FYOP/Scenario Chamber/A Night at the Opera/0224

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You pull the attendant into a tight embrace and kiss her glowing lips, ignoring the shock passing from her. Her eyes stare in surprise as you hold your mouth to hers, and you can feel her start to tremble in your arms, a sporadic ticking sound coming from her chest.

She moans urgently, her voice muffled against you as her mechanical body begins to pivot and quiver, her halting movements springing her pale breasts from her corset, her firm nipples protruding against your chest as her components discharge sharp electrical jolts into you. She tries to push you away, singing a distorted melody that is lost in your kiss.

You break from her to see her eyes crossed, her glowing lips upturned in a look of stupefied bliss. She recoils sharply, her pink-tipped breasts jostling as her head rocks from one side to the other. After a pause filled with the sound of crackling electricity, her eyes flutter closed and her lips purse expectantly as she jerks forward, her mouth smashing against your own. There is a sudden loud blast and the smell of burning plastic – you part from her to see her doll-like face is nearly all that is left of her head, the white porcelain mask strangely intact before a smoldering electrical ruin. Her face still bears a smile as the droid collapses in a heap before you.

Collect the core and leave