FYOP/To Love A Sexbot/0036

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You stepped away from Heather. Your dick was removed from her body.

“Oh, no more?” She cried, “But you and I were having much fun.”

You then explained to her that it would be wrong for you and her, since it could damage her.

Heather then snickered, “Oh, I see… and so much for more carnal pleasures. How about… how about we have a little more fun? I can handle it. My mommy can fix me up, even though… even though she dislikes me.”

She went towards you again and gyrated at your dick. She stuck it inside her pussy and humped back and forth, as she held your shoulders. As she continued, you kissed her, and she suddenly smoked from her mouth.

“DANGER! DANGER! Malfunction! Critical failure! Program corrupted!”

She started to vibrate and jiggle around, as your cock started to spew from inside her.

“AHH!” You screamed.

“Oh, fuck! Ahh! NO!” Heather shrieked, “OH! AHH!”

She started to spark from her chest.

“DANGER! Critical error! System overloaded! Shutdown… correncerned… gexusl obirloat…”

Her voice started to burble and distort. Her mouth leaked out white stuff, which should’ve been from her pussy. She tilted backwards and smoked and sparked, while her mouth filled with white stuff. Her voice went to a gurgled slur. You looked at Heather, who was completely damaged. As you held her on the back, her head fell off, dropping to the floor. You didn’t know what to do know. But you are disappointed that Heather has suddenly broken down.

Ten minutes later, you got dressed, while Farra examined Heather.

“Sir, did you break Heather, causing her to emit fluid from her head?” She scolded.

You nodded. Farra let out a smile.

“Good! I wanted to break her for a long time! This gynoid is evil.”

You asked why. Farra then explained that she fucked herself, Alison, and Mia, during her tests. But she’s managed to make amends for herself, just to help out Farra, since she created her. You then asked why she’d act like she’s a sleeper. Farra explained that it, originally, Heather was used for a test run, with two other robots. She failed. You then ask why she failed.

“Can you imagine if you own a sexbot, and in one false, yet shocking, swoop, she’d kill a human?”

You said, “Forget I asked.”

She then escorted you to her office, as she called Tech Support to fix Heather.

Hours later, you leave, still remembering Heather, who was very sexual to you. You then thought to yourself that you can save up for an L-Series.

The End