FYOP/Scenario Chamber/The Witch and the Warrior/0135

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Taking her by the hips, you spin her halfway around and tear her cape aside to reveal her plush jade backside. Soon, each cheek smolders from your attention, smoke now rising from every quarter of the witch’s luscious frame.

“Down!” commands the witch, forcing you on to your back with a shove from her smoking backside, and she slams herself upon your manhood. Sweat from your body continues to react with her hydrophobic skin, the steam surrounding you intensifying with every slap of her ass and thighs against your sweat-drenched skin, and you notice patches of her grey endolayer beginning to show through the thinning green material.

As a moment of shared climax overtakes you both, she falls against you, her back sizzling as it makes contact. She rolls over and crushes her lips against yours, headless of the gouts of steam pouring from breasts compressing against your sweat-soaked chest. Suddenly, she pulls away and glances back at her hindquarters to see thick plumes of smoke escaping from inside of her. She sits bolt upright, staring at a light burning within her before smoke begins to billow from her mouth and ears.

Her expression changes from shock to snarling fury, her eyes glowing terribly behind a veil of white smoke, and you scramble backward to avoid an animalistic lunge. You’re immediately forced to roll to the side as she pounces again, her body contorting unnaturally as she rights herself for another attack while you still are struggling to your feet – but before she can strike, a string of explosions detonate inside of her, panels bursting open across her body with a violent shower of sparks, followed by a large blast at her shoulder that leaves half of her face a mesh of exposed metal and one of her arms nothing more than a hydraulic pump spraying white fluid. When she finally stops convulsing with electricity, she stands teetering and knock-kneed with hair standing on end and a grimace stamped across the part of her face that can still convey expression.

You are certain she is no longer functioning - her entire body leaks smoke and fluid, her unlit eyes stare in random directions, and her components are grinding themselves to a tortuous end. But when you take a step toward her, her head laboriously realigns itself to stare directly at you and emit a barely intelligible challenge of, “I s-still function!” She takes a stride forward on legs whose inner workings are plainly visible, her remaining arm stretching toward you with skeletal metallic fingers. But before she can take another, she loses her balance and strikes the stony floor, triggering a sharp cry and an explosion that scatters her ruined remains to every corner of the chamber.

Grateful to have avoided any shrapnel, you check her ruined body for some sign of her core – but it seems to have been destroyed. With nothing more for you here, you gather your things and exit the chamber.

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