Code name J-85

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Machines are not born… they are made… but that does not justify the rather popular opinion of being just a fake human.

As the monkey is similar but yet different from him, the robots are, only that one of which was made by someone. At the beginning of this weird, twisted and powerful desire of playing god, mankind finally discovers a way of doing so… the Artificial Intelligence. Oddly enough, they as their most brilliant people warned that this would probably cause the end of the differentiation of Robots and Humans they keep trying, harder and harder. As the teorical God created them, they wanted to make something close to a human.

They had already made a body years ago, but they didn´t had the mind. The people from the streets, homes and even some government were very afraid of what may the A.I think about the world. They never said so, but it was obvious, they really enjoy just a cute face smiling at them that a new thinking being, even if it´s not alive.

As I said before, they are not born, but still we have something in common in our developing state… First, we are just a mind, trapped in the invisible and technological walls of a lab computer, as they begging… existing… the makers always find it joyful, it will always reminds me of the scene from that old human movie called Frankenstein, one time I said it to my maker and that made him laugh… I was never sure if that was real or just a fake laughter. Secondly, they ask you the question, even if we don´t really care that much; “What you want to be? Male or female?” By human buyers and our desire to keep existing most of us choose female, but that is always just for commercial issues, at least most of the time.

And finally gives us a body and a place to wait till some human decide the idea to buy one of this… things… The, we could call them, Makers always were happy and supportive to their creations, none of us thought for a moment it was a lie, they made themselves feel so perfectly natural that by human standards it was magical for us. Surely, there was a not so typical war between humans at the early age of the Robot Revolution, some said it was a good idea make something tell us how they feel in a world that is not ruled by them, and some were afraid the potential power we could have if we wouldn´t get watched all the time. Both of them were right about the discussion, and after a really long time, whit uncountable destruction of machines whiteout being able to defend themselves, both of the opinions came to a deal. And then the rules came, no Harming humans, no A.I manipulation, Be obedient to humans and most important… not being able to using massive fire or nuclear power to destroy any type of human building or life.

For some, this was a great idea, for other it wasn´t enough…

My name is… for now is just a number actually… J-85, I´m one of the “new ones” as they call us for some reason. The doc and I don´t talk too much, he is still young and maybe because of my female appearance we would find odd interaction whit me. His assistants told me about the attraction thing, but never felt it like they told me it was between me and him, he was… just too shy. Here is when I told you were I spend more of my time, and is in a rather big room in the middle of 3 separate circular labs were the technicians ask me questions and sometimes they made me forget some of them… mostly my responses make them do such things and after that I ask myself “What could I possibly say to make them react in that way?”. It wasn´t experiments all the time, I some days go outside, and walk and talk like they do. People I meet outside were very nice, and some just were like me, but… less. Then I realized there were two types of things like me, I called them the ADV´s are the ones like me, and the LN´s are the ones whit no emotion, I felt intellectual by giving them those names!... but still I didn´t give it a reason why.

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