The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 1/Chapter 4

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The attractive young secretary behind the desk smiled when Kylan approached The Vault. "Hello, Master Renson. Shall I tell Lord Stan you would like to see him?"

"No, Secrophilia, I think I'll surprise him." Stan wouldn't be too surprised since Kye was the only other human allowed in The Vault. As innocent as his secretary looked, she was programmed to stop a truck. She also made a great get away driver that fateful day. When she rose, Kye couldn't help but notice her shapely legs. He always did.

Her name was Anja, but she was used to Kylan's verbal jabs and knew to expect them. Besides, her personality program was not set to take anything personally but she would get quite defensive if anyone attacked her masters or insulted them. "Do you need any help?" she asked coyly as she opened the massive door.

Kye was finally noticing how tired he was and accepted her offer. She hoisted the larger blonde over her shoulder with graceful ease while he cradled the M-67. Anja closed the door behind them and took the lead; Kye followed her and enjoyed the view.

In moments of weakness he succumbed to his carnal desires and had his way with her and some of the other gynoids. Somehow he always felt like he was a loser because their lust for him was as artificial as they were. Then he would feel like a traitor for sleeping with the murderers of mankind. He had issues.

He was distraught enough after losing his family during The Mistake but he was resentful even before then. His love life before being with robots was painful at best, but so was Stan's. This was one of the elements that strengthened their friendship. But when Kye learned the truth about Frances Stanley's past he found himself at odds. He finally learned to accept it and knew that Stan didn't mastermind the madness that destroyed so many lives. Stanley never intended to hurt anyone. Stan was living with more guilt than most people could ever handle. He only found escape in his work and his twisted sense of humor. But his only true comfort and peace was with Portia.

Stan actually was surprised to see Kye. He asked Kylan how he had gotten a hold of two beautiful cops but then became just as disturbed as Kye when he learned what had happened in the tunnel. This was also a good distraction for him. Stan had started to become more and more reclusive lately and this worried Kylan since that was so unlike the thrill seeker he knew.

"Well first thing we gotta do is get them out of those uniforms!" Stan hadn't been this excited about something for a long time and seemed overly zealous when he saw the blonde. The uniforms were very unflattering and looked more like a pilot's jumpsuit than a police officer's clothes. Many wymyn acknowledged their need for the androids, but were still jealous of their unnatural beauty. Wymyn enjoyed belittling and abusing them even though the droids didn't have the capacity to be offended.

Kylan was hungry and went to get something to eat while Stan had his fun. Portia soon came to assist her lover and, somehow, seemed very excited as well.

"Bullshit." An older supply scout didn't believe Kye's story. He had lived in the tunnels for years and had never heard of such a creature. "You sure it wasn't that 'goatsucker' thing!" He began to laugh.

"How the hell do you explain the cops, then? HUH! You're damn lucky I don't kick your ass out of here or just KICK YOUR ASS! I don't need this shit. I hope Stan can figure something out because I don't even want to go back out there." Kylan was too disturbed to be lying.

"FrankenStan is in on this? You're serious? Hell, I'm sorry, man. What about if you had back-up? Anja's pretty sharp on her feet for a robobabe, or I'll go with you on your next run if you want?" The scout became more sympathetic, but Kylan still looked nervous.

"If it took down two cops without a fight, I doubt even Portia could handle it," Kye contemplated. "No. I think it's best if none of us risks it until we have some answers... or until we have to."

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