The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 2/Chapter 01

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“Do you think he bought it?” Stan finally said when he looked up from his meal.

“Yes, I think he BOUGHT it. I really hated lying to Kylan, Frances! I wish you didn’t make me do it. You know how fragile his trust is, especially after how Daniella used him the way she did.” Portia was as close to genuine anger as an android could get.

“We’re all being used right now.” Frances Stanley seemed preoccupied but he wasn’t worried about his lover beating him to death, which was something she could easily do. He knew that she was angrier with the current situation than with him. Besides, her programming made her incapable of hurting him. At least not too much. “You saw the message, Honey. Our people aren’t in any danger but we can’t risk sending any of the Girls out… and that includes YOU.”

“Don’t you think the people will get suspicious when they have to handle garbage disposal? Or how about when we can’t send our wymyn imposters to the food bank anymore? Only the human girls will be able to go,” Portia wasn’t used to frustration.

“We can’t let them panic. It’s ME he wants. He said he just wants to talk anyway,” Stan tried to sound reassuring. “And if he knows where The Lounge is, he hasn’t done anything to compromise us. I’ll just tell the guys that the Girls need some components and maybe they’ll be able to find them.”

“I still don’t trust him, Baby. He’s changed. Even I can see that!” Portia pleaded.

It was only the day before when Kylan Renson discovered two incapacitated androids and the artificial creature that was quickly able to immobilize them. It was only the day before when Stan discovered a message that was downloaded just as quickly into one of these police droids. They were female androids that were normally invulnerable.

But the message both relieved and disturbed Stan. Relieved him because he now knew for certain that Phillip Gaines Jr. was still alive. Disturbed him because Phil was obviously disturbed himself, but in a more dangerous way. After all, Phil Jr. was apparently the real creator of the monster.

The message assured Stan that it was not programmed to attack humans. So as long as the scouts believed that Portia built it, they would continue to gather supplies. Supplies that he would need if he was going to find a way to stop it.

“Hello?” A familiar voice was coming from the communicator that was built into the remote control device. It was a voice that sent a forgotten thrill into Kylan.

A message finally appeared on the small screen that read “Installation Sequence Complete.” Usually the androids activated immediately, but she had just been completely reprogrammed, after all.

“Aura?” Kylan was nervous as he spoke into the device.

“Sorry, Kiddo, you must have the wrong number. This is Kye, isn’t it?” The sarcasm of Daniella’s voice was unmistakable. Apparently Portia had not relayed a message to the android that she now had a new name.

Just as Kylan was about to tell her himself, he suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to argue with her. “Crap. You’re Daniella, all right. First thing’s first. Don’t call me ‘Kiddo’ anymore you two-faced, twisted… Damn it!” Despite the human Daniella’s betrayal, Kye had years of pent up feelings for her. Now those feelings finally surfaced as anger as he spoke to this machine that was programmed to act like her.

“Uh-oh. Someone let the bedbugs bite. Call me back when you decide to calm your little butt down. Later…”

“Wait!” Kye paused for a moment. The device indicated that the line was still connected. It then dawned on him that the droid was programmed to obey him regardless if she had a bad attitude.

“Hey, MASTER, if you’re done I need to unplug myself and find some decent clothes.” she said bitterly.

Kylan knew that he wasn’t talking to the real Daniella, but it felt good to let his feelings out. He practically enjoyed it when he said, “No! I’m NOT done with you. Why don’t you go find one of those stupid pant-suits you used to like so much and meet me in Storeroom 5. And tell Portia and Stan not to reprogram you just yet,” Kye hung up before she could respond and went to the storeroom to wait.

It took a while for the M-67 android to find a business suit that fit her correctly. She then went to find Stan and Portia.

Instead of simply relaying Kylan’s message to Portia, she still acted as Daniella would. She found the couple in a small dining area of The Vault when she poked her head in and saw the solemn expressions on their faces. “Hey, FrankenStan. Kye said for you and the Amazon to nix the makeover for now. So cheer up! It looks like you’re stuck with me a little longer.” She quickly left to meet Kylan.

“What have I done,” Stan was momentarily shaken from his troubled thoughts.

“What the HELL is Kye thinking!” Portia exclaimed, but then laughed lightly when she accessed the M-67’s memory. “Don’t worry, My Love. I think Kylan is planning on having some fun with ‘Daniella’ first.”

“I’d spank her if I were him,” Stan said while he smirked with a mouthful of food. Portia laid her hand atop his and gave it a small squeeze as she smiled lovingly. She was sure he would find a way through this crisis with Phillip Jr.

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