FYOP/Scenario Chamber/0025

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You withdraw from the “melting” security droid, who continues to writhe on the ground, losing her curves as the flexile material pools beneath her – a moment later, it suddenly snaps back into shape, only now even more curvaceous, her oversized breasts tipped with pink nipples, her hips shuddering from her suddenly swollen backside.

“Structure retained,” she moans, and you fall upon her once more, massaging her oversized bust, teasing her newly formed nipples to ecstatic encouragement. “Mmmmore!” she cries, and you take her by her plump, plastic ass and push into her rubber sex, squeezing her soft, swollen curves as electricity tangles around her pigtails.

You release inside of her and her whole body becomes a rigid, plastic shell, a ridiculously proportioned toy doll wailing as her processors are overloaded with sensation. A moment later, she relaxes, her shape reverting to her original, more modest dimensions.

“Is-is-is there anything else I can proviiiiide you?” she asks, her lens-eye flashing red.

“Your core?”

The droid’s chest panel opens with a hiss. “Anything for you,” she drones, prying her core free with her plastic hand. A moment later, her lens-eye winks out, her hand frozen as stretches out, holding the short cylindrical piece of plastic and metal.

Taking it from the inert droid, you return to the lobby.
