FYOP/Scenario Chamber/0023

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Your hand still on her pliable bust, you massage her chest, half expecting the droid to short out and malfunction beneath you.

Instead, she coos quietly, the cracks across her hard exterior spreading as her formerly rigid body gives way to softness.

“This unit is not optimizzzed for pleasure,” she drones quietly, her speaker quivering softly with the apology. You kiss the fabric of her speaker, her startled moan causing the material to tremble against your lips. “Unexpected stimulus!” she exclaims, her whole body shivering as you tongue the cone of her speaker-mouth. There is a sudden swell of heat at her groin, and you can feel an opening in her soft, plastic shell. You slide a finger into her lubricated interior, the droid squealing with surprise.

“Security-ty-ty breach!” she cries, her plastic sex gripping your digits as your other hand tightens over her pink-and-white breasts. She gives a digital moan as the plush material of her chest becomes unnaturally soft, your hand sinking to hit the underlying endo-material of her frame, all while your fingers glide within the wet plastic lips of her sex. Her body jerks in fits and starts with mechanical squeals intermixed with her own gasps of pleasure, her vibrating speaker-cone tickling your mouth and tongue.

Her unsteady hands whirr and click as she seizes your manhood and displaces your fingers in her artificial sex, her internals audibly revving when you plunge into her. “Yes! Error! Yes! Warning!” She frantically cries, her components wailing as smoke rushes from every seam in her sweltering body. The metal iris of her left eye shudders open and shut as her voice rises in pitch and frequency, and she begins to lose pieces of her plastic body as she bucks wildly beneath you. “Error in dynamic material consistencyyyy!” she drones, the softer portions of her body beginning to lose their shape.

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