Anthroid Crossing (Malfunction Edition)

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[Note: This is a fan-made version of Animal Crossing. It's suppose to be for entertainment purposes. If there are some issues or a problem, let me know in Discord.]

[Prologue] "Wolvesville"

In the world of Android Crossing where all the animal villagers are robots, you, as a human villager, just started leaving your house to have your daily walk around your island; Wolvesville, specifically made just for all wolf villagers and no one else. Your island includes the town hall where Tom Nook and Isabelle works as your island landlords, the Nook's and Red's Cranny where Timmy Nook, Tommy Nook and Red works as the shopkeepers, the Able Sister's Tailor Shop where Mable, Sable and Lable works as tailors, the museum where Blathers and Celestie works as the museum curators, a religious looking hut where Katrina lives and shares fortune telling and predictions, a workshop where the married couples, Reeses and Cyrus, help craft, sell and paint items for anyone, and a special building that has multiple private spas, baths and a public pool that is run by no other than another one of Gulliver's lookalike, Gullivibe; who's a trained lifeguard. Your island rating was 5 stars, has a big food joint just behind the public pool, a musical stage just a road down the town hall and a carnival in between to the Nook's and Red's Cranny and a rose flower garden.

In Wolvesville, 10 wolf villagers; Vivian, Skye, Freya, Whitney, Wolfgang, Chief, Fang, Kyle, Lobo and Tarou, were hanging out as they please. Meeting with other wolves, singing to K.K. songs, fishing on rivers and ponds, catching bugs, having picnics, or even went to the shops, visit other's house or head to the pool. Since they're robot villagers though, you have the pleasure of doing whatever you want as the owner and the mayor of your island. They can be programmed to do your every desires whenever you need or want. You're very happy with the result of your effort and hardwork for making your own paradise.

[Day 1: Whitney] "Whitney's Malfunction"

While you were on the walk and met with the other wolves, you bump into Whitney who's wearing her sleeveless shirt dress. She has a emotionless expression and was just standing idly next to the apple tree. You tapped on her shoulder and she jolted awake. "-Oh! Sorry, I must have blacked out. Hmmmmm...that's odd...I can't recall blacking out while standing...Ah oh well, thanks for waking me up, snappy." said Whitney as she shook her head, then bowed and walk pass you. You know something's not right. Whitney never acts so blank and this was the first time seeing it happen. You stopped Witney and then ask her to come over to the private spa as an invitation. "Oh dear! A-a-an invitation? I couldn't wait to hang out with you! See you around 10 AM! Thank you, snappy!" she replied as she joyfully skipped along the sidewalk humming. You checked the time, it's currently 8:35 AM, which gives you plenty of time to book a private spa for two person and then head to the food joint for breakfast.

Time passed a bit and it's now 10 AM. You see Whitney coming over with her dufflebag, packed with her spare clothes and cleaning utensils. "Hey there, snappy!" Whitney called. "Thanks for inviting me over! I never had someone invite me to a private spa! It cost a lot and I'm living with my own taxes and fees, snappy." You wave your hands side to side with a smile and hold Whitney's hand as both of you head in. After entering to your private spa quarters, Whitney place her bag down and sat next to you. You asked how she feels and what happened before. "Hm? You mean me blacking out, snappy? Well, this happened to me thrice already this month. I can only recall myself walking down and then blacking out for no apparent reason, snappy." With your suspicions you let her continue hanging out with you.

After going swimming, getting massages, and having a bath together, it was time to head out. "Thanks for spending time with me, snappy. It was a total blast and I really have fun in there." she smiles as she waves goodbye and left. You waited for her to be a bit far from you and then you proceed to sneak on her from behind. For a few hours, everything seems totally fine. She chat with other wolves, sat underneath some trees, singing and then walking again. But then, she then immediately stopped just within a bundle of trees. You went over to check and as you got closer, you can hear her systems whirring and her eyes blinking red. You waved and said hello, but she didn't respond. When you proceed to tap and shook her slightly, she then spoke in a robotic voice. "ERROR: SYSTEM FILE READ FAILURE. RESOLVING ERROR. PROCESSING...PROCESSING...WARNING: UNABLE TO RESOLVE ERROR. FILE CORRUPTION IMMENANT. ERROR: MULTIPLE CORRUPTED FILES DETECTED. UNABLE TO RESOLVE ALL ERRORS. MALFUNCTION...MALFUNCTION...MALFUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN-" Whitney's head started twitching as smoke and small sparks starts to let out from her ears as her eyes starts to move in cross and rolled to random directions. Her body started shaking as well and her hands moves up and down as her hips swayed side to side after each small sparks. You were taken by surprise as you watch Whitney breaking down. "Hell-l-l-llll-l-lo-o-oooo-o Mayorrrrrrrr-r-r-rrrr-r...*bzzt*" Just then, her shirt started popping out as her shirt button flinged out and a few of her components broke out of her cleavage. "Whitney-Whitney-Whitney-issssss-s-s-s...I loooooooovvvvvveeeeeee you-u-uuu-u-u...*whirr*...*pow*...ERR-RR-RR-RROR: P-P-PRO-O-OOOOO-OO-OGRAM CORRUPTI-I-I-IIII-ION...Wanna haaaaavvvvvveeeeeee sex-x-x-x...*beep*...*bzzt*...ALL SYSTEMS DOW-W-W-W-W-W-W-WNNNNNNN...OPERA-A-AAAATING SYS-SYS-SYSTE-E-EEMMMM...FFFFffffffffaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........-"

She drones down slowly and then slowly bends down to her hips as her hands swayed up and down like a pendulum before stopping and her eyes slowly went dim and dull. Sparks and smoke still coming out of her. With that, everything went silent. No one around to see what happened but you. With that, you stripped off Whitney's shirt and then proceed to rub her leaking wet pussy and then grope her fine breasts. Soon after, you spread her legs, bent her down a little more, pulled down your pants and inserted your cock into her wet pussy. You thrust into the broken wolf fembot who won't know what happened. You start of slow until you made your way up to the climax and started letting your load fill into the broken Whitney.

After pleasuring yourself with the broken Whitney, you put your pants on and carried Whitney to the town hall where you handed her to both Tom Nook and Isabelle, letting them repair her. What you have experienced today made you feel even more happier. Shame that Whitney was the first who had to face an error, but was all worth having sex without her knowing. Surely you believe that even after repairing, she won't remember having sex.

[Day 2: Chief & Freya] "Wedding Breakdown"

Another day passed, another beautiful time. While Whitney's still undergoing repairs, you have other wolves to enjoy with. You was just heading to Nook's and Red's Cranny to see what they have in stock and saw both Chief and Freya hanging out together. You head over to them to greet them. "Howdy! It's a coincident meeting you here, harrumph." said Chief. "What brings you here to the Cranny? Going to buy something, uff da?" said Freya. You told them that you were just checking on what they have in stock. Some good furnitures and items are in store, but nothing much on Red's side cause he's selling more fake arts. "Ah ha ha ha, that sly fox. Made his attempts for you to buy a scam, harrumph." Chief laughed. You gave a gentle punch on his left arm and told him to stop it as you got a bit embarrassed. "Ahhhhh don't worry about it. Even though it's a scam, it's good for interior decorations at least, harrumph." Chief joked. "Nah, doesn't look good if you have a fake one though. It'll just pummel your social status, uff da." Freya shook her head with disagreement. Chief was shocked and you giggle and agree with Freya. "Aw come on dear...I thought you're on my side." Chief teased and Freya just laugh. "Anyways, we were just hear to look around like you. You should do your business mayor and perhaps we can meet back at 12-1 PM for lunch at the food joint, uff da." said Freya as she and Chief moves on and waves goodbye. You wave goodbye and went on with your business.

Around pass 1 PM, you, Freya and Chief were at the food joint talking about social status, clothes, and other stuff. Then Freya starts to mention about her going to be married with Chief. Hearing that shocks you. "Yeah! Chief and I have hanged out so many times and he and I have been so close. I think it's about time we should get married. Don't you think Chief, uff da?" saif Freya, looking at Chief in a flirty expression. Chief blushes and smiles. "Yep. We also made our engagement at the beach last evening. It was the most memorable moment of our lives, harrumph." said Chief as he holds Freya's hand, revealing a gold ring with a diamond on top. You congratulated them with joy. They thanked you for congratulating and asked for a favor. "We would like if you could help set up for our wedding. We think of doing it next week and have everyone to come and join, uff da." Freya requested. You nodded and said you'll start the wedding preparations for you by next week. "Thank you, Harrumph / Uff da!" said both Freya and Chief as they shook your hands. It wasn't long until they start to grow a little exhausted. " I'm feel...sleepy...harrumph..." said Chief as he slowly doze off to sleep by falling onto the table. Freya was trying to stay active, but was in vain as she too doze off as well. You can hear both their internal systems whirring slowly until it faints. Seems that they put so much into this wedding that they didn't have enough energy to stay on. You giggled and tried to carry both of them back to Freya's house. After reaching to Freya's house and going in, you placed both of them onto the bed, carefully take off their clothes and then tuck them in into bed. You watch as the naked deactivated Chief was positioned, hugging Freya and having her rest near his chest while Freya was hugging Chief. You then had a fun idea and repositioned both Chief and Freya. Chief was lying flat while Freya was sitting on his crouch with his cock into her pussy, slightly bent down and her hands on his chest. You took out your phone to take a picture of it before leaving them to recharge on the bed.

A week later, the celebration was set and everyone joined into both Chief and Freya's wedding. Tom Nook announced both of them husband and wife and the celebration continues onto having a feast. Everyone gave their congratulations and presents from each and every villagers. I handed mine, a 6x6 in picture frame of their marriage in a wedding picture frame. They smiled and thanked you for the gift and you give them a handshake and a happy smile. Soon after the party, you, Chief and Freya head back to Freya's house and started having fun as best buds, popping some champaigne and eating some leftover wedding cakes. Chief and Freya got drunk, but at least they're very fun. You were just about to fill in another glass of champaign, but instead, you tripped over, spilling champaign on both Chief's and Freya's chest where their power button is located. The spilled champaigne entered the small opened crack around their power button and then started shocking their internal circuits. "ERROR...ERROR...LIQUID SUBSTANCE DETECTED ON CIRCUIT...*bzzt*...MALFUNCTION...ERROR...PRIMARY FUNCTIONS...CORRUPTED...UNABLE TO RESOLVE...UNABLE TO RESOLVE..." Both Chief and Freya started blaring out in their robotic tones as sparks flew out of their ears, wires popping out of their power buttons, and static shocks zapping around their body. You stood back from them breaking and just enjoy the scene. "MAIN VOLTAGE OVERLOAD...VOLTAGE OVERLOAD...OVERLO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O...*POW*" Soon, their chest let out an small explosion, letting most of their main wires, components and circuit boards flew out as they then fell backwards and immediately dies down. Occasional sparks and lots of smoke still let out from both their ears and the broken power button, their eyes crossed and dull, their lips puckered and froze. You smiled as you strip off their clothes and started pleasuring yourself. You started fucking into them one by one, letting out your load as you play around and suck Freya's breasts and rub Chief's cock. You went on like this for an hour until you grown exhausted. You called Service Rescue that you need help at Freya's house and then left back to your home. Fucking a married couple...someday, you'll get someone and make her your own fucktoy. Who knows, they may enjoy it.

[Day 3: Audie] "Pleasuring Visit"

A week has passed after Freya's and Chief's wedding and they're fully repaired, you met with them along with Whitney. All of you were talking like best friends do and Audie came over. "Hello y'all, foxtrot. What are you all doing?" said Audie. "Oh! Hi Audie, harrumph. We're just talking about fun stuff to do." Chief replied. You nodded as you hug Audie, taking her by surprise. "O-oh! A hugger aren't you, foxtrot?" Audie flustered. You told Audie that you haven't talked with her for a few days and was glad to see her again. "Oh yeah, I was busy at home doing some renovations, foxtrot. I just recently bought my own lemon themed furnitures and was busy moving and replacing wallpapers." Audie replied. "Oh? That's so "sour" Audie. Why not add something more "sweet", uff da?" Freya joked. Both Freya and Audie started a joking conversation and started talking about designs and other accessories for house renovations. You went to Audie and asked if you can come visit her, since you're curious about the result of her renovations. "Really!? Oh I'm grateful and happy to invite you over! Do anyone else like to come over?" said Audie cheerfully. Chief and Freya shook their heads as they said that they had a date night. Audie nods and stood up. "Alright then! I'll get some food and drinks ready for you, foxtrot! Make sure you keep your promise~" said Audie as she skipped her way back home.

Night rises and you were heading your way to Audie's home. You knock on her door and entered. Audie was so joyful seeing you coming in. "Hello! I'm so happy that you came, foxtrot!" said Audie as she came over with a joyful hugs. You hugged back and looked around her room. She's not kidding when she said she made a lemon themed renovation, like her ENTIRE room is set up with lemon based stuff. Lemon wallpapers, floorings, stool, table, music box, bed, stand, wardrobe and a cart full of lemons. "So? What do you think? Is it wonderful, foxtrot?" said Audie with a smile. You said that it's wonderful, since the theme fits her lemon clothes she always wear. "Lemons are one of the most delicious, but sour fruits. People say that eating one will make your mouth numb with sourness, but will give you Vitamin C, a vitamin that gives you a boost of energy! I'm always full of energy, which is why I like lemons." said Audie as she wags her tail. You said to her that lemons does suit her personality in a way. She blushes as you then went over and carass her chin. She blushes as her tail wags faster. "M-mayor?" Audie stuttered as her blush deepens and she starts to feel nervous. You said to her that you just want to have some fun with her, and you started holding Audie near the wall and slowly taking off her lemon dress, exposing her naked body. "I-if that's how you wish to spend the night, then please, don't hesistate. I won't bite~" Audie flirted as she then turned around, spread her legs and bend 90 degrees forward, both hands spreading her butt, revealing her pussy as her tail wags. You smiled and strip off your pants and grab onto Audie's hips as you tease her pussy before inserting it into her slowly. Audie gave a moan and bends upwards, feeling your cock rubbing against the lubricating walls inside her. "Mmmmmm~ please, do not slow, go wild as you wish. I can take the load." Audie moaned as you continued to hump into her faster. Your hands slid pass her hips and her waist, guiding towards her big milky breasts. As you grab hold of Audie's breasts, you knead it and squeeze her nipples, letting it harden slowly. Audie was in a blissful trance as she was intaking the pleasure from both sides as her internal system starts to whirr louder. "M-m-m-mayorrrr...mooooore...ah-ah-ah-ah...don't be shy-y-y..." Audie glitches. You proceed to go even faster and deeper as Audie's ears let out steam. Her pussy let out her lubricant load and spills her lemon carpet, her breasts starts to spew breastmilk and Audie's eyes started blinking yellow and red repeatedly. "Ahhhh-a-a-a-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh~ I'm...not-t-t-t giv-v-v-vvvvv-vvv-ve uuuuupppppp." Audie blurted as her legs started to tremble and you reached to your limit as well. Both of you didn't give up and you soon spew your load into her. Audie let out a glichy moan as she soon collasped onto the floor, panting as she opened her access panel from her back. "Mmmm-m-mmm-mmm...ahhhhhhhhhhh..." Audie continues to moan and you take a breather from the side. Both of you were exhausted and Audie's nearly out of comission. "H-h-h-hey...mayor..." Audie looks at you exhausted and lustfully. You looked at her and asked what's up. "T-t-t-thhhhaaaaannnnnkkkkk me...thhiiissss...lovely mo-o-oment...I'll...never...forget...foxtrot..." Audie gave a heartwarming and a blissful smile as she crawls to you and lies onto your laps. " you..." She slowly crawls up to your chest and leans in for a kiss. You embraced her kiss and return as well by replying that you love her too. Audie gives a blissful smile and kissed you one last time. "BATTERY...CRITICALLY...LOW-LOW-LOW...ENTERING...P-P-P-POWER SAVE MODE...AUDIE_WOLF_UNIT...Deeaaacccctttttiiiiiivvvvvvvaaaaaaaa..." Audie drones after the kiss, rests her head onto your shoulders and blissfully shuts down. Her fully shut eyes, her blissful smile and puckered lips froze and her tail lumps onto your left side. You smiled as you gave her one last kiss on her cheek before carrying her to her lemon bed and let her rest there. Before you left, you went to her showers and cleaned yourself. After showering and get changed, you left a gift for Audie. A romantic love letter and a photo of you in a lemon picture frame that's wrapped in a yellow wrapper with lime green tie. Soon, you rub Audie's head and then left home.

It was a great night, you and Audie spend some quality time not only as friends, but lovers. Audie manages to recover from her glitchiness and restored her battery power thanks to her automated bed charger. The next day, you met with Audie again by the food plaza. "Hey mayor! It's wonderful to see you, foxtrot!" Audie smiles as she hugs you. You returned the hug and asked if you enjoyed our time and the gift you left last night. "Mhm! I enjoyed every second dear~ Oh! I got you something as well, foxtrot. Here, have a "Audie's Photo" and a "Audie's Remote". A thank you gift for spending time with me, foxtrot!" She took out two gifts wrapped in a gold and silver wrapper. You thanked her for the gift with a bright smile. She smiles back before joyfully skipping off somewhere. You finally got the photo that you longingly waited for. Now you have all photo sets of your wolf villagers as well as each of their own remotes.

[Day: 4 Wolfgang & Fang] "Lovers' Reset"

Three days after your romantic time with Audie, you're just walking down the sidewalk when you heard Wolfgang and Fang causing a comotion at the small park. Oddly enough, you went over there and see what's going on. You thought that it was rare to see both Wolfgang and Fang fight over something cause both are best friends with each other. The commotion they're making sounds worse than an average fight between friends and you went there to see the issue. As you arrived to the scene, both Wolfgang and Fang were on their workout outfits and were arguing something about whether to swim or bug catch. It was just a fuss over what to do next and they both are taking the argument too personally. You interfered and stopped them from fighting and talked things out. "I just want to swim cause swimming is refreshing and can help build stamina, cha-chomp!" Fang growled. "And I want to bug catch cause catching bugs is fun and it's the perfect day to be out than swimming, snarrrl!" Wolfgang growled back. Both continue to complain about not doing what the other wanted. You told both that they can do something like snorkeling since it's available for everyone. Fang liked the idea since it involves swimming and joined. Wolfgang like the idea of catching while being outdoors and joined as well. You'll join to keep both company and to enjoy the seas as well.

Few hours later, both you, Wolfgang and Fang met at the shore a few miles far from the lighthouse. "So...both swimming and catching aquatic stuff huh? A good outdoor activity at least. We couldn't came up with that huh, snarrl." said Wolfgang. "Yeah, guess we weren't limited with options. I thought snorkeling or having fun at shore was only for the mayor, but I guess we were wrong, cha-chomp." Fang replied. Both seem to make ammends by talking normally and soon went to the shore. You set up a spot on the sandy land and watched both of them on the sidelines. Everything went well so far. Fang was swimming around peacefully and often joins Wolfgang on catching sea creatures. Wolfgang, who has caught quite a find of sea creatures was still searching. They took a break from swimming and relaxed along with you. "Today was pretty fun. I managed to catch quite a lot of sea creatures, snarrrl." said Wolfgang, resting besides Fang. "Yeah, and I'm so freshed from swimming. We got to do what we wanted to do, cha-chomp." Fang replied as he turns to look at Wolfgang as he also turns to look back at Fang. "You know, it was fun doing this with you Wolfgang. You made it so special and I really loved having fun with you, cha-chomp." said Fang, blushing at Wolfgang. "Y-yeah. Me too. I never would have thought this brought us closer, snarrrl." said Wolfgang, also blushing. Both continued to talk how special today was until they gazed at each other's eyes. "I...really love you...Wolfgang, cha-chomp." said Fang as he slowly leans towards Wolfgang. " you too...Fang, snarrrl." Wolfgang replied as he does the same. Soon, both of them started hugging and kissing each other and started rolling around the floor as they do. Both moans over and over as they continue to cuddle, huddle, hug and kiss and you're just watching from the side as they get their fur dirty by the sand. Their romantic moments got deeper as they soon proceed to take off their pants and started to tease each other's groin, cock and testicles. Fang slowly proceeds to insert his cock into Wolfgang's bumhole and thrust into it. "Mmmmm...ahhhh...ohhhhh~" both moaned as they let out their pleasuring sounds while they fuck each other. You just smiled as you watch them enjoy their moments. Both don't give up and continued to fuck. Fang was in the verge of losing his energy and Wolfgang's systems was heating up from the stimuli. "Ahhh...Wolfgang...Mmmmhhh~" Fang moaned as his legs start to tremble and his systems started heating up as well. This went on for quite some time, Fang's internal system hummed loudly as minor sparks and static shocks were let out of his body. The shock as well traveled to Wolfgang, who started glitching. "F-F-F-F-Fang-g-g...Don't hold baaaaaaaack..." Wolfgang stuttered as his body started shaking and smoke starts coming out of his mouth and sparks flew out of his ears. Fang started shaking in a glitchy manner as well as his system can't handle the heat. "ERROR. SYSTEM OVERHEATING...ATTEMPT EXITING PENDING TASK...ERROR...UNABLE TO END TASK...PLEASE SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE..." Fang blared in a robotic voice. Wolfgang's systemd did the same, but gave up a bit easily than Fang's as his back panel bursted and few of his circuits and wires were blown out. Wolfgang immediately shuts down as all of his internal componets spills out from him. It was also then Fang let out his load into Wolfgang and Fang's back panel opened and more spark, static shocks and smoke was released. Both collapsed onto each other, weak and not in great shape. "Ahhh-a-a-aaa-ahhh...ERROR...ERROR...myyyyy...loooovvvveeeeeeellllllyyyyyyy...frriiieeeennnnndddddd...PRIMARY SYSTEMS DAMAGED...SYSTEM ALL OFFffffflllliiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeeee......" Fang slowly drones as he then rests on Wolfgang. Both are now broken and deactivated. After seeing such moment, you checked on their internal systems and circuits as well as ones that came out of Wolfgang, most were fried, a few were damaged but fixable, and the rest are still in good condition. After checking, you decided to take them back home in a deactivated state. You let them rest on the spare king size bed as you take your time fixing all the damaged spots. It took you some time, but you managed to fix their internal systems. After the repairs, you grown exhausted as well and slept next to the fully fixed and still deactivated Wolfgang and Fang.

The next day came and you activated both Wolfgang's and Fang's systems. As they whirred back to life and was reactivated, both stiffly sat up with blank expressions and was just gazing straight. "Wolfgang_Wolf_Unit Systems Online. Alert: System Was Resetted To Factory Settings. Please Register To Continue." said Wolfgang in a robotic voice. "Fang_Wolf_Unit Systems Online. Alert: System Was Resetted To Factory Settings. Please Register To Continue." said Fang in the same robotic voice as well. You were shocked that they don't have their memories and default programs anymore. You just sighed and without a second thought, you decided to register yourself into them and make them both lovers of each other. You also tried your best to put them to their primary default settings, but the best you can do is put their default programs back, made them remember where their house are, who their friends are and remember the island layouts. Their memories were all gone, and they don't have any recollection of their past, which honestly doesn't bother you a lot. After completing their settings, they both whirred back to their free selfs. "W-what...happened, cha-chomp?" moaned Fang as he holds his head. "Where...are we, snarrrl." Wolfgang muttered as he also holds his head. You talked to them and explained what had truly happened. Both seem to be confused, but take your words. After the talk, both you, Wolfgang and Fang hang around in your place and relaxed with you. Both Fang and Wolfgang kissed each other and huddle with each other before resting against each other. You just smiled and head to the kitchen were you grab a cup of coffee, sat on the living room sofa and watched the news from the TV.

[Day: 5 Kyle & Tarou] "Movie Crash"

After spending at least one month trying to make Wolfgang's and Fang's life back to sustained and neutral, you relaxed at the nearby park where a both Kyle and Tarou were talking about what to do. You went over to them and asked what's up. "Oh hi mayor. We're just thinking of doing something eventful tonight, but unfortunately, we didn't have any idea to do, wow." said Tarou. "Yeah. It's monsoon season and we thought of spending some time as besties, but we don't know what to do. All the board games, video games and stuff has all been gone through and we were just bored on what to do, alpha." said Kyle. Both were pouting on what to do. You look at the sky and realized that the weather today is a bit cloudy and was about to rain. You came up with the idea of watching TV together. You know it was rare for them to watch TV, since they really weren't fans of "fake acts" and "stunts". But...they didn't have much of a choice either, since they have a TV that they watch news or game shows with. "Well, sure. We're not much of a "movie" kind of type, but since it's the only thing we can do, I can accept it just for today, alpha." said Kyle with a sigh. "You coming with us? It was your idea, so you're welcome to join us, wow." said Tarou. You nodded and say you'll come over with some snacks, drinks and a few movies we can watch. Kyle and Tarou nods as both of you walked separately.

Evening came and the weather was drizzling. You had your umbrella and a bag full of snacks, drinks and movies to watch as you head over to Kyle's home. As I arrived, both Kyle and Tarou were in the middle of setting up the TV with the movie player. "Hey Tarou? Is the movie playwer still working, alpha?" asked Kyle. Tarou was setting up the TV and hooking up the movie player to the TV. "I believe this should about do it. I think it's set! The player should be working, despite being unused for almost all day, wow." said Tarou. After some time, they managed and we set up our movie night. "Well, we're all here. What movie do you really like to watch? Drama, Documentary, Action, what will it be, alpha." said Kyle with curiosity. You said you have tons of genre that they can watch, but tonight we can watch an adult content movie. Tarou gave it a look from its cover. " this is technically a show where an agent has to go through a difficult mission andl also involving highly sexual content only for 18+ to see. Interesting, wow." said Tarou. "Wanna watch that, alpha?" asked Kyle. You and Tarou nodded as you take it to the movie player and insert the disk. The movie started playing, Tarou and Kyle were watching the start of it with almost sheer boredom, which is common when the introductory part of the movie is completely boring and not exciting yet. Time skip to where they were watching an interesting part of the movie. "Oh wow, I never thought love could be expressed that way, wow!" said Tarou. "Mhm. This action and romance movie is something. I get to understand the moral story behind their true loving hearts, alpha." said Kyle. Both were enjoying the show and are really taking the content and story behind it as well. The weather outside was roaring with thunderstorms and heavy rain. The street starts to flood, but nothing seems damaged from outside and inside. At the end of the movie, both Kyle and Tarou started talking about what they like about the show, mostly the romance and how the action behind the explosions, assaults and even cool scenary. Both looked at the clock, it's past night and the weather is still terrible. "Maybe we should stop for a while today. It's fun watching that show though, alpha." said Kyle as he was heading to the TV. "Mhm. Maybe they aren't so bad after all, wow." said Tarou as he too heads over to the TV. Both were about to disconnect the cables until a roaring thunder accompanied by a blast of lightning struck the house, causing all electronics as well as the TV to be electrocuted. Tarou and Kyle were effected by it and after being shocked, Kyle were blown onto the floor and Tarou was blown against the wall. You stood up, avoiding the static shocks coming from the TV and went to check on Kyle. "S-S-SYSTEM DATAAA-A-A CORRUPTED...NEW P-P-PROGRAM FILES ADDED...ERROR...CHANGE IN-IN-IN PROGRAAAAAAMS DETECTED...SSSSYSTEM RESTAAAaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttt..." Kyle drones as his glitching movement started slowing and then he shuts down on the ground. You went over to Tarou next who was leaning against the damaged wall. "MALFUNCTION...MALFUNCTION...ALL PRIMARY SYSTEMS DAMAGED...UNIT WILL RESET AND SHUT DOWN IN 1 HOUR..." said Tarou in a robotic voice. With quick thinking, you grab a kitchen mittons and unplugged the TV quickly without getting electrocuted. Then you carried Kyle and Tarou into the living room couch. While Tarou was still under reset process, Kyle was fully deactivated. You pry his cleavage open and pressed his power button, rebooting him up. "Kyle_Wolf_Unit Systems Online. Alert: System Programs Were Reconfigured. This may damage unit's processors and AI. Do you wish to continue?" said Kyle in his robotic voice. You entered yes and Kyle booted up fully. "Wha...where am I? Where's Argos? Where is my boyfriend?" Kyle moaned as he then started questioning. You asked that he was in his room, but Kyle didn't believe. "What the hell are you even talking about!? I am not Kyle! I'm Andros! This isn't my home! Where did you take me!? I'll have the agents arrest you!" Kyle started growling. Now it made sense to you that his programs were altered from the movie data. Now all the scenarios that happened in the movie are all altered into his memories. You tried to calm things down and explain what happened. Kyle, who was skeptical at first, looked around and saw the evidences of your explanation. "Ok. I believe you. My memories are altered from a movie that was transfered due to the lightning shock, the other wolf there, Tarou, is my boyfriend and his system is resetting, this is my real home and my name is Kyle, not Andros." said Kyle as he walks around. Then he gazed at Tarou and heads over to him. "I'm sorry Tarou. I promise, even after you reset, I'll make you happy and safe." muttered Kyle as he kissed Tarou on the lips. An hour passed and Tarou was fully resetted and the heavy rainstorm stopped. You take both Kyle and Tarou over to Tom and Isabelle, hoping that they could find a way to fix them.

Days passed, Kyle, who's memories were altered and mixed, was able to recover a few of his past and recent memories but was able to remove all memories that relates to the movie. Unfortunately, Kyle's personality changed into the character from the movie; protective, aware and often a jokester. Tarou on the other hand was fully repaired, but due to the reset, he wasn't able to remember everything. After having Tarou register you and configuring Kyle as his boyfriend, he came to be and acted as if nothing had happened. It's another fresh start for both Kyle and Tarou. "I am happy that most of my memories remains. Just sad that a few memories were corrupted and my personality has changed. But hey, at least I'm not "shocked" by this anymore, alpha." Kyle joked as he gives a chuckle. You laughed as well, welcoming Kyle back and left him with Tarou.

[Day 6 Skye] "Fainted Warrenty"

"Another day, another adventure" some would say. You just got out of Gullivibe's place after a fresh swim and spa. Walking along, you met up with Skye, who seems lost in thought. You went over to her and asked what's the matter. "Oh hi mayor. Just thinking about what should I do, airmail." said Skye. You asked what's she thinking about. "I was thinking, "You know, I've been with you ever since the starting foundation of your island and by the fact that I have thought of this for the 50th time, but at the same, I really want to explore more that's out from this village. But, I'm worried that once I left, I'll never see you again, airmail." Skye looked a tad bit concerned. You said that as much you like having Skye going out, you too will miss her forever if she left. You don't want her to leave, considering that she has also been by your side since the island foundations has started. "Yeah, I'll admit. I'm not yet ready to move out. But at the same, my feelings are telling me that I should go, airmail." said Skye. You replied that despite the feelings, you should decide what your heart really want. "My heart huh?...I really...want to stay here. With you, airmail." said Skye, trying to let her heart feel what she wants. You're glad that she decided to stay and hugged her. "It's hard to get over grudges like this, but I don't want to let go of you and the friends I made here. Thank you mayor for helping me make this decision, airmail." Skye smiles as she hugs you first before bowing and leaving with her tail wagging. You hugged her back and waved goodbye as you went home.

Night came, you're just hanging out in your living room, chilling as usual. There was a knock on your door with Skye calling you. "Mayor, is it ok if I can come in, airmail?" Skye called. You went over, opened the door, invited Skye in with a smile. Both of you sat on the living room sofa and started talking about Skye's hobbies and what she likes. "As a chef, I like to make sure the seasoning is perfect at the end, airmail. That way, despite having either hard or soft noodles, you can savor the taste with the spices and flavoring." said Skye. You smiled as she talks about cooking. That's when Skye thought of something. "Say, you haven't had your dinner yet. Let me cook for you, airmail." Skye said as she stood up and went over to your kitchen. You asked that she don't have to, but Skye proceeds to start cooking. You just stay quiet as you watch from the corner as Skye cooks. Her body sways and moves elegantly as she chops the ingredients, stewing brews, frying curries, etc. Seeing her smile as she was doing her favorite hobby for you makes you feel happy for her. After cooking and the food was ready, you and Skye started eating. "Mmmmmmm~ I really love it~" Skye smiles as she loves her cooking. You agreed with as smile as you ate some of her food as well. After the food, you and Skye chilled back at the living room. "I'm glad to spend time with you and cook for you mayor. It has been a dream to make people like my cooking and you're the first to love my cooking, airmail." said Skye as she leans onto your shoulder. You thanked her for her cooking and say that someday, she should open up her own restaurant here so that every villagers and visitors who comes here can enjoy. "You really think I can, airmail?" Skye asks, filled with hope. You noded and replied that you can help make a stall for you and that you can make your delicious food there for everyone can enjoy. Skye hugs you with a smile, thanking you over and over as her tail wags. You returned the hug and smiled back to her. Both looked at the clock. "It's 10 seconds until midnight. I should get going mayor. I'm happy to spend time with you, airmail." said Skye as she stood up, grabs her purse and was ready to leave. You too stood up and said goodbye as you take her to the door. Skye took a few steps out of your front yard and was smiling all the way, but that smile instantly went from immediate gasp and shock as her body started swaying weakly and she collapsed on the sidewalk. Shocked, you went over to her. Next to her and leaving was a scorpion. You took out your netting and caught the scorpion before it can harm anyone else. Soon after, you carry Skye back to your house and lied her down onto the sofa. You did all you can to cure her from the scorpion sting with the antidote from your first aid kit, cause if a robot got stung by a scorpion, it forced their system to shut down and can only rebooted when being cured. You let her rest in the living room with the sofa pillow and a spare blanket you take out from your bedroom closet before slowly drifting to sleep right next to Skye on the other sofa. Morning sun shined and you woke up from your bed. You looked around to see that Skye was still on the sofa. To your confusion, you checked her, cause she should have rebooted herself and left while you were asleep. You uncover the blanket, stripped her topless and opened up her back access panel. In attempt to manual activate her, you ran into what was Skye's problem. The display screen kept saying that her system has expired from her warrenty date and cannot turn on. You decided to activate her, ignoring that she's expired. Doing so, Skye turned on. "Hello m-m-mayorrr. How can Skye-Skye-Skye helllllllp you-u-u? airm-m-m-maaaail" Skye started glitching as her body moved robotically and stiffly. Pleased and aroused by her glitchiness and robotic behavior, you asked how she feels. "Skye f-f-f-feels grrrrrrreaaaaat...Want to...Want to...Want to...Thanks for-for-for asssssking..." Skye continues to move stiffly and glitch. She made attempt to hug you, but her arms accidently slaps your laps as her head smooshes into your chest. You softly grunted as she heavily smooshed her face onto your chest, but chuckled as you properly help her from what she's aiming, a hug. You asked if you would like to have some quality time together. "To have-have-have seeeex with you-you may-y-yor, airmail." Skye glitched as she leans down on you and made you lean on the sofa. You giggled as you strip of her bottom as well as yourself naked, grab her hips and aimed her pussy to your stick. "Oh my-my-my...I would loooove to be your-r-r...krzzzt...Let's cook together...bzzzzt...have sex-sex-sex together..." Skye continues to glitch and twitch even more as you hold her hips and moves it up and down, letting her inner walls lubricate your shaft. " really are...bzzzzt...I love you...krzzzzt...your seeeeeeex partner-ner-ner..."...(To Be Continued.)

[Day: 7 Lobo] "Critque Gone Wrong" (Coming Soon)

[Day: 8 Vivian] "Business Gone Wrong" (Coming Soon)

[Epilogue] "What Experiences Awaits You" (Coming Soon)

(Special Note: If you want me to add chapters where the mayor also mess around with the staffs like Nook, Isabelle, The Able Sisters, etc...let me know through Fembot Labs by pinging me. If you all want it, then I'll set up a vote in Fembot Lab with a deadline set. I won't set up the vote yet until you read this message and at least 5 people asks me about this kindly.)