FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0045

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"If I don't do what you want, what would YOU do?" you ask Janelle. "Ruin my rep? Tell everyone on the street what you're gonna do to me?"

Just then you both walk past a lazy-looking, cute hippie girl standing outside the store where she works, having a smoke. She's about college age. She overhears you and Janelle talking.

"Like, what ARE you gonna to do him?" she giggles to Janelle. "You're, like, totally in charge of him, huh?"

"Yeah, I am," Janelle replies, not missing a beat. "And if he doesn't do what I want, then I'll sell his ass back to the store."

"What store would that be?" the hippie girl asks, still giggling.

"The Hollywood Hardware store," Janelle says matter-of-factly.

"Dude, I know that place!" the hippie girl says. "It's this big place where you can buy really smart robots."

"I'm not a robot," you protest to the hippie girl. "Janelle's the robot. I bought Janelle at Hollywood Hardware." you gesture at her. "And Janelle is totally smart. But I—think I like her bossiness, so I'm on a mission to drive her nuts." You grin boyishly.

"Janelle couldn't really sell me back to Hollywood Hardware," you continue, "because they don't buy humans, but my ass is hers." You look nervously at Janelle for approval.

"See, this is what I'm talking about," Janelle says to the hippie girl. "He's so fucking dumb, but he's got a nice ass, so I'm keeping him around."

The hippie girl giggles. "That's so funny. Anyway, I gotta get back to work. It was nice meeting you, Janelle. And you too, mister. I hope I see you around."

"Oh, you will," Janelle says with a wink. "Because he's my little bitch, and he does whatever I say."

"Bye!" you say, waving as the hippie girl goes back inside the store.

"See?" Janelle says, as if that settles everything. "Now you're my little bitch. And you're gonna do whatever I say. No matter what it is."

"Yes, Janelle," you say meekly, leading her to your car. You're really turned on by the whole situation, and can't wait to see what she'll make you do next.

Will you...

Go home and watch TV?
Take Janelle golfing?