After The Makeover, Part I

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Rachel awoke in her bed, for a moment wondering if she had been dreaming. Any doubts she may have had evaporated as she saw a message window appear before her eyes. Unit RX3598 sleepmode terminated. ASU diagnostics complete. Data stream backup complete. Recharge cycle complete. Fluid replenishment complete. She glanced down her body, eyes coming to rest on her open abdominal interface; several cables and wires led from her interface ports to the android servicing unit beside her bed. It had been no dream. Rachel was now a machine. She gently unplugged the connections: diagnostic interface data feed, power cables, fluid refill tubing. The array of wires and tubes retracted into the ASU. Rachel reached to the bedside table, where a rectangular section of synthetic flesh lie waiting for her. She fitted the panel over her interface, and watched it lock into place and reseal. Abdominal cavity sealed, the status message read. Rachel then carefully returned the ASU to its new place in her closet. The beautiful android woman paused in front of her dresser, admiring her naked body in the mirror. She smiled. "Just as Maria promised," she said softly. "Perfect." She began to dress and prepare herself for the day.

Only a few days had passed since the new Rachel had left the Dyson Institute to return to her daily routine. Upon the completion of her rebirth--her 'makeover', as she liked to think of it--she had remained at the Institute for a day to undergo final testing of her robotic systems. Once her systems were verified as fully functional, she was permitted to resume her normal activities. She had found no difficulty in adjusting to the realities of her new existence. Her extensive subsystem programming oversaw the functions of her android body, and provided appropriate prompts for day-to-day self-maintenance. The ASU with which she had been provided allowed her to regulate her daily recharge and diagnostic sessions. Rachel found that her ASU sessions were strangely exciting; there was something about opening her access panel and plugging wires and tubes into her exposed robotics which aroused her. She had almost been moved to pleasure herself--it was that intense--but she had elected to wait. She was intensely curious about her sexual functions, to be sure... but she was not certain that she was ready yet to take that step.

Rachel returned to her apartment that evening, feeling as energetic and content as when she had left. This was one of the first major changes she had noticed in her lifestyle. A hard day's work no longer left her feeling drained as it had during her organic existence. Stress seemed to wash past her unnoticed; the most grueling mental efforts could not faze her at all. She was now absolutely convinced of what Maria had told her: her new life was perfect in almost every measurable way. As Rachel entered her home, she saw the red message light of her answering machine blinking away in the near-dark. She flipped on the lights as she closed the door, and strode gracefully to the answering machine. As she touched the playback button, a familiar voice issued forth.

"Hello, Rachel. It's Maria. I thought I might stop by later and see how you were doing. Give me a call on my cell. 'Bye."

The machine beeped as it reached the end of the message. Rachel picked up the phone handset and punched in Maria's cell phone number, smiling as she noticed how her finger seemed to leap from key to key without any conscious thought: her subsystem had retrieved Maria's number automatically from her memory and dialed with no effort on her part at all.


"Hello, Maria, it's Rachel. I just got your message. If you'd like to stop by, you're more than welcome; I'd be very happy to see you."

"Wonderful," Maria replied. "I'll be there shortly. See you in a bit."

"Right," Rachel said. "I'll be here. Goodbye." She hung up the phone.

Maria arrived a short time later. Rachel greeted her beautiful friend with a hug.

"So," Maria said. "How do you like your new body? Is it everything you'd hoped?"

"Oh, yes," Rachel smiled. "It's wonderful. Being a machine is so intense; it's... just so perfect!"

"I knew you wouldn't regret it," Maria said, moving gracefully into the living room. She sat on the couch. "I'm so glad you decided to join us. Being an android really suits you."

Rachel joined Maria on the couch. "I'm glad, too," she said. "I feel fantastic. And even if something were to go wrong--if I were to malfunction--it's good to know that the Institute can repair me." She smiled conspiratorily. "I almost wish sometimes that I did need repairs. There's something... exciting about the idea of being taken apart and serviced, especially by other androids."

"I know the feeling," Maria nodded. "Partial disassembly can be extremely arousing. There's nothing that really brings home the fact that you're a machine more than that. And being serviced and maintained by beautiful android women... well... that's also very nice." She regarded Rachel for a moment. "Have you had a chance to... test... your sexual systems yet?"

Rachel shook her head. "No, not yet. I'd like to--I'm very curious--but I just haven't had time..."

Maria nodded slowly. She felt the data flow in her circuits begin to grow more intense. "You'll love it," she said. "You won't believe the pleasure your systems are capable of."

Rachel looked at Maria. "I really am interested in finding out."

There was a pause during which the two robotic women's eyes met.

"Rachel," Maria said, "Have you ever thought about making love with another woman?"

Rachel nodded. "Yes," she said. "I've fantasized about it sometimes, but I never thought about it seriously." She looked away shyly. "What about you?"

Maria smiled. "I've done more than fantasize," she said simply. "I've been with a few women. It's wonderful, Rachel. Women are so much gentler, more sensitive to what other women want. I think that women really know how to please women."

Rachel's curiosity was piqued. "Have you ever been with another android?"

"Yes," Maria replied. "I've been with other female androids several times. It's truly magnificent. Just as women are best at pleasing other women, I think that only an android woman can truly satisfy another android woman. My advanced software and my precision-engineered robotic systems allow me to give perfect pleasure." She looked at Rachel. "I want to make love to you, Rachel. I want to introduce you to the joys of lesbian sex... to show you how wonderful making love with another female android can be."

Rachel looked up. "I must confess that I've always been attracted to you, Maria," she said. "All the more so since you told me you were an android. I'd... I'd like to make love with you. But I don't know if I can..."

Maria smiled again. "Of course you can," she said. "Your subsystem software is fully customizable. Simply access your sexual response parameters."

Rachel's eyes seemed to focus on empty air as system information windows appeared in her field of vision. Her subsystems automatically responded to Maria's suggestions, and Rachel began to adjust her sexual programming. She reset her sexual preferences for full bisexuality, and observed as message windows appeared to inform her that her sexual performance subroutines were now configured for female-female stimulation. The windows faded away, and Rachel turned back to Maria. The sight of her gorgeous friend sent new and wonderful arousal data coursing through her circuitry. "Oh, Maria," she said, embracing the other sexy machine. "I'm ready now. Please, Maria...make love to me. I want to find out what it's like to be pleased by another perfect android woman. I'm so glad you're going to be my first lover."

Maria placed a gentle kiss on Rachel's full, perfectly-formed lips. "You're going to love it, Rachel," she said softly. "I'm a perfect machine, fully programmed to please you." She began to fondle and kiss Rachel's lovely synthetic breasts. Rachel almost jumped at the first touch of Maria's tongue to her nipple. The incredible surge of pleasure was overwhelming. She gasped suddenly.

"Do you like it?" Maria asked, grinning devilishly.

"Ohhhh, yes," Rachel giggled. "I like it a lot." She uttered a low moan as Maria moved her attentions to the other nipple. This was unbelievably erotic for the newly-commissioned unit. Quite apart from the pure pleasure, which defied description, Rachel was immensely aroused by the scenario as a whole... the knowledge of her and Maria's shared synthetic nature; the awareness that this wonderful new pleasure was made possible by the sophisticated technology that comprised her new body; the realization that her vastly complex software was making it possible for her to enjoy a level of intimacy with Maria that she had never before considered.

Soon Maria moved farther down, kissing her way down Rachel's perfect smooth abdomen, and Rachel parted her shapely thighs to allow Maria access to her most intimate regions.

Rachel cried out softly with delight at the sensations she was experiencing. Sexual arousal data surged through her circuits. Maria's tongue softly caressed Rachel's robotic pussy, creating new and wonderful pleasure data.

"Ohhh, Maria," Rachel breathed. "I never imagined... that's so good." She writhed and moaned under Maria's ministrations. "Ohhh, yes, Maria, yes! Oh, yes!" She stiffened. A message appeared before her eyes: Sensory buffers nearing pleasure threshold. Loading orgasm sequence... loaded. Executing sequence org.937. "Ohhhhh! Yes, yes, yes!" She shook as her subsystems were flooded with orgasm data for the first time. Rachel grasped Maria's head, pressing the beautiful android woman's face against her sex. After several convulsive moments, Rachel relaxed.

"Oh, my god," she breathed. "Oh, Maria..."

Maria rose from between Rachel's thighs, and kissed her. Rachel returned the kiss with interest, noticing the taste of her own synthetic juices on Maria's mouth.

Rachel sighed contentedly. "Oh, Maria... I never would have imagined. That was... incredible! I've never felt anything like that before!"

Maria smiled. "You never had a highly-sophisticated robotic clitoris before. One of the many advantages of being a perfect android woman."

"It was wonderful," Rachel said softly, kissing Maria. "Now... I want to return the favor. I want to please you, Maria..." She began to kiss and lick Maria's erect nipple.

"That would be fantastic," Maria said. "But wait a second... I want to do something first..."

A faint line appeared in Maria's soft, tanned belly, outlining a rectangular area. With a soft whirr, Maria's abdominal panel opened; she placed the panel on the floor.

Rachel gazed in wonder and arousal at Maria's exposed circuitry and mechanisms. She was still amazed by the fact that a woman so perfect and beautiful as Maria was in fact a machine. The contrast of smooth skin and sophisticated electronics was powerfully erotic to her. Rachel pushed Maria gently back, and spread Maria's long, lovely legs. She kissed her way down the inside of Maria's thigh, coming at long last to her perfectly formed artificial sex. It was smooth and hairless, save for a carefully-trimmed strip of pubic hair. Rachel doubted she had ever seen anything quite as beautiful. Electronic impulses raced through Rachel's circuits, carrying arousal data to her central processors. She moved closer and placed a loving kiss upon Maria's pussy. She was uncertain how to proceed, a little nervous. A reassuring message window appeared: Initializing sexual performance files. Executing cunnilingus subroutines. Rachel relaxed and let her subsystems take control, guiding her tongue in and around Maria's delicate synthetic folds. Her subsystems and her conscious, voluntary actions blended seamlessly.

"Yes," Maria sighed. "That's it, Rachel. Your programming will guide you... that's wonderful... Ohhh! God, Rachel... if I didn't know that you were programmed for this, I'd never believe that this was your first time with a woman!" In a few short moments, Maria was crying out in electronic ecstacy. "Ohhh, yes... Oh, Unit RX3598... that's it... that's it..."

Rachel glanced up, taking in Maria's perfect body. Her eyes were drawn to the open interface, within which LED indicators blinked furiously as the flow of sensory data grew more intense. Soon Maria was seized in the throes of her own digitized climax.

"How did I do?" Rachel asked, moving up to kiss Maria.

"Perfectly," Maria smiled. "Of course."

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