FYOP/Scenario Chamber/Girl Next Door/0039

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“I’ve tinkered with droids before,” you say, rolling her on to her stomach. With a few experimental presses, you manage to open a panel on her back to see components that looked familiar enough. This manufacturer seemed to produce sexbots with higher grade components than most, which might explain why they were still functional.

From what you could tell without any diagnostic tools, the wear was minor – most of her difficulties seemed to be from old filters and slight decay of rubberized components, along with impurities in her cooling system.

You glance about the room, asking, “Do you have a charging station?”

She smiles and nods to a hand-me-down stuffed chair in the corner. Hefting the nude fembot in your arms, you carry her across the room with her kicking and giggling in your arms. Sitting in the chair with her across your lap, you find a charging cable and a flushing system.

“Open your ports,” you ask.

“Make me!” she says with sudden playful defiance. You spank her taught backside and she squeals, a pair of circular openings popping loose at either side of her waist. You affix the hoses and flip the switch, half expecting the system to fail. But with a humming sound, the machinery is soon cycling out her old fluids for new.

“Ahhhh,” she sighs, relaxing contentedly.

Question her about this site

Ask her about her core