary paused until the hum of the delivery truck engine faded. Once in the clear, she shed the bathrobe and towel, leaving both on the cold tiles. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in and out ten times to kill her frustration before determining her next steps.

She paced into the kitchen, took hold of a knife, and moved back to the box. She pierced its edges, slicing through the thick cardboard until its face was separated. As it fell onto the tiles, Mary almost jumped at what stood in front of her.

A full-sized woman, slightly taller than Mary with long blonde hair was restrained within the box. Mary’s eyes glossed over her refined cheek bones and jaw line, a long neck with broad shoulders and slim arms. Her body was incredibly clear skinned, boastful, and extremely athletic albeit with slightly unrealistic proportions.

Mary eyed the woman for a moment as an eagerness slowly grew within her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an instruction manual attached to the inner left edge of the box and undid the staples which held it in place with her untrimmed nails.

“Microtech’s Ultra Companion3” the title read. “Your latest companion, with all the right upgrades. If you’d like to jump straight into your new companion, then leap to page 5. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and read about the experience of an Ultra Companion model directly from one of our most popular users and the companion herself…”

Mary immediately turned to page 5. The very thought of someone else’s experience was the last thing she’d ever think of. She was excited to play with the very thing she’d never be able to afford.

“To start up your fully charged, Ultra Compaion3, simply say “Ultra Companion, please start””

“Ultra-Companion… please start!” Mary almost shouted, hoping her slightly nervous and excited tone wouldn’t mess up anything.

The blonde woman’s eyes snapped opened, revealing her pale grey irises. Her pupils dilated fully as she scanned the scene in front of her, separating inanimate objects to that of animate ones. A split second later, she focused her gaze onto Mary and gave her a warm, signature smile. “Hello! Thank you for purchasing… well me! The newest, most advanced companion unit ever created. I’d just love to tell you all about me, but I think you’d rather find out yourself.” She giggled slightly in a soft, albeit arousing tone.

Mary had read about the Ultra Companion models and only fantasied about owning one. Many online videos existed of course, but nothing was quiet like what she wanted. She never thought she’d see one in person, let alone have one right in front of her.

“So, I’d like to step out now, and maybe find out what’s giving that beautiful scent too” the companion breathed, sniffing the air deeply. “But I seem to be stuck here.” She looked down, side to side at the plastic restraints which held her slim arms, legs, and torso in place. “Could you please help me?”

Mary took a second to think before taking the knife and carefully slicing through the companion’s plastic restraints. Once all five were cut, Mary stepped back as the companion stepped forward.

“Ah, finally free!” She announced. “And so cold! Can these tiles be heated by any chance?” she asked.

Mary shrugged lightly, not really thinking about the tiles. She was lost in her own little fantasy of what was to come.

Silence followed for a few seconds, prompting the companion to continue.

“Okay so formalities. You’ll need to set some ground rules like what my name is, my relationship to you, and my personality. The rest can be on me. I’m ready when you are!” the companion announced, happily standing in front of Mary.

“Hmm, your name will be… Emma” Mary declared after a few seconds of thought. “You will be… how flexible are you with personalities?”

Emma’s advanced processors roared into action for the first time, calculating the meaning of Mary’s query. Several failed attempts were achieved before a return inquiry was established and delivered, along with a matching physical display.

Emma’s facial expression altered into one of mild confusion as she tilted her head slightly to the right. “Umm, I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand. Could you please rephrase the question?”

Nodding slowly, Mary tried again, ignoring her slightly growing frustration. ‘Not a good start to ‘the most advanced companion ever’ she thought. “Emma, if I wanted to change your personality, could that be done at any time after your set up?”

Instantly, Emma’s processors correctly calculated the precise meaning of Mary’s words with a high degree of certainty. The positive response brought her to a gleaming smile as she answered her master’s question.

“Ah yes! A common problem with my predecessors were their rigidity. Every time their owner wanted a wife instead of a girlfriend, or a lover instead of an escort, there was a high chance of cross personality conflict… or simply put, they’d fry themselves to bits. Literally! They’d also need a support computer to make the changes and that was tedious to say the least and came with a steep learning curve. But with me, that’s been fixed completely. Just say the word and go crazy!”

Mary’s mind did go crazy with the possibilities. Here stood… literally anything she wanted and all she had to do was ask. Emma’s voice quickly brought Mary back to reality.

“You haven’t given me your name yet master. What shall I call you?” She lightly purred, bringing her hands up to her hair and running her fingers through her golden locks, shaking her hair into a frizz.

One of her many idle movement actions when nothing was happening, all in the effort to maintain the illusion. “Mary… my name’s Mary” She answered eventually.

“Hmm, what can I be for you Mary?” Emma cooed, bending slightly forward as she rubbed her hands down against the sides of her athletic torso. “Hmm, be my sex… no an escort… DOMINANT LOVER” Mary finally stammered out.

Emma’s processors churned at the collected air vibrations her microphones received, detecting a conflicting response from their owner. A secondary thread specialising in heuristic analysis was opened and assigned the sentence.

Within a fraction of a second, it correctly ignored the initial part of the sentence and prioritised the last two words. It then searched for the closest thing to her request, which ended up being a full personality packaged labelled ‘Lover_Dominant’.

This blink of an eye personality change seamlessly took effect, with Emma’s frame being the first noticeable transition.

She straightened her stance and pushed her shoulders back. Her mechanical snake of a tongue licked her ruby red, silicon lips as she slowly strutted forward. “Hmm, Now I am the master” she chuckled, moving ever closer towards Mary.

Meanwhile, Mary stood there, taking in the scene that was unfolding in front of her. “Yes… Emma” she stammered, much to Emma’s apparent disappointment.

Shaking her head, she gave Mary a tight-lipped smile before placing her warm, soft hands on her shoulders. “Call me master.” She whispered before running her right hand down Mary’s torso, ending at the base of her navel.

There was a silence, only muffled by Mary’s quickened breathing. Emma’s made no noise at all; she was utterly silent despite her rising and falling chest.

“Y-Yes master” Mary uttered.

“Good girl.” Emma nodded, hooking two fingers into Mary’s dampening vagina and pulling up roughly. “Now, you’ve been very naughty, talking to me while in the complete nude. I’ve ignored it…” her eyes wondered over Mary’s bare, athletic body, seemingly absorbing its beauty before focusing on her deep blue eyes. “…until now. You are to go upstairs to the master bedroom and find a maid’s outfit. Then you’ll meet me in the living room for… tea” she insisted, removing her fingers from Mary.

With haste, she stepped passed Mary and headed for the living room, shouting “Hurry!” loud enough to make Mary to sprint up the stairs before slipping both fingers between her lips, and licking them clean.

Within seconds, Mary was inside the Robertson’s master suit, a room almost the size of Mary’s entire apartment. But now wasn’t the time to admire it, she had an order to fulfill.

As Mary searched for a maid outfit, Emma measured the most appealing, erotic response she could for her return. With limited information about her master, she relied on previously collected data shared among all companion units.

With no human in sight, her human emulation efforts were greatly reduced as part of a processor longevity program. One of the few enhancements on her predecessor.

Expressing a simple blank stare, Emma stepped into the living room and immediately identified what she’d need. She took a small pillow and placed it on the sofa.

Next, she looked up at the connecting dining room and settled on the closest chair. With precise, equal steps, she went straight towards the chair, and picked it up. Mid-step between carrying the chair from the dining room to the living room, Emma froze.

A response timer designed to maintain the ‘act’ for Mary ran out, prompting Emma to offer some ‘encouragement’.

Maintaining her blank face, her lips parted. “Hurry baby! Don’t keep your master waiting!” Emma shouted, her tongue and lips remaining perfectly still as she stared into infinity, completely contrasting the sexual tension her voice delivered.

She waited for a few seconds before the timer for an expected response from Mary ran out which re-prompted her previous run time. Emma placed the chair so that it faced the sofa, and then knelt onto the middle sofa cushion while remaining upright. Her light-weight frame barely causing any greater dent than expected in the cushion.

Staring forward, she reached back and used her 360-degree lidar systems to correctly separate the small pillow from the sofa, allowing her right hand to grasp it firmly. She then brought it underneath her torso, with its fabric roughly brushing her silicon ass cheeks and her plastic mold of a vagina. The registered sexual stimulation the pillow caused was not acted on as no human was present to enjoy the show. A ‘processor intensive’ activity which was deemed pointless when alone.

A new prompt was processed, guiding her to reinitialise human emulation protocols the moment Mary was within two steps of being in ear shot of her. Until then, she’d stay perfectly still, only monitoring her internals, everything within her Lidar’s range, and Mary with her infrared sensors.

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