The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 2/Chapter 03

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Time passed slowly in The Lounge. A new day was dawning on the outside world, but everyone here kept his or her own hours. People were continuing to buzz with the recent excitement about the latest threat, but they were becoming restless.

During the night the Girls gave word to all of the supply scouts that there would be a meeting in the morning. It wasn’t often that they all gathered at once but there was plenty of room at The Balcony. Kylan and Stan were already there but Portia was strangely absent from Stan’s side. Only two of the Girls were present and only to serve refreshments when the last of the dozen or so scouts arrived and the meeting began.

“I need volunteers,” Stan said abruptly.

“So you want us to go robot hunting or something? Didn’t you just warn us not to go out there?” the eldest scout interrupted. Pride and bravado long ago gave way to caution.

“Huh?” said Stan groggily, “Oh. Nah, no, hell no. We need parts and stuff for the Girls. Don’t worry about the alien; it’s not programmed to attack humans.”

“Say’s who?” Barris also spoke up.

Stan realized that Kylan had respected Portia’s request for secrecy, though he was actually disappointed in a way. He was counting on Kye to get the rumor mill turning. But Kye noticed that Stan looked very troubled. “Uhhh. Portia built it,” Stan said dismissively. “I need coffee. Joyce!” he waved to one of the synthetic Girls.

“What!” burst the eldest scout, “You mean to tell us your pet Femme Fatale has evolved to the point that she can create a monster like that?! It’s bad enough the wymyn have it in for any man that surfaces, since THEY don’t seem to need us anymore.”

“You don’t know that for sure,” said a younger scout.

“Do you want to try your luck out there? Every guy that’s left here in the last few years ‘cause he thought he could have his pick of wymyn was never heard from again. Shit, they still got plenty of sperm on ice,” he continued confidently, “Now we got a robot trying to replace us too!”

“Didn’t you ever wonder what it would look like if me and Portia had a baby!” Stan yelled abrasively. “If you don’t like how good we have it here, you can try YOUR luck on the Surface!”

“But you’re asking us to risk our butts so you two can make toys,” challenged the old scout. He believed his seniority gave him credibility but there were no true ranks here. Stan’s status was one of respect for his control and maintenance of the androids. And gratitude for his generosity with them. Frances Stanley created useful tools for all. He was one of the founders and the chief developer of the secret sanctuary they all shared.

Stan looked mortified, “You haven’t even heard me out. You don’t even know what the Girls need! I’m ASKING for volunteers, asshole. Let me finish and if you don’t like it, don’t go. But in the meantime, get lost or SHUT THE FUCK UP! Because if you EVER do anything to hurt my wife, even if it’s just stirring up shit, I will kick your ass myself; you got that!” Everyone went silent at the normally cheerful Stan losing his composure… and referring to Portia as his wife.

Kye grabbed Frank Stanley by the arm to hold him back. Something was very wrong. He sensed that there were things that Stan wasn’t telling him. He now understood why Stan was wary of the other humans believing that Portia could be so advanced, though. But Kye felt that he had to do something to break the terrible tension that was now dominating the meeting. His own curiosity would have to wait. “Frank. You already know I’m in -- whatever it is. And as for everyone else here, have you forgotten everything that Stan and the Girls do for us? If they need our help now, they can count on me.”

“Since when are you so protective of the local gynoids?” said the only female scout among them. She was familiar with Kylan’s normal misgivings for the Girls.

“Are you kidding?” Barris interrupted, “Have you seen his new squeeze?! At first I thought I was seeing a ghost. Turns out one of those cops he found looks a lot like this chic named Daniella that he used to have the hots for. And now she even acts like her!”

“I think I’ve heard of her,” said a young scout, “Wasn’t she…”

“A bitch,” said all the oldest residents in unison -- including Stan.

Kye felt angry and embarrassed, but he was glad to see everyone starting to relax. The reprieve was nearly shattered, though, when someone asked about the other cop and Stan revealed that Portia kept the droid as her own assistant.

“Renson I can understand; he found them,” a jealous scout spoke up, “But a robot getting to have her own robot is ridiculous! How do you think I feel when I see other guys putting their hands on my favorite Girl?”

Stan wasn’t angered by the comment because he could see that the scout was a kindred spirit, “Then if you truly care for her, you’ll help us. And if you help us, she’s yours,” Stan asserted, “but you guys are going to have to start respecting each other’s space even more. So don’t get pissed if you get slapped,” he added with a smile.

After his own night of re-assessment and bonding, Kye was finally understanding the feelings that Stan and some of the men shared for the Girls. Even though the androids could not sincerely return the affection (except, perhaps, for Portia), the illusion they provided was more than enough for most of the humans. It was more than Kye had ever received from the human girls. The female androids were a ready source of comfort and companionship. Willing, attentive, passionate… tangible.

Kylan told the group about his talk with Portia but was considerate not to mention Stan’s personal life. Everyone already knew that she was different than any android they had ever encountered and she had already earned the respect of most.

Kye told them what she said about the killer robot and assured them that they shouldn’t worry since it didn’t harm him when it had the chance. “Portia’s always tried to do what’s best for all of us and you know it. She has her boundaries with the rest of us, but she’s never let us down when we needed it. Where I’m going is dangerous for androids and it took everything that Stan and I could do to stop her from forcing us to let her come… and we all know how persuasive she can be!”

“Wow. So you finally converted, huh Kye?” said Lori, the female scout.

“I’m doing what I must to move on and hopefully start having a life, Lori,” Kylan said sincerely. “And it’s really not so bad! But Frank and I have worked too hard to make The Lounge what it is to let anybody risk it now,” he turned to the eldest scout, “OR our Girls.” Kye’s seriousness was as formidable as his size, skill and experience. No human there would challenge his authority.

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