2.67 - Hungry Like the (ObjectLabel not found)

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Virus Alert

Written by WilloWisp

2.67 - Hungry Like the (ObjectLabel not found)

I knocked on the Door. "Amber? Kelly? Are you in?"

It's a wonderful night for a jog.

I was just walking through [LOCATION NOT DESIGNATED], enjoying the company of a the people I met, when I heard that my boyfriend was nearby.

I love my boyfriend so much. I always want to be near him.

As soon as I heard where he was, I ran as [LANDSPEED: 120km/hr] fast as I could. I just knew he would want to see me. After all, I wasn't wearing anything. What boyfriend wouldn't want a hot, naked girlfriend to cover him with kisses? Maybe I would show him the pretty new [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "blade" USE "bracelet"] bracelet I got. It's very shiny and pointy.

The full moon illuminates the cracked pavement of the long desert road. In the distance [ZOOM LEVEL: 1200%], I can see my boyfriend moving through the [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "rubble" USE "village"] village, his curly reddish brown hair so clear in the bright moonlight. I just knew he would be here. He's playing. I like to play with him. It gets me so [PRIMARY WEAPON ARMED] hot.

I see him run around a corner, disappearing, but I still know where he is. He's [TARGET RANGE: 45m BEARING 340° HEIGHT 0m] lying on the ground just behind the building. I slow down. I don't want to startle him. He's very playful, but sometimes I wish he wouldn't hide so much. I run my hands down my body, feeling by nipples stiffen in the cool air. Or maybe it was just at the thought of seeing my boyfriend again. I imagined him touching me, running his hands up my thighs, fondling my ass, sticking his [PROCESS INTERRUPT, PRIORITY OVERRIDE] just need to get a little closer. He'll be so surprised.

I come around the corner to find... nothing. He's not there. But I know he's there, lying on the ground, right underneath the streetlamp. It's the only one still on. The others are all [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "destroyed" USE "turned off"] turned off. I look down at the ground where my boyfriend is, but he isn't there. All I see is a little red flashy thing. The flashy thing isn't my boyfriend, is it?

I look around, squinting, looking [VISUAL INTERFACE: ULTRAVIOLET] as hard as I can, trying to see [VISUAL INTERFACE: HEAT] any sign of him, but he's nowhere around here. He's lying at my feet, exactly where the flashy thing is, but he's not there.

I feel a weight drop onto me from above. It's my boyfriend! He's so sweet, jumping onto me like that! He must want to play rough. I love to play rough. He pulls out a [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "gun" USE {NO SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE FOUND}] %%objectlabel. It's the most beautiful %%objectlabel I've ever seen. He points it at me and I hear a metalling "ting". This is so much fun!

Something bumps into my face and chest several times. It tickles. I laugh. I grab my boyfriend, holding him by the neck in that way I know he loves so much. He kicks at the air - that's how I can tell he's enjoying this - and tries to tell me how much he loves me. He points the %%objectlabel at me again, but it just goes "click" a few times, so he throws it aside. Oh, we're playing the throwing game! That one's fun. I throw him.

He sails through the air, hitting the [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "concrete" USE "cushiony"] cushiony wall before dropping to the [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE "pavement" USE "pillow"] pillow below. It looks like he's gone to sleep.

For some reason, I keep getting this feeling that my boyfriend is lying on the ground at my feet, where the red flashy thing is, but since I can see him in front of me, I ignore the feeling. I walk to him, strutting to show off the curve of my legs. He may be asleep, but that's no reason not to show off for him.

When I reach him, I kneel, straddling his chest. As his girlfriend, I'm always happy to kneel for him. I run my fingers through his curly hair. "Hello lover," I say. He stirs, just a little. Groaning in [SOCIAL CONTEXT INTERRUPT: REPLACE "agony" USE "ecstacy"] ecstacy, he looks up at me.

He opens his mouth to speak, saying [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE %%audioinput USE "I love you."] "I love you." Aww. He's so sweet. I kiss him as deeply as I can.

"I love you too, lover. I just wanted to show you my new bracelet." I [EXTENDING APPENDAGE BLADE] hold it up. Its long edge glints in the moonlight. A look of [SOCIAL CONTEXT INTERRUPT: REPLACE "fear" USE "joy"] joy washes over his face.

He whispers, [PERCEPTUAL INTERRUPT: REPLACE %%audioinput USE "I love you."] "I love you." That's why I love him so much. I show him the bracelet. I show it as far into his chest as I can. He screams in [SOCIAL CONTEXT INTERRUPT: REPLACE "pain" USE "pleasure"] pleasure. It sounds wonderful. I'm so wet for him.


2.50 - A Tender Spot
2.83 - Code Play
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