FYOP/Hollywood Hardware/0013

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The guy out front fed you a couple of phrases you'd need to know to program her, and one of them stuck out to you immediately. The fembot waits for your command, shifting her weight from one foot to the other like an impatient human girl. You don't answer for a little bit, seeing if she'll change demeanor. When it becomes clear that this is all she's going to do, you say "Puerto Rican Princess."

Her body stiffens up, arms locking and her posture straightening to a perfect military precision. "Sí, claro..." She stops moving entirely, her rapidly-cycling hard drives providing the only noise in the room. While she prepares her new personality, you wonder if all of it is going to be in Spanish. She's made to be a fantasy, so she should be able to speak in Spanish while still understanding you in English, right?

She reactivates, shifting all of her weight onto one foot and jutting her ample hips to the other side. She puts her hand on it, looking at you with a confused and rather annoyed expression. "¿Qué es esto? ¿Donde estoy?" You look a bit closer as she continues to move her mouth; you don't know where she got it, but she appears to be chewing gum. The detail in her appearance is extraordinary, as every single detail is accounted for, save for her annoyance at not wearing a shirt. She doesn't even seem to notice that it's gone, allowing you to see her breasts heave and shake with every tiny movement of her internal motors.

You've apparently taken too long looking at her, because she whistles in annoyance. "¡Oyé, Coño! ¿Como te llamas?" She shakes her head and bulges her eyes, like she's asking if you're stupid or something. You only understood about half of that sentence, so you'll have to make sure you can communicate. "Um, hey, can you understand English?"

Now she really thinks you're stupid. "No hablo Inglés."

With any human girl, this would be the end of it. Luckily, she's not. "You may not speak it, but you understand English perfectly. And stop being so damn smarmy."

Your commands hit her hard, like she was a perfectly-human girl whose thoughts are suddenly being rewired. Her expression changes to one of abject horror. "¡Ay, no! No hablo Ing--No hablo--hab--hab--haaaaaaaaaa..." She locks up, spouting that same syllable for a few seconds. Then she looks back at you, her expression softening. "Sí. Yo comprendo Inglés." When you smile, she continues. "And...I talk...few words? Is that good?"

"We should get along just fine. What's your name, girl?" You realize after all this time that you haven't been introduced. Apparently this personality doesn't care that she's in a room with a strange man while half-naked.

"Me llamo...I called Jessica. Who are you?"

Introduce yourself
"It doesn't matter."