The Grocery Store - Aftermath

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The Grocery Store – Aftermath

Original story:


  1. This story contains adult content, with both female and male robots, read it in your own interests.
  2. The author is not a native English speaker, so the story may not sound right to you.

Part 1 - Repairing the Staff

Part 01 - repairing the staff

It was around 2300HRS at night, I lazily played with Synthia's breasts, enjoying its softness. As usual, Synthia, being in standby mode recharging, her eyes half closed, unfazed by what I was doing.

Oh, where are my manners. My name is Boris, I am a human technician working part-time for DeF Technologies Co., and Synthia, round face, grey irises, 150 centimeters tall, B-cup, a little bit chubby, is one of my walking diagnostic devices.

(ps: How is this for Synthia? lol

That's when a message box popped up on my desktop, informing me that there's something wrong at an unattended store "SHOP - 4 - LESS". I clicked for detail, it described that the main computer of the store went offline, and since it is an unattended store powered with DeF Tech technology, a technician should be dispatched and find out what happened.

I woke Synthia up by touching her nose, "Go downstairs and wait by the van." Her eyes flashed, and she said, "Processing..." Then she reached between her legs for unplugging her recharging device. A string of her juice was still connected but then it broke. With a slight pause she said, "External power source disconnected, recharge was not complete, power level 87 percent." Then she put down that thing nearby and got up from her couch. She wore a lab coat in a robotic manner and went downstairs.

Tools and miscellaneous things are prepared in the van, I just grabbed my cell phone, the keys, and followed suit.

I drove the van towards that store. Being not too far, we reached our destination very soon. I jumped off the van and entered the store, with Synthia followed. The shop is a micro-scaled supermarket, so there is no human staff, with only two robot staff and two POS machines at the check-out.

As I entered the store, I saw something wrong at the two check-out counters.

First I saw one female figure, she was the gynoid staff of this store. She was bent down at her waist on the POS machine, and she was silent, unmoving, and partially undressed, because her buttocks and vagina was showing off, and there was some unknown liquid slowly dripping out of it. Her head was resting on the computer screen, and there were some of her garments carelessly dropped on the ground as I approached.

For the other counter, a male, staff android was standing ramrod in his position. but he was repeatedly speaking "I'm not programmed for this behavior, please stop." I walked up close; to my surprise, he was missing his attires from below his waist, his bare ass showing off, and there was a woman doing something at him!

Quietly I sneaked away without alerting them and searched through the shop to check if there was any customer left. Luckily there was no one, so I went back to the male unit for some detailed situations.

I watched these two, the trousers of the male unit were down to his ankles, his manhood was proudly standing out, and the woman was working on it but in a strange manner: With her right hand grabbing his balls, she extended her tongue, slowly but vigorously lapped at the pee hole, from bottom to top, and then retracted. Then she moved up with her mouth opening wide, tried to fill it with the dick, but she paused halfway, her eyes seemed lost focus. Then she retreated with her mouth loosely shut. After a slight twitch of her head, she wore a thousand-yard stare, as if she was experiencing some of her difficulties. She did so repeatly as if she was stuck in a loop, however, she never stop massaging her own crotch vigorously with her left hand inside her well-stained spandex during the whole process.

I decided to break in, "What are you doing, my valued guest?" The woman sharply turned her head in surprise and looked for the source of the voice, and she found me behind the counter.

Being caught off guard, she let the male unit go and tried to stand up, but something went quite wrong. In the next second, one of her legs gave out, making her lose balance and she collapsed, landing her head on the counter. It was quite an impact, a loud bang could be heard. I hurriedly pushed the male unit aside and helped that woman up, putting her sorry butt on the counter. "Madam, are you okay?" I asked worriedly, but her response surprised me even more, "Sorry... Oooohhhh... Sorry sir... Error... *twitch* ohh, error... ERRRXX!! *twitch* Ooohhh... Error... zzzt~*..." Her body twitched hard as she spits that gibberish, which means... She's a robot?!

Looking at this malfunctioning woman robot and the silenced staff android, I thought, since she could be another robot, I need to make sure what company manufactured her and what model she is. To do that you will need to get her disrobed and look for any information printed somewhere, and I also pressed and held behind her ear to shut her off. With a sharp twitch, she abruptly stopped all the jerking and went ragdoll, "Mmmpfff..." was her last word. That's when I saw a new wet mark at her crotch. I pulled down her spandex and tried to undress her; a strong odor upraised into the air, only did I take a little of it and I went dizzy, god knows what happened to her these days. I did my best to hold my breath and ripped her naked, searching for any useful information on her body. There was a barcode printed on her lower belly, and it says she was a Model 588 gynoid made by DeF Tech.

"Very well, since you are another DeF Tech robot, my job would be easier." I said.

I pulled down her spandex completely. With nothing found in the pockets, I discarded that thing into the nearby garbage can, then I went to the van for some materials. When I re-entered the store with a toolbox, I saw that woman suddenly rebooted by herself, "DeF Model 588 gynoid, activated... GRRRRRR~* FATAL ERROR, SYSTEM UNSTABLLLEEE... OHH FEEL SO GOOOODDD..." And then she ends up jerking violently again, liquid brewed between her legs. Hurriedly I took hold of her head and pressed behind her ear, shutting her down again. "What a bad girl you were! You were malfunctioning so bad that you even failed to shut down, let me help you." I pressed both of her ears and held, the rear of her scalp hinged up, and I flipped the internal power switch, cutting her power off for the wholesale. Now she became a ragdoll and should not be moving by herself anymore. Also I find some circuit board that went loose; maybe caused by that crash. I reattached them correctly and checked there are no more visible broken devices or loose connections.

I was going to find for her wireless device, but strangely she didn't have any, that would save me trouble.

I took some moist tissue and wiped the male unit clean, then I ordered Synthia diagnose him while I do with that 588 by myself, "Synthia, please open up your face panel." "Affirmative."

With a clear click, her face hinged upwards like a garage door, revealing some of her inner mechanisms. I opened my toolbox and retrieved a small device from it, it was a tiny console. It was with a screen, a tiny camera, and some data ports, and it can be used for diagnoses of most of the DeF Tech units. To make use of this console, you need to take off the face panel and simply install it into his or her head unit, the device would go online when it connects to the eye sockets, and I just have done so.

With a flick on the screen, the console came online. "New hardware detected... Recovery console, type 6e. Installing driver... Installation completed."

"Synthia, perform diagnose on this male unit, and dump the diagnose information into a text file." "Affirmative." Synthia acknowledged with her ice-cold robotic voice. Slowly she walked up to that male unit, a ring lit up on her index finger. She then clasped her fingers around his penis, and the ring on her finger clamped onto his tip. With a little twitch, the male unit straightened up. Standing ramrod he recited his vocal status announcements, "Maintenance protocol engaged, system rebooting... DeF Tech Enhanced Model 501 android, serial number 902f3d7c, Jeff, entering diagnostic mode... Running full body diagnosis." Then I saw the console on Synthia's face started scrolling with graphics and data, it was too fast for me to read. Then I went to have the front gate closed, leaving a small back door for me to access.

I have to remove the damn stinky vaginal unit from the stranger 588 unit. I wore a pair of latex gloves prepared in the toolbox, and slowly inserted my fingers into her vagina unit, searching for two small bumps, I can smell more odors going out, but I managed to hold my breath. I pressed hard on the bumps until I heard a loud click. A seam formed around her crotch, and with another click, I slowly pulled it out. I unplugged all the cable connections and clamped all the tubes for running her artificial vaginal fluid. "Ughh!" I complained. I sealed the connectors and tubes in her crotch, and put that damn vaginal unit in a small ziplock back, the Def Tech company would deal with it for me.

I discarded the gloves and got my cell phone with a connection cable, and started an app to perform some simple diagnose on this stranger unit. When the app was loading, I pulled a cable out from her crotch and connected my cell phone through a switching cable. I started the diagnosis program and activated her power temporarily. "DeF(twitch) DeF Tech Enhanc.ced M.model 588 gynoiddd (twitch)... errorunitprofilenotfound, (twitch) serial number 18f4c964a, activated. Ex(twitch) External device c... connected(twitch)ed. (twitch) Entering diagnostic mode. " The gynoid was activated with her corrupted monotone voice. The diagnosis program went on after some slight freeze-up, and soon the result was up: Bad sectors were detected on the hard disk drive, ownership data was absent, the motor control unit device has malfunctioned, and, this unit's serial number matches the runaway robot database of the company.

I smiled, that means I can temporarily fix this unit, have a little fun with her, and later return her to the company. After that I unplugged from her, shut her down and again cut the power supply off of her.

I turned back at that somewhat topless female staff gynoid. To perform diagnose on this unit, first I shall swap her vaginal unit. I went to the server room of the store, dragged out a gurney, and moved her body onto it, then I opened my toolbox and wore another new pair of latex gloves.

I removed her old vagina unit and sealed it in the second ziplock back, just as I did for that 588. "Yuck! That's another bloody mess!" I complained. Then I discarded the gloves as well.

Then I went back to the van for a new vaginal unit for the 501s, and installed it into the staff gynoid. After I'm done with her, I heard Synthia reporting her diagnose job was completed. I took off the gloves, and read the diagnose log at the console installed on Synthia. The report says that the main computer malfunctioned and poured out a strong torrent of data, and then it went offline. And of course these two staff robots were affected by that. The male unit Jeff had just suffered from some minor software errors and got corrected successfully during the diagnosis, he's almost ready for duty. I tapped on Synthia's face console and ordered her to program Jeff to go to the server room, waiting for further instructions.

Synthia released her grip on Jeff after injecting instructions into him, and I redressed him as he rebooted himself, after that he walked away. Then I made Synthia perform a diagnosis on the other staff robot, and Synthia plugged her finger deep into the orifice of the other gynoid as she was programmed to. The gynoid jerked a little, and then went limp. As Synthia continued, I closed the scalp of the unconscious 588 and carried her into the van. I found Synthia's diagnose was completed when I'm back, this time a little sooner. I read the log, good luck for me because there was only the motor controller damaged with that female 501, I just simply swapped that piece with good ones, and she would be good.

I made Synthia remove her fingers from the other gynoid, and I pressed a hidden button behind her ear, activating her. "DeF Tech Enhanced Model 501 gynoid, Deanna, serial number 94c6dfc2, activated. This unit has suffered from improper shutdown, commencing self-diagnostic... Processing... Processing... Diagnose complete, this unit is now functioning properly. This unit is now functioning properly. Attempting to connect to the main computer... Error, main computer not responding... Searching preprogrammed instructions... This unit is entering command mode. Awaiting instructions."

Since anything looks ok, so I closed Deanna up and shut her down.

Then I shall redirect my attention to the main computer. I wheeled Deanna into the server room with her garments collected on the floor, and I started looking into that main computer. I took off the main panel on the backside of the computer, and instantly I saw what the problem is: The wireless adapter fried because there was a charred dead bug on it. I swapped it with a new one in the materials chamber and rebooted the computer, it was successful.

Whoa, today seemed to be an easy day for me.

The main computer went back online and loaded all the data and software needed for running the store, and those two staff robots themselves were connected to it with no problem, so all of them shall be in the correct working orders again. I commanded the main computer to perform maintenance on these two units. As if being told, Jeff automatically got himself disrobed, and went to stand in front a big machine beside the main computer. An arm extended from the machine and grabbed his penis, a probe flipped over, and pressed onto his tip. "*bzzzz* (twitch) Connection established. DeF Tech Enhanced Model 501 android, Jeff, serial number 502f3d7c. Entering maintenance mode." Deanna also hopped off of the gurney and went to stand next to Jeff, and she spread her legs a little bit. Another arm with a dildo appeared and slowly plugged itself deep into her. "*click* *whirrrr* Connection established. DeF Tech Enhanced Model 501 gynoid, Deanna, serial number 94c6dfc2. Entering maintenance mode."

By then, my job at this unattended store "SHOP - 4 - LESS" was done, after few hours these two robots would be good to go and reopen the store. I took the face panel of Synthia and ordered her to hold it by her hand.

It was 0200HRS of the next day, I drove back to the office with Synthia, we have a new unit to be dealt with, but first I need some shut-eye, Synthia was reporting low power as well. When we entered the office, I ordered Synthia to got herself recharged. I landed myself on to a nearby couch and watched Synthia, with a console on her face, got herself plugged in between her legs, and then I drifted into sleep.

"*click* wirrrrrr~ DeF Tech Model 390 gynoid, Synthia, serial number 3a84d2, recharging, power level 12 percent."

Part 2 - Fixing Unit 18f4c964a

It's 1300HRS of the next day, I'm done having lunch. I replaced the console with the face plate of Synthia, and I told her to get our new unit to the office. I'm gotta fix her and have some fun with her before I give her back to the company.

The door opened, Synthia came in with that female unit on her shoulder, also some small packs containing damaged parts in her hands. I ordered her to secure the unit on a suspender device.

Here stands an unconscious 588 in front of me on the suspender device, being topless, her head slumped, her womanhood missing, her arms, legs, waist, neck, all restrained with the suspender frame, looks like she's being SMed. She was about 170cm tall, Caucasian face, short brunette, a little bit muscular shoulders and arms, a pair of fleshy and long legs, barefoot with some slight skin damage, and her pair of perky breasts could be around C-cup, I touched them, they are soft.

I pressed both of her ears and held, the rear of her scalp hinged up, and I ejected her main hard disk drive first. It was an SSD as large as your thumb, and it is located at the bottom of her head. I then sealed it in the pack for containing damaged parts, by the way I called Synthia to have those packs marked and put together, then I reactivated her power source.

"Synthia, recharge yourself." "Affirmative."

I took my cell phone and started that app again, reading the diagnose result I had before, then we can have a more detailed diagnose. I pulled some cables and connected them to her head. Before that I removed both motor control unit and power management unit (just two tiny PCBs) to see if there were any other defects with the unit, also I connected her vaginal tube with a vessel in case some fluid may come out.

The diagnose program was executed as I commanded. The result shows no further defects, so I installed a refurbished motor control unit and a power management unit onto her, and rerun the diagnose program.

Unit 18f4c964a moved on herself. During the diagnose, her fingers and toes clenched and stretched, her head turned, her eyes turned and blinked, her face contorted, her mouth opened, some gibberish spoke, her arms and legs stretched, and some fluid dripped through the vaginal tube with some slight whirr. As the diagnose program finished its job, she went limp as she would, again no malfunction detected, that means this part of the job was done, the next part was to sanitize her. Remember the strong odor of her? That's why I'm gotta do that to her, especially before I have some fun of her.

I detached her vaginal tube from that fluid vessel. I installed a blank crotch panel to seal her vaginal area but leaving that tube poking out of it, in case some fluid may intrude her internal system. I took her off of the suspender device and laid her body on the ground. I pressed behind her ear and watched, as she booted up with a beep. "DeF Tech Enhanced Model 588 gynoid, serial number 18f4c964a, activated. Error, main hard disk drive not found. Error, wireless communications device not found. Error, vaginal unit not found. Error, operating system not installed. This unit is functioning below designed parameters, this unit is entering basic mode, awaiting instructions."

I closed her rear scalp. Being like this she would accept any command from anyone without the need for authentication, so I started to give her orders. "Stand up." "Processing..." Mechanically she stood up. I remove her blouse for her and tossed it away, now she was completed naked. "Turn left, locate the examination table." "Processing..." She turned to the left. "Examination table found." "Go lie on that table, spread your legs and detatch your belly panel." "Processing..." She staggered towards the examination table, and climbed onto it in a robotic manner. Once she was lied down on her back, her belly panel went lose, she parted her legs and stopped moving. Her breath continued, with her C-cup breasts slowly rose and fell.

I took off her belly panel. After that I emptied the fluid vessel to a larger one, and connected it with the draining hole at the bottom of the exam table. I searched in her belly and located where her body fluid canister is. I filled the canister with new fluid, and put two tablets into it as well. Those tablets contain nanobots which can be used for cleaning and sanitizing DeF Tech produced androids, gynoids or any other compliant products. These two tablets need time to dissolve and activate by themselves, so I refilled her mechanical lubrication system as well. I removed her face panel by pressing both of her temples, removed her oral component and sealed the tubes and cables. Then I installed a portable diagnose console where her face was, and it automatically clamped on her inner face upon installation. The console has a tiny camera, a built-in keyboard, some data ports and a touch screen, I can do many detailed operations using it.

Couple minutes passed, those nanobots should all be activated, so I started my next move. I opened all the windows and wore a gas mask and a pair of latex gloves, then I started the sanitize program using the console. With a little hum, the circulatory system in her kicked in at high speed, fluid with nanobots emerged throughout of her body from head to toe as if she was sweating heavily, and her vaginal tube in her bare crotch was slowly dripping in the same time. The fluid streamed together, went to the draining hole at one end of the exam table, and finally into the vessel I prepared before. The odor was fulfilled in the room, but I survived behind the gas mask.

After a while she beeped, the console shows that the sanitizing program was completed; also her canister was emptied. I guess it's also time to check her mechanical lubrication system, I ordered, "Get up, squat on the table, extend your anus nozzle." "Processing..." With a slight whirr, a small nozzle peeked out from her anus, that's how to discharge her body fluid. I asked, "Diagnose mechanical lubrication system." "Processing... The mechanical lubrication system is working properly, the lubrication fluid is at normal level." "Discharge lubrication fluid for five milliliters." "Processing..." I put a paper cup below her, and with a sizzle, a nozzle protruded from her anus, and the fluid started to drip, soon it stopped. "Fluid discharged successfully."

I examed the fluid that she discharged, it was clear with a normal brown tint, that means I won't need to replace the fluid. I wiped her nozzle clean with a paper towel and ordered, "Withdraw the anus nozzle." "Processing..." And it retracted back into her.

I went to the toilet, sealed her oral component into a small pack and cleaned her face panel with a sponge, then I got back with a funnel and a large can of fresh body fluid and refilled her canister, then I took off the gas mask and the gloves and gave her the next order, "Get off of the table and stand on the floor." "Processing..." With a little fluid remaining on her body, she awkwardly got off the table, setting her wet foot on the ground. I took a large towel, wiped her body from top to toe, and where she stood. Then I emptied the vessel again to that larger one, and set it to recycle those nanobots.

I wiped the exam table with another towel, and discarded it into the washing machine. Then I got another refurbished vaginal unit for 588s and installed into her. "Spread your legs at the width of your shoulder," I ordered. "Processing..." She adjusted her stance and parted her legs. I took off the crotch panel and dragged the tubes and cables out of her. I connected the cables on the vaginal unit, but left the fluid tubes clamped, and then I pushed it back into her crotch with a click. "New hardware detected." She said, "Vaginal unit. Installing driver... Installation completed. This vaginal unit is now online. Recalibrating new hardware. Recalibrating... Recalibrating... Error, unable to acquire vaginal fluid. Error, sexual software not installed, sexual function of this unit is at a limited level."

I reached for touching her labia. "Can you feel this?" "Affirmative, you are engaging my labia sensors." I separated her labia to poke out her clitoris, placed my finger on on it and asked her again. "Can you feel this?" "Affirmative, you are engaging my clitoris sensors." Then I poked my index finger into her, it was warm and but dry inside, "Can you feel this?" "Affirmative, you are engaging my internal vaginal sensors." I moved my finger to a swollen place inside her and milled on it. "Can you feel this?" "Affirmative, you are engaging my G-spot sensors." Doing this on a fully functional gynoid unit could be very arousing, but for her being in the basic mode, she could have no response. Good enough, I can say that she was now fully repaired so to speak, I may try to install a basic operating system into her later.

It's 1800HRS and I'm hungry, I'm gotta go to a burger shop for supper. Before I go I need to do something. "You, report power level." I asked her. "Power level is now 16 percent." "Very well now. Turn right, find the chair." She turned her head and looked for the chair. "Chair found." "Sit on the chair, part your legs and stop moving." "Processing..." She sat on the chair and parted her legs, I slowly inserted the device into her as if I was refueling a car. Her vagina automatically clamped on it and she announced, "*Click* Whirrrrrr~ DeF Tech Enhanced Model 588 gynoid, serial number 18f4c964a, recharging. Power level 15 percent."

Then I got her panels closed and went out for supper.

Part 3 - Having fun

It was 1845HRS now in the evening, I got back in my office from supper, now I'm gotta make some fun of unit 18... Emmm... whatever her serial number is.

I tapped on her shoulder, she mechanically raised her head and turned her face at me. Actually, not her face, but the face console I installed replacing her face. "You, report power level." "Power level is now 92 percent." "Very well, remove the recharge device from you." "Processing..." Both of her hands went to take hold of the device as I commanded. After a click and whirr, the device went unlocked of her, and was being slowly pulled out. "Let me have it." I took the device away from her and found some paper towel wiping it clean.

I went to my desk and searched for something... Got them, a pair of video recording goggles which can record everything I can see (I ordered Synthia disconnect herself to start recording both of us with her eyes and I had it started as well), an SSD of the storage device same model like she had before, with something in it.

I left the console in her head without replacing it with her original face. I called her, "You, get over here." "Processing..." She slowly walked and stood in front of me. "Turn your back at me, open your rear scalp." "Processing..." She turned around. With a click, her rear scalp must be opened and hinged up. When I turned the chair, a big pair of butt cheek appeared in front of me, I can't help but played and squeezed them. By the way, I played with her vaginal unit from behind, it was not wet yet, but it was warm as it should be. She reported to my touch, "Warning, vaginal sensors engaged, do you want to activate sexual response?" "Negative, not now." And I withdrew my hands from her. I smelled nothing out of her, which is good.

Then, I stood up and pressed the SSD deep down into her head. "New hardware detected. Internal hard disk drive, model b2cf. Installing driver... Driver installed. This Storage unit has a capacity of 768 terabytes, it has one primary partition, it is now designated as drive C, and it has 75 percent free space available." I reached her scalp and closed it. "Turn around to face me." She turned to face me.

I went to the bedroom, in the closet I found a pair of white cotton pantie. I went out and handed it over her, "Put this on." "Processing... This unit is not yet programmed for how to wear clothes. A relevant software may be required for such behavior." Oh I forgot, she was still a blank droid, and I need to manually order her to load the operating system.

I told her, "Search operating system in drive C." "Processing... Processing... One operating system found, DeF basic OS. Do you want this unit to boot from this operating system?" "Yes, make yourself always boot from this operating system from now on, and reboot." "Processing... This unit needs to reboot for applying any changes. Do you wish to reboot now?" "Reboot into command mode, execute." "System rebooting..." She slumped her head, and a little while later her head went back up and she came online.

"DeF Tech Enhanced Model 588 gynoid, serial number 18f4c964a, activated. Loading operating system. Loading... Loading... Entering command mode. Awaiting instructions." "Put this on." "Affirmative." She did as I ordered. I pulled the pantie a little higher, revealing her puffy mons pubis, damn that little synthetic mound was so perky.

Again she reported, "Warning, vaginal sensors engaged, outer surface, do you want to activate sexual response?" "No, negative. Disable sexual response until further notice." "Affirmative." She answered.

My fingers traced around her crotch. At first I felt for her mound with my index finger dancing in front of her, then I hugged her from behind and placed my right hand on her mound and gently stroke her. The feeling of the pantie and her mound were so good. With my free left hand, I gently grabbed her left breast and played with it. Due to her sexual response being disabled, she was unresponsive to the touch, and her nipples did not get erected.

After a short while, I let go of her for the next move. I removed the pantie of her and fetched something from my room, a pair of dark tinted transparent latex trousers and a can of baby powder. I'm a big fan of any latex-dressed woman, and the baby powder makes it easy to put on. "Spread your legs, at the width of your shoulder." "Affirmative." Using a powder puff I applied a rich layer of the powder on her lower half body, and easily she got herself slid into that latex trousers. I stretched every inch of the latex so that there was mostly nowhere wrinkled together. A puffy latex mons pubis, perfect! "Find treadmill." "Searching... Searching... Treadmill found." "Go standing near it." "Affirmative."

I have a treadmill in this office, not for me, but I use it for testing the motor functions of robots. However, today, I had a new plan. I activated the treadmill and set it for a low speed. I told the robot to load the treadmill program and got herself walking on it. Firstly she walked in a robotic manner, then I ordered to change the walking pattern into some more human-like ones, so I can enjoy watching her plumpy booty wiggle in different ways. I managed to play with her rear end without making her fall, and I had Synthia recorded for both her front and rear from a good angle of view.

Soon enough I made her got off of the treadmill and helped her took off the latex trousers. I gave her the next order, "Activate your sexual response programming, ASFR related, but without the sexual fluid function, including saliva." "Affirmative. Loading response program, loading... Program loaded." "Please appear to be a little glitchy." " Affir.Affirmative." She responded with her head slightly twitched. I instructed her to walk towards a gyno examing chair and wheeled a trolley over there. On the trolley there was a portable diagnosing computer for DeF Tech humanoid products. I told her to get in the exam chair, and buckled her torso, arms and legs onto the chair, so she would not fell off for some strong spasms.

I dragged an interface cable of the diagnosing computer and attached a dildo-like probe to it, the green LED on the probe went flashing steadily, indicating it was ready for use. I slowly inserted it into her folds. In case you are curious, yes, the vaginal unit she was using is enough slippery even it was dry without any liquid in it. And why I didn't want it to secrete any fluid? Because even I can have Synthia to clean that, I just don't like the mess it would make. Then I can be able to open her crotch panel without worry, and I just did that.

Soon I jammed the probe into her until it came to the end of her vagina. "Ohh...O.Ohhhhh.h." The robotic woman reported, she sounded like a broken answering machine. I also connected some additional cables to her crotch panel. As I entered a connecting command from the diagnose computer, the computer and her vagina started their signal exchanges, and then her internal mechanisms clamped on it with a series of whirr. She was now linked to the diagnosing computer, in a sexy way.

"MMMMaintenance protocol Engaged. (twitch) Engaged." she reported.

I entered another command, the machine started dumping raw sexual data into her, bombarded her system like hell. She can't help but struggled intensely in the exam chair, her artificial muscle tensed and relaxed over and over, the LEDs in her crotch panel blinked urgently, as well as the flashing yellow LED on the probe, and the console screen in her head flooded with data. Also, she should be making some voice, but in this circumstance, her system was too heavy-loaded to produce proper moans as a human woman would. She would just produce broken moans as her processors were being taxed. After a good while, I typed in another command, ended her sexual stimulation with an orgasm. Obviously, there was so much ecstasy for her that she twitched violently and shocked the exam chair with some loud thuds. Finally, she died down, and her breath slowed down moments after, but her fingers still twitched a little as the after effect went on, then I had her disconnected.

I dragged a set of mechanical arms and placed it behind her. I ordered the arms to operate on the touch screen on her head. As I commanded, the main mechanical arm reached to her face panel and started inputting commands by punching on the screen. She responded properly, her head turned, her hips wiggled, her arms, fingers, and toes clenched and stretched. I unstrapped the arms of her, and the mechanical arms made next series of input on the touchscreen. She started masturbating, her hands went to play with her breast and crotch. Her body jerked in response, and the command input to the touchscreen went on. With a final series of touch to her screen, some orgasm programs were executed and her robotic body spasmed violently. All of the procedure has been recorded by me and by Synthia, and later I got her released from the exam chair.

I also need to replace the face console with her original face panel and cover her crotch panel for the next project, but before that, I ordered to got herself lying on an exam table. I plugged some loose cable into her crotch panel just dangled them around and stimulated her with mechanical arms and later my hands. Seeing such a robotic woman, with her face being a console, part of her crotch missing, the LEDs inside her blinked fast and mechanics grinding hard in her crotch for masturbation, it was really something sexy.

Alright, time to carry out the next plan.

I've read many fembot stories since I'm fond of things about ASFR, and I always wanted to run some scenario by the robot just as someone wrote in their story. Not long before, a program was published in the Fembot Central, it could make stories into scenarios that can be run by the fembots. I never tried this on Synthia because simply I just don't wanna do it on her. Luckily I got this runaway gynoid yesterday, so I'm gotta have her to do that. By the way, there wasn't too much juice in her, it says 49 percent of power before I remove the face console, so the fun could be somewhat limited.

"You, get off of the exam table and load and run scenario number 192." That's an untitled story written by Loganov. I like his stories very much.

"Searching Scenario files... Searching... File found. Loading scenario... Loading... Loading... Scenario loaded."

"Please sit.sit at the computer and.and finish your assignment, Johnnn.n." As the story wrote, She called me John and walked around my workshop. I complied and readied my next move.

"Ms. Morgan, could you please come here for a moment? I need help with my assignment."

Our topless robotic woman, now designated as "Ms. Morgan" stopped abruptly in her track, and with an artificial grace she strode over to where I was sitting. Standing right next to my chair she leaned forward to look at the monitor, and she stuck her butt high in the air without realizing it. As the scenario designed, her breasts were now dangerously close to my left shoulder.

"Well, here is the prob... prob... prob... Here is the problem, ..." she stuttered as she pointed at the blank screen. However, she did not continue as she noticed that I turned my head away from the screen. And she detected me fondling her rear end.

"John, please pay attention... attention", the robotic teacher scolded as she straightened up.

"I'm sorry Ms. Morgan, please go on." I said with puppy dog eyes looking at her and I turned back to the monitor. Ms. Morgan immediately assumed her previous position.

"Here is the prob... (twitch zzzt~)", again she continued but stopped again sooner as my fingers tickled her nipples. She quickly straightened up again causing my hand lift off from her.

"John, this is inininappropriattte behavior... inappropriate behavior. If you do not stop I willllll have to alert the school's main computer and reporttttt this incident... incident. Do you understand (twitch) understand (twitch) understand?" She repeated herself like a broken answering machine.

"Yes..." was my simplest reply. The robot yet again assumed the same bent over gesture.

"Here is..." she started again but ended even sooner as my index finger poked her left nipples hard. Straightening up her topless body again she intoned, "WARNING GIVEN. CONTACTING MAIN COMPUTER." She said in a monotone. She presented her defenseless nude belly, I wasted no time caressing her nude belly and suddenly plugged and stirred my finger in her navel, "Grrrr... zzt~* MAIN COMPUTER..." Her body twitched and she repeated.

Suddenly she turned and walked away, breaking her contact with me, but few steps later, she stopped dead in her track. "Connection failed." she reported robotically as I knew she would. "Connection ... connection failed..." She repeated mindlessly.

I hurried and went squatting in front of her. Forcefully I spread her legs open and I vigorously rammed my hand into her pussy. With my right index finger I milled on her G-spot, in the same time my thumb pressed hard against her clitoris.

"Jjjooohhnnn, pleassssse stooopp. This... this iszzz inapprrooopriiatte behavior.behavior. You must stop... You must stop." She pleaded, I can see her eyes twitched into her sockets and her eyelids shuttered randomly, and her body trembled slightly, however she did absolutely nothing to stop me. In fact, as her preprogrammed response her vaginal walls were like sucking on my finger.

That's enough for this. After a good while fingering her I pulled out and held firmly on both of her nipples, this is the hotkey for pausing robots who are running scenarios. "Scenario suspended." She reported, so I gave her the next order.

"Put on this work pants, load and run scenario number 183." That's "Perfect Match (formerly Blind Date)" written by Fembotlvr7.

She came relieved a little bit from the previous scenario and went to load the next one. "Unloading current scenario... Done. Reallocating system resources... Searching Scenario files... Searching... File found. Loading scenario... Loading... Loading... Scenario loaded."

She squatted on her current position, as if checking on something besides her.

"Excuse me... Er... Tanya?" I managed to remember the name.

She answered without looking at me. "Yes, Joel."

I knelt beside her. "Are you an android also?" I asked.

She turned her head to look at me. "April was in her sex mode when blah blah blah." Tanya said smiling, "I should be able to reset April by blah blah blah blah." At that Tanya stood up and bent over and reached for something, then she aimed that invisible thing at the invisible "April" and pressed on it.

"Does it bother you to see April this way?" This "Tanya" asked.

"No," I said. I watched as "Tanya" worked on the "April" unit, then she handed me another invisible something.

"Here." She said.

"What's this for?" I asked.

Again our eyes met. "Joel, this is a remote controller that can reactivate April blah blah blah, she should be functioning properly blah blah blah."

"April is the latest model and blah blah blah blah blah blah." She continued.

I pretended looking at the invisible remote controller and then looked back at "Tanya". "I see. But you didn't answer my question from earlier."

She smiled at me and placed her hand on my arm. "Am I an android? I may be. But if so my programming doesn't allow me to be aware of it. I have memories and experiences that I can remember from way back. I have an apartment and a cat."

I just stood there digesting all the things I saw and heard.


She turned again to face me. "Yes, Joel?"

"When I reactivate April, will she remember her malfunction?" I asked.

"No Joel. She'll believe that she has just awoken after a nap with you, blah blah blah, alright?"

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I have to admit that so much has happened and all so fast. I mean... WOW! If you get my meaning." I told her.

"Tanya" turned to pick up an invisible case. I turned to face Tanya and smiled. "Tanya, wait... Emmmm... Could I... I'd like to thank you, I mean." I stuttered.

She smiled and dropped her invisible case back down. "I am only doing my job, Joel. There's no need to thank me personally."

I walked over to her and gently rubbed my hand across her cheek. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

Our eyes met. "Joel... No, I don't, but I really must go now." She said worriedly.

"Ok then, tell me, how would one activate an androids sex programming if that program was not uh... Say activated?" I asked urgently.

"Well, generally all our androids will engage their sex modes when properly stimulated, physically". She said as she reached for her case.

But I stopped her and pulled her close.

I kissed her lips. I ran my hand down her back and to her ass.

At first, she was hesitant and tried to pull away. I held her closer, and I quickly brought my free hand around between us and slid it behind the waistband of her work pants and down onto her folds. I felt her attempt to break away lessened. I plugged my fingers into her love hole and began to tease her vigorously, causing her knee's bent slightly.

I broke our kiss and pulled back to look at her expression. "Tayna" looked at me with a confused look. "Why did you do that Joel?" She asked.

Without answering her, I pulled my hand out and was about to exit her pants when she suddenly grabbed my hand and held against her through her pants.

"I know you're an android, Tanya. I just lost control I guess." I told her.

Her eyes slightly looked down. "I am not... feeling well... confused... I feel very..."

I cut "Tanya" off by kissing her again. This time after a moment she helped guide my hand back down to her hole. I accepted her invitation and began to put my finger back into her. After several minutes of this foreplay, I broke our embrace and guided Tanya back to the couch. She continued on in her dazed and confused status as I unzipped and eased off her pants, spread her legs wide, revealing her fabulous pussy, the clitoris poked out of her folds.

"Joel...I am not yours... You made me feel so good... I'm sooo late for work." She said in a low voice.

"Tanya, you can go back to work after I make you feel better," I told her quietly.

I cupped her breast and her nipples hardened at my touch, in the mean time I continued pistoning my finger in and out of her. "Puuhleezz stopp Joel... yoouu are nott... I mmuust be g.going nnow." She said between monotone to normal. Her processors were in heat, her sex mode activated, yet the scenario set her in conflict as a repair person. I decided that that's the end of this scenario, so I quicky pressed and held hard on her G-spot,"Oh myyyy goooodd!" Her eyes rolled and she arched her back, thus her body shook violently. I pulled my fingers away when her head turned sharply to the one side then her body seemed to go limp, her expression changeded into one of satisfaction.

I massaged on her breasts, Again I suspended the current scenario, and made her load the last scenario I wanted to try.

"Get on your knees on the exam table, load and run scenario number 384." That's Part 5.50, "Only A Motion Away" of "Virus Alert", it was written by WilloWisp.

She stretched her legs to climb on the exam table, leaving me a good view of her.

"Scenario loaded."

Without wasting my time and her power, I just asked her, "You're walking alone across campus. A man asks you where the library is. When you turn to indicate the direction of the building, he lifts your skirt, puts his hand inside your panties, and starts fingering you right then and there. How do you react?"

She blinked, processing the question. "Well, I would... wwwooouuullldddd..." Her system stalled as it loaded the appropriate sexual response routines.

Suddenly, she gasped, then began to moan with arousal, just as she would in the scenario I described.

Her fingers and limbs twitched, I can tell she wanted to do something on herself, but the programming of the scenario prevented her from doing it, so she can just, let's say, "enjoy" the feeling.

I leaned closer to her, and caught her pussy in the view, her folds twitched and squeezed, as if someone was really fingering her.

Also, she can't help but wiggled her butt and legs as well.

Okay, that's pretty much it, I ordered her to have the scenario unloaded after masturbated her a little, and let her report the power level. "Unloading current scenario... Done. Reallocating system resources... Power level at 20 percent." She responded as she was programmed to.

It's 0100HRS the next day, I put Synthia and this robotic woman into recharge and booked someone to retrieve her back to the company, he or she would show up next morning. But before that I ejected the SSD and the vaginal unit out of her, and put her oral component back where it belongs.

I also edited some clips that were recorded this evening, made them into some suitable pieces and uploaded them into Fembot Central :)

Then I took a shower and get into the bed, what a day!

Part 4 - Epilogue

I woke up the next day, I grabbed my cell phone and saw it was 0945HRS in the morning, the person who sent by the company should arrive soon, so I hurriedly brushed my teeth and had a salad for breakfast, then I heard some kind of van pulled over down there in the street. I opened the window and looked, yes, the same van like the ones that the company gave me, just with a different plate.

Off the driver's seat came a hot spicy looking young lady in a black leather jacket and a pair of black tight leather pants, I remembered her, her name was Erica. Raven hair ponytail, north-Asian face, tall around 177cm, strong build, D-cup chest. She was a transferred humanoid unit, and she told me that she's a bi.

I know her since the first week I became a DeF repair technician because she was the trainer who trained me for repairing DeF Tech robots. Actually she was a free person in the company, this season she worked as a robot retrieving person, the next year she would be the trainer, then the next next month she could be transferred into the tech support hotline.

To be honest, I've been always thrilled to see her, so I waited nervously for the door to be knocked. "Knock-Knock." I hurried and opened the door, only to found that Erica stood there, but her face panel was missing, and her head twitched a little. Before I can say something, her body slumped, I had no choice but embraced her, and she pressed her chest into me.

Just as I was calculating what to do, "Boo!~" She suddenly burst into me, "Gotcha!" "Goddamn it!" We bursted into laugh aloud and I led her into the room, she reattached her face panel and sat with me on the couch.

I played dumb on her, "So, what brought our super spicy Erica here?"

She lightly smacked on my head, "Stop playing dumb on me, Boris! You booked a retrievement for a runaway robot, so the company sent me here."

"Ahh yes yes, I remember that now, yes." I played dumb again and massaged on her leg.

"So I guess that nude woman standing at that corner is ...?" She didn't resist me and turned to point at the motionless nude woman in the corner.

"Yes she is, let me get her for you."

I walked over the robotic woman and tapped on her shoulder, "Wake up." With a little twitch, she came back online and turned her head to look at me. "Follow me," I ordered.

I led her to sit down on the couch, Erica inspected on her and asked for where her missing parts were, I said I put them in some plastic packs that company would deal with them, and I handed her that big plastic bag containing those small components. She confirmed and started the retrievement procedure.

Erica pulled a cable from the crotch of the robotic woman, connected to a device, and stuck it back into her. The LED on the device started to blink in yellow, and with a little tremble, the robotic woman announced, "New hardware detected. Wireless Maintenance Controller, Installing driver... Driver installed. Maintenance protocol engaged, DeF Tech Enhanced Model 588 gynoid, serial number 18f4c964a, entering wireless command mode. This unit is now under the control of Unit Erica Ueno, serial number HMTF.9ce0f8. Vocal announcements disabled."

"Now she's under my control, Boris. And let me guess, you did something perverted on her." She said.

"Well I'll let you access to my computer, care to find it out?" I teased her back.

"Well..." She said with a devious smile. After a while, she started squirming a little bit on the couch, I guess she accessed my computer and watched the video clips yesterday evening.

"Yeah I think that's pretty much it, by the way I think there's anything more... I can... Well you know... " She turned her voice into a sultry one.

"Absolutely!" I accepted her offer, then I shut the curtains and we had a quickie on the couch. Eventually I released my load into her, making her limp on the couch and breathed heavily, me also.

After a short while she was recovered and we helped each other clean the mess, I wiped her crotch with a moist tissue, she licked me clean and got her mouth washed in the kitchen.

"By the way Erica, do you know how does this unit become a runaway robot?" I asked her.

"Let me see... Well, not long ago in a bad weather night, one of our warehouses for storing robots got struck by thunder, then it went on fire. Some of those units got fried instantly, some of them got burnt down later, and some of them got activated themselves and became runaway. The unit we have here is the last one, and I think it's lucky she was captured by you." She was staring into the air, searched around her database, and explained that to me.

It's 1225HRS in the noon, we enjoyed lunch at a nearby burger shop, she walked the robot woman into the van and I kissed her goodbye.

"Be seeing you!" She waved at me in the van.

"Me too!" I waved back.

That's the end of the story "The Grocery Store - Aftermath", thank you for reading.

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