FYOP/Scenario Chamber/Girl Next Door/0060

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You pull off the mom-bot’s tight sweater, taking a moment to admire her large, creamy breasts, then open the access panel at her back. Immediately you’re struck by how warm her interior is, despite the chill of her smooth synth-skin. Opening additional panels along her voluptuous frame, you track the problem to its source – a faulty pump in her abdomen is failing to cycle the heat to her dermal layer.

Searching the house, you find a few tools (props?) in the garage and return to the still-frozen mom-bot. Popping the pump free, you begin to take it apart when you hear a sudden hum from beside you. Amber’s mom smiles congenially while standing there in her straining bra and tight-fitting jeans, panels open across her body to reveal the whirring machinery within.

“Hi, ERROR!” she says with a sudden tic of her head. “What’s that you’re working on?”

“Just attempting to field-repair a friendly sex-bot,” you say, removing a corroded valve from the pump. It wouldn’t be as efficient as an intact piece, but it would at least function.

“Maybe I can help?” she breaths, leaning over your shoulder, her chilly breasts compressing against your back.

“Hold on!” You push her back and connect the hastily repaired piece back into her system.

She gasps, and from your close proximity, you feel her skin suddenly grow warm – a moment later, her noisy machinery beings to quiets down.

Ask her to go to the main entrance

Test your repair job