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Gallery 12.06.22 - New Chapter: An Unexpected Offer Article Drive
Stories 11.26.22 - New Story: CandyBot 007 in ‘A Spy Unraveled’ Help
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Featured Author - December

Christmas Stories
Stories: 4

Story of the week:
The Christmas Present

View past Author's of the Month.

Santa really came to my place, and gave me the largest gift I had ever seen!

Eagerly, I tore open the package. I felt bad ripping such nice paper, so I tried to at least tear it into big sheets, so I could use it again myself. As I peeled away the paper skin, a large box with bright red and green graphics covering it was revealed. It read “Christmas Fembot” on the front in big bold letters, and said “Made in Santa’s Workshop, North Pole” under that. A fembot, like in the sci-fi shows I watch? This I had to see! It seemed even Santa’s elves were helping out with this one.

At the top of the front panel of the box was a plastic window. Looking inside, I could vaguely see a face of a girl, apparently asleep although completely still. I carefully pulled the front of the box loose, pulling away the lid and placing it against the wall next to me. Inside stood a completely still figure of a girl in what appeared to be her 20’s. She had a cute round face, with a small nose and freckles. She was completely naked except for a conveniently placed large red ribbon and bow. I got the impression that she was wrapped like a gift, the ribbon covering her breasts and crotch. There were also red ribbons tied around her ankles, her wrists, her neck, and her waist. Her auburn hair was long and fell naturally in back of her, and her skin was fair and flawless. Well, not quite flawless. As I got a closer look at her, I noticed that she actually had faint lines all over her body, what looked like seams or joints. She was covered in them, in large geometric shapes all over her body. It took me a moment to realize these were probably the edges of her access panels, that is, if she really was a robot.

“Hey you!” I yelled at her… I got no response. “GAAHH!!” I yelled, trying to startle her. Still I got nothing from her. I reached out and pinched her arm. She was cold, but soft. Her skin felt nice, despite the lack of warmth. I pinched harder, but she did nothing. There was no way this was a human girl, she was too stiff and robotic, and didn’t react to anything. This was all really happening, and I was getting as giddy as a little kid.

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