FYOP/Scenario Chamber/A Night at the Opera/0273

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Ignoring the stunned Pamina, you draw back your hand and slap the Queen’s pert ass with the flat of your hand. She stiffens with an inauspicious grinding sound.

“You d-dare strike me?!” she stammers, and your hand connects with her clenched backside once more, this time setting off a trembling throughout her tensed form. Her aura of cold mist is gone, and droplets of water begins to condense upon her stunned face and her glacial-hued cleavage. Pamina recovers from her tensed whimpering and looks at her trembling mother with curiosity, then breaking into a smile when you spank the Queen a third time and her cold features twist into a crazed sneer, her eyes crossing between gouts of smoke pouring from her ears.

“Shattered is your power!” Pamina sings. “You are fallen into eternal night!”

“Y-you are mmmy d-daughter no mmore!” the Queen snarls, taking a stiff step toward Pamina. You seize then queen and spin her to face you, her blue skin in parts coursing with rivulets of water, in others coated with icy frost as smoke rushes from her ears and lips. “D-disowned!” she says flatly, her once beautiful voice becoming increasingly robotic as her trembling loosens her tight gown, exposing her wet, frost-tinged tits. “Abandonnnned,” she drones, falling against you, her body alternating between ice-covered chill and steaming hot. You push the Queen away as she teeters over the edge of the pyramid, calling in a monotone, “Destroyyyyyy-!“ Trailing sparks and smoke, she hits the steps and explodes in a conflagration of blue flame, her smoking components rolling down the pyramid to the stage below.

Pamina leaps into your arms, the delicate fabric of her dress gently coming to rest upon her soft curves as she leans in for a kiss.

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