3.83 - Deep Sleep

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I awoke from dreamless sleep to the sensation of my wife's mouth gently, but urgently, moving up and down the shaft of my penis. Bleary-eyed, I switched on the nightstand light and propped up on my elbows. I cleared my throat. "Janet, dear, shouldn't you be resting?" It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the blowjob: Quite the opposite, in fact. Janet was incredibly talented at stimulating me in just the right ways. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't misreading the signs.

She didn't look up, but pulled her lips off my erection to speak. "Honey," she moaned, insistently, "I need it. I couldn't sleep."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're sure you couldn't sleep? There isn't something else going on huh-HERE!" I yelped as I said this. Janet's mouth wasn't dedicated to my pleasure at the moment, but her hands were working overtime.

"Please," she said, sitting up. Her silk camisole was slipping off one shoulder, and her nipples were straining against the fabric. "Any way you want it, just give it to me, please!" That clinches it, I thought, she's serious.

"Topless, now," I ordered. She closed her eyes in bliss, as though just being told what to do was itself physically pleasurable, and immediately pulled off the cami, tossing it aside. I took a moment to admire her perfect tits. This was no time to get distracted. "Turn around, ass in the air," I said, as I leaned over to retrieve the long, thick phallus from the nightstand.

"Hurry, honey," she whined as I pulled her panties aside. No time to take them off. I glanced at the probe to make sure I had it set right. "I need it so bad, just give it to me nohrrrrrrwwwwwwww..." Her voice dropped in pitch and speed as I jammed the probe into her pussy and toggled the control. Her face went slack, and her arms and legs went limp, as her dorsal plate popped open at the base of her spine. I lifted it up on the hinge to check the security monitor I had installed inside her.

The early warning system I'd programmed certainly was effective at getting my attention, but I still needed to tweak it a little to avoid mistaking a normal, randomly-triggered playtime for an intruder alert.

Sure enough, the aerial camera was picking up movement, about ten miles away, heading directly towards me. It was fast. I zoomed in. A sports speeder? What was that kind of vehicle doing out here? "Who the hell are you?" I wondered aloud, as I tracked in on the registration glyph. It wouldn't lock. Stolen, then.

A stolen, high performance sports speeder, miles from any population center, heading straight for me. I didn't buy it. I grasped the probe and twisted its base counter-clockwise. Janet's systems briefly resumed, her voice rising from an incoherent low "vwrrrp" to babble ecstatically for a few seconds. "Oh yeah," she moaned, "just like that, ride me so switching to camera six hard, I wanna make yoooooorrrrrrwww..." she said, breathlessly. I almost never had to use the security system, so I sometimes forgot how the status messages worked were overlaid on her active runtime.

The view from an abandoned fuel station popped into view on the monitor, focused down the road towards the oncoming speeder. I leaned forward, squinting at the approaching beige vehicle. "Come on," I said, tensing. I watched the jittering threshold indicator overlaying the camera view. It bounced and jumped erratically, but gradually edged towards the trigger point as the speeder drove on. Finally, at the instant the car was at the optimal distance barely three meters in front of the camera, it crossed the threshold.

I pumped my fist. "Got ya!" I said, as I tapped a few controls in Janet's back. "Now let's see who you are..."

Janet stirred back to motion. "rrrrwwwoou cum, I wanna feel isolating driver facial features you inside me, so big and analysis complete thiiirrrrwww..." she said before falling silent again.

A face slowly resolved into focus on the monitor - a very familiar face. Intelligent, scheming eyes looked out at me, framed by unmistakeable locks of curly, reddish-brown hair. I nearly passed out. "Peters," I whispered, shocked. How had he found me?

I slumped back against the headboard, stunned. I hadn't seen him since that birthday party when he was... what, six? But there was no mistaking that face. It was, after all, his father's face.

"rrrrwwwwoooh, yes, I'm so close, so close..." Janet's passionate cries of orgasm startled me out of my thoughts, but soon dropped to a mechanical monotone. "So close, so close, so close, so close..." she droned. Perimeter alert, then. He would be here soon.

My shock gradually gave way to the fear. He knew. He had to. That's why he came here. He knew, and he was going to kill me for it. No... he wouldn't kill me. But he would try.

Resolved, I grasped the probe, pulling it from Janet's wet hole. She breathed ragged and lustful growls of desire. "Honey," she whined. "I'm soooo horny. Don't you want to tell me to do anything?" She reached back with one hand, smacking her ass loudly. "Isn't there something you want to do to me?" she purred. I brushed her hand away. She had nearly hit the monitor when she reached back. I made a mental note to update her behavioral lockout conditions so that it would never occur to her to move while her monitor was open.

I turned the dial on the probe all the way clockwise and pushed it deeply into her anus. "Yes!" she cried, "put it in me, put it so far countermeasures armed." She froze up as the security system took over.

I switched the monitor to map view. The blinking red dot of the speeder inched closer and closer to my location. I flipped up the protective red cover over the detonator switch, nestled at the base of Janet's spinal area. "Just try it, Peters. You won't get me. I'll take you out with me. Your family tree ends here!"

The red dot slowed and stopped just outside the blast radius. "No!" I shouted, nearly hitting the switch. "Closer! Come closer so I can kill us both, you bastard!" I froze. I felt like I'd just slapped myself, and was once again stunned into silence. Had I really said that? What kind of a person did that make me?

I glanced back at the blinking red dot, blinking steadily as it sat in the middle of the privacy bunker field. What was he waiting for? My current location was just under half a mile north from the Platinum VIP bunker, why would... Then the penny dropped. "He's not here for me. The bunkers!"

I closed the safety cover on the detonator, and slapped Janet's monitor shut. She sprung back to life, pumping and grinding her hips as if I were fucking her. She gasped incomprehensible sounds of desire and pleasure. I pressed in on the probe, feeling it click against the spring release in her pelvic assembly. It ejected easily, and I removed it as she continued to pump, trying to gain some purchase on the stimulation she was feeling. I twisted the control on the base to switch off the device, and Janet immediately stilled, staring blankly. I stowed the probe back in my nightstand.

"Get dressed," I told her. "We've got company." I shoved her off of me as I made a mad dash for the executive's monitoring system downstairs. I heard a dull thump as she hit the floor, but didn't bother looking back. She was built pretty durably.


I took my seat at the large desk and switched on the bank of vidscreens in front of me. Most of them were motionless, but three of the monitors on the Platinum bunker were showing movement. "Yes, that makes sense. Only the finest for our Mr. Peters," I said, bitterly. I experimentally poked at the console controlling the vidscreen. "Okay, X-Ero Tech, which of these controls enables the sound?" X-Ero's upper management never was noted for their intelligence, or honesty, come to that. If they had been, I probably wouldn't have a bank of vidscreens to watch Peters on. "I know you had microphones in them, you voyueristic perverts!"

At last, in response to some random button or another, sound crackled through the enhanced sound system built into the chair.

"...to rest here for the night, I suppose," he was saying as he surveyed the supposedly "hidden" VIP apartment. "Kind of cozy I guess." He noticed the maids, standing motionless, at attention in front of the kitchen area. "And free room service. I may have to stay here again sometime."

Who is he talking to, I thought to myself. No one else appeared on the cameras, but the lighting and angles were all focused on the bed and entertainment area. Was there someone with him? "God I'm exhausted," he sighed, collapsing on the huge, round bed. I tensed, waiting.

"Honey," Janet said, startling me. "Do I need to make any special preparations for our guests?" She stood in the office doorway, wearing her best black cocktail dress. The long slit up the side clearly showed that she hadn't bothered to put on panties.

I grinned wide at her. "I need my gun. Can you get it for me?"

She cocked her head to one side as a distant look washed over her face. "Of course, honey. Let me just get that for you." She strode to the desk, almost mechanically, and sat delicately on the edge, folding her hands in her lap. "Let me just look for it," she said, staring blankly at the wall. She kept her mouth open after she said "it."

I rose, approaching her. She really was a thing of beauty. I brushed her long, flowing hair out of her motionless face, then firmly grasped her head and twisted it sharply until the unlock mechanism clicked. I turned it back to face forward and carefully lifted it off the mounting brackets. "Here, hold this for me," I said.

"Of course, dear," the head said as her body held out its hands. I passed her the head, which she rested gently in her lap. I returned my attention to the stump of a neck on her body where her head had previously rested, reaching into the concealed compartment I had built into her modified neck assembly. I grasped the handle of the small weapon and pulled it out.

"Thanks for bringing me my gun, Janet," I said. The trigger phrase prompted her to reassemble herself. "I've got to do some work. Wait for me here."

She twisted her head back into place, then smiled. I loved that smile. "Of course, dear. Anything you say." She leaned back, lying down on the desk, draping her arm in a glamour pose. She brought one leg up to place her high black heel on the surface of the desk, just as I had programmed. It probably would have looked a bit more elegant if she had been wearing underwear, but sometimes I didn't feel like elegance. I traced my hand down her exposed pussy, then headed for the connecting tunnel leading to Peters' bunker.

Peters hadn't seemed to notice the hidden entrance to the linking tunnel system when he had arrived. Why should he? From what I had gathered from his internal documents, only a select few X-Ero employees had even been aware of the spy cameras. The linking tunnels were a far greater breach of trust. The bunkers were for VIPs visiting the primary showroom, officially giving them a place to rest, and unofficially letting them sample the goods. Spying on them wasn't just unethical, it was a dumb business move. It was no wonder the company went belly-up. "Idiots," I murmured to myself, "Why is the world run by idiots?"

I opened the hidden entrance silently - not difficult, since it was designed to be silent - and crept up to the bed. I took careful aim directly at his skull. "I never thought it would be so easy," I said quietly. "Tell you what, I'll let you live if you can bring her back." I dropped my voice to a whisper. "Go on. Bring her back."

"You are not authorized to issue commands," said a calm, female voice.

I froze. Nothing happened. I turned, slowly.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a Jenn. Peters had gotten himself a toy. Not a bad catch. They still had quite a demand on the collector's market. I wondered how he had afforded it, since his family's money had been pissed away on that charade. I racked my brains, trying to remember the factory maintenance codes for this model. How did it go... Oh, that's right.

"Welcome home Jenn. Your family will be so pleased to see you. Let me help you to your old bedroom."

"Maintenance mode engaged," she confirmed.


I brought her back to my place and had Janet take her to the lab for some work. Having disconnected her head, I laid it on its side, connecting terminal leads to the exposed circuit pathways just inside her neck. I flipped the switch on my signal interruptor. A bright, cheerful smile spread across her face.

"Hello. I'm Jenn," she said. "Have you heard about errorundefinedproductname? I hear it's really good. You should try it for all your errorundefinedproducttype needs."

"Jenn, load program on signal path beta-six-seven-echo-one-one."

"Standby. Loading." Her eyes vibrated unnaturally. "Load complete."

I disconnected the terminals and reattached her head to her reclining body on the workbench. She sat up, an unconcerned expression on her face.

"Hello," I said, "Who are you?"

She looked me in the eyes. "I'm Jenn," she said, evenly.

"Who am I?"

"You do not exist. I have never seen you."

"Where are you?"

"This place does not exist. I have never been here."

I pulled up a video feed on a nearby monitor, showing her the view into the privacy bunker. "Who is that?" I said, pointing at the bed.

"He is my boyfriend. He owns me."

I held up the found'em transmitter. It was small enough that he would never even notice it. "What is this?"

"That is my boyfriend's favorite errorundefinedobjectname."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I will leave this room, which does not exist. I will then delete the last hour from my memory cache. I will return to my boyfriend. When we are more than twenty miles from this location, I will activate errorundefinedobjectname. I will conceal it in his jacket."

I smiled. "Off you go then." Jenn hopped down from the workbench and purposefully strode back to the linking tunnel. I watched the vidscreen for a few minutes, and was pleased to see her reappear in view of the camera. I switched off the security feed.

Killing him here would have been satisfying... but letting him get found by those things out there? That was all the revenge I needed.

I turned back to Janet. This whole ordeal would have been a pretty big drain on her cells, and the security system ate up too much energy to charge her properly. "Honey, you look exhausted. Go back to bed and get some rest."

She smiled sweetly at me. "Of course, dear. Anything you say."

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