FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0011

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Farra started to slow down, but you couldn’t. You thought maybe that you’d reach your limit. But now, you want more fun on the gynoid. You grab Farra and dropped down to the floor. You began to thrust your dick up and down, while Farra suddenly started to feel aroused. You continue to hump her in the crotch, while Farra pleaded for you to stop.

“No… ah! Stop! Please! No more… stop… ahh… please, stop… I am not programmed for these activities… at a very low power level… Stop!”

She started to bug her eyes, while you are about to climax.

“NO! AHH!” She screamed, “Malfunction… malfunction… system error… mal… func… tion…”

She started to smoke lightly, but then, she stopped, while her eyes faded.

“Battery… low… low battery… low baaaaaaaterrrrrrrr…”

She wound down and was broken. You let out the last of your white fluid into her and screamed out like hell. You collapsed, as you removed your cock from her pussy. You lit a cigarette and saw Farra, who was out like a light. She was on the floor, with her crotch all damp and covered in your own goo.

“Farra?” You asked, as you tried to wake her up.

You tried to revive her, but you don’t know how she can be awakened. What should you do?

Call Farra
