After The Makeover, Part II

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A few weeks later...

Rachel awoke, barely noticing the system messages that appeared before her eyes as her systems went to full functionality. She was quite accustomed to the normal operations of her subsystems by now, although she did give a hint of an approving smile as she noted that her systems were functioning at full efficiency.

As she disconnected herself from her ASU, she paused to regard her exposed robotic systems before reclosing her abdominal panel. The slight surge of arousal that she felt was nothing new... but now, she hesitated. She had begun to reach for the panel lying on the bedside table. Her hand now moved back to her body, gently brushing against the smooth synthetic skin of her belly. She trailed her fingertips past the edge of the artificial flesh and onto the complex array of circuitry and mechanisms within her body. Almost unconsciously her other hand moved to her left breast. At the first touch, the microsensors in her nipple sent data streams coursing to her system core. She continued this exploration of her synthetic body, growing more and more excited as she traced the circuit paths within her open interface. Her left hand moved down to the junction of her thighs, and began to tease her lovely android sex. The pleasure was without compare; she wondered idly why she had denied herself this indulgence before. "Mmmmm," she said softly. "I am an android... I am Unit RX3598. I am a perfect machine..." In short order, a particularly enjoyable orgasm sequence executed. Rachel lie back on her bed and smiled, basking in her own satisfaction before finally rising to go about her daily routine.

At the end of the day, Rachel sat serenely during the train ride home and began thinking about her plans for the evening... a thoroughly enticing prospect, given that the plans included her best friend Maria. Rachel and Maria had decided to continue to make love on a regular basis. Rachel had gone on to have a few dalliances with a male co-worker of hers named Geoff, learning the extent of her newfound sexual capabilities; and although these encounters were certainly enjoyable (far more so than any she could recall from her organic existence), they simply could not rival her nights with Maria. After all, Geoff could not appreciate Rachel for the perfect machine that she truly was--he had to be kept unaware of her android nature. Maria, however... Maria was a truly extraordinary lover. Nothing could equal the intensity of exploring another android woman's beautiful artificial body. The merest thought of an evening with Maria flooded Rachel's circuits with data.

At long last, Rachel heard the chime of her doorbell. She walked gracefully across the living room to answer the door. As she opened the door, she was surprised to see not only Maria but another remarkably beautiful woman standing there. Rachel took in the newcomer's appearance: tall and curvaceous, with meticulously-styled shoulder-length blonde hair; about thirty years old, perhaps, tanned and healthy-looking. She wore a black leather coat over an expensively-cut red blouse (undone enough to permit a generous glimpse of cleavage), and a close-fitting black skirt (ending just above the knee, with a slit rising to mid-thigh on the left side). Her shapely legs were covered by sheer black stockings; open-toed black shoes completed the ensemble.

Maria stepped forward to embrace Rachel, brushing her lips against Rachel's cheek in a friendly kiss.

"Hello, Rachel," she said. "I brought a friend of mine along to meet you; I hope you don't mind. Rachel, this is Jessica."

Jessica offered a slim, well-manicured hand. "I'm glad to meet you at last, Rachel. Maria's told me so much about you."

Rachel smiled as she took the beautiful woman's hand. "How do you do? Please--come in, both of you. Make yourselves at home."

The two beautiful women entered and sat on Rachel's lavish leather sofa. Rachel retrieved a bottle of wine from the kitchen, pouring three glasses. For a short time, civilities and small talk ensued, as the women got to know each other better. Before long, the talk turned to sexual matters. Rachel, for her part, hoped that the change in subject might lead to a change in activity; she found herself unable to avoid looking the beautiful blonde over with an eye towards becoming somewhat more intimate...

Rather suddenly, and without preamble, Maria placed a hand against Jessica's cheek, turning her head to face Maria. Maria then planted a very intense, passionate kiss on Jessica's mouth. Far from protesting or resisting, Jessica returned the kiss with equal passion. Rachel's circuits flared with arousal data as she caught a glimpse of the two lovely women's tongues swirling about each other. After a few moments, Maria broke away from the kiss and smiled at Rachel. "I suppose I should have mentioned that Jessica and I are very close friends," she said. "I thought you two might possibly get on well together, too. Jessica, why don't you show Rachel how much the two of you have in common?" Jessica went over to Rachel and kissed her. Rachel closed her eyes; data streams were inundating her system core. Jessica pulled away suddenly; Rachel opened her eyes once more to see a faint seam bordering Jessica's face. Rachel smiled as Jessica reached up and removed her face to reveal a complex assembly of circuitry and servomechanisms. "I'm a machine, too, Rachel," Jessica's synthesized voice said. "Just like you and Maria. I am Unit RX3627."

Maria smiled. "Unit RX3627 and I have made love several times before," she said. "I thought you might like her to join us this evening."

"I'd love it," Rachel said, entranced by the faceless beauty.

Jessica carefully replaced her facial panel, and leaned in to kiss Rachel once again. Maria sat on the other side of the lovely blonde, offering a kiss to Jessica as well. She began to unbutton Jessica's red blouse. Rachel joined in, gently tugging at Jessica's skirt; soon the gorgeous blonde was clad only in stockings, black satin garter belt, and matching bra and panties. She helped the other two androids undress as well.

Rachel was excited beyond words. She instantly went for Jessica's bra, removing it with robotic precision and ease, and observed the beautiful breasts that were unveiled. Rachel began to lick and suck gently on Jessica's right nipple; Maria followed suit with the left one. The attentions of two lovely android women elicited a low moan from Jessica. Rachel cupped Jessica's breast lovingly in one hand. The hand began to travel downward, caressing soft, smooth synthetic skin. Rachel's hand reached Jessica's silky panties, and began to gently stroke the prize that lie beneath them.

Maria moved up to kiss Jessica, and then leaned in to kiss Rachel as well. She lightly grasped Rachel's wrist, pulling her hand away from Jessica's crotch. "Ah, ah," she said. "Not just yet. I have something different in mind."

Rachel laughed. "All right."

"Just wait..." Maria said. She gave Jessica's nipple another brief lick, then began to remove the blonde's panties. Then she turned away, reaching into her handbag.

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Some kind of toy?"

"You could say that," Maria said. She withdrew from her handbag what seemed to be a bundle of cables, tipped with odd-looking connectors. She set the cables on the arm of the couch, and then proceeded to open her abdominal interface.

Jessica smiled wickedly, but said nothing. She, too began to remove her abdominal panel.

Maria looked to Rachel. "There's so much about being a perfect android woman that you haven't experienced," she said. "There are pleasures you haven't even dreamed of, yet." She motioned to the couch. "Sit down, and open up."

Rachel played along. Selecting a command from a menu that appeared before her eyes, she unsealed her abdominal panel.

Maria stepped closer as Rachel set aside her access panel. She then plugged one of the cables into a dataport within Rachel's interface... and then a second cable.

Rachel was intensely curious... and intensely aroused. She watched as Maria plugged a cable into her own interface, then offered the other to Jessica--who followed suit.

Suddenly, status messages began to scroll across Rachel's vision. Establishing connection to RX3655... connected. Establishing connection to RX3627... connected. Sensory data buffers enabled. Stimulink session initiated at 08:39:27PM. Rachel looked puzzled for a moment. Suddenly her senses seemed strangely diffused, unfocused; for some reason, she had a vague sense of being in three places at once. After a moment, the disorientation passed as her subsystem began selectively filtering the sensory data streams.

Maria smiled, and sat beside Jessica on the sofa. She gave the blonde's nipple another soft lick. Rachel was amazed to realize that she felt the sensation of Maria's tongue on her nipple--even though Maria was three feet away. She now realized what was happening... and smiled.

Jessica reached out and caressed one of Maria's breasts, enjoying Rachel's reaction. "You'll feel all the pleasure that we feel," she said. "Just lie back and enjoy."

Rachel did so, watching as the two sexy robotic women went to work on each other.

Jessica was, not surprisingly, a highly-skilled lover. She licked and kissed Maria's perfect breasts, then made her way down between the sexy android's legs. Jessica's synthetic tongue began to probe the soft, pink perfection of Maria's sex. Rachel cooed with delight as the data from Maria's sex hardware reached her systems.

Maria cupped her own breasts, gently pinching her nipples. Rachel and Jessica both gasped softly. Before long, Jessica brought Maria--and therefore herself and Rachel--to the brink of orgasm. All three androids were plunged over the brink simultaneously, crying out in ecstacy as their artificial bodies bucked and stiffened.

Rachel sighed as she recovered her wits. "Oh, my... that was... incredible. I felt everything!"

"Only an android woman could experience that kind of pleasure," Maria said. "With our systems networked together, we can share pleasure in ways organic women could only dream about."

"RX3655 and I often enjoy stimulink sessions together," Jessica said. "We thought we'd share with you tonight."

Rachel kissed Jessica passionately, savoring the taste of Maria's synthetic lubricant fluid on the blonde android's lips. "Thank you so much," she whispered. "I want to return the favor." She turned her head and kissed Maria. "For both of you." She turned back to Jessica, kissing her way down the blonde's gorgeous body. Rachel was astounded at the quality workmanship; soft, almost invisible downy blonde hairs covered Jessica's tanned synthetic flesh. She seemed so real, so human; and yet there, within the open access panel, lie the complex assembly of circuitry, optical fibers, and microhydraulic servo-actuators that composed the true Jessica--Jessica, the machine. Rachel paused to nuzzle the meticulously-groomed strip of golden pubic hair before moving down to kiss and lick greedily at Jessica's perfect pussy.

Maria leaned closer to the blonde and began to kiss and play with Jessica's wonderfully-crafted breasts, softly moaning as she began to receive pleasure data from the other woman's body. Rachel, too, emitted sounds from between Jessica's shapely thighs.

Jessica herself released a long, low sound. Suddenly, she reached up and removed her faceplate once more; a few wires remained connected to her lovely face as she set it aside. The beautiful features continued to contort in delight, even as Jessica's cries of pleasure continued to issue forth from her vocal modulator. LED indicators within Jessica's head winked on and off rapidly. Maria redoubled her efforts on Jessica's erect nipples, enjoying the powerful sensations she received in return. A particularly nice side-effect of the stimulink connection was the ease with which Maria could give pleasure to her synthetic lovers... she knew precisely how her every action affected Jessica, and could thus ensure that each touch of her tongue was in the most sensitive spot. Maria watched as Rachel continued to work on Jessica, enjoying the resulting data streams entering her own systems. Rachel softly slid one finger, then two inside the sexy blonde, while continuing to tongue her pretty synthetic clitoris. Maria sighed as she received the resulting data; Rachel was a superb lover--a superb unit in every way. She turned and delved into her handbag once again, bringing out another surprise for Rachel... a sizable and remarkably realisting-looking strap-on dildo. Maria studied the toy. Its surface was much like the synthetic flesh that covered the bodies of herself and her two android companions. She brought the toy to her mouth, and began to kiss and suck the simulated cock--moistening and lubricating it (she somehow doubted that it would require much lubrication, though; if her own arousal was anything to go by, Rachel's robotic sex would be quite tolerably wet by now).

Maria donned the strap-on harness while Rachel continued to pleasure Jessica. Once the harness was secured, she reached down to gingerly remove the panel covering her paplexus interface. A single cable, identical to the stimu-link cables that linked her with the others, trailed from the base of the dildo inside the harness. She connected the cable to a waiting port within the newly-opened interface.

New hardware found, a subsystem message informed her. External pleasure sensors active. She gently grasped the 'peripheral' in one hand, stroking its shaft; a new stream of pleasure data was her reward. She selected a command from a menu. Vibration setting: full. The toy emitted a soft buzzing drone and began to vibrate in her hand.

Maria knelt down behind Rachel and teasingly trailed the tip of the dildo along Rachel's dripping slit. Rachel ceased her attack on Jessica's clit just long enough to moan with anticipation. Encouraged, Maria gently slipped the toy between Rachel's delicate nether lips. She savored the pleasure as her circuits received data from both the dildo and Rachel's sex hardware; she paused to enjoy the feeling of Rachel's tight inner walls against her 'cock'. Then she began, slowly and gently, to move in and out. Jessica and Rachel cried out in unison as their sophisticated electronics processed the incoming pleasure data.

Another climax shook the trio. The three machines worked tirelessly to please each other, bringing tongues and fingers to bear against soft synthetic flesh. They began to take each other apart, a piece at a time: Maria removed her entire head module, placing it on the couch where Rachel could straddle it. Jessica, still faceless, detached her left arm and positioned it so that its fingers could gently manipulate Rachel's sex. Rachel separated her torso from her pelvic module and legs, allowing her to continue lapping away at Jessica's artificial womanhood even as her own pussy rode Maria's talented tongue. The three sexy androids kept at it for hours on end, essentially a vast network of robotic components reconfiguring itself again and again while gigabytes of pleasure data coursed through fiberoptic cables and between beautiful female body parts.

Rachel could not believe how erotic this situation was. She was fully merged, synthetic body and electronic mind, with her two robotic lovers. She had almost completely lost any sense of individual identity; she existed only for pleasure. She was unaware of any sensation save sexual ecstacy. By now, the lower halves of Jessica's and Maria's bodies were arranged pussy-to-pussy, legs scissored together. All three women's heads were between Rachel's thighs, licking and sucking and kissing the dripping synthetic sex (Jessica having replaced her faceplate to facilitate the process). Disembodied arms and hands groped and caressed beautiful breasts or round bottoms. Rachel, as she hungrily lapped at her own clitoris, was peripherally aware of an advisory message indicating that her system resources were dangerously low. Her processor time and operating memory were almost completely consumed with routing and resolving data streams from her various components. Rachel was too engrossed in this wondrous sex play to give the advisory message any attention; instead, she lost herself in the pleasure data as yet another orgasm sequence loaded. Suddenly, the sequence executed... accompanied by a flood of error messages. Rachel could not move, could not think, could not react; the orgasm sequence reached its incredible peak and stayed there. Rachel had never felt anything so incredible. She was locked in the midst of an orgasm without end--a white-hot moment of ultimate pleasure that went on and on. Her various body parts convulsed uncontrollably. Rachel had begun to think that she had already explored the limits of the pleasures her android body could provide... but this was beyond anything she had yet dreamed possible. The indescribable ecstacy continued, and Rachel wondered how anyone could stand so much sexual joy. The sensation overrode all other inputs; she felt nothing else, heard only brief snippets of moans and cries of passion. Even visual data was affected; the same image was frozen before her eyes, like a paused video, changing every few seconds as new data final reached her system core. The error messages continued to pile up, and Rachel was slightly perplexed that she was not able to assimilate the meaning of the messages. Not that it concerned her much; the only thing she wanted to be aware of was this incredible unending wave of sexual sensation...

And then, suddenly, Rachel was aware of nothing at all.

To be continued...

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