FYOP/Planet of the Gynoids/0005

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The sensible thing to do in a situation as the one the man was currently in would be to take a step back and try and take stock of his situation. What planet had he landed on? How close was he to civilization? Why was this naked girl with the big mech trying to have sex with him and did she have a father who would kill him for it?

However, Mika’s kiss had stripped him of what sense he had. He had had a miserable week and he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He’d worry about the consequences afterwards.

Mika kissed him and he kissed back. There were no words between them, just moans and grunts as they kissed and mutually began to strip the man of his spacesuit (much less cumbersome than the 21st century version) and undergarments.

They both rolled in the sand naked. Mika mounted herself on top of him, inserting herself on his very erect member and orgasmed in sync with him.

Then Mika froze, her body stiffened, and her eyes became vacant.

“Are you ok?” the man asked worried, shaking her.

Mika didn’t respond to him, but instead stated in a monotone voice: ”UNIT HAS REACHED ORGASM… IMPRINTING COMPLETE… RECONFIGURING SYSTEM FOR NEW MASTER… COMPLETE… REINITIALIZING SYSTEM…,” and a whirring noise came from her abdomen, then silence.

The man was at a loss for a moment, but then noticed the tattoo on Mika’s side, and her total lack of body hair. Taken with the whirring noise and the statements just made he concluded that: A. the girl was a robot, and B. he had just become its master.

He found the entire idea of her being a robot very arousing and, with his member still inside her, he came again, though Mika in no way reacted.

She remained entirely motionless, then another whirring noise began and she again spoke in the monotone voice: “BEGINNING SYSTEM STARTUP… APPLYING CHANGES TO SETTINGS… LOADING PRIMARY A.I.… DONE. LOADING PERSONALLY PROGRAMING… DONE. PROGRAM ‘MIKA’ START.”

Life returned to Mika’s eyes, and she unfroze. She tilted her head at the man, smiled, and extracted herself off of him. She then stepped a few feet away, placed her hands in front of her and bowed. Then she spoke.

“Gynoid – Type 3F, Serial – 0774 0964 5632 Designation ‘Mika’ awaiting orders. What is your wish my master?”

The man just looked on speechless. His own robot girl… Maybe things were finally looking up for him.

He thought he should ask a few questions