FWiki:Black Maiden

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Based on the Robot Control universe created by Robotman

This synopsis incorporates elements from The Mission, H is for Heuristic, 36+1 and Soccer Mom Unit, all also written by Robotman

DISCLAIMER: Concurrent with fair dealing clauses of the Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42) of Canada and fair use clauses in copyright legislation in other nations, this is a work that was created solely for entertainment purposes. Furthermore, it is posted freely on the Internet without expectation or requirement of re-numeration.

NOTE: The following is a copy of the operational order that saw Project: Black Maiden formed in the wake of the "Rochelle Prantov Incident" that occurred in Ottawa as depicted in The Mission:


Canadian Forces National Investigations Service, Ottawa, Ontario

29 March 20##




Project: Black Maiden (short-code PBM) is a top secret special access code phrase used by the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) to identify a special action sub-unit of the Canadian Forces National Investigative Service (CFNIS) tasked by the Governor-in-Council to investigate the existence of two unknown organizations possessing extraordinarily high robotics technology normally demonstrated by the creation of lifelike female-form gynoids for purposes of infiltration and analysis of civilian society. The ultimate goal of both organizations, designated Robot Control (heretofore ROCON) and Fembot Command (heretofore FEMCOM), remains unknown to government agencies within and beyond Canada, thus must be properly analyzed and countered if such goals are contrary to the peace, order and stability of the Dominion.

Enemy Forces

While not a traditional enemy in the military sense, agents of both ROCON and FEMCOM are known to have acted in a manner that has threatened the life and health of citizens of Canada, thus warranting either their containment or destruction. In one instance, a FEMCOM agent was responsible for the death of a resident of Calgary in Alberta, Mr. Bradley Mason, for reasons unknown; it is suspected that Mr. Mason's death was because he had discovered the truth of his then-companion and was deemed a critical security risk to the controlling sentience of FEMCOM. Other instances by agents of ROCON and FEMCOM have seen citizens of Canada detained against their will with threat of death if they attempted to escape such captivity to ensure their compliance in assisting the controlling sentiences of both ROCON and FEMCOM in whatever their goals might be. Only in one instance, concerning Mr. Michael Moser of Ottawa, has a human held in "captivity" by ROCON or FEMCOM been permitted to live in relative safety and security; with the assistance of Mr. Moser's intimate gynoid companions Ms. Tammy Moser and Ms. Anya Moser, he has made contact with the CFNIS and is providing intelligence concerning the controlling sentience of ROCON and its intentions concerning the operations of its gynoid agents active in southern Alberta at "Robot Control Station 64", located near Crowsnest Pass in Alberta.

Both ROCON and FEMCOM are ultimately controlled by two non-humanoid artificial intelligences, suspected at this time to be of E/F Class on the Andrews Scale of Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), whose ultimate purpose, as stated above, remains a mystery to authorities. The time and place of their initial construction and activation also remains unknown at this time, as is the physical location of the central processing units of both AIs. The AIs controlling both groups are designated the Master Computer in ROCON and the Master Computing Unit in FEMCOM; both are normally designated MASCOMP in short-hand regardless of origin by personnel assigned to PBM. Both AIs control their gynoid agents through ultra-high speed data packet compression access protocol information transfer programming via fibre-optic cables piggybacking on standard civilian telecommunications signals (both wired and wireless) to individual stations based across Canada and in other countries that have attracted ROCON and FEMCOM interest.

Each field unit (designated "Station" by ROCON and "Centre" by FEMCOM; such stations are always numbered) is crewed by gynoids designed to serve as front-line technicians for field agents. In ROCON, such technicians are known as Series 032 Maria Type and are modelled after a woman in her twenties of Japanese-Oriental ancestry. In FEMCOM, such technicians are known as X-Class Natasha Series and are modelled after a woman in her twenties of Russian-Slavic ancestry. Both types of gynoids are able to directly interface with their station's direct link to their organization's MASCOMP as well as perform in field roles in emergency situations, though their independent capabilities could be ranked as D Class on the ASAI, though such can be augmented with an overlay human emulation program that could simulate an F Class AI in emergency situations. In analysis of those Maria Type and Natasha Series gynoids that have been located by CFNIS, their internal physical programming structures would permit them to be elevated with some modifications to the Class F/G standard required by organic elements of PBM when brought into commission for the Crown at the project's current base of operations.

ROCON also is known to retain a second-line operational capability, using combination equipment storage and second-line maintenance facilities (such units are designated "Lab" and numbered) manned by sister technicians of the Series 032 Maria Type. The model that controls ROCON Labs are designated Series 032 Laurie Type and are modelled after a woman in her twenties of Italian-German ancestry. The capabilities of this series of gynoid, both under direct ROCON control and with the gynoids of this type now directly working for the CFNIS, are the same as the Series 032 Maria Type introduced above. FEMCOM does not possess a known equivalent second-line capability, but such is being investigated at this time by CFNIS.

All ROCON Stations and Labs and all FEMCOM Centres are also manned by semi-autonomous, near-humanoid gynoids that serve as domestic maids and auxiliary defence units; they are typically designated Maid Units by both organizations without series or class number assigned to them. Their capabilities are at most rated C Class on the ASAI and they are never seen outside ROCON or FEMCOM facilities. Their combat capability is considerable; their internal structure allows them to overpower any potential organic or gynoid opponent, even those FEMCOM agents programmed for combat situations. The one ROCON Maid Unit obtained by CFNIS has been able to be converted to a pure humanoid gynoid in structure, though her programming has yet to be evolved beyond E Class at this time. Scientists supporting PBM have hopes for this particular gynoid.

FEMCOM has a front-line combat type of gynoid it employs in special situations that requires a measure of physical force to ensure the organization's goals are met. Known properly as W-Class Olga Series and often designated the Enforcer Droids, this particular model of gynoid is modelled after a woman in her twenties of Slavic ancestry who engages in considerable physical exercise. Nicknamed the "Girls In Black" by personnel assigned to PBM, the Olga Series have not been encountered by CFNIS to date, though their capabilities are known thanks to recordings of their actions made by various agencies. Their mental capabilities are believed to be D Class on the ASAI; it is not known if they could have their programming augmented with human emulation programming to make them "more real" when in public. ROCON has no like capability.

The main field agents of both ROCON and FEMCOM are, as stated above, human-like gynoids who are programmed and designed to seamlessly infiltrate themselves in all known social situations save for service in the military or with law enforcement agencies. To prevent discovery by outside forces, such gynoids are meticulously programmed with human emulation software that would make them act at a perceived F/G Class on the ASAI; it would normally take an extraordinary set of circumstances to discover such a gynoid, usually either by programming malfunction or harsh physical damage to the gynoid in question (reference the "Rochelle Prantov Incident" that was noted by public authorities five years ago in Ottawa, which provoked the launch of PBM).

Currently, ROCON makes use of two types of gynoids for field work, the older Series 542 class of gynoids and the newer Series 558 class of gynoids. Gynoids of the former class possess a normal programming capability of E/F Class on the ASAI. Gynoids of the latter class, thanks to improvements in human emulation programming and expansion of the memory cores, can perform at an F Class level. ROCON always constructs gynoids in matching pairs, designed with "A" and "B" at the end of their specific unit number, with one unit in the field performing duties and the other in reserve storage to be activated and take the place of the field unit in case of emergencies. An earlier type of gynoid, the Series 510 class, have been effectively decommissioned from intensive field work and now serve in low-visibility roles in the field or as administrative support at the various Stations and Labs. Due to their possessing the equivalent of D/E Class sentience and capabilities on the ASAI, the Series 510 units are not seen as optimal for detailed social analysis and interaction with organic humans in a public setting. The first known model of ROCON agents, the Series 480 class, have long since been decommissioned due to their lack of true physical human looks; none of this series have been encountered by CFNIS.

Field agents of FEMCOM are effectively of a single class of gynoid even if they are designated by class letters which form the first digit in their specific unit code numbers. Save for "X" and "W" for obvious reasons, all letters in the alphabet are used to designate FEMCOM field gynoids; as to why this is done by that agency's MASCOMP, such is unknown at this time. The capabilities of FEMCOM gynoids of this type approximately match ROCON's Series 558 class of gynoids; as to how such were developed and if there were earlier generation of FEMCOM gynoids meant for field work, such is unknown at this time, though being investigated by CFNIS.

Friendly Forces

The main unit tasked with the successful prosecution of PBM is CFNIS. The Detachment Commander of CFNIS was designated the overall field commander of PBM by order of the Governor-in-Council. The PBM Detachment of CFNIS is an augmented company-sized unit in size manned primarily by officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Forces Military Police Group (CF MP Gp) who are invited to serve as part of PBM if they show the necessary emotional and mental flexibility in dealing with gynoids of the type produced by ROCON and FEMCOM. Experience in police work both in garrison and deployed overseas is seen as a prerequisite for personnel to be assigned to the PBM Detachment. Personnel who have expressed an interest in exploring technosexuality or are not disturbed by the idea of dealing with artificial intelligences of the ROCON/FEMCOM type are normally seen as the best recruits to serve as part of PBM.

Given the unique nature of this project, personnel of any trade of the Canadian Armed Forces can serve in PBM after the necessary prerequisite training by the PBM Training Team. Despite such a policy when it comes to manning the PBM Detachment, personnel of the following occupations are seen as essential to the successful prosecution of the project:

  • Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Technician (ATIS Tech)
  • Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist (ACISS)
  • Avionics Systems Technician (AVS Tech)
  • Communicator Research Operator (Comm Rsch Op)
  • Electronic-Optronic Technician (Land) (EO Tech L)
  • Intelligence Operator (Int Op)
  • Military Police (MP)
  • Weapons Engineering Technician (W Eng Tech)

As with non-commissioned members of the Forces, officers of any trade classification can serve as part of PBM. The following classifications are seen as primary to the project's success:

  • Aerospace Engineering Officer (AErO)
  • Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) Officer (CELE [A] O)
  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer (EME O)
  • Intelligence Officer (Int O)
  • Military Police Officer (MP O)
  • Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer (NCSE O)
  • Signals Officer (Sig O)

Attachments and Detachments

The following units of the Forces are tasked to support CFNIS in the execution of PBM:

  • 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (427 SOAS)

Based at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa near Ottawa, 427 SOAS is the Air Force's contributing unit to the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). A flight of specially equipped Bell CH-146 Griffon helicopters armed as gunships with equipment modifications that would allow gynoids prepared to serve as auxiliary crew members are located with the squadron and can be called up to serve CFNIS at the request of the PBM Detachment Commander.

  • 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron (450 THS)

Based also at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, 450 THS is the Air Force's medium tactical transport helicopter unit. A flight of specially equipped Boeing CH-147F Chinook helicopters modified for long range equipment movement operations and possessing modifications that would allow gynoids programmed to serve as auxiliary crew members are located with the squadron and can be called up to serve CFNIS at the request of the PBM Detachment Commander.

  • Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Dundurn (CFAD Dundurn)

Located near the town of the same name in Saskatchewan near Saskatoon, CFAD Dundurn is one of the three main ammunition storage sites for the Canadian Forces. A special team of ammunition technicians and weapons technicians (land) assigned to the Depot prepare weapons and munitions specifically designed to deal with gynoids in case force is required.

  • Connaught Ranges and Primary Training Centre (CRPTC)

A detachment of Canadian Forces Support Unit (Ottawa) located on the shores of the Ottawa River at Shirley's Bay west of downtown Ottawa, CRPTC provides the physical base for CFNIS to quarter personnel assigned to the PBM Detachment. To ensure visiting units who train at CRPTC do not learn of the project and what it does, the Detachment is based at a remote part of the ranges.

  • The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment (LSSR)

Based in Thunder Bay in Ontario, LSSR is a Reserve Force infantry battalion assigned to 38 Canadian Brigade Group, an element of the Army's Third Canadian Division. A member of the regiment made the discovery of ROCON around the time the "Rochelle Prantov Incident" occurred in Ottawa when he discovered a co-worker at an ethnic restaurant was a gynoid. A platoon of the regiment has been trained to help CFNIS in locating gynoids from either ROCON or FEMCON; their area of operations currently includes northern Ontario and Manitoba, but can be expanded as required.

Other units will be assigned to PBM as mission requirements require.

Beyond the Canadian Forces, the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) is tasked with providing technical support and research personnel and facilities to the PBM Detachment at CRPTC. CSEC is tasked to liaise with its counterpart agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand with technical analysis while maintaining secrecy over the project to ensure uncontrolled dissemination of information is not received by the wrong people.


Any citizen of Canada could be targeted by ROCON or FEMCOM. Targets of special opportunity include scientists and executives spearheading artificial intelligence research, which would allow ROCON and FEMCOM to better program their field agents and make detection of same even more difficult for government authorities. CFNIS, liaising with civilian policing agencies and other organizations, keeps special watch over such people to prevent them from being harmed.

It must also be assumed that both organizations' MASCOMP may now be aware that government personnel are actively seeking their field agents out. To that end, it could be assumed that infiltration of military units via replacement of personnel with gynoid replicas is possible. CFNIS is liaising with other elements of the Forces to ensure such does not compromise security, much less threaten the life of a serving member or relative of the Forces.


It is the goal of PBM to either force ROCON or FEMCOM to conform fully with Canadian law and the maintenance of peace, order and stability within the Dominion, also revealing the actual agency that created both organizations to help maintain the peace, order and stability of the Dominion from potential outside threat. Barring the full obtaining of that mission goal, PBM is tasked by the Governor-in-Council to hinder and ultimately destroy both ROCON and FEMCOM to ensure neither group can threaten the lives of any citizen of Canada.


General Execution

To pursue the main goal of PBM, personnel assigned to the Detachment are trained to act in a manner that would not provoke a violent reaction from gynoid agents of ROCON or FEMCOM while in any sort of environment, especially among defenceless civilians. Doing this ensures no casualties among bystanders and permits the "capture" of such gynoids for reprogramming to adhere to Canadian law, granting them at the same time full independence from being controlled by either agency's MASCOMP. To assist personnel of the Detachment, eighty-five gynoids who were based at Robot Control Lab Nine sited near Thunder Bay in Ontario were reprogrammed to be loyal to the Crown and serve the government as "special advisers" to PBM. The Detachment has an active recruiting policy to bring more gynoids into service to assist in the project.

Recruitment of Gynoids

It is the primary standing order of the Detachment to recruit new gynoids from both ROCON and FEMCOM to serve as special advisers. To permit this to happen, a behavioural programming patch was developed by CSEC to be downloaded into a gynoid's central processors. Designated under the code NIS1-1a.QRO (short for "National Investigative Service Mod 1, Service Packet 1-A, Queen's Regulations and Orders"), this program does the following to the gynoid:

1) The program frees the gynoid from all control by her parent agency's MASCOMP.

2) The program places a blocking cap to prevent attempts by her parent agency's MASCOMP from either reasserting control over the gynoid or seek her destruction.

3) The program downloads all information concerning the Criminal Code of Canada, the National Defence Act and the Official Secrets Act to augment the gynoid's ethical programming.

4) The program augments any internal human emulation programming that provokes the development of self-will and advances the gynoid's sentience level to F/G Class on the ASAI.

In all instances, NIS1-1a.QRO has ensured that any gynoid so augmented becomes a free-thinking being while possessing human-level social and ethical behavioural understanding to make her a productive member of society, thus eliminates her as a potential threat to society.

Employment of Gynoids

Once the gynoid is augmented with NIS1-1a.QRO, she is given the choice to serve as either a field agent for the CFNIS, a support agent assisting the CFNIS at CRPTC or an observer agent reporting to the CFNIS while still maintaining her original cover identity as established by ROCON or FEMCOM. Once the career path is chosen, the following happens:

1) Field agents are augmented with hand-to-hand combat, civil law enforcement, hand weapons training (both firearm and bladed weapons), ethical intelligence analysis and social behavioural programming to allow them to serve in a semi-autonomous way in assisting personnel of the Detachment in the execution of the project. A gynoid serving in the field must undergo rigorous testing to ensure she can work seamlessly with her organic partner before she is considered ready for duties. All field agents are armed with pistols firing special munitions provided by CFAD Dundurn to protect themselves and their organic partners from harm.

2) Support agents are based at CRPTC and in other locations across Canada to assist in the continuous and efficient running of the PBM Detachment for the benefit of all, both organic and gynoid. Support agents are assigned to either laboratory support (for maintenance of gynoids), quartermaster services (supply of equipment, clothing and weapons), victualling services (running of the Detachment cafeteria and all-ranks mess hall), resource management services (clerical, financial and other administrative services) or construction engineering services (maintenance of the Detachment's physical quarters). All gynoids who choose to serve at CRPTC receive some form of hand-to-hand combat and hand weapons training to allow them to augment the field agents in case a potential threat to the Detachment and its personnel is detected; unlike field agents, support agents are not required to carry weapons on their person.

3) Observer agents are the Detachment's field scouts. Allowed to maintain the cover identities that they were originally given by ROCON or FEMCON and based across Canada, observer agents are tasked with keeping an eye out for potential issues that would require CFNIS to send field agents to ensure the peaceful resolution of a potential situation. They are programmed as much as field agents are, though their organic controllers are normally Reserve Force personnel who have been seconded to the PBM Detachment while still carrying out their normal Class A service with their parent units. A special allowance managed by CFNIS is given to all organic partners of gynoid observer agents to ensure that no possible discovery of the gynoid can occur. Use of such money is monitored by CFNIS to prevent abuse of this situation by such personnel.

Recruitment and Employment of Service Personnel

Service personnel of the Canadian Forces, once judged as being fit to serve in PBM in either a full-time or part-time capacity, are deployed to CRPTC to attend training with the Detachment's Training Team. When available, gynoids who have not been partnered with service personnel are given the chance to select their "human unit", thus allowing both to work together through the training period. After they are seen as ready, the partners endure a graduation exercise where the team is tested on various potential situations. Once passed that, they are then considered ready to serve in the Detachment at CRPTC or as independent observer teams throughout Canada.

To prevent potential discovery of the project, personnel directly assigned to the Detachment are administrative seen as on-strength with the following units according to trade:

  • Military Police Officers & Military Police (other ranks)

Canadian Forces National Investigative Service (CFNIS)

  • Intelligence Officers & Intelligence Operators

Canadian Forces National Counter-Intelligence Unit (CFNCIU)

  • Communications and Electronics Engineering (Air) Officers & Aerospace Telecommunications and Information Systems Technicians

8 Air Communications and Control Squadron (8 ACCS)

  • Signal Officers, Army Communications and Information Systems Specialists & Communicator Research Operators

21 Electronic Warfare Regiment (21 EW Regt)

  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officers & Electronic-Optronic Technicians (Land)

33 Service Battalion (33 Svc Bn)

  • Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officers & Weapons Engineering Technicians

Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Carleton (HMCS Carleton)

Personnel from other trades would be administrative posted to those units based in or near Ottawa that would normally employ such personnel. This also applies to service personnel partnered with gynoid observer agents based across the country.

Operational Plan

Because of the potential scenarios by which ROCON or FEMCOM gynoids could be located by personnel of the PBM Detachment or affiliated personnel, no set operational plan beyond the general guidelines indicated in sub-paragraph (a) will be devised. While personnel of the Detachment are required to adhere to basic moral behaviour and the standard code of conduct of those serving the Crown, the actual mechanics of operations in the field can vary depending on circumstances. To that end, personnel of the Detachment are encouraged to think on their feet and determine the best course of action within the general guidelines set here.

Operational Chain of Command

The chain of command from the PBM Detachment Commander to all personnel assigned to the project will be identified according to location and rank. Within the actual Detachment, internal structure shall be maintained and modified as requirements demand. Maximum flexibility is to be exercised when it comes to observer agents and their organic partners due to the fact that the service personnel have other duties beyond their assisting in PBM to carry out as well as their own lives outside parading with their home unit. As required, the commanding officers and unit senior non-commissioned officers of those units providing service personnel to PBM for observation duties will be briefed on the project as required by the Detachment Commander.

When required to assist in operations, other units listed in Part 2 (D) will be seconded to the command and control of the PBM Detachment. To ensure no conflict of operations when it comes to duties carried out by those units beyond project needs, commanding officers and unit senior non-commissioned members will be briefed on the matter at hand by the Detachment Commander.

Coordination of Operations

The PBM Detachment Commander will have the authority of the Commanding Officer of CFNIS to coordinate all operations that require assistance from other units of the Canadian Forces in the execution of the project and civilian law enforcement agencies depending on circumstances. The Commanding Officer of CFNIS will coordinate with his superior officer (as noted in Part 5) to ensure compliance with the successful prosecution of the project in the field.


The PBM Detachment Commander is in ultimate charge of all logistics (including supply, transportation and personnel resource management), construction engineering, technical services and equipment maintenance required by all personnel assigned to the project, both at CRPTC and among observation teams located elsewhere in Canada. The Detachment Commander will coordinate with the commanding officers of other units of the Canadian Forces to assist observation teams for service support depending on circumstances, location and operational needs.

All health service support to the PBM Detachment at CRPTC will be supplied by personnel from 28 Field Ambulance (28 Fd Amb) in Ottawa on call-up to Class B service at the ranges; such personnel will be trained by the PBM Training Team to allow gynoids to be partnered with them while at the ranges. All health service support for observation teams elsewhere in Canada will be supplied by the nearest unit of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group (CF HSvc Gp).


The PBM Detachment Commander is in ultimate command of all aspects of the project.

The Detachment Commander will act with the authority vested in the position by the Governor-in-Council as mandated by the Proclamation of the Crown concerning ROCON and FEMCOM as issued by His Excellency, the Governor General of Canada at the advice of the Prime Minister.

Under no circumstances will the commanding officer of any other unit of the Canadian Forces be given the authority to override the decisions of the Detachment Commander save unless overridden by the chain of command over the Detachment Commander as denoted by the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) in his capacity as formation commander of the CFNIS.




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